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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
ti:s onzcou daily journal Portland. Friday evening, December 28. ma. OLD VESSELS TO load mm TTDTTT1 JJMU While It Lafito EcctmsiVs 25c Jest la VsSeicrLcJ cl OctmtilpeFe -?b!PbQj3urrlerVtd Oriental Chartered for Coastwise Trade Out of Portland. (3 I.nT.ATMn? YnnDTTWinTmnrXTn rT7i7TT77T7 ATLANTIC BUILT CRAFT V RAPIDLY DISAPPEARING Vessel Listed for . Portland Repre ; tent Old Type Now ' Being; Dis. ) placed by the More Easily Han-4 V died Fore-and-Aft Schooner. .... Two old-lmers, the ship John Cur. ."Jrtw.Mjl Oriental, have be.n plaoed e - the en route Hat for Portland. The . former will come from Manila and the Utter from Ban Franclaoo. Both are t under charter to load lumbar for Cal '.' ifornla' porta. - The Oriental la the older vessel of the two. She wee built In Bath, Main. Jn .J $74. ...put Jljelonge.lflL San Fjanelsco. i out of which port she has been plying ' for many yeara. The Oriental la ona ...f the old Coloma and Alden Bess. . type and for that reason wfTfrTwore of Interest to those who visit the water front durlnglher stay here. Only a ' few of these old Atlantlo coast built vessels -are still plying- the billows on , this side of the world and their num. - ber t i gradually diminishing". The "-Coloma, better known here than any '. of the other old-timers, went down In 'r the storm off the coaat about a month a to, while about the same time the , old ship Sea Witch was abandoned oft . . Vancouver Island in -a sinking- eondl- tton. The Sea Witch built In East ' Boston In 187 J and was ona of the . oldest of the old. - r - . The John Currier la good for a nura . ber of yeara yet, jinlesa Ill-fortune be- ; falls her, because she was launched as . late as 1883 at Newbury Port. Massa- chusetts. Shells a big vessel of 1,81 , i tons net register. I ; . - j. The Portland Lumber- company will ' furnish the rargo for tha Oriental."The . , name of the charterer ' of tha John Currier haa not yet been announced. The latter vessel. It la expected, will '- take out the largest lumber cargo .placed on board of a sailing vessel her for a coastwise port for . many a year. The full-rigged ahlpe In the coasting trade are rapidly being replaced by tha large - fore-and-aft rigged craft. - which . are handled with' leas trouble and are - larger .carriers. . - .! : ,. ...... . . .: . . . FRENCH BARK OVERDUE s kipping" Kern Vaaaay Concerning Ce-ment-ILadea Tassel. . . Shipping men are beginning to won dor If something baa happened to tha j was the vessel dismasted off the Oregon J. coast' about three weeks ago when the British ahip Glenerlcht was outside. The Frenchman left Antwerp June IS and should, have "arrived here several weeks ago . under ordinary circum stances. Tha; General- da Bonis !' bringing a cargo of cement from thelutch port and her consignees could us the cargo tn rnn4 ..Ajfvant..1 Iti.f nA . Pjin.ii( Ll worth .."money, and they, are aavlng nothing having It hauled about on the deep sea, as might have been the case when prices were, low and etorage room L 'acarca. i "" v .' w ". From the . report brought here by -'Captain Evans of the Glenerlcht the ", bark that he saw dismasted off the ' , coast was In cargo.- She appeared to be ; an Iron vessel and consequently most .- likely a foreigner, although It waa Im posslbls st tha time to make out the vessel's nationality. . - The captain first T. saw .the vessel In good ahape with her "i canvas sending her along at a lively rrate, when suddenly, the whole . rlg- . glnc went overboard aa clean as had : the deck - been awept by a gigantlo ; scythe. Tha hull waa seen drifting northward, but the sea waa so rough .that the "'Glenerlcht nould not be i brought close to the derelict at the : time and the neat day not algn of It . could be found anywhere, although the Britisher went over tha ground thor ' oughly.