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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
TII2 OREGON ) DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. ; brCSMSZH 3. -1S?1 ! ; (Continued from Page On.) , Infant In per uni. Th little boy. ,who la a route. . wa playing on the floor. ' '-T . rw Xf Stiletto. " . Quickly closing the door behind him Bavlgnonl sprang toward the younger woman. Aa be advanced ha draw a long atllatto from- a scabbard and plunged It Hilt UVp 1UIU HW UfWUVW .idiiw and staggered backward, dropping the ', baby, which fell upon the,.stove. . Ha ' drew out tha knife and raised 1t again. Reeling,' the woman reached the door and stumbled dawn a stairway, trying vainly to acape. 8ha ran a abort dls i tsnce and fell prone upon tha sidewalk. . ' expiring almoat Instantly.- . . , - s . Startled by' tha audden attack and ' the scream of her daughter, tha alder . ' -if- woman turned toward tha murderer. ' She atood between him and tha door. , '-, hoping to.prevent hla' pursuit. He raised tha dripping knife and tha blade ' Bank deep Into the woman'a shoulder. He Struck again, ainklng tha knife in ..her back, and tha woman fell bleeding "to flie floor. "," " - - , , r - ,- . Asssaiia gaospss. . .1' Tha assassin walked quickly through t tha door by which ha had entered, passed through tha hallway and Into , the street and escaped. Ha eloaed the door In leaving tha room where ha had wreaked his vengeance. T"' Tha little mute and tha Infant were tha only aya witnesses to thedeed. ' Tha child, suffering Intensely, screamed while tha little boy pounded and kicked upon the walla and doors. Tha .... Infant was horribly burned.. . Heard Child Screaming. In the house In which Blgnsnl and his wife resided, his mother-in-law -and -r father alao resided. Bignanl la em- ployed at the Davis drug store. Third and Everet streets, while tha alder man la employed at an -'umbrella atora on . T Morrison street, between Fifth and 1 Blath. , , .-,. .-.. ;i The two women were at home this , morning. In tha kitchen they were busy with their morning-duties when Bavlg . nonl appeared. , , - ' Persons who reside In tha asms house In which tha tragedy waa enacted were v attracted by tha screaming of tha child ; and the pounding upon the door by tha v boy. Notifying the police an lnvestlga tlon waa begun, j . . " roo Covered With loea ' The. kitchen floor waa covered with ' ; blood. Large drops and pools clearly ' Indicated the direction the woman had ' taken after aha had -been atabbed, and " on opening tha door into a rear yard her '" body was discovered. She lay upon tha ," walk a short distance from tha door. Tba alder woman was lying upon the .. 1 kitchen- floor, bleeding profusely but " conscious. She waa able to give a brief '- account of tba affair to tha officers. J She waa aoon removed to Good Bamari j tan hospital, where little hopes of re covery are eIyoq out . Patrolman Stark LyUe was tha first ' officer upon tha scene. He waa aoon , Joined by Sergeant Jones and Detectives k Hellyer. Pries, Tlchenor and Maloney. It waa with tha greatest effort they Kept back tha crowds of excited Ital - lana and others who gathered about the " bouse aoon after tha tragedy. . '.' - Attentive tot Tears. - "Bavlgnonl had paid attentions to tha woman for yeara," said one of the "'. neighbors who waa Intimately . ac . ejualnted with their affairs. "He wis v born In .Venice and there be firat knew the girl. Hs eama to Portland' during -'. tha Lewi and Clark fair, when Big ' " nan I and hla wife were living here. .- "Ih order ta.ecpo-hlin. they went to . . Ban Francisco sad Los Angelee. and ha - followed ' them . there. , Recently they -returned to Portland and he came, too. ."On seversl occasions within tha lsst week .Or so her. husband has ejected ,. Bavlgnonl from -the house and threat ,' aned more severe punishment If be re turned, v Bavlgnonl- ha a told several of , bis friends that be swore a long time -! ago'that the girl should be hla and that -. aha must die if she did not. He kept ...hla vow." , , Bought Xar Xnaband. Detectives believe that tha murderer . went to tha drug store for .the purpose of killing Arturo Bignanl, who ia em ployed there. He freojuantly went to the store. It Is said, but waa not warmly , i welcomed by tha husband. There were . a number of peraons In tha atora when . i be' entered this morning, and detectives believe that ho was detorred from fur j ther murder only