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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
'v- TIIE OREGOII DAILY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1800, BRIDEGROOMS ACTIONS FORCED TRANSPORT AT mm i rv. t HIS ' - .. fr-v --v . l.JV ' ' ' "j;r ' ' II 11 II p " I ." 'Vw;iM (Tt - r; .v. -wi -Hill WiUiam P. Bywaters- ; . - (Hearst 1(.ws Bervtc..) v Cufpepoper, Va., le-e. II. Tha teati- ' monr of Mrs, Gaines, at iter of th Btrorher brother, who killed William T, Bywater an boor after hi mar ring to Mia Strother, leave little doubt that the boy will b acquitted , when they are brought to trial la Jan- , vary ... . -, - Mra Gaines ear a 'that when she ar rived she was told by her brothers, "It ' Is all' over: 1 they are married." She .went. to her sister's room and found her alone and crying- bftterly. Mrs. By waters exclaimed: , . "Oh. Nellie, why did' they make an marry him? Tby bar broken my heart." ... - 1 v . "I said to Mr. Bywatera,t continued , tha witness, "Viola, now that you are. married. It. 1 -the duty of your hus WALL STREET SEES SANTA CUIUS Prosperous Yar Among Flnan- ; ciers Results in Big Gifts for th Employes. ' FIRHTPER CENT'DF , - YEARLY SALARIES . 1 Hundreds of Thousand! Are Distrib uted, but 'Presents ' Are Not as ,' Large as Those of Four Years . '.: ' (Joeraal Special gerviee.) New York, Dee. J.-Santa Claua paid . bis customary visit to Wall street at th close of business today. No Block ings were overlooked, from manager and confidential men with salaries ex ceeding that of th president of th United Stat to youthful clsrk and office boy who hop that soms day their name may appear In gold lettera on pretentious office windows with th ' words banker and broker underneath: It' baa been a prosperous Veer In th financial district, and aa a cons.quenc largesses were distributed among th m ploys. In some case tb rewards given to day amounted to aa much a 80 er cent of th yearly salaries of th employes ' But th most of th banks snd trust . companies tllstiibuted bonuses on th ' yearly salaries of employes on th fol lowing basis: Those in th smploy of - ths lnstltulon for IS years or longer, , It per cent; those employed leu than IS year and more than fiv years. 10 per cent; those employed less thsn flvs years and wore then on year. T per cent la addition to these percentages edm of the big firms, owing to th prosperity of th past granted an . A Western Wonder. . There's a Kill at Bowie, Tec, that's twice as big aa Isst year. This wonder Is W. I Hill, who from a weight of 10 pounds has grown to over 110. He saya: 'I suffered with a terrible coush, snd doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion. I was reduced to SO pounds, when j begsn taking Dr. King' New Dlsoov- ' try for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 11 bottles, I have vtnor than doubled In weight, and am completely cured." -Only aura Cough and Cold curs. Guaranteed by Red 'Crosa Pharmacy, druggist. . SO and ti.00. Trisl bottle free. .i- c MURDER ASSERTS -Tha Strotber Horn In Culpeper, Va - Which ths Two Brothers Shot . to ths Ground From the Roof of band to remain at your aid and mine to go to the children, tfo one waa In the house exoept the two brothers.'-Mr. f By waters his wife and myeelf. Mra. Bywatera Insisted that I ahould re main." , - i -i ,(.