- V...'- v " " - ; i . v - AMONG THE COASTERS tsamer Xllbura Will Make Ylait U " ataabot SrUf. ,. The steamer. F. A. Kllburn will ar 1 rive here tomorrow night ' from ' San ' Francisco, via Rureka and' Coos Bay. , Hhe will sail Monday night, so ' that there will ba little time for tha long 'shoremen to handle the freight. By reaaon of this fact, the agent announced this morning that southbound freight must Be tt tn root or oak street be ' fore ( o'clock Saturday night In. order to receive attention. u Tne aieam scnooner soutn Bay ar ,' rived .here from San Francisco yester "day afternoon. She went to the mills . ' of tha Portland , Lumber company to 'load lumbar for a return cargo. : Tha South Bay, formerly made regular trips ' out of Portland but. la now only an oc , i casionai visitor, one carries lumbar aa , before. s SPENCER'S LAST TRIP -lve anaaaae Will Vie. Vp at Solpaiaa -t ,-: i Or wiatar, l . When the ateamer Charles R. Spencer . ; returns rrom rne issues tomorrow af ternoon her freight will ba discharged and tha craft taken to the Victoria dol- ' phlna and tied up for tha winter. This waa announced this morning by the steamer's agant at the foot Oi - Oak " etreeti - . Captain Spencer customarily takes his teamer on the upper Columbia - river ' run during tn winter because, of the light traffic. This year the boat waa kept In commission longer than usual, ' however, , because of tha wheat move ment from polnte (above tha ' portage 'road, and the Spencer aided materially In bringing the wheat crop to tide water thla season. With tbe end of this traf fic, Captain Spencer concluded to tie up Ms steamer. Service will be resumed In the aprtig. , ALONG THE WATERFRONT "Longshoremen's union. ' No. ' t!8, elected officers at tha regular meeting held last night asL follows: J. Mahtr, . president: T. Coleman, vlce-prealdent; p. IX Hall, financial secretary; J, Mo Donald, recording aecretary; jft M. Cook, mar aha I: Tobias Smlth,-C. Klrk riarrlc and E. Nnimai, trustees; P. Mc- , (julllan. treasurer; C. Clark, guard. v Tha steamer Columbia 'sailed for San Francisco last night with ilM) . passen ' (rors and a full cargo of general freight. Hhe will ba tha only Harrlman liner carrying passengers between thla port and Saa Francisco during the month of mini that U oIi 0c The genuine Eatttnani that i told to every store' in town at 25c: wh it lastaj and . but tomer-a.i iJZT TKe bargains are town talk now and the best are yet to come Tomorrow araln another aeries of record-breaking offers that should crowd the store from morn till nitfht Join the crowds get in lineThe whole store ablaze with bargains UnIoaI!iiS the Hosiery Every Pair at Half and Less '- Ocarina: out the entire remaining- stock. Thousand"! of pairs dumped out i at sacrifice prices. Ladies', Children's and Infants Hose, plain and ribbed, best Maco cotton, all blacks, some fancy embroidered, all sices in the lot. Hose worth in the regular way 15c to 35c, all in three great lots at, choice P0RM1D5 IIE17 DEPMHIT SME mrCi l-15c 5c pr IVerlb lHc IVrQ It JSe 9cpr 17c pr ' Boys Best 25c Hose And when we say 25c Hose, we mean HeaVy 1-1 ribbed, and thick, soft, fleeced, double I 1 knees, double heels and double toes; seamless, and all -W. W sizes.'. Every pair is guaranteed 25c grade, at ITair; 3 for SOf. it. WHILE THEY LAST 5,p00 LARGE SIZE 5c BOXES ANCHOR MATCHES Full count the large, big 5c. boxes. ' These will be on sale while they last, but come early to be sure of getting your share. Special per box It's.1 w if there ever was makes, higtn. Her- : ' v iaT fumed, large.feoyM. r Yl' . lOc cakes , .. .VTS Al: I tZT Unloadinri V MEN'S FURNISHINGS Hundreds of new bargains for tomorrow; .all sur plus lots reduced, again; the bargain are biggest right now; come. ... . 