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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
THS OZCON-DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND.' SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1808. M - Y0w-n'Yc-!t3 mum "J Com$rvatlw Cmttodl" .1 TOMIOHfi AMTfUMEMTS. !, Ilrtllg , om M.ItIMo in 'Is honklM" .LUUae Lawreiiro la "Trilby1 'Tti hall - J . it n -rrle 'r....,,.,.A ...... ."The Saltan's DMrbk" Panta(e VmSnllK Craod , VaedoTlue "Arraa r.a rogue All th BlDlOTU of' A. 1 Mlalnha.)! Co. received their usual New Tear's present from h . i. , Jut before his departure for the east jo r. HiAinhiAh it . .a 1 aaleamen an envelope containing a let ter Of thanks tar lh. nxlnlul'i .-w r durln th Paat year and aJo VIUK.-K. an, 8iM or tne check varied ao cording to the length of service of the employe. Mr. Btelnbaoh will be absent about alz weeks. Hie family 4a In . . . W,H "turn with them. - At the Commercial club ' laat night; co, wholesale Implement deal' ' res, tendered a banauet to their em. ployee and stockholder. Among the tocanoiders present were Ralph w. HoyL William Martsler and SL' I Thompson. The banquet proved a very enjoyable affair." AfJtta conclusion the employes presented jona a. ueait, man agar of the company, with a handsome . uuiureua. ( . ; ,; An entertainment In konn, TV T Beakey was given at the Woodmen of the WorM hall An - Vimt lvH ic nignt oy tne members or Camp No. 77. Mr. Beakey a home la In Hel ena, Montana, but until recently he was a member of the local camp.. He la the Woodmen ormnlaer end will assist in, the membership work here. afrs. A. M. Cox. , wife of former Can- tain of Police Cox. who was taken to St. Vincent's hospital the Orst of the .week suffering, from appendicitis, la recovering alowly from the operation. It Is expected that she will be able to return to her home at 191 East Nlne- street tomorrow. . i M . ' . Articles of Incorporation of the Henlon-Henley company were filed In tne orrice of the .county clerk this morning by W. B. Btarr, F. N. Henlon, Burl M. Henley and Myrta M. Henlon. The company will deal In dairy, poultry and farm products. Capital stock. ee.vvv. J. H. Wright, a member of the exec utive board of the Carman's union, de clares that M. J. Brulay, who was ar rested for assaulting a conductor and fined Itt la not a atrlker at alL .He says the union can And no evidence that Brulay was ever on the street cars. ' Owners of property on Grand avenue nave rued a petition to the council for the Improvement of that thoroughfare with' bltullthlo pavement from East Everett to a point 71 .feet south, of East Pine, t The petition represents mors than the necessary one-third of the Every week we call for a suit of clothes, sponge and press It, sew on buttons, sew up rips and deliver It back to you and glye you eight shoe shines a month for (la month. Unique Tall vrtng Co, lot Stark street, between nrtb and sixth. , . .. . Striking Car Men's Ball New, Tear's eve (Monday) Merrill's halLT llt.OO phonograph and records from Ktlers given away at the door. Four beaut! ..II . AM.lA.tK W - era. , Ladies free. .. . ..... . ; Woodmen of the ' World. New temple. Eleventh . street, between Washington and Alder. -&) piano door prise. . See the piano at Eiisrs Piano House. Load a. up for Christmas and Hew Tear's with , reading matter. Carl Jones has all the January magaslnea and all the leading dallies 4th and Washington. - ' . " Do not mlas this opportunity George Jsbour Co., 141 Washington street. great holiday oriental rug and laos sale now on. It per cent reductions, , . "A White Stone" Is the strange sub ject of Or. House Sunday night at First Congregational ohuroh. Special music by choir. Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Wsshougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at I p. n. . The library will be open new year's day. Tuesday, January 1. from 1 until p. m., for reading only., t , " Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal 011 and line gasoline. Phone Eaat Tit. Woman's Exchange, its Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. Russian baths. 