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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
VTIIE OlirCON' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY-. MORNING, DECEMBER 30,' 1000, nnc SIIflAnRF UUlillilUL n ii.ti it : liiOIMlIS Jerome States That two Re turned Mark Only Beginning , of Prosecution.' ' : - FALSE ENTRIES HIDE ; ; ' MANY BIG TRANSACTIONS Between Thlrty and Forty Millions Juggled on Books of New York ; ' Xife Indictments Rushed to Avoid Statute of Limitations. ' f , ' ' (Hnnt New T LMnit Lmm4 WU-S.) ( Nsw Tork, Pee, 21. Fallowing ths lndtotroent of Oeorca W. Perkins and ! Charles '8. FalrohUd on Friday, Die ' trlct Attorney Jerome announced today that he had just btgm the Inveatt ; cation of the affairs of the New Tork Life Insurance company, and r that he - will after January 1 have . an .extra ordinary sea Ion of the grand Jury to consider Insurance matters ' exclusively, ' '. The Held la a wide one, and the avfc. dene that has been. given to the dla : trlct attorney as to crimes which- are hidden by false entries In the books t the New York Life over. It Is eatl- ; mates, transactions Involving between S3O.O00.000 and 140,000.000. The transactions on which the" In OteUnant of Perkins- , and - Fair-child were founded had to be rushed through and decided by the December grand Jury : because of the statute- of limits- tlons. Unless indlctmenta were found "they would' have outlawed the crime on Uecember SI. this year. . ... - For this reason the district attorney oDsnoonea every other pnase or the in criminating evldenoe against - the high officials of the New Tork LI f.-and practically coerced the grand Jury to bring In Indlctmenta before . the time limit expired. ' ; . , Kvldence was given 'to the attorney general of other dealings by the New Tork ' Life in which there was precisely the same proof as to the disposition of stocks and false entries on the books of the company as appear in the rail way deals on which the grand jury acted.. .- . - One of these was the sals' of $1,100. 000 of the bonda of the U.-tS. Bteel corporation, which was made to .two dummies, Mattlson and Marshall." i .Another alleged sale was the TJ.' S colliery stock a syndicate -which was not successful, but ' which,' as appears by evidence,- was concealed by-juggling in the books of the New Tork Lire for 1 .'.....:'. . ..... ".. r.,.; CARUSO MUST PAY FOR 7 FUN IN MONKEY HOUSE . " . f (Mhltobera PrM by Srcll Win.) . -New Tork, Deo. 19. The appeal-of ; fllgnor Enrico Caruso, the Metropolitan Opera house tenor, from the decision of Magistrate Baker, "Who fined him S10 H a charge of Insulting at woman, who ' said she Mrs." Hannah- Graham, tn the monkey-house of the Central Park Zoo, was denied" today by Recorder Oof f dn tha-court rf-e;gnral seleeie,. There s yu farther appeal, and Caruso will now liars to pay he Ins of ! Imposed by tthe - magistrate. -,,r ...... f Recorder Ooff finds that It -was nq seentlai that the woman Hannah 6ra am should be In court, and give testi mony. The offense, he .declares, was not so much agalnat the Irdl vidua! as . against publlo order and decency, and the magistrate did not err la refusing to admit the .police blotter In evidence. -I i' i, v ' is -y a MR.' AND MR3. HIf.nY WZHRUNG On Christmas Day, at Their Homo at Hillsboro,' They Celebrated Their Golden Wedding. Mr. Wehrung is a Native of France.'- ' SCHOOLS FOR JAPS GUARANTEED Federal Government to Take 1 Steps to Provide Equal Priv-7 i leges In 'Frisco. ;' . STOLIDLY RELATES TALE OF CRIfilE Albert Olson Incapable of Con. ; tittion or Remorse for His ' ' CVv AwfHl Deed. 1 1 ' DECISION REACHED "BY lv.--.t i OFFICERS OF CABINET Secretary' Root and Attorney-General Bonaparte Meet With Devlin and Reach Agreement Moat Important Question Presented. 