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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND,' SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 3. 18C3. 13 7. 'v , MONETf'TO LOAN. IIOMI TO LOAN . Oa Improved rllj property or lor baud lag . trm tut from i (a 10 yeera, tin, with prtniesa te reeey ell or psrt o loan etur ,w. ain, Loan ajproeed from pleas end mosey iMMl aa building progresese; asurl aagee dim np and replaced. rail M. strumi. nuK-iil tik - .. . 342 Start el. - ' , -VnvriDIKTIAL LOAM! en eelarle. teirarH-e palUlrs. pianos. fursHure. sisreeoiiac r-celpts. .. -ale: eur aeeerTwg pc.-euai oral ad.eeoe. repaying., by. esJ weekly or monthly rastallineiits. ........ NEW ERA lUAM TRUST COMPAN.V, 303 Ablagtoa blttc. WONEV LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPI.K I Juat oa your ow name no stuer security. don't borrow s-illl yoa are sue; bit syeteia at ike Inl fur railroad uiaa. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar nn snd all sllter employe.: kwl-rn-es strictly coofideatlsl. F. A. ,awtoa. 4i4 Abuigton aid. .. afuVGV ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and . others apoa their awn nan without eeeur ity; chcaiaa( ratre. easiest payments : offlcea ."' la W priaclpal rlllaa; aara yourself ami he getting our terms first. - , TOLMAN. 223 Ablsgtoa old., 108H Third St. WANTED Note, eanrtgggea r contracts aa inf kind of ml ealate la Oregon aad n a ah . intina; aaraad awrtcacaa aurckaaad U vail aarartd. H. K. tioala. all (Jomajarclal Mk. MONRT to loaa la aaaa aalt. S aad aaara. aa law aa per cant, oa imprnrad Hr pr art. Mnoltoa Itvoorj, Mil Oalaailila bldf., MS Waalilaftaa at. PON T karrow aaoaef oa aalara aotU Huttca Credit Ca til Data, aide. W. . WARD. Ia-Tr. Allakr bM(. Pmbtta aM narlimra koalnaaa anllrltad;. awderata : trt; laaaa auHWj aa BMrtsatas tnm 2U0 ' aaaf tarnaa. TOI NO arlantlBc aiaaaaoae 1aa alartrlral. al mhnlir aad asadlratrd traalmrnU: rhlrapodlat - aad aiaalrurlm. . 41 Kal.lfh bM. MOMCT InaaM aa fnniltura, plaana and etbar aararillaa. W. A. HaiKavay. aaa 10, WatU- Imrloa bldf. ('bona Taeirie 1S.M JIOMtV to leak; terra Inana anaclaltr; alaa ' KiilMlitf loana; low rat rataa: flra laaunara. WllUam U. Bark. Sit ratline bM. - - CRMfF.NT UIAN CO., 42a alohaark Ndf. Mooaj to land aa aaiT paraaant plaa ta waga arnars; air let If confldratiaJ. IfONRY to loaa oa all klada af aaearlt. . William Holl, room Waahlniloa bMg. to LOAN Dnnu to salt oa rhattal aacarltr. R. A. Iam. S14 tko Maronaai. . MONEV Tt LOAN Flra Inanranra: raal aatatr. Mntiar at McKmnlo, 10S-2IO CoaaawrcUlblk. TO MIAN SS.W or Iraa oa nty prapertT. a. A. Johanna, 313 Comaierrlal blk. ' A LOAN for th aakbtc aalarr ar eaattal. Ta Loaa Co.. 410 Uakurn bhlf . PAINTING AND PAPERINQ. FOR rrllaMa arork. raaaoaabla arlrra. flbaaby Bma,. 221 Yamhill, aaar 4th. Mala SUT& REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne Raal aatarr. laTaataMnta. aMrtcagaa, tlO Allakr bkl. faaaa Mala ZMX..- PARRI8H. WATKINB CO., Raal catata. Inaaranrc, raatal and IMS aaaatt. SS0 Aktar at. t. W. OGII.BEE. raal aatata and loana; aatab llabad 1883. liAH Flrat St.. rwsoi 11. A. R. RICRARimoN. RRAIi EST AT B AM) MtlKTGAOR LOANS. Phona Mala 5.m. 623 rhabr of 0aimarrs. ROOPING. TIN ROoriNO. anttaHnc. rapslrlnf and (anarsl Jobbing. J. Losll. 1112 jrffaraoa at.. Par. 1424. . RUBBER STAMPS. T. C. STAMP WORKH. 140 Aider St., phona Uala Tl: robber atamna. aaaK staortla; bag gaga, trade eberkn; braas algaa aad plates. SIGN PAINTERS. - PORTER KI.EISER 8IONB. ' Wa bars built np the largrat algn feostnass la tbe eltr hf tlratlaaa srork and keeping oar nromlaes. Our nrlcea are rlgbt. Fifth and ETeratt sta. Pboas Esebsnga 68. W. P. RERORR RON, 2S4 Yamhill at. , Signs of all klada. Pboas PaelSc SLO. SIONS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. Bflal Co.. 287 HI ark at. Paona PadSe 15n. STREET PAVING. WARREN foaatroetloa Co., afreet paring, side walks aad eroaslaga.' 814 Lnatber Bxeaanga. THIS Barber Asphslt Paring Ca. of Portland. Offlea SSS Worrester blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. HOWCAHp of arary deserlptloa; bask, bar and store Vxtares aiade to order. Taa Latka Maaafaetarlng t o., fort land. -R. H. BIBDSALL. desinsr; a tent af. Winter Lumber .Co., T Hamilton blag. Mala 66.10. SEWING MACHINES. -PHONE Pselfle 7: snd I personally will tall snd repair roar tesMng-msrhlnsi srork gas;, aateed. S. game, adjheter, 301 Third at. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., aole sgeats for Herring- . Hall-Marrla aafea snd Msngsoass Steel Safe : Ca.'a bank ssfes. Ths Isrcaat aaaortnaant of high-grade Srs snd barglar-proof apfes la ' the nortkiraat. 91 Heseath at. . -..I, i , I, PIEROLO Msngaaeae and Sre-proof safes; lock- sots opened; ffaetni axtiirea; vsrut ano Jan .' work; lacke. 