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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
THE : OREGON pAlLY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY 'EVENING, DECEMBER -28, 1908. !5 You Should '...C V'-'-'.V UuMnNiu'wuliMiK, .. ' ' , , ' . Goad eletaee aire oesonttal ; ....... - Aad tf bias blaad H rata fort, v -": ""-.. ;'":'" ' MifUutUL ' . " . Bat If a Mil yea weald wla ' Llka tkU aIe, eelaalal. '' . . Ot til pat a aread ad la y '., r Taa aolaaaa MsUe-lanaalaL . ';" - IN THE JOURNAL, ; DAILY AN IX SUNDAY. RATE: One Cent per word. More than two insertions, Fire ' Cents per line each day, or Thirty Cents per line per week of seven 'days. ;.: - :.':: : ' ' Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for- regard less of the number of words. -' "! ' .. 1 NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN J5c. "ORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS - BOR4.ES aad boggles far rrnt by day. wrak ' aad month; apodal rataa to buelneea nouses. 'Sixth aad Hawthorns. Eaat 7A t WB bar, sen. rent, eicbanga bene, wsgona, - '.' caddled, harness. Hubert a Rail, 2B 4t- at. FOR SALE A Mover top baacy la flntlaaa . - aadliloa: alaa alrrant phaaloa front dallTatf wacon. flaaat mada. 16 L'oloa aa. 1 129 BUTS pair of paya, bona and mar. - Wright 2.400 lha.: fbod workrra, alngla ot dnabla;' aiao naar hcary baraaaa and farm - wa.on. CaU 2S Norta 14th at. EPS BUTS taam. bona and aiara, T and S raara ., aid; rlda or drlra, waif ht l.CBo aarb; alaa jww aano-aaaaa anving aaraaaa ana ranoer. J tlrod kuiri prlra 9a Call Basal Btablaa, - 14th and Baraalda at. ; 11 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. ' ' aSt -JOB SALE S rood nti. C. O. , Jaffaraon aaayoa. Tal. Paclfla 788. CARNEY'S Veterinary RoaplUI, S88 Ollaaa at. rOR BALE Horaa and wigoa. for $40. Rln at., Portland Height. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SSO REWARD for Dmof that anr talk In ma . rblae - eqaala tna .Edlaon pbonograpb; roav i plate atork; aaay naymanta, Portland Phono - graph Ageacy. 12S Serenth at. Mala SWS. RHERMAN. CLAX CO. are tba larreet plana. dealera oa the Pad- coaat. Sea thea If piano. - TIMBER. SHmdH COLUMBIA TIMBEB LANDS W bare for eale large and email tracta of fine tinner, note oa water ana rail) ' ntirea from S4 on. aroordlna to location: ' tell a 7 oar wanU aad will be pleaeed ta aubottt lift, tugrae K. C handler, 407 Ha. tlngi at.. YaneoBTor. . V. t CERTIFIED errtjOany alaa, loweat prtcaa. Q. Howell. BSS Chamber of Commerea. WB bar eaah buyer for yellow pin timber , lande in Oregon and Waabtngtnn; atao for - yellow nr. apraca ana namiora cimoer tanua) win boy from ana claim np If price aad lore. Care riant, wut pay caaa tor good ro nlthmenta. Wa bare bad IS rear' ax. perieac ta roaet Umber baatnraa, aad bar - competent crnleera woo will pee oa tba laad without delay. . EMBODY A BRADLET CO, . ' T06 Cbambar of Commarca. ftt OWNERS ot timber elalma and timber Wa .. will buy for eaah any good timber tributary .' to Nebalem rlrtr; will deal with ownrra - only; a otbera aeed anewer. write, glrlng full partiraUra, to Bex. s. U. P. Sutloa, Portland, Oregon. -a,.f. WANTED Soma good timber 'bold tare ta Or. gon or Waabtngtoo. Owaera only need apply. . Addreas X 40, car JonraaL OUR bnyera will be ber after Jaanary 1, ready - for baalneea; eeod la your timber taade to na eo wa caa make a preliminary aad make oar . report to the twyere when they arrlre. Ilobaa a Teggert. 811 bldg.. S4.000.000 FEET cedar and Sr. 3S mile at , Portland, oa Sne logging atream, caa drlea to Portland mill; 1 tbrnaaad; belt caeh, . eaay term: 10 yeare to cat; a agente or . trlnora. , ueorga w. uixon, canny, FOB good timber claim aad homeateada moat dMlrable locality, phone Scott 11,30. la BOllTHEAST i aertlon 0. townablp 80 aoatb. range 3 weat: 8.000.000 feet No. I timber) a bargain. S03 Lamber Exchange. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BXCHAV0B desttatrr for. painting, hlogllng. rarpeatarlns. CaU room S, 323 Vb Waahlng- toe ai. 30 ACRES, timbered. aortbwiMt of Port lend, ta Brna-ger tracU; t Iota la St. Jnhne, 5 Inta ' oa Portland HelghU. prlr 11.57ft; all for . exchange for aa lmprored bona la acreage near carllne. J. J. Bold, S2B Bomatda at. HARDWARE etcre, email atock farm mecbln . err. werebone and S Iota, all for 11.000; will tike city property or acreag tor pert eon lnrthia. Title M bargain. 1, i. Bekl, - t3 BorneMa at. - BAIT IXTEBEST la Urery and aalea arable; VI aalery extra la connection with bnalneee, free llTlng-ronma; will take roomlng-kouaa a part payairnt; look tble ap. Alexander Ind Co, SUth. aear Fla. I'bon Pactfle 15. SlOnO MOBTOAfiB to exchange for bona aad lot aema ralne; Ineeatlgate, Alexander Land . c., S4H Sixth, aear Ploe. Pbona Pacts SS. 1KP0MH arnr tralldlng. bring In I1JIM) montb; trane tor rarant lot; price ll.XAA Ale tender Land Co., S.'lft Sixth, near fine. phone Pacltta 0. ' FOR SALF' OR EXCIIANOR Cigar, nentee. tloaery bnalnraa wllhy poolroom ' good loe. ' Hoe; price flOO. Addreea K lot. J on real. 0UTHWBST U ectlon Id. townablp 41 aonth, , rang 0 waul; . 