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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON PAIty JOU&NAIy" PORTLAND, SATURDAY - EVENING, DECEMBER 10. UST. PRICE OF LULIDER TO GO HIGHER V. Lumber Men, Though Denying : , Existence of Trust, Admit Market Is Upward. , PRICES NOW PREVAILING i. - ARE HIGHEST ONRECORD Weyerbatfuaer Syndicate la Control. ; ins; factor in Condition .Which ' Have Advanced Rate by f Leaps . and Bounda Dnrinf the Past.' ; " . . .. . ' . - '-',' Prices of building' lumber are likely to p P another notch between this .date end the opening- of , the eprtng -' building season. Lumber .mill tnen '. deny that any understanding has been entered Into between the lumber Inter ' ; eats,'-but .Admit that the tendency of the market is upward, and that a rise . In the prtoe of logs will precipitate an ' advance In the cost of building lumber. That prloea of loge delivered on the Columbia . River J gradually but surely creeping upward there can be , no doubJL Logs are bought n the open market by moat of the lumber, mills. Strange aa' it may aeem, but few of the lumber mills own ' any large amounts of available Umber. The tim- i ber that 1a tributary to the Columbia . and -can be floated Into that stream, there to be-rafted and towned to Port- .'land or other mllla. Is at present the controlling factor in the lumber and log market. Log; prices have advanced by leaps and bounds in the laat few years. ' and with them the -prices -of stumpage of fir. oedar and spruce in the Colum ' bia river basin have In some' cases doubled. ' Tho timber that la immedi ately available for logging operations along the Columbia, liver is the most valuable stumpage. In. these logging i' and rafting operations the "Weyer , haeuser syndicate is one of the most Important factors, and In fact . is the ' controlling force in the present situa tion. It Is said the future will see the Weyerhaeuser timber Interests In abso- . lute control of the log and lumber mar kets of the Pacific northwest . . A 1 lumber mill man aald yesterday " regarding . the prospective prices of . ' lumber: . -. " ' v There""lgr an upward tendency, but BO positive advance made aa yet. The - lumber mills have no -agreement, but when one mill advances the price the ' others Naturally follow suit. The price ' of lumber will depend On what the log market does. For some time there has been a acarclty of logs, but the recent - rains flooded the streams and brought down a good, many logs -from logging camps that are not always In a position to aupply r the . market With lower : stages of water there will be another . log shortage, and It is impossible to say what the result will be . on lumber prlcea." ' i Lumber at the present time la bring- ing the highest prices on record since , the development era began In the Pa . feifto northwest. COiraClHUlUB ADDS TO lORKIafi FORCE Personal Letters Are Being Sent ' Out by Hundreds and Much - Advertising Done. , r . :. An- enormous Increase ' of cOrres- pondence and inquiries from the east- era state to the Portland Commercial ' elub's promotion, department has ne . 'eessltated the putting on of an add!- Clonal force of three atenographers in ' - tbe office, and even the efforts of this '.augmented staff are Insufficient.' The ' office Is behind with its work and there , la bo immediate prospect-of catching ton. Paraanal letter a rtd anawAra . a - w tvoinjuuvuiv I . mini IWIl I UUi Oy v , iiuirvrai mrw oeuia earn 10 omer com- rnerclal organlsationa over the state of Oregon, to be answered by them. The Portland Commercial club is sending . out ttf Inquirers large numbers of copies of tbe November Issue of Sunset,' con taining special Oregon articles, and alao oconleal of the fruhlfratfAn Wnnvn , , as Portland Progress. -. . - It A. Coddlngton, - suoeesaor to W. (TimMMT whn arAa tr eh tian1-ii r Commercial -club January 1, has taken . bold of the' work aa assistant to Man- ton has had varied experience. . He waa a clerk In the offlcea of the O. R. Ac N. co, rrora which be went to the