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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
THE . OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNlHo. DECEMBER " 3. 1SS3. !2 Multnomah Athistss Train for Interclub Meet Cowling on Lo- cat Alleye--Naughton'i Letter eMSmrts Cana and Herman Preparing for Fray -Cast ba!l; at Ctate Unk verify L.'.'.ixrd and Football Everything In Sportdom Edited byJ. A.UORAtl STAKING READY 10(1 KEEN MEREST ! SEATTLE GAL1E JEFFRIES TO BOX LOGISTILLA IVKJS SEATTLE TO QUIT COAST LEAGUE D.'iSEDillL0DTt0D3 SI G. ATHLETES Rll I j r.iAnniE gray -FOR . Ulkft Retired Champion Will Come 1 Multnomah Clubmen Are Round Multnomah Men Are Making Bid Walter Miller Bring His Mount Russ Hall May Go to Butte and Eugene Studenta Hopeful of Puttintv a Winning Team on Ing Out for the New Year's j ' Eve Meeting. Preparations for the New .'. v' ! Year's Day. : ' ". ; Out of His-Cage to"T ackle - C' Home Firat In the Fea- ,. Leave.' the California " Circuit. " - ." '. : . ---istriRan.,: . ; ture Event. . , the Diamond. ; SEATTLE PERFORMERS ,, SOUND SPORTS ARE. - - .. RHYOLITE CLUB HAS MADE ARRANGEMENTS CLEVER JOCKEYING OUGDALE MAY TAKE "': manager rafferty; , , ; In charge,of nine ; CAPTURES THE RACeJ CONFIDENT OF WINNING CONFIDENT OF VICJORY Sun day Journal Pag SOU RES OREGO THE SIWASH FRANCHISE '- ' r" . .'.. '. .' .- Puget .Sound Boxer and Wrestler Are Hopeful of Carrying Off the Honors at This Week's Meeting in the Inter-Club Series. i This morning will b tho ltfl work out that th Multnomah club boxer and wrestlers will hav before .tha .con ' teat tomorrow .night when "liey will i meet the Seattle Atnlotio club stadia t All the man are at weight and In the best of shape, havlr.g been w Jilted to J the minute, . ; " - ' Instructors Jo Anton and Frel Ban- ; nick express themselves as being mora t than pleased with the showing -f their f boys, and reel eonnaeni or viciory. t Intlie last meet at Seattle tUo Seattle i rlub won the majority of the matcnes, i and their men think ihey will have no I trouble . In repeating that performance - with erach meir aa Frank Vance and 1 Homer TiUey in the wrestling and Kd- die Hope and Chestur Brown -In the ' boxlsg. All these boys have already i won laurels for the 8. A. A When the Seattle Athletia dub first A named the weight the local Hub bad ,i some difficulty, In matching them with , I Olmar Drauga and'Charloa Bush in J the boxing and Bill iennia and Edgar : Krenk In the wrestling. , s. The contests are open te the general public and the management wtahea to I Mate mat tnese srs n huh- sring matches. u. scientific .box'ng and a wrestling contest. i- i .HALL WILL MANAGE BUTTE. BALL NINE t ' JSnerlal DUDatcb t T JnarsaLt ' Butte. Mont., Dec. S9. Hum Hall, for merly manager1 of -the Seattle team In . J the CokjflLOaague Isexpected to arrive 7 In Butte tomorrow evening, when the i franchise of the Butte haaoball club will be tendered him. If Hall accept, '-' which he will probably do, good league hall will be assured for -next -yearr A :: the sltuatlonicfw stands, ' 8eattle,? Is . consldored part and parcel of th Coast S league, but with Hall's disaffection a 2 dlf ferent . light la thrown on the sit ua- ; ; tinn. If Hall accepts the Butte fran 'I phlse he and Duadul can manipulate It 1 together so that Sea tle'a franchise ' passes ' Into Dngdale's hand", and ka f Puacdale controls the only available ball V park tn Seattle, that town wfll natural-I- ly line up with the Northwest lea sue. ' - Charley Lane; one of the director rtt practically assured of good baseball now j that Rues Hall Is to be with us. I can t nay just how the leagua will stack up, , hut It will be left high and dry, wlth I out companion ity In the- northwest; (It I more than likely It will be dropped by the Coast league and come with us." AIl-Amerloan Team. ............ . .'