1. K. Darls. M Sd. Mala 1A&5. . EIUHT second hand Sre-proof aafea aad two . aerond-haad bank aafea for sale cheap, at 70 Bum at., rortiand. Oregon. TRANSFER AND HAULING. .ana, aamtava at iminua jannnibn w. ; ear. Htith and Oak sts. I baggage checked from hotel or resldeeea direct to destination; passengers therefore seold rush snd a a soy - , ance st arpeta. iTlrate Ekvaengs as. SA F.. nlanns and frrmltare moved, packed . ready far sblpntiig sad shipped: all srork ; gnarsnteed; Urge S-atery brick Are -proof wareaonsu rw sKarsge. urncs ll K au ' tllaee 4l Res. Phone Mala 641. C. O. PICK, ofaee aa rirst St.. betsreea atari Snd Osk ala pkone MM; pianos snd furniture i, saneea snd perked for shipping,- eommndlons nnca rsrenonse wits separata Iron Front and Clay sts. CI T rstae so hoosehold gneds to all points ' east; we make ap esrlosds; a peers 1 room for tranka while waiting. Oregon Aute-Deapstch. IS rlral at. Pkooe Mala T1S. - RORB CITT VAN CO., office 141 First St.. ; pboas Msla TM. - Furniture and a la no-moving ' a spacUliy; we guarantee stir wurk. RATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO. . 70 Oak st. Telephone Msla 440V. Traeafer rlag aad etorlag- ORROON TRANSFER CO., 1A4 North Blsth. Pboae Mala aW. Heeey hauling and' etorsge. INDEPENDENT BAOOAUE TRANSFER CO. Storage. (24 Stark st. Msla 4W. FOR hark, fnraltnre; wages, trsnk or alane morlag, aboan lleeslea, Kaat s62. rORT SPECIAL tlELt VERT. Ms. JOOii Wsak Ington at. Phone Main Mr V TYPEWRITERS. - HEADQUARTERS fur new end rebuilt type, wrltere of sH aukes: eee eu wlaaow ; f yna are g4ng la buy a new typewriter aae as be fore buying; we ess Bare yoa money; wa bare parrs for repairing all SDaeblnea; stats ' y ageots for the VJeihle lot; we bay all kinds " er typewriters. The Typewriter F.irsenge, Inc., It. J. tlllsea. maasger, S4 Third at. W R aell Realngtoss. Smith. Premiers. Deas aaoveo. ate., lower than any other esmnanr; Inrsatlgste. t'aderwood TjKwrltrr Ce.. as aik. H PRM RITER Repair Snrnly Co., 400 Wsah- instoa at. i-aone siam shm. BJI.II RKKriPERFt R frpewrlters. gen aad SM; aapplles, repairing. Rao a Roes, Jul tt tarh. TOWEL UPPLT. CLEAN TOWELS rilLT-rOnia. hraak, anas SI per month. Purl la od Laundry Towsl t Supply Co., Ninth and Couch- I' hone 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THN RKEYMAN LEATHER Co.. Jntiberg af .eriillrrr. batdwere. horee goods, leather, find !. snd raws supplies. Fifth a ad Ouk. l. A. liLNST CO.. distriri tors or fink cigars. PORTLAND. OHKtlON. ... HIIKRK. tIAKB URAIA.H (Inc. I CoaiatlsaMa pM-rrbaata, Jubuera of rrnlta. pmliuw,. aia. coaalgftawaU aolk-ltrd. 13 j Fruit at. EVKKItl.Vtl FARKKI.U produes and moi mlaaion nerrhanla. 14V Frual at Portland. Or. Phona Mala ITS. OKEt:ON ri RMTLRK lUAMTACTI ItINd CO. Uannfarturars af fornitora fur tba tra.s. Portland, Oracoa. WADI1AM8 Jj Ca. arholasals grocers, raaon ' fsctarars and comaiUaloa asarcbaats. Faurth sad Osk sts. Fl BMTIIRB aianafseturlng and snerlsl ardars. 1. Raraaaky'a furaltnra factory,. aoT rrorrf at. ALLEN it LEWIS, eoaimlaaloa and prodors saat cbsala. Front and Da "la sta.. Psrtlaad, Or. WHOLERALR ciorkary and glaasware. Praal, Hrgela dt Co.. 1(10 ta 10S Fifth, ear. Slsrk at. PIXCUS BROTHERS SUE ON BIG HOP COHTRACT ' aWMMMMMMa. Made Advance With Understand , ing That Goods Were to Be Free From Mold. James snd H. H. Plncus of Tseomsv hava filed suit In tha United States rlrcult court sgalnst . D. C. Baling; of Bolaton, polk county, to recover 12,100, which they allege la tha amount they advanced on a hop contract that was not fulfilled by Baling. ' In tha bill 6f complaint tha plaintiffs allege that they entered Into a contract with Saline, by which . they were ' to purr bass his entire crop of hops, about 40.000 pounds In all. They allege that the price was to be II .cents a pound and that they advanced 1100 to tha de fendant at tha time tha contract .was made? and later advanced ll.SOO. Ac cording to tha contract, which was set forth In tha complaint, tha hops ware to ba f raa - from mold, clean and In otherwise rood condition. Tha com plalnants allege that tha hops delivered were not- In flrat class condition and that when they sought to recover tha money which they altera they advanced to the defendant ha refused to return It They accordingly ask tha court to award them 11.100 with Interest. Teal and Minor-' are-tha attorneys .for tha complainants. t ' DETAILS OF MASSACRE BY YAQUI INDIANS (Journal It pedal Reft let. Btsbee, Aria.. Dee. 2. Detailed re ports show that on last Saturday even ing Yaqul Indians attacked and , de stroyed! the new town of Lancbo, an the Cananea. Yaqul. River A Pacific railway, southeast jit Quay mas, Sonora. They murdered 10 men. Women and children, fatally shot, two others and-took three women away captivea to their strong hold . In the hills, not far from the burned town. - Tha Indiana retired from tba town after nearly two hours of plunder, riot and arson, being frightened away by a work train from Quay mas, which thoy doubtless mistook fur a relief train! Soldiers from the fort two miles east sntered the town II mlnutss later. CLAIMS TO BE LEGAL r WIFE OF JOHN FINN ' (Joarnal Bpsetal SerTlca.) Worcester, Mass., Dec 2. X rs. Rose Finn of Blrchburg today retsined coun sel to show the legality of her claim to tha fortune of John Finn, who died at Los Angeles, November 21, and who was a prominent official of tha Southern Pa cific system- at tha time of his death. The woman claims Finn deserted her and her three children 20 yeara ago and went west flhe ssys four years ago she found her husband at a railroad con ventlon at San Francisco and learned of hla high position, and that ha had been married twice In the west without securing a divorce from her. lira. Finn baa just learned of her husband'a death. FIGHTERS PRONOUNCE THEMSELVES. PERFECT (Joarnal S