207 Third, ltc Ladles' hours lam. and I p. m. kx "Publlo stenographer. Phone Paotflo II." The East Side Bank r has . removed' ' to new bank building, corner Grand avenue and East Wash ington streets. ' " ; 15c Scenic Photo Calendars. Fine original photographs, choicest Oregon views, a dainty calendar and the moat appropriate holiday souvenir; other sices, J6o and -1 5c. Klaer Photo' Co., ladles' lobby, Imperial hotel. 1 - Fief owed1 Stock Ceased Creed. Allen Lewie' Best Brand, . What is the use of spending your entire life in toil for others, allowing them to reap the profit of your labor? Why not establish a business of your own and be in ' dependent? -: ' i . . s If you will make it a point to save a certain percent age of your earnings and deposit them in bank you will be surprised at the rapidity with which your accounts will grow. You will be saving money and stablishing a credit that j will enable you to take advantage of oppor tunity and lift yourself, from among the-ranks of. wage earners. : ,. . ."',.. ; .. ' --' " Deposit your savings with us. We will guard them for you and assist you with our help and influence. -We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts. ; V 4 of the Safety De- . -pos t t Va u 1 ts of 1 ; The Orecoa Trust end Savlcc3 Ddnlc is separate from the , , matri office and con- : .'sists of a handsome-y ; ly furnished Parlor, ; Dressing Rooms ; ' .'. and Lavatory. '. v' A r.Iatrrlcd VYoiaca may rent a Safe De ' posit Box and have 'the exclusive use of J' lt, , free' from the ' ' control of her hus- -";:C band and all other . j -t persons. . . " . The Superintendent . -of the Safe Deposit -Department will be ; pleased-to receive'. Lady Visitors be- : tween the" hours 9 ' A. M. and 6 P. M.- Slxtb tad IVfshls;t3a. St&, NEEDS OF UMATILLA AGO EASTESil OREGON Especially Supreme Court Build ' ings and Library Con ference Tonight. ' Pendleton. Or., Dec 31. This svenlng the Umatilla county legisUtlvo delega tion wlU meet with citlxena of this place and vicinity at the Commercial associa tion rooms to talk over the legislation that Is desired. Among the subjects that will be brought up at this confer ence wlU be that of a bill for a supreme eouri ouuqing ana library for this city. There la little doubt that the delegation will be naked to work for such a bill, as It Is one of the great needs of east ern Oregon. . On Monday next most of the legal fraternity of the county will meet In the elty regarding the big Walla Walla water suit, and while assembled the subject of a building and library will be taken up. District Attorney Phelps Is taking a great Interest In the propo sition. It has been suggested that the Umatilla county bar take the matter up with, other lawyers of the state. With their Inducement it Is hoped the bill win carry. i Many subjects which will coma before the Umatilla county delegation will be uisoussea at tne meeting tonight. SHALL BAKER'S STREETS ; BE PAVING OR MUD? ' (Special Dtapatcs to The JoaMkaL) Baker City, Or., Deo. J I. Next M"on. day a motion to -strike out portions of defendant's s newer in ths Bsksr City paving . case, will be argued before Judge Smith, i ' This case Is . an Injunction suit brought by S. A. Hellner st al against the city of Baker City, the council and the mayor. - The city la enjoined from paving the streets with btthulltle pave ment. . . Mayor ' Johns, John I Rand and Butcher, Clifford Correll appear as attorneys for the defendants and Hart ft Smith and Dan J. Malarkey of Port land for the plaintiffs. . , . Upon this case depend the future streets of Baker City and as at present they are a sea of mud the greatest in terest is felt in Its outcome. OLD YEAR 1906 NEW YEAR 1907 The Wladiag V Sail of the