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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. T.SATURDAY EVENING, CECeITEEr " 29, 1808. 11 e. You Should tk the ilw la s -. I aiaa iirw, am nawaava "! dlasva l aaa -alaT) aaM i '.' at U U1 tha mT. : I .(.:.- ?, - All U tmMm " fM wkra r aawartlB), Oay pnna$ ' ' . T7 Mki tklaara kena Ih UM : '. A-. aa paa I- . v, IN THE JOURNAL, ; - , ;. , vaxly and sundat. i, .. .. RATE: One J3ent per word. More than two Insertion!, Five Cent per line each day, or Thirty Cent per line per week of seven : daynr, --y. ' . ; - -.. J.;-.. -V : ' Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard less of the number of words. ' ' r .' P NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN , X3c BUSINESS CHANCES. HTTHINEtU fHiNCl. 88.000 Budnn haalsan: nice claa stock la thriving valley town; annual Mhte will ran bout 125.000: woold trail for a good f pm ar Portland property. What caa 70a offer! Principal only. Toll what 70a hav aad price ia 7 oar una. Aooraaa w lUJ. Journal. 7. FLACB at touts far sale, . Wllllama a. taaaoaabla. S8S FOR SALE Saloo la 11y eltr of 18,000; and Baying aaktoa; $1,400 If aold at aaea. - Adra K 102, ear Journal. GOOD INVESTMENT. - Partner watd In general merebsndlM store, emblBd with MwmlU. located no Aleee bay: ospaHtv of Bill 15.000 ft lum ber par day; good harbor, from IS to IS feet water aa th bar; abundaac tlmbar. For parucaiara laquiro 00s av waiapoei, vr. BUSINESS CHANCES. . $0O Splendid trocar? ators, RuaMll at, 610O Nlc atork cromtaa, Unloa ara. S70O Oroerry atack. Ftnt atrart. Bnl.nrtld atand oa WMt alda. OTTO, . CHOCKXTT a HARK80M BBALTT tuaran i, iBH Waahloctoa atraat. I BATS) a fw taoaaand to Uraat la a food paylaa anal at aa. altbcr a partner or bar whol; owner mnat alra laa amplojBMnt for roaaooabla tiaia and refnaaeraUoa to allow tboroach laraatlfatioa no other ad appl rafaraaeaa ax changed. 0 103, oar Jooraai. 10.000 STOCK Tarl BMrchaadlaai aalaa aver $100 dallrs will Uk part raaJ tata; IS - asllaa froa Pattlaad, Addnaa X 10T,V car . 1 -1 1 , SPLENDID apaortaaltx for aa arrhltaotnral dranrbtaman wba ca . Inrt S1.000 ta a ' well-oevalopea laearparatM coast aama. . Aaaraaa a mo, ear joaraai. - S4M B0T8 S-raaau, wall fnrnlehtd la food la- aailtjl west viae; taw aaai. niffiaiaaa m Biaaraara, at rirta au FOR 8 A LB Reataaraat and real tate; ar aeil raaunraat ana ie a nap. ppir ar addraaa U. A. . WUIaaa, Mala at, Cottag Urora, or. 900 Bl'TS IS mom faralabed. koaaekMptng rant $31 1 lea! rannM full: dearlaf SA aaoath: no aganta. Mt hit Oak at. A GOOD baala enanc: a food photo(raph gallerf doing a good baatae, 1a a aplendld eollea town, at a Trr reaaenabl prtea. Addreaa Ca Id wall A Cos, Phtlomatb, Or. 1600 ART atora and real aatat office) good bualn for a aiaa and wife; ataat Mil by ' Jaanarr 1. 0. Arnold, St. Johna, Or. FOR SALE Offlc for rent aad fnrnttara and flitnre for aal. cheap; good location. Ia aolr MBtt Third, room B. FOR SALS Ttna buttermilk boalaeaa. rig aad roat. Addreaa B 107. can Journal. A SNAP FOR NBW TEAR SITS bare roffea tmatm aad hinch oaantar; good MoatloB, N 107. care iaaraaL BOCSEBOAT for aale, S mo ma, fnmlahad, aaw rted $7 a moatb, brings SIS awath la nremer. Boon) SIS Toorar bldg., Baoond aad Tar lor . Mala tMOa. KICB aw reotanrant or hotel dtnlag-rooai aad kttrhea aatflt: aw Preach raage: ararrthlng prat rlaaa; U aai ar trade. , Iaqalr SOI Stark at. A SMALL rnrtmeat will aiak ye nrh; eaay - work, abort hoar; ara from $10 ta $100 per erenlnf. For particular. Newmaa'e Motloa I' In ara Co., 14BV4 With, . aaar Morrlaoa. Pbon PacUM 2025. SS.OOr) BOTS lodglng-hoasa worth tha aaeBay; well located: moat MIL Boa S7, city. 11-ROOM hoaM, cIom In. No. 1 location, aaw fnrnltnra, 4 boawkMpIng mnaia, large rantas nothing cheap or wnra. Tbla I a good bay 1 at $050. Diamond Realty Oe., 25S Alder at. BDSINEM CHANCES. Look this ap Spokane' acraaga, ftna loca tion. eVne la: will etcbaage aama fnr real deeca ar furaltar ef 80 or 40 room, ar what bar roat 0. F. NELSON. SM Baraalda at. t FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. ROCSBS. - T-mnia new asodera bosM la Lower Al hlna) $2,820. T roon new modera finely ftntahed fenaM, lot soxlSO feet; beat part of L'ppar Albiaai 4.50rk t room home, bath, pantry, haeemeat, harat pear William anau achool: $2,TM. S-room eottag. good coadltlon, corner lot; aear Vtlllama are; gl.HOO. 7-rona aew mndera hoaM, ale lawn, ebole Incatloni peak William a ran lie; $1,500. a-room hoaM, donbl parlor, hall, pantry, hath: SOilOO groand; lawn, flowara, frolu, berrlM. chJckea park, bar a; la Brookla Belgbta. T-roonl heaaa. corner lot. Beef Broeklya arbonl; ay tema: $a.oto. ' cottage, aear Brooklya achool; eaay terma: $1,800. -. S-ronm eottag, Bear Breokla acbeal; aaay term; $1,400. - aVmoa eottag, oa pew)! at.; $l.ar0, . S roora cottage, oa Jefferena at. I $.V!tod. 8 room hnaae, on Northrop at.; $8.&00. room konaa, fill lot, cloaa la, oa Eaet Parla: $3.70. room bourn, hall, paatry. rloaeta, bath; hoiiM built of flratla material; concrete walka amnnd kouae, nice lawn, choice fruit, treat Impmeed. walka laid, ale lew. eon T'll'Pt to oar' la Wondlawa; aaly $1,800. jfla large houae, fine earpete and fnrnl- 'T". 100x100 groaad; cholo locaUoa, la North Portland. . room aew eottag, earner lot, aa Kllllnga Worlh ., Bear ear harna, aaly $2.AVk. - 8-mnm houM, well eonatrSrtrd. haaeayrat, rancret walk, barn. lota beautifully lo cated: a anap at $2,800. Knlendld bona nf 7. rannta, t fire places, , fin jrrmads. 