-. ' . ' euppoeed to Be Dying. . "My slater," ah continued, "waa then supposed to be In a dying condition. He did not aeem to regard the ootid! tlon of his- wife as of any consequence, speaking of going to tell hi mother of the marriage and of leaving the house In a light rain. H waa Insulting In hla language and waa furiously mad. "I said to him: Tou are the lowest dog that aver lived.. I have atood by my sister two daya and aeen her go through physical and mental agony for you, and now you want to leave her In thla con dition without any protection, and ,1 prayed that ah might die and be spared such a life as she would hav to live with you. ' ' Tie laughed at m and sneered In my face. "About that time mr husband aald: "By waters,-1 want to tell you what I think of you. You have violated every obligation aa an Odd Fallow and as a gentleman.' v VH sam: Tea, i Know it; put you and the Odd Fellows what hav you got to do with Itr ' ' Cnraed tha brothers. . . v ' "Bywatsr then cursed them with very epithet under heaven. "My hus band and two brothers heard him. and then he made motion aa If he would Ilk to throttle my husband, -and my brothers kept htm from striking my husband. I saw he waa determined to foro trouble on us, and I pulled my husband from the room and then I went put on the front porch. - - .' "I did not see any on again until I extra gratuity of I per cent to-everybody, Including new employes. In this manner hundreds of thou sands of dollars were distributed to th worker la Wall street today, but In is of bonuses ths year did not compare with th Christmas season Of 1102, whea J. P. Morgan CO. and Lasard Fre res gave to each employ a check for toe entht amount of hla year's salary, and other houses wars almost equally lib- oral. Without exception all ths btg banking, Interests expect 1007 to ba on of the most prosperous years In th history of th country. , NEWBERG MASONS AND EASTERN STAR INSTALL rSneetil Dlepatch to The arn1.t New berg, Or., Dec. t. Newberg lodge No. 104, A. F. at A. M.. and New berg chapter, O. JO. 8., held a Joint In stallation on St. John'a day. Th offi cer for. tha Eastsrn Star are tha fol lowing: Newberg chapter Worthy patron, I B. Ferguson; associate matron, Mra EL Clemmena; secretary, Anna M. Llnvllla; treasurer. Maynard Redmond; conduct ress, Mrs. Llttlefteld; associate con ductress. 'Mra E. Sykes; Adah, Mra Jennie Sykes; Ruth, Edith McCrea; Es ther, Mrs. MoCrsa; Martha, Nellie Nel son; Electa, Mrs. Ines Butt; warder. Mra M. Caldwell; sentinel. A. C Seeley; organist, Mra. Verona H. Nelson. Newberg lodge W. M., Dr. H. A. Llttlefteld; senior warden, X. C. McCrea; Junior warden,. A. C. Seeley; treasurer, '. S. Carkln; Secretary, R. B. Llnvllle; 8. D I B. Ferguson; J. D., Maynard Redmond; S. 8.. H. A. Orafe; J. B., Rob ert Wind; tyler, James Comle. A banquet followed at the Olasa hotel Toasta were given by Clarence Butt and J. C McCrea. LEFT TEN THOUSAND, TO HIS NEGRO NURSE tJenrsal SpMlal Swvlee.t New Orleans, Dee. to. Th announce ment that 3. 3. Beresford, who wss killed In th recent wreck at Enderlln, North Dakota, left a Will bequeathing 1 10,009 to a negro nurse who nursed him through tha yellow fever In 1007, developa th fact that Beresford lived her aa a married man and that hla wife believed he died of yellow fever. How the .deception , was accomplished may become an International episode, the deceased being a brother of Lord Charles Beresford. admiral of th British navy. REVIVALS AT BAKER CITY ALL THROUGH FEBRUARY (SpeH.I Dlaaatch to Tb. Journal.) Baker City.. Deo. tl. One full month of revival meeting t th plan of four leading churcbea of Baker City the Methodlat, Presbyterian and First and Secttpd Baptist. At a meeting of com- mine. from th different congregation it hs ben decided that throughout the month Of February revival will be held, jointly, for on week In each chureh. i Rev. ringer, Rev, Beiv; Rev. Be cot ' ' ', i . , ' ".';'V . .' ' WITNESS Showing the Rear Windows Prom Dotted Lin Indicates B waters' Fall the Porch, r went t the dining-room where Jim and Philip werei TV talked about what had happened, tha Insult which Bywatera had oixered me, but particularly' about the leaving of my alater alon - that night . ' "W just said ha would hav a to stay with her and. nurse her as a husband ahould. Those were the condition they gave him when he married her. We decided he ahould stay. That was tha condition under which he had begged hi Ufa. We wanted to oonceal the fact that hs had been forced to marry my latr. ' Baa Away From Mok Wife. "One of my brothers aald hs would go upstairs and tell him that ha waa not to leave the house that night. W war then in the dining-room and I heard my alster's voloe. 