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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
Ksr -iV' iia TO CRAB Off HOT TO ' ; 4 That Jim Jeffries is to reenter the ring, tempted Tby the purse, of $5a,t)D0 offered for him to fight, seems certain. In the opinion of experts, Arthur John son, the big negro, appears to be the only contestant now in sight who is likely to give Jim sufficient of an argu- ment to draw a crowd warranting the offering of ) such; a purse. In the car-; toon here printed, Tad suggests some ; ofthe things which are likely to happen . if these two big men actually meet in . We AAA. ' ' ' . FIIIE BOWLING OH LOCAL ALLEYS Classes A- and B Tenplnners V- Did Somi Good Wo ' V.--V Last' Night,.' '. OREGONS DEFEATTHE , GOLD lgEAFPLAYERS In the Second Match the Commercials V No. 1 Managed to Beat the Wil i . lamettea in Three Closely-Played GameaTb Sc " Two Interesting match game were played on th Oregon alley last night by teams la the city league composed of class X and clui B bowlers. Th A ton) wer Oregon versus Gold Leaf, th Oregon winning all three games, tha first two hy snail margins. The difficult split spar mad bruC. Keat tng tha last ftama of tha second game robbed tha Gold Leaf team of their best chance to win. Bail rolled the steadiest game of the evening, getting the high average 01 217. Hague proved himself a worthy opponent by averag ing Hf and scoring tit for a single game. This puts the uregona on game,. behind the raruanoa. - who are in tno lead. The scores are as follows: OREGONS. v ' . i (1) (1) (t) Ave. Ban . .. su SOI Il 217 Capnv .Ill ISS'ISO 1 . B winner " 177 ' Ml 1M ' . Hamilton 1 11 171 167 Keating ........... Ill 101 11 SOS Total t(l 1S 9Ti GOLD LEAFS. 1) S) (S) Ave, . : Bheffer 17S 14 160 16 Hague ..a........ 3t 121 HI , til . Boulanger ... ....... 171 190 15S , 171 Flcken ... 1M'17 1(1 171 rKneys ............. 11 ' III 171 ,171 Tetal.... ....... IS! 101 III Xa the a Class. The class B teams were Commercial , No. X versus Willamette. The business ' ;' men were at their best, rolling two 900 ran and fattening their Individual ' averages as well, much to the disgust of their opponents, who 1 were trying hard to head them off. This gives the ; Commercial No. 1 team a big lead In the percentage column. The steady : rolling of M. H. Lamond gave him high '. average. 119, for the match. . He also had the highest single game, 329. ' The core: ,. COJtMERCIAr. NO. 1. ' V - - (1) (I) (I) Ava , Xamend 190 219 171 . 199 ArmlUg 171 171 171 171 Meleen . 191 194 lit m " Xeaver 1IS 141 its .171 La Roche 144 1ST 1(1 Mi ' Total ... 101 100 I84 WILLAMETTE. (1 (1) (I) Ava Raymond 191 ill SOS 171 Dolphin m 129 'Duffy SOS lit 1(9 lif flmith 141 12 160 14S Moeer 114 149 119 1S7 Newstead .......... ... 161 119 141 . Total ........... Ill 749' 111 Y. M. C. A. BASKETBALL TEAM OFF FOR DALLAS . . ; Tli T. M. C A. basketball team, ae "companled by a half score of loyal boosters, lett on the 4 o'clock train this afternoon for Dallas, where It Is to play , i Its second game of the state1 league ee - rles tonight against the Dallas college team. ' - This premise to be n of the best and fastest fames of the seaaon. Both v - ; BAXXiT TO BS and early to rise, mltm one" healthy, happy nd wise especially If you take Heroine before retiring. A positive cure for Conatlpatlon, Dyapepala and all liver- complalnta Mra H Co . lurebla. Tenn, writea: "I always keep a sup.', of your Heroine on hand. Am ee pleased with the relief It gives In cnnatlpatlnn and all ' liver complalnta that iworda can't express my apprecia tion, for sal by all druggists, ' Tim TODAY'S W2,WS IN EV1LE.Y LINE ....... . . . . . ;. , i , - : . ' r ' " "l-1 ' ''''' j ' " - ;-- ....... " ' . ' " ' ' ' . " .' , , ,. ; , . . ' , ' , II . 