Philip, ptnea In the civil .service of the United States government. While In Manila he and Mr. Crlssey were quartered in mw auuv House. . ni was at one lime a vice-consul In a Mexican city. He has traveled extensively - and la ae. qualnted with conditions in the orient, ' - iu uuia ma aan v rancisco eann . quake he waa occupying aa office noal. . tton with the Western Paclno Railroad V . ' ' ' - " Amerloan otenttsta Moaored. New Tore, rec !. Interesting exer 1 class were held in the American Mu seum of Natural History this afternoon vwbuii u& Kam uuveiling OK DUSII ' of 10 of the foremost American scien tists. The busts represent Benjamin j, Franklin. Jamea Dwlght Dana, Alexan--, der Humboldt. John James Audubon, - oBn jorrcy. josepn Henry, Louts Agas- alK. Inward T) i'nnm Jjtunti T lt . , Spencer P. Balrd. The buata were pre- sented to the museum by Its president. by William Couper. . . , . It penetrates and cleanses I the minutest crevices of the ". teeth. It-! permeates the gums and" the lining of the . mouth. It is healthful. It Is the only thing to use if you have a real genuine interest in your teeth. . . The friend of the teeth is SOZODONT. ' , V "' - e. ! I CHURCH SERVICES ' ' BAPTIST. . Slrst The Walts Temper -TwMfta sad k streets! Rev. t. Wbllramb Mretigber. D. At a. St., Bibb) ecbuol at Saeler-etreet erase ; 10 a.. ., ene-aceerd prayer meeting; 11 a. wnntyp wltk seraeee, ''Lout at the ip -i li iu tvnipie Bible acbooi ; p. m.f m j. I . v. aieettng: I:ao p. eereeoa. "AItappy Kew leer." Special awelc. " m . a i- v... , .. .. Re. Btantos O. Lauham. BerTieee at 10:30 a. m., wlib seraaea. "The CbrtntUB leeal sad weal- l we new Year"; seratua at T:30 A New Allrelance for the New Year' Bible eebnol at nnoo. Oram Mooter Ilia: ar. , . fliiiu - Parker. Preaealag at 11 a. (a., "Trae Krlseaoa at a laflng Cborrh:" errsjoe at T:80 a. .. "How We caa Make 180T Herts La Better Teas 1INM aas. special masla. ...- laVBMauel Second ami Uaad siNeta:' Bee1: u. w. unioa. Buaear school. 10 a. aa.: B. T P. V.. S:8 a. aa.t ara-kln. It a. m. mni l n a. aa. CantraV ltaat Tweatlen kad Aakeay streets? W. T. Jerdaa. . iTrarblnf , 10 m a., j.;.a anoua, im aa. eamcee si t:w p. n.. trsiaaeace of berarter." Bpaclal aiualr. viviv-wv. ona nrn imi v a. Mionaj arn M a. St.: preacblag. 11 'l 1:80 a, serosa. "How Old Art Tbear :30 p. Bl. Usual ou BeTanta aaS gTerett streets. rr-aclilae at 11 a. at. aad S a. at. Joba'e Me. B. A. lawaara. anasa sea4, 10 a. k. Breacbiog. 11 a. I.M p. m., preaeblag. iniro vanonuer eaa sea Haets street! ae. a. M. Biiaa At 10 s. sa., Suaday araooi; 11 s. aa.. preacblagi sermoa, T :SO p. aa. - SweOlak riort ana Fifteen tb etreeta: ' Ee. Crle scberstrosi-lreacblo(. 10:4ft a. Sa. aad I -30 a. sl; Bua4ar eckoel. 11 aa.'W Ulxbland Alberta and Blitb etreeta. ' Praa ra in, t ao p. aa., by Be. JC M. Bites; baa day erbeel, t DO p. si. lfeaat Caraiel Coorteeatb and Flsaden streets! Be. A. 1. saepbud, Sunday acaeol, U sa. j preacMac, U a. aa, aad a. aa. Bellwoee Elereath aad UaiatHIa atreetai Be. George A. Leers. Snaday ecbeel. 10 a, aa.t sreeeblag, 11 a. aa. aad T:4 p. m. Tint Oermaa roertb and U1U streets; Re. t. Kratt. Prearfalug at 10:5 a. m. and T:S0' P. aa.; B. T. P. V., I: p. aa. .osday scaeel, a:4S a. s - seeead Oe.aiaa Kodaey seeaoe lead Morris , street: Be. 1. Beeeraaaa. Preacblas, 11 a. ae. aad T:a p. bj.j Baaday scaool, . a. bm B. T. P. V.. 9.U p. aa.; ; CalTsry Beat KlKbtb end Orant streets! Be. A. Lavreaee Blaek. Bible school. 10 a. a.; aeraMa. .11. -a- .; 6:80 p. aa., Yeoag Pee pie' a ueetlac T:X0 p. saw aereaon. TTRlreratty Park Re. A. B. Walts, ftaadaf school st 10 a. aa.: worship at 11 a. m.. eeraxm. "A Fatberly Ood"? B. . P. V., 6:45: erea- ing senlce. T:80 o'clock, sersana, ."Baptism a Meeting f lace of faith . aad . Obedl lleace" erdlnaace f baptlaau. PStllTTZBIAV. Illspab -atery aad Powell etreeta; Rev. . Je rome B. MeOlade. 1). D. , At 1I:M . m.. Cbrtstmss eeraaoa; (: p. aa., preacblng. Bpe clal siasle. - CelTary Rleveath and Clay streets: Re. Baa. Kara Btllea Elr Jr..