000, 00 anger pin. SOS Lamber txebenge. 100x100 rOBN'EB In Caarada I-ock; (In loca tlon for ammrt bem. SOS Lumher Ex fliiiH'. .FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SKT.F-CHANOCMAKINa rub teglatet tog Sal aUA I wi !.. , Advertise. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print yocr aama aa BO ealllnf earda, propar alaa aad atjrle, Mc; 290 baalnaaa carda, li. A. W. Sehnala Co., t2 rkrat, Portlaad. Or. SEWIKO MACHINES bnobt aoM and ax . chanavd. f 5 and an. . Waatani Balraga Co., 627 Waablnftoa at. SHOWCASES, eountara, flxtaraa, bouht, aold , or exchanged. Weatrra Salraga Co., . S2T Waablngtoa at. . Paelfie T8S. BILLIARD AND POOL tab lea for rant or for . eale on easy paymenta. , TUB BRUN8.WICK BALKfe COLI.EKDEE 00. a xnira etM - rviau. . 0 BLIOHTLT damaged - eewlng-marhln at very loir prirea; Slngrr, Wbrrlar a Wllaoa, Donwetle, White, Hooaebeld, Darla aad otbera; to Bake room to nrw atork Wberler a Wllaoa, and Slngtra. S. S. Slgrl, S3S Mor- . rlaoa at., Uarquaoi bldg. SHOWCASES aad flxtnrra, saw and aoeoad head. Carlaou a Kallatram, S8S Coach . SECOND-HAN B bar Sxtare. pooltnbiM, aafea. table, cbalra. . Waaler Bairage Co -487 Waablngtoa at. . . HOLDBN'S BHEUMATIO CURB Sore core for rbeumatlam. Sold by all drogglata. - . S300 NBW upright plan lino, Krakonor np rlght HS, orgaa 114. nltar, maadolla, $S. S41H Flrat at earner Main, a pa ta Ire. CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Bible aad rayar-l uytaaa tsro., xzw xmniu c FOR SALE 129 Boa ton terrier, yonng, haad- Appiy to room u, no. i rirat at. FOR SALE Chatham tarabatore aad brnodera. t S4 day' free trial. . Geo, W. Feott, til Beat Morriaoa L, rortiaaa. COMPLETE aet ot tinner too la la good condl tlon, cheap. 41 Grand are. Phono Eaat 127. FOB SALS CHEAP 1 large hot-etr fornaco; can a aeea at norta Front at. PERSONAL MOLES, - wrmklea. mperflaoo hatr removed. ' No charge ta talk It ova. Mra. M. D. Hill. Boom 830 FUednar Bldg. Pbona Padflo' ISO. WBRFO0T Oil Blacking aavee tba laaUwr; ab- aoiuiajy waterproof. , HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Sara car tor rheamauam. Bold by all drugglata. BALM OF FIOS for 0 femal dlaei ess Pbon Eaat 4084,. GERMAN book a, magaalnea, aovela. tc.,f Oer- maa, English. French, Speaieb. Swedish and Italian diction arte; foreign books of all kind. Schmato Co, 228 Flrat at. ' A. RRINEB, PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, fnra remodeled, repaired and redyed; 80 year' xprienc fanrare entlr aturacTioa. raon racine X4T, Lewi pug. SEAINB PILLS car all form of nervooa ot ntnernlar weaknea. For men or women. Price 1 a box, S boxe IS. with fall guar antee. Addree or nil J. O. Clemeneon. drag gist, Second and Yamhill ata.. Portland. Or. DR. VINO CHO0N0, Importer Chine root tried IHnee; eelle Chinee tea. rertaia car far all diseases, lftl 3d, bet. Xamhill aad Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCH CM car promptly private aieeeeea, aianey, narvoua, exam ana special femal troable. Call or writ. Offic 170i Third at, oar. Tamkll. Pbon Pacific S22U. DOLLS HOSPITAL Repairing aad flies lug 8. S43Vb Waahugtoa at SWEDISH trained anreo, Heleingfor gradnete. varaa roeameiiaai, aiomacn froanie a nor. voa dleoroer by had-rbblng. ateam, sweat aad tub baths; both seise. No, T Beet 11th t- Tab Eaat Aakaay ear. Pbon Eaat 800. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orthronlaa bldg. .ladlea eye, geaueaaea aigau. ataia iiioa. MANLY eigne reatored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve uioouiee. vh moan a treatmeot, e 8 avrntb, SB; sent eorarely aaaled by man. Agenta, Woodard, Clark A Co.. Portlaad. Or. SUITS preset rl wblkt yna wait. one. Ladle klrta press rd. SOe. Gilbert. 10e.A Sixth at, next ta Quelle. Pbona Mala 808S. I GENTLEMEN'S plain and fancy eewhlg. Par. or ai ana u, ims Btnrx etreeu BERT magaaln etob vr offered; eeod for Srico; agenta wanted, 'one' Book Star, H Aid at.. PortUad, Or. HOLD ON Tber I ao thing that will ear rneamatmm. as yoar drugtlat for bark toale. or addree or call J. U. Clemeneon, dmggait, Porllajsd, Or. WANDA, tb fa Ka I palmlat, t Piftb, ep Pboaa Mala S1AS. posi te sajrtaan. CHIBOPODT, acalp treat men ta, medicated facial mass age. xt v suing ton at. BKFINED lady gtvee manlewlng, chlrnpody. eesip aa racial treatment, .aoiv Third at,, eomee Taylor. - - DISEASES OF WOMEN; smforrnnate girl and naMea cared for; private hospital. Dr. Atwood. a. eoure mor. ex.- i tl, r seine iio. M1RS GIRROV lira acalp treetasaati daadraff. xonvb merneoa ex. X0UN0 actentlSe maeaaaa give electrical, a. eohoiie ai meoicatea Treatments; enlropodlet and manlmrlng. 