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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAy EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1SC3. In responce to ad in your paper for boy to drive 7 q express wagon there were 12 to 15 applications. Kindly take out ah at once. We only need one O boy . DAVENPORT-THOMPSON CQ. 1 1 t ' .. . - . I . " - """ ' NEW TODAY. ' I if Y v,v ' .'- ' .' " ' ,1 Washington St. Property The Quarter Block situated at the southwest . corner o!,T?elfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars see - Droolic & Kiernan V 1 THIRD STREET - e. ' -'-'I 4 Bacon Place is the nam ehoaen by ' th commutes consisting of th owner of tho now Addition to Vancouver B Governor Moor, W. D. Tyler and tho T'nlte3 States aurveyor for tho mif n t sweep of land overlooking the growing city, in majeauo coiumoiaana , rommejidln; a view of the surrounding country. This tract waa formerly the Treat Prune orchard owned by General Bacon and It we In honor to blm wboae rental hospitality hi mad him so popular that thia nam waa chosen. CavcYouScen the Lots? Ton could hardly help if you have ever been in Vancouver ' for they are a "a city st unon a hill"), but now" let us teH you about them, -They are run six. 60x100 reet, with is-root ai ' ley. There will be cement walk, graded streets, water mains laid down alleys and part of th tract will have building restriction. There Is no addition so choice In th city and It will always remain so, no .matter how lance our city becomes. Lots In this beautiful tract are now ... onB&l at prlees ranking from 8860 up ward.' Now Is the time to buy before price advance. Be THOMPSON, SWAN O SWILTLAND' Cltlsens' Bank Bldg., Vancouver, WasH. 9Z.TSO Fin 7-room ' house, east front, brick basement, modern, elec tric light, gas; East 2ft 8C. near Clinton St. car Una. . 92.800- d-room. house, modern, all conveniences, concrete basement. Sunnyalde; East 14th, near ear line, f 3. TOO Cor. E. Balmon and ltd ft.: this la a gem modern, every conven lenea, full lot,"' room, bath, fin basement, built-by owner two years : ago. - 92,000 11 H acres within two mile , Vancouver, Wash- all In fln fruit, t, fenced, ' mil public school, 4-room : A. H. BIRRELL 01-8-3 McKay BUg Tmlrd mm Stark. Quarter Block Seventh 6l Irving : $30,000 -JNCOME $110 PER MONTH Brooke & Kiernan ; ; 91 Third Street '. - REAL ESTATE k RENTALS' INVESTMENTS McOmber & Deffenbaugh . 10 WBAmaTS BPnjPTQ. , ' f-- i ' .. - - , A Few Snaps Holidays The ContinentafCo. ACREAGE Uplendldlv located and best of anil, tMa aide of Woodstock en W. W. car. fsoo to l60 per acre. They ar fine for homes, garden tracts - and chicken rancn. . f . t- ' aCtelnmetar, c& Co. Ta eaeUT, 199 KorflMa St. Bacon Pace NEW TODAY. Portland, Or., Zc. 27. 1906 THE WANING YEAR .,' For the larger prosperityin , which we have so' bountifully shared, for the greater ppor- tunities which have come to our city- and ourselves, (or ttte-buy factory and shop and mill and . tore, ' ;' -. .. . THB ', "Oldest Trust Company r laOrcgon'V : ;. I thankful. v- , And, appreciating the eonfi ,: dence reposed in us,, by our v st6cklioiders and depositors, by the merchants and manufac turers, the corporations, firms ' . and individuals with whom it ' is our privilege to do business, . . we shall continue steadfastly'' " striving to be representative' of . alt that makes for efficient, pro gressive and safe banking. We pay from 2 to 4 per cent interest, dependent upon the , .i nature of the deposit Come in, get acquainted, and, ask for , book "of "Illustra tions." . . Portland Trust regon B. B. Corner Third and Oak Bts. Phone Exchange TI. BBMJ. I. COHEM. . '. . . ; .President H. U PITTOCKrt.Vlc-Prldnt a LEE PAGET. ..... . .Secretary J. a OOLTRA....Ast Secretary WEATHER REPORT. A btrh ana ef very moderate character omrr Mea Wublattea and Orefoa, bet eaplta tola, elMigtDtM was seseral over tbla toreeaat dls trhf, tbooih 00 rala waa reported except very light mounts la eaatera Waeblnstos end aontbweetera Idaho. General ralna have ecr eorred ever-soetbora California, Arlaona and southern Utah, owlac to the devetopnmit af a low area ever the auvthweat. Tbla disturbance la sow central over rtaatarf, Arlsnoa. Th Caaadla dlsturbanca remains stationary. It retalna Its pronoonced eharacter, bat with tb except ioa of BarkervUle, where snow la re ported this saornlna, do precipitation baa oc curred at enr atatloa throughout tbe territory under Ita Influence, though clnaillneaa ' waa prevalent. Teuonrratarea over central Canada are considerably above th normal. The "high" noted aver the Dakotae veaterdar has dlsan peared from th Asp, and with Ita departure in feinperainreo over - rae"'i'aBoiaa ana m in seanta Save undernna decided rise. I-laht sraclnltatkm was also reported aa occurring aver a oeii or coon try ex teaming rroas Arkso sartneaerwara 10 tne Atlantic coast. Showers are Indicated ever Washington to night nnd Saturday, and cloudy weather ever ue remaisoef 01 ins aisrriet. - . - . -Temp. Mtatlon ' Max. . Ml a. Preetn. Baker City, Oregoa.....,.. 