Dedal Serrlca.t ' Tonopah, Nev Dec. . With tha Oana-Herman fight but three days off. both principals todsy announced their condition perfect. Oans weighed If t 1-2 pound! this morning Herman la slight ly heavier but can easily make the weight. He took his usual Jog In the mud tnia morning It la the general belief that tha fight will and before the fifteenth round. Herman's -manager saya tha battle will not be over at tha twentieth round, but Herman will win. - ANTHONY COMSTOCK -: HOLDS HIS POSITION (Journal (peels! Berries.) Washington. D. C. Dec. 2. Chief In spector Vlckers. of the postoffice de partment, says there Is no truth in the report there thst Anthony Comstock haa been discharged. He says art sta dents complained and their complaints were investigated. It was found thst Comstock waa discharging his duties faithfully; and that he will remain to keep the malla as free as possible from prohibited matter. CONDON SEES FUEL . FAMINE COMING ON (Special Diipateh te The Journal.) Condon, Or.. Dec 2. The fuel situa tion here ao far haa not been trouble some bat when ths present supply Is exhausted It will probably ba difficult to obtain more. The present prices are 112 a ton for cool and I a cord for wood, with a vorF limited supply of either In the ysrds. STEAMER SINKS IN k , GIBRALTAR STRAITS ' - J Journal Special Serrlre I Cadlt, Hpaln, Dee. :. The steamer Heidelberg has been lost In the great srorm that is raging In the 8 traits of Gibraltar. Several were drowned. - ' Sot rire ttt CoauRtt Zftobbery. (Joarnal Special Berries.) -iHivcr, N. H.. Dee. 2. Robbers at tacked Bookkeeper Charles Oold Mtwalfe In Flsk BroS.' brickyard and thought'that they had killed him. Thev Ignited the plant. The loaa Is $300,004. Ooldthwait escaped , ' " X t TODAY'S MARKETS CIIICKEIl PRICE IS AT 14 GEHTS ' -- V ' ' " ' Very Secant Arrivals- and Heavy ' Increase in Demand Puts : Up the Values. DRESSED VEAL GOES TO NINE CENTS POUND Light Receipts Shown With . Trade Very Eager to Buy Five Cents Is Lost Off Buying Price of Fancy Potatoes Fancy Apples Scarce. Prtnrlpsl market features today I , !' - Chlckea market at lee. , Eggs are slowly weakening. Columbls sn-elt down again. Large oranges st a premium. ' Rather slow ta potato ansrkst. Car oranges and tangerines Csr oranges snd lemons todsy. Cheese market gains la firmness. A smsll business la hops. I (ireat scarcity of dressed vest, Fsney apples are rery scarce. Chlckea Market at It Casts. Fosrteea cents a pounds Is ths price re- eelred for what few chickens thst cams te Front street during the pest 34 hours. Re ceipts continue very smsll, bat two or three coops srriTlng during the day. All retail In tenets tell of fsmtahed supplies. Conunteeloe man are writing their shippers Is encourage them to ship, now -tliat the mhrkst Is at Its best. Oa tba other band shippers sre holding beck with ths expeetatkm of forcing prices higher. Considering thst It Is only a raw aays errors New Veer's there Is but little) doing la the tur key market. Receipts are very slow, but thus fsr demand haa not beea great. Both seeee snd ducks show many Inquiries, but thsre are practically no srrlrsls. The egg market continues to aoftsa with liberal a retrain. Price Is unchanged. Creamery batter Is holding its sws. Receipts (rowJiiaV slightly better. Cheese market Is firmer with 144 the ruling flgnrs for flats. . Somewhat Slew la Potatoes, r While tbe tone remains steady there Is but little Interest displayed la the buying la tbe potato market. Tha recent heavy shipments of potatoes from this city to Los Angeles and Baa Francisco caused ths buying trade to taks a rest for a while to ess what would happen. Lata sdrlrea say tbst both Raa Francisco snd Los Angeles show a somewhat weaker tons with some re Tie loo of prices ea Oregons. .Boms little buying la reported hers during ths psst 4 hours, but sll sales are at a reduction of shoat 6c for former figures. Today's vslnsa for best range between fl.05 and 11.10, with only sn occsalonsl transaction aa high as 1.1S. The latter desls sre too scarce te quote.1-- Wlth the scarcity of chickens the demsnd is sgala turning Into tba dressed meat market and sll lines show a firmer tone) today: There la- a scarcity la arrivals of dressed Teal snd prices todsy advanced to Br I pound. Psssssd bogs are very firm, but unchanged In price. With tba exception of Columbia river amelt. tbe flih market shews Terr smsll arrlesls. Ths Utter sre dowa ss low n It pounds, si though aoma sre quoting fresher stock at 6e. ' Fsney Apples Are Tsry Scares. . Strictly fancy npples are scarce along Front street. Buppilea of ordinary and poor quality apples srs rery liberal and' for this elsss of stock prices ranee as low as oue a noa or arrlrsls not really being worth tbst low figure. The stocks of fancy apples held ta stotags sre -eiceedlnslr smsll: . dealers expressing tbs opinion thst only fractional lota are stored at Hood Hirer or at Willamette Tamer points. A car of tangerines sad s ranges, snd a car of lemons snd oranges wars among today's arrlTSia from ths south. Lemons ruling I twnea SA and f6 a eass wblls era a res sell from Sz.TB to .. Large sises sometimes bring a n re return ever the extreme Digs nguro. Buyers psy following prices to Front street. Prices to shippers are less regular com missions: - Orals, near aad Feed. ' ORAIN BA(J8 Calcutta. buying pries; selling. SsrSe. WHEAT New elnh, rise; ted Roaslaa. C2c blueatem. 