Tear as a Benefit Oarmea's Vale Valuable Gifts . Brand Celasrattoa. Dancing the Old Tear out and the New Tear In Monday night, Deo. tl, will be one of the features of the Car men's Union ball at Merrill's hall. Sev enth and .Oak. . Novelty entertainment between each dance, four beautiful gold medals for the best lady and gent waltsers and two-step dancers of Port land, and a grand door prise o. a fine phonograph and records from Eller Bros, given away at the door are a few of the features offered. Beautiful calcium light affects for moonlight dances. Buy your ticket early from your favorite car man, as there will only be room for t,000 people Oents, lOo. Lady danoerg free. British Ambassador Departs. . l (Jearaal Special Strflr.) New Tork. Deo. 10. The retiring British ambassador. Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, sailed for home today with Lady Durand and Miss Durand. On going aboard ship they found their staterooms filled with flowers sent by friends In Washington. New Tork and eieewhere. - . 1 SESSION Oregon Historical Society Elects Officers and Receives Re 1 ' r 1 N ; , ports Today., ; ' MEMBERS LOOK FOR r.TVERY FEW CHANCES Society Will Consider Question of ' Celebrating . Fifty-Sixth Anniver sary of Incorporation of Portland, Which Occurs Next April " This afternoon In the city hall at S 'clock occurred the annual meeting of the Oregon Historical society. The financial reports were heard and the sec retary alao offered his, report of the year's progress mads by the society, in cluding a report of the deaths of 11 t : f e ' T ' . : l K1V Oeorfo H. Williams; Who Delivered Annual Address Before Historical -. Society. . J 4- members who have passed away In ISO. This list Includes members or the society that have been pioneers and others 'who have been Influential in ths making of Oregon. -C". ' The election of officers also occurs this afternoon, and It is .probable that there will be no change Tn the list of officers. It is regarded as certain that Charles E. Ladd will be retained as treasurer and that Professor F. O, Toung will be reelected secretary. It la extremely likely also that Judgs W. D. Fen ton will be continued aa president of the.eoclety, and that J. R. Wilson will remain aa ylce-prealdant, - However, if Judge Fentoa should-wish to retire from office, Mr. Wilson will be advanced William D. Fenton, Probable Presi- dent Oregon Historical Society for IWr;.;,, ;r, -A- to the presidency and some one from the body chosen vice-president At this meeting alao two directors will be chosen to take ths place of two whose terms expire with this year. An Important point will be discussed regarding a celebration of the flfty-slxth anniversary of ths Incorporation of Portland, which occurs In April, and if ths plan is found practicable an effort on the part of the organisation will be made to carry out the project Juat the extent of the celebration has not yet been determined, but the scheme will undoubtedly be sanctioned by the so ciety. . hooting at atoq.alaaa. .. (loamal gpaelal service.) Hoqulam. Wnsh.. Dec. IS. While In toxicated, J. Key was probably fatally shot last night by Officers Collpy irnd Upson While firing Into, the crowd on the street which had gathered following a quarrel between Mrs. Key and her husband ver his child. ' Beet rrocer's elsn Schilling's Beet. DR.BROUGHER SUNDAT, AT THB WHITETEMPLE 10 ISO A. Sfc TSiaMJB, 1-ost at the Temple" ! TOO . t-TOF10, "Happy New Year" Dr. Brougher will tell "bow to' i have It" Christmas Music Both Services aolos by Mra Reed, Miss Lawler and Mr. Robinson. Bpeclsl quartst s"nd, chorus ntimbvi, miJLB xajto tom arBBTOtrm. f v. ' y A Y t.. . SAVEGS BATQ PAYS 4 Per Cent OPEN - ' . ',- -. ,.; For the iConvenience of ' its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Corner Washington PORTLAND, OR. eUlLDIIIG or CITY HALLWAY STOP Contractors Say They Figured ; Too Closely and Want Offi- . cfalt to