100 dosen Men's large sice Turkey Red Hand- kerchiefs, regular lOe onea .... .........,avC ,ilen's all-wooL Black Sockv seamlcaa, nicvl.l M tine, ana a mc grade .., Jlta Broken lines of Men's ribbed Underwear, A fleece-lined, 75c kind ..i.,.,.,,. ,...,QUC Men's 75e and $1.00 heary Otttlng Flannel tf Night Shirts, reduced to ......'......... .afVV HEN'S 75c VORKSniRTO A mixed lot of hundreds of heavy, weD-made Work Shirts of black and white stripe cheviots, ) g all sixes. Every one of th cm ar bargains. fl? at 60c to 75c; choice , .,,..w......fJrrW 'AJrOTataUS BAT Of TUAfBAia OT 135c VEILINGS 9cyd. The prettiest you aver saw at ' the prlea, genuine ( sllk net Velllnr, plain and fancy dot- te. all colore and Diack, an . iuii 'width, re. 25c, 15c grades, choice . Paper Napkins China '. Paper Nap kins, white and f a n e 7 colors. large its pkg. or loo ror :5c Unloading MILLINERY Everything that's left to be cleared" out regardless of cost; In the sacrifice there'r hundreda of Hata that are Just - right for now and at about on fourth tha regular price. . . - -'--. LaU - our Women'BUntrlmmeeTl Felt Shapes, all colors, former , . prlcee T?.wtr 11 and tt. Bew,:.iv-i- " choice ....................... afJC One lot of Ladles' Street Hats, really pretty ones, nicely trimmed with , fancy eullla and velvet-bands, many of them worth up to I8 60, 'ao ; choice . 40C All Trimmed Hats te be cleared out at half price and less. Special SO dosen Children's and In--' fonts', Knit Bonnets, all col- - rs. worth up to 10c, choice..., IVC Women's -Gloves Ail samples, wool and fleece lined, all colors, worth r.'.?.i-24c 5c PKtf. Peiarline The genuine ' Pyla'a Pearlina. aold - the world over at so package k.3c Writing Tablets 00 sheets In each, ruled or unruled, large alse, worth So and 10c, each , . ::;.4c lOc tXt 15c Ribbons . Up to t Inches wide, moat . all colors, worth up to a? Mo yard.......JC I5c Hat Pins 5c Jewel and faooy settings, gaad styles, all lie kinds, oholoe l5c 9MT TOJTM 25c Hair.Bruoheo Not lie or loo vaJnaev but' every ona- M Just as wa say gamiloa . aetaillo Hair Brushes, wood back and handle. 09 of them tor the sale and but to a customer. During enthusiasm at Its Height Tomorrow again a reckless slashing of prices Sacrificing the Cloaks, Suits, Waists and Furs Bargains that are phenomenal in fact the most sensation al eve offered by any store in Portland.; Clear tha stock is the order and prices are dropped again to the give-away point. It's now or'never for bargains. ' Every lot at price to sell it at sight, and best of all, they're every oneof them garments made for the finest trade special lota -purchased nnder pnee and they cost yoif noTnore than the ordinary, common sorts at otner stores. Save on Your Everything under price and every thing guaranteed that's tha combina tion .- that's - making - thla - tha busiest Grocery In tha city. l'.oo re. SOo cans Boneless Turkey .. ' tha famous Llbby aV McNeil brand ' tha best packed guaranteed lOe can a, and only two to a customer, . ' ' at, can., I VC 1,000 large H-In. pkga. beat (round sj Black Pepper, full lb. for.....JC 10c pkg. Arm and Hammer Boda....5 10c pk. Cow brand 8oda. ........... 5f) Large I&o bot. Chile Sauce . . .llf Dinner Party Catsup, 100 bottles only, so oome early, re g. 86c slaI4C S8e Oraaga Slo Big scoop of 60 boxes extra large choice navels, thin' skinned and sweet. You can't match 1 'em anywhere under I5c While they Ust ....... a I C SVOZ. Our Special Golden Eagle M. and J. . Coffee, good as others aak S6e for, ' and a trial will convince you, ; lb. Golden Eagle Bf king Powder, lb. .20 5e bot " VsTnlla Extract. . . . . .QQ. S6c bot. teroon Extract.. r00 Jleg. lto can Golden Eagle Ground a a Splcee . IUC 1,000 Ibar Mixed Tea,' something extra fine and a very choice blend; best ' 6c tea ever of fered. While It s ' lasts, lb. ......6JC lOe pk. Mincemeat ....... ..... ..8 lSe can Maple Syrup . ..