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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
13 WOODMEN TO INITIATE 500 NEVJ MEMBERS STORE WIL.L, 13 B CLOSED AL17DAY;TUECDAY The Store Votad for Bat ' Ooods at Zvowest rrioss - Kodes Varla . rattens at now saUla- p. q Osats. ' Big Barrsisa la. f veix 9 yaitmsmV Boat salsa them. NO WON aessiaeBedaotloas on woods BsjUlsrd asaks aa4 aUty Extraordinary prica redu'etiona throughout the tort during this great sale. Thousands of dollars worth of briaht. new Merchandise must be sold to make room for the incoming spring stocks. All remnants, odd. pairs, etc-' at about nau price, mail oraers nuea w any siuci iuyuku. samples on request. OtlR flPEAT U JANUARY: B AILE BlBBBBBBSBBSBaBBBBSBaBSBBBBaBBBBSlBBM " . t i vS-.',--.- "X X "' - ' 'tt4'. P -v; - f , y v - - s - .-: . V A. I Barber, President Building As- fSfefyr X H. Schade, Treuurer of Building Af- ociation. '.,, X x I.. " iociation." - I 1 ' X. I. Boak, Head Consul, Pacific Jurisdiction W. O. W. 1 ; I f ' f i A -' ( j 1 1 l E. Snodgrait of Eugene, Head , Banker. J. J. Jennings, Vice-President Build' ing Association. . - Elaborate exerela will cbarsrtorlM th Initiation of tSO motnbora Into the Woodmen of the Worl.l and the dedl ctloa of the handsome new - temple on Eleventh street, between WiohlnK ton and Alder. The eercle will l' rln Monday erenlnj and continue until Tueeday arternoon. i , . ,At S o'clock Monday evorttnf Wood men will aasembla at their new Foreat. where the claaa .f (00 candidate will be Initiated Into the mylttrlea ..f Wood craft. There are two large halls In the new temple and. it has . been ar ranged to uae both of them. In the lower ball the work will be conducted bjr the following off loere: Conaul commander. William Reldt; past conaul. C O. Johna; advisor, Lieu tenant A. 8. McCormtck; banker C C Scott; eacort. W. H. Smith; watrhmnn, ' J. W. fitephenaon; gentry, J. W. Mc Carthy! manager. E. D. WllllPraa, Oeorge Reynard and J. H. Bush, as alsted br prospect company, uniform rank, under command of Captain Johns. OOoers is Oaats. ' ' Offlcers who will bare charge of the Initiation In the upper ball will be: H. L, Day, General Otgaltiser for Oregon of Woodmen of World... ' Past consul, J. J. Jennings; consul-commander, C A. Elliott; advisor, C 'C. Bradley;. bankerr-T. J. Murphy; clerk, A. I Barber; escort, Charles Bequette; watchman, 4L A. Fredrick; sentry,. A. J. Murphy; managers, George Tabler, A. B. Ferrera, M. T. Woodard, assisted by Portland company, uniform rank, under command of Captain A. B. Brown. After the initiation a, banquet will be served to all Woodmen. . W. C Hamleyjof Salem, Head Consul ' At bothUUa etercl" Woodmen from all parts of the , Jurisdiction are ' ex pected to be present. Head Consul I. I. Boak and several head camp offlcers will .participate In the work. On Tuesday evening , the dedication ball will be given in the two halls. Music will be furnished by Everest's and Fox's or chestras. A beautiful f 360 piano will be given sway as a door prise. , FnbUe Invited. ' . The public is cordially invited to at tend the dedication exercises on Tues-1 day evening. Head Conaul BnakrwJU dedicate -the new tempi to Woodcraft and will be- assisted by the following officers: Past Consul M. T,- Woodard, Conaul eemmander. A.VX'. Barber, Ad visor Lieutenant C. A. Elllottr-BanTfer W. 8. Oaylourd. Clerk H. Shade, Physl- I clan W. I. Cot tell; Escort C. C Brad ley, Watchman N. Bird. Sentry A. J. Murphy, Managers W. S. Ward. H. I Day and Oeorge Tabler. The following program baa been srranged: Orchestra; "Objects of Woodcraft," A. B. Ferrera; quartet, "Hold Thou ray Hand," (Oounod) , Mrs. Walter Reed, j Miss Lawler, Mr. Belcher, Mr. Zart; "Brief History of W. O. W.." Head Con sul T. T Rmk' solo. "Aire Wall' fflmttV I Mra. Walter Reed; "Woodcraft in Life and Death," Charles Bequett; orchestra; -History