1 aald, 'Let ua go upstairs." ' "When I got tip to tha head of the step and could see into the room By watera was sitting by my sister's bed, and she had her arms around him holding him. He Jerked away' from her, and in trying to get down th Step nearly pushed roe over. . ,.- "My brother were apparently not conscious that h had left the room. I tald: 'He la gone; ho nearly knocked me over running by m.' "My husband then puTled htm back. The minute Edwin let him go Bywatera darted for tha window. ...As he went out of the window the- boy began firing. . The shot were fired at By water aa he went through the window. There were no shot fired In the room." She declared without hesitation that her brothers, James and Philip, fired tha fatal shots, and that Bywatar conduct forced them to do It. The testimony of the widow and that of her alster militate strongly In ravor or tna etrotners, ana their ac quittal is almost certain. . and Rev. Dulln, tb pastors of tha churches, will conduot the services, but they Intend to hold a special meeting next week for the purpose of discussing th project of bringing some outside preachers bar for th occasion. According to th present plana of th churchmen th revlvala will be held drat in th Presbyterian church, next In th second Baptist church, then tha First Bsptlst and close In th Methodist. On, eiuadey mornings Ifi churches will hold' their Individual devotional In their own churches and Sunday evening big mas meetings will be held In th old Armory hall. ... NEW INCORPORATIONS HAVE FILED ARTICLES (Special Dispatch te Tks JooraaL) " Salem, Or., . Deo. 2. eVrOoles of In corporation hav been filed a follow with th secretary of etate: . Cornwall Lumber company, Incorpo rated under tha state laws of Michigan with a capital atock of 1 100, MO. has namd Thomas W.- Ward of Portland as Its attorney and declared IntenUon to ngagS In business here. Harmony Public - Improvement so ciety; lncorporatora, Emma 8pooner. Lena Bat tin and 8. A. Clarke; estimated value of property, 1500; place of me.t Ing, Harmony, Clackamas county. Clark-Clemson ' company; - Incorpora tors, John D. Clarke, John Q. Clam son and Hugh C Osarln; capital stock, 160. 000; principal office, Portland. Hutchinaon Manufacturing company; lncorporatora, C C. Hutohlnaon, E. O. Machang and - An A. Llndley; capital atock, 110,000; main office, Portland. ANNUAL REPORT OF STATE LIBRARIAN Salem. Or., Deo. 19. State Librarian Ed Gllltngham haa prepared hi report to be submitted to the legislature It shows there are at preeent 15.000 vol umes, among which are 16,000 law books and 10,00 stat and government pamph lets. Th growth of th library - haa been at th rat ot 1,000 volume a year' and th work connected with th indexing require Jth services of s trained sssistant. The books ere to be catalogued and Indexed, using the card system. Contributions of early Oregon docu- Oct back your strength. energy, ambition, by using RASSETrS NATIVE HEIftS. Costs only $1 far three ' month' treatmtnt fmoaey back if doesn't cure). Also 23c sue. At Druf gists' (In black bmtest not, nl m rSCE ky-inmnt Bsssetl'iNsUv Herat Cs. CiIiiIii. oea m I NEVER atJESS Experiment Vr take chances of any sort. . I pet tempt to cure only thoee diseases that I have been curing for the past sixteen years, and I believe I am Justified In saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lack ing in knowledge pertaining to mr specialty I would never have attained my present euccees, nor would I to- . day be recognlssd aa ths leading spe cialist treating men's diseases. If