1 . vo. St J . f TV V . - -,. w . I r .... . . J. X CVs.X -v II It I - I. ' ? teams are In" th bestof condition, and will endeavor to give a good account of themselves. The membership of the Dallas team Is practically the eame as It has been for the past couple of years, and has - the reputation f being on of th strongest teams tn the state. . The Portland boy have not been to gether so long, bat have been ' doing conscientious work at their practice during the last few ' weeks, and play good ball. - That there will be a good attendance Is an assured fact, as many of the stu dents who are In the city for the hoi I days have signified their Intention of returning In time to see the game. YESTERDAY'S RACING ON THREE TRACKS (Jeeraal anteta! Bervtee.t . Oakland, CaL, Deo. 29. Result ot races:" Six furlongs Escamada won. Her sain second, Marl H. third; time, 1:111-1. - Seven furlong Bushihorp won, Johnny Lyon second, Cheers third; time, 1:211-1. Futurity course Banpoaal won. Lord Neleon secoqd, . Santa Rey, third; time, 1:111-1. Futurity course,- Fallen Leaf handi cap Tony Faust won. Collector Jessup second, Llearo third; time, 1:11.- One mile, selling Meada won. El Chihuahua second. Tellowston third: time.-1:44. . . On mile, selling Anvil won. Hooli gan second, Ray third; time, 1:45. , At Zs Angel Track. (Journal Bpeclel service, t " Los Angels, Call, Deo, 29. Results of races: Stx furlongs Sir Cam there won. Bet sy second, Saes third; time, 1:16H. Six furlong Succeed won. Revolt second, La gloria third; time,' 1:1. Five and one half furlongs Prollflo won, Frescuelo second. Dr. Cook third; time, 1:10H. On mil and 10 yards J. T. Donahue won. A. Muakoday second, W. H. Car third; time, 1:46. , .? . 8 Ik furlongs El Palsano won, Robert Mitchell second, Happy Rio third; time, 1:11. -. -- On mile Woodthorp won, " Vlona second, Adonl third; time, 1:41. . 0 w Ortoaaa. 'r . Joaraal Special Bervlce.) ' New Orleans, Dec St. Fair Orounds race results: Seven furlongs Judge Burroughs won, Spider Web second. Sea Water third; time. 1:214-1. ..- Five furlongs, selling Kohlnoor won, Lussaroon second, John Peters - third; time. 1:01 1-1. ; -- Five and one-half furlongs, selling Pity 'won, Toboggan - second. Refined third; time, 1:41 1-t. One mile and one sixteenth, selling Lucky Charm won. Dr. McCluer second, Lena 3. third; time. 1:4 4-9, . Seaside Sunday Excursions. The A. C -R. R- . will run an ex eurslon to Seaside and return every Sunday at the round-trip rate of $1.40. Take advantage of the low rate and aee the ocean. Ticket for sal during th4 week at iti Alder street and at the ainoa depot, Sunday morning. . Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Rellwood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder. -. v . Sport a ICarriabarg. (Rpeclal Dlspeteh t The Jeeraal.l Harrlsburg. Or., Deo. 29.-HarriB. burg's seoond learn played basket ball with Junction City Thursday evening at that piece, resulting In a score of 14 to I In favor of Harrlsburg. The same teams played here the evening before. Hsrrlsburg "aInning on a swore of 22 t I..; ' r OSECON DAILY JOJJRNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY rm i ii it y u ir m i x. r s 1 v . .al 'vnn. "v " -vv ak. , , i bb - - 'r r ' - -t - ' ' ' '" r : - i 1 : ; . :r- : 1" ' HARD FOR GAUS TO MAKEWEIGHT Cold Weather Is Not Conducive , to Effective Training at Tonopah. ; ' COLORED CHAMPION IS SOMEWHAT WORRIED Baltimorean Einda That the Warm DajrtSof" August Are Better for FlghteTa .Than Blixxard Season WUl Work Down to 136. (Jftunttl Special ScrrlM.) ' Tonopah. Nev. Dec. 29. With th Oans-HOman fight buta few days awaythe keenest excitement Is ram pant in this oamp. Already people from the outlying camps are arriving In Tono pah to spend th holidays and watching the two principals work and getting a line on the respective merits of the men. The training