by their presence. - . About the house where ' Bavlgnonl :. , wreaked bis vengeance there waa an . excited crowd of Itallana -this morn--. Ing. Dark-haired women with babes In .. their arms awora vengeance while men ' uraed deeply. Threats at lynching , and vowa to avenge tha dead war made ,.by frlenda and neighbors of tha stricken ' . feratly-L BABES ARE -WITNESSES (Continued 'from Pago One.) V tha deep . Indentation burned . by the .harp kettle spouts and hot Iron surface of the atove. . - Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson occupy tha rooms on the second floor of tha house. ' So quickly and quietly bad Bavlgnonl performed his work, that Mrs. Larson heard nothing, and in fact did not know '. that a crime had been committed. . She .. beard tha eoreama of the little baby -as he lay In agony on tha kitchen floor; 'end thinking perhipa tha little fellow -' bad Injured himself while the mother -r wss outside, she rushed-down-thr front atalrs to hla assistance. - At tha bottom of tha "fairs she met Cecil, frantlo with fear. . The little fellow, too young to ; have a full understanding of the. hor- riDie eight nig childish eyes witnessed, wrung his nsnds. His little body shook - with the excitement snd the sobs that ' welled up ln his throat Bba spoke to ' blm, hut be nude only a few Incoherent sounds. . - . .. . , . ... Men Broke Open Boo. - ' . ENen then Mrs. Larson did not realise , that anything waa wrong. While aha f stood In the hallway for a moment try ing to gain something from Cecil, men from the street broke open the front - Dyspepsia fsL Pool think oa cm care rear dyspepsia ia any other war than by strengthening ' aad toning jroar stomach, t That Is weak and Incapable of performing t Ita functions, probably becaoss yon bars imposed opon tt in one way gr another over ' eaa aver again. -l .',." - Too. should take . ' ", Hood'sSaxpaHlIa It si sen rt ben and tone the stomach, emd pennanaotly cures dyspepsia god all ' kioi&BCB tronMti- Accept do nitntltntg. door. ""What's gone wrong" they aaked. and when aha could give them no in formation they told her of the bleeding woman who had but the moment before rushed down ths back atepa and dropped dead en the sidewalk. Then she went to the kitchen. - The little, baby lay -on tha floor close to the body of the grandmother. Ira clothes were covered with blood end be lay In a bloody pool whloh had flowed from the wounds of the older woman. Mrs. Larson stepped over the body of the prostrate grandmother, picked the baby up In her arms and, with little Cecil clinging close tq her, took the children to the home of Mrs. Schmid. who lives In the building adjoining that In which tha murder was committed. Aa ahe reacheu tha bottom of tha atalrs she nearly fell over the body of Julia, who lay In a, pool of blood on the sidewalk. ' . Bathed the Z.1UU leg. - : Mrs. Schmid and Mrs. Larson bathed the lega of tha little one In aweet oil and later wrapped tha boy In towela soaked with cold water, and a bandage was placed over the deep wound which evidently had been -made by the child striking Ita head against a corner of tha stove as It fell from the mother's arms to the floor. Mrs. McMahon, who Uvea at UTLIn coin, a . friend of the Blgnani'a, " was sent for.v She Is an Italian woman and apeaks both her native tongue and Eng lish. The details of the tragedy bad not then been learned - and It - waa thought that Cecil, as aoon aa ha re covered aomewhat from the excitement which shook hla body, would be able to tell of the crime. Mrs, McMahon apent nearly half an hour -questioning the little fallow, but learned nothing. It is not until after aha had returned to her, home that It was learned the little boy wag dumb. V - rathe Zg rramtt: .r . When the father of the two children reached horn from hla place of work be Inquired immediately for tha little ones, and upon being told where they were he rushed into lira Schmld'a Bit ting room where the women were try ing to quiet the screaming- children. "Oh. God. my babies, my babies." be cried as he frantically held them to but breast "My wlfs, I loved her so." he sobbed, these are all I have left" - Than. blinded with tears and dased with the grief that Overpowered him, he put the children back in the care of the women and left the house with Officer Lytle. A few momenta after ward be .had collected himself and during the rest of the morning he worked .quickly and Intelligently in di recting the details