. Forbes, Tale ... .... . Blglow, Tale ...k. ..Burr, Harvard ' s End ,', y Tsckle i Guard ' ..Dunn, Penn. Stat 1 Ouard .......Thompson. Cornell ! Tackle .Cooney. Prlncetdit Knd ........ . . . . ItVlster.. Princeton 1 Quarter. Eckersall. Chicago f Jislf ;"...May hew. Brown J Jtl .no. Tal J Back i". ..i.. .Veeder. Tale t This la 'the All.Arhrrlran rnnthn - . .mm ntV.J Ur.ll.. L ably the best fotball expert In th . aountrjv While there ar a dosen or : mora "All-American" team ' picked In , th east the real .All-American ' team , I usually th on chosen by Camp. 'V th great Talemrfh. Camp has also f picked a second and third team and while there 1 some question aa to . whether some men on th second and third team may not hav ben entitled - to the position on th first team Camp ' ha overlooked fw of th star players in his list of SI men. ' THE PRESENT GIVING SEASONISOVER But It Is always Ift order to give yourself something " good, and what could be better than a few bottles of our high grade pure wines and liquors. Hospitality j. ', demands that you keep some on hand . and we . can . furnish you with the best and purest at satisfactory prices. Purity is their chief recommendation, uniform ' and high quality the next. Thanking our many pa trons in Portland and vicinity for their, liberal pat ronage in the past season and assuring thern that we will always merit a continuance of their favors, -we-wish them a most happy and prosperous-New Year. ;! ' We NATIONAL WINE THE QUALITY STORE N. E. COR. FJFTH AND $ - - 1 , ; , MAIN eeeeeeeee'eeeee4eeeS S. A. C Eleveri Is in Fine Condition . for the Fray, but the Portland Club men Art Rounding Out for the Match. V.f ' "': ' On" Tuesday afternoon .the football season, on the Pacific coast will be for mally closed. The contesting team will b the .representatives of Seattle and Multnomah Athletic clubs. - Th gam will be played on th Multnomah gridiron and this contest will mark the end of on of the moat mxui ting and thrilling season In th anna) of plgHkin contests In Mt Pacl15 notlh' went- , Th . fact . that Mltnoraah de feated Seattle -on Christmas day In Seattle, doea not prov In Ui loaat de gree that Multnomah has a Htich on repeating the trick In this nlly on New Tear's day. - Although It ' Is true that Multnomah came out victorious In Keet- tte. It Is also tru thit had Pagshaw not mad a monkey out of himself when James attempted the drop kick that re sulted In a safety for lliiltmmiih. the gam would, In all probability, !iav been a tie. But a joint decide a eon- test, the Portland club men consequent ly must accept the honor accorded them by th official score. Th Multnomah men realise, tnat tney have a, great proposition to solv when they meet, Seattle on next Tuesday, and are working along In lia line that Should lead them to victory. - WOl.Kawa a Band.--:.' ' Preparations are under way at th Multnomah club to show th Seattle rooters and the spectators in general on of th best time ever given at a football contest. A band of ,21 place has been engaged for a street pursd before th game and to enliven the scene with muslo during the game. The Seattle men will be given a banquet in the Hotel Portland and afterwards Uken In a body to the Helllg theatre, where they will witness Florence Rob erts In one of her superb production. "Tli, closeness , of. th ' scor In the Christmas gam hasrauaed quit a bit of uneaalneaa smothose who, would lixe to oet on in contest, (teams sym pathiser assert that an even money proposition' la all that they will offer, while th Portland sports think that. notwithstanding the recent victory over Seattle, the. Seattle people anouid giv odds on account of -the splendid tsam that. Seattle ha on th gridiron. The officials for th Scattle-Multno- mah game will be: Referee, Bruce Shorts; umpire, H. J. Boyd. The head linesman W1H be selected later. ' V m r BOWLING LEAGUE CL-flS "A." ... - ion. ''I2 Lost. Pet Portland ...... .141 . 