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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
it . I i - .... 7" i v T THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 30, 1906. PC3CE5 DROP AGAOrlTIK!E SACRIFICE GROWS MOUSE RECKLESS Monster Dump of AH Otir Fancy 19c Ilar.iTiercMels 3c A '. startling sacrifice- v (aIe that's worth attending, even if you nave to come for miles. Think of it 3$ for 10c to 19c Handkerchiefs. And we want to tell you right here there's thousands of the 19c ones to go, and 3e) takes your pick. . 0 mar, taiot, iaoh in w amouox&T t mi am bo Down, of kinds and stylesell Handkerchiefs uaed In our - holiday display; dtghtly soiled and mussed, but the bar . gains ere so sensational - you won't mind that. All 10a ., to 19o kinds, and not single, solitary one worth - less than 10c.' Th sals will sUrt at t o'clock to . morow morning, so as to give all a ehanc to get here and secure ISO, Handkerchiefs at, choice.. 3c Tomorrow th fiftH day of this nevr-tobofor,ottn slaughter tne entire tore ablaze with bargains bargains so great, so unusual, as to Keep tbe buying at fever heat There never was such a sale in Portland a sacrifice so sensational that the crowds are flocKing here as never before Every couriter and every aisle jammed with enthusiastic buyers and the more you buy the more you save Another Store Crowding Offor-50,000 Yds. Mill Ends Wide 35c Embroideries A greater bargain was never offered by any. store anywhere. x Think of it 35c Embroideries at f , It means ver three yards for the price of one, and if that isn't a bargain big enough to crowd, the store to suffocation we don't know what is. finest of Swiss and Nainsook tmbroidenes sheer, tine Qualities in tne dam- c yd tiest of patterns, handsome openwork effects; fast edges, all good lengths and widths up to-12 finches and 12-inch Embroideries for .11 is a bar gain that's a wonder. Remember, all wide widths and worth up to 35c, for one day only, choice.. . Bedding and Domestics 18a riaaaslette. UeHTbe very finest - of figured French flannelettes, extra wide, fine soft fleeced, elegant Per sian and novelty designs. In the rich est of colorings; positively on of the v best of llo grades, for one , day. yard.... ...XAVjC to Apron gingham, 44o Only 1.000 yards to so; all mill ends, all color checks; not a cheap grade made to sell for a bargain counter rush, but an extra fine to grade; .. ,y per yard... 4yC Large Cotton Bate Comforter else, the very finest and fluffieat of soft cot ton; other Third street stores sell m at 1.M. aAm The Bargain Store price Is 7v IS He VOToales to yard i ns real Eng lish make. . full 11-inch percales. In red, blue and black figured designs, extra heavy and all fast colors. Re member, a IS Ho grade .. 0 " that's guaranteed; yard VC 91M reataes WHows, 85e The Urge 3-pound ones, and all soft feathers, too; fancy ticking; a small, oe lot of 60: so come early; choice. UJC BOc Table Damask, Mo JOVt ISo a yard . under the regular price; 10 bolts of . It; fine, soft bleached Table Damaak, ' satin finish, full SI Inches wide; It will sll go In day st . is? ' this price; yard.... .......ijC 7 So Table Baddlng, Mo Th beat and heaviest silence cloth, full 64 Inches wide; regulsrly this sells with a rush at (to; for , . y one day, yard.;..; .ddC PORTLTUlflS HE17 DEPAnTllHlT STORE l liK ON YAMHILL FROM ladies' .