100100; $4 000.' HenUe & Harrison SIT Aklngtoa' bldg. ' avonn 10 . HOOMH. IU lata. Kaat Aah. 8 mlnnte car aerrlce: $.V)0 ca.h- handle thlar Mitiinher A IVtfeabautb. 410 ptearn Hdg. . BT OWNER Two aew hootrs. $0$ East Mth t. Phoaa Tabor 811. a fuv8 ROOMS, aaar P.aat 8Mb and Clinton. McOahar A D"aabau$h, 410 Staaraa bld. Advertise, aaKloau 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CH0ICB 100 feat aa TJnlea ara., balng tb aontheast corner ef TJaloa aad Irring; prlca . S4.860. . Choice Co roar with 4 stem, bringing $1,800 per auaap; will bring , $1,700 par annua ta Auguat; prlca $11,000. . Oholc 60 fMt) aa Inlea ara. Bear Bolladay for $2,500. i , Choica Income property bringing $1,800 per aanua, for $30,000. HiHia ta North Portland, rent $24 par month; price $2,000. a-room bouaa and lot, Cniea aaar Bolladay; prlca $3,500. TO acre. U mil weat of tJaatoa . road aad Northern Pacific bridge, $7,500. 43 lot In Highland Park at $1 par let; $6 per month. 1.2i0 lou Bear Salem line. S mile from city, at $15 per lot, at $1 per moatb, with boueee already Mtabllahcd on the tract; yna can't buy lead eat there for twice the money. . $H acres la Palatine Hill for $375. 100 fMt aouara at tha northeast or uregon ana ihiro; pric gt.auo. 20 acres near galea line, only S miles from city, for $2,500. , . Apply to war, ' ' w. REiivr Boom 15 Waehlngton bld'g., Fenrth aad Wsahlngtoa at. I PINB homoa la Bolladay Park, $.000 and $8,000; tbM ar A-l. HcOmber A Deffea bangh, 410 Steam bldg. $8.800 S ROOMS, GarScld are. near Portland boalerard; large lot;- term. McOmbor A Daftenbaugh, 410 Staaraa bldg. $46,000 CAN ha hmeted where It will bring a act Income of 8 per cent, and property , will IncreaM In value rapidly. llcOmber A Detfeabaugh, 410 Staaraa bldg. $1.100 S ROOMS, aew, modern la orery reaped, Kaat Mala aear Kaat 28th.' Mo. OmW A Oeffeabaagh, 410 Steam bldg. $2,1004 ROOMS, Taher Hclgbts, H acre; term. McOmbar A Deffeobaugh, 410 StMroa bldg. $16,500 H BLOCK with Sboeaaa. elnaa In, good Income, A-l location f good InTeetment. MoOmber A Datfenbaugh, 410 SUame bldg. EXTRA BARGAIN. . - T kta 40too. cleared, all together In one tract, for $300; cIom to 10-room achool at Lenta; Sae location; water free; 5c fare to any part of Portland; terms. 0. B, Addltoa, owner. Lenta, Oregon. . FOR BALE 6-room doom, modern, lot 60x100, unloa are. Tel. - it 0001a wi 71. Owner; no agent. 1 j Oaly";$3o000-Wcst Side Modern S-room eottag and fractional lot an. (Xillega at, cIom to park. J FRED C. KINO, BRS Commercial blk.. Second aad Wash. at. READ. T-room bone, closet to Mch room, full lot. 50100, Bear uwmllL holler worka, ship, building plant and O. R. A N. R. R-. fine IfpMtlon for oosrdlng-honee; within tha next few days will Mil. for $2,000; terms $400 caah, balance $11 per month. St. Johna Till Abstract A Trust Co. St. .Johns, Oregoar Pbon Kaat 8067. Choice Acreage cn Car Line 8 aeraa on earllne, good building. 2 acre cleared, all rich garden land, young fruit tree, S mile to city, only $1,200; term. 25 acres aear earllne, fine location, No. 1 oil, good never-failing enrlng, all fenced, 4 acres cultivated, abundance at firewood, nice view; eultable for eubdlvldlng Into sat tract; 20-oilnat car service; 7 mfiee to city. I,ook tbla ap at once; only $lAft per acre; terms. The cheapest land near Portland. W. J. Day & Co. lOOVs Fourth at. OOOD 8 room houae, graded street, lot 40x120, wood. bed, eblckea yard, etc., $1,000; terms aaay. . . W. J. Day & Co. 1S5M Fourth at. GOOD BUYS. $1,100 Nlr full lot. eaay walking dlatanc. $1.000 On acre garden land with 8-room bonM, ever-running spring, handy to Be cars; verv easy terms. $5,500 Nice fuU lot with S-room hoaM. 10 blocks from Third and Morrlaoa. After Janu ary 1 the price will be $1,000 more. F FUCUS, 221H Morrhma at. B. L. N. OILMAN REALTY CO., 411 Wsahlngtnn street. . Call or phono Mala 2473 or Main TIM and appoint a time to go with ns snd aelect one or more of thcae choica lot which are Mlllng k an rapidly) your ewa term"; tbla I your apporianii, w wcie ..-. p.. wvn. $28007 ROOMS, modern. In Sunnyalde, Sn . location, 1 amca rrom car. acumovr a Dsffenbsngh, 410 Steams bldg. ' Far good 8-ronm bom end lOOtloo not far from Highland vchonl: price $1,800; terms, $20 per month snd Interest. FRED C. KINO. 608 Com mere lei blk., Second and Waahlngtoa. t LOTS 50x100 each, small houae, barn, 2 Sn cowa, henbouM aaa small rruit. ih rirat at., ranm 1. TURNER A WALKER. Ral btata, Karma and Stock -Xaseha. I v Evehsngea. ' ' 80814 Washington St. -J Sellwood Morehoaa A French. I87A B. 11th. Phoo Sellwood 7. City View Park lots. $375 end ftp: Ran Addition lota. $100 and p: $8 down and month. Home front. $.VM) to $.00f.- yrf $TC and np. In all part of nellwnnd. List year property with Ml we will Mil It, SACRirlCFO at half pric coat, beautiful name ia rnniena. bo quicB. . AddreM W. N. Rob I. Aahland, Or. FOR BALE CHEAP A 7 -room bnoaa.-S kite. Iota nf rrtm. eo a-tiara, chicken yard. Sea owner. 124 Bayard St., Peninsular atatlon. William Scbendel. - A FINE little honae. barn and riilekaonee, 2 mis. i -i"'; cantst aaaitiuar terms. Csll - ap Bcotl 2707. j i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ul'RRII U yoa want a lot la TUtan's Addi tion " at fiair value. . 40 aold Uat Bxaiih. iaft for Ml. - " ' pockffhmt Bjaaaa SMaey la yi THOMPSON 'A OODEN (Branch!. . rhena Kaat 45UO, , auo Belmont ALPINB REAL IbTati rn anitu. ue ronaa 1; phone VI .tlg, 1817 V, block wlih 12 room houeet-eJuM In. $11. Ba S Sera. w-rwiH niMi ear cenua, OJ.ZOO. laDWtU enl .i , . , . . - iT. "T , "'nail wv.., naQiiaonw, well Dalit, roar year old, all moditra eoaveoleecM, dtalag- 11 T rmmim. ue vii riniau aa " p.