41 S4 . .6 Boston, Massachusetts 44 - M T Chicago, Illluole SS S4 T Denver, Colorado........... M 2 .0 Portland, Oregon........... 4 SA .0 St. Lents. Missouri 44 M T Spokane, Washington. ..... SO 2 ' .04 Tscoma. Washington 4 M .0 Walla Walla. Waablnstoa.. M M .ol Waeblnatnn. D. C Id' M .IS Tnma, Arlaona 2 ,02 x- .V) MARRIAGE LICENSES. P. r. Ileleer, MS Tillamook street, 14; Maude M. Campbell, 14. Prank . (Irladle, Forest Oreva, Oregoa, SS; nettle ai. turnes, is. laalah P. Wood. Bkktato. Washington, SO; Laura livers. iCt. K. A. ftwaaso. S4; Carolina L. weseea. SI. rred H lexer t, Troutdale, Oregoa, SS; A ana annua, z. lisrrr H. Nelaon, Hoatlngtoa, Oregon, ft; uweaeoiea wood, as. Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith Oe., Waah lagtoa blue., ear rourta and waahlngtoa ats. TONHBTH A CO . PLORISTA, FOR FLOWXRS OF ALL. KINIffl. tZS SI A Tlx ST. Full drees sulfa for rent,, all ateaa, Union Tailoring uo,, m niara at. BIRTHS. QUACK December lg, te Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. (Irece, Twentieth and Myrtle, s girl RKVNOLUH December 87. te Mr. and Mr. Kdward Rernolds. 3T Chapman. slrk WAI.I.ACI December SB. to Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Wallace, Portland Maternity hoe pltsl, a boy. BOTHCHILD December SS, to Mr. and Mr. Samuel M. Rotbcblld, Portland Maternity ho. pitai, a gin. WIIXIAMH December IS, to Mr. and Mrs. twla B. Wllllama, 224 Grant, a glrL WOJCIK December IT, te Mr.- and Mrs. . Wojctk. 67 rremeat. a boy. MKIKB December 10, te Mr. and Mr. Mi Meier, 267 Ceruthers. a girl. ' DEATHS. JOMta December 38. Alice Jooea, 4S years. ZT1H seventh, cerew tl inmer. Undertakers. Dimnlna. SIcKnteo A Ollhangh. nnd ert a Iters ndx-Mobslmers: Bodera la every detail. Seventh anr Piss. Mala 430. Lady assistant. A. R. Bematock. nndertaker end mbalmer. Beat Thirteenth and I'matllla are, Phene Bell wood 11. Erlckaoa tTndertaklng Co., and embalmmg. 400 Alder St. Phone Main 0133. Lady aaalataaU J. P. Flnlev A Sows. Third and Madlaoa its. Office of county coroner. Phone Mai 0. Clarke Bros., r lor let, rise flower aad floral designs. 280 Morrison at. , Edward Holmaa. nndertaker. 820 Third at. r-, J;BITIB TIEW CEMITE1T. " Slnele aravea. 810. Family h. 1100 to 81.000. The only cemetery la Portland which per petually maintains gnd raree for lots. For full Information, apply to W. B. Markenxle, Wor cester block, city. W. M. Laddi- trestdeat. B0SE CITT CEatETIBT. Single graves. '810:. fsmlly lota, 828 te 8TS. Superintendent at cemetery, corner ef Fremort at. an.1 tally read. Phone Tsbor 200. For full InCnrmatloa apply to Frank Hcbtrgel, C02 liu:nerrisl blk. I'lione Main 2H23. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Rlcbard Williams to It. M. Bsrhanaa, lot IS, block 8, Wllllama' addition .No. ; ... uo Title Clasrsntee A Trust enmpsny to R. T. Brewer, lot 4, block 14, Heat Pled most ...-.....: 800 Ue Investment eompsny to Sara M, Warner, lot 11. block IS, Vernon ; 2T8 Mary rhelps Moelgomery to Inea Ah bett. Int. IS, block 0, original townalte, ef Alblaa .....y. 100 Company of 0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ParlSc Realty A lavestaaeat eompatty to ' U F. Rydber. Iota ft and. , block 7, Stewart I'ark : , 28 Alet T. Smith and wife to 0. C. Per. rine. oaat 4 of lyU S and S. block Ita). Couch addition 10 Julio A. Ilr lege to Hoi Rlumaiicc t al., tots W and 40. Kewburet Hark 1 Minnie Mrkeas to the Snnttarlum com pany, lot 10. block M. Tabor Heights. S.000 J ob a I..- liofrman aad wife to Irank K. , , K Park and wife, lot la, block T. Wll llsms Avenue sddltlon . 00 Jamee W. Cok aud wife to M. K. Smith. Wt 12. block X Cook's Hecoud addition. 613 Leon lioldenberg to Kanirta ttoldenberg. . . , uudlvlUrd H f south 4 of lot t, and aU of north , of lot 8. block 1. ( a rwthera' Addition to Camthera' addl- ' -tlon 400 Tit la Ouarantre A Trust company to Alice ' , Maun, lou- 0, S, block 10. Lexington Heigh to , "too John A. Beard and wife te Art bat Turn bull, lot 3u, block N, Ivanbee addi tion ; ITS Mtiore Investment- company to- Axel R. ' Undhulm, lota ft and ,4. block 0, Vernon - 290 Julia A. 