quarters, of neither fighter are adequate for the accommo dations of the Increasing crowd a,' and a system of admission tickets has been inaugurated to ' prevent, the spectators from interfering with the work Of the men. As the fight draws near there Is quite a little comment on the fact that Oans Is worrying greatly over his weight The colored champion has been working bard to reduce, but he ha not found it as easy a task as he thought Joe has been called on to greatly In crease his work,-and he has taken on that drawn and haggard expression that wss so marked during bis last days of training for the Nelson fight at Ooldf field.. Of course, there is no need to fear, for Joe not being on deck and going tha. route, but there Is a great deal of doubt expressed as to Joe being aa strong as he waaat Ooldfleld. . ' Hard to Bednee. It will be remembered that 'Jo w helped by the blasenlng rays of the August sun in getting off th pounds at Ooldfleld. ' Now It Is different Al though a strong south breese has cleared the hills and plains of snow, there is a winter nip to the air, and nature being kind and wise, decrees that this Is the season when man shall retain his fight for protection agslnst the chilling winds. This Is why Joe ha found the reducing process most sr-luous and why the champion Is starting to get nervous bo cauee of hi hard grind. "It's tougher work to get down to 11 than I thought, but I wlU be there just the same.' said Oans today. "Will I be strong at tha weight? Yes, I think I will be, at. though It take more life away from a man when . he I forced to reduce by artificial means . than when he can get out in the good sunshln' and bake out that way; Still ths weight is emnlng off, sven If It is hsrd to make it and I'll be there with belle." Of course. Xba's little speech la cheery aad hopeful, out at th same time there Is no getting away -from the fact that the champion Is doing no Itttl worrying over his bard wora. to show Just whst la doing In this line, on can take hla worjc of today. Joe has been going from six to Slant mwes aauy on me-road. This morning hs lengthened thla dis tance out to 12 miles, and a great deal of this wss used up In sprinting. When th -champion rolled In from th road he was soaking wet from perspiration snd very tired. ' As soon aa ha ' got through with his shower Jo went to bed. where he rested for two hours- la order that the rabble might hot get on to-what straits he Is put to In making the weight Jo worked behind tightly closed doors In the afternoon. Like the grand iurtaa.aad other secret bodies, there was a leak, and It becarao known that Jo put In a gruelling day In his armnaslum. The fact of th mat' ter 1 that Oans boxed 20 rounds of three minutes' duration each, and-from reports they were rattling faat The champion alternated , with Lew Powell and Kid 81ms. Hs told his sparring mates to wad In, and they certainly did. Jo went through the .20 rounds in grand 'style, and while Sims and Powell were about all In, Joe was just a trifle tired. It Is said that Joe will box 20 rounds each day for the next few days, and then cut out the mitt work alto gether, and let It be known that Joe Oans 1s not the only man who Is work ing hsrd In these parts. One Kid Her man of Chicago Is more than whooping things up, snd If any one thinks th ghetto champ Is loafing they are sadly mistaken. . . EVERETT TEAM WINS TELEGRAPHIC MEET . The Everett athletes were victorious In the T. M. C A. telegraphic track meet held last night In Everett Tacoma, Boise, Seattle and Portland. . Everett won the 120-yard potato race, shot-put and 'running high Jump. Tacoma won the 4 40-yard pout race, but got enough second places to- place her second tn standing. Portland took one first place,' the pole vault Burns and Rich, both of Portland, made th vest vault of