08c; Taller. 60r. BARLEY New Feed. f2t.0021M; rolled, g2a hrawlna. S22.O0a23.uO. CORN Whole, ftf.OO; cracked. I2S.00 ear ton. , --. -. , RYE 11 56 per ewt. OATR vNew Producers' price No. 1 white, 128 004) 27.00: gray. g2S.O0f S8.00. FIOI;a Eastera Oregon patents. IS. 90; straights, 13.35: export. 13.10; valley, 13.40; graham, ti. g.1.50: whole wheat, I3.T5; rye. oos. so w; nates, sz.Tn. ' MTLLSTT'FFS Bran, flS.M par ton: mid dlings. I2.V0O; shorts, country, $11.00) elly, SI 00: etioo. gl.00(a21.O0. v . HAY Producers' price Timothy, WlTJamstte valley, rsocy. I iz.oottfls.nn; smtasry, B 00 o no. . i ntwuil. M. 1 ..1 llO.OOiglfl.nO; rrorer. $7.0tU8.O0; grain, $7J0; cheat, fTMifig.uu. . attar, Eggs aad Paul try. BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet ream, wc; sour, Iiu,e. - , BUTTER City creamery, c. autslda faacy, UUA'Sc: store ze. 2UxJOc: store, inc. EUtiS F.xtra faacy. candled. a06ii2t,e( local ana esarern atorage. zt (rtnc. CHKEHK New Full cream, flats, 14!4flSe; Young America. IOi1Bc. POULTRY Lire Mixed chickens. ISHe'per. n', fancy hens, 14c per lb; roosters, old. nc per in: fryers. intri4e per in; -wpotrere, I8ttitil4c per lb; old ducks, lHc per lb; spring ducka. laUe per lb: aeeae. BulOc ner lb: tar- ksys, J 7c per lb for old; dressed, fancy, 23e per lb; culls, ir1nc per lb; sonar. 2.0n per aosi pigeons, per oos. itrseesa poultry, Ittlhs P" lb higher. - Bops, Wool sal Blase. . HOPS tons -crop, choice. lS'4e: prime te cnotce. T3ei medium to prime, lUlfllc; sellum, 10 Mi ta 11c. WOOL 1906 clip Tslley, 20C23; easters Oregon. 20c. si OH A I R New. nomlnsL RHEEI'SKINS Shearing. t.ie2n each; eahort wool, SS4j40c; medium wool, .S0Q76 eseL; long wool, 7Sc4tll.OO esch. . TALLOW Prims, psr lb, S'sflsc; No. S and grease, 2H2HrC CUITTIM BARK V7e for ear lets; small lots. fi6c. 1IIDK8 Dry, No. 1, 16 lbs snd hp. ISUat lTte per ll; dry kip, No. 1, I to IS lbs. He; dry eslf. No. 1, ander 8 Iba. 13c: ssltad hides, steers, sound, SO lbs snd orrr. lOilIc; eons. S'sttOMjc: stass snd bulls, sound, o'tfTc; kip, IS to 30 lbs. Or; calf, sound, onrler IS bs,'lte green, anaalted. )e less; eulla. 1c per lb lose: boras hides. sslMd, each. I.2."JI.7S; (Irf, essb. $l.(f 1.60; colt hlriea, 2fi.irjOc; gust skhii, common, sscb, )0(15c; Angora, esch, ZScHii. Frslta aad vegetables. POTATOES Buying price. erern Multno mah and Clackamaa select. $1. Oflcdl. 10; fancy. 11.00(91.06; ordinary., JOltflfOc per ewt;, sweets, ac lb. . 1 ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon. fsVU $1.0ii; buying price, Toet 75e: garlic. Ht0e lb. APPLES Fsncy Hood Riesr Hnltsenlwrg and Yellow' Newtowns, 13.60: fancy Willamette sal ley snd southern Oregon, $I.W; erdmsry stock, Wf7V. - - . FKEXH FRUrTS Oranges, new nsrsl, $2.Tr.l SUA: Japaneee, aOci hsnanss, 6c per lb; lemon. fn.OOesuO box: Hmea, Mexican, $1.23 psr HO: plnespples. $4.0o'I.00 per dcei'n; grapes, California. 11.804 1.13; Malsgs. $7.60 per keg; pears, $l.0O(l.73; hnckleherrlee, Sc: pineapple.. $6.00 par ds; omegrana lee, 41.23rdl.B0 per bos: grape fruit, I4.7.V - TEUETABI.Kb Turnlns. new. email sscb! carrots, TSctill per sack: beeiav $1.23 par aack: urecon rsaiaues. zoc psr rtox. : csnuaas. ors- gon. $l.23i$1.M; bell peppers. ( per Ib.i to. ma toes, $2.23; par. nip.. poct II .00; string beans. 13e per lb.: cash flower. 11.30 per dosen: pesa, 1.1c: bnsaersdlsh. 04,10c per lb.; srttcbokes 11.00 per doses l sauash. 76cItl.O0 per boa: eggplsnt. II. M per dosen bnachea: celery, local, 76c ai ou per oos; i.siirornis. stroT4.,ii rrste; eggplsnt. per crate; pumpkins, llfJlVic; crsnlwrrles, P12fl 12.60 per bbl. urikii rni i im Anniea. eTsporates. mi Tc per Ibi apricots, tk'i'ttSOe per lb: peaches, rii:tSc per lb; sacks. ',0 per lb lee.: prunes. 30 to 40. JWc: U,e drop on esch 110 smaller sire; figs. California black. txySUe per It, California white. (Nvr per lb: datea. rolrten, $0.60 per box: fards, $l.40tr$l SO per 13-lb box. Oreosrlea, Ruts. Xta. . SI'dAR Csllfornls A llawallan-C'ahe. $4.37 ; powdered, $i.leU barrr. 112 ); ar POULTRY PRICE IS NOW ABOUT THE HIGH MARK . Tha price of poultry haa al- X ready advanced to about aa high e a point as tha consumption will ' e allow, and the lncreaae of every half cent In the value from thla 4 time will put tha market on ex- ( d . tremely dangsroua ground, which d would likely result . In placing e quotations back at tha low mark. : s , Dealers aay thla Is tha tlma to 4 ship. This-. Includes chlcksns. . 4 geesa snd ducks. 4 granulated. S4 S3U; Star, S4.T2U: cenf. A, $4.24i extra B, $4.43i; goidea C. $4J0r D, yellow, $4.2zHi: beet grsnlUted, I4.72H. Western Cube. 3.7; powdered, I3.13U; dry grannlated, $4 1)2; P. C. $42': oonf. A, $4.24; extra C, I4.42H: gohlea C. I4..H3H: U, yellow, $4 22Vi beet granulated. $4.73M; blle, loc; ;( kbls, iiSc; boxes. Sue sdTsnce oa aack basis. (Above prices are 10 days aet cash aueta- tlonal. HONEY $3.60 per crate. " .. COFFER Pscksgs "brands, $1B.1T 3S. SALT Coarse Half around. 100a. I 00 per ton: 60s. 10.60: tattle, dairy. 80s. 113.00: loos. $1X78; bales, $1.86; Imported Liverpool, 60s, $18.00: 100s, $17.00; TS, 116.00; extra fine, hole, 2s. As, 10s, 4.6K.t8. 