1" 17 ' III 2S 14 ' Lt. 11 . , 1 Jl 21 tt v ! . Oregon ...;...., Government Bond Oo!d Leaf . ,' , Schlllera Montavllla. . ... r. ,t . . CLASS . K . Com merclal . No. 1 . . Willamette Happy Dale Commercial No. t .. Lyric Beaver . ., .811 .15 .:st .121 Pet. .711 .61K .46 .410 .IKS .Sit .. ..14 ,.11 r. ( . "B." Won.' ,.is ,.1 ' .14 i ,.14 BILLIARD LEAGUE ' Won. Lot Jim Friedman ..... ..'.f I Andy Roller! ................ 4 Charles Hansen C.. Roy wlnschen ............... . Mack-Blsalllon t J. Peabody . M. Lavoy ...I P. Notto S H. Solomon S remain CO. STARK, STS. PHONE 6499 ;'' Naughton Is in an Entertaining Hood ; and Tells About the Passing of the . Notorious Fight Trust in San Fran CISCO Events in Pugdom. - ' s . V v By W. W. Naughton. . , (PublUU.1 Press by gpeulal LeaaeS Wire.) , San Francisco, Dec- 2. It I a far cry from Melbourne to Rhyollte, but It look now aa though BUI Squire, th Australian, and Big Jim Jeffries will strip for a tght to th-bitter end at th Nevada tnlnlng camp; next April, Delaney, acting fo Jeffrie, ha algned th Rhyollt Athletlo association's arti cles calling for a world's championship contest for a purs of $30,000, and Squires, who slgnlfled his ecf eptance several day ago by cable, has been ap prised that arrangements for th vnt bav- been completed. B. F. Taylor, representing the Rhyollt promoters, ha forwarded ' steamer ticket for Squire and hi tralnar and baa urged th Australian to come to this country aa quickly as possible. In th first cable I received from Beckett, th Melbourn newspaper man, who acted as Squire' agent. It was set forth that th Australian champion wanted 'whatever purs was offered di vided on th ' and 40" princlpl. and Squires' subsequent cabl was, no doubt, lent In the belief that his terms of di vision were acceptable to Jeffrie. Jef fries' most recent utterance to th ef fect that he 1 not returning to th ring for hi health suggest that , th "retired champion" will want a sub stantial bonus out of the $30,000 to be gin with, and when Squire 1 Informed of thi fact he may refuse to com to thl country.' Unless' th whole bualness I settled satisfactorily wlthinr th next few days th chance ar that Squire will remain tn Australia and make a match with Jack Johnson, who I on hi way. there now, ' Jauire X Criticised. ' Squire ha been subjected' to s deal of harsh criticism sine he mad known his dssira W4n1ftf)!rtik at th giant Jeffrie. the-T tenalhl reason being hi Indifferervtrtng work when h defeated Peter Kllng In -Melbourne. Th fact that he ha beaten down vry oppo nent selected for him Is overlooked and th on rainy day showing with Kllng 1 axplotted as something that should debar Squire from th privilege of try ing conclusions ewlth the kingpin of American heavyweight. The affair with Kllng was certainly not a champion-like performance, but there wa extenuating circumstance. Just listen to what the .Melbourne Argus had to say about th surroundings of the open-air con teat: "Just a th man were about to atrip off drop of rain fell. They waited for th shower to pa, but I davel oped into a stiff qall, driving th offl clala, principals -and attendants to ref uge beneath th ring. After a quarter of an hour the rain ceased and men started sweeping cascades -. of water over-th edge of th ring and mop ping th rest with bag. They had not concluded when another rain squall set' In watting th apectatora to th skin. When th ring had been one again cleared of the surplus water, Squires and Kllng took their places. Light showers stilt fell snd desplt th liberal sprinkling of resin that, wa ap plied to the floor subsequent event showed that th ring wa utterly unfit for a boxing contest." It seems to ma that even Dancing Dervish Jack O'Brien would hav been unabl to accomplish anything vary graceful or effective under ' clreum stance similar to these. On taper aid th ring wa "n slippery aa Ice, rand that the Insecure footing caused th men to