41 Raleigh bldg. .. CAFES. THS QrrTCT-2U1 Washlaitoa rt, pboa Malt Ilae nmmi.1 AUTOMOBILES. r. T. MKRRILI fop TnW. nra. ae pas- e . eu V" near, unie Mnnn im ua. tlaln 62ft. ? Stand S. E. corner Sixth and Washlngta, N. B. T Ms-rills Cullt Eil sirs ,x .,1 ASSAYERS. OARVIN CTAMIiB EXTRACTION CO., sad Moutsu Assay Office. )M alorrlaoa at. - ART. PORTLAND WHOLESALE RETAIL ART CO. Representing oh of the largest eastern masu facturere, are able to how you tba Onset ' dleplay of -trlrturea In tba city. Wa cordially Invite roo to rail before purchaalog le where. . IMS Washington at. UFBKB LES80NS la embroidery every dy new .muv , .in .w.i. I. RKm-nmi, noiero jarketo. hat, umbrellas, etc Tba Nedle rraft Shop, SK3 Waablngtoa at., batweca Park and Troth ate. ,- - PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. M Alder ti Fortralt and laadaeapa artist and taaebar. ATTORNEYS. C B. PIOOOTT AND I. A. FINCH Attorny-at-Law. Practice la all eoaxt. 4 Mulker bide, earner Second aad Morrison. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM. 10-111 Second at. - Blank book manufactured; agente for Jon Improved Looee-Leaf. ledgera; to nee Eureka leaf, the beet on toe market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. BCTCHEB SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwald Co., S04 S0S Everett t. ; largest butcher eupply bona oa tb coaat. Write tor catalogue. . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adplpb A. Dekan. 131-183 Flrat at., carrlr a Tub Una and com plete aeorttnent at loweat market price. CARPET CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co..' largest pleat aa tb coaat. Lorlng and Harding ate., tele phone Eaat SN0. Carpeta leaiMd, refitted, on wed aad laid; both ateam end latest eotn preaaed air process; reooratlag aattroaaxa and fathr a epeclelty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and com pressed air combined; carpet cleaned on floor without removal. Main 0S34. Mala 8200. CLEANINQ AND DYEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed II per moats. L'atqo Tailoring Co. , sun Stark at. H. W. TURNER, profeaelona dyer and cleaner. COS JaMaraoa at. Pbona Main 3613. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and. Dying Work. SU Fourth it. Pbon Paclfla 07. COAL AND WOOD. THE Portland WoodvaV-Conl Co. are now doing bualnea In tbnfr new yard, at the corner of . IStb and BavlaV atretta. Fir, ash, slab wood aad ooaL . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealera In cordwood, coal and green and dry ilabwood. R. K. and Alblna ava., S block eaat ot ferry. Eaat S74. STEEL BRID0B FUEL CO. Iealera ta coal, cordwood aad dry elabwood. Pbona Xaat 424. OREGON FUEL CO til kind of coal and Phone Main SB. S54 Alder at. PORTTtAND Sawdnet Klabwood Co., SS5 Front, successors to Fultoa Wood Co. Man 1030. WESTERN FRED A FUEL CO. Houea aad blacksmith eoale. . Phono Mla 101S. CHIROPODISTS. fjCHIROPODT and Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill. Hoom B3U rntirmer King, raona i-acirie iso. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 1. A. MELTON, the carpenter. 204 Fourth at. Store end office work. Mala 177. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, - A SPECIAL SB RBADINO FOR SI.' - ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. v, , PBOF.- E. KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant af tb age; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom ye wlU marry, bow t control toe on yon . lev, even though mile away; reunite til eepe fated; give secret power to control. I will do all otbera advertise to do. and a great deal more. THB RNTIRH WORLD IIA8 BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT hi COMMAND, and I prove It to yon with oat price by giving yoa a FRKE TEST FRKB " By baring your NAMB TOLD (lit FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOR. and alve roa advice absolutely FBEF1 before yoa decld to bsv reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORI TO COJ1VTNCB THB SKEPTICr DO NOT MISS riHS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BB OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. , PROF. B. KHIMO. ' Permanently located la hie Own Home, HOURS, 10 TO 8, DAILT AND SUNDAY. , No. 2BB Fifth at, corner Madbwn at. PBOF. WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant and - medium; reedlnga 60c. Parlor 4, Tb Coa- moa, StiSH Morrison at. DRESSMAK1NO. TRY Angelea Dremmaklng ' Fular,. S4 Fifth ana Hale, racirw vto. 1 DANCINO. DANCINO leeaon. S8e; rUeee or prtrate; walta- Ing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stag daaclng, hock and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spaalsb, Highland fling, ate Prof. Wei Wilson, old est recognised teacher, Allsky bldg.; Third and Morriaoa at. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clss Won day, Tbnrsday - and Saturday eve. l aneiaL fancy and step dancing taught ; fencing taught; private leaaon oairy. weerera Acad emy hall, Seeoad and Morriaoa. Pacific 1030. PROF. RINOLER, Miss Bockenmeyer Leading cnooi; naurooa etiquette; correct- oanetng; claae Tnee-Sat. eve.; children Sat. p. m. private leeaon daily. 808 Alder. Mala 1801. PROF. BATON Dancing achool: class for ladle and gent Monday aad Tnureday even toga, Arton hall. Phono , Eaat SSO. - c BtlOWN'S Dancing Academy. Borkbard ha 817 H East Burnsld. Phoa) Mala 8718, Dance Tueedays. a seassersa aassaaaa bs3 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIO CO. Rnglneera. aoatrac. tore, repair ra. lctrlc wiring, auppllee. 