'Rrlggs and wife to Khitaaner A Inch, lot" t, .4)1, Ncwhuret I'ark. 1,128 William J. Hill and wire to C. B. Ramsby, lot a, work 1. juiuwsy Annex .... ?uv Bert F.. Neer and wife to'H. C. Shif fe7. lot 1, block 2. subdivision ef tract D, In M. Paiton Tract J.S00 Herman Waternolter and wife te John Matthleas. west HS feet of lots 2A, 20 ' and south 10 feet of west SS feet of - v lot 24. block 2 A Ihlne ,S00 Monro lgealnifntimpany- to Mary I. Klnlev.. east H of lota and 10, block 2.V Vernon , 400 F. W. Angell end wife to Clay Roberts, kits t. 4. block 1. Tolman Tract ... 1,000 Geerg Smith and wife U I'slvl Jack, lot 1, block 4, Cook's addltloa te Al bion 2.S00 B. C. Fx-kenberger and wife to Cealla Taylor, 1 aers commencing at southwest corner of that S-acre tract conveyed I'T V. M. and Paulina Wlberf te Boa B. Bsttla - 1,000 Elisabeth C. Saragne to Jame A. Me Klnnon. kits I aad 2, block ft, Kormaa- -dale : : SOO Rlvervlew Cemetery association to Charles acdlncll. lot S3, sectloa 9. Rlvervlew cemetery 200 H. G. Tare to George W. Beaton aad wife, lot S. block 20, Sellwood SOO Theodore Anderson and wife te William C. Iry. nart of southeast corner et bit S. hlocft 17, Souavstde addition 8,250 Arleta Land company te Jeesa Hamilton and wife, lots I. 8, 9. block , ArleU ' ' Park No. 4 ..i a., R. I. P.ckereaa aad wife to B. O. Al fradson, lot 28, block 8. Arleta- Park No. 1 1 Loul Lang to Phlllpplna Lang, lot T and . weet 4 of tot ft, block 4, Jobnaon' . addlllonj , : 10 Alfred Barker and wife to Tbomaa J. McNasM, block 84, Sullivan's addl- -tlon ...1. 4,800 D. 8. Dunbar and wife to P. T. Evans, 14 acrea beginning at northwest corner , j or Luther I. Moras donatio land claim. In sections 1, 12, township 1 south, range 8 eaet t 1,000 D. D. Ollphsnt and wlfs to H. B. Noble, lot 2, block 2. Oay addltloa to Al blna 1 For abstract, title Insurance or aaortgags loans, call oo-Pacltc Title A Trust company, 204-S--T Falling building. Oet row tnaurance and abstracts te reel estate from tbe Title One ran tee A Trust com pany, 340-.Waahlngtoa atreet. corner Second. NOTICES; HALED bids for food aupplles wasted by th Port of Portland during January. 190T, will be received until 3 p. m. December SO, 1006. All bids mnet be made on forma, which can be had by applying, at the of See Is tbe city halL l EXCAVATING aad grading. C. B. Pottage. 4 Commercial at. Phone Beat 0190. MEETING NOTICES. M1TLTN0MAH Camp. No. TT, W. O. W.. will celebrate the close of tho year tonight. Special . Organised Bra key aad other old frlenda will be' with ua. Pro gram and refresh men by. '. all Woodmen welcome. t. M. WOODWORTH, Oerk. M. W. A. BVEROREErt Camp. S.400. meets Wednesday evening, Allsky bldg., Third and Morrison sts. . M. W. A. Oregon Orape Camp, No. 0,078, Moa- eaye. i7tn and Maraaaii; visitors welcome, LOST fAND FOUND. POUND A plara t have balr msttresees reno- , vaiea an rerurneo eeoio aay. jo rroui or, Main 474. Portland Curled-Ualr Factory. . H, Metager, proprietor. LOST Oold chain bracelet. T08 Hoad at. Phone Main S&0O. Reward. LOST 8100 REWARD Saturday night, wrapped In handkerchief, 1 solitaire diamond ring, 14 karat; 1 two-aton diamond ring; 1 three stone diamond ring: 4 other gold art rings. Finder piesse return te 401 Davla. Phon Pacific 33. LOST Th party who fonnd th grip on th Powell Valley road had better return asd ssvs trouDie. w. 1. uwan, urssuam, or. LOST Shepherd pup 4 r kionths old. Phone eaaio em. .a, laawp MCB,D(n siwara, LOST New pearl-hadled carving set, December 24. Finder will please leave at t-lpmas. woir a to. or pnene a est je. LOST Between Fourth and Alder and loth and Waahlngtoa, pair gold-rlmmed yelsaaea. Ra , turn to W. A. Buchanan, Hooeyman Hard- war c.. Fourth and Aider, for reward. LOST At Roberta ' Bros.', Wednesday sfrer noon. lady's black puree, containing 88, some silver, 1 key and A. O. V. W. receipt card ' bearing nsm "J. A. Dunn"; lsdy who plehed np earn pleas return to znx wssningto st, 1 or cell np PseISc 1K0B. Reward. HELP WANTELV-MALE. WANTED AT ONCE Stars bolt cutears. wage fl.40 per cord; steady -work. v Apply Weater Vnprrag- Cs Staarn bklg., rortlaad, or Houlton, Or.,... . " WANTED Men te learn te operate motion- tleture machine; 1. aeons very reasonable; ara bnalaees in abort time: graduate earn ' from fi to 1.16 per weak. 1454 Sixth, sear Morrison, room i ,. WANTED 8a leemea; many make 8100 to 8190 per month : eooie vea more: stock clean; grown on reservation, far from old