afflicted, you can depend upon tt that . the service I offer you is the service you need, and le servtoe suoh as can b rendered by no other physician. My practice la the largest because . I Invariably flfiU my promise, . VARICOCELE " " Under my treatment the moat ag gravated cases of varicocele are cured In a few days Mm. There I no pain, and It la seldom necessary that the patient be detained from hi occupation. Normal circulation i at once restored throughout all the or gans, and the natural processes of wast and repair are again eatab llsbed. If you are afflicted with va ricocele, consult me at once. De lays can but bring on aggravated condition and nervous complication that will Impair the vital function and involve the general health. Contracted Disorders In the treatment of disorders tfof- rer a service such as no other phy sician can render. The remedies I smploy hav a most thorough and rosltiv action In cleansing ths mem ranes of all Infection and subduing alt Inflammation. My manner of ap plication ineures absolute thorough ness, and removes every possibility of relapse or a chronlo stage. My cures ars not only thorough, but are aocompiisnea in. in Drielest tlm possible. The Dr. Taylor Co. Fatleats living out of th dry and Check ra trumks direct to 134H Consultation Free OUR FEE I AST VSOOstrUOATtS Ca SSTABUrsaTJD ta rsAsa . XX rOBTZOJTS. wauujui trxcnsV -4 TXIOTtTM, aTTXBO(ma, ' TAKIOOOSUI, . BLOOD VOXSOsT, tOgT TZTAUTT, MXBMWt An ' BZaSaVSaa, v , OsTOBJtKOSA, WBOSTATIO AJTS arxsrous BZSSAnS. Ws Want Bvery tCaa U the Ooaatry Who ASTUoted to Writ as About XI Ailxoeat. ' . HOURS I TO li t TO ;JJLDAILT: SUNDAYS. TO It. . ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY Nam nOOVS lyi.Kirtfita' tk Foil I ctkuve Itrono Qrrtr.hi Caret CoM la Owe Day, Gr4yaa 3 Day ments and atat reports of various kinds will be appreciated by th librarian. In order to increase th efficiency of th library Mr. Ollllngham recommends that nrovtalon b mad for sending out pub- lie reports to other states that will ex change them in latum xor tneir own report. A balknc of tttMl remains from th 15.000 appropriation made by th legislature. , . TO ENLARGE SUPREME COURT BY AMENDMENT rSDeclal DUpatch to Tb. Joorn.t.i Salem, Or., Deo. St. That Oregon la detlned to hav a larger supreme bench in th near future seem to be settled. At least th movemnt for an Inoreaaed eunreme bench appears to grow In favor, because of Ua necessity for th speedy disc hares of th court business. . It 1 reported her that Representative Kerry E. Northrup of Multnomah haa requested of Attomsy-uenerai craw- ford' an opinion on tha constitutionality of th Increase under th present con stitution and that he has been given s cejratlve reply. . . However. It la aald that a resolution calling for a vote of th people on an amendment to- th constitution having for It purpose th creating of a larger supreme bench, I to b introduced oy 8enator Btngham of Eugene, thus mak ing th proposes: change, in the Oregon judiciary entirely constitutional. PROWLER CAUGHT BY .PLUCKY HOUSEHOLDER (Special DUpetch te Tss Jearaal) Canby, Or., Dec. t r-A bold, attempt to rob th residence of F. C. filn ton was made Tuesdsy night. About 1 o'clock In th morning Mr. Hlnton heard soms on at th window of hi bedroom and, arising, scared th . In truder away. M then oreted himself near th gat to watch and In a ahort tlm th man returned, wbeft"M. Hln ton nabfed him and tumrfd htm over to ' the town marshal. Th examination j was held before Recorder Walt Friday j morning and th prowler, was ordered Dm. TAxXOB. . fa Leading atpaolan. xt m za oraY nd) n ajtt inrooMwuoAns cau You Pay: When CURED Consultation Fret eomlng to FortUad tot treatment will be atorrlsoa street. . Special Diseases you to do by ua if our cases were reversed. Our counsel will cost you nothing, and our curea are reasonable and within your