- w, , praiuiui aooae . . " . tug neaianj a Dr gala at th Drtc. $10,500. Moraaa, Sweat - r p.,n. cm main 2015. . ' . 1 OR S fin lot oa Slat at., aear Clinton, fin view 01 u city, fjau: o aaay term, 11. its, care Journal. . . , A FINK aew konaa oa 26th and East Citatoa, houM I aew and cost $1,800; lot la worth $M00: owner Is tearing thO city and will atU for $2,250 aa aaay term. B. 85, Joarnal. - JUST THINK! lot for $75 at $5 per month; " - ne.wu. wvwr (in. mi PU, P IB, m I. Johns, with quit a few aomea already aaub llabed. Yea caa ant bny other property ta tbla locality for twice the money. T WIIXIAM REIIT, V Waahlngtoa bldg.. 270 H Waahlngtan at. - MI'ST SELL One acta of tha beat lead, all cleared and In graM. near Lenta; price $450: $150 caah, balance $50 erery slg aoatha at S per ceat. Phoaa Tabor 808. fl.800 MONTA VILLA. T rooms, lot 80100. ;sau caaa, balance pro per mnatb; tb houae could not be bnllt for the price ukad. . Mo Omber A Deffeobaugh, 410 Stearn bldg. SEVERAL comfortable houae and lots belong ing u a noa-reaiaeat mast oe eoin at oac at a Mdiflre; terme. W. R. MrPheraoa. The PhlUdalphla, room 12, Third and Balmoa, FOR SALE BT OWNER, 24 IVT St., BET. . WILLIAMS AND VANCOUVER AVES., MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT. $1.U0; TERMS; MCST BB SOLD BT JANU. ARX 1. a . $1.025i-SNAP 88 rsVlOO, nortbMat earner S7th ana B-aai wasntngton at. Aaaraaa 8. Bax worthy, 746 Hoyt at. $2.800 BEACTIFCL S-room boa, Inst com- iiaieq, amcuy mooern, ana caai Mala; foon own. $25 monthly; aelect neighborhood. Owner, Eaet 628. TIMBER. TIMBER OWNERS. It baa become aa Mtabl8hd fact that ear tlmbar department alwaya lea da othera fol low. Tha careful manner ta which wa have managed timber deal la tlie put la atrong evidence that the coming year's baetneM will M the bear lea t avr experienced In the norib weat. Oar peat year's record la certainly ufflclent to convince timber owner that It will not pay to delay a day longer hi plac ing their tlmbar lands with n for aala. Call or write our orncee; giv run accurate aa ocrtotlon of timber end low eat net eaah netca. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY. Lumber Eicbange bldg., Soatbaut earaer Second aad Stark at. BRIT18H COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS W hav for Ml large and email tracts of fin timber, both oa watar and rail; prlcM from $4 ap, according ta location; " tell as your wanta and will bo pleaeed to submit list. Eugene R. Chandler, aut Baa. tings at., Vancouver, B. C. CEBTIFIED scrip, any a 1m, lowest price. W, w. noweu, ooo vnamner oc commstaa. WB bare caah buyera for yellow pin timber una in uregon aaa waanington; aao for yellow fir, spruce and hemlock timber lande; will boy from one claim ap If prlca aad loca ttoa ara right. Will pay caah for good ro llnqulebmeats. W htv bad IS fan' ex perience la coast timber business, aad bava competent cruisers who will pass aa tha land without delay. EMBODY A BRADLEY CO, , -7118 rhamnsr of Commerce. TO OWNERS of timber claims snd timber Wa will buy for caah any good timber tributary - to Nehalem river; will deal with wnei ' Only; no othera seed aaawer. Write, giving run parucuiara, is xk , u. r, aiauoa, Portland, Oregon, .. WANTED Some good tlmbar holding In Ore gon or wasningtonA uwaars only aaaa apply, AddreM X 40, care Journal. OCR buyers will be her after January 1, ready 1 or pasineM; eeoa in your timoer Unas to us so w can make a preliminary snd mske our report to the buyers when they arrive. Uobaa A Taggart, 211 AUaky bldg. FOR good timber claims and bomee reads ta most acsiranie locality, phone Scott Bo30. FOR SALE FARMS. - 20 ACRES.' all Improved, good buildings, run alng water, cIom to ear line; $2,800, terms. 230 -a ere farm 186 In cultivation, wad Ilea Sne; on two good country roads; large orch ard; S-room aard-flnlah bouaa,- large, wood honee, 2 bam and atockyarda, cblekea ana turkey yarda; crock oa plac. good water at houae; B. F. D. mall, phone In hones; 2H mllra to depot; price $50 per acre. Team of horsM, wagon and harna, baggy, all klada of farm Implement,; cows, chicken 'and turkeys. For aale cheap to buyer of farm) , terms. Or will sxcbsng for good city prop erty la part, SAWMTIi, FOR BALK nd 820 sctm timber, and the tlmbar off 8 goa; good machinery, good wagons, aa good road to river; $0,600, torms. 100-sere-farm'oa tha Tualatin river hank; 10 aCTee ' bearer dam; oa half la cultiva tion; wire fenced and croM fenced; good 8-room hoaso. 2 large barn and other out buildings; good orchard, good team horeee, $ cowa, 1 bull, 8. haga, chicken, wagon a, hack, Slow, harrow,, bar fall of hay aad grain; . F. D. mall, phono Una by door; 14 mile from city; $0,000, term. 180-scr cow ranch, of which 100 acre I river bottom and rraaa land and th balance bench land, with houM. bara, orchard and a creek running acroe the plac; wlthla half mil of tb depot: 83 mile from tb dty; ca b had for $32.50 per acre If aold la M day; after that time price advsnre $5 per sera nntll Mid: this Is a snap bay for a maa looking for a dairy ranch. - SO acres flrst-elsM land wlthla a half ar three quart era of a mile of the aew earllne being built from Salem to Portland; 8 mile ' from tbe city; a boot half I bearerdaa land, nd about 400 cords of wood oa the Mm; land la not cleared; fin flowing eprlng tha whole year through tbe place; prlca $1,800; ana halt caah, balaaee agreed time. - 120 acres land In eastern Multnomah county. Bear railroad, M mile of school ; 2 creameries does by; 80 acre high att of cultivation. VimiL' CO acre paature, srat-euua leneee, soma tianj. her: good family orchard, kouae and 2 Kama: nil new, 42if8, concrete foundations, chicken houae. granary, etc.: S horse. . harness snd wsgona, 15 milch cow and some young atock : mower, rakea. eclfnlnder, plow, dlac. aad sit kinds of farm Implements necraury oa tb . place; thw I goon onion land and will raise enythlng; no better land In America; good a market ss there Is oa tha coast st borne; fine road ta Portland and cloaa In; price $,500. an eaay term: anyone that buy thta plac caa pay for It la three years off the place. i' 20 aeree. half under cultivation, balance eaav e lea red, leys well: kouae and barn, good well, ale orchard: excellent eoll; only 84 mile from court house, m mile from tall, road atatlon; a bargain; $2,260. 