Tjf- aurlsaictlon." Hon; Con srressman W. C. Hawlev: duet. . "Come Unto Me' (Fame), Mr. Belcher; MtTl'41 Zan; "Our New Forest." J. J. Jennings; solo, "My Redeemer . and My Lord" (Buck), Mlsa Lawler; dedication. Head Consul L I. Boak; trio; "Protect Us Our Father" (Nicolas)," Miss Lawler, Mr. Belcher, Mr. Zan; orchestra; address. Mayor Dr. Harry Lane; Response, I. It Boak. head consul Paclflo Jurisdiction Woodmen of -the World; accompanist. Miss Grace Kemp, ; . Dress Goods ance CITlZEfJS TO BUY FIRE ENGINE : ' Residents of Mt Scott District to Raise Subscription to Pur- ' ? :f. chase Flame Destroyer.' BUSINESS MEN ARE TO SIGN JOINT NOTE Engine House Will Bt Located Near ! Arieta Store Two Volunteer Corn I paniea to Be Formed Additional . News of East Portland; V Bast Bids BspartsMBt. . : . A ft-gaJlon double cylinder chemical ' - engine, weighing MOO pounds and to coat 1760, will be bought by the eitltens of ' ' the Mount Scott district, embracing the ' towns from Anabel to Nashville. ; At a meeting nlghr before last in the ' laturelwood hall, final action was taken ' In regard to the location of the engine house and the style of engine wanted, i The meeting was well attended and v ,: cry detail unanimously agreed upon. Jay Gould. Will Willour and Henry R. Baker were appointed a committee to complete final arrangements for the purchase of an engine of the above de scription. About $:00 is now on hand and the business - men of the -district will be" asked to sign a Joint note for the balance, so as to secure the engine at once. Payments wllLjthen be made on the note, and It is expected that the engine will be paid for in s short time by subscription. Two - locations for the engine were proposed, ons near th Arieta pharmcr1ll It is hoped to get It before the and another near the store of J. Cvln nlngham In Arieta. ' After some consld e rat ton the latter was choaen, as the use of the land waa donated Indefinitely and it seemed altogether the better sit uated of the two places for the use of the fire company. i A book and ladder company Is being organised at Naabvllla and it is likely that one will also be organised at Ana bel. With this equipment the cltlsens of those communities feel reasonably fSecure. It was sbsolutety necessary to get such an apparatus as the chemical, since no water can be had In the dis trict. Many from all parts of the sec tion have subscribed liberally already for the engine, and- confidence In the project is voiced on all aides. . Deatlst 0ets Judgment. . ' Judgment was swarded in favor of Dr. W. S. Drake agalnat Andrew Oagne by Justice Olson of the eaa.t side jus tice court this week In an action brought by the former for s dentist's bill of 115. Along In March and April of 10 the plaintiff says that he performed some dental work for Mrs. NM. Lacuer, ana was promised payment for aame by the defendant, Andrew Gagne, and up to this time had not received all the compensation. - The defendant. In his snswerj eon tended that he had only obligated him self for the modest sura of It, and an arrangement had been made that be waa to do carting and general express work for the doctor In part payment, for aame. He aald that he carried trunks and did other work for the plaintiff to the, value of SI. 76, and when he wished to settle for the remainder he was In formed that -the bill was more than IS. The charter committee appointed by the city of St. Johns did not meet Fri day night, but the final touches to the new charter will be put on at the next meeting, which will occur next Friday evening. The charter will then be ready for the consideration of the coun- people so It can be adopted In time for the city election that occurs In April. Several Important measures have been changed in the new document and new provisions Inserted that will Improve the municipal government of St. Johns considerably. In the opinion of those who have