1 t PURCHASE TO EXPAND -S THE HOT LAKE TRACT . (SpseUt IMapatch to Tee Joarasl.) " Pendleton, Or, Dec. 19. Walter. M. rierce has purchased the Craig hotel and hot springs-at. Union station for IS.OOO. The tract on which the springs are located consists of 111 acres, and adjoins the Hot Lake tract, at the sum mit of the mountains, making- a valu able addition' to the Hot Lake property. In which Pierce la now largely Inter ested. This Is among the pioneer properties-of Union - county. - The springs hot and contain mineral proper- v tUs (puhlltbera Press by gpeHal teaatd Wire.) Washington, Dec. Z. The , . federal government will take . steps to . provide equal school privileges for Japanese In Ban Francisco, 4 This was the decision reached at a meeting this afternoon' by, Secretary Root - and Attorney-General Bonaparte and Unltsd States .' Deputy District , Attorney Devlin of San Fran cisco. .The government Is not yet resdy to announce the exact form of the legal action, but It Is alleged that the su preme court of California 'will be asked to restrain- the school authorities from excluding Japanese residents from. the publlo schools attended by. white chil dren. ' In accordance with a previous understanding a statement of facts has been agreed upon for presentation to the supreme court of that state. , The Question will be one of the most Important ever presented for adludica-: tlon. ' It Is 'aimed to define the exact relations tt the . state . bears . to the federal ..gtvirnnient under treaty . obli gations. Tha stv, fullj! and I usual djn upon ine.r r tloa of peacirw war between the United States and Japan.. Devlin, will remain' in the' city several days to .assist In the preparation or tne government a-case., It Is expected that. the department of Justice will In a few days" announce formally the. decision reached, by. the government. ''.'. UNGOVERNABLE HATRED CAME OF HIS BROODING Then He Sneakingly Slew Beet 'Friend Self -Contradiction Leads to Speedy Sweating and Confession" Dreads Dark More Than Guilt.!'. t ent Is moving' very care- ISliina each act wlth.un n. for It la realised that e may depend the que. SENATOR CLARK'S WIFE - ARRIVES FROM EUROPE (Pnhltahera' Fms by Special Letao -Wire.) New York, Dec 20. Mrs. William- A. Clark, wife of the Montana senator, re turned today from Paris on the French liner . Lorraine. . with her. i-year-old child. They were met at quarantine by the senator, whs boarded the liner from a tug.- This Is the first time that Mrs. Clark has' been In the -United States In two .years. , She. will go to Washington for the winter session ss soon as con ditions permit.' When the session closes shs will return to Paris. The senator said they would entertain at their home during the winter. - Sfwewl Dtipatefc te The loeraal.t ; St Helens, Or., Dec, . In the county Jail ' at this place Is - confined Albert Olson.' the lt-year-old matricide,' whose apparent . Indifference to the horror of bis crime is almost Incredible. Confine ment In ths dark, lonely jail and fear of the coming night seem to thrill him far more than memory'of the deed. . He told In detail to Sheriff Martin Whits today' the story oS how he mur dered Mrs. Sarah Ayers, his v foster mother, last night' Shs scolded him. he said,' for failing to go to bed on time and finally punished blm for his dls obedience. He retired to his bed after being spanked,- but could not sleep. He brooded over his Imagined wrong, until he decided to kill his mother In re venge. Rising quietly he tip-toed into ths hallway, where a .- caliber rifle was kept The woman sat sewing. He cau tiously entered the room and rested the rifle upon - a chair. He aimed deliber ately, killing her Instantly with a shot In the brain. J .. ' The boy went to the. home of Lou Davles. a neighbor, and told that his mother had been shot He was In' bed at the time, he said, but wan. routed by the report. He declared he heard sound as If some one was running near the' barn Immediately after the shoot- Ins. Then he went to the borne of E. H, Lynch, another , neighbor, and repeated the story. - ' . . 'Sheriff White arrived, questioned him and suspected him. --The boy was taken Into custody. He was removed to ths jail at St Helens where, after, persist ent cross-examination, he , stolidly con fesscd. . The Juvenile murderer Is only 11 years of age. He was adopted by Mrs. Ayres and her' husband Ave years sgo. They took him from the Boys' and Girls'- Aid society of Portland. He was born at Lebanon; Oregon. He has a number, of brothers and aisters In Oregon. Mrs. Ayres .was - ths wife, of C. I Ayres. a respected cltlsen of this county. He was absent from boms, but was no tified today of the crime. Mrs. Ayres Is survived by a aVown - daughter, Mrs. Mary Balch of Bcappoose. - Today at an Inquest, the verdict was that death -was duo to a gunshot wound Inflicted by the boy. . I A BIG DEDICATION FEATURE. r " ' ' i , " " "' "". Woodmen of the ' World Will Give $350 Piano as, Door Prie at Tuesday Evening's Ball. . The dedication ball 1 9 be given by the Woodmen of the World, New Year's night, at their new lodge building, bids fair to be one of the most successful affairs of the kind ever held 4n Port land. Elaborate.prepnratlona have been made, and a splendid program has been arranged. The attendance of the gov ernor, mayor, state, and city officials, ss well as prominent men connected with the order from all sections of Ore gon Is expected. - - ' Through the liberality of Ellers Pi ano house a magnificent IStO piano has oeen aonated. end will be given as a door prise. : Bach Individual attend I nr. both ladles snd gentlemen, will partlcl-, m m erawing, ana it is sate to as sume that thla feature of the evening will be ths all-Important event. The piano la now on exhibition In the win dows of Ellers Piano house, snd has attracted a great deal of notice. In connection with ths dedication ex ercises, the new nd beautiful Stock pi anola piano, purchased a short time sgo from Ellers Piano house, will also be given Its first publlo Introduction, and a splendid musical treat will be af forded the members and their friends. This Instrument is of large sise. In fancy mahogany, and Is not. only a credit- to .the Woodmen's, new-quarters, but Is ons of the fjtieat pianola pianos in ths city, and was chosen only after a most critical Inspection of many differ ent mikes.. . t . The danoe muslo for ths evening will be . supplied by .Portland's two eeadlng orchestras Everest's, and Fox's. - .''Y'ipr.-. . - - ' DODGE HUNDRED BULLETS IN SUCCESSFUL SETrAVAY Murderers of Colorado Watch man Escape From Three Posses Who Pursue. THE BIO STORE W I T. H . .T H E L I T T L E - P R ICES Fa-Moas Clothing Company Corner Morrison and Second' Streets , - j ! . " j i j . 3 . 15 Men's All-Wool Worsted and Cheviot Pants; Regular $4.00 Values; a pair.... Men's Worsted Pants; Regular $3.00 - T) - A g and $3.50 Values; a pair........ .Men's Cassimere Pants; $2.00 Valnes; i , pair. ...... ,imu.'i m. .......... ....... $1.50 JUST RECEIVED A FULL IGt'E OF PEG TOP C03DUR0V PANTS (PaMtomrf Press, by gpeclat Leawd Wire.) Sheridan Lake. Colo.. Dec After dodging a hundred rifle and revolver bullets fired at them by a posse at 11 o'clock last night at Stewart, a water tank station, eight miles east of Sher idan Lake, the two murderers of Night Marshal James H. Frlsble of Lamar, 1 I m . i . .. v uiurauu, on tnniimu mane nave, ui Is believed, escaped Into Kansas wltn , Colorado and Kansas officers In pursuit separated, ths smaller man going south-1 west arm ths taller making his way to a cornfield one mils ' north of that I place, owned by a ranchman named Townsend. A cordon of 'armed men was thrown 'about the field until dawn, but when the search was resumed at daylight It wss discovered that the fu gitive had slipped through ths lines and sscaped to the-east. A telegram at 1 o'clock today from Horace, Kansa a small station. Just over) tne Colorado-Kansas state-- line, statea that two men, supposed to be the fleeing murderers. In an almost ex hausted condition were seen ln that vicinity. Three Colorado' posses, ons under Sheriff Thomss of Prowers coun ty and under Sheriff Fred Lynch of ths same county and one urider 8heriff Bailey of Kiowa county have gone to Horace, following the trail r of. the men. A fight is expected when the man hunters corns up with their quarry. COREY LEAVES TO WED MISS GILMAN ABROAD v- New Tork, Dec. !. William Ellis Corey, president of ths billionaire steel trust, It was learned today, sailed under an sssumed name when he departed for Europe last Saturday.. He was due to arrive on the other side today, and It was stated that he would then meet In Paris MaybeUe. Oilman, the actress. Aooordlng to their plana, they were Jo be married quietly at once. In ac cordance wrai arrangements made be fore his departure. Ths multi-millionaire took .every pre caution -for secrecy be Tore he sailed, sven to going under sn assumed name. and at the offices of the steel trust all Information concerning him was denied. Miss Oilman has been motortna- near Paris, where 'she has maintained an elaborate suite of apartments. She Is accompanied by Mr. Corey's sister, who was tne only member of his family who sided with him at ths time of his trou bles with bis wife. It Is understood