- D. D. Ber..,a. lo:30 a. as., with sensoa; Baaday ecbeel, 11 aa. 1 set- awe at i :ev p. m. Third E.t Thirteen tb aad Pine streets; Rev. Andrew J. Moatsnaiery. Preaching et 10:30 a. si., "The giewsrdablp ef Money ;" T:eS a. m.. asraos, "Tbe Pearl of Great Price." roortb-slrat ana ttlbbe streets; Re. Job a R. Welch. Preacblng at 10. 0 a. m. Baa day scboel. IS aa.t V. P. a. C. B-, : p. aa.; at TiSO a. .. sersaoa. Haartborae-Park Twelfth aad Faat TarVw streeu; Be. B. Nelsea Allen. Bandar school. 10 s. as.: preacblng, 10:30 a. sa.: 1:80 a. aa.. eermee; Y. P. 8. C. B 0:80 B. m. H la bland Eaat Thirteenth and Wrraat: Re. O. A. Blair. Baaday srbeol. 10 a. at.; preaeh las. 11 a. m. aad T:S0 p. aa. PiednMnt Carrelend .aveane ' end-Jarrett etreet;. Be. L. Myroa Booerr. Preaeblag at l a. aa. : aaaosy scbeel, ia:ia p. St.; T;S0 p. aa.. eermoa. Special maslc. .Waatmtoater Eaet Tenth and Weldler streets; Re. Rear L. Marcotte. Mornlna sermoa. 11 o'clock; OTenlas aeraiea. T:K0 o'clock i Baaday school. 12:80 B. si.; I. F. B. C. , B a:S0 B. SB. , .,. r irai i wnun saa Aider streets. At 10:80 si., servlcee: 1 :Sa n. aa.. araaehlne h u t. B. Klttridse. Bellwood SeTentsentb street and Bpokane svesae; Be. D. A. Ikompsoa. Sunday erbool. lo s. at.; sermon. 11 a. mi. "The Brotherhood of Man"; Cbrlatlaa Ksdeaeor, T p. as.; serraoa at Tiaop. r "Jesepa lategrlty the Prtoa Faltoa Bev." A. B. Berkb older. , Sermoa at T:48 p. m. . . ; V Marebell-Street Msrahsll ssd Worth Rerea. treath . etreets; - Be. C. -W. - Bays. , : Basdey school, 10 a. jb.1 presrblnc.. 11 a- m.i sersMia, 1:80 p. as. : T. P. B. C. .. S:4 p. as. Meant Tabor Belmont aad Prrttymas streets; Be. Edward 1C. Hbaro. aeraaoa. at 11 a. aa.f aerlce at T:30 p. aVhperlel maale. ' Aaabel He. Gee W. Arms, Jr. Snsday school, 10:80 a. preaching, li:80'a. m. '' MZTR0DIBT. 1 '. MeaUTtlls Re. Harold Obery ' Prearblns st la. au. 'God's Cbsllence to Mas;" aasday schnol 10 s. ..; Epwortb Learoe, 0:30 p. m.; sersaoa. 7:0 p. m.; watch sight aerrlcea, Moa. day eee.- Ceatrel Rneeell ssd Kerhy streets; Re. J, T. Abbott Cleae meetlns, S:5 t. sermon. 10:30 a. at.; Bnnday erbool. IS as.; League, 0:80 p. aa.; sermoa, 7:80 p. m. Trinity East Tenth and Great streets; Rev. U y. Smith. Banday erbool, 10 a. m. ; pr carb ine. 11 a. m.; Epwortb Leaguev 0:30 p. m. sermoa St 7:30 p. aa. Taylor-Street Dr. Fraacta Rara-etts Short. Claeeee, t:80 s. m.t seranna. 10:80 a. .. by Be. A. T. Rowland; Bnnday school. 12:18 ?. m. : Kpwetth Leeirae, 6 30 p. si.; sersaoa, :SO p. .. by Re. P. U Voant. Grace Twelfth and Taylor streets; Clares re Trae Wllaoa, D. U., paator. Sunday school, 12:18 p. m.: sermoa, 7:90 p. m. Pat too Mlcbliiaa snd Carpenter streets; Re. Melville T. Wire. Sermon, H s. m.; sermoa st T:80 p. St.; Baaday school, 10 a. St. ; Kn wortb Learue. 6:30 p. m. Bellwood rifteentb snd Tscoms streets; Re. A. D. Wssoer. Snndey school, 10 a. -m.t ser biob. 11 a. aa.'. "Proareee"; claaa meetlns. 12:ln; cblldrea'e aaeetluc, 80 p. m.; Epwortb League, 0:30 p. as.; Leymea's meeting, 7:30 P. in. snaaysiae lamtilU sod Keat Thirty Bftb streets! Be. T. B. rordr- "nnday erbool. 10 a. m.s tpwortn Lfne, 1:30 p. m.; special et-i iicee. f lau p. aa. 8U John's Bs. P..L. Tounf. Baaday er-bool. i" a. m.; Breaeains. n a. m. lagoe meet las. 8:80 p. m. : eervlcee. 7:80 0. m. Epwortb Twenty-third between Hoyt and irrmc. nunoay srnooi rrora 10 to II o'clock: tornlng ertre, 11 to 11:80 a. m.. sermoa by r. new lenre -jnouRnra- ; junior l ea lie, m-t Brnrortb Lea(ue. 0:30 to 7:80 a. m.; aeusj eenina; serrtrw, i :ov to B : p, Br. K. U. Bryant pastor. KPISCOrAL. - St. Mark's Nineteenth snd Qolraby streets; Re. J. E. Slmpeon. Holy rommnnloa. 8 a. an.: Sunday erbool. 10 a. m. ; morning prayer end Utssy, 11 o'clock; evensong and sermon. 7:30 o'cloek. Trinity Nineteenth and Eeerett streets; Re. irr. a. A. Btorrwoo. noiy communion, s a ra. : aaornlna' serelce. 11 o'clock: erenlna eenrlee. 7:80 o'clock, with eersioai Sunday school. v:du a. so. St. David's Rset Twelfth and Belmont streets. Be. O. B. vsa waters. Bandey school. 