been working upon the char ter and those . who understand the changes. It Is desired In St. Johns to Increase the srea of the - city an extend the limits so as to include the new $1,000, 000 packing plant now being built by Bwirt at Co. It is the plan to extend the boundary lines to the north and northwest, which, if accomplished." will Include In the city of St. Johns of the future the whole of the peninsula. The matter-may come up'before the people at the next election, and If -this terri tory is added Bt Johns - will contain eight square miles where now It con tains but four square miles. STOCKMEN LOOK FORWARD TO BACKWARD SPRING Thought of Disasters This Would Bring Makes Outlook Very Ctoomy. KILBORd REPORTS EIHE WEATHER Voyage From San Francisco One . of the Most Pleasant Ever Recorded! Every fastidious family in the city utilizes liquors bearing this ,;-. i ' ' trade-mark ' jy Quality, like truth, commends itself honesty pays better i .. .. ' , '-, ', ' ' than deception..' ; " , (Special Dlipatcb te The JouroiU Baker City, Or.. Dec, 2. With the streets of Baker City and the roads of the county a sea of mud for the past two weeks, there la a gloomy outlook for the stockmen of this dlstrlCPV Every indication points to the latest spring In 20 years, with hay at exorbitant prices and ran go Inaccesslbrer- Baled hsy Is now $13 a ton, and loose hay fit. With these prices so early In the winter. It is hard to estimate the prices that feed will reach In the event of a late spring. Last night there were Indications of a freese, but another thaw followed early this morning, snd it has been warnt all day. - i' At present the warm weather Is great ly beneficial to- stockmen using range, for many horses are out and little hay is-being fed, but they say the gain now will be more than lost if the spring is late, and all figure the danger of quick cold snaps catcbrng cattle and abeep on (ha range and doing Inestimable dam age. ' This la keeping many from turn ing out their stock, they preferring the feeding of htgh-prteed hay. to the tak ing of chances of losing their "stock. HOLIDAY RATES Aamoaaoed to Ooeam Beaches. To enable patrons to visit ocean beaches during the Christmas holidays, the O. R. N. Co. will on December 14 and II, and January 1. sell round rip tickets to all North Beach points st s rate of It. SO. For further Informa tion ask at city ticket office. Third and I SEA AS SMOOTH AS IN SUMMER TIME Vessel Comea Into Port With Some : of Upper Work Damaged as Re sult of Collision in San Francisco Bajr Two Coasters to Sail. Remnants, broken color lines and all winter weight Press Goods at greatly reduced prices. Remember, every yard of goods we ' own Is first class and strictly -up-to-date. No shelf-worn or shoddy goods for sale at any price. You can't afford to overlook this great bargain chance. Out of town folk will do well to send their mail orders" tO"t; We guir antee the best of satisfaction, both as to Quality and price. $1.50 Petticoats at 98c Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, extra, good -weight and quality, sev eral styles with accordion plait and ruffles; regular $1.50 and $1.65 qualities. .Choice, while the lot lasts, .as r ., ,. FURS REDUCED Our entire 11ns of High-. Grade Furs at about half -regulsr prices. Youllfind real bargsins here. ; Sample Spring Suits at Cost' We have just received a manufacturer's sample' line of New Spring Suite. The very newest atlea and fabrics are repre sentedneat stripes and checks in fight gray and cream in the natty Eton and Jacket models. Better buy your spring suit now and aave money. , See window. , , ! M If K I : JanuaryrSale Undermuslins Corset Cover, made of best cambric, 2 rows lace insertion, regular 3Sc Yte quality. - Sal . .. .Xsjy Corset Cover, made of extra fine cam bric, deep lace yoke, beading anL, Afltj ribbon, 65c value. Sale V Muslin Skirts, extra quality, with deep -embroidery flounce, 5 rowsCf tucks, dust ruffle. Sale ..... , . P Is Cambric Drswers, our regular 40c grade, hemstitched flicks and lace trim- ItZ- med. - Sale price ZOC Cambric Gown, neatly trimmed with em broidery, lace and ribbons, $1.50 07r snd $1.63 quslities. Sale., ' I 'Sample Line of New Spring Waists on Sale at About Half Price. Table Linens ; Reduced 60-inch Loom Dice Damask, extra, heavy and good wearing quality ! 