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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
r-r, .fy SECTIOIJ TWO PAGES 17 TO 32 . . a i' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, ; DECEMBER 30, 1906.' All Pep artth en f Contribute The Clearance Sale is' so broid in. its icope that eyery department iii the house isrrepresented with thousands of good values. MoflCSKfrxthmg that we have in, this big store is in'the? i3caranceSale at a reduced price that's the long and-short of it all in a word. ' t ,'r'i Fancy Goods Reduced Uost 1 "" .111.1. ! II ID I III I ! II P II II . The greatest reductions that we stall make are on the Fancy Goods and articles of all sorts that were best for holiday time. Many of you have needs in these lines now will be the greatest of economy to supply while this sale is on. . . . 7 0 UU v iiAl Hi ilUJ FF7W, SIXTH AIID VJASHlUGTOll STREETS 11 . II II. l ' II II I II yr-v III 11 M u U U 11 U Dm 29m mmal Clearance SaleThe E Remember This Most Important January 2 One of Mi . ? - H -, '' Women's $38.50 Suits, Clearance SatefrMM rr , i ' i i . 1 I '' . 1 1 ' 1 , 11 1,"' " I J A lot of 200 to 'choosy your sui from, too.'. V They'are ver smart Tailored . v Suits, in navy, black- or. browiy Come in the Eton, Pony, Half-Fitting or ,T. Tight-Fitting styles, and the, coats are from 24-incH length to the swagger - thrce-jjparter style: Every one of these suits is! made in the best possible y-mannei', well trimmed, and the regular values are all the way from $25.00 to , . ; $38.50,' and the Clearance Sale makes them all one price. Choice fl? i fifi iZZot any one iiUhe iot aty,.. J. .v;..,..........UO Women's Kimonosiade of outing flannel, and fleeced flannelette,' dark colorings, with pretty figured designs, regular -price values up to $1.507Q each.? Clearance Sale price ....... I "V Women's' Kimonos Made of 'dark colored outing, flannel and fleeced, flannelette, regular'.. 75c value. ,J Qa Sale priced. .?....:.. ......... 4yC Women's" Walking Skirt All this' year's styles; . come in navy, , black and brown, and they arc regular $10, $12 and $15 values. Your choice of any in this, immense lot of flJC OC' 'Over 400 to choose f rom . .-. . .vDsQ Women's . Percale Wrappers Come in red, blue, black and white or gray; well made and good, full sizes; regu- .UU values. Clearance bale price Women's ; Silk Petticoats Come in plaids, only,' very pretty patterns and made of a. splendid quality of silk, regular value , $7.50 each. PA Clearance Sale price.. ...... ) UU Women's' Coats In fancy mixed materials- .lot of 150 that we are de termined to sell at once. Regular values $7.50, $8.50 and $9.00 AO each. Clearance Sale price.. PO.VO Clearance Sale Leather Goods and Jewelry Women's Handbags for f 1.89 Each An assortment of Women's Best All Grain Leather Handbags, in black, blue, browrt and. green, all leather-lined and fitted!with toin purse to match j. all have' leather-covered and thoroughly 'riveted; frames and best stitched leather handles.' Our regular $3.00 values. -Spe- CI QQ cial Clearance-Sale price.., ..,.II07. Fancy Pressed Leather Photo Frames Jn a variety of designs . ! Our regular "50c values; special for, 2Q each .4.....ii . v v. .i.rf. sV7 W Ouir regular 35i values; special for, 19c l Patent Leather Music . Rolls Only 39- the. best soft,liable, blacjs4atent JeaJW' a. 1 . - 7c.'..i...e . :nw-;oi Clearance SaleTpf ice,' only ... . . ... Novelty Imported Brooches Finished in .oriental colors, our regular 35c and 40c values. Special Clearance Sale Q price, 1 st Sterling Silver Stickpins A great variety- io select fromcur. regular . 65c and 7ic values, opeciai clearance saie price,-nIV.T. . ; . . . . . : , . . 25c Best Quality Oold-Plated Beauty Pin Come two on a card, our regular 25c val- .mrs. Special Clearance Sale price. : tf ai 1UI Pearl Belt Buckles In round, square and oval shapes; best quality mother-of-pearl and well made, our regular 65c values. Special Clearance Sale price, 45(J Three-Plece Toilet Sets Consisting of Mirror, Brush and Comb; made of a fine quality white metal, wears like silver, our regular $3.00 values. Spc- CI OQ cial Clearance Sale price, set;,. 