t'feet 2 6-1 Inchea . Seattle managed to get four third places. Boise wss fourth In everything, gait Lake took part but as th city wss not registered the points were not counted. . " SPORTING GOSSIP ' ' M.. 1 m Mtt.11 .ra.M r nt f Via vur for the Multnomah football squad will' I. 1.4 .Amnrrnw ntrtrnln at 10 A'clAAk. The team that will line up against Se attle on New Tear's dsy will be selected at this practice. - Th Tale college baeketball team was defeated last night at Kansas City by th Athletic club five of that city, the scors being 44 t 1. " , . The Hunt club's open run for . the "Thomas Scott Brooks Cup" will be held on New Tear's dsy. - The start will be made back of the Thompson school. Barthwlck and Shaver streets, at 10:10 a. m. The hares are Mrs. F. O. Buffum and James NlcoL ' . 9 m T. If ' i A C ntlltanf fjMirna. ment last sventng McMillan defeated Harder to If. . - . mm, ... Ths Oregon Agricultural Basketball team defeated Bnohomlah laat night at th latter place by the ecore of 19 to 11. mm,. Does anybody know how many plsyers th Cincinnati elut) has disposed of this winter? Manager- tlanlou will surely have a brand new team next seaaon. , ' ' '' If Jim Delehsnty does as wfl as some of the other players Manager Mo- Aleer ha picked up for a song ths st Louis Browns will play th gam from all Me next season: ; e " -V : Jtm MoQulre of the'New Tork Ameri cans bit for .100 Isst season, his twenty- fourth straight year In baseball. Jim oomes pretty near being the "Grand Old Man-of baseball, with all t he trim ming. 1 . 'v ..; 't ' 1 Manager-Watklna of Indianapolis will have nearly a full team of ex-majors next year. , , , , - t ; ., EVENING. DECEMBER 29. PRACTISE BEGINS " FOR SEATTLE Multnomah Warriors Resume Work in Preparation for New -Year's Day Game. S. A. C. COACH HAS A FEW THINGS TO SAY Cutta Statea That M. A.' A. C. Had - No License to Defeat Hia Team, and That the Next Contest Will Prove Which Is Superior. The Multnomah football squad turned out last night for the first time since the Christmas day game In Seattle and went through an hour's practice. .The only members of the team not present were Martin Pratt and Bert Kerrigan. Thes men received Injuries In the Se attle game, and while they are not serious they are of such a nature that It was beat for ths game fellows ta take a few days' rest In order to fully recover. Dow Walker, the giant tackle snd center, was out and he worked like a Trojan. He played In both position during the evening and showed -up In old-time form.' Carlson,- who played center at Seattle, was there with the necesssry ginger. Rupert did not put in an appearance. Blsnchsrd wss out stain and paaaed the ball well, as did also Harry Lltt Tulley of the second Multnomah joined the big squad and nAT get a chance on New Year's day. The final workout for Multnomah will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and every man on the squad Is orderej to turn out. eattl StUl Confident. V ; That the Seattle team Is very con fident of defeating Multnomah on New Tear's day . is. best evidenced by the stories that are appearing In the Seal tie papera. The sound city fellows are hard losers 'even if they srs graceful about it lit Is a positive fact, how. ever, that Seattle will Invade Portlar.'l next Tuesday with the beat men. tlml can be got together, arid deapttt)ielr-3 to 0 defeat they will put up a wonder ful game in an endesvor to regain lost laurels. Hera is what Coach Cutts said about th last snd coming games: "Of course I was greatly1: disap pointed thr.t Multnomah was allowol tO' score. They hsd no license to score, and I had absolutely no fear that they would make s touchdown. Their heavy backs ripped up our line pretty freely, but had we been forced Into the dan ger son our line would have braced. "As a mattt.r of fact Multnomah