orcharda: caali advanced weekly; choice of territory; Adureee waeaingion enrsery eompsny, xop--peaiah, Washington. ' WANTED A neat (ppearlng man for steady position I good wages. Apply Sll Fenrta et. WANTED Two or three first-class, all-around machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. DON'T work for small salary) see or writ i-sciric Aid association rnr s good proposi tion, 224 Lumber Exchange. SALESMEN-Experienced special contract men: 1UO par month and enmmieaion. i:jnrrm tie JilutnsLIf Insiiranc CoM Elks,' bldg. MEN AND WOMEN to learn tbe barber trade tw eight week a; graduates ear from SI to 82.1 weekly: export instructors; catalogue free. Moler Kyetem ef Colleges, 35 North reurlh St., Portland. ., WANTED 10 mars so Id tore: best - Boa In Portland; men ara making 80 dally; call after noon. 2b 14 Stark at, Union Hotel ' 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. free employment to onr patron. Weekly ratea: Room, 8123 up; room aad board. 4.S0 up, Anderson, proprietor. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California. Idaho, Washington; beau ana accident insure nee; old reliable company; good contracts; refer encee required. I sited States Health A Ac cident luesranc Co., 8U Msrouaea. I B get work for our members! special mem bers. 82. V, M. C. A, Fourth ad Yamhill. WtNTED od allronod batcher at t. . U. O.riri wiuiu vrv.v, vir,n, 9 tlftOD machinists, for out of tows: state ax- perlafice. Addt fa 107. car JouibaJ. a. i- . HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Mea aad teams to haul wood aa skid road. Inquire Travis Bros'. Fuel Co., .as, oui CM caw looms aveone. SOLICITORS for Portland and ostalde towas: no InveetmcBl; territory clear; pay ovary week. W. R. Taylor Co.. 714 Cbambar ef t SALOON. 2AO Why work on salary 1 Oood iocs x ton . gooa- teaae; tnveotigato; rent stio. Alexander l-aud c., 034 Sixth, sear Pine. - Pheoa Paclnc 28. WANTEIs 2 eiporlenced reliable eoslmlnere. Address It luT. car Journal. I . . - . ' 8 KXn solicitors. Belfast Dye Works, T2 inveatiaat thia. WANTED A mas to 'drive delivery wagon roe a meat market. Address ISft Fourth at., Portland, Oregon. WANTED 4 fl rat-class stock salesmen: a good proposition. Call room 4, 206tt Morrlana at. WANTED Boy to dries wagon: on who under, atands car of horses. AS North Front, cor ner Davie. ' HI RMT SWITCH.. TO sbaree, will exchange. What have you. S"3 Lumber Exchange. HELP. WANTED FEMALE. IF ytV WORK, why sot earn mors than a living? He Independent: do good. The Vlavt to. already employe 12.01X1 women; tbe work covers 2a countries of th world v we will entertain applications from -cape hie wotaeju not canvassing, but helpful, dignified work. Artdrees by msJl only. Tbe Vlavl Co., rooms 204 &-T Tllford bldg., 10th ssd Morrison. HOMB LA DIRS AOBNCT. lOSUj Fourth at., corner Morrhma, ' petalra. fbone Main SX2S. Alongside the Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators te work en shirts and overs lie. Mason given to Inexperienced.. Apply nt Standard factory No. 2, tlrand era., nd East Taj lor at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S4H Wash ington sr., cor. seventh, upstairs. - raen Main Female help wealed. NURSKCIRI, wanted. Call at S44 Fourth at. COOK WANTED; wages 830. BTO Hoyt at 6IRL for general bouaework; good wages. SKI V 111. , mrnmr atchnvW. t. k. 1 r. ington or Broadway car..." GIRL WANTED to assist In sown family. Ap ply la morning lo aire. a. uevurta, - 00 Taylor at. RESIDENT matron at day nnrsery, 18 North , 16th; car of children and light sonaekep lug. Apply between 8; aad 4 Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. ELDERLY "woman for hooseworTf In bnelneea bone In country; good place for tight party. 860 Morrison st., room 72. WANTED Girl to assist In keasaworht email family: moderate wages; time toff. 448 Sixth at. WANT s nrat-claas lady abort-order cook. Phoa Mam 70s. WANTED Experienced girl for general hauas wore, small tamny. is leu at. QUICK. . Intelligent girls can make good wages wrapping cnewing gum. Apply America a Chicle Co.. 81 North Front St. WANTED Brpeiiaacad girl pspertJOX-makar. 81 North Front at. OI RL wanted te work for board and room, by young couple, phon Bast 4028. Call mora roun Inga. ls WANTEDA gtrl la tallor-shop. 11 North Fourth st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED 8 or 4 people te Join see In develop ing an apple and peach ranch soar Hood river. Addres X 107. car Journal. WANTED A "few. good aolldtors, male r fe male: beat proposition in Portland; good money to tbe right pert lee. Phone Sell wood Tl. ... . HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake. 2064 Waahlngtoa t-r Pacific 1870. YOUNO man wishes partner In tone! eel act; some capital required. Address B 80, est Journal. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CONTRACT and day work: ftrst-claas work only. O. N. Lack, 820 Taylor. Phon Pa cific ntw. . WITH . good Implement-hone: reed or ess vsssing work. Adureas a so. car journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB MIDDLB-AOBD lady, neat housekeeper, would like car of first-clans home for widower - without children. Addreaa M. C, Moore Hotel, Vancouver, ' Waablngton. WANTED AGENTS. 2 OR 8 people to sell a One holiday eoap, 100 per cent; ale In dty and country for good medicine proposition. K. M. Plunuuer, 200 Third at . AO E NTS wanted te ell ear complete line ef blah grade nursery stock; outfit free; cues, weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.,' esiem, ur, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp snd farm help epeeutry. 20 North Second St. Phoa Mala 8200. We pay all telegraph charge. v 'Xnc ..HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrFICB FOR MEN. M Nortt Second at. . Phon Mala 1528. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 2064 Mortienn st......... Phon Pacific 20 27 North Second st Phon Pacific I3O0 WANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming bouse, eta. Lssd Wile will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON I' bone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 8d and ttafc. ' . WANTED Unfurnished room; phon, ' bath; cms Is; state price. 0 10S, ears Journal. WANTED T rent 8 or 0-reorn cottage; must be near Vancouver earltne. Addree full par ticulars to 0. J. A., Vancouver, Waahiagbav WANTED 8 or room hnnsa with 1 or t large 'ants, la Sellwood. St. Johns or other suburbs; small payment down and balance like rent; Jive exact -location and term. M 107, ear oornal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ' Payne &f Van Tyne , 210 Allskr bldg. Real Earate, Farm. Investments, Mortgage, 1 Loans. . WANTED t buy st once, elty business prop erty, eurburbea homes, small tracta on the outskirts of the city; w want Improved and . unimproved residence property. Owaers en'if need answer. X 87, ear Journal. . WB want country homea, atock farm, ebeep rancbee. fruit fsrms, bop Isnds, ranrba for dlveralfled farming: can use s large tract , of cheap land any place la Oregon. Owners only need answer. X ; 71. . cars Joaraal. WANTED--T buy 10 acres, with complete outfit, along Columbia preferred; mnst be 4 oargata snr ca.n. Auarees u i)x. journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed by Rnral Directory Oe. We have fh only elaeatfled list ef asm f Oregon aad Waehlngton. x 34)14 STARK IT., PORTLAND, OR. WANTED Furniture ssd kofleeuold good ef very description bought, sold and exchanged. The 8. 232 First at. Mala SS74. 8 HALL and be 1 1 room, separate or tngenW; now a4 with sll eosrmlenres. roods Main awe. I PAY cash for household goods.1 W. W, 8a rag. 848 847 First it. Phoa Paelfl 808. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MAIM 000. CASH AND LO'18 OF IT FOR FI'RMTCRE. I ,l PORTLAND AI'CTION ROOMS, t. . V (11 Flral St. f MAIN MM. - MAIN SOUS. HI OH EST caab'-prlc paid for aU hinds second woo goooa. t-uono Mala Kill. 03 N. Third. EXCAVATING and grading. O. E. Poltag. - lomoiereiai at. rnona Beat DIUtf. WB W 1 14. BI T.' SUM. OR TRADR ANY OLD wr.niKKH BAI.VAUK CO. HT J H ASHI.N'OTON- PACIFIC TOS. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB RICH EU KIT; SS North Sixth at Ele , gently furnished: steam heat and bath. FURNISHED room and furnished housekeeping . m iv , eocoaver avo. THB GRAND. 44 North Third St. Rooms fur " "-, t ' pww woes il up., , "RED DRA0.0N" Now swell rooms, peart of viij. new ,uraiiars ana rarpeia. I. orne Slxtb and Stark ats. Entrance 82TU Stark. t ROOA. suitable for mas aad wlfs or J gentle- MT 1,1, . . NICELY forntohed moms, with board, at MM Everett: some conking; raise reasonabsx. Call or phon Mai 006. ... NICELY furnished rooms, cheap, 2 t 88 weeu. xi novenin at. t NICELY furnished rooms; phone, bath, private lemiij. . kj jaib ena akioer. NEWLY furnished rooms, new flst, modern. crnir.i, p. rtrie ,oin e,., ,m iiei r laooere. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 8 LARGE front s fnsms. newly furnished for nouaeaeeping; ssa, earn targe nay winoow; aay ws Iking distance. 