4IyO f Muslinwear Heads the Clearance Sale . ., We were fortunate enough to secure the entire lot of samples for the season of the same line of Muslin Wear that we carry, .and these samples will be sold at half the regular prices on the goods, as we usually buy them to sell in the regular . retail way. Corset Covers, Drawers. Gowns, Long and Short Skirts and Chemises, made quite plain or elaborately trimmed some of the most beautiful underwear ever displayed for sale; and,' mind you, these samples are made with more than usual care, for they must pass the critical inspection of shrewd buyers all over the country. Regular prices from 50c to $47.50 the 1 garment. , Sale price . . . . . .-. , . . , '. .......... .x Women's White Cambric Petticoats, with deep Spanish. flounce, made, plain or with hemstitched tucks, lace or embroidery insertion and deep edgings. - The regular $1.75 quality now 1.19, the $2.25 grade-" Toftf 1.4 T, $2.75 CViO ones f 1.96, and the $3.50 grade for....................... ?0 Women's Muslin Gowns, with high or V-shaped neck, and yoke of embroidery insertion between clusters of tucks, embroidery edging around neck and QQ. sleeves, regular $1.25 value. Clearance Sale price 07C Women's Nightgowns, of fine Nainsook or Pride of the West Muslin, low neck, slip-over style, and short sleeves, trimmed with lace, or high-neck style trimmed with clusters of fine tucks, and embroidery edging at neck and sleeves; nT regular price $2.50 and $2.75. Clearance Sale price .' Corset Covers, of fine muslin; round, low neck; trimmed with hemstitched tucks, lace or insertion, and edging around neck and armholes; regularly priced Qn ;.....UV at 40c each. Clearance Sale price. The regular 75c ones .46 Regular $1.25 grade for Women's Fine Cambric Drawers, made with deep lawn flounce, cluster of Cflp tucks and Val. lace edging; regular 85c value D7j Children's Bonnets -of Bengaline-silk, full front, and cape, crown and front ruffle-trimmed with black velvet ribbon; come in navy, blue, red and O white; regular $1.50 value. Clearance 6ale price ...........OIL Children's Wool Dresses, come in colors 6nlyr plain or fancy materials, made in the Russian blouse or sailc style, for children trom to 14 years, regular 3Q $25.00. (Now half price, so they're fiz to .UOt prices from 75c to rhiMnn'a Ttnnntta DtH anA broken lines in nlain and tight-fitting styles, or with full front, made of silk and vel vet and . trimmed with chiffon, ribbon, lace and flowers. Come in several grades, but we divide them into 2 lots, thus: . The regular 50c to $1.00 grades for................. 25 The regular $1.25 to $1.75 grades for. ..50 Stampedlinen Less Than One-Half White 'or Colored Stamped Linens, in Doilies ' and Center pieces, assorted sires from 12 to 30 inches, priced like this: Regularly 30c to 40c Clearance Sale price.......IV , 65c to $1.00lfor...f..r..S9, " $1.25 to $1.75 for....... Lithograph Cushion Tope in new and catchy ..designs, 1Qr regular prices fr9m 35c tq 50c each. Clearance Sale...l7W Royal Worcester Corsets Sate 'This store is headquarters for these. famous Corsets, and we put even, these goods into the sale at Clearance Prices. Expert fitters will show you the corsets and explain the merits, and we'll be glad to have you try the first pair at the sale prices.' .,. Royal Worcester Corsets, in the new lengthening waists and Jiigh bust modelwith princess hips; hose-supporters at side' 'and front; come in white and drab, sixes 18 to 30; regular price $1.50. Clearance' Sale price, ,onlyr:.$1.17 Handkerchiefs, Laces and Em ? 1 broideries Clearance s ; Women's Fine All-Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, made of Richardson's linen, with j4-inch hem fine ones that sell regularly for 35c'-Clearance Qe .' Sale price, eachi... ..i,. ........ st Val. Laces A sale to make room for an immense import order, and these ' go for a great deal less than they are worth. Deeper cuts than we have ever made before, and values greater than you have ever sen. Extremely beautiful patterns dainty, filmy, foamy laces that you can use in doz ens of ways. Regular price 35c to1 r i . 