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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
Tin: czco:i ui:day jcuhijal, , poetlanlv sunday morning, December so, iscjj. In! Thirty , . :--. . , Per Week ? , Thereafter Our Offer Is to Install in Your Home : -r Lither of These .Splendid Ranges on the Ab ove Liberal , Payment Terms Day a ;. If jrW, ',:r- We commence the new 'year, with this most convincing and liberal Range offerto ' ' place in your home and ;guarantee either "The Buck's" or 'The Malieableto fulfill ; ail reqiurements of the modern Range to give satisfying results in cooking'and baking , r to be most economical in their use of fuel, and with proper rare, to last through a v lifetime. In both these; Ranges aire ''combined, those features that -make up. the most ; modern Ranges in the world today superior u material, splendid workmanship and y, finish, scientific construction of oven," firebox, flues, drafts and all other important parts. During the present year our easy-payment plan was the means of placing hundreds of these Ranges in Portland and suburban homes, and we point with a great deal of pride to this army of satisfied users! To" those' who' have in mind the selection of a modern,' a satisfactory Range who woid banish fon is in - Itself a-thorough guarantee of our faith in these' two splendid lines. ; "' ' . " . . I, -'. V WE, WILL TAKE. IN EXCHANGE' V- " YOUR OLD STOVE OR RANGE AND GIVE LIBERAL. ALLOWANCE FOR SAME ' -' r -I '''' " i III'.:' ;' :,;-'i ff'w:yTr iST-"' ' ' J" ( " J ' l:.....-,,.Jl 1 1 v -1 convincing Special Values l ti a One Week's ; 111 Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains " Commencing A tomorrow, in DraperyN Department, Sixth Floor: '280 pairs. of fine and medium price Lace-Curtains; an assortment of -desirable pat terns in Real Arabians, Renaissance, Cluny, Brussels, Irish Points, Corded Arabians, Arabian Cable Nets, Ruffled Nets and Muslins, etc., in i one two and three-pair lots. These Laces we have placed on sale for this week. Attractive clearance sale values are evident in the following: r r ? ' -ir.,:.. fmM mm&T" 8 pairs $1.75 Corded Laces. . . ....85 2 pairs $6 ' 1-f VSMK? n8 1 pair $2.00 Ruffled Nets. ...... ......$1.00 3 pairs $6 i-s'-Jt 1-JI f'fl .11' M? ifl 1 littsll lliw KSrHlSlT0' MILL RURCHASE OF U "f M 2 oal $2.50 White Laces. ... .1 .. .. ..1.25 1 oaif $7.00 Arabian Laces 83.50 AND CLUNY LACU.S.; " YOUK id i : Vi 3 oairs $3.78 White Laces .... ;. , . . . .81.40 , 1 pair $7.00 White Laces . . . . . . .83.50 'CHOICE OF ANY OF THE FOL- 5l 1 Aft T,fnA t KA . 1 K rnir $T.S0 Whit Ijcm.'1 . - . .83.75 ' t mimm . tt a t ttt?cs at 4 ac t a tt o pairs 5j.uu itumea xviusiins. ...... . . .fiiv pir uuiucu Mva...t .xiuv . , : r 3 oairs $3lKrRuffled Muslins .i......;. 81.50 1 pair$8.00 Scrim Curtains... 84.00 i r.1:- rH J ,..'n2 pairs $3.00 White Nets.. ........... .f 1.50 1 pair $8.00 Arabian Laces.... i... . .i. .84.00. f js pairs" Cluny Laces, with insertion..... $4.25 ..L. nnn P.... VT.t. KA I 9 Min 0 ftft CnrAmA T a ' ' HA fit to rt..... r .... 64 OK l pair $3,00 White Lace. ....... ......81.50 3 pairs $8.50 Arabian Laces.. 9 pairs Bow-Knot Arabian Laces $4.00 1 pair $4.00 Arabian Net....;.;..... .82.00 " 1 paif $8.50 Brussels Laces. ..,...,.',,.84.25 - 6 pairs Arabian Corded Laces... ...... .$4.50 ! mW'$so Wl.;t TjirM: . 