211 Sherman et. 11 IS WEEK I'P. clean, furnmbed hense keep ing rooms, nsrior. bats. laundry, rurnae heat. yard. 20S4 Stanton, U car. - $1.S0 WEEK CP, large, clean, furnished houss- aeapmg rooms, laundry and oetn. 1H4 bner maa sooth, Portland. THB MITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient rooms, reasonable, seventh and Flanders. 8188 FURNISHED hnoaekeonlng-roeB 108 ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR on or more (employed people preferred). mouers. reasonanie. U) aaat iiottuos. BOOM and board for 8 amr girls. 82.00 a week. 20 East Sixth St.. north. Phono Esst 201. POR RENT HOUSES. t-ROOM bona a on carUae. tlx. C. rl. Plggott, ewasr, lawyer, room aasiasy stag. BENT s plan and later buy it; all rent a p. piieu ou pnrrnsao. nnermaa, viay u Sixth A Morrlaos St. - 7 A BIO SNAP B-roots rot rare for rent, furni ture for sale, at a bargain; near Sunnyslde. Phon Tabor 80S. . j ,. FOR RENT New modern -room ieoea. 80S Monroe et., upper Alblna. lequtr of sw usi , No. 80S. ft ROOMS of fursltar for salo, cheap. . CH NEW modern S-roem eottage, 101 Morrhl at., corner Mississippi sts. NEW modern 7 room house, TTft Multnomah at. k. is. nice, owner. FOR RENT 8 mom - bona, between Union and Wllllama area.. SIX -'Inquire 9.TT East pixtn at., norm, or pnon woodi FOR RENT FLATS." PIANOS for rent sod sals; - sasv payments. Sherman. Clay A Co.. Sixth and Morrison ats. PURNISHED HOUSES. NEW and Completely furnished S-roem bone tor rent, ezi Msranau st. For partlcuUr phone Mais 4110, or Union 44. 818 PEE MONTH 4-room furnished esttage; large yard aad chicken bouse, . water. . 838 Eaet Second, corner MIU. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI , TURE FOR SALE. FOR SOLE Furniture of- S-room modern boos, nearly all new; rent reasonable; two blocks from poo toff Ice; good transient house: will eell at bargain it taken by the first of December. 208 Fifth at. WB need furniture at sny price. Portland A no tion Room. 211 first st. Msm 6660. ROOM1NO-HOIT8B 0 rooms, dose la; 8100 down, . monthly payment. Alexander Land Co., 834 Sixth near Pine. Phono Pacific 28. - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB-ROOMS, snfurnlsned rooms snd sample-rooms for rent. Uoodnoagh bldg. Apply elevator. DESIRABLB officer, including electric lights, -hot and cold water, Janitor and elevator erne, in th sew. airy commonwealth bklg., eld postnffic alt. Sixth and Bornald ate. Agent, roonv 411, A FEW flrat-class office -rooms left st northeast, corner Tblrd and Msdlson its. Apply room No. A FOR BENT Stors Flftb-st. aids Seodnough bldg. Inquirs st elevstor Is building. . FOR RENT. Two stores on Union svs. ssd Eaat Bel awat at; reasonable terms. -HARTMAN A niOMPSOK,. - . 8 Chamber ef Commerce. " - FOR RENT Store. 802 First at.; low rent; food location for barber -shop or butcher, squire 004 First St. DESK ROOM for rest; free phone;' 810 month. T14 Chamber ef Commerce. $7.80 BENTS room 10x12, en busy street,' suit sbls for shoemaker. 242 Madison. FOR RENT FARMS. HOUSE, bars asd sere of ground, vatasbkt fruit, sear car. on Bas-.t;1n road; test very reaaosabls. Tel. Union tVM. . 18-ACRB farm: good bam' asd boo, nssr . Ient. all la good rnltlvatlnn. Call t sddress Mrs. Mary Orsy, Inta. Oregon. BUSINESS CHANCES. DB FOREST and Marconi Wlreleea atock; email bloc at bargais. roatofiics Box see. Boas burg, Or. .. , SAVR MONEY Anything la printing ses Mad- uen, uod reiiowa jeaipia, rirai d A loot ata. ; upatatr. FOR SALE Prosperous grocery atock ft Lenta, or voin vxenange xor can siue reaiaanc property. Tel. Scott 22S4. - . BEfiT psylng restaurant on east eld; map If laaen at ones, rnoos aaat 4040. - 810.000 STOCK general merchandise; tale ever iou daily; win tax part real esiste; 13 mile from Portland. Address - Y 107, ears Journal. t . SPLENDID opportunity for SB architectural rangntsmsn wno ess invest i,ooo Is s well-developed Incorporated - coast busts. Addree B 108, car Journal. . 8400 BUYS S-rooms, well furnished la good le- ranty; weet aide; low rent, uagtaiso Blenrhard, 81 Fifth st- T FOR BALE Restaurant and real aetata : or , sen restaurant and leaas; a snap. Apply ar address B. A. Willeon, Mala St. Cottage ttrova. Or. 1. 