reach. Physicians having. stubborn rmmmm a trust are enrriisllv invited to consult ua. Hundreds riffht here in Portland 20ue. recently- been jnidelwtil and happy bjF us, to their afflicted fellow-men. What we have done for them we can do for you. Every man needing medical attention should carefully read our specialties, which follow: ' If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a talk with us. We may be sble to set you right again if we can cure you we would like to undertake your case. For many years we have made a specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curable. Experimenting and theories are things of the past. Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific principles, founded on years of successful practice. We cure by the latest snd best methods known to medical science" VARICO CELE or KNOTTED VEINS, BLOOD POISON, NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY, BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, and all associate diseases and weak nesses, with their reflex complications, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture' and Weak ness. . We have cured thousands. If your physical condition is impaired, if your vital ity is assailed from overwork and worry if your system is tainted with disease in e .v.., vrTT nup tt tci viSiidcct w n ...t, .,--H lljr iwj ill rr , A WW w vv w . w www v pvt.. m ,yi m - tive power at once.' ''. - . . AITS TAJCsTXU ITIllTs, rOBTXAITD, OBBOOsT. A Full Dollar's Worth of MAN MEDICINE Free For a Dime Tier', s sropoaltlos. via that siakr. It aar ENOUGH tt .ay weak mi a to Uy UaJI MCDi CINt Dig ap s Sine right sew .war thla wbol. tfollar'a worth by r.tura ataU aad g.t w.U at hocn-qulrilr. MAN MEDICINg. beys. Is THS STtrP for th. wak, wear. sun. It I. th. ot ywr. ot and .tody f mm'. wekoe. It I. acl.DttAe ana It Is aarmltu. bat It quick action la nftn-bulldlnt work Is s wonder. Ua.f MEDICINS int. th. "wm" Iste s Siaa; It Ukt tb. Slncbuut out of bl. .yea and atralshtaas bt barknoa. It will siak. oo alf aawrtlva, ,lf-cniilldeiit, sbl. powerful and vrb.m.nt with tb. suslr rnnfloVnee that bnb bl up In the atraeg-Berrtd, body. Be tbat kind of a mae jm cas. aa a dim. toriar; we will send dollar la MAN MEDICINE worth a I yon e "dollar . dron" lomMmDlt aar. In.'t d.lar thir.'. Tantbing ea tU4 stms faotatonl tbat will do tb. work for ton ua. Has Mrairin. ( rama rs dim. to try tb. eoat or tb. pai-k, st a fallilMd (dollar parkas of MAX MEDICINg nt frae to rour bom. Is puia, nn narked wrapper. ' Intrntat. ftcoMdy Ce., 740 Lech bids.. Detroit, Mtcblsaa. for Women Only ar. Sanderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Hoot Pllla The best and only rellshle remedy for DELAYED PE RIODrt. Cure the most ob sHnal cases In S to IS daya Price ti per box, msiIM In plain wrapper. Ad T. J. FIERCE, D. O ill First, Portland. Oregon. out of town. Ha had been loafing around th saloons her for several days, lis gsv hi nam aa Ferguson: Preferred too Ceased tjooda, . . AUen e lye la' aest brand. . M I AM NEVER IN DOUBT I am never In doubt as to what the results from my trsatment will bet Day after day for el x teen years I have been curing cae after ease of the several disease peculiar to men. No rase comes to me now, the Ilk of which I hav not treated scores . of times In the past, and I can al . ways say definitely whether X wlll be able to effect A permanent cure. I never hold out falae . hopes or make promises that I cannot fulfil), and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may be able to offer you, If I promts you a ciir. a cur will follow. '"WEAKNESS" I our functional weakness In ' men, I know of no other physician cur ing this aliment Most doctors treat wrongly. They give stimulants and tonlca These things can't cure. ; "Weakness" Is a symptom of pros tatic disorder, and -. the treatment must be local. Thla la a