60; Llrernonl ' biiup rack. $19M per tool 60 lb rock. 10.00: 100s. $9.00. (Above prices apply te ssles of less than csr lota. Csr lota at special prices subject te fluctuations.) KICE Imnerlsl Jsnsa. No. 1. Sc: No. I. '.c; New Orleans, bsad, Tc; AJaa, le; Creole, VlCAN Small white. $3.80; targe white, $3.26; pink. $2.B0 bayou. 13.75; Llmss. te; Mexican reds. 4c. .KUTN Peanuts. Jumbe, H per lb: Virginia, TSe per lb: roasted, loe per lb; Japaneee. 6e 5Hc; rneatedT7He per lb; encosnuta, tja-e per aoaen; wsinnu, ine per- in; pinenuts, is 16s per lb; hickory ants, 10c per lb; chestnuts. eastern, Ugjloc per lb; Bra ill nuts, 18c per lb: flllierls. Ic per lb; fsncy pecans, lsezoci slmoaus, IOtj21Hc. XesU, Fish aad Previsions. . FRESH MEATS )ttmt Street Hogs, fsncy. 8c per lb; vest, extra, 8Hf0c per lb; ordinary. 7m8c per lb; poor, Sc par lb; mutton, fsncy, IttKV per lb. . H.VMR. BACON. ETC Portland pack (loesl) hams. 10 to 14 lbs, lHe lb; 14 to IS lbs. Its lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 13H61SC lb: break fast baeou, 13MU20C lb; picnics, lofte lb; cottage. Ut,c lb; regular short clesrs, un smoked, lie lb; smoked, 13e lb; clear backs, ansmoked, 12c 11: smoked, lac Ibi Union butts. 10 to 13 lbs, an smoked. Sc lb; amoked. Ve lb: clear bellies, ua smoked. 14c lb; smoked, lOe lb; shoulders, 12e lb; pickled tonnee, $.00 quarter bbl. LOCAL LARU-Kettle leaf. 10a, litis lb; 5s, 13e lb; 60-lb Una. 12o lb; steam ren dered. 10s. 13ie lb; 6s, 12He lb; compound, los, 84e lb. CANNED SALMON Columbls river, Mb tslls. 11.80; J-lb talU. $2.75: fsney, l ib flats. $1.00; Vi-lb fsncy flats. $1.15: fancy l ib erals, $2.73; Alaaka tails, pink, aseoue; red. $1.00; nominal. 2a, tall. $2.00. FISH Beek cod, 7e per lb; flounders. Be per lb; Se per lb; crabs. $1.00j$l.80 per dosen: striped baas. 124o per lb; estfurh, 10c per lb: b; salmon, Columbia river allTerslde, 8c; stselbead, loe per lb: horrmg, Se per lb; soles. c per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, 6c per to; owes coa, ic per stt-Jonetia, -io per in elisor amelt, 6c per lb; tobstsrs. 18s per lb; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; crawfish, oe per down; sturgeon, 10c per lb;, black baas, 20e per lb; Columbia tirer smelt, 3Q3c per. lb l OYSTERS Rhuelwster psr. per galma, $1.13; per 118-lb sack, HM: Olympla. per gallon, $2.23: per 116-lb sack, 3.00 ta $6.80. CLAMH HsrdshelL-per beg. $2.00) reaag euuaa, $2.00 per boxu-. Fatat, Osal Oil. Zte. ' T ROPE Pore MsnlU, lhc; sUsdsrd, l$e; slssl. lie. - COAL OILr-Pesrl ar Astral Cases, IS He per gallon; wstaV whlts, boa bbla, 14c per gallon; wooden. 17 per- gallon; headlight. 170-def., caaaa. 2lu,c per gallon. OAHOL1NR 86-dcg. esass, .24e p gallon. Iron bbls., 18c per gallon. BKNkINE 83 deg. cases, 23c per galloaj Iron bbla. IHHc ner galloa. TURPENTINE la casss. lee par gal; wooden bbls. per gallon. . WHITE LEAD Tea lota. T4 per lb; 800-Tb lots, sc per id; less sots, ane per in. WIRE NAILS Preeeat basts st $2.85. LINHEED OIL Pare raw. la 8-bbl lota. BOe: 1-bbl tot, 63c; cases, 68c per gal: genuine ket tle noiiea, esses, bus per gsi; fr-nni sots, esc; 1-hbl lots, B3c per gel; ground ceke, ear lota, 820 per tea; leas use ear lots, sou per ana. ENTIRE LIVESTOCK MARKET IS VERY GOOD - Advances In Hogs and Mixed , Sheep Are Maintained -Cattle Look Up. Pertlaad TJatoa Stockyards, Dee. 38. Live stock receipts: Bon. Cattle. Sheep Today 10 108 . ... Week ago , . ..." ... Month ago. 280'- 68 T4 Year a so ... Tbe entire 11 restock market Is firm. Tbe adrsncs of 10c la mixed a heap and 16c la bogs yesterday were maintained. Cattle continue very firm but anchanged. Leaks like a rise, however. Conditions a ysr age: An markets firm and unchanged. Official 11 restock prices: Hogs Best esitera Oregnh, M.T596.S3; stnekers snd feeders, $ 80a.78 China fata, $8.MJri6.6fl. Cattle Beat eaatem Oresoa steers. 3.T3 3.8A; beet rows snd heifers. $3.00; stockers ant reeaers. as. on: duiis. gz.on. Rheep Mixed, 65c; wethers, IH ewes. HOGS REGAIN FORMER LOSS CUcajro Frlea Advanoed So OatUe aad heap Steady. fj1cag. Dec. ' 20. Llreatock reeefnta: .. Hogs. Csttls. Sheen. Chicago 18.0110 l.ono - 1.000 Kansas City 8.t0 2"0 ..... Omahs 8,000 fOO - 600 Hoes sre Be higher, with 2,000 left ever from yesterday. Receipt s year sgo were tS.ono. Prices: Mixed, Se).IO!T6.46; good and heary. $4B4t.46; rough, $5.96139.18; light, $3.J Cattle Rtesdr. ', -,''..'.. Sheep Steady - BOSTORT OOFTZR MARKET. Rostnn. Dee. Jo. Bid prices: Alienee, Isi; Arcadian.. $13: Atlantic. $14; Blnghsm. $111 Calumet. $M6: Centennial. 838.&0; Copper Ranee. 183; bate West. 118.60: Elm Rlrer. 13; Franklin, $24.80; Greene con, S3.12 (Iramby. $13; Maas.. $8.80: Mohawk. S0; No ra da coo. 118: Kortn Fntte,; Old Do minion. 83; Osceola. $143: Parrot. $28.30: Pboenlx. $12: Qulncy. $lo; BoysL tM.Mt Santa Fe. 14.80; Tamarack. 116: Trinity, 118. "74; Utah. $82.26: Victoria. $7 28; Wino na. 312: U. fl. Mining. $83: Ely. 12..rrv4: Butta Coals. 138.80: Calumet A ArtwMis, $175; Super tor A I'llt.hnrg. (28.23: Black Mt.. $10.80; CsnsneSr 131.50; Dom. Copper, $860; Eagle. $2.76; Apex. $7.60. TOTTED STATES OOTERRxtvjtT SOXDS New York. Dee. JO Official prices- ' Dete. Bid Twba. regiatered Opt. 104(4 do coupon Tlrrees. registered ... do coupon ; , , 1'PI. ItKI ,i, . Opt. 1tt2l Smsll bonds' Foere. -registered . , . , do -tqiie n Fours, reglsterrd . . do eouion Panama 2s .... no coupon Pl.trl.