8800 BUYS, IS room famished, housekeeping; m e'li -erew; .rooms lull; ciearug Boll month; no sgests. SOT Eaat Oak at. A OOOD business chsncai a good photograph gsuevy ooing a goos nuaineaa, in a splendid college towa, at very reasonable prlc. Addree Cldwll Co, rbllomatb. Or, " ' .,r..v---. BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL merchandise etore, 20 mile dowa tee river, doing about 870 per day: rant free - for 8 years: will Involr about 84.000. Regis ter A Co, 1074 Third at. SOttO ART store and real estate ef float good business for a man and wife; must sell by January 1. C. Arnold. St. Johns. Or, 1 FOR SALE Office for rent and furniture snd Sxturr for eale, cheap; good location. In quire 146 4 Tblrd. room B. HARDWARE store, small stock farm machin ery, warehouse and 8 lota, all for 81.000; will take elty property or scree ye for pert con sideration. Thia I bargain. J. J. Raid. 820 Burnslde et. , - FOR "SALE Fine buttermilk business, rig and . ,4.1. St 10T - - I,,- .1 A SNAP FOR NEW YEAR 8178 buys coffee house and lunch counter; good location. . N ' 107, ear Journal, HOUSEBOAT for sale, f rooms, furnished, now rented 7 s month, brings 818 a month Is summer.. Room a)0 Toursy bldg.. Second ssd Taylor. Mais 000. A SMALL Investment will maks yon rich: May work, snort hours: earn from io to fioo per evening. For particulars. Kewmaa'a Motion Picture Co . 14A4 , Sixth, near Morrison. Phono Pacific 2US. 83.000 BUYS ledglng-bona worth tbe money; wan sDcatoa; must sen. noi st, city. , 175 BUYS flrst-rlase restaurant, good location; nwaniven parinersnrp la reason lor seiung. 243 Madison. 12 ROOM bouse, close la. No. 1 location, new furniture. 4 housekeeping rooms, largo range; not bin cheep or worn. Tbla Is s gond boy st ). Dlsmond Reelty Co.. 253 Abler at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE 100 feet ou Unlo ve.. being fh ii rm m ,u, uei i uaius ass arvion, pvicw 84.S.10. f Choice corner with 4 'tores, bringing 81.800 per annua: will bring 81. TOO per annum Is August; price ttl.Omt. Cbolc 60 feet en Unloa svs. sesr Hollsdsy for 82.800. Choice Income proper'T bringing 2,8'0 per annum, for f:i.OOO. Hoirse In North Portland, rent 824 per month: price ft2.onn. - 0-room bottle and lot, Unloa sesr Holladay; price 88.6UO. ' TO acres. 4 mils west ef T.lnntoa road snd Northern Pacific bridge. 17.800. 43 lots Is Highland Park st flSS see fat; 88 per month. 1.2"0 lots near Salem line. miles from elty. at 818 per lot. at 81 per month, wltb houses already established on ths tract: yon eas't bey land out there for twice tb money. 84 seres In Palsttns Hill tor 8375. loo feet square at th northeast corner Of Oregon snd Tblrd: pric 84,800. 30 seres nesr Salem . lino, only 8 miles from city, foe 22.SUO. - Apply to wner. - w. REltrr. Room' 18 Washington bldg., Fenrta. And Waablngton ata. . . UNNYSIDB BARGAINS. - TAYLOR ST. T r'" 88,880 10-room house, lot 88x142. 18 larga fruit trees, plenty of berries, etb. ; howes alone -worth price saked; terms, half cash. - - EAST MADISON T. ' " 22.200 S-room cottage, lot 42x100; varv thlag modern. extra-Is rye rooms; swser leav ing city ; terma, ens third cash. BAST MAIN ST. 83280 Aroocs house, lot 42x100: en third cash, balance 1 and 3 year, 8 per cent,' . ' EAST MAIN ST. 8I.T60 5-room bouse, corner kit 43x100, one third cash; don't mlsa seeing ibis. - " BBLMOXST ST. - . ' . ' 88,000 Store, building. 2-stovy. 22x411, 'corner lot 40x63: living-looms, second Snor, rent for 810; good stork of groceries, horse, wagon, lCu-..U for 83,000. . - C. C. SHA.T. ' 804 Ablngton bldg. Mats 1843. Sellwood Homes - 880 4-room cottage. . S70O 4-ronm bouse, 4 kits. T -Ji.oon S-room bonse. 8 lots. " ' 8I.O0O 8 room houss (new), wood-fiber Isater, electric lights; two blocks front ear Ine; full lot. 81.000 S-room modem cottage. 81.000 S-room bouse, cement besemsnt and eldewolke, , 82 000 7-room modern bona, corner lot. 8-1O0 Fin sightly lot. near golf links. Saoo loin io. two blocks from carlins. , SViO 100x100, business property. , -,-- 8180 Lot nesr new woolen mllisr-r- . Firs Insurance Losns. . . Sellwood Townsite Co., 4 . . . H. P". PALMER, Mgr. ' 223 Falling bldg. Main 8M1. Or take Sellwood car, get off st Teniae at. East 13th. Phone Sellwood 181. 3 FINE home I Holladay Park. 80.000 and 84.000; these are A-l. McOmber A Derieo baugh, 410 Stearns bldg. 832300 BOOMS, near East Sftth snd .Clinton. McOmber A Derteobaugh, 410 Stearns ning. 848,000 CAN be Invested Where tt will bring a set Income of S per cent, and property will Increase In value .rapidly. McOmber A Deffsnbaugh, 410 Stearns . bldg. 83,1004) ROOMS, sew, modern In every respect. Esst Msln near Eaat 28th. Mc Omber A Deffenbaugh. 410 Stearns bldg. 83.00010 ,- ROOMS. 24 kits. East Ash, 6 nHmite car' service; X.00 easb bandies- this. McOmber A Deffenbaugh. 410 Stesras bldg. 83 1O0 4 ROOMS. Tsbor Height. 