04 . First, oar. SUrk. Mala asv. B. H. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIO WORKS, St Slttb at. Contractors, electric auppllee, motor and dy namo; wa lnataB light aad power plant. MORRISON ELECTRIO CO., t East Mo lee. a at- riitures, wiring, repairing. East SI2S. FURNACES. BOYNTON wirm-an fnmscee eav Bayer Farasr Co., Sns Second. Mala 41. C. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RB A IBOf WORKS 2yi y land era sr., cor. TDiro. rnon Haia gooo. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINB waglaea. all else aad at-rtea, at loweat price, Beiraoa lacunary c, 18S-4-S Morrleon at. HOTELS. THB BELLBVUC, Foarth aad Salmea ete. Hooma ap: rate or wee or moa ta; oat-of-towa trad aoltcltod. Paclfl Z16B. HOTEL Partlaad. American plan, 81, IS per day. BELVRDBRE: Kui plaa: 4th nd AMer era. INSURANCE. isa ao u warn, a bids, JAB Met. WOOD, ample TV re Ha Ml It y aad an. dleldoal aorjl.nt aecnrity nana ex au aiao. Ai. . av 'HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. enltrlte opnnrtnn liy to quota prlree. 74 Sixth at. Pacific 460. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and (or eale. All klnda. Including approved foreet reaerre errlp for eureeyed, ao eurreyad, timber aad prairie government land. 11. M. Hamilton, Tba Portland." Portland. FOB SALE Laad ecrtp, orrtided and gueraaj. .teed-., elwaya oa hand. Vtl Falling bldg., Portlaad. Oregon. Maglnnte a Boa. MUSICAL. TUB WKHBBR STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gal. tar metraclloai Olbeoa maadolla. . 4IIVi ' Waihlngteo), S COPIES popular moale. onr own aalectioa. poet paid. Lt Lery'a Maal Houea. PIANO, Ttollo. planau tramhnn. clartaet Pi feeeor B A. Sialth. S&4 ISth. Mala 470S. MONUMENTS. NKU KINORLET. SOS Firat at.. Portlaad' leading marble aad graalte worka. MACHINERY. 8. TBBNKMAN a CO Mining, eawmlli, V. Ilng machinery; hydranlle pipe, raatlagi all uida repaired. 104 North Fnortb. THE H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-band, ma. ehlaary. aawmlHa. eta. S48 Qrand ava.;. - - A. 1. PAUL. 101 First St.. ea.nnea. bo! let, saw. u a hsvdibpii, n ivss Art -. a awrt tna BJ a bBbJs OPTICIANS. DB. B. 1. MILLS -a. Optometrist aad Eyesight BpscUIM. Baoaae SS-tf. 828 Waablagtoa atreet. ' MONEY-TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property er tor bnlldliig parnoaee, for from 8 to 10 years, time, with privilege to repey H or part of loea after twa year. Loan approved from plana and ' money advanced, aa betiding progreaaes; mort gage taken ap and replaced. - rBBD H. STROM. FlnaacUl Agent. S48 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa salaries. Insure oca pollcle. planoa, furniture, warehouse receipts, etc any deeervtoig prraon may eeenr a lib eral advance, repaying by vary weekly or monthly installment. MEW. ERA LOAN a TRUST COUPANT. 205 Ablngtoa bldg. MONBY LOANED TO SALARIED- PEOPLE Jost oa yoar own name e other aerarlty; don't borrow nntll yoa eeemimy aystem la. the beet for railroad men. clerk, bookkeeperv atreetrar men end all other employes; busl- aea strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. , C MONEY ADVANCEDi-SALARlbD PEOPLB and others upon their dwa Dam wltboot secur ity; cheapest rates, easles paymeata: office In 80 principal cltlee: save jroureelf money by getting onr terroe first. TOLMAN, S23 Ablngtoa bldg., 1004 Third at. WANTED Note; mortgage or contract, on ny kind of real eatate la Oregon and Wash ington; second mortgages parchaeed if wail aecored. 11. E. Noble, .813 Commercial blk. MONEY to loan la sum to suit, S and B year. aa low as S per cent, on Improved city prop erty. Moaltoa Scabey, Bill Columbia bldg., SOB Waahingtoa at. DON'T barrow money oa salary until .yoa see Huttcn Credit Co, '-,. (U Deknm bldg. ' y - W. 8. WARD, lawyer, Allaky bldg. Probata and mortgage bualnee eullclted; moderate fee; loan mony oa mortgage jtsoak 2u0 ap; easy term. XOUNO scientific mass ease give ereeti cal, al nfropodlst coholic sod medicated treatments; chiropodist aad manicuring. 41 Raleigh bldg. MONEY Vnaned oa furniture, piano aad other aeesrltlee. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, W ssh tngtoa bldg. Phon Paclflo 1832. MONEY to loan; large loan specialty r ale building loans ; lowest rateat- fir laiaraoc. WIllltB U. Beck, 818 railing blag. CBESCXNT LOAN CO., -42S Mohawk, bldg Money to lend oa eeey-neyment plan ta waga- atrictiy -oonriqentm. . MONEY Wllllai to loea on all kind of eecarity Uou, room waablngtoa Didg. TO LOAN Sum to anit on c battel security K. a. rra m. oi xna Marqaam. MONEY TO LOAN Fir tnrarance; real eatate. Motter A McKeaala. 2OV-210 CommarclaJ blk TO LOAN 83,000 or less oa city property. A. Johnson, SIS Commercial blk. . A LOAN for tb asking eslsry r ehattL Loaa Co., 410 Dekum bldg. Tba OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, graduate of th Northern Inatttute f Osteopathy, class of mi; s pecis list oa aervoua, acute ana chronic dlseeeee: eoneultatloa and examlaa tloa free OfOc 217 Fcatoa blug. Pbon . ParlBe 1180.. DKS. ADIX A NORTHRCP, 418-16 17 Deknm bldg., Third and Washington st. Pbon Main 84. Examination fro. tr PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO Th Pioneer paint Co.; window glass aad glaring. 