-.12 Extra S sacka extra eholca Rica not , broken, but tha real head rice that ells all. over at le lb Special 4 Iba. for . . . . . . .. . . .'i ... 19c "Women's $8 to $10 Raincoats The long, stylish ones of best Cravene,ttes, tn all colors $449 Women's $7.50 snd $8 Silk Waists Six doien of them, only.r 72 Waists in all and very one . . a 1 a m swe ft w a bargain to surprise you. Made ot line latietas, rcau de Sotes and rich, fancy Plaid Silks tail ored and fancy trimmings all sixe all $7.50 and $8.00 values; choice xaiietas, rcau $3.98 every one the latest style. T Regular $8 to $18 values and every one at almost half price choice, $4.49 to $10.00. v, , y. ; ; WOMEN'S FINEST $EOO LONG COATS Never heard of a bigger bargain, did you? Only $6.98 for those long, stylish Coats that every other store in town is asking $12.50 and $15.00 for. Handsome plaids, checks,, mixtures, eto beautiful vel vet and fancy trimmings, best of linings all fully t ailored. Just a little lot of 32 we bought under price -and when three are gone youll pay $12.50 apd $15.00 for a, good. All sixes, all colors, and the sea sons best and .biggest bargains-choice 100 Women's Dress Skirts ( Good ones, well made and all newest styles; black only, worth up to $4.00, choice .....aPlaUy IS Every Tailored Suit IN THE I -3 FORMER house i"0 vr Jn1 RICB. No matter, even if our prices already arc fully 25 per cent below all other stores, now they go at still further reduction of one-third off. ' An $2.00 and $1.30 Woman' Waists Odds and ends and broken lines; doxens of styles; $2.00 and $2.50, and some $3.00 valuea. Choice, ftOV each .............. ..VOC Unloadlnrf Houso Furnicninns 1.S0 reular f o Tut dtp go a.7!aa) Wash Basin, worth lie, each...;. .44 Large 10 -quart Dish Paaa wsrtk m A up to IJo, go aC each 1C Dover Egg Beaters at a lSe Odd Sauoer.i......w....Bei All So and to Pie Tin go at.. lc and lso . cold beadle Stova - Lifters . ....................... DC lso large tla Bread Pana.,,,.......T lOo asbestos Mats go at. .......... .4 So Glass Tumblers,, half price. .. .&M) ie-quart galvanised Bucks tav ISO ; a value . I C SOo and Ho Flour Sifters j.. .,...'. X4 fl and 11.15 decorated eovered Vegetable Dlshe ..... v.T... .. .VC Rubber Qa Tubing, foot. ......... .4) 100 double alno Washboards g3e lto semi-Forcelaln Dinner Flats. -..74 10c Trying Pane go at ............ .5 7 Bo -larre 't-quart Kettles. ...... .89 tl.ll nickel-plated Te Kettles. T9 JJnderweaiL Children' natural gray Union Sulfa, . mixed lota, broken slses. all Slo values and none worth lea, oholoe IsfC Children' Sleeping Suit, with feet,' mad of heavy Domet flannel, slses , to 10 year, worth Slo, , (now . , larC Women's knit Testa and Pant, heavy- weight, bargain at .TIo, aU ; sixes, out they go ............ OyC I Unloading : Toilet Goods ; Large 5e cake 1 genuine Cutl- a tm - cura Boap, caktmrriTn r; . . I C Best too Perfumery, all odor, 5r " per os. . sJC 2tc Woodbury's Facial Soap 1T Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, al- y .waya ISo bottle, cut to I C Allen's Borated . Talcum . Powder. . g large else SOe can VC $1 bottle Herplctde........ 69 II bottle Llsterlne 994 Williams: Shaving Boap. t cakes for 04 Large 20o jar Petroleum Jelly, a Ilka vaael pint jar 1..JUC tto pint bottle Bay Rum.. .1S4 t6c pint bottle Toilet Water. ... 15 Bargain Day in CANDY at ' Best and - purest kinds only and half candy store prices. 1,000 lbs.- best lto Quia Drops ................ Sic Assorted Cream, lb. '.19 tie Jelly Beans, lb. IT SOo Chocolates, lb. 10 9c lb. Another Big Capture Women's $3 and $4 Sampl and It's the Greatest Yet e Shoes: $-.89 800 Pairs All High Grade Trade Mark Shoas Grades Sold by All Agency stores at ana 9gu-unoice Ql.o? Fair A Shoe' Sale that should bring here on the run every woman with shoes to buy. Think of it) The finest and best of Women's Shoes at $1.89: every pair, worth $3.00 to $4.00. All samples and they are the handsomest shoes ever sold at anch a sensational price. The most exquisite high-class Footwear in all the latest shapes: Vici Kids and Box Calfs. plain and patent, tips, iigni ana neavy soies, iuoan ana. unitary neeia, au well maae ana tinianea no old, out ot date styles as you might expect at wear samples of some of the best you see them, too choice . Ladies' oOc Rubbers All alaea tor QQ 1 day only, pr. OOP Men's $2.50 Work Shoes All solid leather, al! well made Just tha thing for hard (f f wear, and all 3.S value. 1.0" Misses' & Children's Q1.50 Shoes 97c s, Cuban and. Military heels, all well made and finished no old, out of M tt at such a 'ridiculous price, but the newest and best of this season's foot M till est makers. All guaranteed 3.00 and $4.00 values, and youH admit it when gJf flW Men's Finest $3.50and $400 Shoes Only a small lot, though probably 100 pair la all makers' odd and ends, fine vlcl kid. lace oniy, patent tip, all alaea. Remember, 11.60 value. while they laat , " And every pair a famous make, stamped $3.50 and $4.00 on tne soies, jonn Mitcneii, flint Mone, Ueo. fvTv aa Keith and other popular makes, all sises, vT 01 J A I all styles, and including patent leathers all W gUt in one lot all $3.50 and $4.00 value VUUIVC aa 1 January. ' The Costa, Rica will resume eervloe on the lat of February.. - The American bark Diamond Head finished loading at . tha mills of the Portland Lumber company and cleared this morning for Ban Pedro with S17.000 feet of lumber. - Tha British bark Bank. burn, which finished loading at the same mills, for Negritos, Chile, will probably leave down In the morning In company with tne uiamona Heaa. The German ship Maria Hackfeld will finish loading lumber at Llnnton and the Norwegian ateamer Chris Mlchelsen will commsnce loading flour at Oceanic dock 'tomorrow morning. -. The American ship lAicllle la loading lumber the mills of the North Pa cific Lumber company. , ... , MARINE NOTES Astoria. Dec . Arrived down at 4 and. sailed at :1S a. m.. steamer Wasp, for Port Los Angeles. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at S:SI a. m., steamer Columbia, for flan Francisco. . Ssn Franelaco,' Deo.- 28. Arrived at C a m.i steamer .Tiverton, from . As. torla.. Arrived,' 1 brlgantlne Lurline, from Astoria, and schooner Virginia, from Portland. Arrived laat night, steamer Nom City, from Portland. . Point Lobos, Dee. 2t. Psssed at 7 a. m., ateamer Roancrana with schooner Monterey,- from Portland for ; Mon terey. Astoria, Dee. IT. flailed at t:t . m., schoone Ottlll - Fjord, for San Francisco. Arrived at S:2S p. m. steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. : Ar rived down at. 4:10 ami sailed at 7:J9 steamer Alliance, for Coos Kay and Eureka. Arrived down at- (alt and sailed at T:30 p. m.. ateamer George W. Klder for Ran, Pedro and way ports, flan Pedro, Dee. 21. flailed yesterday, bark Paramlta, for Columbia river. Astoria, Doe. 21. Condition of tha bar at S a. m., smooth ; wind southeast; weather eloudy. REDUCTION IN RATES (Continued from Page One.) able grain waa promised the river line by the farmers of Shermhn cduntyv but through threats and coercive methods, employed by grain buyers who had interests' on tha rail lines, the grain waa prevented from coming to the river. ' Cases are known' also where farmers who had becom. enthused over the opening of the river were paid mora than tha grade or market value of their grain to prevent. them from, taking the crop to the river; and it is also a no table fact that grain In Sherman county suffered a drpp from 1 to 2 cents per bushel, after the statement wss issued that owing to tha fact that aa but a mall portion of grain could be secured no facilities, for buying grain could .be arranged for at Ruf us. "During lflt merchandise was dis tributed by. tha river line at ai much lower rate than tha rail rate.