120 acres, IS In cultivation: . $-raorn houM, barn 40x45; aprtng water near honae; a fin lot of ceilar on place; all good Mil; oa a main County road. 81 BUM from Portland: B..F. D. aad milk route by tha door; $2,000! Bn4 for fara list. v-W.aW. Espey '? Raorp Sis) Commercial Rulldlng, fcorntr kacoad aad Waahlogto. ' BACRIPICED TO SETTLB AN EHTATB. $5.025 07 acre well lmirovd plae. first, claaa anil, it acres In hop; geod eomforlabl 'buildings: right on Willamette sad boetland Ing. baady to denot and N.woerg collage. This r'r easily worth $7,500. , F. FL'CIIH. 321H Morrkaoa at.- FRFB home for thaussnds of peool In tak county; land subject to homMteed and dee- ert. entry. Far partlenlara writ Briatoa lar wi 0. i ' A Boblastt, uivr laa. u. FOR SALE FARMS. $2,100 30 sctm treating oa Columbia river; . IS sere cleared, 8 acre orchard; email houae od bar; fin view al tb Colaiabl - river. 820-aere,' 18 mile from Portland; 180 acre) a Sne atata of eulUratloa, half bottom land, all fenced; 6-rova bouse, 8 barn, good ton mllkhouMl scree bearing orchard, saoatly apples; near school. H. F. l., 4 aullM to boatlandlng sad railroad. 8 aa gravel read, level land; prlca only $40 per acre; Siva goad terms; beat of MIL $1.100 J8 acre $ mile from Wsahengal; IS sere cleared, 4 acres orchard, balance Keture: all kind of email fruit: email use, 24x24; bara"; 80x60; woodahed. chtckea awsa. gooa wall, ail tencea wit good u na. ' S4S acre S mllM from Washougal. Clarke county, Waablngtou, 28 miles from Portland: loo acres In auMdowt no atump or rock; S era bearing orchard variety, balance paa ture and Umber; 2 running atresias ssd err eral good springs; all fenced with good new wire; 4 mllM ar mora fence, most at It S and S wires and a plaak. which makes It bog tight: t of tha largest bene la th country; good 6-room bouse, other outbuild ing; $ horec. 8 head of cattle, 12 hogs, 24 heap; plenty of hay to winter atock; mower, rake, wagon, buggy, dlac and all k I tide f farm Implameata; pric aaly $44 per acre, Siva term. 8 par coat. 200 acre B mile from Washougal, Clark county, Waahlngtoa, 28 miles from Portland; SO sere In Sua state of cultivation, eu . timber, balaaee paature (tally cleared; 2 teod springe; good wsU st door; VoO sere vel, balaaee slightly rolling; ll fenced with good wire: fine 12-roota houae; new frame bar 50x80; family orchard; at. F. I.; near arhool; tb cleared land la all seeded to fell grain and grave aaed; personal property gone with place; On team, weight 2,800 poundi : driving bore; 26 head f cattle, 17 ar milk cowa; some hex; 125 chickens; 1.000 bushels of aata. 150 buahele ef wheat. 125 sarcks of spuds. 80 tons of bay; all kinds of fsrm Implement; ' creem, Mparator; If yoa re looking for Bn plac Investigate this before buying; this Is a beautiful place; beat ef Mil; only $45 par acre or will give good tuna, S per cent. - ""-w- $$,00040 seres 4 mllM from Vancouver, on Sn gravel mad; 80 acres cleared; family orchard; 8-room bouse; fair atable: heat ef Mil, no rock or gravel; half caah, balance 6 yean; thia la a snap; So location; aear school;' R. F. D. . . ... $6,000 180 acre, 10 mllM from Vancou ver, 17 mllM from Portland, 1 H mllea from railroad atatlon: all level, all fenced, 00 acrre cleared. 80 acre good aaw tlmbar, 1 lull from Mwmlll, 2.000 cord ef hardwood, bal ance of land ully cleared; 75 acre of beaver dam swale; oa county road, milk rant past door; 8-room bonM, fair barn; personsl prop ' erty foe with place; team, 25 head of cattle, 17 mllea cows. Mm hogs and chicken, 50 'ton of bay, cream Mparator, farm Imple ment,: 00 half caah, balsaea S year, S per cent. $4,500108 acres. 20 mllea from Portland, mllea from railroad atatlon; 50 acre cleared, 7 acre green timber, balance eaally cleared; 80 acres ssh and vine maple swale, all level; good 1 H -story houae, good bar 60x100, good ronthouM and eblcken-uouee: email stream near houae and barn, good well at door; persona! property goes with plac; good team worth $350, 16 bead of cattle, 7 mUcb cowa, 11 hog. 7 eheep, 250 chicken. 60 ton of hay, 200 bnahela of oata. 100 hashes, of wheat, 808 busbars of spuda, S wagon. 1 buggy, mower and rak. 2 acta f harneaa and all other farm tool that are needed on a farm; $2,200 cash, balaac 3 years, 8 per cent. ' i $2,70040 seres IS miles from Vancouver, m mllea from railroad atatioa; 20 acres cleared, balance eaally cleared. 8-room houae. good barn and other oat bulldlnge; all level; all fenced; on county road; near ehool; R. F. D.I good team, wagon nd harneaa; 4 cow; good orchard; eome bay, om grain; chlckene; this la a good buy; beat af eoll; glva term. Washington -& Oregon' Realty ' Co. 10a Second at., .Portland. Or., aad $00 Main at.. Taooouvw, Wash. Phone Mala 2404. ONE of th bast ranch aa ta eaatern Oregon, Improved, 800 eeres, 800 acne fine bottom la ad, abundance of water, at a bargala. Ad dreaa H. E. Corny, owner. Baker City, Or. A SACRIFICE. 