and giving Infor mation to the police officers. Information, oonoernlng Bignanl and hla wife and the grandmother, Annlna Vlsmora.. was difficult to obtain from the many Italian neighbors who live In that vicinity. Some bad known tha Blgnanla before they came to this, country from Italy, but of their per sonal history they knew but little. In f sec man, of them, having a apeaklng acquaintance With the murdered woman and Bignanl, did not even know their names.;- - -hsA jjrroaa Borthern Italy. '. Bignanl. hla wife and Annlna Vls mora came from the northern provinces of Italy. A great many of the other Italian residents la the vicinity of the Bignanl home come from southern Italy. The former belong, therefore, to the high class, and the Utter to the low. The difference - lq social position.- aa recognised between the two claaaea in their ratlva country, la brought across the water, with . the result that other Itallana living in the same house and In tha aome neighborhood were unable thle morning to give any Information. The high and low classes of Italian do I not mingle with each other, In Italy, and even in thia country and ln Port--land their araoeiatlone are confined to the member of the olaa to which they belonged before , emigrating to, 4he United BUte. CALIFORNIA TRACT ADDED TO KLAMATH RESERVE Announcement as to Crazing Permits in Certain Reserves This Season. (Wsablastea Banes ef The JoarosL) . ' Washington. Dee. IS. The general land office today withdrew from entry 113,000 acres in northwestern Califor nia, for addition to the Klamath, for est reservation. The secretary of agriculture will la sue graslng permits for the seaaon of 107 for 11.000 cattle and. 160,000 sheep In tha Wallowa reserve, 12,009 cattle and (0.000 sheep in the Chesnlmnus reserve and 10,000 cattle and 100,000 aheep In the Weneha reserve. SIDNEY SL0ANE IN WALLA WALLA PRISON 8perUl DUpeb-n te Tse Joanul ) Walla Walla. Wash.. Deo. It Sid ney Bloane. the boy parricide, arrived on a delayed train frqm Spokane short ly before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon In charge of Sheriff Doak of Spokane county. He waa nloely dressed and was not shackled. He walked from the train to tha penitentiary by the side of Doak and aome guards. Sheriff Doak refused permission to sny one to talk with Bloane, saying: "He would not talk wKh you. anyway." Quite a number of people were at the station and gazed at Bloane curiously a tha word wag passed about that he was the boy murderer. Very few knew that he wss coming outside of newspaper and police circles. . ' Hs was received at the penitentiary as an ordinary prisoner and today is simpler a number.-in stripes.- -Bloane msde no fuss, .according to Wsrdea Xlncatd. No legal proceedings for bis rtieaae nave been begun here. No visitors were eeen by the prisoner this morning. It la reported that Bloane took hi trip down lightly, winking at girls mm the train. He ate hearty lunch In tha diner en route. CHILDREN PLAY WITH i-: . RIFLE ONE IS DEAD (Jesnut fowls! flervlre.) 1 Porte, Ind.. Dep. tl.The 7-year-old daughter of Samuel -- Huely, a farmer; ahot and killed her 4-year-old brother with a rifle while playing. 'Joseph's Pirst City Tan levy. "(peUI Dlapetea M Tse JowmL I ' Joseph. Or.. Dee. t$. Joseph has levied Ita -first tax, which will be I mills. This tax will bring In a revenue of a little over tLl0. which, together with the balance now In the city treas ury, will bring the elty' fund up-to 1.700. Bobert Byars Die f steer fallare. (Spwtal Dtepeteb to The Jmrul.) rreewatsr. Or., Dee. SL Robert fly ers, the state line farmer, who died In his milk wagon from heart failure, when a few mile from this city. Tuea- day, vii burled today.' ' He was about years ef age tad leaves a w(f and It ehlldren, - - DEREI1 : KILLS SELF t (Continued from Pats One.) the floor, which was flowing from a gaping wound l the right ear. . ' KlpoU Telephones Police. Rlpoll did not stop to further ex smlne ths body." but rushed . into the store snd notified FoxsL Believing that ths man was dead,- the coroner and, po lice were notified by telephone.. Detectives tJohn Price and Maloney were dispatched to the acene by Cap tain Moore and found that Bavlgnonl was still alive. Lying alongside hlra on the floor was a Cl-callber Iver-John-aon revolver and In an outside coat pocket a knife scabbard. Price and Maloney had just reported to ths station for orders after assist Ing in the investigation of tha mur