-t of (Vlnmbla ....... 1SZ4 Philippine 4s rOSTLAVD SARX STATEMEnT. Clearings todsy Clearing year age .$88.84171 . 847.720 M Cain lodsr ..$810,821.73 .. 133.478.8T . Balances todsy , LlTarpsel Get ton ttarkst. I.laernnnl. Dec. , 2. Cotton futures eloaed 1 le 41a polsu aa aUddlusu. 10 aeiais, aa Ask. 103 lost Itrju ... 10O7 ino( 101U lacy tnrsj 102S 1K23 I.TO 131 1028 f:vla 1.11 104 -ins W4 108 118 V ... 104 ... White There the Pacific In the East nEVADil STOCKU SHADE IVEAKER General Ust Is Very Dull, With Soms . of . the) Favor- .... ,.,,,V.. . 'v',:.j.. Ites Lower.' I. MOHAWK LOSES TWENTY FIVE CENTS A SHARE Sarne Sum la Gained by Ophlr Both ; of Them Ar High-Priccd. Making ;. the Changes Really Nominal in To day's Market, . ; . Raa Frandaco, " Iec. fa Whlls some Issaes show an advance today; general shares of min ing storks are gradually working lower. West End Inst 2c and North Star Sc. Mohawk dropped trie and Red Top loot another Hc. Jumbo gained le and Ita exteasiea THc Ophlr la up tie aad Norrroas JOc. Official Conks Co. bid "prices by Orerbeck, Starr k Belmont , . . Ceab Boy ..... Golden Anchor Home , Jim Butler ... MacNsmsra ., Midway Montana North Stat .., Ohio- , Tonopah ex. , Kerads ..a... Weat End .... Ada ma Atlanta . ...... Bluebell Booth Columbia Mt Con yuarry .. Dlamondtleld . Dixie , OoM field .umbo do extsa .... Kendall Lsguns Msy Qussa ... Mohawk Red Top Sandstorm a . , Sllrer Pick St. Ires ...... .8.1Jt4 Ophlr 8 S3 Mexlcaa 80.00 , Caledonia .45 Exchequer ..... .80 . . . .14 .44 . .17 J.oo .21 .03 .23 .13 -.48 . .IT .18 .14 .68 .21 .14 .T4 .30 .10 .20 .38 .18 .18 .80 .23 .08 .71 .81 .80 .18 .43 .40 . ' .on . 2.30 .. I .0 . .30 . .20 Gold t rowa . . , Ursat Bsad .... Rescue ......... Blk. Butte ex... Montgomery Mt. Sunset Vernal Tiger . S.8TH . . ..! . I M . '.ST . .88 . 1.08 . 1 . .60 . .11 .11.78 . 1.60 .18.25 . .88 . 1.48 . .21 .11.78 . S.20 . -.68 Sceptre ... Manhattsa S. Humphrey .. Dexter ......... Orsnny , Gold Wedge ... Lone Btstv Urest Bend ex... d annex ... Crescent Dearer annex .. N. Y. Coaaol .. Manhattan con.. Little Jos tar flower ..... Jumping Jack .. Red Top ex .. Mustang Bullfrog If la. .. Triangle ....... I os Dlllea ..... Wonder Pine Nat . .in rai. nana ... .67 Hold Bsr .... O. Bullfrog ... Stelnwsr .... Oos. CsL Ta . 1.87 .1 .83 1.20 .08 .32 S....0 PORTLAND . STOCK MARKET Ores kVOOO Sharea af attook Are Sold joxla4T-taia Seaaloa ToAay. Far a Saturday Itrading was quite lively na the Portland stork markst todsy. i Over a.8tM) sharea were Bold during the abort seas km. Cases (Mssent about 6o a shsrs, while a gain of Sc waa shown . la Orsst Northers, a sale being made at te. Today's tra asset lone: lire J. 0. Lee Se at 100. 20 Oregna City Mill A Lomber at .. 1.000 Csacsdls at 38 and 1.000 at 30, t.OOO Freelsad Consolidated at 1, 1.000 Oreat North ern at S and 1,000 at 1. 3.500 Lee's Creek Gold at 2c. . Official prices: ' ' ' BANK STOCKS. Bid. Bsnk ef California... See - Banksre A Lumbersaen'e. ..... ... Kqultsbw OsTlngs A Losa.-ij Mercbsnts' Ns l Ions I . 188 Oregon Trust rlsTlngs......... 122 Portland Trust Co ,. ... United States National 200 BONDS. City A Bubtrrbsa 4s Columbia Month era Irtigstloa 6e 0. R. A N. By. 4e SS O. W. p. A Ry. 6a w . Portland Ry. 6a , S. C Lee Co. 6s M MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil 47 Home Telephone 28 J. C. Lee Co Oregon city Mill A Lsniber. .. , at Oregon Jouraal, prefened 118 Portland Heights Imp. Co.. Pacific States Telephone.... MS Paget Bound Telephone ... V equina Bay Telephone a . MI NINO BTOCKB. Alsaka Pstrolenm ... British Columbia Amal 08U British Yukon , 34 Csscadla ., IB Copperopolle ... Dixie hi ra dowa 03 Freelsnd Conaolldatad Gsllsher Goldfteld Trotter ...." 10 A ah. 872 108 07 173 l3!4 1ZV 82 M 100 ltt jot loo 48 27 Ml T 6S 10ft 60 Orsst Marts era . Holdea Lee'a Creek Gold Mammoth Morning , North rslrvlew , Oregon Securities stsndsrd Ooa. Tacoma Steel United r la car . , COEUB DALENH DISTRICT. Bullion 08 Burks Copper King ....... M Hsppy Dsy Psrk Copper Mineral Farm Monmouth Nonpsrlel Copper .... Reindeer flllOWrSsMt Mtttatlilttllft Snowstorm SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT Obloasro SCaxket Sropa ; u He trader lTtday rrlca. RELATIVB WHEAT VALUES. Dec. 28. Dec. 28. Less. 1003 Decern bar ....$ .73 $ .7ftA $ .0044 S ,m Mar 77 .77 V R .( .STU July ......... ,T6H .T7A .04 .83T4 rtti.sA n ea Tk. -i w.. . w ww. .iiir.n waa very weak todey. Liverpool waa dull and alow ....I Im 11 Jt m. Ik. .1 0- - I . . . - -w - . , 1. in.rm ompneu . tk ... 1. . tiuMku . ay. . L - w. . rmtvwi v tue otovrs. Official anstatkms by Orerbeck, Stirr A voose company; WHEAT. ' Open. Hleh. 14 1104 S3 2! 03 ' 06 01 03 - 30 01 i 03 14 ... 01 'A 01 13l 14 02'Z 03 n tux 01 5 03 is i 13 13 15 23 13 02 ' 4 87Z 82 ........... 034 OAlt '. o tm 06 Si or) 07 i OH P , 0V4 " 1014 ,86 SO J. 80 B.ll LW. nose, 73 78 77 77 1 1t , 40 . 4OS4 A 43iZ 43 831, R3tA 88 SOB 1314 ' 33SA 1888 ' 188T i 1686 1843 ... . 1667 A " SIB - :10 ... 37 ' . . . 1 ago , ' ... SST - ... eoo December 73t4 784 Msy 7714 T714 July .......... T7 77 . CORN, December ...... 404 40 -,o May 48sl , 49 14 4s ij July 43'i 44 " - 48'J OATS. P$4iliblV e e May 84 84 8414 8nVi 833 8814 MESS PORK. ,157 1800 1U68 1083 - July , January . , Mar uiy . .. ... :- LARD. January ....,. 