Advance Cash. EXTENDED DELAY MAY RESULT FROM'CONDITION Railroad Building fin Peninsula Pro (Tesaes SlowlySt Johns Municipal Court Has Lady Stenographer Other News of East of Willamette. Cast aids Bepartment Progress on the new city hall at fit Johns has reached a serious crisis. Con tractors A. H. Toungferdorf A Son, who are constructing the building, have fig ured too closely, according to the city authorities, and will not bs able to oom plete their pert of the Job without a loss of from 11,100 to 12,(00. Mr. Toungferdorf has figured that his loss will be considerable, but the city considers that they are perfectly aafe, aa the bondsmen are reliable persona According to the contract, the city ad vances no money on the work until the building Is completed, or nearly so. . The contractors want ths city to ad vance a little cash to tide them over the crisis, but It Is not likely that ths city will do this, aa ths officials do not seem to be so inclined. As a result work on the structure may be suspend ed any time and a long delay experi enced before the difficulty can be set tled. At present the condition la criti cal, since ths .laborers are demanding their pay. The city will not advance the ' money and ths bondsmen will not forfeit their bonds until they see that It la absolutely Bceeesary and that the contractor ts not ablo to meet his obli gations. . ' Moving Slowly, Railroad building on- ths peninsula Is moving slowly and preparatory work is now in progress In several places along the right -of way. Somo grading has been accomplished where the grade la near the surface of the ground and much preparation at the west end of the short run across ths peninsula is being made for the big cut and the bridge at that place to span ths Wil lamette. , . A large force of men Is employed placing caleeons for ths bridge. ' There will be live caissons here and the con crete work for the first was completed early In the week and the rock work Im mediately begun, your caleeons are ln the water, the last ons having been towed to ita place yesterday. The cut has not yst been started, but the -sluice supportlngs are being built so that ths dirt can be waabed from the cut down to the liver bed. where It will be utilised for filling the approach to ths bridge. The employes have com pleted a plank road around ths cut so that travel on the Willamette boulevard will not be hampered any by the work on the cut Aa soon aa the cut baa been made as far aa the planking, a ateel bridge will be placed where the boule vard croeees ths railroad soms B0 feet above the track. The engine and con nections to the river for obtaining the wstsr la thslr hydrsulle operations are all made and not much more delay will be necessary until the water will begin eating away the high banks and wash ing it into ths river to build up the road there. T?hs (mall Items. s folio Wins- building Derm I La were Issued In Sti Johns this "week: Daniel Busby, dwelling on Ivsnhoe street 11,000; Mrs. L. B. Envolden. $400 cot tags on Edlaon street; ' James Catto. 1700 dwelling on Leonard' street: R. C Spragua, dwelling on Montelth street $1,100; D. Perkins, a laundry on Brad ford street $519. Frank McHugo is wantsd In 8t Johns for numerous misdemeanors .of a more or less serious character. McHugo ia charged with borrowing some clothes from a friend and disappearing from the city. The police were notified but were unable to find the lad. - It la . nw 'thought that ha continued his- tour to Seattle, lie slso left behind a board bill st, the Willamette hotel that has cauaed the proprietress some anxiety. Hasel McClellsn possesses the unique distinction of being tba first stenog rapher that ever worked In the 8t Johns municipal court. Attorney B. Ia. Snow pronounces her work ss good ss any hs hss over wltneesed. She took the en tire proceedings In ths recent attach ment case In St Johns, the Harding rase. Ctoaags Bleats Officers. At the regular meeting last Saturday the Woodlawn Orange, No. $60, Patrons of Industry, elected the following, offi cers: Master, Dr. Harry' Start; over seer. Mrs. Llssle Kublk; lecturer. Mrs. Ann! Stenabery; steward. 