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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1906)
ltv JTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY- EVENING DECEMBER : 29, 1800. NEW TODAY. T v Washington St. The Quarter Block situated at the aouthwwt corner of Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars see ' Brooke & Kiernan : II THIRD STREET THBs SAVINGS BANK ' OF " The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Open on Saturdays From t A. M. to 1 P. M. . And on Saturday Evenings FROM 8 TO 8 O'CLOCK Wc Pay 4 St Interest rn Rivttin Arrnnnti TnfMWit Compounded Semi-AnnuaHy;" We Pay 3 St 0n Dally Balances of Check Accounts. V OFFICERS. J. Tborbura Rosa, Prendent. , Georgja H. Hill, Vke-PreiidenL T. T. Burkhart, Treacurer. Tno. E. Ahchiaon. Secretary. 240 WASHINGTON STREET. ."' Corner Second. - - PORTLAND. OREGON. Quarter Block Seventh & Irving $30,000 INCOME $110 PER . MONTH Brooke & Kiernan , ' 91 Third Street .Buys Q.67 Acres Nice, hnl, rich lend; excellent for fruit. berrlee, English walnuts and ve e tab We; mass fin chicken ranch. On aunty road, near town, and Portland- Salmi electric ear Una now under eoa traotJon. About t mllaa from city lim it. Thia la worth looking up. , INVESTMENT CO. Itl aeraa of ludflSS acres cultivated, II aeraa in bona, eoma fruit: houea. barn, other outbuildings; water piped to houae and barn; good orchard land or food atoek farm: good hophouee, hop crop of lift .1,00 pound , well lo cated, only IVt mllee trout railroad eta tion, la Polk county, Or.; two favorable hop veers will pay the price now aaked only MOeY"' U1" " rat W nP' HENKLB & HARRISON . JIT ABFNOTON SUX.' - FARMS . acrea, all eholoe Und. nearly level, no WMtt; 27 acree eultlrated, balance pnature; good houae, good barn, good orchard, good water, t wells and spring; 1 mile te railroad, 10 nUu went of Port. land, em good road; can aell now for much leaa than Ha value. If aold quickly HENKLB & HARRISON 117 ABINQTON BLDO. A Few Srmnc ; . '. for ; . 7 Holidays --Jsei. . 1 1 are ine tonuneniai to. ' r - - - apdp a nn Splendidly located and beet of aoH, this Ida of Woodstock on W. W. ear. 1100 to l0 per sere -They ' are tine for hnmea, - garden tracta . and 1 rhlcken ranches. , . - f- Ctelnmetz & Co. - rha gemeaenara. 1M MattUf . Property er NEW TODAY. Even "She" wouldn t kick any tnore if you would buy her a lot in Diana Park. .' , A Month Hurry up, this tract is selling off rPdly- Splendid Double corner) i 100x100 in Woodmere ? 450, 9X80 cash, balance $6 month. This is an exceptional buy for a wise man. ilA Acres near Woodmere 82,- 000. Owner will give terms or sell half interest. This tract is in line for platting snd will make money for the man who buys it. Call at real estate office, Wood- mere, Mt Scott car line, week days 1 to 4:30 p. ro Sundays and holidays 10 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. J.H.HECKER LENTS, OREGON 24.760 A. choice bunch of lota en riiieenia at reel, soon to nave iraca age, and will advance rapidly. $21,500 10xl0. on northeast cor ner zza ana jonnson sireeta, witn l roora dwelling, and .4 modern f lata, paying good interest; room to erect 4 mora flats, making possible a II per cent investment; terms. 8,000 Beautiful home, full lot. ixjvejoy, near zia; it tne price suits you there la no better bouse in Port land. 6.000 Modern 8-reom dwelling, elec tric iignts, not water neating, cement basement and walks, full corner lot with stone wall; close In on west aide; a veritable snap, snd terma If desired; lot alone worth M.SOO, and house coat over 11.(00; contract ex piring and must tell. , 93,000 Corner, with good -room aweiung, lie b. zsth street, en ear Una. A gem of a home and terma; 2.650 A splendid borne of rooms, II Rodney avenue, thoroughly mod ern and up to date, in good realdenee district, clone In and near two car lines; can give terms; seeing means buying If you want a home. 92,000 -New modern 7-roora dwelling. full lot, Mildred avenue, close to ear line; easy terms. 91600 Two lota and t-room modern evening, jaanvnie atation, on u. w, P. line; eaay terma. - 91,276 Oood Inside lot on K. Madi son near lid; small payment down. 9750 Two lota, K. 14th street. East Portland Heighta; high, alghtly and close to car 11ns. 3 SO Choice lot near llth and Pres. cott; easy terms; growing locality and less than half the price of ad joining lot. Lota of lota on Peninsula that are choice buys. Call In aad let -us tell you about them. .' ES. Jackson & Co. raama KaU S4S. 44 Stack St, DON'T FAIL To read our full page New Year's Announcement tomorrow ' ' . Northwestern Guarantee & Trutt Company Lumber Exchanee Blder.". S. E. Cor. Second and Stark vv .r r.