$LC3.nandbco3 Viz We took all the. maker had an even thousandbf them and ot them at our own price. Think of it Hand Bags worth to $1.00 for 35e apiece. Isn't that the big test kind of a sensation? Almost one third price three for what R'Airij one is worth. , ' ' . " tiriS?5i?; S5BJrUV -iisrx mass or ran mai, abb VUIUI UUIUB Stylish, weU made, and the kinds that others advertise at 69o and up to fl each, so you know what a big bargain these are all full slse. sllK-iinea ana nana riveica frames. All blacks, that was the reason that .... we got them so cheap. It's a real sensation and we offer them at a price that will sell every one tomorrow. All 6c to II Bags. 35c Unloading' All the Towelo 10,000 to go every one-Half Price or leoo Stock Is much too large And. we are forced to eU. ' Dosens of kinds and styles, th laxg ' est, biggest and Orient Towels ever eold for tire money Hucks, Turkish Bath. Blrdeoye, Glass Towels, etc. plain, fringed, hemstitched and colored borders. . Towels worth dou ble this price anywhere and everywhere. Lay In a aupply while you can. Come and come early, and get first pick S great lots 6, big bargains. . Towels la the lot wortlj up to iso ail go at inese saennce price. LOT 1 Worth to 10c each,. LOT 2 Worth i 4c Sb.9c Lot 3 Worth -g A each. 14C LOT 4 Worth to 40c each... I fIT ft 19cfe.35c Now the Cloak Room Is to De Emptied Out Everything Goes at a Sacrifice CLOAK AND SUIT BARGAINS TO AMAZE YOU . The time has. come when clean sweep must be made when all remaining garments are to be sacrificed regardless of what they bring. ' Thousands upon thousands of, Suits, Waists, Cloaks and Skirts are to be sacrificed! no loss too great to unload. .Come tomorrow and share in this, the greatest Cloak Sale ever held on the coast. Come expecting the biggest bargains ever offered, you. will not be disap pointed. . Every price a record breaker. ''.''"' :- - m IB AH Women's Long Cloaks Worth Up to $25:00 $o no There's hundreds to choose from the prettiest and 4uawhwm- 1fV 9VJ est of plaids, mixtures, checks and solid colors; beautifully''' trimmed, finest silk and satin lining, all sizes. Pick out the one. you like the best choose a $25.00 Long Qoak if jrou wish all go at, choice, f 0.98. Women's FinestvSilk Waists . WortK ugjto $8.00 (50 AO Thfyali go hundreds to piclcifjfim the finest of $7.50 and fitft(3 $8.00 Silk Waists, all f 3.9. JBeautiful plaids, finest Peau dt Soi,nd taf f etr Bilki pim tGVOrt arttrndvetty"effecTs. Some strictly tailored, others fancy trimmed. All waists that are guaranteed $7.50 and $8.00 values reduced to-f 3.98. SrVaists Go Regairdlelss of Cost '' Now Yoii Qet Two to Three for the Usual Price of One Evary one in stock reduced' Thousands of Waists too many, and out they ko. sight White Waists, Colored and, Fancy Waists, made of all the best materials in the latest styles mercerized, -f to $3 lifetime. It's never before. ut to prices that should sell them at Wool, cotton. tucked .and novelty yokes, new sleeves, new collars and there's plenty of all sizes, too,- so you are sure Wl at a glance are tne bargains ot 3 .1 IVJ. LUVAVU I M (1 V4 HUTCH finding just what you want' $3 Waists that you'll see al aists made to sell at 75c up WORTH you 11 see at a Rlance are the barsrains of 3 a sacrifice that should crowd this section as TM Three great lots, three big bargains. Choice $3.00.... 98c ir.48c WORTH TO ' $1.00. 000 LASIH1 WRAPPcRS Worth up to $1. OS Choice .. 98c Any Ladies9 Suit a single solitary one reserved. In the house not Choice ; istsaf t-All Laaies' Skirts Take your pick of the "best Worth up to $8.50. J all in. one lot ton iitl) ; jsA riH - :k GROCERIES ' Every price out and everything guar anteed. . Why pay more than we aakt Granulated Sagar 4&c 1!. Ho can K. C Baking Powder .11 Regular 10a can go at.. ...........6? IS. 90S pouada Rice at. pound. ........ 4 Extra choloe Potatoes, Burbanka, one of the finest varieties grown; Ct IIY I per aack .' 1,000 pounds ground Mustard; never sold under 15c to- 40c pound; only on pound to a customer; I C at, pound 17I 1,000 large M,-lb, pkga. bast ground Black Pepper, full U lb. for.....wC lOo pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda..,. 