truth that I myself revealed. I hav perfected the only system of local treatment that curea "weakness." A few doo tors over the country claim to oure by the sam method, but their treat ment 1 only an Imitation of tb genuine ' Taylor method. The gen uine Is here and I administered by It originator. Don't hop to find it elsewhere. , Specific Blood Poison No dangerous tn!nrAl"to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless, blood - cleansing remedies that re ' move the last poisonous taint. i 2341 Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland. Or. furnished with fla room fre f barge. PTnri VoderAbsoInleGaaraiitee of lllcll NO PAY INLESS CURED We do not treat all diseases. We treat men only, and cure them to stay cured. We challenge the medical profession for a case of BLOOD POISON, N ERVO-VITAL DEBILITY or allied troubles that will not readily yield to our treatment. To these' maladies alone we have esrnestly devoted our en ergies and claim advantages over other physicians , in their treatment I! you have treated elsewhere without success you are especially invited to come and see us. We will do by you as we would want and cheerfully commend our cures GEE WO Portland! . Widely Known and Successful Chine , Meliclri, Root and Herb Doctor Bis fasioaa nsMdlea, th. Insndlrata which w. Imparl direct from the Orient Is Urs. gaaatltlM sad arepu. sad pat ep foe ea. n ble ap-te-eaU labatorr. N SMreer. polMM er drssa el ear klad seed. Peraly eeretable, Tb. Dortor tr.t aeeeeMrally and gaarastem) fo ear. all atom ark trmiblM. eatarrb. aatbaam. Hnt. throat rbewmatlem. sarennssesa. Ue, kMnr asd Tmt ai.ahmd. rCMAXg TBOTTBLIS AND Alt VarvSTl DISEASES. ". fate, m mleleedla. lUleantt ' t- He .fSlrted. A Mrbraad leetlas car. Is th. eslck M poaelbl. Urn. end at .the laweet eoal see elble for feoee tree talent. , It re reseat eelL writ, tv art. atom bleak eed eliralar. Iim-Vm 4 rear, te atamsa. . . . OOVgOXTATIOaT Fttl. She C. Oe. W. Cliiaeaa btedliae Oe., 1SSM fust St., Oer. Mwrkwa. gutlasa, 0 P leaa. meaikes tbls earwr. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Gapsuiss A POSITIVE CURE ForTeflemmattoaerOetarrfcoC the Bladder and Plaae Kid oer. SO OOai SO PAT. Cares kj.lrkly aad ..rm.aeBtiT Ih. woret raea. of Slemerrh .ad ilee, a. m.ilw of bow loaf at.adtns. V w J pirmmw, soa ay arotsara, tesCA ttsst IHtSANIAL-rUwIXwlj. BelMsatstaa, Obi. Sold Vy All nrarrhrte. Every Vcn kiasarasted and abtield kaew stou ih. wenderral MARVEL Whir Una Sarav Ike mw Taewat Srekate. Imr. wa urn .Vacfioau baai-Aa. - t oeroiiTelen, Mtter. ant eead aukmn for (Mutinied book U. ft full imrtl'mlara and 'llrertioTa ta. Valuable io la,'ea. P a I. rk- n. aaesr.. a. loaa. W.ODAMtf, CLlaa a CU, " tAli ABATIS e. l;ia.- S' st . -ai Ltf i a "sa tek reaTateeitet MklL ' i r be rnnolauinlrtbe ' ItSiri- eornft DA frees W ' T -4 1 . . s . .t i UH10KPAVHZ3 i Tralm to the East Daily - Tkiwsb raliaua studaei aad twist fori a. 1 1 i-m.k- rhu.M anak,MI torn let elMpln-arF dally ta R.asa. Cttfj Tbrwesh rM-iuTsg (seals treat t tb. tart d.llr. , , - lu eu - iaeak Cblcaao-Porilaad . (wkl ene aiaU 1 Haetlua-ton, dir. S:SS ssk tiSSSW tfV . tl for Ceetera r."flnoa. Walla Wall.. Lewl.ton. Crwor d'Alea. mmi " Nortbwn polnta. dally. T:00t auantl Kxprea far tb. Kaet Hantlnstoa; dally . .rTVSaSss. Sasi Porad Bl lonl for all jm,a oetweea Blcs asd Portland, d.llr. . . ..... . . 7. . S IS aw S!d .colcmma arves ditisioi. Aatotla and way polnta. wanMtiaf wttS . u lo .d North (Hta, StaeaaaS ".10- A'b-et. dork. Wsees S p. St.. , .SBaJari Safer Jar. t s. St, Aw Ives .boot S, p. m nrvpr Send... Yamhill rivrb boutb. Daytoa, Orefoa City aad Tembtn ftees f"ts, eteeroere Bath and Mode.. Aab-at. dock, T "r. ercerjt Bawlay ( water per. tJoa1;!'' P- audally. esess ' ' swakpi rivrb morrrs.' ," Lawlatoe, I da he. and war potnt. frmal Blperia, Waeb .teener. Bpokaae and Lewhe toe lee re 6:40 m er epo. arrival Trala No. d. datty empt Ratordsr. Arrive 4 B. aa. datl. exrvrtt frldav. TlekM Office. Tblrd and WeAlagtos eta. -. 