- Streets r - DOM Lotf ACREAGE NEW. TODAY. W,S9utb,Ea$t,t7e$t Portland property is advancing in value in every direction. The history of 1906 will be repeated in 1807. As great as has been our building record this year it will be far surpassed in the next. The influx of eastern capital is just beginning. Come in and examine what we have to offer in . HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS WE QUOTE A FEW A block of water front S200.000 One lot water front. 10x180. . ,f 20,000 Hair mock, lot reel rrom waan lngton .'. ...S61.BOO Quarter block on Alder st....f eJO.OOvM Quarter block on Morriaon. . .asa.OOO" Quarter block on Fourth. ...-S.I7, BOO Quarter block on Nlntn. . . . .. S13r,000 Quarter block on El Morrlaon,. 950,000 Hotel on Seventh at., good . Income . ... B40.000 Lot on Waahlngton at. ... ...j 136,000 Water front, north of city. ..) 126,000 Apartment houae, big Income.) 125,000 Apartment houae, big Income. 1 120,000 Half block on Union ave 1120,000 Half block on B. Second at...H18.000 Quarter block on K. First S8,SOO Half block on Grand are fil.OOO On lot E. Morrison near d..S17,000 Union are. corner, big Income. S3 5.000 Union aye. corner, Tillamook at. 84,000 We have also a long list of homes for sale in all parts of the city and many very choice home sites in Portland Heights, Irvington, Hol iday's Addition and South Sun- Don't forget that we are building ROSE CITY PARK and that money will be made rapidly by those who are among the', first buyers. Harbnan & Thompsoo CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Careful Investors Dealt Xaaatlgaa ST. JOHNS 910,000 lOalta. income Il.tM per annum. - 9B.OOO (0x100, the very best buelneee tot in 01. jonnsr . 93,700 100i00. faetory site, K. a, N. on O. 92,O0O 100x110, factory site, an rail- . roext , Richard Shepard & Co. uos. ST. JOsars, om. At a Bargain Directly across the river from . ST. JOHNS Only $75 per Acre Worth $300 per acre Richard Shepard & Co. 110 N. Jersey St, St Johns, Or. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE 93.750 room bouse and carriage snea. wim e joxa, saon av oy .con venient to two oar lines; one fourth caah, balaaca fl ver-yeara at per cent. 3.500 T-room new houae, en Haw- , tnorne avenue. 9 1 . 30O T-room house, with barn, at Montartlla, close to car; a good buy. 91,250 d-roora new house, with I lota, at St Johns. Lxrta on monthly payments on tfth. be tween Hawthorne ave. and Division at. Stevenson Brown Co. IIS seoond St. ' Rtaid Our List of Bargains yoB aaxx. sT.asaHsndle eae of tbe enoleaet fareM la ' sea teara Oregon, 1.400 arrest well wat area, Isaprovad, t Billea frosa WL R., rich sstl; worth doable the srtes asked; eaay lersss. at,ieo rinfl saasarS fwaldeere, east side, ehetee asestlea, ens hinrli from eaa ef twe ear Unas, is saluutae' ear rids. -Baadles eiegaet noate, B mas, close Is. walklae.dlataaes. M 1 noil Jo 1 If yea are loaklaa tor a beaatlfol kosae eas t f all te see this. -afoeera s-roosi eorUge, ee Ivy street. eslesea wuiiasae ane vaaeoever area, fl.Owa naeat balldlng corner la Irvlagkaa. 1, tne 10 hrta ad4alnf Point View. 1.190 BaalBses lot oa wiiiiaase av , taov Two lots la Bt. aobna. ,eea nasi aelally emharraased: ' Blest sail by Jaaoarr 1, neantinil reeinenre lot, era aar, Taaasavat ave.; la siinate ear nee. Motter & McKinzle Anve-ra- Me-tl Qaaaaierial Weeba .rVeae IWfle mt. 2C0AGRES NEW TODAY. l.OOO Snap. New (-room home. . .. wood fiber plaater, fireplace, fenced. chicken oorral, woodbouae, city water one fourth caah, balance eaay terms. 1.30O fO-100. I-Toora bouse, Oanten . be in," near Russell; the lot, la worth ; the money; 500 caah, balance eaay terma. 82.750 l-room house, bath, aewer connections, near school, bearing fruit trees, email barn. Borthwlok and .. Mason ats. .. . . .. 5,500 J lots,' (OzltS. new. modern I-room houae and good barn. -This . la an exceptionally xood buy; central' ly located in Albtna, - . 5,000 Modern t-room bouae. Hw tnorne aaanion. ' 3.00O Sightly quarter block on Port , lana neignu. , . 