40c value. Sale V O.yC price .- 72-inch ' Cream - Damssk, double .' warp and regular' 75c grade, aev- ,. eral patterns. ,Sale ; 50t"- price wUv ; 66-inch Satin Damask, wears and : washes like linen, our. rg. C s 85c grade. Sale price..... .UsJC 18x36 Hemmed Huck Towels, pure white, extrs heavy and our best 20c grade. Sale , ... nir price . . i ..;......,...... 2S 18x36 Turkish Bath Towela," with heavy double twitted warp, regu- lar 22c value. Sale - 1 C .' price ...............IOC January Sale Curtains 100 pairs Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2tf yds. 5Qr long, regular 50c value. Sale price. uOW ""Ruffled Swiss Curtains, lsce stripe P'' ()C ' tern, 3 yds. long, extra wide, $1.50 quality. 156 pairs Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yds.t (f long, 50 inches wide, $1.50 vaL , Sale..PIeIU January Sale Knitwear Women's Fine . Swiss Ribbed Vests and Pants,, j hand finished, with silk tape and crochet 2Qf J edge, best 85c quality; -January safe,.....s70W ( WcVen's ' Fine Wool Vests and Pants, in gray ar'iream, flai or ribbed,' onr .. regular 07. SfvLJand $1.50 grades.' ' January sale.....,y V;T LACE CURTAIIN EINDS.-lCd 7c-19c-23c ?to 7Bg Ea. n w is it- HI IIS )S m ii ii is us IH ia Iw M jIj.itJl.iiij..lillilIIHiiiiint-J'-J-J-J--J--- Portland , Agents for Warner's and Thomson's Corsets. . ' STREETS Portland . 'Agents for' Warner's ; and Thomson's Corsets. P. Fuller A Co and aalde from her belns close to losing- a valuable charter the consignees of the cargo are anxious to have her reach port because 'there Is a demand for the cement. There la a possibility of the Turgot being the vessel that was dismasted In the hard blow off the coast about a month ago, and of which a report waa brought here by Captain Evans taf the British ship Olenerlcht If so the final fate of . the craft and her crew will probably never be known. ' ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer F, A. Kilburn arrived here last night at T 'o'clock from San Fran cisco, via Eureka and Coos bar, bring ing' about SO passengers and a full car- every effort will be made to have her so. - She tied uo at Off street dock and i sail Tuesday morning. She has been ' The French bark Hochs completed her wheat cargo yesterday and will probably leave down today. The Brit ish barks Formosa and Glenalvon are expected to finish loading tomorrow. The- Norwegian steamer Christian Mlchelsen Is under time charter and will discharge the freight this morn Ing, if arrangements to that effect can be made, so as to get away for the south tomorrow night,' as originally In tended. , . . Captain McLellan reports a fine voy age up the coast. The sea was unuau- ally calm and the breese was favorable, so that better than average speed was made. The run up the river was made In eljfht hours, which Is also a little belter- than the usual performance of the Kllbum. , In making a landing at San Francisco the Kllburn'a starboard aide brushed up against the bowsprit- of the schooner Rita Newman and some of the stanch ions carrying. ie upper works were smashed. '" The damage was of little consequence and did not delay the Steamer much- t " Two coasters will sail this morning. The steam schooner Northland, CaptWln Jumlesen, leaves for San Francisco at S o'clock, and the steam achooner South Bajrls scheduled to get away about the same time. The . Northland finished loading lumber at the mills of Inmin, Poulaen Co. last night, and the