40 acre excellent tend, H aitla froa good country town and 10 mile from this city; 22 seres state of cultivation, 8 or 10 aeree Sne in Umber balance very lly cleared; plac all fenced and ereae-fenced; living at ream through place, telephone Una by place, mela eouaty road and la Sne neighborhood; owaer very anxlou ta Mil 00 account of leka; tha timber ea this place Ilea within U mile of aawmlll and can be Mid at a good figure; prlca If Mid before Jaaaary 1. 81.800. ' THOMPSON SWAN, atlsena' Bank bldg.. Sixth st-, Taneoaa Waahlngton. ReferencM: Vsnoouvar National Bank. $5,000125 ACRES, 6 mtlM from Dayton. Yam- am county; rural man. poena, good raaning water; 40 scree fruit, mostly apples, Pbon Bast 2737, betwMB 7 and 8 a. m. AddreM ar call E. c Bobsrtsoa. 70 Eaat sixth at, N. $8,200 Firm, cIom In, Ism thaa Improvements. box u. Bonis a, city. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. OOEUR LVALENB MINING STOCK I am alwsys in ths market either te buy ar Mil any active mining stocx; loan aaaa oa any listea eeeantia. T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS B0RSES n0 boggle for rent by day, week and month; special rates to Jr)"lneM-B Sixth and Hawthorn. Ksst'72. WB bny. Mil, rent, exchange h arses, wagona. Mddles, hsrncaa, Hubert Hell, 2o8 4th at. FOR SALB A Mover top baggy In first -rises condition; aao elegant phaeton treat as 1 vary wagon, fl reset mad. 164 La ion ar. FOR SALB Hon, harneaa and wagon for Mia cheep; will Mil Mpsrate. nt. Joans canine, Greeley station. 1304 Willamette bonlevard, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR' SALB S good cows. C. O. Andereoa, rieraoa canyon, iti. ncin inn. CARNEY'S Veterinary Hospital, 288 GIlMa at. Phone Matn 1484-8837. FOR 8AI.E nor and wagon, far $40. Elm at., Portland Helghta. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. $50 REWARD fnr proof that any talking ma chine equal the Edteon phonograph; com plete stock; May payment. Portland Phono graph Agency. 128 Seventh at. Mala S888. . SHERMAN. CLAY A CO. an th largest plano declers a th PacIS Msst, Sae them If voo need a piano. . BARTER AND EXCHANGE. EKCnANOB dentlatry for painting, ahlngllng. carpentering. Call room 8, U23V Waahlng toa t, . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Cigar, confec tionery bualneaa with poolroom": good Inc . tioai pric $d00. AddreM k. JU7. Journal. ALBERTA LAND 820- acre of ..ebotc Albert land to exchange for Oregon lead. A. V. Wanless. Waodbarn. Oregon. 4,000.000 FEET fir timber ta Columbia county. Oregon. AddreM Owaer. AddreM C 104, car JonrMl. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print year same on 50 calling card, proper also and aatyler. 35c; 290 hnalnew eerda. $1. A. W. Schmale Co., 228 Ftnt, Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINES benght, v aold aad ax "changed. $6 nd up, Waatara Salvag Co.i ' 837 Waahlngtoa at. SHOWCASES, counters, fixture, boajrht, sold , or xehngd. Weat em Salvage Ce., t21 WssblnitoB St. Psclfle7B3. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or fnr sale oa eaay narmente. . THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B COI.LENDEB CO, . 48 Third at, Portland. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged sewtng-mehlnes a verv low plicae; Singer, Wheeler A WllMn, lmetlr. White, Hmnwhold, Davis and other; to Snake ream far new itork Wheeler A Wilson and Singer. 8. S. Slgrl, $35 Mor rtsnn at.. Marquam bldg. SHOWCASES and Sitnre. new and second band. Mariana A Kalletroa, 28 Couch at. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sore car for r sua a Haas Bald ha all evaalaia. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. bfrlNTOSH A SEYMOUR 88 B. P, snglna complete. canter crank loo II. p. Tstum A Bowea boiler. oiler. 1 . 1 " ', coayilete. i wo wi 11. r. boner. Tw O. O. 76 K. He generator rour -iwrnur wstsv wnessp, Mr Urffel water wheel. - 10 000 feet ateel riveted pip, froa 8 Inch to 28 Inch, practically new. , 50Q.0UO feet all else black and f arraatsed pine, ap to 10 Inch, - . , .MO tuna black and galvanlaad eheetlrea. a) ton roofing tin. damaged lightly. One 10 U. P. aprtght en glue. One 8 B. P. aprlght tnglne. Three eteam pumps. All slse boass, pulteya, haftlng, belting aad banger. J. SIMON A BBO., 244 248 Front at. l-SECON D-B A N D bar natures, pooltablra, safes. tablea, chairs. . weat era salvage la., on Washington at. ,-' $350 NEW aprlght plaao, $185, Krskouer ap rlght $H5, organ $14.- guitar, Biandnlla, $5, S41H First St., corner ilaln. npatalr. 4 CHRISTMAS BOOKS. Bible aad prayer-boo a. Hyland Bra., 228 Yamhill at. FOR SALE Chatham Incubator aad nroodera, 84 daye- free trial, Geo. W. Foott, S21 Kaat Morrlaoa at., Portland. COMPLETE Mt of tlnaer-e toola la good condi tion, cheap. 42 Oread sva. Phone East 137. 8EI.F-CHANGKM AK1N0 cash register for aala I'haap. 211 I' I rat aC FOR SALB CHEAP 1 large hot-sir foraaoa; caa bo ssea st 81 North Front St. FOR SALE Angora goat,-a family pet, chMp. " .,iivenw era. -- PERSONAL. MOLES, wrtnklea. anpsrfluou hlr removed. No charge to talk It ovsr. Mr. M. D. HI II. Room 830 Fllednor Bldg. Phone Pacific 135. WEHPOOT OH Blacking mvm tb leather, ab solutely waterproof. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura car for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. BALM OP FIGS for sU femals d Imams. 828 i East Belmont, Phono East 4034. GERMAN books, magaslnee, novels, etc..; Ger man. Eagllah, F ranch . Bpsnlsh, Swedish sad Italian dictionaries; foreign hooka of sill kind. Bcbmal Co.. 228 First St. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired and redred: 80 year' experience Insure entire Mttef action. Puona Piclfle 2487, Lewis bldg. 8F.XINB PILLS car all form of narvon or muscular weakness. For ma or womea. Pric $1 a box, $ boxes $5, with full guar antee. Addre or call J. O. Clinnon, drug glet. Second and Yamhill ate., Portland, Or. DR. B1NO CHOONO, Importer ChlneM root medicines: Mils ChlneM tea, certain cur for all duesaea, 181 2d, bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCHUM cures promptly private dlaeaaea, kidney, nervous. Skin and speclsl femal trouble. Call or write. Office 1701, Third at, ear. YamhlL- Phoos Paelfl 2228. DOLLS . HOSPITAL Repairing aad drseertng. Room S, 848Vk Waahlngtoa at. SWEDISH trained none. Helalngfor graduate, cure rheumatlam, atomach trouble aad Bar von diaordera by hand-rnbblng, ateara, wat nd tub bathe; both him. No. 7 Eaet 11th t. Tab But Aakany car. Phono Bait 200. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orsrontaa bldg.; ladlM days, gentleman. Bights. Mala 1838. - MANLY vigor reetored by Pr. Roberta' Narva Globule. On month' treatment, .$2; S month, $5; aent eeeurely fealre by mall. Agents, Woodard, CUrka ef Co. Portland. Or. SUITS preeeed while yon wait. 60c Ladloa eklrte preeaed. 60c. Gilbert, 108( Sixth at., Bxt to QuaUe. Phono Mala 9088. GENTLEMEN'S plain and faery Mwlng. Par lor 21 aad 22, 208 H Stark etreet. BEST magsstn clnb vr offered: nd for prices; egenta wanted. Joum' Book Stare, 281 Alder St., Portland. Or. HOLD ON There la one thing test will cur rheumatism. Ask poor druggist for bark . tonic or addraaa or call J. O. Clenaenaoa, druggist, Portland, Or. . CHIROPODY, clp treatment, medicated facial lasaaga. S24fe Waahlngtoa at. KEFINBD lady glvM maalcnrlng, chiropody, .scalp and facial treatment, 201t4 Third aL, corner layior. - - DISEASES OF WOMEN; anfnrtnnate girl aad BaDiea care a ror; private soapitai. ur. Atwooa. room 8. 850M Mor. st. Tel. Psclnc 1758. MIHS GIBSON give acalp treatment; daadraff. xuot uorriaoa n.i room oa. YOUNG aelcntlSe maaaeuas glvee electricaL l eoholie and medicated treatment a: ebtropedlet ad manicuring, at naieiga oiag. , LADIES: Dr. La Franco's Compoaadt Mf. speedy regulator; 26 cents, druggists or asUi booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. PROFESSOR Q. , DOVB ef 8a Fraaeueo, osi., tesrner or pnranoiogy aaa pnysjognomr, 818 Allsky bldg. AUTOMOBILES.. , F. T. MERRILL Pop Toledo car. Mvea pe. aenxar. $0 per boor. Offlc Seventh aad Oak. Mala 625. Stand B. B. corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa. N. B To Merrill's Caa tie Edal Bran $5. .. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIPB EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Assay Offlc. ! Morrtena at. ART. FREE LESSONS In embroidery every Say; aew ta roped ahlrtwalata. eoreet-covere, holer jacket, hats, umbrellas. te. Tha Needle craft Shop. 882 Wuhtngtoa at., between Park and Tenth ate. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, S4S Alder St. Portrait and tendaeap artlat and teacher. ATTORNEYS. tt H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attornve-at-Lw. Practle ta all 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner Second aad Mosrleaa. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR. DAVIS A RILHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank books manufactured: agents for J oaves Improved LooM-Lraf ledgers; sea th aew Eureka leaf, the beat on tb market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES B. Blrkeawald Co., -804-808 Bverett at.; lergest butcher mipply boa on the coast. Writ for catalogs. BCTCHERS' SVPPMRO Adolnb A. Dekam. 131-138 First St.. carries a full line and plet aseortment at low eat market price. CARPET CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co.. largest plsat on tun coast. Loring sua xisraing sis., isie pbnae Best 280. Csrpsis cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: bath stesm and latest com pre aaed air proeeee ; renovating aattressoe ami feathers a aperlalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction snd com- pre we a sir comnineai carpeT rmepq on ivsr without renjovsl. Main BA.T4. Main 8200. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. CtOTHRS cleaned and preeeed $1 Per aanfl'. Unique Tailoring ',. ata ntars t. B. W. TURNER, prof esa tonal dyer 'and vlaaBer. 608 Jeffereoa St. I'bon Msla 251. PORTLAND Steam Cleaafng and Dying Works, 211 Fourth l. rhra raelfle aui. CAFES. .-1 THE OFFICE T,1 Washington at, phoaa Mala in. aamuei vigneex. CHIROPODISTS. CniROPODT'an'd'Paalerrrlng. Mrs. M. T. It 111. Ranm 330 Pletilnav Hlet. Phone Pacific I.V.. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the-erpener, 204 reurth at. Star and affle work. Mala 1787. BANKS. Jim$T VATTOBAt BAMK OF rOBTXAXO, eTAJa JglAn. Ji am fm aTV A .kimr Aa V JLJ VV m , t a a tad . Depoaltary snd FinaaH.I Agent ef the I'alted State. A. i. MlIJa ICaenlrr aa...J. W. N ' alor.....W. C. ALVOMU I swixaad Asalatsnt Csahler B. F. DMlgaated rresieeax AaaUtast Caahler. '-' . ti.u . rwt i,.u.ku Sight Exchange and Telagrsphlc Tranefere aold o New York, hum, Chicago, St. U. . St. Paul, Omaha. Man rraaelaca sad tbs principal points In th Northwest. Sight aad time bills drswn In sums to suit s London, psrts, Berlin. rankfort-n-th- M. Honyaong. Vokuhama. Copenhagen. hrUtlaola, Stockholm. St. Prterahnrf . Moaeaw, B""a LAS&'A TUTOsT, BAMKIRS (XsUhllshsd la 1886.) . . Traasaeta a Oaacral Basking BaalaeM. Collrrtloaa made at all paint a op" abl terme. Let