'William Lee; assistant steward, J. K. Btanaberyr chap lain, Mrs. Martha Ham man; treasurer, J. W. Black; secretary. Mra. Clara Oar nett (reelected for a third term); gate keeper, 8. S. Shoemaker; Ceres, Miss Elisabeth Newman; Pomona. Miss Myr tle Wheeler; Flora, Miss Lillian Cuff; lady steward. Miss Alice J arm an (re elected); musician, Mrs. Cora Flscken stein. v. . ., i Woodstock halt f was , crowded last night with cltisens of thst llvs com munity and an entertaining progrsm was presented under the auspices of the Woodstock improvement club and . J i A If any one thinks that Portland's coming generation of girls will not . be a fine lot of cooks, let them argue it out with the Gas Company. -During the Company's recent Cookie . Contest, without "an exception," the cookies sent in were a credit to the .little bakers. The First Prize A $50 Gas Range was ; won by little Olga Sherman of No. 300 Eugene street. Trio CpiAfii1 PriTP .yA.$15P0rtebta-Gasb .Bartholemy, No.' Blandena street. Besides these 50 other prizes were awarded to little girls whose cookies , .'. were, especially palatablt and artistic Mftf i-nlv wrr th&r manv Uttle plrU fortunate enbuffK to receive use ful prizes, but they were assured that their cookies would be put to a good use, by making many unhappy children happy. The cookies were sent away from the Gas Company's headquarters to charitable institu tions where they gladdened the hearts of many poor little urchins who were not so fortunate as the young cooks." , ' - ' f ."""" ., ' ' .'. . ;"" ' - , : "- : AT YOUR SERVICE -TI Re Its ladiss auxiliary. After a few mu sical numbsrs H. C Smith waa called on and talked to the assembly on "What the Woodstock Club Has Accomplished. " C Ben Rleseland, president of the Push club, outlined the plans for the futurs and spoke very encouragingly of the prospects ahead for Woodstock, gpeolal ervioes. -Special ssrvlces at Bunnyslde Meth odist Episcopal church will begin Mon day svsnlng with an old-time watch night service, with special featurea, which will attract more than ordinary Interest The "annual meeting of the Sunday schotil board will bs held at 7:10. Following this ths men of the church and congregation wlU entertsln the women of the church tn a social hour, serving refreshments at 1 o'clock. There will be sn address by Dr. Ewln and a conversation on "Our Purpose , for the New Tear." Dr. Driver will preach at 11 o'clock on ,"The Judgment." The service will closs at midnight with New Tear's greetings. Armstrong the Tailor. Ill H Washington Street, Rooms 10-11. Orest reduction in prices for the next two weeks. , Pi of ai led Stock Oaaaed Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. RICHARDS HOTEL CO. T. X. aUchards, Pres. sad Kg. i, European plan, celebrated for Its comfort, perfect quiet and peculiar excellence of - Its eulslne. Special wine dinners New .Tsar's and Pun dare, t to S p. m, in the mala dining hall. ' Classic musto.- ooun tamx in Aioaa'tTi. PBOra PaUTATal IX. So. GREAT SUCCESS j tV: -;.:, -i,, 147 ONE OF THE PRIZE WINNING COOKIE BATCHES FIFTH AND YAMHILL OAKS IUNK Ojen All Day Sunday. Watch Party Skate the old year out and the i New Year in MONDAY Night Leave It to Us Let ss Ae year fanlly washing. We can for and daiirar. Banlaa the mvmm ef washday aM Its wonlsMSt sad toll. Bead ear prlcea; nonB, STAmoxxs. Sheets J Slips Se K- rrads ........ le to MMlotbs ... Se to. Bollre Se Skirts . Walats Tow.1 Naokloe . Se ... v Chamlae ........... a nanuinrQiri, .... j, Haa4aKblf(a, silk Se Drawers .. Rasa IS HlgttA Stand Comra Se VnIM MOT HOMES. TIV Orenihlrta S' Apraes Nlihl.htrta Se rillowih. rd.rhlxli Drawers .. ..... Be Child's Pie Borks Hoae So XXTXAt, !' Jamas I'nloo .. 