der. From the description they had secured of the murderer, the knife scabbard and Poxxl's statement-that hla name was Bavlgnonl, the cognomen of the man responsible for the crimes, there wss no doubt that the suicide waa tV fiend for whom the entire police department were searching. ' The patrol wagon waa summoned and guarded by - two patrolmen Bavlgnonl waa rushed to tha Good Samaritan hos pital. Upon examination It waa found that the bullet had lodged ln tha brain and that he eould not possibly recover, - Plnley Arrives. About the time the patrol wagon .Was leaving the drug store with. Bavlgnonl, Coroner Plnley arrived on the acene in response to the telephone message, but, aa It waa not known whether tne mur derer's self-inflicted wound would prove fatal, the coroner made no further in vestigation. The strsnge part of the affair Is the fact, that no one heard tha report of the platol when Bavlgnonf placed the m utile of the weapon to hla head and pulled the trigger. The two clerks ln the atore Ware In entire ignorance of the tragedy enacted within a few feet of the counter behind which they were working, and had It not been for Poxsi'a action in sending bis assistant to make an invsstlgstlon, the murderer may have lain weltering in his own blood for an Indefinite time. Tha district ln which rthe drug store la located Is denaely pop ulated, but no one in any of the ad- Joining stores or lodging-bouses heard the platol shot SaabaaC Weeps. With hair disheveled, his eyea swollen from weeping and almoat on the verge of proetratlon. Arthur Bignanl, a clerk In a drygoods atore at Front and Sal mon streets, son of one of the murdered women and husband of the other, came to police headquarters as soon 'aa ap prised of tha attempted 1 suicide of Bavlgnonl. From the story told by the distracted man, it la thought by the police that it was Bavlgnonl s Intention -to slay Big nanl, as well aa hla wife and mother. The young man states that, about o'clock 6avlgnont came to the atore and Inquired If Bignanl thought the proprie tor would give him employment Bavlg nonl had been employed In me eatab- Bailment during the three opening days of the special sale now Iq progress but DoJosoof There is no case on re cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other seri ous lung trouble, after had been taken.' ' It stops -ie cough and heals, the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. . ' Do not take chances on a' cold wearing away or experiment with some un known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and jet the genuine. - A Siviri Cold for Thru Uonlhi. ' Tba following; letter from A. J. Not baum, of Batesvllle, Ind.. tell it own story: "I suffered for three month with a severe cold. A druggist prepared ms orae medicine, and a physician pre scribed for tne, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley' Honey ana Tar,, and eight dose cared me.'' Three slje 25c, 50c, $1.00. Th 50 cent slie contain two and ooe-hali time as much as th small lit and tha Jl.00 bottle almost six time M much. SCLO 1X3 RECOEK.EO B1 , . 4U PBUwOISTS. LPnoumonio onlGGord GD8: 1 TAB had been dlschsrged owing to laok of business . Bignanl informed him that he did not know and thereupon Bavlgnonl left the place without further conversa tion. , T - Sfo Certain AsoatTlma. Bignanl is not certain about the e act time when Bavlgnonl . vlalted the store and It t the theory of the polio wat later than he say. ' If this Is trueT Bavlgnonl after slaying his two victims came directly, to the- Front street sore and calmly engaged the hus band and son of tha two women In con versation about a bualneaa matter. Whether he was armed with the re vol ver- with which he aubaequently killed himself, is.not known, and It Is regarded aa orobabla bv the police that it waa hla Intention to shoot Blgnaml. but lacked J the nerve.- - The husband of th murderftd woman saya that Bavlgnonl was greatly en amored of'-hls wife and annoyed her continually with his unwelcome atten tions. On numerous - occasions Mrs. Bignanl complained to her husband ef tha conduct of Bavlgnonl. - According to Bignanl, tha murderer Is addicted to the use' of morphine and may have been laboring under the effects of this drug when committing the murder. Is Well Oonneetsd. . . It ha been learned that Bavlgnonl' brother-in-law Is the Italian consul In New Tork City. The murderer's wife died about, seven yeara ago from con sumption. At the Lewis and Clark fair last yean. Bavlgnonl) conducted a - con fectioneeyetnd In company with an other'ltallan. -r Bignanl Is It year of age and hla wlfs wss of the same e. John Cor ds no, former deputy sheriff, was tha bast man at the weddtng.of the young couple and after arriving at th station the bereaved husband aaked that Cor dane be aummonad. A back was se cured and accompanied by Cordano and 8. A. A rata, Blgnsnl went to the hos pital to see his mother once again, be fore she died, y ,: REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE 'IdlY III THIS CITY Vancouver, B. C, Dealer.