138 First st. . Pbooa 1334. - vPRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTERt Artistic printing. 20 Ruaael bldg., Foortb and Morrleoa. I'bon PaclSo 1626. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to catalogue and newspapers. Metropolitan Printing Co., 147 Front st. 0OILBEB BROS., printers Card, billhead. etc. Pbona Mala 1868. 14&H First st. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR rtllabl work, mnoibli pr.M. Hh-ehy , Bra., zamatii, Dr jid. Mam '. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plumber, 381 Second, bet, Mala and Bs l mo, irregon pnon main xMa DONNERBERO BADEMACHEB. removed to No. 80S Bunuld t. REAL ESTATE. Pajne & Vac Tyne Boat etar. la' XlO Allsky bldg. itventa, OMrtragea. loan. Pboa hssk 2208. PARRISII. WATXIN8A CO., Beat eeUte, triau ranee, rental and , agents. 260 Aides at. has I. W. OGII.BEE, real eetate and loan; eetak- lisbed inn. laAvk nnt st... room it. A. B. RICHARDSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTOAGI LOANS. Phono Msln BSOn. 822 Cbsmber of Cam mere. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing, i. Loan, gii jegTtereoa at., fac. mz RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS. 340 Alder St.. pbon Mala 710; runner etamn. see la, etenellei hag gsg. trade checks; brsse eigne and plat. SIGN PAINTERS. . FOSTER KI.EI8ER SIGNS. ' We bae built np the largest algn bnalneee la tba city by first -els work end beeping oar promises. Our prices ere right. Fifth aad Everett (ta. Pbon Excbenge 66. F. T. RRROER A SON, 84 YamhUj at. of all bind. - Pboa PacIS SUJX Sign SIONS THAT ATTRACT" -A. H. Boat Co., IX T Stark at. Ptm Fciae inar) STREET- PAVING. WARREN Coostmctloa Co.. street paving, aid. walk and enoanlng. 814 Lumber Exchange. THB Barber Asphalt Paving C. at PecUand. Ofoc IM vorcaaia Pi. . ;, BANKS. FIRST BATI0VAL BABX OF P0BTLABD,' 01E00V. , rwUoated, Dcpealtorr and MnaadnJ Agent of tba Baited State. - Pldni A. t. MrtJJt Itaa2ar7. ,....... W. NRWEITiar Amtalant Caablcr W, C. ALV0MD Seoaod Aaelatant Caablcr B. F. rJ3EVB.S w.' t Credit Atallable la Euros and the Eealera afatc. . P, ' . ," and Tel. graphic? Trauafere aold on New Vork. Boatoo, Chicago, St. Laab). i"'!1: 0m,h' Franolaco and the prlnrlial polau In the Nnrtbweet. Kight and time bllai drawa la auae to euit oa London. Perm, BerUe. Fraiikfort-oa-tha-Mala. Hongkong, okohame, Q'pDbgcn. t hriml.ula. Stockholm. Hi. Ivifr.barg. Moecow. Eurlck. LATBSmiOI, BAMKEBA (Eatabllabed la 1M.) TranaaeM a Seaeral Banking Buaiaeea. Collrcrloeja mode at all nolata aa faror ' able terina. Lettere of crelit laaued available In Europe and all potnta la the I'nlteS State. -Might fcxebange and Telegraphic Tranarvra aold oa New York, Waahingtoa. Chicago. Ht. Lot)!, IenvOr. Ojnaba. San rrauctaeo and -alnntana mnA British IVil.mhl.. Ci.hinM aold a London, Parte. Berlin. Franktort Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honohjm. M XBCHABTS' BATIOMAL BASK. P0RTLASD, 0RXOOW. 1. FBANK WATSON.. , .Prealdent R. W. H0VT Traneacta a General Banking Buaineae. Inreft ? - - All Part of the World. u aua ,1.1 jimatuaiaLi. vevoja va Nortbweet Corner Third Tnnaacra a General Bauklna Bualnea. the Calted State and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection Mad oa Favorable Terma. Prealdent .. .(. C. AI.NKWOK I1I Caahler. . B. V. St'HMEER V tee-i'realdent ............. R. LtA BAUNCS 1 7 Aaelatant Caahler B ABXXBS' 4V LUMBEXMEN S BANK Portlaad, C-rege. Corner Second and Stark etreeta. ' Commercial and avtnga department. Interest pgid on saving account. Drafts and letter of credit leaned available to all narta of the world. I: C- PBLTON, .Prealdent T FRED II. ltOTlirillU).. .First Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING Seeoad Vlce-Prealdeat I HB 8AHX OF CALIFOBBIA Ittabllahed Capital paid np 81,000.000 I Surplus and undivided profits. .. .810.003. 4o2.33 General Bsnkln and Exchanaa Bualnea Transacted, lntereat oa Time Denoalta, SAVINUS DKPARTMENT Account PortUad Branch Chamber WM. - B. MACBAB).. ?, . Manager ' t. TRUST COMPANIES. P0XTLABD TRUST COMPAJfT OF 0KZ00V Tk Oldest Trnrt Cempaay la Oregen. RE.IOI RCF.S OVER 8I.7BO.O00. Oenerel Banking. Two per cent Interost oa chock accounts (even hundred) aa dally balaneee of 8300 or over. Letter ot credit and eirhenxe on all part ot tb world. Saving account. Time certlflcatr. S to 4 per cent; nnort-eall (pedal ccrtlflcata. 8o0u or ever, iiW to 4 per cent. Cell for Book of ''lU.I.RTBATIONS.' . Sontheaat Cornea. Third and Oak Streets. - Phone Privet EXchsng 78. rBENJ. I. COHKN ,. ..President I B. LHB PAGET.; ,. Secretary 1. O, 0OLTBA ..Aaelatant Secretary SEOTXITY SAVIB0S TRUST CttMPAJTr-lss Merrlaea Street, Portlaad. Oregon, i TVs assets General Banking Bnslnee. RAVINGS DBPABTMENT. Interest Allowed ea . Tim and Saving Accounts. Acta a Trustee for Eetatee. Draft aad Letter of Credit Available ea AU Farta of the World. - . C. F. ADAMS, ..President I A. L. : BULLS. .Second Vlce-Prealdent I GEO. E., Ttl SHKLL.,. . Taa ausToaBS wVAaaJiTEX at TXVST cggfui aajiK. , TranaarTja a General Banking Buatnes. Inter eat Paid on Tim Ds posit. Saving Departmeat; 4 per. t ent Interest Allowed, Compouaded ' Quarterly, , ,' capital ,.. -o,oov.ev ' - . 