8:40 a. SB. J prayer snd serraoa at 11 o'clock: evening prayer snd sermoa at 7:80 clock ; self rommnnion, a p. m. at. Aadrew'e Unlverelty Park: Rs. W. B. Powell. Her vice aad sermoa, 11 a. m. Baa day school. 10 s. m. Good Kbepberd Sr 11 wood ' etreet aad Tea eoover avenue; Rev. Jobs Pswaoa. Mornlne eri fiiv, ji eruri; nvuuij ocooof, v:eo a. B3.; evcalag eervlco, 7:80 p. m. Bt. John's Meaanrtal Be wood: Re. W n PowelL Sunday erbool, 11 a. m.t service ssd 7:48 p. Bt 81. we K Re. W. A. M. Brack. Sunday acbool. 8:48 : asrsjoa. li a. m.l service snd sermoa. 7:30 p. n. St. Paul's Weodmere; C. I Parksr. lay resder In charge. Morning service snd sermoa at 11 e'emrk. . in .... . .uj -. Sunday school, lo a. ra. 1 holy commnnloa. at ,11 a. m.t evening services, 7:30 o'cloek. Be . H. D. Cbslmers. . - . CORORZOATIOirAt. ' I'nlverslty PBrk-ArtlesDS temple; ' Rev. 7. B. Grey. S.rmoe at 11 a. m., rvneral mis sionary effeiing; Sunday school. Mi. a ' ytrat Madison snd Psrk streets; Rev E. L. Rouse, n. D. Sermon. 10:80 a. m., "A Btranss footrace": 7:80 p.- m., "The Gift ef a White Stoee"; rhrlatlaa E odea tot service-f:18 p. m. I Sunday school, 11 s. ' , Suanyslde Eset TsyloT snd Rest Tblrtv. fourth streets; Bee. JJ. SUub. Morning serv ice. II o'clock, with 'sermoa, "Retroepcef, la rraepecl, proopect"; Sunday sreool, 10 s. m.; Senior rkrlstlaa Endeavor, 7 p. m.: eeraua 7.30 p. m.: "The Beet New Year'a Wish.?.' MhUa!pp.AvcBue MUetealpnl avenue and Premoat etreet; Be. WUUem I Vpebaw. Sunday srbool, 18 a. Bi.j sersma. 11 s. m.. "Tblncs ledoas"; Cbrlatlaa ICnd.aeor. 7 p. at.; errmon. T130 p. m., ''Iet Opportunities." Hlghlasd Eaat Bltth and Preecott etreets; Rev. E. 8 Bollinger. Snndey school, 1n s. m.l sermon, 11 s.-m.. "A Chapter la Llfe'a Tale"; Cbrlatlaa Endeavor, 8:48 p. BB.J servbre st 7 S0 p. re., 'Pjmu Renenae for a Heppy New Teer"i watch servlcee Monday sight. Merelwood Arl.u hall: Rev. D. B. Gear. Banday erbool, in a. m. f. I', g. c. B., aio p. m. sersMea at 7:) j. m. EaeeaW btreet Salv Brreatk aad Haaeela. ieVart Ho. ran I Rader: Suaday . erbool. Boon CbristJea Bodeemr, 8:48 p. m. ; evealng servlre, 7:40 o'clock, "The CeU et a Man," by Bvv, Mr. Bauer. tOTBEaUir, -Bt. Jamre Rngllab Wsst Perk and Jeffereos sireeis; tier, i, a. leal, servlcee ai li a. m.; Sundej srboot, 10 s, as. I sermoa. 7:30 .' m. Lnttwr Ieesuo, 0:80 p. m. rmptioa ( ssesB' sere aad coBimualoa at saorntna eorvlce. Bloa's Utrnjan fhapmaa and Balmoa etreeta; Rev. w. H. Brhreaa. Bervleoe st 10:18 a. as. aad T:4S a. en - Be tenia Danish I'ntoa areane sod Morrla etreet; Bo. Uudmaad Grill. Monday aerelses, lie. at. aad S a. aa. Norwegian Bysod Kaat Tenth ' and Grant etreete; He. . O. Uagoee. Buoday ncaool, 0:80 a. m. ; services. 11 e. m. and T:JO p. m.; new Vmp'h eav urflMd at a e. aa. at.' Paul's tiermao Bast Twelfth snd CHates etreeta; Hev. A. Krsnee. Bervlce. 10 so a. m eervlce, 7:.S0 p. aa.; baaday ecbuol. 8.80 p. aa. Blbls erbool. ml l a. a Morwcs isn eo nana vuui laama uifii J. at. karvlg. a. aa. ' ervlces at U a. am. eed I:S SwedlaB - Imwaneal Nineteenth snd Iretaa streeta: Ke. C. J. Besbard.' aervlree st 11 as. and a p. aa. I Bunoay scaool. e:4S a. sa. Swedlah Rodney svenue and Slanloa atreet. Bandey acbool. 8:30 a. BB-I services. 10:aV m.l eervieee. 7:48 e. aa. Beiaala Danlib Cntoa aveaua and Morrla aereel: Gsdmnnd GrllL Daator. Bundar lee 11 a. ra. aad 8 p. m. ; Sunday school, lz:18 p. sa. Taeedsy, pervlcea, 11 a. m. . v CKKIBTIAX. - ' v ' first Park aad Columbia etreete: Re. R. n. aaacsiey. at u:su a. aa., sermoa. vnurr Officers Aceordisir to New Teetamrnt"; 7:J p. at., sermoa. ''Will Xoa Beap What Vo Sow 't Cbrlatlaa Eadeever,, 9.pu p. m-i Blbl S. Murkier. At 10:80 a. aa.- sermoa. "C'hnrrh 91 ou Bible School. 12:15 B. central Seat Twenttern ana least salmon streeu; Re. J. T. Gbvmley, D. D. At 10:80 s. m-r sermon. "The Kelliiee of Miracle": Burr day school. 