5 lOo pkg. Cow brand Soda. ......... .5 Large 25o boC Chile Sauce 11 SSo Oraagea ilo Big scoop of 60 boxes extra large choice navels, . thin skinned and sweet. ' Tou can't match 'em anywhere under SSc fv WhUe they last ....... aflC UOZ Our Special Golden Eagle M. and J.' Coffee, good aa othere aak S60 for, and a trial will convince you," Golden Eagle Baking Powder, lb.. 20 ISo bot Vanila Extract .OQ tso bot Lemon Extract... 00 Reg. ISo can Golden Eagle Ground Bplcee . .....IUC 1,000 lbs. Mixed Tea, something extra fine and a very choice blend; best 6 00 tea ever offered. While it m laStS, lb. a m ... ... ..... sV lOo pkg. Mincemeat .,...... ......8 ISo can Maple Byrup ............12 (OciiSy 5c TritVilning Braid : , the Yd. The makers clean-up Jots, and almost 50 different styles " are represented wide and narrow widths, silk, mohair, nov elty and tancy ettects, black and all colors. It s one of the best and greatest lots you've ever seen 10c to 15c Trimr mings, and you pick but the 15c ones, if you want, at....... 2c Men's 20c hurry Black' Almost half price, but only one case, of them, so if youiwant any," Men's .Fine, Heavy, All Wool Cashmere tocks. seamless, gray heel andy loerand all rsizes best 20c Hose you ever laid your eyes .on. While UUiej-jaet,.. .......... Wool Socks the Pair Women's 25c Fancy Neckwear It's a clearance of ajl odds and ends, and while we say 25c values there's plenty of 35c, and even 40c, kinds in the lot All fancy styles in lace and chiffon, fancy embroidered and lace trimmed, all -colors pinks, blues, white, etc. While they last, choice 12k Women's 50c Vests and Pants 24c Cut to less than half price to- sell them in a day ISO pieces only, so, i it t n :li i r -. t. . . nurry. iizmvj jciacy iviuuca vesis ana rants, in ecru ana natural gray, soft fleeced, silk finished, all sizes. All 50c and some pieces worth tip to 60c. These are remarkable values and are. placed on salo at your cnqice lor 5,000 YARDS FIGURED , Turkey Red Calico AH good lengths, cheap at 8 cents, for one day large Unloading. ' Men's Furnishings sise,- line white Bocks, seamless, lie Under- :48c 100 doion men's Handkerchiefs; . regular 10c ones... Men's all-wool black nice, fine, . . and a J0c grade... Broken tinea of men's ribbed wear, fleece lined, . 76o kind Men's-Tlo and $1.00 heavy outing flan-. nel nlsht shirts, ZAr reduced !...,..,. uiv Men's TSo Work Shirts, a mixed lot of hundreds of heavy, well-made Work' Shirts of black and white atrip chev iots, all slses; every one of these srs bargains at So ( '" 20 to 76c; choice...... OyV areal Sle Tie Sale, worth up to SOe, all the left-over lota from the Xmae rush: latent styles, wide snd narrow, four-in-hands; elegant pattefWTnstt vpjors, Xlneat -, of . silk snd satins;. every, tie guaranteed a SOo value or your moneyi back; choloe.....-!. 2ic Underwear J Children's natural gray . Union Suite, mixed lots, broken ulses, all tl6 values snd none worth less, ehoine .- . . i I aC Children's Sleeping Suits, with feet. made of heavy Comet flannel,' slses 3 to 10 years, worth ISe, rt now IVC Woman's knit Vests snd Pants.' heavy- iweUht, bargains at 76c, all -JO Ilea, out they go ,v ...... JVC 1.000 LARGE, FULL-SIZE 50c Window ; Shades Good opaque, all greens, on spring roller, and all com plete, regular 50-cent - - shades , . . 22c Unloading Toilet Goods Cutl- . IsTC Larse iSo cake genuine - cura Soap. cake. d . . . . Best SOo Perfumery, All odors,' per os. '.. aJC tSo Woodbury's racial Soap tlj Dr. GraveV Tooth Powder, al-. . ways !6o bottle, cut to ....... I c C Allen's Borated Talcum Powder, g large also 20c can VC. tl bottle Herptclde ........9 tl bottle Lleterlne 5s WUUams' Shaving Soap, 8 cakes for 104 Large too Jar Petroleum Jelly,, m like vaseline, pint Jar........ IUC SSo pint bottle Bay Rum. ..15 2Bo pint bottle Toilet Water 15f A Monster Remnant Sale of Press Goods at Half Price ! Yes, that's what we mean JUST HALF FORMER PRICE; that's how every yard goes, and it's one of the most sensational-offers ever made by this house of bargains. But we are determined to clear every one tomorrow, cost what it may. , ; - , Black, Colored, Plain. Fancies. Novelties In fact, Dress Goods of every description are included in this stupendous slaughter. The lot includes Mohairs, Serges, Venetians, Checks, Mixtures, Novelty Plaids, etc.. in all colors and black and combi nations, many up to 54 inches wide, waist lengths and dress lengths, and we also include hundreds of waist lengths of New Spring Dress Goods sent to us by the makers as samples. Dress Goods worth in the regular way 25c and up to $1.50 a yard all to-be slaughtered in five great lots at half price and less., wqoice 9cYd. . Worth up to . , 25c yard . Early comers get first pick, and as the best ones are sure to go at the start it's wise to be here when tne doors open at a 19c Yd. Worth up to , 40c yard 39c Yd. Worth up to 80c yard - 59c Yd. Worth up to $1.25 yard 85c Yd. Worth up to $2.00 yard m. 1,000 YAJUa Mill Ends SUIt .'", Orgarfdies Beautiful . colorings of pinks, blues, tans, etc., 2 to 10 yard lengths, no . , pieces cut, as you can al most buy the entire length , for the price of a single yard; All best J6o grade, ' Tard . .. , 19c Clearing 50c Silks 24c All odds and ends and br oken lines reduced to 'clear at once; fine Chinas and Wash Silks; plenty of goods to go choice, yd .24 Fancy Striped Peau de Sole Silks. ' elegant -patterns. Never sold under 76o anywhere unloading price, . yard 49a Our entire stock of finest Kancy Plaid Walstlng Silks, in newest colorings and patterns. aJ All 86a grades reduced to, -yyard , , . ....65-. 10 pieces yard-wide Black Taffeta Silk, best ' guaranteed , quality, made to sell at $1.60 yd. ,91.15 SOO " "yard ' 27-Inch ' changeable color . Waistlngs, and iiflo fancy black and white checke, all too grades, cut to Juat half price, yd.. 25 XiAST Mill Ends Flowered Batiste Worth 25e and S 5c. at lie a yard. Only 200 yards 'In all. elegant patterns and coloring. The same Identical grades that sell off the bolt at 26o and 26c. While It . lasts, choice, per yard.. 19c V A Rousing Clean-Up of Hundreds of Pairs Women's $2.50 and $3.00 Dress Shoes $11.28 A clearance of every odd pair in stock, and down goes the price to half and less. All broken linesand there's hundreds of pairs included. Really fine Shoes, for. some of our very best are included. Made of soft, selected vici kid, in lace and blticher lace All the Lotest Strlea All SIzea '-Newest this sessons toes, plain and patent tips, nand turnrand welts in ftjt, the - very best of this season's shoes, grade made to sell up to $2.50 and $3.00, and worth it, too. All in one lot, and a whole table-load to select from, too. Choice 1.28 Slipper Odds and Ends Slippers worth up to $2.00 for 89? pair. All odds and ends left, from the Christmas rush. 'Men's Slippers and Women's Sliooers. blacks and tans, vici kids, and also Women's Colored Felt Juliets with fur trimmings. Makes no ditlerence what they cost us, even thougrt they are mostly WW. qualitiei go at, cnoice , 1,000 Uurge-stse bottles. 30e Qllt Cds Shoe Dressing 17 C bol .89c $2.50 to $5 Fancy Back Combs 98 Never such a bargain before, and you'll wait months for another as great. The finest and handsomest -of Back Combs, and only 8 tor $2.50 and $3.50 ones.. All makers' samples, real works of art, set with brilliant, glittering' rhinestone s arrchther semi-precious ieweta. manr with srold and solid sterling silver mountings Each one genuine shell and guaranteed $2.50 to $5.00 values, and you can choose the $5.00 ones, if you want; choice 98 each. - :" c tl Women's 25c Turnover Collars 8 Not a single one worth less than 25 cents that's guaranteed. A " new lot just in, and