South Bay completed her cargo of lumber at the mills of the Portland Lumber com pany. .7 . . . ; ' RACE AGAINST TIME rreaca Bark Torgot Zs MtlU Battling With tb Winds. ) fp to a late hour last night the' over due French bark Turgot had not put In her appearance off the Columbia river, -f and ahe now has only two days In which ' to reach the river In time to aave her outward possibly be sent on not have arrived bv Monday mornlna. The csptaln Is aware of her charter.' being In jeopardy, and he Is undoubtedly making the hardest kind of race against time. ' The Turgot left Antwerp July 20 with In the harbor only since the beginning of the week and has received unusual ly Quick dispatch despite the holidays. The Port lend 4 Aslatto -liner Arabia will probably get away New Tear's day for the orient, although the flour will have to be sent Into her hold at double quick time to accomplish this. The steamer finished discharging her. In ward cargo yesterday afternoon. The bark Agate, which put back to Astoria several weeks ago in a water logged condition, reached Ban Fran cisco yesterday In tow of the tug Sam son. The bark was given temporary repairs before leaving the city by the sea for the second time. . MARINE NOTES 'Astoria. Dee. SI. Condition of the bar at s p. m., rough; wind south 11 miles; weather cloudy. Arrived at I and left up at 11 a. m., steamer F. A. Kilburn. from San Francisco and way ports. Arrived st S:lt a. m., schooner Abble, from - San Francisco. Arrived at 3:25 p. ro., achooner F. 8. Redfleld, from San Francisco. , . San Francisco, Dee. St. Arrived at 4 a. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, from Portland,' and bark Agats In tow of tug Samson, from Astoria. Sailed at 2 p. m., ateamer k Roanoke, for Portland and way ports. SCHOOL LEVY HIGH ENOUGH TO PAY BONDS , - -, ' .. ("pedal Dispatch to The JeoraaL) ' The Dalles, Or Dec 2. At a meet- . Ing of the taxpayers of this school dis trict, including the city, a special school tax of 7 H mills was voted. This IS to meet expenses for the current year snd to pay 120,000 jpf the bonded Indebted ness. The property In the district Is as sessed at S1.7si.60, an Increase of $14, S2S over the valuation of last year. The total disbursements for the past year were tlS.48t.8t, and the receipts tlS.Tl!.tJ. leaving a deficit of The heavy tax will be cheerfully borne by the taxpayers, who take great pride In the schools snd are determined to ' keep them up to the highest standard. Soma KlBstrels at MostlaavOle. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) McMlnnvtlle, Or., Dec ts. Last night and tonight local talent put on a first class - minstrel show at the Imperial theatre, under the direction of D. A. Doty. The. house waa crowded . both" , nights. A play Is to be given later by local talent. . . 1st II V . -vi -r , , 1 . , i . . j. wiiguuu ruiM i -. ' xi years, exceed uie combined sa a .t ff a I -asaess-fc I " - Bee, the blend ot A ' l-r: rJ s I of all tl. otner wholesome y mJ ell as most V ' V: k Washington streets, Portland. Oregon. I a full cargo of "cement consigned to W. Drink the Brazilian coffee and stimulating, economical Anything dearer than ArbudW ARIOSA is js ncr gig tun tu m 5? h;r. A.houfd The travagant and no one can sell at gooq coaee tor the same pnee. People who' drink Arbuckles' ARIOSa Coffee are not dys peptict with fashionable nerves wBo take vacations in Sanitariums, on featherweight rations, ,but the healthy vigorous manhood and womanhood that constitute , the useful majority.'"' The first roasted packaged coffee ; sales of Arbuck lc ARIOSA Coffee for 37 Jes ffees. packaged In sealed packages only for " your protection. Don't buy loose coffee out of a bag, bin or tin that . the roaster is ashamed to seal in a package with his name on it If your grocer won't supply . write to . ' . . - ARBUOCLE BROS, ' , . Ji ' 7 " c'; ;.." I KYkCs 4 ll "1 A . r