1 l a ouc inc apzen yaras. -icr- fft ance Sale price ..wv Worth 75c to $1.25 for. ....... ..48 Worth $1.50 for only... T5 , All-Silk Ribbons In a variety of col ' ors all odd pieces in the entire stock . fct a price that will bring a throng of "bargain-seekers to, our. Ribbon Sec tion. Satin taffeta." plain taffeta, etc.. and the regular prices were as high as 50c the yard. Clearance () Sale, choice 4 .................... vl Oriental Laces In beautiful patterns; come in white, cream and ecru, three to nine inches wide, and qualities that sell regularly for up toJJ $1.00. Clearance Sale, yard ,Xut Applique Bands and Festoons In white, cream and ecru.' Pretty col ored trimmings and black Chantilly laces, together with some beautiful Silk Venise Appliques and Bands, embroidered on taffeta silk. Divided into six differential and priced-like this: .. Lot No. 1 Worth 15c to 25c Qr the yard ."C Lot" No. 2-Wocth up to 75cycr the- yard ......... i ....... . Lot No. 3 Worth up to Q $1.25 the yard ....... v.. IOC- Lot No. 4 Worth th up toTC- $1.50 the yard iOL Lot No. S Worth $175 to AO. $2.25 yard . .. yOC Lot No. 6 Worth $250 CI iO to $4.50 yard . . . . . . . . 140 Linens in the Linen Table Cloths Of an extra' heavy quality of fine damask, war-., ranted to wear; a good-sized one, 2 yards square, that sells regularly for $3.00.- Clearance . i- 0j JA Sale price, each r. ....... 2x2' yards, worth $.175, for f 3.00 2x2't yards, wdrth $4.00, for f 3.25 nd a very large size, 2x3 C.1 fl yards, reg. $4.50, for..... $UUU Bedspreads Marseilles ' pattern, hemmed .edges good sizes and extra heavy... -splendid special. Sale price. Linen Napkins Three good specials,- priced like this, make big linen business ssured: ' The regular $5.00 grade for f 3.Tf5 The regular $4.50 grade for 53.60 And the regular $35 7 CA grade for .pUU Bleached Bsth Towels Size 20x40 inches;' splendid Clesr- 7lr ance special at, each., ;.. .Ifcjv :i $1.25 Half-Wool ChalHes Medium dark colorings.-Special Clesr 'JC ance Sale Price, yard....... DC Hemmed Napkins Extra heavy, oice pattern; jiw oozen oi tnem tie. on sale, . bpecisl, the iQ dozen .jC ..... 40C Sheets-For double bed, quite goodj tjuauiy, K', strung mils J 11 A lin. Clearance special...... tIUU The Shoe Clearance Makes New Records for Big Values I ' " U '' ' ' LOT 1. Women's Shoes in Many Dif- v ferent Styles A consolidation of broken lines, embracing patents and kid leathers in light and heavy, soles, bright and dull tops, wide, 'medium ' arid narrow toes. , These sizes are broken and consist large ly of narrow ' widths. , , All ariif good shoes, m usual values to "."'' CI 7Q $3.50 LOT 2. Patent Kid Dress Shoes Made by Val Duttenhhofer &J Sons.; Have hand-turned sole, with 'and without 'tip.. Most all have medium height Louis heels.'. . The grade of shoes, is splendid . CO Q and will be a bargain; $5 vals...$l.y LOT NO. 3. Women's Odd . Line of High-Grade Shoes Made in hand turned and welt soles, button or lace; a large assortment, embracing styles and materials found only in this grade of footwear. Mannish effects and college designs; also all styles of heels and toes. No better shoe made. Laird, Schober & Co., Wright Peters, Hallahan & Son, Value C2 Qfl to $6.00. Sale price Jtf.Oy LOT NO. 4. 'Women's Slippers Made in many styles, fail 2,000 pairs of every pattern and design imaginable straps, bows, lace, ribbon ties, fitted with different licight heels; all have hand-turn soles. We can assure you that you will have no trouble in finding something that will please you. All sizes, but not in each style. Value to $3.50. CI 3Qf Clearance Sale price ..................... IOy LOT 3. Women's Warm Slippers Made ,in the best .grades of felt and-of kid leather, black fur trinrmed. The felt ones are trimmed, with different colored fur and fitted with leather or wood-covered Cuban heels. No better felt goods than these are to be had. Regular value to $2.50. " g $1.60 grades, now. $1.39 grades, now...... .91.39 ...89 LOT NO. 6. 