12:18 p. an.; Benlor ladearor, 0:43 ra. , revival eervieee st f:ov p- m. Bodney-Avenue Kodoey ' avenus and Ksott street: Re. P. Elmo Robinson. ' At 8:48 m., . Bible a-otaJ; 11 a. m., communion end C. .: 7:80 a. m.. sermoa. "Our nebt te Portland." . , . Mount Scott Nash's balL Nashville: B. M. Pattereoa wilt speak it I p. a. , Wood lawn Sunday school, le a. m.j preacB. las. 11 a. at.: Cbrlatlaa Endeavor. 1 a. m.: services S a. St., with special Btaate. " ZTAJrOIXICAL AMOeiATIOir. '' First Ensllah East Sixth snd Market etreeta; Re. S. A. 8lewert. Preecblns at 11 a. en.. br Re.' Samuel Beats'. Bandar erbool. 10 a. SB.; 7:48 p. si., sersuoe. "Uow to Wla the rrise"; xoung reopie s Alliance, s:eo p. at. wraee laie: aev. a. w. neaaereoa. rreaea. las. 11 x. a, ssd Wp. m.t Voaag People's AV uasce. 1 p. as. Senear school. 10 a. aa. Flrat Oermaa Tenth eed Clay streets; Bev. Taeo. Bcbauer. Baaday - acbool. 8:80 a. bj. rsBoa, 10:48 a. m. prearhlug, 7:48 p. .; . P. A.. 7 p. si. Memorial Tlbbetta aad EUrhteeath strests: Rev. L. 0. Hoover. Suaday school. 10 a. as.; nreachlna. II a. sa. and 7:30 B. m. 1 X. P. A. devotional servlcee, :80 p. m. North Portund Tweaty-sret ana rwttyereve streets; Be. BV O. Horaschuch. Baaday arbool. 48 a. a.; preschins. li a., m i X. P. A. prograaB, 7 p. .; preacblng, 7:80 p. as, VBTTZS KTAWOtriCAL. . ITrst Ksst Tenth snd Bherrrsa etreeta: Re. A. A. Wtater. At 10 a. m., Sunday ackool; preaeblag. 11 8. m "Thlncs I MustylAy Aalde"; 7:80 p. as.. ersnteUstlc eerrlce. seeoad Parse and Kerby streets; Re. J. Bowereox. At 11 s. Be., preacblng, "The lieavealy Journey" ; 7:80 p. m., aermoa. "Word of Hope and Encouragement"; Banday acbool, 10 a. m: K. L. I'. E., 7 p. m. St. Johs'a. .Ivsaboe snd Jobs streets: Bev. E. E. McVlckef. Sunday school; 10 a. aa.; richlng, 11 s. .: J. K. C. E., S:S0 p. m. ; K. U C E., 8:80 p. m.; preaeblag . 7 JO p. m. or a ley oreee eanaay ernooi, io a. preaching 11 a, m.. by Be. M. I L. Pratt; Yonng 7:80 p. People's aieetl! 7 - b. m. : areachlns. by Be. rblae, of iloui city. ktlBalOVB. I Oospel Mlsslosv Tbe foraaer Eloa church la Bow aa Independent Gospel snissloa; a fall gospel ef aalretton. heallag: aad holy living taught: Allaky hall, third - Soor, Third an J Morrleoai Rev. Charlea A. Hoy, pastor. At S p. ai., Blbls study snd are lee and testimony meeting: 8 p. m., "Chrlatiaa Progress; or, What of tbe New YearT" Beaesa Ugbt Mleelea 11 roerth atreet. Berth. Preaching .every sight aad Baaday II I 8 s. - Olive Breach Missies SSB Plrst street Bear Colombia. Preaching every sight el 7 JO; Baadaya, B p. aa.; Sunday school, 1:80 p. bu'. . St. John's Holiness Mlaewa 82S Beesad street Bear Main; Rev. Joha P. OUeeo. Bervleas every Bight and Bandey at B aad 7:88 p. as. Chinees Baptist S48 Sedbad sweat Borrtcos at 1M p, av : ;.. ' BPIRITVALim. Flrat Spiritual Society 108 Third street. Annnal reunion, with all-day service. Church of First Bom Drew hall, 182 Second street; Rev. B. E. Coob. D. D. Conference. 10 a. m. ; lyceum. 11 s. m. ; sermoa aad tests, S P. ra. : discourse sad tests. 7:30 p. m. Ministers' sad Mediums' Protective Hplrita sllet Aesorlstloa Woodmea hall. Belllng-Hlrsch building. Tenth snd Wssblngtsa streets, lec tor st 7:48 v. m. by Be. Dr. Dickey. "Tbe leami Ws Mast Learn." followed by Gertrude Woodaeld with spirit meesagss. CKUSTIAir SCXZaTCZ. rirat Church of Christ, Bclestut Scottish RHe esthedrsl. Morrlsoa snd Lowasdsle etreete. Services st 11 s. m. and S p. m.. aublect. "God": Sunday school st clnae of morning ser vice; Wednesday evening meeting at a o'clock. Second Church of Christ, Scientist Kike' tem ple. Stark sad Seventh streets. Snndsy serv Sunday school, 11 a. as.; Wedaesday aseetng, 8 p. m. jr VbTTEO mesbttibiaji, Chnrch ef the Btrangers Waaca atreet an Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl DaBols. Morning service, 10:48 o'clock, with sermon; Sunday school. 12 m.t sermon. 7:80 p. m. Plret Sltth snd Montgomery streets; Re. A. W. Wllaoa. Morning sermon. 10:80 a. St.; Banday school, 12 m.; serraoa, 7:30 p. Bt... TJWTtD XKZTHRIaT W CHRIST, yirat Fifteenth snd Morrtsoa streets: Rev. H. C. abetter. Bible acbool at 10 a. m.;, aermoa at 11 a. m.; sermoa at 7:80 p. m. ; Y, P. S, C. ., 7 p. at. .. ' Second Slith end Meebsnie streets; .Rev. C P. Blsnchsrd. Snndsy eeboel. 