0. W. WATERBUBY. Prealdeat i C. W. MILLEhvT Vice-President - 8. LOGAN -HAYS Aselstent Secretary - Elks' Temple. Seventh snd Slark Streets. Phone Main 184. Open Saturday Evening 8t 8. N' OBTKWZaTERjr SDABABTEZ A TBVST Lumber Baebenge, S. E. Corner Second and Stark Btreeta (Mcoad Boor. rilCiL ACENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State. Coonty. Municipal Corporation Bond snd Financed, flocks TITT.X OTAJLAMTEX a TBTfST COMOPAJf T-StO WASHJX0T0W STREET. . M0RTUAGB LOAN'S oa Portland Real Estate at Lowest f Bate Title Inanred. Abatrseta Fnrnlshed. ' - J. THORBURN ROSS. President JNO. X. AITTHIHON ..,,'.. ;Seereta t.KOROB H. HILL Vlce-Prealdent I BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0XXIS BX0TH IBS Chaj abar f Com meroe Monlcipal. Railroad end Public Service Corporstlon Bond. D0WXTX O-HOrXIXS COb AIT Etablib4 18S8 BX0XXXS. v STOCKS, B0XDS. GRAIN Bought and Bold for- Cash and aa Margin, t Private Wlrca. BOOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Pbona Mala ST. THE J. 0. LXX X)AXY ) jnonweeJth Bldg., Sixth aad Ankeny sta., Portlaad, Oregoa. -. - Brokerage Department H. W. Donahn. Manager. See r Before Buying or Selling Stock or Bonds. Caa Always Save To Money. - OVS 3. WILDE H0XI TXXZTKOXX B0XDS BAXX BTOCXS. " . . . Member Portland Stork Exchange. Corner Sixth and Waahingtoa Street, Portland. Oregon. Oyerbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. t ' 0XA1X, PX0VI8I0XS, COTTOlf. STOCKS AltD BONDS. .". WI SO A SIBICTLT OOMMIBtJIOX BUaUTXSw. CoaUnaoa Market by Private. Wire. Qnlek Service. -. REFERENCES Ledd A Tlltoa, Baak era, and United State National Bank of Portland. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description J bank, bar snd store fixtures mad to order. Tb Lntk Manuiacrurtng uo,, rorusna. R. H. BIRDBALU dealgner; agent M. Winter Lumber Co 1 Hamilton bldg. btala 6630. m aaaaa aasss saa . mmt , t . SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sols agents for Herrlng-Hall-Marvla ssfe snd Mangan Steel Safe Co.' bank (afe. Th largest ortmnt ot high-grad fir end burglar -proof aafea la tb northweat, 82 Sevenlb at. . DIEROLD Manaan and ire-oroof eafe: lock out opened; metal Siture; ' vault and Jell work; Jacks. J. B. Da via, nd Sd. Mala 1866. EIGHT second hand fire-proof safe aad two eecond-baad bank aafea for eale cheap, at 70 Sixth at., Portland, urefoa. SEWING MACHINES.' PHONB Pacific 8730 and I personally will call v and repair yoar eewtiig-machlne; work guar anteed. S. Sam, adjuster. 861 Third St. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUABTERS for new and rebuilt type writer of ail max; aee onr winoow; n roa are going to buy a new typewriter aee a bo for buying; we- re gave yoa money; wa bava part for repairing all machines state un lie iw la. , i.jui. iv., wv va ' sihu. or typewriters, its' Typewriter s;tcnsnge, Inc.. E. J. Ellison, manager, 84 Third at. WJS sell Aemlngton. Smith-Premier. Dene- mores, etc., lower man any otuer company; lurrsUgate. Underwood Typewriter Co., 68 6th. TYPEWRITER Repair A Supply Co., 480 Wash ington St. intone Mala sews. BLICKEKSDERFER typewriter. 840 and SSO; aupplle. repairing, ttoss a Hoss. -Ail1 mars. TRANSFER AND HAULING. cor. Slxtb and Osk at.; baggage ebecked from hotel or reside ace direct to destination passspgtra therefor avoid rush and sanoy ano at depot. Private Eichatge W. SAFES, planoa and furniture moved, parked reany tor snipping ana enippea; en w a guaranteed; lerge l-etorv brick tre-prwf warehoue for etoreg. Ofnce osk el. Olaen A Roe. Phone Mala B47. a 0. PICK- arte 88 First t.. between Stark and Oak ts., pbon ow; piano aad furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick warehoue with ee Derate Iron rooms. Front ana nay at. CUT rata oa bouse hold goods to all point east: we make np carloads; special room ror trunks while waiting. Oregon aaio-iieepatca. la First St. Phone Msln 718. BOSB CITY VAN CO.. of8c 141 First t.. pbon Msln 22n, Farnttnr sna plsao-moving a specialty! w gnaraatoa ear work. NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO, 270 Osk St. Telepboa 11 sin 4400. Trnrsr ring sod storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Phono Mala 6w. Heavy hauling ana storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAOB A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 324 Stark at. Mala ?. FOR bark, fnrnltnr. wagon, trunk r plana toeing, pnon tlsssisa, nasi -nosi. POST SPECIAL DELIV1RV. Ke, SnOH Wab. Ington st. Phew Main wi WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. Jobber of eddlery. hardware, horse good, leather, rind ing and shoe stars supplies. Fifth and Oak. M. A. OIWST A CO., DISTRIBUTOR OF FINE CIGARS. , PORTLAND. OREGON. . SHKRK. OAEB A GRAHAM (lac.) tVm imlaelna merchant. Jobber nf rrnit. pronnot, lc; consignments eollclled. 