tare of credit leaned available la Europe snd sll points la tha V a l ted) OB- Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold a Now York. Waahlngtan, Chlcege. ;. Louie, Denrer, Omaha, 8a a rraocbvo snd Montana and Brttlah Columbia. Excaaag sold oa London. Paris, Merlin. Frankfurt, Hongk otig, Yokahame. Manila and Hoaolnlu. MEBOXABTS VATIOB AL BABK, POBTLAND, 0BEOOK. PBANR WATSON President I R. U DURHAM.. Tlea-Prealdeat R. W. H0YT .Cuhter GE0BGB W. HOYT.......AMlataat Csshle Tr anas eta a General Banking Bo.loeea. Drsft ssd Letters ef Credit Isauad Avatlabbj ta . All Parte of tb Wnrld. Collections Specialty. u VITdtaO STATZS VATioiTAi. livK or Traaaaet g General Banking Bualnrss. Ih nnlted SMtrs and Europ. President ...J. 0. Al Vlc-Presldent ....R. LEA BARNES I Assistant Cashier I AsTXERS' A LVMBEBMEB'B BABK Psrttead. Oiaaaa, Carnar Keooad aad Stark streets. 13 . ' ,omarr1sl and Mvlng department. r;,., 1T-T. ". "aaaa vuni la ail ' ' " i - i-reainvnt FRED II. HOTHCniLD. ..ltrat VTIp. JOHN A. KEATINtt Second Vice-President j T'STE BANK OF tAIJTOBsTXA Xstaklishsd veuite. waia ap avt.nuv.imu Genera il Banking aad Exchsags Mualnesa TrsnMctsd. Interest ea TIbm Deposlta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Account may be apened of $10 and upward. . Portland. Branch Chamber af Onmrnerca Rnlldlna. wsr. R. HACRAB Manager I TRUST COMPANIES. T-hOBTLAND TRUST COMPAJfT OF 0RE00B Th Old sat Treat Com pa By ta l RBNOrRCKS OVER $1,760,000. Oenaxal Banking. Tw per cent Intereet aa check account teven hundred) on dally balance nf 8.100 ar over. Letter of credit and exchange on ell parr of tb world. Saving account. Time certlflcatea, 8 to 4 per cent: ehort-eall epeclal certiacate. $500 or over. 2t4 to 4 par cent. Call for Book of ''ILLIIRTRATIONS.' , routoeaai vuxaar intra ana uii BEN J. 1. COHEN,. 9. LEE PAGET. . . Prealdent J Secretary SXOTEITT SAVIN0S A TRUST COM PAUT 888 Morrteea Street. Portland. Oregea. . TraaMcta a Geaeral Banking Bualneaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed an Tim and Basing Account. Acts Trustee for Eststee. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit Available oa All Psrts of tbe World. C. F. AnAM8..p. Prealdent A. U MILLS. Kacond Vie-President GEO. B. Bl'BdKLl. TUB KOXTOAOB eUABAJfTEX A TRUST COafPAXT BABK. Tranaact a General Banking Bualnm. Interest Paid as) Tla Depoalt. SarlagS Depertxaent; 4 per Cent Interest Allowed, Compounded Quarterly. CAIITAL , $100,000.00 ,M 0. W. WATBRBCRT ...Prealdent j C. W. MILLER ..,..VIe-Free Ids t 8. LOGAN HAYS Aaalatant Secretary Elks' Temple. Beventk and Stark Street. Phone Main 154. Open Saturday Evening 6 te 6. NORTSWXSTXRlf 0UARABTEE A TBU8T C0MPABT Pertlsnd, Oregon. ' " , Lumber Bxchsuge, a. E. Corner Second sod Stark Street (Mcoad Boer). FIHCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. J . e ' Btata, Osaaty, Manlctpal Corporation Rood Bought and Sold. New EotarpiiaM Orgtslgsd nd Hnaced. Blocks ITLC eUABABTEI A TBU8T COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Real Estate at Lowvst Bstea. Title leBiired. J. TH0BBURN ROSS.,. GEO RGB H. HILL , Prealdent Vie-President J BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0KXIS BB0TCTBS Chamber af Commsre Mnnlelpsl, Railroad and DOWirOfO-HOrXrVS OOMPABT IstahlUhad 1188 BROKzUUS. ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought nd Sold fa Cssh aad aa Margin. Prtvata Wire. ' BOOM 4 CHAMBER of C0MMWRCH. rboB Mala ST. TULA ,LXE COMPANY CommeawMltk Bldg.. Btetfc aad Aakaay ata., Portland, Oregwa. Broksrags Densrtment H. W. Poaahu. Manager. Bee Vi Before Buying or Belling Stock or Bonds. Csn Alwsys Bsv Ton Monty. UIB t, WILDE HOME TXXEPHOlfl BONDS BABK BTOCKS. ' Member Portland Stock Exchange. Pxrner Sixth and WMhlngton Strer, Portland, Oregon. Ovcrbcck Starr & Cooke Co. los bMIV. eKAIV, PB0VT8I0N8. COTTOsT, STOCKS AKD BOaTM. ' WA DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUalBXsa. - CoaUsaaa Markst by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Tlltoa, Baak ara, and L'alted State National Bank U Porthmd. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mate Sao. Bmlthlng Coal aad Ooal for Ships ..'. a spaclslty. ' e. ' Th ' . BT0REY A BROOKES FUEL CO. (Incorporated. ) ' Kvelualve agent for KEMMERER COAL. COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL. ' Offlc aad Yard front and alsarsey ate. THE Portland Wood A Coal Co. ara sow doing huslnsM In their new yard. t th corner ef 16th and MTler atraeta. f ir, aan, aiaowooa and coal. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers to cordwood. eoa nd free aad dry slabwood. R. K. and Alblna are., 2 blocka Mat af tarry. Eaat 874. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO Dealer ta coal. cordwood aad dry alabwood. - Pbon East 424. OREGON FUEL CO All kinds af coal and wood. 884 Aider t. Pbon Main 80. PORTLAND Bswdnst A 8 la hw nod Co., K Front, auccesiora to Faltoa Wsod Co. Mala loss. WE8TERN FEED A FUEL CO. Houm and blackamMh coals. Phono Msln 1018. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $3 READING FOR 81. ALWAYS CONSULT TUB BEST. . PROF. E. KHIMO. Greatest living satral dead-true clair voyant nf the ege; ADVISER ON HI 'SINES AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whoa yea will marry, bow to control th on yon lore, eve though mllra away; reunite tb ae pa ra ted : glvee aeeret powers to control. I will do aU others adrertla to do, and great deal more. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH TUB POW ERS OF THB UNSEEN FOKCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, aad I prov It to yoa with out prlca by giving you a FREE TEST FREB By having your NAME TOLD (7N FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOB. and giv yoa advtco absolutely FREB he for yoa deeld ta hav a reading. WHO can ok avu.i. ix MORB TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BB OFFEBED TO YOU AGAIN. PBOF. B. KHPMOi Permanently located In hi Owa Horn. HOURS. 10 to A DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. -286 Fifth St.. corner Madison st, PROF. WALLACE. . palmist, clstrvoyant and anedlom; readings 60c. Parlor a. Tha Co-, mo. 304 V, Morrison at. PBOF. M'lVOB TRAVIS, tha reltsble clatrvoy- ant snd palmist. 841H Morrieon t. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angela Dreaemsktng Parlors, 242 Fifth and Mala, rseirie aaa. DANCING. DANCING reason. 28c; clsseea or private: wa Us ing, .two-step, three step, etc.; stsg naneing, buck sod wing. clog, reel, skirt. Spanlah. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wsl Wllsoa, ald eet recognised teacher, AUeky - bldg., Third sad Morrison sta. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claw Mon day. Thursday and asterday eve.; social, fancy and aiep daarlag taught: fencing taught: privet leeens dally. Western Acad emy hsll. Second aad Morrlaoa. Pacific 1830. PROF. RINGLRR. all Bncboneicysr Leading ekaol; ballmnts atlqnwtte: enrrect da a Ing; elaae TuM.-Hat. ere.; eh I Hire (at. p. m. privet leaeon dally. $08 Alder. Mala 1851. BROWN'S Dancing Academy. -Bnrkhard hall. 387 H Esst Burn Id. FBon sis la 3T13. Osscs Tnesdaye. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC, ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, coatrnc - tore, repairer, electrle wiring, uppllM. 84 rirat. ear. Stark. . Mala 858. R. B. late. aar. WErTTRRN ELECTRIC WORKS, daaixth St. Con tree tor, electrtr snppllsa, nantar aad dy , aamoa; w 1mIII light aad pawn plant. . MORRIMON ELECTRIC CO., 281 East Merrtaaa St. Fixtures, wiring, repairing. Eaat 812. FURNACES. BOYNTON warms tr fnrnaeM sae foal. J. C. -ttayer rnrnac Co.. 2rt5 Wawad. Msln 41. FENCE AND . WIRE WORKS. rORTt.AND WIRB IRON WORh8.ji riaoovr at., cor. ihiro. 1 MM Mala la 2ww omxaost. I. Vmmp. ps ih. V.iImi. elate. 1 toiTiiirD. ob t no if DHAriB IMHL'KD Available ta All HMce f Honrkong and Manila, Collsctloaa Mad a Fvarbl Terms. ,INHWOKTH i Caahler. ....B, W. tUTHMEKR Aaalatant Caahler 1. W, A. HOLT A. M. WRIGHT Intereet paid a aa rings aecaaat. Drafta aad ii. interest paid Mvwg aneiBia p I arts at tha world. E. C.,MKAns........l 1 CMhter II. D. STOREY Arelstst Cashier PLATT A PI.ATT taeral Oonneel part at tbe world. 1884. Read Of See. Baa FsaaslaM. Calif srala. i aurnin a uaaivioea pronts. . ,.ii,w.eM,M . T. BURTCHAKI.L Aeatstsnt M nireeie. Phone Private Exchanea 72. II. L .PITTOCK Vlce-Preeldent J. 0. COLT K A Aaalatant Secretary I f A. LEWIS First Vie President I R, O. Jl'BITZ Aaalatant Secretary ..Secretary and Honda ouaranteeq. . i 80 WA8HIN0T0B BTRIET. A be tracts Famished. JNO. E. AITCIII80N.. T. T. BI HKHART... ....... Seevetery-. .TrMsurer BnlUlaf. Public Service Corpora tin Bond. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINB nglnM, all slse and etyla. at Inweet price. Belraoa Machlasry Co, ISSd-S Morrison St. HOTELS. THB BELt.EVI'B, Fourth aad Salmon at. Room 60s opt rates by week or month: ont-uf-town trada solicited.. .Pacific 2106., HOTEL Portland, American plka. $3. 13 per day. BELVEDERE; Enrnpeaa plaaj 4th and Alder eta. HARDWARE. POBTLAND HARDWARB CO. Boltelte apmn-tan. Ity te quote prlree. 74 Sixth t. Pacific 458. INSURANCE. IB AAO L. WHITE. 8r teaar. 844 lock bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD. smpVeyvr' BabUtty a aiVIUMI CWOPHI w-l-WMtr "'" - - . Phcoe 47. 80$ McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for Mis. All kind, toehedlag approved forest rwaerv scrip for nrveyd, - . surveyed. Umber and pralrt govern a eat laad. H. M. Hsallton. The Portland." Portia ad. FOR BALB Laad aerlp, Mettjad and 8 area, teed; alwaya aa hand. 227 railing bldg., Portland. Oregon. Maglanle A Bon. MUSICAL. THB WEBBEB STUDIO MaadoHa. banj. gai ter lutrncttoai Olbaaa aaa del la. 4Anj Wuhlngtoa. S COPIES popular mosle. ear ewa MlMXean. eoe. postpaid. Lvf news. PIANO. vIollB, plana, teomboo. elarloet. ra fesssr B A. nana, an i"av Mala 4788, MONUMENTS. KKU at .l"Unil l aWf r i MACHINERY. B. TBBNKMAN A CO. Mtatng. MWxalW, lea. Ing machinery; hrdraslle ptpea, SMtiagl ail , kinds repalrea. iu noria swsrxn. , THE H. C. ALBEB CO. ' 8 rend kaad aaa.' hteory, Mwmuia. eie. wiei laea, hot ha k' flaartag mill machtnary: Wicks' Brae,' g SB- OPTICIANS. DR. . J? MILLB-e .'.' , Opteaatriat nyesigsx naiaa. BB-Sl . aaa aiiHsina OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLE BILLS PATTERSON, graduate f th Northera iMtltate af netMpethy. sIbm er V; apeciaiisa ei aervwae. araia eem chronic dlaeaeee: eoneultatto aad xamlaa tto free Ofoc 2)7 IssMa keig. pheaa Pacta 1186. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRt'P. 418-18-17 ftekaa bldg.. Third sad w ssblngsoa sta, rasas , Msla 840. Examination frao. PAINTS. OIL' AND GLASS, ppp w i ipm .i w. up. ip e i . e.i p. . B. BEACH A'cOa-The Pleeaae Patet Co l window alsM ngffJr glaatag. 1 . Phone 1884. RINTINQ. THB MODERN PRINTERY Arthrtte- priBflng. 2d HiiomI bldg., tosr Ik aad Meecieaa. raw I'aetSc 1328. - F.VEBYTHING IN PRINTING Fro circular to catalogue d neweaaMra, M-trapoUtaa Prltlng '-. 11 Proat al. 0OILBE BBOS.. prtfiter-faraa, Mlikaa, ele. rnase Mai i r., ... FO" CO. aaoltary phimhere. 1 I Mel and naiaaa. i.rese DoNNrdsruJ b''i ' . uS BiuMia st, v ' '' . I r f.-t