Mr. Corey, with Mrs. Corey No. I. will arrive in New Tork before February. REFORM SCHOOL TO RID GIRL OF ANCIENT SUITOR (Special Dispatch e The JosrsaLl Walla Walla. Wash.. Deo. . Alfred Spangler, a city laborer, announces his determination to place his 1 i-year-old daughter Mabel In the reform school to rid her of the attentions of Willis Bel lows, her 40-year-old suitor. When ths father refused to permit their msr rlag and commanded Bellows to stay away from the bouse the girl pscked up ner Belongings ana ran away to her mother, tha divorced wife of Spangler. In another part of the city. Spangler declares ho Is too poor to send the girl away to school and believes ths re form school is the onlyway to rid her of Bellows' attentions without doing him violence. Mabel Is the oldest of three children, who' were given Into the oustody of their father at the con clusion of his suit for divorce. - WOMAN CHARGED WITH CASHINGWRONG CHECK (SmcIsI Dlaeetch te The ZoeraaLI . Pendleton, Or Dec . -Charged with cashing a check Intended for another woman of the same nsme, Mrs, Dollle Thompson, wife of an O. R. A N. sec tion foreman, was bound over to tha grand Jury today on the charge of se- a ring money by false pretenses. Her II was placed at 130. which was fur nished. Mrs. Thompson formerly lived at Athena, where also lives another Dollle Thompson, the former cashing a check which belonged to the latter, for $10, claiming to bo tha rightful owner. TRAINS OF EMPTIED TO RELIEVE CAR SHORTAGE l( ssssssssassBajSBjsBBsvasw, (teadat Dtisatefe ts Ths Ixeraal.l Rossburg. Or., Dee. J. Three trains f empty freight cars, one qf 44 csrs, one of 41 snd ons of 49, passed through going north todsy, to relieve ths car shortage, .',,' : .-.,- , r-i- OVJX - HAIL ORDER DEPT. A true Index " to the wide spread influence ' of Roberts Kron.' store is found In the at titude of our hundreds of mall order patrons throughout the northwest. Every day we- re-. celve large orders for goods in which the matter of selec tion Is left entirely to our Judgment. These orders sre turned over to employes whose expert knowledge renders them better qualified, perhaps, than the customers themselves to choose wisely. Every dollar Is expended Just as it would be If we were buying for our selves, with the result that this department of our busi ness is increasing by leaps and bounds, good evidence of the satisfactory, service rendered. This year we have doubled the sales of let- In our Mall Order Department,' but we shall con tinue to lend our every effort to please the public better than ever before. Portland's Uobt :SJix-i Reliable Stoco Economy la thef keynote throughout this whole store. Here al ways there are opportunities to save money, and. the satisfactory feature to you in connection with our low prices Is the fact that we-never lose sight of qualitjr oT-Style-ior.a moment, however. At this store there is no toleration of mere low prices unless ac - companied by excellence and merit. Monday Offeringo T7ill Emphasise This Fact Suit Values Unmatchable . The prices in many instances do not represent the cost of the materials. , The variety of styles and materials shown are larger than you usually find at the height of the season. Suits at Q12.50 and Q15 They are made of all wool materials, . several short novelty coat effects ; skirts made with ' pleats . and folds ; va1uesuup to $17.50. Special Mon- lf? A A day ?12.50. 4)1 iJ.UU Suits at 10.50 and 010.50 -A choice variety of styl ish materials, manystyles to select l from, all new this season, all coats nicely .'-silk Mined,' the skirts are cluster and side pleats ; suits worth $22.50 and $25.00. Special Mon day and $19.50 Children's Winter Coats , -: S4.90;;,:-;;;:';v ; Come in all the' new -styles, plaids', checks, Scotch'mixtures, etc.; values up dj A A A to $8.50. Special for Motitiay at.