- Says Oregon' Metropolis Affords Re markable Opportunities. ' Charlton Donald, a prominent real es tate dealer of Vancouver, B. C. 1 ln Portland atudylng tha real estate altua tlon and declare.! that price are alto gether too low for the advantage of th city. He said that in hi estimation Portland la a larger city than- Seattle, and It prospects srs for a great city. In speaking of what he ha aeen on hla visit to the Rose City, Mr. Donald said: "Portland presents an unusual appear ance of solidity and I ahould say that It haa a great amount of reserve wealth that could be used If called upon.- Her growth has been remarkable and she will undoubtedly become one of the largest cities In the United States. Her geographical position is aplandld and har growth -depends upon Jer people. "In -my opinion Portland ia larger than Seattle, or at leant a large. - The appearance of the city ia deceiving be cause of tne narrow streets and small blocks, also because there are no alley here. . "The best thing about real estate con ditions in Portland is thst many Seattle men are buying property bare. I have been told that thia ia true and It ahowa that Seattle men have aa much faith in Portland's future as they have In Seat tle's. - The .prices for, Portland realty are too low. They are .not in accord with the excellent advantagea offered by nublla utilities." Mr. Donald ha Seen in Portland for a week and left for Vancouver thia aft ernoon. o will return to Portland In a few weeks, when he will probably make purchase in local property. H aald that Vancouver la growing very rapidly and haa doubled in population in tha past six, years. . v FREE WATER CHAMPION IN CLASH WITH WORKMEN -: .--y. Wagnon Speaks of Rotten Water Board and Fellow Starts for Him With Ax. H. D. Wagnon, leader of the cruaade agalnat the water department and its present methods, nenrly collided with pickax ln the handa of one of th em ployee of what he term the "wicked water board" yeaterday afternoon. ' A repair gang was working on a leak at Sixth and Harrison streets. Part of an old wooden sewer' had settled and the water pip waa leaking. Mr. Wagnon earn along. He inquired what waa doing and was told about the wooden sewer. Msrttn Csnavan, a man about half the else of Wagnon, who Is an unusually powerful roan, did the talking. "Nothing of the kind: it's the rotten water board," Mr. Wagnon ia reported to have aald. ' "We'll get 'em yet. Oh, I know, you're Just obeying your mis ter e orders. ' "That's what we're her for," replied Canavan. . Mr. Wagnon moved down the street, but turned to make a remark about the ."thieving water board.?. The man who waa working with Canavan didn't quite catoh hi words, and grabbed the pick. "Thieves, are we?' he shouted "Here's a pickax for you," and thinking that the epithet had been applied di rectly to him he wa about to start for wagnon when his companion explained that the board, an Intangible body not then present, waa being called the bad names. blood was shed. TREMENDOUS DOWNPOUR AT SAN BERNARDINO " 1 IJoarae! Boerlat ' Ban Bernardino, CaL, Dee. 21 Two and a half inches of rain has fallen In 24 hours and the street are flooded. The Santa Fe track la washed out on the loop line and no trains hsve ar rived alnce laat night Employe i of gas and electric plant worked all right throwing up dike to keep out the flood coming from swollen streams. FATAL EXPLOSIONS SALT LAKE SMELTER v- IJoarsal gperial serttee.l " Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. St. One man was killed, three., are fatally In jured and two are seriously burned a reaults of an explosion In the Highland I Boy amelter today, caused by wet dope coming In contsct wltit hot matte whan the big converter wss tapped. The dead man Is Oscar Wallln. The fatally In jured are Thomas Fox. Oscar Tripp and Alma Matthews. Those seriously burned are -Scott Brlnghurt and red Davla. - -.. ;".