10 a. m.t sermoa, 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. a. TTaT IT ARIAS. Church of Our y ether Breenth ssd TasihlU etreets; Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.. mlnlater: Rev. T. U Eliot, D. P.. mlnlater emeritus. Servlcee at 11 s. ra.. subject of sermon, "Tbe New Year tn the World of Politics snd the World of Re ligion": Susday school. 8:48 a. m.. kindergar ten; sdult class at 12:30 p. St.: X. P. B. C. E.. 8:80 p. aa. -v- ' METHODIST, SOTTH. Plrst 171 Second street. Foresters' ball; Rs. B. H. Mowre. At 10 s. m., Sunday school: II s. m., sermon, "Some Evidences of Christ mas"; 8:80 p. m., Epwortb League; 7:80 p. m preaching by Dr. G. H. Stoveall. 0. AV9 X. 4. Cbrlatlaa and Missionary Alliance Sltfh snd Msla streeta; Rev. C D. Sewtelle. Preaching. 10:80 s. sa. : Sunday school. 12:18 p. m.s Yonng People's meeting, 8:80 p, St.; srsngellat services, 7:30 p. Si. , CHaUSTIAaT ADVEHT. Cbrlatlaa Advent Second atreet between Hall snd IJncoln; Rev. Cbsrlee Heffenden. Monday school, 10:30 a.-m. preschlng, 11:80 . a. m. ; pralss service, 7 p. m.; aermoa, 8 p. m. KU'l BZ80RT. Men's Resort aad people's Institute Fourth and Burnslde streets. Stereoptleon Blbls study boor, a P- at.; mea's meeting with eddreea. 4 p. m. people's gospel service with specie! maale, 7:46 p. m. RE019A1TI7.ED SATHTS. ' ' Reorganised Cborrh of Jeeos Cbrlet of letter. Dsy Salute Broad street snd Hnllsdsy sveaee; Rev. W. A. Goodwls. preeldlne elder In chares. Prescbktg st 11 a. as. and 1:80 p. a.; Sunday seaeot, 2:80 p. St. LATTER-DAT AnrTs. Chorcfe of Jeeus Christ of Itter-Da Saints Merrt- Hell 400, AMaky building: Third aad sos streets, aervices st ii:so a. aad T p. ; Baaday scbeel al 10 a. at. riU METHODIST. Free sfstbedlas Bsst Hlstk sad Mill streeta Preaeblag, 11 a. Baaday school, le a. as. T. at.'' a A. , 7 Ponrtk snd 'Tamhlll sueets, Orehettra eon- eert and men a awtlng et 3 p. m., aitflreea by Kv. fiiimae raraw ee "Tewrtg Men e vielnne") Invaluable to, speakers and singers for clearing the voice, Absolutely harmless. ,v .. aVraaoa, 10:30 a. aa, 'Tlle J arteermblp "; by o Obstinate rackkj coughs that setUe on the lungs and It soothes and heals the Inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FCLCT'O IICSSY AK3 TAII contains no opiates or other harrnful drugs, and Is safest for children and delicate people. Remember the name FCUSY'O leCHZY TAlT-d insist upon U is so safe or as certain in results. V'V !'V.V , " lvn Up to 01 WKhCraiip.1 . : Mrs. P. I, Cordler, of Mannlngtoa, Ky., writeai "My tkiwa-year -eM rirl bad severe caa a of croup; the doctor said aha could not live and I gave her tip to die- I west to tho etore and wot Bottle of Polem Honey nd Tar. Tho, first doso cbto quick relie! and BetTad her Ufa." -.: -'";",-'.J',v Tbroo aJai--2Sc, - k A Different, Oil Heater, .? too any If aot aearest all-round household use. Made i r r ..'eeiriie. '. out and niokel-plated. Perfectly constructed, abso lutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power. An ornament to every room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY. CIarke.Wobdward Drug Co. ft. . mt aTBrm. . - sssea-- unporung, winoiesaiers - aad Uannfaclorlag ' ItfttftJSp ' .70,000 square feet of floor apace. .. .j . A complete analytical - Iab. oratory. A private awlteblnr track from the terminal yards. The largest and moat per fectly equipped wholesale drug house on the coast. ' Buyers and handlers of beee -wax and Oregon drug products, , cascara bark, grape 'root,' eta. Cor. Ninth and Hoyt Sts. speelsl Oronn stodr elasse assea saO fel- kvwehlB Bsaeheoa will be held as usual at 4:M a 04 8:80. All sua -are lavlted. . TnrrrxasAXist. Vast Klgbth sod Conch streets. ' At 11 a. m., aeranaa by Be. -T. W. Batter, en "The SetsBes snd Fewer ef Taoustat"; Baaday scaeei, le i. s. ' ADTEaTTISTS. Seventh Tar Adveotlite 208 W talrd street. Betweea Teyler sad Balnus : ne. George A. asrder. rrearaing, T. p, tbihtds. ' rriends Cborrh Beet Tnlrty-Sftb and Msla streets; Be. Lewis I. Hsdle. Preartotng at II a.. b. ana i:u p. as.: aunaay scaool. is a. BB-I Bodes tec, e:ao p. St. swxDZVBoaaiAV. New Oiarek Society Elevesth ssd Alder streets; Rev. Hiram vrooroao. At II e. sa.. iKaia norss koi an et aieiigioa i saaaay acbool, 10 a. as., . i err ibb truth enma. Tmtb Chapel. Allaky bolldtng, Tblrd and Brnrrleaa etreeta: Be. Theddeus M. Mlaard. Services at U a. H.l Banday sckool, IS aa. CHT7BCH Or OOD. Chores et God Chapel. 