807 ... -. May .......... 033 , ..' July 040 SHORT RIBS Jsaaary ....... seo - ... , May 80J ... July ... SOI . ... , .; UTERFOOL OR ATM MARKET. LlTerpsol, Dee. SA. Official prices: WHEAT. Dee. 28. ftoe. oe TM March ea 64 . 8a t44 , ud Msy ...8a Slid 8e4t,d 2d i .- CORN. January 6a IHd la 144 u March ea Hd 4s Se d It r Louis Wheat Ifarkst. St. Louis, Dee-.-ta, ('rose: Wheat fHcera her. ytVl Msr, lmwtSS,c; luly, 74 He. - , Minneapolis Wneet Market. Minneapolis. Iiee. ' ?. f loea: . Wheat .1W. Ctmbsr. 1tmi July. hid; May, Vt. Is a Shortage of potatoes on Coast,' Supplies Are Very Liberal Prices Are Getting Easier. . SEVERE LOSSES IN STOCK WET New, York Prices Break on Gen eral Liquidation andJHeavy f Selling Orders. READING DROPS OVER V V FOUR POINTS IN VALUE Northern Pacific 2i and Union Pa cific 2 Points Down St. Paul Loses Nearly t Points From, Friday's Market ' : NET LOSSES. , .., ., v Amslgsmsted ..... lH.i Brook Ira jr... Csr A Foundry..., i Canadian ....J.... LoroiuotlTe klNI. Paul .......... 34 Smeller X Iv.lS-le .. .r. ......... V Anaconda ........ 1 . !lxmiaT Hie ......... Atchlsoe ......... lSiKaty Baltimore It. Missouri Pacific ... l'J N, V. Centre!..,.. sJjKorfolk ,. H Northern Pacific,. 2S People's Uss 1 Reading .1 4V4!Rnrk lalsnd t4 O sdfle rVseV.',','.'. In Ion Faclfle ,..,3 Xouibern Pacific Wsbash .'... 8. Steel... do preferred I w. do preferred ureal Aorxaera ... zs i, .. - , t .-net gains. : . Sugar H'Southsra Railway.. H Psnnaylvanla ...... H' ; ; The New' York stock market closed wltha severe lose la moot of tbe Issues todsy. Rend ing lost 4Ss points. Northern Pscifle 24s, L'nlaa PscMlc I and (Irast Northern 2 "4 points. It seems to he entirely a professional market at the moment, and will likely continue ee aatll ths eerly part ef next month. There are ao features wh a terer ; tbe money altualloa Is the controlling -factor and tha market seems to he goremed from that point. Official quotations - by Orarbsck, Starr A Cooks cotnpsay: t e I DESCRIPTION. AmaL Conn. I'n 1US 4214 'iiii 71. Am. Car A Found-. Com! 11414 11814 42M sz 00 pre r erred , .. Am. Cotton Oil, com.... Am. lioromotlTe, com... Am. Soger, com Am. Smelter, eom. do preferred. .... v , Anaconda Mining'' Ca. , . . Am. Woolen, com.....'; Atchleon,' com. do preferred ...v. Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Csnadlan Paclfte. n 1:1314 100 Central Leather, cam.... ao preierrea ChL A U. W.. com. .... ChL, Mil. A 8., Paul... 1 10. A N. W., fm Cbesspeske A Olilo Colo. Fuel A Iron. eom.. Colo. Southern, com...,, .do 3d preferred...... do let preferred...... Delaware A Huosnaj.... Denver A R. O, com... do preferred Erie, com.. do 2d preferred...... do let preferred Illinois Central Loularllle A Naahvtlle. . Manhattan Railway .... Mexlcaa Central Ry St.. K. A T, com Dletlllera Federal Smelter do preferred Missouri Pscifle National Lead New Xotk Central...... N. T., Ont. A Western. Norfolk A Weat., com.. do preferred North American Northern Pacific, com.. Peolfle Mall S. S. Co.., Penneyrrunia Railway... P. O.. L. A C. Co Pressed Steel Csr, com. do preferred Rending, com do 2d preferred ' do 1st preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com.. do preferred Rock Island, com., -de preferred 8t- L. AH. P.. 2d pfd.. do 1st preferred St. L. A fl. w com.... do preferred..., Southern Pscifle, com.. do preferred ......... Southern Ry, com do preferred Tennessee Coal A Irea, . Texae A Pacific To!.. St. L. A W., com.. do preferred ,.....vV. Union Pscifle, com...... do preferred V. B. Robber, rem...... do preferred U. S. Steel Co., com.. d preferred ......... Wsbssh. com. 174 140 42 42 76 int. 88 4 IKSI4 ltd '4 37'a 88 1374 13714, $2 "Si 63 130 M, 1 130 Il314 2li, 3V4; 7yi 684 024 120 824 88 8.1 H 6.'! 14 1801. 81. 108 4 Ktfltl 108 47 103 114 86 li Weslern In loo Telegraph rt iscouain eni rai. com do nrefcrewd Virginia Chemical T, J . I -. 1-- , V.. dsy, 428. loo ibarea. par cent. Call money closed at SEW TORS COTTON MARKET. . Hew tork. Dee. St. Official prices? Open. High. w. Dec.?. Janntry P20 0.12 , 823 ' 82.1 February ... 841 March 87 800 63 CM April ... ... . nl3 May 171 7I B70 c, P71 June , ... ... A7fl July ...1.,. 188 088 SW .. ton August ... ... ... 873 October 874 - 78 ' 878 870 December 882 , .1 M a2 WM ' MEW TORK BARK STATEMKVT, . ,, New Tork, Dee. 39. Bsnk statement: s . lncreaae. Reserve .$2.0S8.32. do less 17. A 2 .7I OVl Specie Legale- Lnsns .,. , 3.70.oon Deposits S.632.8O0 Clrculstloa 144.J li - Monetary Raest . .- . New York. Dee. 28. Standing demand. 482.863482.7A: 8 days, 477.600477.73; ssblrs, 484,10. francs, $3.2'4. Marks, 041,c. ' Dalntk Wheat Market, ' Dnlutb. Dec. 28-Closs: Wheat December. TB'Ae; May, 7814c -.- - EVIDENCE DAMAGES , . ' DISMISSED NEGROES (Journal Special Service. ' Fort Worth, Tex., Deo., 39. Special Commissioner Purely has secured the affidavits of 20 wltnesaea already who saw. negro soldiers shooting into Brownsville houses, and has found a number of wltnesaea who saw soldiers leap from the walls of the fort and run directly Into the town. ' . BRYCE ACCEPTABLE AS AMBASSADOR - (Joernsl Bpeelsl ttseelre.t London, - Dec. 21. Notification that Pryce will be accelajile to the United States as ambassador from Oreat Brit ain has been received. The appoint ment will be officially announced Hon. TCStt T1"ES W3 JT : IS STIIL Mil Mrs. Arina Vismara, Second Vlcw tim of Italian Assassin, Is Dying at Hospital. Though tha lonsr hlada'og sin's stiletto penetrated ber body, Mrs. Annla Vismara la stlU allva at Good Samaritan hoaDltaL" liar death t,.. 