-. To counteract this tha nail Una haa laaued a new tariff effective January 1, 1B07, In which sweeping reductions have been made. j. ' .-- Table of Bd actions. "As an Illustration of his statements. Mr. Smith had -prepared the following list of principal - landings affected by the new tariff, showing the reductions made In dollars per ton, between Port land and the points named: . flaw 1 lei. 1. ' M. Ariinctna S ... trot arm Mepener lmc. 1.00 t S tn (-anile Bora ... 2.40 S W lrrl.m .40 W J Hi t'aiatllla .i,., t on . Z Watlula ....... 1W t,HO. 1.40 ' -- J gpeolal Xaetaaee. ' A Wssco reductions of cents to 12.20 have been made,' ued Mr. Smith.. . "At Condnn.j despite the reduction of from $1 to IS jfer ton during the present yearr another .cut of tha same magni tude ba bee "made. Pendleton re ceives reduction of 10 eent to 11.80 per to. Walla. Wall and Waltsburg receive reduction of from 40 eentt to 11 per ton. - Reductlone In carload rates have bean made either on the bank of the river or in territory easily reached 4by eleotrio lines or by team. There is practically no cnangs in raies norm oi Snake liver or Lewlston, a territory net aa yet Invaded by the river line. "While heavy reductlona have bean made In the rail tariff for trie coming year, the' river line rate Is still far be low It Tha rata on grain from upper river points will undoubtedly ' receive some consideration from tha railroad, as a popular demand Is made for the less ening of this rate. Ruch reduction means much to the producer ana to Portland as a shipping point.'' 4 th. i a 3.40 3.40 1.00 I. an . Hta. SI en S(M 2 SO W 1.M0 from it contla- MRS. ROSETTA SHUTRUM V IS DEAD AT PENDLETON v. v - (Rpeelal Mapatrh te Tbe Joaraal.) Pendleton. Or., Dee. 2. Mrs. Rosetta Bhutmnv a pioneer of Umatilla county, la dead In thla city of a complication of trouble's from which she haa , been suffering for some time. , She wss the widow of George flhu trum and waa born in Indiana on Feb ruary 1, 184S. She waa a pioneer resl- ' TaXAT txPt i ' Cough yourself Into a f!t"f spasms and then wonder why you don't g.t w.lL If you will only try a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup your cough will be a thing of the past. It Is a positive cure for Coughs, Influents, Bronchitis snd all . Pulmonary dlaeases. One bot tle will convince you at your druggist, 26c, SOo, 11. 00. For sale by all drug slats. , i dent of this county, having lived here for to year. She leavea ela children. three daughters and three sona The funeral will ba held from tha Baptist church this afternoon. BLOOD DRINKER IS V LYNCHED BY MOB (Jaraal loaelal 8vvtca.t La Animas, Cel., .pec 21. Las'nlght a second and auccessrui attempt w mad by the mob to lynch Lawrence Leberg, who Wednesday brutally mur dered, Henry Lavenmeyer by beating .his head to pulp, then cutting his throat land boasting of drinking hla vic tim's blood, -. At t o'clock 49 men overpowered the sheriff and jailers, took -the-., prisoner from hla cell and hanged him to a tele graph pole. HeNmade no resistance. ; Them as Kas, OltsV From Judge. 'First Waif "ChHamus Is eomtn'.", . Second? Waif "Wot's ChrlsmueT" First Waif "If-when, af yer rich, yer alts new clo'ea." Second Waif "Don't we git none r First Waif "Kw." . Second W1f 'Whyr First Walf-"V'T Why, wa heeds ' ' ' -'.. '. ' i.