put up a splendid game of the old-fashioned style, I do not remember ever -having seen a finer running and plunge ing baea that l.onergan. hs was very hard to atop, and I had some snxlout moments every time he got th ball running back a punt lest he get away. but soma of the boys alwsys stopped him, though It sometimes took two or three to do 1L The Multnomah men war In better shape than the Seattle men, the result of longer training, and they played hard and faat. .. . . , , James1 reat Xlek. s "The effort of Bud 'James to drop- kick- from M:o torty-flv line was a magnificent on aad It cam dangerous ly near being successful. I had no idea that the man would try to drop th bail over ths bar- front .that dis 18C3. Of tance. J-LIke most of 1 th others,' I thought he was going to punt Ths ball sailed high and true for th mark and lacked only a Utile of carrying over the bar. Had he made th drop-kick from that distance It would have been a feat worth remarking. A It wss tie mad a splendid attempt and as it afterward turned out that kick started the mix-up which resulted In giving Multnomah a victory. "I wll try to get the boys out sev eral nights this week. Just because we were licked by a fluke last Tuesdsy I do not think that Multnomah has any thing on us nd we will fight them all the harder next Tuesday In Portland. Our men lacked actual work, and tho practice they got iaat Tuesday will do them a lot of good. We will give Multnomah a hard fight New Tear's day, and if they lick us they will know they bsve been In a game. . "Our fellows will have to turn out regularly snd perfect some team work If we are to make a showing tn Port land, snd for that reason I want every man on the squad out svery night a call Is made for practice." SPORTING GOSSIP The Minneapolis club will hove two mighty good ball players In harley Hickman and Tip O'Neill. . e . - The National league stands six club for snd two against the president of their drgsnlsstlon. The American league stand eight clubs for and none sgalnst their chief. . Perhaps this an swers ths question so often ssked. "What Is th difference, or which Is the better lesgueT", e e The most Important question before the Western league magnates Is th se lection' of two more cities In order to have an eight-dub circuit next aesaon. .'' . e e According to Pitcher Llefleld of Pitts burg, Manager Clark of the "Pirates" will be the highest salaried ball player In the world th coming season,. . Like the champion White Box. the ball clubpf Columbus, Ohio, won Its pennant by star work In ths field and not st the bat The "Senators" rank first In fielding and seventh In batting. . , . e e , . . -Champion Jtm Jeffries " has at last consented to reenter the ring, providing the right man is found and a 110,000 purs Is offered. . - -Frank Slavln, the old-time heavy weight was knocked out In th second round recently by Nick Burley at Vic toria, B. C Sammy McCllntio, msnager for 'Dick Hyland. says that on account . of the altitude a fighter can battle at five pounds less In Colorado than In Cali fornia. ' '!'.- ' ',:: e' 'e ' '' ' Now that th Lincoln club of Chelsea hss closed It looks as though real fight ing In New England Is a thing of th pa.v., , Over 1.000 spectators saw th recent bout , at Indianapolis between Ray Bronson and Micky Ford, Bronson earn ing ths decision at the end of II rounds. i' : . :.".., ...,.....'