$?a?U Women's Kimonos OOo Women's long Kimonos, made from good miality flannelette, large floral and stripe designs, all sizes from 31 to 44; best flAs $1.25 Value. Special for Monday. ."UC Women's Long Coats $10.00 Several styles in 50-inch loose fitting Coats, made from Scotch woolens in plaids and mixtures; best $12.50 and $15 4f A flfl values. Special for Monday.. jylUsUU Specials to Be Found Monday in The Busy Aisle Tomorrow, the last shopping day of the old year, we will place on the bargain tables the following' list of seasonable merchandise at greatly reduced prices: . " SUkCliiffonHatDrapest" ofi JRegular 92.00 Values vpX.O7 These hat drapes are 18 inches wide, 3 yards .long, have deep hemstitched borders! icome in air the nobby: shadesralso black and white; sold regularly at $2.00. Special : : i 1Q Mondayat . , 9 1 Os Fancy Handkerchiefs Q a Half dbz. in fancy box JL U These are Handkerchiefs ordered especially for the Xmas trade. Owing to error in shipping instructions we have just received them. Every handkerchief in the lot warranted pure linen. The entire line on sale to- 4f1 if A. at Four Special Values in tho Domestic Sect'n " This department always has something es pecially attractive to offer, both as to price and value. Besides the following . you will , find scores of other equally good values here tc ', j f! 56s morrow NEW PLAID RIBBONS 5-in. Plain Taffeta -i f F'ther Edgre Dresden IOC For tomorrow we offer these three special lines of new, up-to-date ribbons ; not one yard ever sold at less than 35c. At a little less than half the regular selling price, ttn per yard 1 0 w EXTEA SPECIAL Persian Belt Bibbons X tC An exquisite line of fancy ribbons for belts and collars, in rich Persian effects ; our regular 25c and 35c qualities. On sale Monday at, if, per yard........ ltj morrow: !,-. ii .; r. Outing Flannels tt . 6!4c and 7c Grades Tomorrow wc place on ; sale 'a special lot of Outing Flannels, in a large assortment of pat terns,' light, mediunLanddarkcolors, 6e-and 7c grades. Special Monday only ; 5C ',. , - ' . .,- ' -.'.- , Bed Spreads c Ja! ' ' $1.25 Values UoC Monday only at this price White. Bedspreads, full size for double beds,xtra good quality, newest patterns, neatly hemmed; reg- QQ ular $1.25 values. Monday at .'. , 0w Japanese Crepe oi4 20o Quality at . 1 AlO For Monday's selling we will place on sale a. line of Japanese Crepe Suitings in all the most wanted colors, red, light blue, navy, tan, gray, white-and pink; excellent value at 20c a yard. Specially priced for Monday - 1 at :'...,l2C New Flannelettes Best 125o Quality 10c New Flannelettes in all colors and design's, me-" diiim, light and dark shades, excellent wearing quality; fully worth 12c a yard. On sale for one day only, Bargain Friday IOC Odds and Ends Shoe Sale Women's Shoes 12 odd lots of 876 pairs of $3 Shoes; in - fcf A7 light and heavy soles, all sizes, A t(j EE, Odds and ends sale. sPlsx I Boys' Shoes 4 odd lots of 467 pairs of $2.25 Shoes, in box calf and kangaroo calf, extra goodshoes, solid Icathercounters and soles- Odds and Ends sale. ..... . . . . . . .... . . . ............ Children's Shoes 764 pairs of Children's Shoes, button and lace, with spring heels; $1.00 values. Odds and . (lf Ends sale. OVL Children's Shoes--423 pairs of Children's Shoes, but- A Q -ton and lace; 75c values. Odds and Ends sale s $1.69 Unusual Attractions in Blen'o Dept. Tsks advantage tomorrow of the opportunities offered in this section. Tha price reductions are so radical that you can't help laying in a supply for the coming year. .:,' Men's . 2 5o Hosiery' 19c Men's Fine Cashmere-Finished Hose, in black, with gray heels and toes snd gray foot, regular 25c C A grade. Special; pair 19f 3 pairs for ..OvC 81.00 Black Sateen Shirts 75o Dozens of eood. well-made, desirable Black Sateen Shirts, reenforced over shoulders and back; an ex cellent garment, well lortn i.w. opeciai tc price, Monday" .7.1 iww Hen's 50o Neckwear 25c 100 desten Men's Fsncy Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, light and dark colors, every tie worth 50c and 75c. They all go on sale tomorrow at... ssoW Men's 01.25 Fall Underwear 01.00 . AH sizes in Men's Fine Superweight Wool Under wear, color gray, very, suitable for fall (f pn wear. Special, per garment iI.vv A Few'Specials in the , ITotion Bop Women's Kid Bslts 60f Kevt styles in Kid Belts, in black, white and red; pretty gilt buckles. Cflr Special Monday, each-, .OVKt Women's Hose-Supporters 60 The Fnncess Chic Hose-bupporter; gives correct contour ot tignre at all times; comes in colors. Special, per 50C Safety Pins Br All sires, our regular 10c val- tr ue Special Monday, per card a" Festherstltched Braid In whits snd colors, six- r - yard pieces, regular 10c values. Special.. Art Calendars Closing out our mire lin r( ' 'Calendar at shout half price. 1 or II t ' y selling, ICe4, S. snd 1 -.. ... .! - 7