-L.J ' Saids Sunday; Excursions. The A. 4V C IR..R. rJ. will run an e ruralon to ' Seaside and return . every Sunday at the round-trip rate of tl.tfl. Tske advantaeVof the low rata and sea tha ocean. Tickets for sale during the week at 241 Alder atreet and at the ulnon depot, Sunday morning. - "' , ' - If you haven't tha lima to exercise i regularly, Doan'a Regulets will prevent constipation. They Induce a mild, easy, healthful action of tha bowels, without griping. Ask your druggist for them. lso. ; ODD WEDDING GIFTS Bride Get Weight in Chocolate and ' , . Soap. ' s ' : A rather valuable wife In the present state of tha soap trade muat be tha lady whom M. Le Blanc, a Parisian, has Just married. Tha fair bride, who waa the daughter of a hairdresser In large way of business, not only received from her father a handsome dot In money, ' but her own welgnt In tha beat toilet soap. As 'she weighed close-on 140 pounds ths couple will posse sufficient soap to laat them for some years to come, says London Tit-Bits. - When asked by his prospective father-in-law, a flourishing west end tobacco nist, to nnme the present he would like to receive on his wedding day the young man suggested a few boxes of cigars as being of more -use than, the uual gifts presented on such occasions. "Very well, you shall have - my daughter's weight in cigars," said the other. He was as good as hla word. On the day before that fixed for the ceremony he had .J he bride weighed, and that same evening' forwarded to hla futare son-in-law soma dasen of boxes of cigars, weighing Iri the aggregate It's pounds. Mademoiselle Marie Brie, the niece af a Marseilles confectioner, received from her uncle on her marriage"." three years ago, an equally eccentrlo gift tn the form of her own weight in chocolate. Perhapa tha worthy pattasler had In mind when making the present the dia tom which prevail in Peru. There on tha marriage morn tha bride ts accu rately weighed, and after tha ceremony li e - bsjdegrnom Is presented by his wife's relatives with her weight in ajjgar.' t A Yorkshire coal m.rcnant s present to his daughter on her marriage was to b regulated by her weight, for every pound of which she was to be the re cipient ot a ton of heat Wallaend. Ills Intention, which was communicated ta her on the day aha became" iiitwj nwr, mm ana waa a vonns? woman of most frugal mind, to emulat tha fat woman or tne ralra, ao that during tha six month her engagement lasted ber value want up 10 ton. , Doubtless aha would bava made further Inroads into her father' store bad not that worthy merchant hurriedly married her aff t loss of only 171 ton. 1 The father of girl living In the town of Konlggrat offered to present any ona who should become ber husband with her weight In silver currency. As tha lady waa well favored and of build which, although not exceptionally stout, promised an amount ample to make a good start in business, mora than one claimant appeared. The most eligible waa at length se lected and tha wedding- duly solemnised. Then came the moat Important fiinctlnti tha weighing of tha bride, who U her husband's delight waa found te 1SS pounds, or 13,100 kronen, aa .qulva lent to fill 10c. So much did he admire stout men thnt Mr. Bait, a tradeaman who prospered kxceedhgly at Brighton under the r.v gency. promised his rtniy daughter that her dowry should consist of the eqiilv. lent In gold to the excess of her hus band s bodily weight over hers. She at ' once threw over her fiance, a mere atom of a man. and after due consideration made ao wine choice that, although She herself weighed upward of 12 alone, aha found herself on h.r marrtag. morn rlchey no leas '"'"-j" a""1'1- . STot V to SxveoaaUsw. nom Judge. First Boy lP4K-t to g.t much foe ChrlatmasT fl-cond . Hoy Yep; but I expect I won't get nothing like what I expect. ' A SasitBg rfcovtt. Kv.n to th. beat of wives It f like a dreadful waate of ever the oM man fc- i to pars'): al V I . ... ..V. t 1