., A meeting of th Intercollegiate Penn ing association wss held at th New Tork Athletio club today-to arrange final plana for ths coming Intercollegiate meet and to adjust such schedule diffi culties sa developed through neroach ments of the Individual college on. th dstes set asld by the achedul commit tee of the Intercollegiate lesgu. ' : Pantages Holiday till ' TtwHt and aaeinrie rk Paataaie el!A efferlns will be pr.wtH fv the teat time. Tkere ! ben fr Taov)e bill tut na that ana"ir4 un" tv the atannar if the I'antasea aniila? Tam. 7 tt.ra ta mA a Wea act.' aiirt tha h-.l - an , etH- lah4 anl.ia a t ; nrn; a, I . i , j the ' AT THE THEATRES. Laat Tim , "Sis Hopkins" Tonight tb clever aetreae . aad Maea'leaM. Knae Melville, will praaant her famoua character coaiedy enrcaaa. "81a Bopklae." far the la. tine at the Hell! tbeatr tonight at S:ta e'clock. If yea waat M have a good hearty Uurh that will cause fan t forget all fear tronblee,' ae "Sla." Rbe k "It." Beats ea aale at the bos or floe of the theatre. , Florence Roberts Tomorrow Night. Pertlaad'a fawNlte aetrasa, rkreaee Roberta, an p port M by aa excellent compear f player, will begta aa eagaceaaeat ef foar shrhta at th Helllg theatre, a'ourteeath and . Waaalagtaat rreete. tomorrow (Sonde) alght. fcla Rob erts will preeent two sew plaja. Th esealng bill tomorrow sight, coeUaalng Monday sight and if vw Year1 a afternoon, will be. her fasioaa hew York eoccesa, "The Strength ef the Weak"! New Year's and Wednesday atshts her ' latest success, "Maria Rosa." Beau are eellln at the box. office of the Helllg theatre for tb satire engatesieat aad gotag rapidly. . John Griffith In "Richard IIL ' The eminent tragedlaa aad actor, Joka Grit. rlth, supported by a capable company ef players, will present Hhakeeneare'e great tragedy, "Rare art III," at the Helllg rbeatre next Thursday nlfbt, January S. Beat sale spans aext Taasdar. New Year's day, at the bos office ef the theatre. , Last Chance at "Trilby." v ; s Tonight la rosy Mat ebanee to see the Baker theatre company la Iu Maurler'a famous play. "Trllhf." Mies Lillian Lawrence la playing the title role aad Joha 8a In polls' Is pis 7 tag; Sreagall. Xoa cannot afford to mine N. Next Week at Baker. . Beginning Sunday matinee the bflt at the Baker will be Unyt'e faawue play, The Mil White Flag." All the ravortta ef the coaa. pan 7 will have Important assignment. Special attention will be given te eeenlo detail, Seat are sow e aale for the satire week. . Last Time Tonight. The laat performance ef Tbe Belle of Japan" will be grass at the Empire vaalght. The play haa attracted considerable atsratkua all week on account of Ite originality sod the aovelty and dramatic internet of the plot. Tb ecaeae are laid la Japea and nuny etnas oriental social cue to me are dealt Wtta, entirely unknown b this country. "The Old Clothes Man" at Empire. People will flock te the Empire lamini ej afternoon and night to aee the saw play. "Th Old Clothes Man," which will ope for tb New Year's week. It la a play with the prin cipal character an old Hebrew. wMcb part k tskea by the author of tee pktee. Jaaaeo Kvrl McCurdr, who la one ef the seat character actors oa ids roes tnia naioa, At th Lyric. "Arras 'Na Fncue" In the bill at the Lyrte this week. It has made tbousawta laugh and. weep, aad Is one of the best bills ths trrlo company haa ever prednos. All the favorites are ta tha cast The etege aettiaga are ela te rete. Next week tho Mil Will bs "Re to Earth." Two ahews.Kew Year' a night. At tha Star. "Little tord Faoatlonve" will be pie red ft the Star tomorrow aftemoo. This will ae rae umi i'Y ..i am-w Heaver eisrsta rn.IT an rite title role. Tonight and Huodar evening "tha Sultan's Iau(htef" will be repeated. This h a typtral holiday fare, with a lasgb ta eee?" line aad a shout ta every eitaatlnn. Mies Vra reltos) will be the daughter. Manage A t ha two elmplete eesole rodstkna fnr tis pier and the nerformanees warraat attete. Resrvs seats early. Par next week the at tracttoa wlU be OsMa'a "Motba," ssclsy . fie. s aaaBsaswaanaBeaseaaavasssaa a , At th Grand. It will eons bo too If a to - r 1 1 . rllle ahnw w- k a . I, it. Orand thla we- . 'i be tomorrow a Wltneeeed "T-wt, and ae ' . ' I a o- a. ft, . e t 1 7. si