2.KO 1 nair $10.00 Arabian Laces.. . ........ 85.00 , 9 pairs Cluny Edge and Insertion Laces. $4.50 ; 2 pairs $5.00 Ruffled Muslins........ .82.50 1 pair $10.00 Arabian Laces.... ...... .85.001 P Cluny Laces with edge only $4.50 2 pairs $5.00 White Laces ? pair qiu.ow osw -' ?' . r j- Z"" f "I :i 8 oairs $5 50 White Laces ' 82 75 1 pa" $13.00 White Laces. ......... ..86.50 pa rs Arabian Laces......... $5.50 8 pairs 5.50 White Laces........... vff.7& 9 . KyAWafl T.9rM . ... in 6 pairs Lace Edge Cluny Curtains...... $5.50 1 W, "mm rwhit. " 82 75 2 pairs $13.50 Arabian Laces. ...v.... .$6.75 ; pain Lacetdge L uny cortins......W.OO 1 JSJ $8 M 'Sed Nef ! ' ! ' V ' ' ' SOO 1 Palr 35 White Irish Point........ J6.75 V 12 pairs Corded Arabian JLaces...-.;... $5.50 -:'. A'i.?T "io'ftA 1 pair $15.00 Brussels Laces..... 87.50 vrtTT nrrninv tten ttoi-m tutk da? txa ? airX sm, Ar.un w,,v 2 ir8 $170-Arabian Laces. ........ .88J75 A tX,,7tx rneDTAT ta , V 1 pair $6.00 Corded Laces. .83.00. . . 1 f air $20.00 Ivory Laces .810.00 LOWING SPECIAL LOT AT 81.05 PAIR ' I pair $6.00 Corded Laces. ,;..:S3.00 3 pairs $25.00 Ivory Laces.... ...... 812.50 22 pairs Arabian Laces; reg. value, pair. .$3.00 f 2 pairs $6.00 Arabiaii Laces. .....f.. .83.00 l pair $27.50 White Laces... ........$13.75 21 pairs Arabian Laces; reg. value, pair. .$3.50 . 2 pairs $0.00 White Laces. ....... ....83.00 2 pairs $37.50 Arabian Laces. i.. ...... 818.75 13 pairs Arabian Laces: reg. value, pair. .$3.75 - 9. nair ? Kft Ttni.cU I . Stl.2fS , 1 niir $fiJ5 0ft Arahian Tjir.. ?t2.?Ul 9i.r9tra AroKi'nr T ar-m rrr v1. n,i, ti 7H Specials IN TH CROCKRRY AND HARDWAll&:JEMLTMtT Basement, Special for tomorrow . and Wednesday only,: Three : sizes in Wash Basins and Water . Pails, in the granite, ironware. The following values will inter- . - est economical shoppers : a ' - , WASH BASINS ,-: v. Regular 25c size; special........ 15 Regular 30c si2e;pdciaU..,.'..",20 . Regular 35c size; special;.... ...25 , WATER PAILS ' , v Regular 50c values in 10-quart siae; . . .special ,...., .'.yv.30 ; Regular 60c values jn J2-'fuart; sizej special t. ....... .......... 40 Regular 75c values in 14-quart size; special ...............501 Store Closed All Day Tuesday New Year's Day If YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD i ML j lC0MPLETEH005E-FURHI5HER5i ilAKE YOURlj )WH TERMS)) Mail Orders Will Receive Our CaVcfulx and Prompt Atten-.- tion ::-r.:,:. BRYAU NOT TO BE Commoner to Remain In City but One Night and No Formal , Reception Will Be Given. COMMITTEE TO MEET ; ' C v HIM AT STATE LINE Bryan Will Visit but Hires Towns In "'State and Will Not Linger Any- whtro Prominent - Democrats Ap--pointed on Committers. . , Accordlnf to th rrnsiit which ' hv now ben completJ. William jnnln Bryan will not maao iny -tendad tour, of tho stato of Oregon, ,-nor will ba b banquotod In thla cltjr by Ma fellow Dmocrat. leflnli word haa Nn rceelrcd to hla .Intonded vUlt to tha atata and Mr. rtryan will lorture In Portland bou: Jurmary St or it,' nd"r the atiaplcen of the T. M. C A,- RacapUon. eoiumiUaaa conipuaad v X -J William "Jannlnga Bryan. of Damocrata wara appolntail re'.rjay to confer all poenlble eourtavlaa on Bryan whan ha arrived her. Mr. Bryan will vlalt but thru towna In tha ttT- bla aehadul la now de termined and ha will not ba able to accept reception of any kind that would Interfere with Ma anffaa-ementa. Tha other towna that will be fortunate enough to receive a vlalt Trom .Mr. Bryan at thla time are Salem and Eu gene. ' . . . ' Tha atate commlt'ej ntimd below, of which Bute Senttor U. .