480 Hawtberne sveaee; Bev. O. T. Meet. Servfree at 1:80 a. m. aad T.S0 p. m.i Baaday school. 1 p. sa. HAlAanx. . . Charek ef tbe Neserene 43 Bafaelde street: Rev. H. O. Hendricks, aerators st 10:80 s. as., 8 p. m. ssd 180 p. bi.j Baaday sckeol at 10 a. a. ' , ' MIIXZHBTAL DAWaT. Mlllenal.l Pewn O, A. R kali. Seeaad ssd Morrlsoa streets. Cervices sr:80 p. aa., uroaxxD. ', First Oerassa Teatk aad Stark Streets t Rev, O. Hefner. Services at 10:48 a. at, aad S B. aa. X. P. B. C B., 8 S. sa. esiix CKVROK. "y Oreeb aad Boaalaa Ortbodoa Cbsirk Ksst Tw.ntbletk and Mnrrlsoa etreeta, Begalsr servlres et aanel tlsae. y. The-Albany Demerrat doesn't like the name "Beaver'' etate aaya there Is scarcely a braver In Oregon." V ev Cure fof Bpflepay. ' , ' . J. B. Waterman ot Watertown, O., Rural free delivery, writes: "My daugh ter, sffllcted for years with epilepsy, waa cured by rr. King's New LI a pills. Rhe has not haw an attack for over two y-jrs." rBest body cleansers snd life giving tonlo pllla on earth. 26a Bt Red Croea rharmac 'drb store,. - . 50c, $1.00. Tho 50 cent abe contains - $1.00 bottle almoat alz timet aa c:ld l:d r.ic:"j-zr::H) cy B ALL DRUGGISTS Hero's an oil heater that's eirTerent from any other you ever taw, oho that gives intense heat without amoke ot smell " because equipped with smokeless derice, and that Is absolutely safe ' because tho wick cannot be turned high or too low. The , PERFECTION 0U Heater (Equipped wlSi Soekdess Device) is rery light and can be easily carried upstairs, downstair anywhere about , the house where more heat is required. ' Makes warm and cozy the rooms not . heated by other stoves or furnace. ' Heats water tjuickr. Brass bil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts , of oil and burns 9 hours. Two finishes t nickel and japan. An ornament to room, tvery neater warranteo. , at year dealer's, writ to ear sgcacy far descriptive elrcmlar. . Is the beY lama for of brass through-' DEMOCRATS TO GIVE BRYAN r.lOHSTER: RECEPTION They Will Also Take Him on r Trips to Different Sections of the State. Portland Democrats decided laat nlrht te give William Jennings Bryan a mon ster reception when be arrives In the city, and to take Mm on aa many tripe to different parts of the etate aa his time wlu permit. ' The reception will be held at tbe White Temple, where Mr. Bryan la to lecture, or at one of the hotels. For the trips through the state, a special car win be chartered. No banquet will be given. In Portland, aa such an affair would Interfere with Mr. Bryan'a lecture engagements. Just when Mr. Bryan will arrive la not known, but It Is believed he will be here about the middle of January. Chairman Alex Bweek of the Democratic state central committee said that tn a few days he will know the exact date of Mr. Bryao'a arrival and also the length ef time he will be In Oregon. When this Information la reclved. the Bryan club, which la planning the re ception and the Journey, will arrange the details of the entertainment aud also a atate Itinerary. - - Senator M. A. Miller of Lebanon aald he visited Mr. Bryan while Jn the-east recently, and the leader told him he Intended to epend as much time aa poa aible 1 thla slate. . - ABERDEEN'S NOVEMBER SHIPMENTS OF LUMBER ---fSeeelal Mapatca te The JenraaLI Aberdeen. Wash- Deo. 21. The earen shipments of lumber from Grays Harbor xor tne montn or November footed up the magnificent total of . ll.UO.Ssl feet of lumber, 1.427,500 lath and 11,4(1,000 shingles. Wilson's mill, which ships largely by water, waa not Included In the, summary, for. soms reaaeev ' n m