1"; Blaoksta, Wool, pr..So Tasta se Cbildres's OTeralls U QuIlU SB Ve ahirta, eallara, euffa, vaats, overalls a inane done (a this dapejtaeat. Me kasaUe laaa thaa see. UNION LAUNDRY CO. Seeand sad Oalmnkls Stneta. . Taltpaooe atals IBS. CHANGES ARE MADE4N DRAFT OF BANK LAW Sevsral important changes la .ths printed draft of the bank law of the Oregon Bankers' association were made yesterday by the executive committee of ths association In response to criti cism of ths bill by members. Ths salsry of ths bsnk examiner was mads 13,000 Instead of S3.400. Twsnty five per cent of the oash deposits must be hold as a cash reserve in banks in cities pf mors thsn tO.OOO population. This was Increased from II per cent Half of ths cash reserve may be repre sented by balances due from solvent banks. The limit ef value of real estate that a bank may hold was reduced from (0 per cent of the paid-up capital stock and undivided profits to. IS per cent Fees were made the same ss those of national banks and collectible by the state treasurer Instead of the bank ex aminer. E. yr. Halnea. prealdent of the asso ciation; J. I Hartmaa, secretary M. si Woodstock of Corvallls, J. H. Albert Jr. of Salem, ' and It. Hlrachberger of Independence were at the meeting of the executive committee. HOLIDAY RATES Aaaonneed so Oeosa sa.ehoa. , To snsbls pstrons to visit ocean oraches during tba Christmas holidays, the ft K. N, Co. will on December t "and IS, and January 1. sell round trip tlt'knts to all North Beach polnte at aerate of 12 SO. -For further Informa tion x at city tlrkat office. Third and . . . ...... Se I S eae'eaaeawwaaa SO i 10e see ..... Jo Or . Utk aad TV- H.Ifl Tk-.. WaabtactoB IUC UCUllJ IIKdUI Hakik. Bpertal Prtce aUtinee S:15. Lest Time Toolset S:1S. MOSS atXLTXUS Ia Bar ramooa (harariar "SIS HOrsUXS." Doa't Ulas gis" "Bis" Is M. ' Kreslsg Prioae, JSe to II. SO; Mat. See ss SI. Seau Hew seUlarat Zaeatre. wiaYS. Helllg Theatr ssday, Moaoay Mlbe ssd Mew Tear's aftoraooa, "tm STarnoTx or ths wsak Mew Ttar-s Nlaht asd Wednesday Agst . ''atlaiA aosA." Prices.' botk alfbt sad aaaMsea Sear. lo. II COi seleoey. (LOO, Tea. SOe. aliary, BJ". Ue Soaw solliag tor ssgageaMst st thenars. Baker Theatre oToJoirie Orsoa Theatre Co.. Leaue. tt. U Beker. Men Horn ef rottlass's ana4 Stook Ooawaa. K portal hTaUoM Tnnjorraw. Ckrtotwao Dor. Toolght, AU Tkla Work, a Grand riedeailoai ef Dn kfanrler'e "TSJUT" Ooanlate and Oarroct BcnerT esd SotMssa. UoSor Dirwttos Jobs Sainpolta. Toetfbt tho .i .1. n, Wiil A A mma il.S f,.M MaUawe Satorday. kTestag Prlaes JSe. save, tOc: MatlDMe, 16. SB. m Meat Wooa Hoyt'a "A atuavWslte Plag. Umnim. aiiaia, iswuv auiat nr. MUtos W. Soaasaa. stoaeeer. Playlns tka Keetors Road Bbowe Oaty. emniw 1 np.i rm . - r.- innnniH vivwm .... . ToSMtrmw SMS; XTory Ntskt, Roge Matt, awoa Wodoooday an gatersay. the Oaoet OBMdy-Dniina Snrcna mm aau.a va axa. wr 1. w art n l. d'lirtna iul tao ftH.t..! Maw Tork Company, kfnat sovol end ln(r oatlag shew em the roae. Bogalsr Katsare J La . ... - ... ML. At. mV M STAR THEATRE Ths Alloa Stark flbaapasy ft assets Srery groalng st S:1S.' Bvery Afterseea at S SO. rurrxg loko pAinrrLzarrr B A BOLD HOrr as the "Lord. Beaarvad, Seats by Paeae, Prices Bemala tke The Grand Ctiriatmaa Work Brflnil VanitrvlUs THB TKSEB WAL8STS, , Pieak Hoatya Xallay, Aoalafe r B. H. Calvon. Ssaa A Ida MaUey. Tke riaaoso. Tke Ltoakeje. O. IX Boataoaa. , "Tke Baah ' lWaelUoV world-Fame Aoraoats. PantagesThectrei Fourth and Stark Sts. Be Ye Co. toe Wklta. Praah Wilsoa. Something Movt - Mama end Marrea. mmn wmimv. . mm w n. rm .a. Parformeseas Sally st 1 . T SO iM f.-fc I fontmeoaa Sundajta. Qoeoral admlaalnai If rontai raaarrad aoata SO raatet bono JS eon'a. Take ssy aoat at wook-eay matlaooe ft The1 lNlckelodlon , Slxta, Betwaea Also aad Waaklasws. Today "WAJHTED, A KUKT Payaieal Oaltaro ta SN Baaroe. Kanday--YCL'a K3TKB-I.UW" Treablo Sho oas Korno m Trae Days AOatlaSlUM So. "mil-CW." 1