1 momentarily expected slnoa aba waa re- movea to tne noapital after tba tragedy, at 403 Water street yesterday, but to day her condition la aald to ba Improved. However, the Improvement Is not en- oou raging to tha ptryalciana. - It la al- moni uiiracuioua, iney aay, inat aha has lived aa Ions end little knna . u oovery Is entortalned. - , . 8he was stabbed- three times by tha maddened Savlgnonl. Ha . plunged tha knife Into her back twice, tha lions; blade once paaslna completely through ' her body. The third tlma. ha atruck her In - the fare.- the blade glancing but tha blow breaking her jaw bona. Her ilaiisrhtop. Mr. rii.llt w. . was stabbed four times by tha aaaaaaln. Tha 'fatal . steel penetrated her spinal ' com; , , . Fjars-si eeciseda nf Ttall... mt-t. the morgue to view tha remalna of tha - murdtnir. ArtneA' Ttlmarl n ., W. . tha murdered woman. Is almost proa- iraiea wun aTner. xna inrant which , waa In Ita mother's arms whan aha .was .- - - - - UW a.ui,, V has received medical treatment and will recover That oh 1 M . . hoevtKlw t... .... and may bear' tha scara through Ufa, FIELDS CASE TO BE . .. DROPPED BY CHIEF Following Patrolman 'Wade's aanaa. tlonal allegations of cowardice againaR Patrolman Fields, whom ha acouaea of having deserted him-1(1 tha Burnslde Exchange Thursday night whan tha pro- ' prietor tried ta slay hint with aa ax. tha aeousad policeman - now retaliates by declaring that hla accuaer was drunk at tba time. Tha feeling between tha two men haa become go bitter that Chief - Gritxmacher laat night detailed. gde ta duty on Washington street and plaoed. patrolman Thorpe on the - beat with Flelda. , , . Fields was sailed upon to snake a abatement of tha affair yesterday" by Chief arltgmacber. He branded Wade'a chargaa aa false. - He flatly oontradlota hla brother offloer atatement fthat hr did not render any aaalatanea, and dev. . . clarea tha It waa hlraaalf and- not : Wade who kept Malar, the aaloonman, ' -at bay with a pistol whan he waa bran dishing the ax. Tha chief speaks la tha highest terms f Fields and also gives Wad a greed record. t. - "One of than la not telling tha truth." aald Qrltsmacher today, "aad I am tne cllned to believe Fields' version of tha affair. At any rate, no further Inveetl- ' gatlon will be made and the matter will ba dropped." . Wade, although aocualng TFIelde ' ef cowardice In the presence of Captains Bruin and Slover, failed to make any mention of the matter In hla official re port to the chief. - CHILD CARRIED AWAY . BY COUGAR IS UNHURT, (Bperlal Dlspalcb to The JoaraaL, ' " S OlympiA Wash., Dee. It. A congap . seised an. carried away the little .. daughter of T. W. Bgan about duak laat evenln- from his farm about fear , miles south of this city. The animal carried tha girl - about a mile and dropped her while climbing tovwr a fallen tree. Tha girl sxed a club and -frightened tha animal away aad. made her way to the home of Harvey Pan pllnger. A posse of men are noWN aearching the. woods for the oougarv The girl waa uninjured. , : CHILD FALLS UNDER . WHEEL LEG BROKE!. (Bpeelsl Dtepstck ta The Jouraal.) " " Pendleton, Or, Dee. St. The -year-old aon of Rev. E. J. Canner, assistant missionary at tha Vmatllla Indian Presbyterian mlaaion, fell from a wagon while returning from this elty yeatwr day, breaking his leg. The child waa Bitting In tha back of the wagan When ha fell, the hind wheal paaslng ever his leg. IN TROUBLE THROUGH HIS MUSICAL TASTES (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Dec 21. James Wil son, a railroad laborer. Is under arrest arwneed of having atolen a cornet " at Pilot Rock.' In the hearing before Jus tice Parker he waa bound ever te tha circuit court Hla ball waa fixed at $:60, which amount he was unable te ' Sire. , i- RUSSIAN COMMANDER KILLED AND CREMATED , . , . v", (Jenrasl Speefal Ret sice.) ' l,ukoff, Dec 21. Twenty workmen - from JsnA forced their way Into tha -house tof Colonel Obrutshoff la this elty today and killed him. The aaaaaalns bound the servants and set tha place on fire. The colonel formerly commanded at Lodx. He tied great brutality In putting .down riots.1 - LABORERS CAUGHT BY FALLING WALL ' Joarnal bpsetal Ferries.) San Francisco. Dec . Five labor err were Injured, two probably fatally, by a falling Walt-at Pine and Battery streets. Tha men were working upon the foundationa of a wall when without warning a huge mass of brick snd stone foil upon them, burying two and partially enveloping others. . ARRANGEMENTS FOR "- V ' CASSATT FUNERAL (Josrnit Special ferries.) - , " Phllsdelphls, Deo. 29. The funeral of the late A. J. Cassatt, president Of the Pennsylvania aystem, will ba held from', . the family residence at 2 o'clock Mon day ftemodn. The burial will be at the Church of tbe Redeemer at Brya Mawr at 4 o'clock. GERMANY CLAIMS THE HERREROS ARE BEATEN (Jonraat Special Servlee.) Berlin," Dec. 29. Tha colonial office denies that peace haa been arranged with .tt)e) lie'rreros-In Oerman South went Africa,- but says troops are required only to rua down a few bands ef rebels; 'r r- v A . ' ,' , " t - a ' ' - ' . '. 1