strike at on another and then clinch to save themselves from going to th floor. In all falrn a fight of that kind should be 'thrown out," a th horsemen say. when discussing th merit of th antipodean t hamplon. right Trust X J4, Th San Francisco fight trust I dead. At leaat that I Ihe public view of th situation, and so far th pub lic I concerned ther ' no need of fh time-honored 'Intimation 'pleja' f-mlt flowers." .'Many a Joker ha been cracked about th passing of th I rust and on or two fallow who feel that they hav been deprived of their flstle entertainment through trnst bickering hav dropped Into doggerel over th de mise of th inharmonious ' combine. Her Is a specimen of th atuff I hav been asked to pas ooor.: Who helped to kill ill, sport t,t 1h , mlttT ' ,- , Coffroth, Qraney, Levy and Lrltt ' Who hope to be agin In th swim ? Morris. Eddy. Wlllut and ,11m. . . Whether the Individual member of th defunct corporation will be In the awfra next year or, for that matter, whether they ar figuring on continuing aa separata promoters Is trot mad to appear. Th ex-trust welfare laying low. If they do manage to. gain a foot hold again they will probably operate In couple. Levy and Qraney taking the field against Brltt and Coffroth. Th last named gentleman will probably de vote hi attention to open-air. contest o .magnitude ar Colma In the summer month. But everything, of course, depend upon what happen at SacrnmeiUa when th legislator convene next month, Ther l- talk ofa -measure that will prohibit "boxing, and, If It goe through Nevada wilt become the hub of , th puglllstta-" universe for a wall. v SnrprlM at Tonopab. The time I rin for'. A b1a- sfirnrlse at Tonopah New Tear'a day It Kid Her man I equal to th ecnaxlon. .Her In Ban Francisco it seems practically Im possible to locate a aportlng man who think the Chlcagoan ha a decent work ing chance of gaining a decision over Can. -.All thi, of course, will empha sis Herman' victory If he happens to defeat th famous colored lightweight. but It doesn t predict a very larg dele gation of rtngster from this neck of the wood. - The picture of Cans ahow him to lie fine drawn, and no matter what he says about It, It looks a though Joseph Is having hi usual trouble la getting ys'aj I1 joe Gang, in Action. somewhere around th ISS-pound mark. Thar never wa a fighter yet who knew how to keep their own counsel njid preserve oamp secret better than Uans, and about th only lln that can be got on him near fight time 1 by hi look. When h boxed Walcott and Twin Sul livan In San Francisco at go-aa-you pleas weight, for him. he was chipper looking and gingery in mannery. .. Now his fac haa tklnned and hi eye hav th "tary" appearance they had when he broiled In th desert sun to max weight for Nelson. . i, It may b that Oanswlll wlnaaaUy i th average western sport believe be will, but If the camera depict Jo faithfully -he will hav to get ISC his best while th fight in young. , H doesn't look aa though ha could ... go much over fO rounds and mak a hurt-l ean Unlah. . CISARLIGHTER MANAGES TO HIE in FIRST " SJMBSJJSBBBBaBaaSBSBBSSBBBB ' - Koerner Rides"a Creat Race and .. Brings His Mount In for the Money.1 v V (Bearat Kvws Barvtee br tnaeat Leased Wire tjom An galea, ieo. J.- There was no chance for th Judge to plao Cfgar llghtec second,-today. H wa In against Line of Ufa, and b won pat by him- elf. Th track had dried out and only a few seconds blow. iSsoalant. was. heavy played to win th fifth at five furlong, but was beaten by Entr Nous. Esc slant was given a very bad rid by Keogh and th fact that h finished aecond Ilk a ahot was du mor to th hors than to ' th rider.. . Lady. Kitty: won. th first by half a length from Louis Fltsgtbbon, th favorite - Conf ssor, .th . publto favorite In th second, spread-eagled th field, winning by six length. . - 1 f Ranraw, th f avortt, - won th third from Edwin T. Fryer, -who beat Judge Nelson bv a head. - Gentle Harry won th last from th favorite, Prlnc Magnet. - - Summary of Svsntav . ' Fiv furlong Lady Kitty (Talbert) t to s, won; Loulae Fltxglbbon sec ond, Virginia Lorraine third; - tlm. Six furlongs Confessor (Koerner), j to t,- won; Lotta Gladstone second, Fon casta third; time. 1:15. - Six furlongs Renraw (Koerner), vn won; Edwin T. Fryer second. Judge Nel son third: tlm. 1:1. On mile Clgarllghter (W. 