123 Front si. XVERDINO A FARREI.L. prodore-sad rora- mlssk mere k ante, 140 Float Portlaad, Or. Pbon Mala 17'.. OBEOON FUBN1TURB MANUFACTURING COi Mannfactnrer C rurn Itnr for tha tmla. Portlaad. Oregoa. WADHAMS A CO.. CO.. wholesale gr cemmtsolc asse-chi 'f,nMee Oh est. Foortb aad Oak ata. FUBNITURB manafeetwrtng sad peel si ArMera. L. Baveaaky rural tar factory, out Front at. ALLEN A LEWIS, roan ai tee loo and prodnc roer- ehante, Freat aad Davie ata., for l a ad. Or. WHOLESALB crockery and fleeeware. Prsel, aiegsX UO, AUW to 1V FUUa, eo. SlUk tu . . Vtea-Preetdent OE0BOB W. H0TT. .Aaelatant Caehler and letter of fredlt taaaed" Available ta Collection a BpecUlty. - ' ruaiLaau, vaavva, ' ' V and Oak Streeta. - w . , , DKAFln IHrlt'KD Available In All Cltlee of Aaaletant Caahler. ... W. A. U0LT ..-A. M. WBIOHT " i , E. C. MEARS.v Cashier H. D. STOREY. Aselstent Cashier PLATT A I'l.ATT (leneral Connaet 184. Head Of Sea, Saa Fraactsoo, Oaltferala. may be opened of 810 end upward. of Commerce Building. ' - T. BUBTCHA BLL. Aeallitant Msnager 1L.L .PITTOCK Vlce-Prealdent L. A. LEWIS. Ftrat Vic-President . ........... .Secretary B. G. Jl'BlTZ Asalslant Secretary OOMPAaTT .Portland. Bought and Sold. New Enterprise Orgaalxed and Bonds Guaranteed. . T. T. BIKKHART .Treaenrer Building. (Member Chicago Board af Trade. 108 Third t, McKay Bldg., Portlaad, Oregaav TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, 81 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel , Supply Co., Ninth and Coach. Pboa 410. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California whM depot; all kind f wine. Be glass. Cooks' aad Cook' Help ers Headquarters, 148 Fourth at. Pbooa Pa cific 2183. P. LnratL ' ROMANCE OF GLOVES Royalty and the Church Made Thern -.. Popular Long Ago. It was not until tha Mlddla Axe that glovea rcallr assumed an Important Po sition, and evtn then thatr n was cither for purpose of war, or aa a kind of symbolism. Tha knight's gauntlet k . ,. -i,s hi. soon Docama aynonymoua witn nia per- onal honor, and haa retained this use In common narlanca ta this dar. for to . ,K. la a, III a linn uuwu .... o - - - - " - Of speerih Implying a challenge. - Gaunt - lets, or gloves of mall, cam over with the Normans, and they were often mad so cleverly as to allow perfect freedom to the hands. The knhfhta whose hands were thus gloved used to wear their lady's mora delicate glovea aa a favor In the lists. In token that they enjoyed her favor. To Jose the one waa tanta mount to losing the other. . Gloves have always been connected with royalty. When the-tomb of King John was opened, a century ago. It was discovered that his hands wera gloved. In France,, the glovea worn by the king at tha coronation wera eonsecrsted by the officiating bishop, and at English coronationa a glove waa thrown down as a challenge to anyone to dispute the royl- title. When George II was crowned, an unknown Jacobite came for ward and lifted tha glove on behalf of the absent Stuart, and at the coro nation1 of Edward VII the Duke of Nor folk handed to hla majesty a pair em broidered with the ducal' arms because a manor connected -with the duke's in heritance Is held by the service of pre senting the monarch with a right-hand glove on the day of the , coronation. Gloves have a place In the regalia, and we read of purple gloves,- ornamented with pearls and preclotia stones, which were deemed ensigns of Imperial digni ties. They were so Intimately con nected with klngty power that mon arch were Invested with authority by the delivery of a glove. Royaltlea' attachment to gloves was. however, no stronger than the church's devotion to the aame artlolea. Ia the year 700 Charlemagne granted to tha abbot and monks of Slthla an un limited right ot hunting and for making glovea of tha skins of th deer they kilted. Gloves had also distinctive em ployment In the rites and services- of the church, and they were worn by of ficiating priests, while tha laity wera expected to be ungloved during wor ship. Itruno, Die hop or BegnL aaya glovea "are mtdl of linen to denote that the hands they-cover should be chaste, clean and free from all Im purity." Those worn by Roman Catholto bishops la the past were sometimes very valuable Item of clerical attire, for Bishop Oravesend had a pair In 1118 worked with gold and enamel. and priced, at it, a great sum there But eventually the passing of sumptu ary restrictions enacted that the clergy "might not wear gloves," red or Breed or strtaMKt: "neither ring, brooch, orna mental girdle, nor gloves." They were still mada of , costly material for btahops and the higher clergy, who wera then adorned with Jewel. In suite of aumptuary laws. Bishop Rlcultua, who died la fKt, left aa an Important legacy a pair of gloves; and the earliest Ilk gloves on record were found on tha hands of Thomas a'Becket. . ; j A Betake, Front Life, Th Butler The house is on fire. marinm. Here are ell the hand grenades Mr. Pacektll Ton phonlrj- , have brought them ea a tray, i:.ia B. L. Dl'KUAV... TRANSPORTAT J OijE-corr Ana VMVH FACIriU 3 Trains to the East, Daily 3 Tuioogb PaUmaa staadard and twist sleea- ea.. . ""F1 '"" I SMllJ VW Bk, BBstal " f Through reclining ehakealr laeeta rl t iaet dally. s -PloIaiot Lear. Arrleev Ccago-Portland. Spacul foe Kla, 1.1 "unniiglon. aiyr:aoam . wTi ?."