- .. mee' com ' mm mm To close out balance of ouifHAND-TAII ORED Misses' CQATS, we :placc them ON SALE at exactly ? ; ; ; : '; jj20. 0 0 HAND-TAILORED COATS $10.00 $17.50 HAND-TAILORED COATS $ 8.75 $15.00 HAND-TAILORED COATS $ 7.50 $12.85 HAND-TAILORED COATS $ 645 BOYS -About, 1 00 of the, Best! Boys' $5.00 SCHOOL SUITS, balance of stock on hand, all sizes 7. to 16 years, double seats and knees; to close BOYS' STIFF-BOSOM SHIRTS, 50 cent values, SALE PRICE, m Y. M. C. A. 30 Teachers 50 Courses Winter Term Opens Jan. 2. 1987 Claas. Fee I ma term. a 3.00 Algebra Arcnueoiurai urwuia .., Arithmetic ., Automobile ,. Bookkeeping Carpentry . . . . i Chemistry i.... , Civil Service Classes Commercial Law ............. Com. Corr. and Eng. Comp.T.r Comanerclal Showcard Writing S.OO 2.00 12. O 6.00 5.00 8.00 S.OO 2.00 -2.00 27.00 10.00 2.00 12.00 3.00 . 5.00 5.00 S.OO 3.00 7.00 S.OO 8.00 3.00 . T.OO 8.00 S.OO XO.OO 2.O0 T.OO Electricity ...... Engllah Grammar Gasoline Motor Geometry Machine Design Manual Training .' Mechanical Drawing Mechanics Modern Office Methods.. ..... Mineralogy and Asssylng Mining, Practical Penmanship , Practical Lumbering ........ Pharmacy Plan Reading and Estimating. . Plumbing- Reading and Spelling Real Estate Law Rhetoric Shorthand 3.00 S.OO S.OO S.OO XO.OO 3.00 S.OO - 3.00 6.00 surveying ........... Spanlah . Telegraphy J.,.. Trigonometry . . . .1 Typewriting i . vocal Muslo ...... ......... Wood Turning ... Send for special circular or Inquire for particular of Educational Director. Other Aasoetetlea mvilegee; Oymnaslum, ' swimming pool, hand ball court, running track, reading-room, concerts, lectures. Over 100 different lines of work. Large free Illustrated catalogue farnlahed on .request T. If. C A. Building. Fourth and Tarn t .. hill Streets. THE LOST DIAMOND , , .a . . Lost Jewel with a palpitating story may. be numbered by the score. Who can (uea, indeed, how much or crime. jealousy and passion have coruscated ln th world' famoua dlamohdaT The lovely oval diamond known aa th ''Eu genie is emphatically a diamond with a' past, for it originally belonged to Catharine II of Ruasla, who wore It set ln a hairpia. It was the gift of her lover. Potemkln, who supplanted Greg ory Ortoff, forever assoclsted with the Orloff diamond, which now adorn th Russlsn Imperial scepter, and la, kept In the treasury of the winter palace at St. Petersburg. Napoleon III purchased the "Eugenie" at th time of hi wed ding frond a grandnlec of Potemkln (so It evidently reverted to tne Potemkln family), and presented It to his bride. after whom it waa renamed. The em- preae- were it all through bar reign as the center atone of a diamond necklace which, after the Ftanoo-Pruealaa war, wa sold fo th Oaekwar of Bareda for MgM Setidol ONE-HALF PRICE $311 m , It's Our Business to Know Correct Style V and Good Quality . , When It's From Robinson's You' Get Both Style and Quality Robinson THE CITY IS FULL BARGAIN But what about a stock bf first class merchandise of ths 1 .' '. - - well known firm of v JOHN You find Men's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats posl tivejy worth $12.00, $15.00, $17,50 and $20.00 at Clear ance Prices of $6.60, $7.35, $9.45 and $12.85. , f . How about $1.00 and $1.60 Shirts Clearance Price 38c? What do you think of $2.00 and $2.50 grade Hats for 75c? ' v Such sacrifices we also have on Pants, Underwear, teen- 11 ".' eral line of Shoes, Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets snd Corn. rforters. . '. - ,' , ' We are giving np the store on THIHD AND DAVIS1-' and must reduce the stock at' FIRST AND YAMHILL. 7 Take advantage of this great chance. J, ' . , n.00. Ever slnfce the lalter trial for administering diamond dust to those of his subject whom h wished to get rid ef a plsn whloh he attempted ono too often In th rasa of coionei r nay re. the British resident end his subsequent deposition from th throne of his an castors, this Jewel, together with many ilLU I 4- LEADING CLOTHIER T This Cut 'Represents the Xarly Spring Block From Dunlap & Co.1' OP ALL KINDS OF i 1 ii , i'i , . i , !, . . ii ii j. a others, ha been completely loat sight of. As regards th Orloff diamond, It is eurleu to- mention that although Cath erlne eoented It from Prince Orloff, ah did not take him back Into fsvor. Its purchase- coat Orloff 190,000 down, and., an annuity of 14.000 to the Jew from whom b bought It Into the bargain, .. -A.''. V A ft.