-Millaa of Lebanon ia ehalrtnan, will meet Mr. Bryan at tha atata Una ' betwei here and Taooma. Thla commit fee, mnde up of repreaentativea from every county in tha atata, will then turn him over to tha city committee, alao named bolow. vWhlia la "the city Mr. Bryan win ba the irueat of D. M. 'Wataon at tha Im perial hotel, and will apend but tha one night here. At Balem mora Of an op portunity will be given tha people for vlaltlng with tha great commoner, aa ba will be thera moat of tho next day after bla appearance In Portland. The following la a Hat of tha men appointed from tha different countlee of the atate to receive Mr. Bryan: Btate Senator M. A. Miller of Linn, chairman; Everett Hlcka, of Grant; J. C, Foley, of. Harney; J. D. Olwell, of Jarkaon; J. O. Booth, of Joaephlne: Judge Qeorge Baldwin, of Klamath; Dr. Bernard Daly, of Lake; J.-D. Mattock, of Lane; W. O. Peteraon. of Lincoln; Will R. King, of Malheur; J. B. Meaalck. of Baker; B. F. Irvine, of Benton: J. K. Hedciaa. of riackamaa; John H. Smith, of Ciataop; W. B. Dlllard, of Columbia; A. J. Sherwood, of Cona; W. A. Booth, of Crook: S. B. Maater of Curry; De ter Rice, of Douglae; Judge B. Dunne, of Qtlllam: W. H. Holmea, of Marlon; Sam B. VanVaeter. of Morrow; Ales 8 week, of Multnomah; 0"car Hayter, of Polk; R. Lj Campbell, of Sherman; B. O. Snuffer, of Tillamook; W. F. Mat lock, of Vmatltla; . Turner Oliver, of tTnlonj D. W. Shehan, of Wallowa; Judge A. S." Bennett, of Waaco; W. H., Wehrung, Of .Waehlngton; P. L. Keeton,' of Wheeler, and Cher lea V. Oalloway, of Tamhlll county. . Tha committee that wilt recetvn Mr. Bryan In -Portland Inrlndea the follow-' lug; - Qeorge Lj. j Uutehlna, chairman; D. M. Wataon. N. A. Peary, C B. S. Wood, R. D. Inman. Pat Powere, B. S. J. McAUtater. John Manning, M. J. Mai ley, H. W. Stone, W. T. Vaughn, Tom Word. Thomaa O Day and R. W. Mon tague. LICENSE MONEY FOOTS UP WELL Hunters Pay Nearly Five Thou sand Dollars Into County . Treasury In One Year. .' Four thousand, four hundred and thlr-ty-aevan dollar were paid . In Multno mah county for huntera lloenaea during !. according to a report aubmltted by Deputy County - Clerk Herman - O. Schneider. A total of ,SI lloenaea were laauad during the 'year. Of theae eight were laaued to non-rcaldente of A JaTyaoulowa Oura. The- fohowlnf atatement by H M. Adama and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will interest parenta and others: "A mirac ulous cure haa taken plaoe In our home, uur child had eraema I yeara and waa pronounced Incurable, when we read about, F.lectrtc Bitter, and eoncluriMl to try 1L Before the aeoond bottle wae- air taken we notion a change for the better, and after taking I bottles he waa completely cured." It's the up-to-date blood metUclnej and . body building tonic. Guaranteed. I0 and 11.90 ti Ked.Croei fharmacy. . the atata. All the revenue derived from huntera licenses ia paid Into the atate treasury, and la applied to paying the aaiane ana expenses of the gam war- aena. Deputy Schneider began Isaulng li cense xor litT yeaterday. Twenty-llv lloenaea were Issued during tha