it's the finest yet Elegant patterns, newest designs. Remember, just the same kind you would pay 25 cents for at other stores and youll say so, too. Take your pick of at, choice the lot. C $1.00 to $2.00 Untrimmed Hats 25: Go through the lot and pick the best about 500 in all. Every one made ot best telt in this season s latest and Dest shapes,, colors only. AH Dress Hats that have sold up till now. as' high as $2.00 are included in the lot. Pick 'em out. tomorrow at. choice c Women's 20c Black Hosierv Only a case of them 480 pairs and at this price the lot will hard ly last till noon. Women s Fine Black Cotton Hose; soft, silky, fleece-lined: every pair seamless, and all sizes. As good a hose as we have in regular stock at 20c, and that's what you'll pay when these are gone, special.... . 10 c SMALL LOT OF FINE White Wool Flannels Soft and fine. regular 22c and 25c grades. Special 14c Yd Unloading: Crockery Hundreds of Dinner Bets to go regard less of value. - We have too many, and they must be sold. j $6.50 Dinner Sts $4.49 Fine, fancy shape,' pure white Porcelain, ou-pieceseis, never soia nnaer .u; eight of these acts only, and they are the bargain of a? ti 10 lifetime; cholc:". . ." , The famous Johnson Brothers' semi- porcelain Dinner Bets at IS.Jt. exact reproductions - of - Havlland pattern. SO pieces: complete sets, worth I7.S0, tor...... SO-plece Royal Delft, blue. Brothers' Dinner Beta, our beat f t.00 sets, reduced to. $5.39 Johnaon $6.75 (Vflonday lVsOrning Specials From 8:30 to 9:30 o'cllc 5.000 lari Table Salt, per, . . n sack 1C One .hour only, and no longer. Be here between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning if you want to share jn these. large regular 5c sacks 1.000 regular 5c boxes An chor Matches, per 1 bo LC I 000 regular 5c . packages vvnite envelopes. psckage ..... ;i,000 YARDS FINEST ' Lonsdale Cambric And also finer grades, all yard wide, good length, J worth up to I5c yd..... I V 500 regular 10c cakes Hand K'...........:.,..6C Inner Seal Fancy Cakes, reg ular 10c pack- C ages 1 .000 large regular 5c cakes Best Tar )- Soap 5c 100-yard spoors Merrick's and Charter Oak fj Spool Thread .......... CC MILL ENDS FANCY Fig'red Organdies Finest grades, worth 35c and 50c; for 1 hour only, (" cut to, yard... ....... .Iul One Hour Only and No Lonfjer-Rtmomber That : , Ftom 8:30 to 9:30 tomorrow morning is the time. Be on hand. A ,V CI ' 500 regular 2 for 5c Black Head Hatpins, . f ' three for IL Misses' snd Children's 35c Union Suits, . , ' all sixes . ..yfc 5,000 yard Torchon Laces, worth up to . ., ' 10c yard ..C WHILE IT LASTS 1,000 SKEINS lOc Knitting Yarns Germantown and Saxony, in a great lot of colors, odds and ends worth 8c and 10c Come early for this choice, skein... le -V Unloading DRAPERIES 109 pairs of the best 1 lace ctxrtalns to go at f a pair; the 'handsomest, finest and prettiest curtains ever sold at such a ridiculous price, Notting ham. Irish Point, Point dKsprlt nets. In elegant flowered and figured ef fecta; also fancy bordered: tun IH yards long and it Inches wide: not a pair in the lot worth ti 6ft ' less than tS.OS pair. 1 eOy slaffled Vet Churkslms at flat l any on of them bargains at full width, S yards long; only 31 pairs in In all: while they last, pair. .eM!? Brass Onrtaim Bod Full length, fancy ends; too of these lo rods go tomor row at the lowest f. price yet; choice.. OC sO-lacb Tapestries la handsome Roman stripes, all colors; remember extra wide width of 4 Inches; a regular SSo grade, at leea than r- whelesale coat:, yard OOt Tard Wide Brapertea In rloV figured dealgns, all colors: only enoush for the on day, and all -' llo values; yard............. Odd Crockery ISe odd seml-porcelaln pinner Beta, full . .slse and floral m decorations, bow. llo ones, pure whit llo and ie t"-r I . cwM anl t et