i J II x. ,1.1',. r QDlI ' may develop Into Pneumonia over ' Ctestor CuTod off tun TrouLla. . : ' .. , v , W. L. Stranb, Editor of St. Petcrsburf; (Fla.) Tlmea, wrlteaj Whea coanina; avcroas tho boy from Port Tampa I rot wet and ca tight a cold that affected say throat and hinga. I neglected it, thlnkina;! woold aoonrctwveJ'. but I kept getting WA)T8,Dntil I bought B bottle of Foley't Honey mna Taw, and It cored aoa completaly.'r , . ' , two and one-half times aa much aa the much. . nlsM ttllMtltt Begin With' Have your premises wired, m Year's resolution that 1907 shall be an EtECTMC YEiR in your household as well as in your store; and prepare to enjoy the; convenienceF the Ubpr-saving the healthfulnesse the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELEOTY Keep your place of business bright with fiedric' Light and;- don't neglect-the ELECTRIC SIGN, and you will keepbus Light is the magnet that attracts trade;' Resolve to make your wife happier by ' giving her the - convenience of an ELEC--TRIC SEWING MCHIfl& an ELECTRIC FLATIRON and Electric cooking and heat ing devices. Electric appliances' cost little to use; but add much to comfort. The Electrial ;way is the EC0N0MlCiL way. Call ; up Main 6688 for information TODAY, " ' Portland General Electric Co; jdephone Wain 688 . First and ilder Sts ' ' MAYOR LANE SYMPATHIZES I7ITH STRIKING CARL1EN :' ... " , . ; ' ;'':f . Says Photograph System is Un Amerrcan and Advises Men v to Resort to Politics. : Arsurancee that they would have fair treatment, that the police would not be allowed to overatep their authority toward them and that he would do all In hla power to get the a tree tear company to arbitrate with the employee, were given by Mayor Lane last night at a meeting In Drew hall whloh waa at tended by over 100 atrlklng barmen. The mayor upbraided the photograph ayetera used by the company and aald emphatically that the streetcar men were entitled to an Inorease In present wagea. . . - ' "I consider the photograph system or the company degrading and tin-American." he said. "I do not hesitate- to tell you that you have my sympathy on that score, and t would be willing. If I were In a poattloa to do so, to Increase the wagea of the carmen. I -believe they are entitled to it. If I were plaeed on a board of arbitration, I would try to cat It for you." , Mayor Lane waa roundly appiauoan whan he concluded hla remarks and he atated that he would aee to It that the company waa forced te obey the city er- dlnancea. some of the carman preeent asserting that la order te keep up te Ute night are quickly cured by small also and tho A Electric Llnht time schedule they were compelled to run the cars at ttms at a rate of :s mllea an hour, while the oralnaneee limited the apeed to It mllea per hour. Mayor Lane's last bit of advice to the men visa for them to enter the field of politics. "Ton never will receive from the hande of the corporation 'what la due you and what is your right to expect until you eleet your representa tives to the legislature and te eon. grass, ' he said. A vote of thanks waa ' Biven the mayor at the close of hla ' ' , -M 0M slarrard Oradnate. " V (Jettrnal Special Servlre.) Bowton. Mass , De.. Israel ' Mun- eon Bpelman, one of the two survivors of the Harvard elass of mt, will cele brate hla ninetieth birthday tomorrow at hla home In Cambridge. Hie solitary associate of the elaae of 1SS is Samm-1 ' O. Ward of Washington. D. C Mr. Bpei man retired from active business- many years ago. In hla day he waa promt, net aa a financier and during the clell . Far period he waa preeldent of the fine ton Maine railroad.. ' , run 11 1 1 j ,v Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms and then wonder why you don't get well. f you will only try a bottle of Ballard a Horehound Pyrup your cough will be 8k thing of the past It Is a positive ours fur Coughs, Inflnensa, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary diaeseea. Oris bot tle will oonvlnce you et your drurelat tec loo, 11.00. Vor lle by all drug glsta c '. X