2,800 lota, all In one block, Haw thorne ave.; elegant houaes all around. . pee thia for af apeoulatlon. Jhe Washington & Oregon Realty Company 10 Seoond St. Phone Mala foi. SNAP IN ACREAGE 10 Acrea near new proposed .car line: wm make nne auburban home. vFor a few daya only. 03 Mohawk. Pao. Ill WEATHER REPORT. The Artaooa dlsrarbaiiee aaa norA eastward aad this mornlni Its ceater oTerlles tbs Texas psDuaaaie. it ass ondergoae a decided develop ment, botb la Mtf and extent, sine wetter. day mernlnt. and doit tbe entire southern half of the eastern slope or tbe Rocky asonntain lies wiinin me spaere or its Inriuesc.' ueneral rains frost tbe sostbera OalUornla coast east ward to Arkaasas bars t traded tbs develop. "mi or inia storm area. Bala was stiu Islllm at a Bomber of points this morn Ins throusbou id, ra in mrmm -m nmna vua i. mmummm from Nebraska' southward to the nit was an omer eiiscr ex -toe aereiopnieat e uila C la tor baoce. Tbs British (feiumbla dlarnrbsaee, of which aMBtloa was made la last night's report, bss also dBTelODSd im4Ut dnrlne the taut 19 sours, ana, wiib tne Texas storm area, farma tbe distwsulahinf feature of tbe weather chart. It la central this mornlns over Barkenille. General ralna ever Waablaatoa and sfontaaa and iae aajoiaint unsaian proTiDcea have aceonv aaaled Its eastward moremeat.- Tbe pressure s very eveniy aisirioarea ever Tne eastern por tion of tbe eoantrr, aad fair weather sane rally prevailed ever that section, although llxht aeaiienng raws are reportea rron tbe aoatuera states. The eoetlaued eastward amvement of the lenaaiaa storm area will result Is rata toolgut aad Soaday ever this entire forecast district. . Temp. Max. Mia. Prscl Baker Olty, Orefoa...... Boise. Idaho Boston, Mama rh nee tta. .. . . S8 . 43 .. 40 . M . 4S . 63 ,. 47 .. M . SS . 48 . 4 . a S4 M M HO SS 4 41 SO 4 40 , 42 ' Chicago, Ullnola Denver. Colorado 1-oa Angeles, California. . Portland, Oregon St. Loo la. Missouri 8aa rranclaco. California pokaas, Washington Tacotna, Waahlngton walla waiu. Wasblnatoa Wasniaatoa. S. C , Tama. Arisoea ... 64 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Robert Holden. xMls Vwarth street. eS: Belle DsOamp, 27. 1. . neisia, sssh not la oay aveaea, as; aaaa afysrs, . I Aatooe Bertraad, CS; Margaret Cams, 10. ' Wedding Cards. W. 0. Smith A Co.. Wash-bug-ton bldg.. ear rVmrta and Waab lngton ats. ToitsrrH a co., rLORiirrs, for rLowcaa or ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. rail dress salts for rant, all alaia. Tailoring Oe., SOO Stars at. CBlqae BIRTHS. hTOSHBR December 21, to Mr. aad Mra. Roy Moaher. OUT ktarahalL a elrL JACOBS December 1, to Mr. aad Mra. Jama M. Jacob, oue ovartoa, a boy. TIBBETTS December 10. to Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Ttbbetts. Oood SamarlUa bosplul. a glrL HANSEN December 2S, to Mr. end Mr. Nela Hansen, Oood 8, marl tan hoapltai, a boy. ME1B ACM December IT, to Mr. and Mr. Ed ward B. MalbauB, Oood Ssmarlua aeapital, a girl. BRYANT December zT. to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge A. Bryaat, Oood Samaritan hospital, a boy. BE0KEN8T December SB. te Mr. and' Mrs. Peter H. Beorenst. 124 Knot, a slrl. HOBER December S, to Mr. and Mr. Harry L. Hoher. 444 Hawtborae avaan. a glrL McFA RON December 2S, to Mr. aad Mrs. J. S. McFaroa, Montavllla, a boy. McINTTRB December 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Mclntyre, 180 East Thirty -slxtn, a bor. SENTRT December 14, te Mr. and Mra. David P. Gentry. Northern Hill, s girl. FBLTCH December 11, te Mr. snd Mrs. Koera C. Feltcb, Btaji ciarenaen, a girl. KINO December 22, to Mr. and Mra, Floy 4 W. King, foot of Mill, a ony. - DEATHS. MoriBB At Seattle. Wash... December 27. lime, Arvllla McUuIre, sged BO years, widow of Francis McGulre, mother ef Harlan and W. W. M con Ire. Funeral service will be held Sunday, December 30, at 1:80 p. m., at th Whit Tempi- - Dr. B rougher will have chars of th service. BCCHAJtAN December 27, Ells Buchanan, 88 years, SOS Oaatle, mitral Insufficiency. PR AN Kg December 27, Hat tie S. Franks, SS years, oood aamantaa aospitai, tunwcuiar aaenlnsitls. COLBENHTON December 27, Thome Co then- stow. TO Tears, BC Vincent a Boapuat, cancer of prior Is. DK YER December 28, Bate Dryer, 88 years. St. Vincent hospital. Bemarrnage er stomsca. 8KARSTBDT December 27, Wluna Sksratodt, on vear. ESI Wbeeiar. ruBereu leaia. TOMLlNoON December 26. Bell M. TMnlln- son, II years, too mm aaain, pulmonary iu berculoala. - UNDERTAKERS. e. aad embalmera: moo era ra every detail. Savanth and Pin. Mala 4X0. Leay saaiaiant. A. B. Hemsteck, andsrtakcr aad embalmer, Esst Thirteenth and Umatilla av. Phone Sell- 71. C rick son Undertaking Co., aad embalming, 400 Alder at. Phone Mala 8138. Ladr assistant. J. P. Ftnley A Son. Third aad Madison ts. Office of county corooer. Pbooe Mala 8. Clarks Bros., Floruits Fine flower aad floral design. 288 Morrison at. Edward HotoisB, undertaker, 220 Third et. RIVER TIXW CXMXTXBT. Single grave. (10. Family lots, (100 to $1,000. Tb only cemetery In Portland which per petually malntalna aad cares for lots. For full Information, apply to W. R. Markensl. Wot eeatee block, city. W. M. Ladd, prealdeat. ROSE CITT CEMETERY. ' Single grave, (10; family lot, $25 to (78. Superintendent at cemetery, earner et Frtmert at. snd Cully road. Phone Tabor and. For full m format loa snply to Frank BchlegeL 802 Commercial blk. Then Mala 2H2S, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. F. Holt to Anna F. HoH. lot 10, block 80, Snnnyelds Second sddltloa ..; ( 1 2. B. Hlbbsrd and wlf to Kd O. Mayor, v lot 8, block 8, City View Perk addl- -.-tioa 290 (oseoh Weber snd wlf to Thomas Man a. rt of donation land claim ef Thamaa aad Phoebe Stephen S.500 Krlatlan WuoH and wlf te Lettl Smith, Si. W. H of M 4. Oak Park addition. I.SoO M. B. Tnompaoa and wlf to W. II. Nonn, lots 10, 11, 12, block 18, North ' Irvington 4M H. W. Decker and wlf to Archie Smith . and wife. N. 60 ft of lot 1, block 4, Mount Tabor Central Park J 2.0U0 Cbarle Rytblaf to V. U Ierbr. lots t, S, block 8, Arista Park M, -v Si r" AFewBarcjains REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. H. Baker and wife to Annie Purges. . t. S of kit 1. block Si, McMlileaa addltlnn 1000 A. r. Wsahbnra and wits to 0. H. Kg. " - f;.."4 ttls aagers, Wt . bloc-' -j 17. Mount Tabor Villa.. '1 U. 8. Haviaga Loaa Co. te Jaaea sad Charles aturkls. kt aad S. IM.ft. o lot S, blork 1, Kruah a aeooad addi tion T777T . 1 Ariel s Land W. to Averton fl. Rsney, ' ' lot IX block 11, Arleta Park No. S... 100 Antoinette (am moron to S. Nrlla. land beginning at 8. E. corner ef Manning's 1 sddlllua ' -i St. Johns Sand O. ravel Co, t I.-W.-'; v HImniona aud,D. C. hVogera, block . Klrat tlrrtrlc addtrloa to Alblne franklin- T. and alarsuls . Ulefc te Roaroe R. Morrill, lot 1. block 1, I. T. KriHra'l mAAUlnn to Sa.t VnrilmmA- .too John and Mary. Keating to J a airs trainer, all the property, reel and per. WOW, H, MVVU . n. . . J Ikiolrr, trnstse to James rslney aad I Joan aeatiu a am H. K. Noble and wife to T. S. Me. DanteL lot 13. klark 14. Woorflawa . . 1KB John J. Kleffer to R. . I Dnrbam, lot . 10. block V. Multnomak ...... T. , 1 H. B. Noble and wife to H. II. Kirk- : . land, lot 2, block S, Osy's sdUllloa to Alblna BOO Title Guarantee Trust Ce. te Nellie R. O'Lioanell. lot I, block 10, Hulladay Park addition 4.100 Jam.a D. Maloihe te Vletof Land Co., . lot SS. atenloer Park 1 Oeorge F. and Clara Baningar to Lydla On trend, tola S, 0. block 1, Montavllla 100 P. H. alarlar and wlfa te lirat Unitarian Rorlaty, lot 1. block IT, Clifford alddi- uue .1. . s ,a First Unitarian Society to af. B. Tsemp- ae T at, parcel or iota ana oiocss in viiirora aaaiiion to stuis, ........ v,vov Martin W. Bunt and wife to Frank L. Shall, loU S, 4. 6. n, block be, gsst Portland S.9M K. W. Bendrlrks and wife te W. D. 'n Jelllaon, bOxluo ft. comme oolng at - point oa 8., line of Laurel street, 1A0 'ft. W. from N. B. eoruer ef block SS. ' Cartsr'a arfilltlnn; alau W. ' ef lota 1. a hlork 88. Carter's addition 11.000 Louie OerUnger and wife to Joha Me- . t'raken. luoaioo n., oeingl pan oi block 2TS. Couch addition . 48,000 Bavlugs Loan Society to Gertrude E. Hueaell, lmiifMi rt commencing at Stint of Intersection of ' N. -Hoe of urnside with B. Una at TwsaUsth street William Roldt and wlfa te Joha Jens, part of lot 1, block- S, North Portland 2.000 Harmon Q. Ogdea and wife to Charles A, Herney, loo seres in ssciiob oi, . k, , a ... . a w umuMiip . , uiu. i w ........ . .v. Charles CardlneU to John B. Nelson. N. 8 ft. of lot 2, block 281. Hty ISO WllUam E. Bralnard and wife te Henry J. Brows, lot a, block o. orainara tract 290 Rams te Herbert A. R. Brown, let 10, block Hrstnard tract , SM Mary J. Smith to M. F.-Tufts, lot 1, hlork to. James jasii Derona war - tlon to St. Johns t.100 . O. Bowles et el te Minerva C Bowles, lots 1, 2, block SK. Caruthers' addition to Carathers' addttloa; and ether prop ertr , I Nettle UTalmer to A. t. Craftoa, lots , IT 1 hlock K3 Bjillirood 200 The Hawthoras ttetate 4o Halfdaa Psre- Una In, 111 eiOCM IS. HIVUMTa, r ITMl ..IHl'tloa SOO Anguet Q. Ktoatermaa sad wife te O. W. Tsylor, 184 scree in section sw, -township lr aoHh range 1 east tO.OOO For abstracts, title Insurance er meet gar a loans, call oa Pacific Title A Trust company. 2U4-&4-T Falling building. Get year Insurance sad aoatracia to real atate from tb Title Guarantee A Treat eoaj paay, 240 Waahlngton street, corner Beemid. NOTICES. ' BXECCTOB'S FIKAL NOTICE Tb under- algned Baa Diea Bia ami aevooni aa ruruior of th will of C. O. Tlngry. deceased, to th county court of Oregoa for Multnomah county, and th twenty second day of January, 11 IT. at tbs hour ef 0:80 o'clock a. m., la said count -ooui trooaa, bss beea set for the hearing of th same and tb settling ef ob- lectlona tnereto, u any inere d. Dted Portld. Oregoa. this twenty day ef December. 1. JAMES OLEASON. -Ixecator et Laat W1U of C. O. Tlngry, Decessed. FINAL.SETTLEMENT. Notlo Is hereby given that w. tbe executora er tne ett or r. M. Llchten thaler, decessed. have filed our final account therein with th clerk of tbe county court et tb stats of Oregon tor Multnomah county, and said court bss set and appointed January 14, 1007, as tbe tun for bearing oh led Ions thereto and final settlement cf aid aetata. NEWTON M'COY, n M. F. MILLER. . ROGER M'AFEB, '. Executor. H. B. NICHOLAS, Attorney. NOTI0B Annual meeting ef River View Ceme tery ssoclstioe Tb annual meeting ef the member of River View Cemetery association will be held at tbe bank of Ladd A Tllton va Monday, th fourteenth day of January, 1007, t 8:80 p. m. A general ttendano I de aired. All owner ef family lota ta tb ceme tery are member of th association and en titled to participate. -WILLIAM R. MACKENZIE. Clerk. . Notice to the Public .. F. Refeealsnd, tb butcher, will Sixth and Col leg at. January 1. Mats 4s8 and Main 484. BTOVS to EXCAVATING and grading. C. E. Pottage. 4N Commercial at. Pbon Beat Blew. MEETING NOTICES. ALBINA LODGE NO. 1. A. F, A A. M Special communication this (Saturday! evening. 8 o'clock. In ball ef Oregoa cowimandery. Third and Alder els. Work F. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially wel- By order w. m. . A. J. HANKLAN, Sec. B. P. O. ELKS Member ef Portland lodge No. 142 are requested to meet la our lodge room Bonder, December 80, at 1:80 p. ra. heroy te conduct the funeral acrvicee of lata Brother Edward Hallock, past eialted ruler ef Astoria lodge No. 10. Vlattlng brother Invited t aealst. By oriler of th exalted ruler. JNO. B. COFFEY, Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8.400, meet! Wednesday evening, Allaky bldg., Third aad Morrison st. ' M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. 8,8TB, Mon day. 17th and Ma rah all: visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A Place to hav hstr mat vi ted and returned aame day. 228 Front at. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. . H. Mctsgsr. proprietor. - LOST Tb party who found th grip on th Powell Valley road bad better retura aad aav trouble. W. T. Owes, Gresham, Or, LOST Shepherd pup 4 month old. Phn Mala 00)46. 224 Unbw Exchange. Reward. LOST New pearl-handled carving act, December 24. Finder will P lease leave at Llpmaa, Wolf A Co. or phone Eaat 1848. LOST Wlll-th lady who picked up the parrel containing a new pair bf black kid glove kindly retura earn to BOB Third et. Reward. LOST On lady's gold watch, nam "Mrnnl" ea lnalda ess. Reward If left at B64 Ollaaa. LOST End of Alaskan sable collar, te 741 Waahlngton st. Reward. Refers LOST Gold watch. Finder pleas return te Journal office; owner will describe; finder Is known. LOST On Third and Morrison or S ear, about 4:80 p. m. Friday, gold strap bracelet with buckle; ChrleUnss gift. Finder pleas return to Mr. Cook, Th Nawcaatl. LOST String gold head. Reward for thatr retura to 667 Eaat Morrison. Tel. Rest 20d0. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Urge flret -class hoes ef 25 7 sera' standing, manufacturing a staple 11 n of good la constant dally ase, went a good ,mm to manage branch wholesale business. . Salary (l.ftne per rear and sll expense, pay able monthly. Also sits commission, which should amount to more than aalary. Appli cant mnat furnlah good reference and ( caah, which Is satisfactorily secured. Ad drees President, 812 8. Btb St., St, Lenta, Mo. WANTED 2 experienced reliable Address B 107, ear JooraaL lata S OOOD solicitor. Belfast Dy - Sevan tk et,i Investigate tbl. Works, 71 WANTED Aa Intelligent, sctlvs ho; hoy for a handwriting, law office. Address la giving sgs aad xpsrlence. Add 106, car Journal. y 4 SOMHITORS for Portland and outside towns; tie Aiveatmenti territory clear nay evcrr wee B.' w. H. Taj let 0., 714 Ckambef af . Sceovr, , . ,i . .... ,, HELP WANTED MALE. An amkltloua boy te leara the. fur trade lefereoces.. H. I.TCBRfl CO.. Corner Fifth and Aldsf ats. - WITI!'1I ONCB atave-kaltv cutters, wsges 11.40 per eord;ateady work. Apply Western tenpersge t-o., niaama, Dltlg., fort lana, Heultoe, Or. , r. v ... WANTRD Men lo learn te enerats motion- tlrtore machine.; lessons vsry reasonable; era bnslneea In short timet grsdnstes earn . from flU to 30 per week. 145' Sixth, Bear Morrison, room -a. WANTED Baleemea: many make (100 f fl.10 per monia, aorae evea more; stock clean amwa oa reservation, far from old erchsrds: - caah advanced weekly: choice of territory. Aoarees wsaningtaa Mirsery eompaay. Top penl.h, . Waaulngtoa.' - .v - . WANTirt A neat sppearlng man for stssdy poaltlosi good wages. Apply 211 Foarth St. rVANTRO Two or three flrat-rlsas. all-aroend machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Fnrnlturs alfg. Co., al act dam road. OON'T work for a small sslsry; See er writ racnir am association - roa a gooa pro posi tion. 224 Lumber Eirnange. SAI.RSMRNRinerlenced anerlal contract men; $100 per month and commission. Conserva tive Mulnsl Llf iBsuraare Ve Klka' bids. MEN AND WOMEN to leara the barber trad In eight weeka: graduates earn from $10 to $M wsekly; expert Instructors: catslogus free, tinier Kyatem of Colleges, S3 forth Fourth St., Portland. T In Portland; men are making I dally; call after boob. 201 H stark at. ) . Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST.. Free emnlovment to one natrnee. ' a Weekly rates: Hanoi. $1.2A np; room sad board, (4.110 np. Anderson, proprietor. AUENT8 wanted. Oregon, California. Idaho, Waahlngton; health aad accident Insorsscs; old reliable eunmiiv; good contracts; refer eneea required, tailed States Health A Ac-' cldent luaurane-. Co.. 20 Marqussa. WR get work for ear mem tiers: special mem. z. X. M. v. A.. Foarth and I'amhlU. WANTED flood aU-sround batcher at J. H. Barters. Cottage Urov., Oregoa. 2 OOOD machinists, for oat ef town; ststs x perlence. Address L lot. car Journal. WANTED Men snd teams to hssl wood oa skid road. Inquire Travis Bras', Fuel Co., East 8th and Hawthorn avenue. WANTED Conks' snd helpers' headquarters at California Mine depot. P. Laratl, 148 Fourth treet. Phoa Pacific 2183. WANTED t fret-elaa a took aaleamen; a good pro position. Call room 4. .StiftV Morriaoa St. ENGINEER, capable of taking fuH charge ef machinery.! making repairs and srsetlags strictly sober sud reliable; references. 1 107, ear JonnmL STEADY harness maker; good mechanic: ce. pahl ef waiting on cnatomera; top wage to right man. Orerg M. Stafford, Lrwltun, Montana. , WANTED At one. (rood a mart hoy from IS - to IT years aid. Call at Bid William av. BOT with wheel for wholesale souvenir boue. 102 North Fifth street: upstalra. HELP WANTED FEMALE. XT YOU WORK, why sot' ears more thas a living T R Independent; do good. Th Vlavl Co. already emplora 12,000 women: the work cover 23 countries of tbe world; we will entertain applications from capahl women; not canvassing, but helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only. The Vlavl Co., room 2Q4-B-8-T Til ford bldg., -loth aad Morrtaoa. WANTED Aggressive women for high-grade sollcltstloa: sa excellent opportunity la offcrsd In karg Inatltutloa; work la res pec , table and easy for those adapted to solici tation: sll letters strictly confidential; atate full parth-ulsrs about yourself: sslsry offered depends upon yourself and will probably pay from (2.00 par day upward. , Address N 2U0, car Journal. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 16-fl1 Fourth at., corner Morrtaoa, Bpstalra. - Pbon Main 6H2u. , . A Ion raids the Y. M. C. A. bids. v . bIRLS WANTED Operators to work on ehlrta - snd even lis. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. 2. Grand av., and East Tsylor st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Ssfti Wash Inrtoa at ., coc. Seventh, upstalra. Pbon Mala 2802. Female help wanted. COOK WANTED; wage (WV BT0 Hoyt St. GIRL (or general housework ; good wsges. 3M Kaat 14th St., N., corner Scbnjwr; teas Irv ington or rirosdwsy car. BEHIDENT matron at day mirsery. IS North 15th; car of children aad llcht boaoefcep. rng. appiy oeiween s na jnursoay. Frl. day sad Saturday. ELDERLY worn a a for hooeework In baalnesa hons In country; gned place for right party. 86)1 V Morrlsoe St., ram 72. WANT first-class lady short-order cook. Pboae Main 7004. WANTED Experienced- grVl for general house -work, amall family. J 14th at. QUICK, intelligent 'girl 'esa make good wsges wrapping chewing gnm. Apply American ( hlrla Co.. 81" North Front t. WANTED Erperlenced 81 North Front at. girl paperbox-maksrs. WANTED Cook for pfivat fai mlly. Apply 200 10th atreet, sear Taylor. A COMPETENT girl for general hnaaewwrfe aad cooking! good wags. (40 Hasssle (treet. WANTED Experienced Preiser and repairer oe ladles' end genta' garments. Berlin Dye Wsrks. S4T Second St. FOR SALE OR RENT 8-rooei modera bouse ea St. Johns carllne. Greeley atatloa. Call at 1204 Willamette bonlevsrd. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED 8 ef 4 psopls te Jol m to develop ing aa apple and peach ranch near Hood river. Addrss X 107, .car Journal. HELP wanted and supplied, male or femal. R. G. Praas, bo waaningtoa St., a-aciri loiu. WANTED A few good aollettor. male an1 female; best pmpoaltloo la Portland: good - money to tlie right part lea. Pbon Sellwood Tl. Corner Eaat 1-ltli at. and Umatilla ave. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WITH good Implement-bouse; road er aan vasalng work. Address B 88. car Joursal. WANTED A permanent position by reliable stranger with first-class references; quick snd accurate In flgurea: what hav yen for met Addreea O 107, ear Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB MIDDLB-AGBD lady, neat housekeeper, would like ear of Brst-elass bom for widower without children. Addreea M. C, .Most Hotel, VsBeouver, Washington. WANTED AGENTS. S OR S people te sell a One holiday soap,-100 per rent; aleo In Hty end country for good medicine pro posit loa, B. M, Plummar, 200 Third t- - , AGENTS wasted to evil our complete Ha of hlrh grade nursery stock; outfit free; ess " weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Ce., Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTTlfl In a rood paying boalasss. I- Call at ence 618 William avenu. - ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR on er more (i modera, rsaaonable. ployed people preferred), 824 Baat liorrlsoa. BOOM and board for S ante girl. (2.A0 a week. 20 East Sixth St., north. I how iisat 201. WANTED Tw children to car for in good . fbrlauaa tome, 80S West Sixth Uat, Taa- ewies, was,! . I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HHO CHtHW KMPLOYMKNT CO, Igii aamp .nd f.rm h,lu a enscUlty. 20 N.ii-th 8i-,Hid st. Phoa sill law ii pa all telegraph cbargee , ' HANSON S EMPUIVMEMT OrUC'S 2 North Becoad . ' rham, nifwTLAND "MPLOKMFNT OFFICE -l--?flUJ!:?'LL- Phone Pacific lifcaj W ANTED-TO RENT. WANTED TO KENT R ousee. cot tales, nii: ' stores, offlcee m.i..TkUr ,""Tm' '" lont. Ill A. .n . " -" "" . lBd- ; POKTIUND TRUST COMPANY OF OBBOOf. PUon. Ex. T2, 8. K, Cor. Sd snd Oak. " ' WANTED Hafurnlaued roomi Pbooe.. bath! close In; stat prk-. 0 loa. car Jourasl? WANTED-To rest S or room cote,... Bn be near Vaaeouver carl tne. Aede.J ,.'n."" ulsrs to O. J, A.. Vsnconver. Waehlnalon. WANTEDREAL ESTATE.' Payne & Van Tyne , aio Aiiaay Bias. . . Res Batate, rarma. investments. Mortgage Loaas, WANTED to boy at once, dtr -baalnei eriy, snraurnsa bom, tmall tract an the ontakht of the city; we want Improved and unimproved residence property. Owner oul need anawec. X T, cat Joorasl. ' , WB want country homes, stork farms. sha tranrhea. fruit farma, bop Isnds, ranches foe dlverairied farming; eaa aae a large tract of cheap Und any place la Oregon. Owaers only need saawer. X T8, ear JouraiL WANTED-To buy with mmplet in .1. outfit, along Cob bargain for cash outfit, long Columbia preferred: muat be a Addreea D lflft. Journal. 1ANTKO I ot 4-ronoi bouse with la lar(, lota. In Sellwood, St. Johns or ether suburbs smsll psymest down and balance Ilk rent: give exact location and term. B 10T, ear WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed by Rural Directory Co. W bar the only classified list of asms ef Oregoa and Waahlngton. - g 20m STARK ST., PORTLAND. OR. WANTED Furnltore sad bonssheld genda e( ererr ocecripnoo oougnt, sold ana. acbnged. i The (. 232 First at. Msla 374. ( HALL snd ballroom, separate er together; new uu win au cooveniences. rooas Mala BUS. I PAY cash tor'--household goods. W. W; Bavsg. H43-S47 tint St. rbose 4'sclflc SOS. MAIN BOM. CASH AND LOTH OF IT FOR FURNITURE. -f PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 First SL MAIN 6888. MAIM 885S. HK1HRST rash price paid for all kind seecad ' bead goods. Pbooe Msla 3111. 82 N- Third. BXCAVATINO and grading. C. E. Pettag. 488 (Vwuierrial at. Phone East 5180. WB WILL BUT, SF.LL OR TRADE ANY OLD , THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 027. 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T3. WANTED TO HIRE 8 good tea ma for dirt wjrork. C. E. Pottage. b Commercial afreet. Pboue Eaat B100. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU, gantly fsrnlahed: 28H North Sixth at. Ele ateam beet and bath. FURNISHED room and furnished housekeeping rooms for rent at 7o2 Tancosver a vs. THE GRAND. 4ft H North Third St. Rooms for geatlemes. (l. psr week and op, "RED DRAGON ' New aweU room, heart et city; new furnltur and earpeta. Corne Blxth aad Stark sts. Entrance 827H Stark.' NICELY rnmtobed rooms, with board, et 890 . Bvarett; horn cooking; rate reasonable. Call er phone Main B068. NICELY furnished rooms, cheap, (2 week.' 188 Seventh at. te 88 a NICELY furnished room; phone, Beth, prtvt family. 183 llth and Alder. - , NBWLY fnrnlabed room, new flan modern, central, 8 North 18th at., corner7 Flanders. LA RGB front rem with alcove, suitable -for two, close In. Pbon Male BIBO. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. (1.28 WEEK IP, dean, furnished beueekeen lag rooms, parlor, hath, laundry., furnace beat, yard. . 20SV Stanton, U car. (1.B0 WEEK UP, large, clean, furnished bouse, keeping rooms, laundry and batb. 184 Sber. maa south. Portland. THE MITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient rooms, reasonable. Seventh and Flandera. FL'RNISHICrt and' anfurnlahed housekeeping -rooma. 400 Eaat Salmoa at. 1'botie Laat fidtiu. f U1J'.1 X" ?J'7J!?11r..TkPLn'' L"4 2 I roon"- " fw sleeplpgjvwne FOR RENT HOUSES. 7 BOOM bouae ea cartlne. 812. C. H. Pig got t. ' ivw, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. RENT Site Ixtk piano and later bay It; all rent an sa purrbas. Sbsrs&aa, Clay A Co., A liorrlsoa at. A BIG SNAP 8-room cott aae for rent. tare for asm. st a esrgatn: aesr Sunnysld. Phone Tabor 808. FOR RENT New modern groom house. aionroe at., I pper Alblna. Inqnn of N. 80S, - , LNEW modern T-room boos, T78 Multnomah at r. b. nice, owner. 1 , , FOB RENT 8 -room ttooae, between 1'nltm (12. Inquire U37 Rst nd William arc, Math at., north. or pbos Woodlaws 448., 8 ROOM house en n. Stark and 49th streets. (18. -, Key it' next house eoutn. Inquire .P2 loth street. , FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for rent and sale; easy navmectf. Shermaa. Clay A Co.. Sixth and Morrison eta. FURNISHED HOUSES. r (18 PER MONTH 4-room fUrotshed rottare large vara ane ehicken koass, wst - East Second, corner Mill, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. WR need furniture at any nrli Port lead Ane- - tloa Room. 811 First St.- Mai BSug. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, nn furnished room and sam ple rooms for rent. Goodough bldg. Apply levator. ' DEN1RARI.B offleee. Including electric lights, -hot and cold water. - Janitor and ale ra tor service. In th new, airy Commonwealth bblg., " old postnfflc site. Sixth aad Barnaul ala. Agent, room 411. A FEW Srat-cla orflea-rnom left at aortbeaat corner Third aad Madlsoa sts. Apply room No. .8. FOR RENT Store Ftfth-st, aid ' Ooedaeugh bldg. - laqalr aj elevator la hullding. FOR RENT Store, 602 First St.) low rant; good location for barber aaop r hatcher.. Inaalr 604 First St. DESK ROOM (nr rant; free pbon; (10 per month. T14 Chamber ef Commerce. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HALL and ballroom, separata, or together) aew and with sll conveniences. Pbon Msln km. BUSINESS CHANCES. DB FOREST aad Marconi Wire leaa atoek; email block ata bargala. Postoffle Bex Bed, Row SAVB MONEY Anything la printing as Mail, dea. Odd Fallows' Tempi. Flrat and' AM. r at. upetsJre. .,'.. BEST paying realalirsnt on tu-eM.i .u. is Uka 81 oaee, rlwu JUI miu, . V 'V 1