'Riley) t to J. won; Lln of Life second, Lille B. third; time. l:42tt. - Fir furlong Entr Nou (Finn), to 2, won; Escalant second. Toots Mook third; time, 1:01. . ' - On mil Gentle Harry (Keogh), to 1, won; Mountebank second, Lucrec third; tlm, 1:44. STANFORD TEAM IS BEATEN BY VANCOUVER Vancouver, B. C, Dee. I . Vancou ver defeated Stanford at Rugby again thl afternoon by th close margin of on try (three points) to nothing. -Th match was played In a beavy rain and th field wa muddy." which prevented fast work. There was no score until shortly before time, when Churton of Vancouver, a halfback, got th ball and mad a run of 25 yards aero th Stan ford Una Marpole failed to kick goal. Tha team will play a final match on New Teara day. . . ' . Aubrey Moore, a Knox College Ath lete Who , Has Joined tha Forcat CroTt Athletic Club. L " . r-'. :--' k:s I " v v.i. , '.'i:::'::..:''::: Oakland' Favorrt FUyera Had a Pleasant .Time, a Four" of . the Heavily-Played . Horg Came in First -Summary of the- Events. . ' , ' - ".'t ': , '".-vr T- .. ,. ,' (Hearst News by longest teasrd W'tra.) Ban Francico, Dec. 2. Walter MU- ler won th featur vnt at Emery ville today with Loglstills, It was th Mannl Gray handicap, and because Loglstilla waa supposed not to Ilk heavy track four 1 to , on wa laid against her. A plunga.wa mad at thl price, and h closed at two to one. Nearly every hor In th rac waa played. Loglstilla was a dosen lengths out of It at the first turn, put Miller picked the good going, and, gradually picking up the field. h earn Ilka a whirlwind tn th trtoh and won In th last few strides. - - Four favorites war ucceeful. . Summary of Futurity ' cours - Mabel Hollander (McBrlde), to i, won; Coco second, Mr. Matthew third. Tlm. 1:14 1-8.- Five and a half furlongs, purs Cloudllxht (McBrlde). even, won; Sir Russell acond. Phalanx third. Time, 1:0. Sir Russell and Phalanx coupled in bettlna aa Rowell entry. Six furlong, selling Th ' Mighty (Brown). 7 to S, won; Bell Reed sec ond. To San third. Time. 1:1. On and a sixteenth mile, handicap LorUtllla (W. Miller). I to 1, won: Sir Edward second, Gateway third. Tlm. 1:481-.' ' " .' On and a quartar mile, selling Iras (Sandy), T to 1. won; Brlsr seoond, Eli third. v Tim. 1:112-6. Six furlongs, . pur Woolma ' (Rob inson), 1 to f. -won; Ocean Bhor eo ond, Canlqu third. Time, 1:1$ 4-. JIM JEFFRIES WANTS THIRTY THOUSAND PURSE (Hearst Hews by loosest liesasd Wire.) Los Angeles, Dec J. Jam J. Jef frie refuaea to stand by th articles signed by Billy Delaney in Baa Fran. Cisco tor a, fight with Squires in Rhyo llt for a purs of $S0,0-4o b split 0 and 49 per cent. "S- . . . -- At t o'clock tonight Jeffries, In aa In terview,' said he iiad heard - from De laney and absolutely refused to fight under th condition named.- - 3f X fight Squire or anx other man, my ahar must b $10,000. win. lose or draw. I don't car what th othr man gets, but I must hav 130,000.. . -. . "I will not stand by anything don in Ban Francisco unless I gat the pur named. Aa far aa I am concerned th matter 1 all off for th present." - . GRAMMAR LEAGUE Lost. Won. Played. Par. Holladay 0 I - 2 Darls , ' . 1 - . 1 Atkinson 1 . 1 - 1000 100 1000 1000 '. 100 Hawthorn ...0 11 Williams Av 1 11, Woodland 1 0 1 Alnsworth ...... .1 . 1 Portsmouth .......1 ,. 0,1 Brooklyn , 1 . '' 1 Stephens . . 1 -0 . 1 Davla will play Hawthorn next Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock. Thl will be on of the fastest gamaa in th league, a .both teama ar ,. evenly matchad. . .., - .