2,500 Pairs of Men's Shoes and Ox fordsAny style, all most wanted patents and dull leathers; bluchcr, button or regular lace; swing' and straight lasts, built with light soles for dress wear or heavy double soles for hard service. It doesn't matter for what purpose you want them, you can find just what yem want in this assortment. Come and take, home a pairof shoes worth. up C2 10 to $5.00 for ...........jNJ.iy LOT NO. 7. Men's Box Calf ShoeMade with half double sole, blucher cut; a good, substan- C9 10 tial shoe. Value $3.00 Q&Ay LOT NO. 8. ' Men's Highest Grade Shoes Made in patent and calf leathers, button or lace; last and styles only found in the very best grades. We shall include in this lot broken lines of as good shoes as can be made; in value to $6.00. Sale M OQ price i... O0s LOT NO. 9. Boys' Shoes In tan or black,- blucher or lace; good, heavy soles, with uppers of kid, calf and English grain leathers. Sizes 9 to 2, regular $2.25, now 91.39; 2jl to 54, regular CI 00 $2.75 value, now i. ...... . l.O" LOT NO. 10. ; Girls' School Shoes Made in several styles, in box calf and kid leathers; good, heavy soles; lace or button Sizes 5 to 8, regular $1.50. now.. ......;......f 1.19 Sizes Vi to 11. regular $1.75, now ......91.39 Sizes UV, to 2, regular $2.00, now.......... ..91-69 LOT n6." 11. Small Girls' ShoesJw-btrrton or lace: many styles in'fanev and clam leathers: all .have first-class soles and uppers, and are well. made tnrougnoui; spring neeis . - Sizes 5 to 8, value tp $1.50.......;.. ......T9 Same in small sizes, 1 to 6., ................... .40 Great Clearance on Robes :- v Embroidered Robes, in Swiss or Linen,, some inland embroidery, others in the new and beautiful eyelet work now so popular. They'll be much in demand the 'coming summer, ko 'twill be . wisdom for you to supply your wants now at the prices the Clearance Sale makes. Read about the reductions you'll find tt7.:...$4.98 Regular $25.00 robes now ' only 919.00 Regular $35.00 ."robes r-''."Ji only i .. ... . . .....920.T3 Regular $27.50 robes sell ing at ................ . . .921.00 Regular $42.50 robes now only.. . ...T:.,-.931.ST Regular $30.00 robes sre now Regular $50.00 robes sell ing at 922.50 93T.00 Men's Xioq& tearance Sae ' Men's Blanket Bath' Robes and Lounging; Robes Plenty of designs to select, from. Your. choice of any one in the store at 25 per cent less than the marked price ..ONE FOURTH Men'a Outing Flannel Night Shirts that sell. regularly for 65c Clearance Sale AHn special for 4 C f Men's .Golf Shirts in fancy patterns, regu- l lar i.w qualities. Clearance oaie 7"7 price sC Men'a Golf Shirts that have sold for $1.50 each. ' Choice in the Clearance Sale Hfl for wc Men's Wool Socks, medium weight; come in gray, black and oxford; .regular price 25c the pair. Clearance Sale price, 1 Q pair ..........h IOC Men's Fancy Suspenders, all reduced to ... HALF PRICE Men'a Cotton Socks, medium weight, mixed, ' the regular 10c kind. ".In the Clearance ' Sale ...0C Men'a Mufflers, black and white or fancy, fine silk materials. Clear ance Sale......... HALF PRICE Men's Underwear, worsted-ribbed, in tan, pink or gfay, or natural; ......lor .,-.1... i .k. r. it-Ruia. 10.. iiiv .ti- ment. dale price . f.a:;.95c Men's Fancy Vesta Your cholcV of any in the store for ONE FOURTH LESS THAN REGU LAR. Men's Underwear Staley, Stutt gart . and Lewis make; all at CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. Men's Shirts Broken line, includ ing Cluett and Monarch, soft-or stiff bosoms, regular $1.00 and $1.50 values. Clearance Sale iQ prices, to dose out TiyC Notions and Smallwates Black Darning; Cotton On 5 J spools, reg. 5c, for............ Ow Paper and Envelopes In cabinets, . fine Irish linen paper, 50 sheets tuper ana 50 envelopes to the package, regularly 35c, for 2Q, Envelopes Plain white, long or square shapes, 25 in the package, regularly 5c; now, two Writing Paper In ' white, gray and blue tinted! 120 sheets in the ackage; reg. 50c value.- 'JC leaxance .Sale special.. ... Ow '. Si: Castile Soap In larg- two-pound cakes, regular price 25c the C cake. Clearance Sale special. lOt Toilet Paper Handy package, in patent hanging box, regular r 12c package I L Toothbrushes A special lot of as sorted styles, regular value " , 35c esch. Sale, price American Thread Co.'i ' Cotton Six-cord, f r ! chine use. Clears , special, '7 spools f t -,.;--:'V Writing' Paper Odd lots, Ar reg. f al. to Se, for . . 1UL Dress; Shields Light weight. whjU' only, medium iizes, '.regular price 25c thejair. Clearance Sale F price, only ..i.y,ir.4.lUv ShellHorri' Hairpins rn assorted shapes, regularly 25c r the P dozen. Sale price ........... IOL Fancy Dress Buttons All colors, 2 dozen on- card, values up C to 50c; the card lUt American Pins Regularly 5c pa per. Clearance Sale special Toilet, Paper In large-sized rolls that, sell regularly for 9c. Z, Clearance Sale price..... vt