1 Telephone Mala TH. . W StlNORR. Ore Tlrt.t Afent. Wot. McMCRRAY. General Paeaeiuree A seat. EAST SOUTH L'slem Depot tisave. AcrMb rwruaad .- B.- . es..-- lec Bipreestup. .oly ' ".".t importaat Matlone ' , " betwees tortlasd and Saa rraarlKo; ODnneetiuaa at Sa. rrenclaco for aU polota , ' ' .....- .au oouia.... al.evpaai J r Orerlaad Cipreas Trains for aU local jwiata South. . . . SaeraaieBto, 6a a rraix-Uc ' and points Beat sad Boetb. I: pw) ; m Mornlas trala r.aae.u at VVewdburs dally .aeept Sunday with Mount Aa(el ' and Silver toa kooal l:e am T JS P Oottas. Orwr. . .aeemcer , . twnnrcu ' at Woodbora aad , -Albany dally, eirept Sun- . Bay, with train, for polota . ua Woedburn-Hprlacfletd aad " ' Ainany-iD.aoa Or a acne... -e:io pm -11 eaa Corvallla paesencer , "7:80 1a 0 pre pnenaan paaaenffer "t:wp. "j.w,a Poreat Grove paeeie....llr) aa !:00 am rereet Orore peaeeorer. .., IR'2U fm .tO pm Daily. MPatly except Sunday. JErrERSON-dTKRET rlTATIOI. rer Dallae end tawraaedlat. point, dally, T:S e. sa. and 4:1S p. at. Arrive Cortiaad 1S:1 a. m. and S:3S p. m. For tlase and card of Oeweso esbertie traias apply at City Ticket Offlc. er atatloa. Tlcketa to Beater, points and En rope I saw Japm. 1na. Honolulu and AoatreUa. City Ticket Office cornet Third aad WaaV tntroa atreete. Pben. Main Til. a W. BTINORk. fa McMTTRRAT. City Ticket A seat- Oem. Paae. Asm. TIME CARD . OF ' TRAINS 1 Portlands """'ttssvar r attlra. r.noweteae Part -Kasaaa City- ; Kt. Loola asocial foe Cbeballe. Cntralla, Olympla. Orey'a ; ' Harbor. Soatb Bead, Taeome, " ' . Seattle, Spokane, tewtatoa. ' Butte, Btlllnsa. Dm rer. One- , ba, Ranaee City. St. Lsait and Sou thee at, dally.... 1:M am 4: SO pot Mortb Coeet Limited, eleetri. v ' llrhted. tor Taeoma. Seattle, . Bpokau., Butt., Kllnaeapolla, ' St. Heal and the Beet, dally. S:00 pm, T4S Sal facet Soend Limited, for . L Claremeat, Chebalut, Ce. Ji,- tralla. Taeoma and Seattle only, dally 4:80 pm l:SSpa Twin Ulty Bipree. (or Taes aw, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, ' . Bntt. St. Paol. Mlnsaanolla. Lincoln. St. loaepb. Kaneae City. Omaha. St. Loan), with est ebnte of rare. Direct connect lone for all polnta Bast and Rcntheaat. dally'- 11:48 pa S:S0 pm ' 2 Overland Trains Dally . Ta. OrteataJ Limited, ta. faat Mafl VIA SBATTLB AMD BPOBABBL rertiaad tfste ersednla tJetly. a1ry. Leare. , Arrtve, T. and treat, , . ' St. P.sL Mlaneapolla. " rramth asd all points Beat via Seattle ' tm T-O .m Iliad pm SOpm To and from St. Paol, Mlnaaapolla. Duluth - , " and ell points Beat via Spokane T:SS pa SrSSsa vast Berth era Btaaaaskrp Oe. Sailing from Seattle fur Japes sad China ports and Maaua, carry lag pee-eens-ers and fretcbt, S. B. Minnesota, Jaaaary B ., ' ' B. B. Dakota, rebrnary IT. yirpoir TvsEM bahha, ijepaa Mall Bteaaiehl. Co.) . Teea Mara will salt from Seattle about Jaaaarr a. - tor Japan and Chtnew porta, earrying paasaagars and trl(ht. For ticket., rates, berth, nains Hone. etc.. rait ea er addreas K. SICKSOV. 0. . I. A.. It TktrS St.. reurUaaa. Ore em Astoria & Columbia -Riyer Railroad Co. tjaloa Depot ' '- tearei . Anlra, Per Mayt era. Balnler, Clare kadle, Waetport, Clifton, Ae torla. Warren toe. rl.e.1. - ' Hammoed, fort Htereaa. ear bar t Park. Seaild. S:0Sssi ll:Staa Aetnria aad atoaebore. expreae eatlr t:0O am t:Nr AU train, dally. J. 0. MAYO. li. P. .nd P. A.. Aeorle, Or. O. A. STBWABT, ('MimereiaJ Afe.U $i Aide etreet. Pben. Male S. S. Fa A. Kilburn Pee caws Bap. Beresa aad See Pl.mHmm sailing from Portland. Prtday, See. IS -Kea Satllag froa Us msctnto, Thar.,- Be. S. CHAS. S. . STBStiMITB. ktL Oak Street DocK. Phone Main 2953 1 . I, , . f7cav7i(iv:-;:in'.w II T'IUu'r'" V I e i. ISl sumsci : 1211 lajht soufia 1 TNK COMrOfTTAaiC WAV. .1 V: