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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
. t t::3 chzcsii v daily jourjial.-Portland, Friday evening. December 23, lcca. i. ' ' i tOIHT AMUIXMUTf. ....Bom MftTllla fai lop Km plr 1-rrlc. ........ Alar hattlM.,,., t-uiwa "Trilby" ( Jinan "Arrah he Houe" Th Sultan a leucutr" VatMl.Tlll VaadTUU "The attention of member' of the . Oregon Historical aoclety whs mar live v in ' Portland, add all others who mar . . bo able to b present, to called to tha annual meeting which will take pise tn tha council chamber,' city hall, tomor-' , row afternoon at 1 o'clock Sharp. Thla la tha eichth annual meeting, and la an '." exceedingly important on,, Tha annual reporta of offlcera will ba praeented, of. ncers ror tha ensuing year elected and . than tha annual addreaa will ba glvan by Hon. Oeors H. Will lama, whoaa sub ject wlU bo "The Judicial History of Oregon From 1851 to I860." During these year Judga Wllllarai waa upon tha bench moat of tha tlmo and on this account ba la singularly well equipped to five an addreaa of great historical - value. Tha publlo generally will ba .welcome to attend thla meeting. . Victor J. O'Connor, a former Portland boy, now located at Redmond, ' eaatern Oregon, baa invented and patented contrivance), for centering headinga on statement written on tha typewriter. i The invention ia much Ilka a drawing ompass and with attachments makes " it a simple matter to regulate tha apac Ingssnd get tha heading in the exact center of tha aheet. Tba Inventor baa received a number of off era to buy bis - Invention, but baa decided to have it manufactured tn Portland. Mr. O'Con nor ia Interested in a large land promot- - lng company tn Crook county, which ia carrying on extensive Irrigation enter prises. Ha la spending tit holldaya , with Portland ralatlvea. , Tha regular morning aervlcee of tha Bellwood Presbyterian - church, " East - Seventeenth street and Spokane avenue, Rev. D. A. Thompson, paator, will ba bald Sunday at U-e'olOck. Preaching by tba Rev. W. F. Holt, D. D.. synodl cal missionary for Oregon. ' Preceding tha" morning aervlcee will occur tha ' Sunday school. At tha evening aervlcee. Lit 'clock. Rev. Mr. Ruegg of Mll , waukaa, Wisconsin, will occupy the pul- Pit. ' , ; V; V . ' Mary C. Johnson waa (ranted dl voroa from E. D. Johnson ' by . Judga Sears la tha state circuit court yeater- stay- afternoon. Tha (round for tha di vorce waa desertion. Mrs. Johneon ts tlflad that they wera married at New port, Oregon, tn October, 1900, and that her husband deserted her in June, 1005. She said aha had supported herself alnoa then by managing a hotel and acting aa sal woman in a millinery store. - A meeting of the legislative commit ; tea of tha .State Bar association was held at tba office of Attorney R. WJ Montague yeaieraay anernoon. aogis lative measures recommended by the bar association were discussed with tha view of getting tha language verbally " and technically correct. -Another meet . log will be held January 4. when tha - ' forme of the bills will probably ba finally decided upon. At tha quarterly muster and inspec tion of the Third Infantry last night Colonel C. E. McDonnell aaanmad com mand. Colonel C U. Oantenbetn retir ing.' - Tba Portland companlea wera drawn up -Is. dress) parade and wera lrv . apeotad by Adjutant-Oenerat Finnan Ha ' preaented' tha deoratlna - forv email arm practloe for 1447. Colonel Oan--tenbefn waa presented with a handsome atatuett. Right Rav. William Lawrence. Epls ' copal bishop of . Massachusetts, haa written Rev. A. A. Morrison of thla city. requesting Dr. Morrison to announce that Blabop Lawrence la In no way re- SDonelble for tne "prayer cnain- in cir eulatlon In the United States. Bishop Lawrence declared that he waa in no way responsible for tha chain. A Chrlatmaa program will be'""' ren dered at the receiving home of the Bora1 and Olrla Aid aoclety, Eaat Twenty plnth and Gllsan atreeta, at T:14 o'clock thla evening. Tha program will be un der the ausplcea of tha T. P. 8 . C E. of tha White Temple. Santa Claua will appear with tha young people from tha White Temple. Tha Sabbath, school "of tha Fourth Presbyterian church, Ftrat and GlbbS atreeta, aaalsted by the criolr of the Church, will bold ita annual entertain ment thla evening. The cantata, "Tha Wis Men of tha Eaat" will be pre-, aented. No admission will ba charged. Dedication ball. New Tear's night Woodman of tha World. ' New temple. Eleventh atreet between Washington and Alder.1 S350 piano door prise. See 'tba piano at Ellera Piano House. The' new" January Cosmopolitan. All 'the leading dalllea. ' Tha new January Cosmopolitan. All tha leading dalllea. At Carl Jonea, Fourth and Washington - Do not mlsa this opportunity George Jabour Co., to Washington atreet - as-eat holiday oriental rug and lace sale now on. 20 per cent reductions. Steamer Jeaale Harklne for Camaa, Washougal and way landlnga dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washington street dock at t p. m. ' e v T. p A. Annual meeting and ban quet Portland hotel, Z o clock and! 7:10 p. n., Detfsmberl jr. w. curran.'-aec- Wi Howard, chronic diseases. electricity and electrio light treatment CommofvwealUi building, Sixth-street ' Theodora Hardee, who waa assistant to II. W. Goode, president of the Iewls and Clark exposition, haa resign his ) position aa secretary of the ways and means committee of tha National Civic federation, in which work he haa been F.V.BALTES 6G0r.lPANY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUn INQUiniES FOR PRINTING ; - : ; nssriiD on streets FILLS I'll E CJM " PACIFIC CO. Firm Has No Competitors, si V Other Concerns Cannot Get Their Dump Cars Hauled. ; ' Tha Pacific Bridge company, the only contracting firm In tba city that ffuanda cloaa enough to tha atreat railway com pany to get Ita dump care hauled over tha car lines, received - two big blda for earth, fills yaaterday afternoon. Tha street committee recommended to tha executive board that thla company make tha fills on Eaat Morrison between East Seventh and Bast Ninth, and on Eaat Eighth at several pointa. .' Tha engineering department's eaU mate of the coat of tba East Morrison fill with an additional 10 per cent mar gin waa f 17.0t0.t0. Tha Paclflo Bridge company bid It cents lower than thla estimate, aa It waa almost a certainty the contract would ba awarded to it , On Baat Eighth atreet It bid ft centa lean than tha eattmate with tha 10 per cent added again, making ts contract price U7.t7t.78. Aa no other blda wera offered and aa City ' Engineer Taylor 'as Id tba Pa clflo Bridge company's bid waa reason able, tha atreet committee recommended that It be given the work. Improvement contracts on It eaat aide atreeta and two weat aide atreeta wera also recommended, to tha board for adoption. -. All ware for compara tively minor Improvements. WATER RATE MAY BE INCREASED VERY MUCH "If tha water board follows Ita prea ent policy to Ita logical conclusion tha rata to f amlllea muat ba increased two or three tlmea." . Mayor Lane thus expressed himself thla morning. When the board meeta Monday It la probable that a resolution will ba adopted recommending ..tha amendment of tba charter ao that prop erty may ba assessed to. pay for the water malna laid paat It Otherwiaa the consumers alone must pay for tha tre mendous axtenalon of malna which muat ba made next year to keep pace with the growth of the city.' v ..... . "If tha consumer baa to pay for tha extension of all the malna that are nee aesary, the average amount paid for water by tha families of the city would be It or IV instead of tl.SO declared the mayor. Before any reduction In tha flat rata to families waa considered. It waa estt mated that ttlt.000-would ba available for axtenalon of jn4lne Into parte of the city now-crying for betterwater ice and richtyteatltled' to i Tha legislature will probably be aaked to amend tha eharter ao that a large part at least of the expense of tbeaa extensions may fall upon tha adjacent property, which It directly benefits. In stead ' of falling altogether upon tha consumer, often a ranter. JOHN ANTHONY PREFERS : . BELMONT TO CASAR0TTI W MM John Anthony Casarottl may not be abla to anawer tba question, "What's In a. namar but ha fcnowe pretty well what Is not In his own name. He does not Ilka It and expressed hi a dislike In petition filed In the county ' court yesterday afternoon. : - John Anthony Belmont Is the cogno men - by which Casarottl seeks to be known.- In the petition he alleges that hla praaant name la difficult to pro nounce and still more difficult to spell, which causes him great Inconvenience and embarrassment by being jeered at because of, the peculiar pro- nunciatlon of tha nam Casarottl. . '.Whenever ba told any one-his name.1 he aaya, ae bad to spell it, and he wants a name that will be understood by the American people and ona that they will know bow to spelL . . ' Casarottl la 44 yaara i old and a elti aen of tha United States and of Oregon. Before be can have, tha change made It will be necessary to publish a notice of hie petition for a week, and ia case tha change la ordered by the court he will have to publish for another week a notice .that his name has been changed. v ; A NEW DEPARTURE Vhs Cost of Interments 'atas Sean a real ty Bednaed by the Solas Vader taklaf Oonapaay. ' Heretofore It bas been the custom ef funeral directors to make chargea for all Incidentals connected with a funeral Tba Edward Holmaa Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors ef Portland, beginning July X. l0rvwtU depart from thla old custom. When tha casket la furnished by ua its cost will Include all chargea, auch as conveying the remains to our chapel, outalde box, embalming, hearse to cemetery . and all services which may ba required of as except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thua affecting a saving of S2f to 7t oa each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLM AN UNDERTAK . INO COMPANT. i 110 Third BtreefeornerBilmon, , ' Strik On-BaII On. ' Rig double ball will be lven at Her rill'a hall Monday night. December SI. New Tear's eve. The striking carmen of Portland will receive s shsre of the gross recelpta. The ball will laat from 1104 tolS07. . .- At midnight tha immense crowd will dance the old year out and tha new year In. to the entrancing muslo of Pro fessor Prasp'a dancing orctjeetra, under ins rays or many caicium iignta, rrixa dancing and valuable gifts at tha door. engaged since the close of tha Portland exposition, HJ a resignation will take effect January 1. after which date he will probably coma to tha Psolflo coast. Acme OH Co. sella tha beat safety coal ll and fins gasoline. Phone East TIS. "'Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth atreet. lunch 11!30 to ti bualneaa men's lunch, Dr. O. M. Walla, residence TIS Eaat Bumslde street Phone East SIIS. ii t ror Quality, Quantity and Quickness.' go to Morns' restaurant. Ruaalan bath a, 207 Third. 2Se. Ladles' hours ll in. and 1p.m. . ' Dr. X. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marqaam, "Public stenographer. Phone PaciOo IS." 1 5o Scenic Photo Calendars. Fine original" photographs, choicest Oregon views, a dainty calendar and the moat appropriate holiday souvenir; other- sixes; J So and I So. Kiser photo Co., ladles' lobby, Imperial hotel. - Milwaukle Country Club. Eaatern and California races. Take Call wood sad Oregon City oara at First and Aidoiv ' ST. JOIIHS VOTES TAX LEVY i . ' v t i, my Property Holders Must Pay Five , Mills More the Coming Year J ' ' ' TkK Tk.u D.IJ TLI. ' 'i uvj ruu I Ills .. CONSTRUCTION OF PVBUC . BUILDINGS RESPONSIBLE Council Deddeg It Haa No Authority Over - Jamca John Beaueat and I Lcarea Whole Matter in Handa bf4 City School Board. . Sas Side Department. -" tax levy of 7 mills and ona of I mllla waa flxd last night by tba city council of 8t Johna and . tha , echool board of District No. 1, respectively, to meet the expenses of tha city and the schools fof.the-yehr of 100T. The total tax levy for the city of St Johna, therefore, aa estimated by Recorder W. L. Thorndyke. will be about II mllla, possibly allghtly more. - Last year the levy was If mills, but BL Johna haa experienced higher taxee. rAt ona time not long ago the' levy reached It mllla on a lower valuation, however. . The city and echool district both will have large expenses to meet in the coming year. Tha city la now building a beautiful and thoroughly furnished city ball and the school district haa Just been bonded for the purpose of con structing a 120.000 achaolhouae.- For tha city. Councilman Norton. chairman of the finance committee, siaiea mat would be required for the expenaea of the ensuing year and on a taxable value of tl. 178.760 a T-mtll tax would bring I16.2S2, leaving tMIt to ba raised by license of different kinds. There are five saloons which pay Into the treasury each year tS.OOO. Tha amount needed for achool pur poses for tha next year waa estimated at tl.t2S17 and a (-mill tax will pro vide 117.041. leaving a deficit of SSI4. save sTo Authority. . Regarding tha James John estate, the adjourned aeaslon last night arrived at tha conclusion that they had no au thority over the matter and will leave the whole affair In the handa of the achool board. Judge Webster referred It to the council merely aa a means of getting the queatlon before the people of the city and aq that some unanimity aerv-imlght ba reached ahortly aa to a method of dealing with the estate. Juat what was Intended ' In the bequeat la but vaguely understood. The charter commission meeta thla eventing, but It is not likely that tha charter will ba completed at that time. Some minor pointa are yet to be net tled which will consume noma time In the dlscusslorfr - The Weat Coast -Laundry- company to day Is moving Into its new building Just completed on Bradford atreet Ita new location ia admirably adapted both for rail and water facilities It will ba ready for business again by Monday. A new laundry haa been established at St Johna and la soliciting a big trade alao. y Join Installation. Three Maaonlo - lodges joined last night in an installation of offlcera on the eaat aide.. Washington lodge, No. 40; Hawthorne lodge. No. Ill, and Mount Tabor lodge, No. it, A. T. as A.- M.. held a Joint Installation in the Maaonlo hall in the Burkhard building ! on East Bumslde. A large number of Masons gathered for the ceremony, the occasion being a sort of reunion of the eest side fraternity. The following officers were' installed: Washington Lodge Worshipful ter, W. O. Bhellenbarger; senior warden, A. M.Wrlght; lunlor warden. Berlin E. Davla; treasurer, TL B. McClung; eecre tary, J. 11. Richmond: aenlor deacon, Holman O. Morton: Junior deaaon, H. M. Ogden; aenlor steward, John 8. Meek: Junior steward. Joseph W. Beveridge; tyler. T. H. BrlckelL. Hawthorne Lodge Worshipful mas ter. P. A. Comba; aenlor warden. 8. W. Btryker; Junior warden. C E. Rogers; treasurer, H. H. Newhall; aecretary, C E. Miller; senior deacon. R. D. Cannon; Junior deacon. O. A. Johnson: senior steward, Georga Estes; Junior steward, W. D, Jameson; tyler, W. B. HalL Mount Tabor Lodge Worahlpful master, Wlllla EI Pdtter; senior warden. Lon Do Tarmond; Junior warden. John W. Oreen; treasurer, L. 8. Normandln; secretary, Oeorae P. Lent; aenlor dea con, E. A. MoPharson: junior deacon, Arthur Ileadley; tyler. T. H. BrlckelL After the installation tha members Joined In a social aeaslon and refresh ments wera served to all present Alto gether a profitable and enjoyable meet ing was held. - 'AJ. Injured by Car. . O. L. Newlln waa aeverely . Injured yeeterday morning on Grand avenue near Eaat Salmon atreet by a Wood stock car. Mr. Newlln waa driving a gravel wagon, belonging to Elwood Wllea, and attempted to croea the track in front of two cars, one approaching from each direction. The north-bound car bit the wagon squarely, shivering the wheela on that aide. The driver waa thrown from -..the wagon and when picked np eeemed badly hurt. A physi cian waa called and stated that hla back and hip were wrenched, but no Jjonee were broken. m Articles of incorporation of tha Bank of Bellwood were filed In the county clerk's offlre yeeterday. The Incorpor ators are Peter Hume, 3. M. Nlckum, Theodora Nolf, J. W. Campbell and D. W. Donougb.' The capital stock as an nounced I" 130,000, divided into 100 shares of S300 each. The purposes are to do a general banking and savings bank bualneaa. The plana for this eni terprise have been under way for aome time with the Bellwood board of trade! of which Donouch 1 president. A building haa been obtained for tempor ary quarters In the old cigar factory quarters, but the scheme of. a building, 30x100. has been completed and will be erected immediately at a coat of SI. 300, at East Thirteenth street and Umatilla avenue, on the location now occupied by the Bellwood postal station. The latter will be moved at once to paw quartera. Bellwood Is Prosperous, Bellwood la one of the most prosper ous of the city's suburbs. The two story brick now helng erected for W. Rtrahlman- la Sellwood'a first brick. The second story Is now well under wav. Donner Brothers are completing their factory on the Mllwaukie road and will anon be ready for business. J The Mount Hood Brewing comiey will erect a S7.600 buldlng as their Increaa lng business demands more room. In the Bellwood woolen mllla the com munity haa quits a manufacturing 'es tablishment. Which will pot out a high grade of woolens. Samples are now be ing made and the mills will he in steady Operation before long. An alcohol ptaht la In course of construction but haa been delayed on account of 'the lack ef capital. I ':' Work haa started on the foundation of tha Orange hall at' Mllwaukie on the lot recently purchased from Richard Flcnnch 10c Yd. 3000 yards of Swansdown Flan nel. for wrappers and acques; Persian and floral designs in great vari-1 ety, yard IvC 1500 yards of Roman striped - Bath Flannels, 66. in. wide; ' best 30c values, onl Q ' sale, special at, yard.; A 2000 yards of French Flannel ette, in the newest colorings - and designs; .large 1 C , variety; great -values I Undcrmuslins Great special lot of cambric and Nainsook Gowns; high neck " and long sleeves; lace and embroidery-trimmed yokes, ; beading and ribbons; Urre assortment, all C 1 sizes; $3.50 Val.. I .71 Great special lot of women's Cambric and .Nainsook Corset Covers; blouse fronts, trim med in prettv embroideries, Val. and Torchon laces, tucks and headings; ff 1 1 A $1.50 and $174 vay 1 a 1 7 Women's fancy strfped Outing Flannel Gowns, Mather Hub bard and kimono styles, trim- ' vintd in fancy braids and silk stitching; $1.25 and QDr $1.50. values, on 8ale..ffUw Children's white Knit Sweaters, with, pink and blue cuffs and colfhts; ages 1 to -4 years; values ftp to CI ID $1.75, oft sate ..". I 1 O. Children's white Nainsook and Lawn Dresses long-waisted Mother Hubbard styles, trim med, in embroideries, laces, tucks and beadinsrs; ages 6 mo. to 3 yrs.v 1 f?Q reg. $2.50 and $J. V I . 7 Laces and Embroideries Great clean-up of ' Embroidery Strips. 4 H -yard lengths, Hwlsa and nainsook, edges and inaer , tlon, I to i inchea wide, hand some pattarna, 1 large assort ment; values up totMS atrip, on aale at thla specially on. reduced price, atrip iH-yard strips of Embroidery and Insertion, to It Inchea wide, beat patterns. In large variety; valuea up to I1.7S, on CI 91 sale at low price of.. I -yard strips of oambrlo arid Swiss Embroidery, S by IS - Inchea wide; valuea apt! (n to II a atrip, at iJ3f Beautiful allover Embroideries for lingerie Walata new lot, hand some patterna; valuea QR to 11.60 per yard, atrip.. Round-thread Val. Laces and In sertions. 1 to t Inchea wide, beat designs; valuea up to aTfY ti doaen yards, for...... Ladles Win Bo Admitted and Furnished Skates Free OAKS RINK sa 3 Admission Free iMsttMMMaUsnai Scott Tba erection of the building will nrooead Immediately. A ball SS by 44 feet will be constructed at a cost of from $1,400 to $1,404. On account of tha holidays, the Mount Scott Improvement association haa post poned its meeting until the first Mon day in January. Tha Woodstock Push club will hold a aoclal and dance tonight at the Wood stock halL The Woodstock organisa tion haa a women's auxiliary, which will heln materially In the success of the aocial affair. C M. Smith and C. Ben Rlealand will addreaa the meeting and Professor C. M. Toder, assisted by his pupils, will offer soma vocal and Instru mental selections. - Justice T. C Shreve fthe Mount Tabor court haa been visiting during the holiday season with a son at cathiamet. Waahlagton. ' GREAT GERMAN SINGER ?T0 APPEAR AT HEILIG No concert tn rears has atracted tha attention given to tha coming of tha great German contralto to the Heillg theatre. Bchuman-Helnk'e engagement here will be on Monday. January 7, and her .rank among the great singers of the world Is so familiar .a fact and her popularity hero Is so well established that to write In praise of the brilliancy of the sun would ba scarcely more banal than to dwell at length on bP quallfi- catlona aa a great alnger. . i , The sale of seats for tha beautiful recital will open Saturday morning, January S. at the Hetrlg box office wn der the direction of Lola Bteers-Wynn Coman. , Building Permlta. The following permits hsve been la sued; W, T. Rtevena, repairs. Second, between Burnslda and Couch, coat $300; Sherlock estate, repairs. Third, between Oak and Stark, rsst $:',400; E.' -Kroner, two one-atory dwelllnga. East Twelfth, between Eaat Stark and East Wash ington, cost tl.t'i each; A. BtahL one atory dwelling. Mai lory avenue.: between Portland -boulevard and Highland, eoat $1,175;- Josephine Bieradorf. one-atory dwelling. B haver, between Commercial and Kerby, cost 11.000; Japanese mis sion, repairs. Fifteenth, corner Qllsan, coat $4: C Kachold. two-story dwell ing, Karl, comer Eaat Fifteenth, coat $04; E. Lanrlson, one-story dwelling, Hlbbard. between Carson and Olney, coat $3,004. . ! - ; , , 1 Ladies fe A 9 .TSs en : . S I V II ' . Woi saeii's $26 Suits ai 2.85 -$45 Snits $28.85 Women's high-grade Coats at one-half regnlar prices this season's latest fashions and materials, in H and i kngths--semi and loose-fitting garments, in red.-eiavy, grays, plaids, checks and fancy mix tures. Broadctothjt tweeds and homespuns. Coats of the best manufacture beautifully made-and fin ished throughout All siaes; large variety. The greatest Coat bargains of the year. Remember, these go at one-half regular prices. Take advantage of this unusually low-priced offering. Set them on 2nd floor. $35.00 CoaU for $2 7.50 $44.00 Coat, for $22750 $5A.OO Coats for $29.00 Special lot of 100 Women's Tailored Snits, in Pony Jacket and Norfolk medium and dark gray checks variety, all sues, butts selling thiswonderfully low price, per Special lot of -Women s Tailored Suits, in worsteds, cheviots, mannish mixtures and setges;, plaids, checks and solid colors." Styles are blouses,-with peplum, pony jacket and Prince Chap; gimp and vel vet trimming,, Suits selling regularly at $45.00 each, large variety, all this season's (PO Of best garments; your choice, while they last, at this wonderfully low price, each S.tsfOtOJ All Pictures at One-Fourth Off Choose from our entire, stock of Framed, and Un framed Pictures Pictures for the parlor, pictures for the library, pictures for the aises and subjectsj very large variety, all styles Take, your pick All Pyrography Sets and stamped wood on sale at one-fourth; off assortment, all prices Second Floor All Millinery Out entire. stock of women's,, misses' and children s MiUinery on sale at one-half regular price. This season s handsomest head gear Fur Hats, Black Velvet Hats, Pink and Blue Hats, Green and Garnet Hats, White and Champagne Hats An im mense yariety for your choos ing AUsgrades at half regular prices Entire stock of misses' and children's White and Col ored Hats, Caps and Bonnets on ale at half regular prices. See them on Second Floor En. tire stock of Wings and Flow ers at half regular prices WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. SPECIALS Women's natural color mixed wool Vests and Pants; highneck, long sleeve vests, ankle-length pants, all sizes; 75c values.. 43f Women's medium-weight mixed wool Union Suits, high neck, long .sleeves, ankle-length, warm weight; all sizes; $1.50 values. .98 Children's natural color Union Suits, ages 2 to 10 years; nice, warm quality; best 40c values on sale at this low price, suit 2Sa Oaks Rink LADIES NIGHT Special Number of Ladies and Gents in Couples To-Nigh. SKATES 25 Cents COUNCIL COMMITTEE IS LATE IN LEARNING Rather lata In the day the members of the special council committee) exam ining tba report of . F. Clark on tha city books haa discovered that he ex pects additional pay for the time he has spent with the committee. This fact was generally known as soon aa the committee begin Ita aerlea of meetings. but the counctlmen apparently thought t'lara waa attending just to be obliging. Aa Oeorgs Black haa been retained by the cltlsena" committee to make "an examination of the books for the coun cil, the entire Job of axpertlng the ctly's accounts will eoat between $1,000 and $5,000 before it Is finished. Clark's original bill was for $1,544. He will probably ask for $150 to $254 additional aa pay for the tlma he haa apent ax- plaining his report to Messrs. Kellaher, Vaughn and Rushlight FOUND NAKED AND : 'A RAVING MANIAC - . William Mayhew, a carpenter, who lived alone at Twenty-fifth and Tbur man streets, waa adjudged insane after an examination In the county court thla morning. Mayhew was . airested year terday afternoon and taken to the coun ty JalL ' He raved all nix-fit an.d waa quieted thla morning by opiates. ' He, had been drinking hard for soma time, but was aane wheji-leat seen a few days ago. T he owner of the house in which he lived noticed that Mayhew had not been seen for two or three day and broke in the door. Mayhew was found stark naked, a raving manlao. He la from Michigan, but from what part la not known. o. PERSONAL Buffering from ' Intermittent fever, Cyras A. Dolph. of Dnlph. Mai lory. Si mon A Oearln. la confined to hla -home, StS West Park street He bss been 111 four weeks, but his condition Is not considered dangeroua, and today he ia Improving. r' Armstrong tha Tailor. ' 313 tt Washington Street. - - '. Roome 14-11. Great reduction . ln prices for the next two weeks. ' ' " f , ' r " Goate flfc Half Wit $45.00 CoaU for $22.50 $35.00 Coats for $ 17.50 4&55.00 Coats for $2 7.50 and plaids, also black and white .checks; tweeds and worsted -irreat regularly at fJ&.w and on aale suit Second Floor take advantage at Half Prico I4tl sad Weeslsatea The Heillg Theatre MataL Tealf-st S:1S TasMrrew Iflcst Specie I-Svtes Matinee laerr boss smirnxi la the i-fearaeter Cewsdy, "SIS BOPKns." res lag Prtees. SS t 4140; Mat- SB . S4ats Kew alllB at Theatre. St weSuS. Heilig Theatre r. sxeaxvez loiiin ' - Saaday, ktosoar Mht aad , Vew Tears Arreraeco, THB tTItlOTI Or TKX WtAX" Mew rear's Mrbt sad Wednssoay lilfkt MlsIA BOSA." Price. ' bors alsht sad aiatlsai tawr Soar, SI. II. 00; balesey, SI. 00, TO. SOe. CalUry, We, See. Beet eaiitng ssr agfSMat si iseswe. Baker Theatre JVn Oresoa Taeatre C.. Laeaee. O. U. Baker. Mgr. Heme r rertlasS's cmas mwm vwfui, Sneelal Matinee TeeKwrew, Chrtstaras Iter. TOBifbt All This Week, a Grand Pradvctioa OS ls M.anw B "TBILBT" CbsqiUt as 4 Correct Scenery and BWtHBga. ruder Direct Ion Joan nainpons. jooiidi in ValsaMe Plan WU1 Be Swarded frost iUn. MatlsM Satorday. Salng rrices 38. Sfi. SOc: Matinee. ls. S6c. eat Wees Bleyr aniwiin) . - ISriol Empire Theilre Mntna W. Re sua. Minaser. - Plarln the Cut em turn Sbew Only. Carlatsws Wert attraetloe Bpectel Maris TosMrrnw t:IS; Xmj Nlfht. Bgnlr Matt aeoa Wedneeoay aad aStarday. the Orest OoSMdy-Drenia Btleeeae, "tkx bixkX or jaraw With Mies Hot I. Cllftoa asd ta Ortslaal New York Company. Moat novel sad Inter esting shew oa to road. Begalsr BbbIt SrlC . . .. mm --. . m Ul aiHWILIM Vim' . io m L.YRIO THEATRE wtxk Bxanums nionntB st Besoieaalt's BeautiTal Xrlah Play "Arrah'Na Pogue" Bexafse oeoa frooi 10 a. be. -te IS p. St. Seals caa be reserved by Main eSSS. STAR THEATRE . The AlWa Stock Oeapaay Fussat Brary Keening st S:1S. TBX 8Tn.TAV'S BAT0KTXB" ' Krery Afteraeoa St S S0, UTTLX 10BD rAtrVTUBOT" HAROLD Itorr s the "Utra. Beserved Seats by rhoa. Mala SeM. Prieos (Reaaala the aeste. The Grand rhrlaten Week Beflneit VanileTlU , IHX THSEX ."-' WaXSITS. ' WerU-ramoea - senhats. rmak Maetya XelWy, SMUted W X. K. Oalnrt. eat a Ma Bailey. Tn ruber. Th SuaWrs. . O. D. "The Bask Sefsaltev." Pan taes Theatre I Fourth and Stark Stsw Be Tn A O. Leo While, - yraab WIWi Bomethlu Bewi Marrni a4 Mi sen at seaiitoni is wajnri, Perforntsse sally st S SO. T a sad . : rsnthisoe Miiadars. Oenoral lOWl 10 rta; reeerred seats an cents; at rent. Tali any at st weekday atsttMe Snr IOr. e ?K 1 S I $32.00 Coat, for $16.00 $40.00 Coats for $20.00 $75.00 Coats for $37.50 style velvet eollaf and cuffs while they last at 512.05 at one-fourth ofl-regular prices. den, pictures of all ff at .................... 4 VII regular price large ' fa JW 25c Ribbons 15c 3,000 yards of Taffeta Ribbons, 3l to 5 inches wide, suitable for hair, -ties, dress trim mings., etc.; great variety; best 25c valuerat the; ' special low price of. 1 JfC Coffee 23c Lbs 10.000 "pounds of Meier & Frank s famous Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c grade; buy all Ttf yon want at, pound.. s?JC 21 Lbs. Sugar $1 250,000 pounds of vlry Granu lated out ir tbe sold in this sal at the ""unusually low rice of 21 lbs. 5L0Q or TVUt WSIOKT OVABAITIIO Don't Hold Bad; Any longer, satisfy yourself by satis fying your hardware wants for shelf or heavy goods, tools, etc., here. You'll ba money in pocket besides securing de pendable Qualities. Avery SL; Co. Great Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronx Sil ver. Cloisonne; new Brass, Sat surna, fina decorated Tea Seta, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Jurniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc Owing to tha overcrowded con dition of our small store. wa are compiled"" diaeosa of our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains art certain to be had. : SALE AT t-M AND 7:30 P. If. DAILY. AndrcvKari&Co 287 MORRISON ST. Auction jlNM .lr.l.Hv j j -"ajwaya Bay sesrv awsa-t ae - VlttinT TV-.., i j A 'ft 1