?' ,nr Xastera . I.'L wilU. - , t.ewl.ton. Cbear 4'Alene and iIT."iMN'B eolnte. dsllr. T:00piB 8:08 at AtlanMe Expree for tb East P.sod rilrrs loc.:. for all aetnt between Bigg aad PortUad. dally SIS am S: pa - COLUMBIA BTVRR DIVISIOW. -.JT-!""? way points, eoaneetrng wit T j'ea and Nortj Beach. ' 8 tee tee "-- do". Ve S p. m- dsllf. JPt Snadayi Satnrday. 10 p a Arrive " S p. ... evpt Rnjytae. CFor Dsyt,. Oregon aty aad YamklQ iv , '' Roth end Mode. Ash at- dock, m. daily, except Honda y (wster pee. .!u'. - AxrtT 7M U '... SNAKR prrvajpj ftbUTB. ?". Idaho, and way pornts free i ' ."A' tesnwr Spoksn end Lewie- . at? I t., 40 m- r poa arr tvsl Trala . 6. dally except Satnrday. Arrive 4 p. as. dsllv excent Frtdsv. . Ticket Office, third end Wsshlagtea ta. I Telephone Mem Tit. ' r eC' i,2T,.xolt,L c,, Ticket Ages. Wax. McMURRAY. General P.s oa T Axeat. EASTvu SOUTH K Depot Uave, Arrive. Z.rj. . "ua Frn-( cleeo Ainrres Stops only , f1,""4 Important station between Portland and Saa rranclaeo; connections st " aa Francisco for U points Kt and SouthT.?" . pa 11:88 pm Overlaad. Expree Train for all local point South. Sacramento, San Fnucleco and points East and Soatb. 1:fm 8:80 pm Mornlng train eooaocta t Woodbura dally except . ' Sunday with Mount Angel "'' ' ' nd ailverton local 17. . e:M am f :SB pes Cottage Urov piseenger ... connect at Wood bur and , ... , Albany dellv. eiceot Rue. . . day, with trains for nolnta ' . I on WoodburB-SprlngSeld snd " , ' Ainenv-ienanon brsncha. . . :v pm i I am Corvallls psssenger ........ . 7 :30 am 3 60 pm Sheridan passenger.'. ...... 4:10 pm 0: 10 sm Foreet Grow paaeeacer... .11:0P am I R:O0 in reec urov ps see agar ., , . ia:zopm l-ov pm Dally. IIDslly sxcept Snndsy. JBFFERSON-dTRKKT STATION. " ' For Dallas snd Intermeolete point daily, T ib 0. and 4:18 p. m. Arrlv Purtlaad 10:18 m. and 4:26 p. aa. For tlms snd card of Oaweaw enhornsn tra ten apply at City Ticket Offic. or srstlna. Tickets to Easter points snd Eur-jUss Japan, China. Honolulu snd Aestralie. - . City Ticket Office corner Ttitrd aad Waste ngto streets. Pbona Me'" 71. 5' C. W. STINGER, Wei McMTTBBAT. City Ticket Agent. wee. Pea. A east. TIMECARD of TRAINS - - Portlanda ' Lear. Aerlva. rsllowstose Part Rsnsaa Cite. St. Louis apeclsl for Chens lie, . Centralis, Olympla. Gray's Hsrbor, Soath Bend. Tacoma. Seettle, Kpokana. Lowlatoa. ' Rett. Blllinm. Denver. On,- ke. Kanaa Cltv. St.. Leal snd Sombent, dell 8:30 sm 4 SO pea nortn co.s L.imuea. eiecrrie .... f lighted, tor Tscoena. Rest tie. Kpoksue. Btt M tones polls, ' St. Psul and the Esst. dsllv. 1:08 pm IM as Puget Soand Limited, foe . Clerrmeat, Cbeballa, Cet. tralla, Tacoma aad 8attb only, dally 4:80 pm 10:59 pm f Twia. City f xpreea for Taco- ?' '.l-vl,ll!' Helen. i Bntt SL P SI. Minneapolis. Qsepb. 1 Lincoln, st, t. Joseph. Ksn I -. Omaha. S Loala, with- I veeege f esra. Direct i connections tor all pom ; god Soatheaat, daily.. connect lona for all potnta Eaat ..11:45 pa 8:80 pax TMt COMPOftTABUL WAV. 2 Overland Trains DzHy 7 The Oriental Limited, the Fas Mail" VIA SBATTLB AND SPOKANE, Portlaad tlsae eekedais ' Dally. Dally. . Leave. Ar rivet T and frere Spokane. . St. PaaL Mlnneepolle. . Dnrotb aad all so lata Bast vis Seattle 8:80 (ta T o am - 11:44 pm 8 M pa Ta and from St. Pant. MlnasooUs.- Dolntb nd ell polar Esst ' vis Spoksn T OOpm 8:00 saa net Vsrthera Steamship On, SsOIng from Seattle fee Japaa aad China port snd MnaOa. carry leg p eenger aad freight, 8. 8. Minnesota. Jaanary 8. 8. 8. Dakota, February 17. XLPPObf TUBE XAJ8HA. i Japan Mall Steamship Co.) ' , Tom Mar will sail free best tie shout Jsnaary A tor Japan . snd Chlneee porta, earrylag paaaonqiis aad freight. For ; ticket, rates, berth, naaaie Mean etc., call ae ddrss H. DICK BOB, a P. T. A.. 188 Third -. Pre4. Oiei, Wheem Mnhn 71 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. ' t'alra Depot Leaeea Aniens For Maygete, Rainier, Claim ' ..''-' ksaV. Weatport. CUftoa. aa torts, . Warrentoa, . FUvoL Hammond. Fort Ktevenn, Gsar- kart Park. SeaaMe 8:08 am UM tm Astoria aad Stsiksrs. xpraa dally t:00 sm 8:88 pea All trala dally. f. C. MA TO. J. P. anA P. A.. AstOHa. Or. - C. A. STEWART, Commevesxl Agaat, 848 Alder atreeU Pboae Mara sua. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Far COa Bar. Bare end Sen rrainleee. Neat selling treea Portland. Frtriay, Bo. 1 A Nex SalUog tree Ban Fraacleea. Thar NV. , V CHAS. B. 8TEEI.8MITH. Agent. OA Street DocK Pfccr.e V,l 3 L I I- - " 1 1 8 Ail Freak, Tourist (to Vlllar innW should Ilk some ctii- kn pea and potato. Landlord (to hi !re Frangel, run an'l cai. :i , Marie, ae and lit' rf r Karl, i'.f ly a tat; t (.' ; ) - I a (OptnSJJ l aouTxt. JOy u 4: rr- i