day. County Clerk Fields" decided to berln lasutng. the lloenaea before tha first of the year to accommodate huntera who would otherwla miss their New Tear's sport by being unable to secure lloenaea on New Tear" day, which la a legal holiday. License for nest year, may be aecurea tomorrow also. On tha backa of an tha 1607 licenses la printed a concise statement of th Oregon game law,, arranged by Deputy uounty Clerk Schneider. The open aea son for different klnda of game In all parta of Oregon la abown by a ahaded diagram. The bag Ilmlta, penalties and a atatement of the thing that are al way unlawful In hunting are Included. FROZEN FOG WEIGHTS' J V EVERYTHING WITH ICE 4 . " MMMMM,M " fltpedat Dtspetek te Tse Jeeraal.) V - Condon, Or., Deo. 19 A dens ' fog haa enveloped thla place during tha paat week. 'The accompanying eold weather haa made It very dlaag-reeable. The network of telephone and electrle light wire on Main etreet and all tha tree In town are loaded with lee nearly two Inohea In thickness. It la thawing slightly now, and the large amount of cifslMiur off the wlrec make it un safe for people to paaa under Mem. . TO BEHELD NEXT fEDNAY Details of Annual 'Gathering of Portland Chamber of Com '; merce Arranged. BANQUET TO FOLLOW' . ELECTION OF OFFICERS Governor. Chamberlain ' and Other Notable! ' Are , Programed ' to De fiver Short Addressee -Meeting Planned by Commercial Bodies, The annual gathering of the Portland chamber of commerce haa fnlally. been arranged for next Wednesday evening1, January , at the quarters of the Port land Commercial club, comer of Alder and Sixth street. The buitneee 'meet ing will be held at I o'clock, and at -It conclusion the member of the cham ber Will join In an Informal sideboard luncheon la th banquet room, which la the only way the large membership can be simultaneously accommodated There will be short addresse by Qov emor George E. . Chamberlain, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Joseph N. Tea! and the newly elected president of the chamber. Orchestral mualo and vocal election will enliven the evening's entertain ment v. ; i ... ,. The regular meeting of the Portland board Of trad, postponed on account ol the holidays, will he held or) Tuesday, January S, at' the rooms of 'the' board In the Chamber of Com me roe building." The Commercial " club wllr give it first -popular f Cclook dlriner for-busl . nets men and their guest on Thure day -availing of this week, Instead, of Friday evening, aa first announced. The -initial function 'wljl be limited to 121 plates, on account of lack of .available spaos. It will; be a "dollar dinner.'' for members and their men friend In commercial and-professional life. Abort Speeches and discussion of current top les affecting the city welfare, will b heard. ,'i"'' " ' '.-' ' i President F. W. Lead better will pre Ida. A general topic of dUflusslon will be announced. It i believed thn keeq Interest shown bybuslnes men In the various movements that, are working for the growth of (he city and t,.e de velopment .of the atafe wJU, be mani fested In a large attenilrn- at ILo din ner,, and -a .general participiuion-m th dlauttsaloha. , .. .- , 15o Scenic Phcio C ' Flri ' orlftfriel "'phoJ Oregon view, a dalntv t most approiirlate I other else. ap1 I Co, Udia' lott.-, I vt ' 'CFfTT -rTTr: r; l..; , ... .....