- ! . ; ; , .'... Aa most of th young folk ar wish. ing -to know what will be given to th winner of th league, Th Journal will stat that tha prise will b a pratty iivr cup. . Th Davla and Hawthorne teama hav played two game but on wa protest ed by th league official and th gam waa called with th scor of 4 to 0 in favor of Davla. - " - -. . .. ... .. .- .r: Holladay, by winning th last game. goe to tha top of th list, aa it I th only team In th lea true having played two game and won both. , ;- Tha Atkinson school aecond team de feated th Northern Stars yesterday by th acora of 4 to 0. Th gam waa vary fast, but th Atkinson got th ball on tha i Northern It-yard lln and tried for a place-kick which went atralght between th goal post a Th kick waa mad by Olsen. William Avenu wa defeated yea terday morning In the Grammar School leagua by , tha Holladay football team. Th scor waa It to 0. ... n ' v, ' -.' .,.. e ; ''!. , Th Red Star were defeated by th Toung Park In a hard fought- gam yesterday. - Th game waa played on fh latter' ground. Thl waa tha first gam that th Htars hav lost - Th scor stood 11 to 0 at th clo of th gam.v.. , - - r--- , ;- Th Highland football team will play th Hop Golds teem - this morning at Highland. This a very - fast gam and will decide which .1 th bet ter. Both team hava been practicing hard for thla contest. .' " , '.:'' . e , . J Tha Riverside football team-'wlll ply any team In th city at It pound, the gam to he played In the city. For games, call up Main 0020 and ask for Earnsat Blaster. . . . . e e . - .. , , The Highland football team will play th Vancouver team ;on New .Tear'. Thl will be a" fast gam. The- Hlgtri land team waa downed one befor by th vncouver team. S! WS mmm mmm mm mwm, mm mfmmmmfmf m XAJtLT TO BCD and early to rlss.. makes on healthy. pappy ena wise especially ir you take Herbine before retiring. A, positive cur tor Constipation. Iypepla and 11 live.- complaints. Mrs. H t Co- umbla, Tenn., writes: "I always keep up. .. - or your Herbin on hand,- Am o pleased with th relief It a-lves In cnnstlpstlotr knd all liver complaint that word can't axpreae my-pprol Failure of Hall to Get Sufficient Back ing in Sound City Has Caused Him to Seek a Berth in the ' Northwest LeaguawSutut'Of Situation. : (SpeeUI Ptspsteh to The lemil l Seattle. Deo. 29. Seattle baseball conditions ar chaotic Russ Hall-haa gon to Butt, where It Is declared b will b offered th management; of, th Butt team. In the Northwest league with a big guarantee behind tt It I understood hr that Hall has failed la his attempt to Interest capitalists in th scheme to finance a (coast league team her. . If Hall takes -oyer th manage ment of the Butte .. teara th scheme here ,1a. to. hava Darvid K. Dugdaie take charge 'of : th ' SeattI - team, though whether that will be a part of th coast leagu or of a reorganised northwest leagu 1 not determined. , It 1 a case of th last guesses being the cloeeat It la believed her by close observer that ' there la an attempt on - foot to bluff th coast league out of thl terri tory, and thus secur It for- th north west leagua It la not believed that MoCredl -would allow Portland to Join any leagua In which W. H. Lucas had control, but it la figured out that th Northwest leagu . can get along with Tacoma and-Seattle and without Port land. - Seattle cannot Join tha North west leagu unless the territory her la voluntarily v surrendered by th coast people- , . If th latter cannot finance tha team here, hot aver, they will hava ' to step aside and allow othr to do ao, as Seat tI fas will not atand being without baseball. , Dugdal preference ar be lieved to be all with tha northwest peo ple, aa h regard with favor th mor compact circuit mad poaaibl by cut. ting out th California cities. Dugdal will not deny nor affirm th rumor that h la to ba In charg here thl year. . BAKER CITY IS GOOD FOR. THE ATHLETES (Spertnl Dispatch to The Journal.) ' Baker City. Or.. Dec. It- "High alti tude and good air ar responsible for th fact that Baker City produce mor athlete of not hanany other city In Oregon," aya Dan Klly, wotid's cham pion ipnnur, wno is nerefo-maing me Christmas holidays, wlthv, parents. Kelly backa hi tatmentrth tha ath letlo record of the University of Ore gon. H says: " -t- -' . -. '1 "When the new student gets off the train at Eugene with "Baker City marked on hi baggage h 1 seised at ono by th acouta of Trainer, Bill Hay ward, and If ha haa anr athletlo ability at all ha la in for It" , .- "Kid" Herman aaya that If ta hi lucky number. Th agreement for hi coming fight with Gana has It condi tion andth winner's end of th purs 1 fixed at exactly (11,000. Th aouthern college ar going lln heavy for tennis thi winter and quit a fw tournamenta hava been held. Heavy I?ib Fincst $5.00 Flesh Color, Sizes 34 to "42 SPEGIA1L - 87 Third Street t THE OPEN WINDOW STORE Coach Beadek Has -Flnr Material for V First Class Ball Team That Will Make a Tour of the Inland Empire o-Proapects of Situation. ; " ! '.-,' ' . : ' '. y'-i-'ri (Special Dbpatck to The loeraal.) ' . l ' University' of ' Oregon, . Eugene. Or.. baseball season war "never brighter at th University of Oregon than they ar ' thl year and' when college open after in nouoay preparations win o . man for an active season. Prior to last sea son, basebhll was an experiment' but . mihmw. Ik. A f- BliiilMit. AmsAAm to racognlx th great national gam " regular branch or college aport and to appropriate -money for, lta support, - reality. With th-exception of Hobbs, second baseman,, y and . Brown, . right fielder, the varsity will -begin th sea son of 1007 with. all lta veteran of last year. "Shorty" Clifford, the f reshman twirler who made such a good reoord, A last year, will be in th gam again, aa will Hord, th freahman aouthpaw, and Terry Beck. "Buck" Kelly will do tha catching for th team and Dick Hatha way, a Portland bo ye will play hi oldV poaltlon at third base. - Captain Elmer , Pain will be seen at first baas again. and ."Bquee" h Ramp, last year" short- . top will try for second base. - Wlstor Johnson will ha in lift field aaaln.. hut new men will he needed for th other v imaiMVll. ...... V. m.ixr. Ther will be from 15 to 10 candidates for th varsity tearn besides a larg quad or aeoona team piayer. ' -: , " s ' ' Baadsk la Ohaiw. ; ' Loscn rtuao swiv. wm nmvw viwnj. 0 th baseball nn and will begin ac tive work shortly after ' th-holidays. Aa long aa th wet weatber continue practice will b conflsed to th gym nasium, where a baseball "cage" will W . I II. Ppft.m will k. in.n.Ml by Harry Rafferty '07.- . Manager Raf- . ferty has not yet announced hla ached- ule of games but it la understood that tha team will tour the Inland Empire . during tha April vacation. Oamea will b played with Pullman, wnttman, iaa-. no,-totuis ana possimy oiner losma of Eastern Oregon and Washington. After returning from the tour th team will meet Willamette. Oregon lAgrleul tural college. Multnomah and other . Oregon teama. - Willamette won tha cones cnampionsiup urn inv 1 i b season and will b In th field with an other excellent team this1 year. ' Cor-i vallla has never supported a team but. will do tn th future. Thar ta aom excellent baseball material at Oregon " Agricultural -colleg and the atudenta of that Institution will mak a great rrort to tower in coior or in uregon nln. Generally apeaking the outlook for a ucoessful baseball season among tha Oregoa college waa never brighter. : '. T. H. tt A. Beaton. Th Dallas basket-ball team defeated by th aoor of I( to t. . Tha gam waa played at Dallas. - , -. ' ' The ar many Want Ada ta today's , taamal tha will tnta-nast wssx. MEN'S WINTER Mercerized v v a 7 Suit Quality (,. and White , - t , . 3 uon.- or aaia dz au oruggista ,., V I ..... . '. (i , '1 ' -t-' ' , I ' ' .r 7