4 cra; terms. McOmber A petfeubaugh, 410 Stearns piug. ' - v.. ' 't 1 ni 816.800-1-4 BLOCK - with- 8 booses, chaw I. ood Income, A-l location; s good Investment. IcOmbor. A Drffrnbangh, 410 Stearns bldg. 81. aonMOXTA VILLA. T rooma. lot 80x100. 8:ivi cash, balanco 820 rr month; tba bona could not be built for thW price asked. Mc 'Omber A Heffenbaugh. 410 Stearns bldg. 82.000 T ROOMS, mortem, la Sunnyslde. 0ns Iocs Hon, 1 block from rsr. McOmber A Deffennangb, 410 Stoarns bldg. - FOR SALE BY OWNER. 204 IVT ST., BET. , WILLIAMS AND VANCOUVER AVBS., ' MOIlRHN B-BOOM C0TTAOE. FUTX LOT, 81.000; TERMS; MUST BB SOLD BY JANU ARY t. - ' -' 1 ' CAN .YOU BEAT THISt , 88.800 Mc full lot with room bouse. 10 blocks front Third and Morrison; prlc after .January 1 will be 81.000 nor; hurry p If ' yon want food buy. , F. FUCI1S, 221 4 Morrison t. 82.080 ABOOM modern borne: It's a well built bom sod 82T) cash, balance 1 assy. . 22.000 Brand-new up-te-dsle -room borne: corner lot; 8800 cash, balance aaay. 2.280 0-room modern home, Eaat 18tb at.; 8200 rash, balance easy. 88502 good lot, wltb 8-room nous throw In: fruit earn; half cash. Have others, but these are the bargahis. Start tb New Year right by baying th best thing on earth home, from F. J. 8TE1NMETZ A CO Tb Homeeellers, 108 Morrison at. Only $3S9 Bowii :', -Pot good S room bona and 100x100 not far from Highland school: prlc 81.800; terms, 820 per month and Interest. -fRKD C. KINO. 608 Commercial blk., .Second snd. Waahlngtoa. 2 LOTS 60x100 ach, small bonse, barn, 8 fln cow, henbons and small fruity JIW4- First St., room 1. TURNER A WALKER, Real Estate, Farms snd Stock Banchea. ' ' Exchanges. ... 8084 Washlsgtaa st. Sellwood Morehouse A French, 1070 f . 18th. . Phone Sellwood 74. City Ylew Psrk lots, 83TB ssd sp; Boa Addltloa lota, 8100 and up; 88 dowa aad 86 month. Home from ftVH) to 83.000. Lot 6200 ssd np. Is sll part ef Sellwood. . List your property wltb a; we will aell It. FOR 8ALB CHEAP A T-room boo as. 8 lots, lots of fruit, cow barn, rhlrken-yard- Se ' owner. IN24 Barsrd St., Penlneulsr station. William Srhemlel. - MUST , SELL On err -of tbe beet land, all -cleared and In grass, near lntsi price 650; ceh, bslaece Sao every six mouths (I 8 pet teat. Phone Tsbot 808. , e - : , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HURRY I If yo want a lot la 'Ttltoa' Addl tlon" st half vame. - "0, 40 sold laet moatkV lert ror sale. . - , A purchase now mean money in socket. .r rest THOMPSOH OODEN (Branch). Phon Kaat 4300. -- .... gop Balnaant ALPINE REAL E8TATB CO.,.i84 Morrison room 8; phoa Msla 1017 4 block wtth lxvroom house, close In. tll.eOO. acrso 8-room house; aay trrma; 82,234. , ' 10-R0OM colonial boss for sal. TOP Harsh.ll St.. lot 60x100, handsome, well built fooe years old, sll modern conveniences, dlnlna- ' room leanil.v paneled, extra ell flnlsh on walls, plate-glass windows; beautiful born ' for a large family appreciating, comfort: a bar. Iiln at tb price. 810.500. Morass. Sweet Chapmsa, SU A blag ton bldg. Phone Man. , JllS ti 82.RO0 8-ROOU bona, furniture, 8 lota, turn chlrken-parkl fruit tree, berrie snd roses: half cash, balsnc 8 per cent; no axente. PUone Eaat 8207. - - . 1 OR 8 fin Iota 00 Slst at,, near Clinton, tin view or iuo city, soou; on sasy terma. . H. 28. cars Journal. . I' A FINE new boos on SOthand Eaat Clinton, " evw ,m ,i,ev, am M WOTtn 8oh; owner Is leaving tbe city and will sell for 82.2SO on easy terms. B. aa. Journal. JUST THINK) 8 lots for 919 st 8" per month; . near Salem motor line and not aa far aa St. Johns, with quite a tew homes alresdy estab lished. You res not buy other property la - thia locality for twice tbe money. . WILLIAM REIPT. Washington bldg., 2704 Wssblngto st. 11,800 0 ,.CRBS, well improved, i with ' good 4-room . bouse sad other buildings, young orchard; situated on tko Foster reed, near earllno. Register A Co.. 1074 Third st- 8S.BOO s ROOMS. OarOeld e. sear Portland boulevard; large lot; terms. McOmber A ' Deffanbaugb, 410 Stsara bldg. BY OWNER Two sew bom, 80S Eaat 84th St. . Phon Tabor 611. . 12.000 NBABLY new groom plaetered hens . on 834 at., east, furslsbad. Register A Co.. 1074 Third at. . 8 NK'B lot 80x100 eaeh. wltbta 3 Mock of Williams sve., streets Improved.- sewer In, for 00 esrb. Register A Co.. 1074 Third St. SACRIFICED st half price cost, a bestitiful bom In Porilsnd. Be aulckv Addree W. N. Robl. Ashland, Or. . , - 82.200 OOOD groom bona, lot 00x100, In cee ter of Snnnvelile; must sell to psy doctur bills, Register A Co., 1074 Third at. SEVERAL eomfortabl boueeo and lots belong ing to a son resident must be sold st noes at s sacrifice; terms. W. E. McPberaoa. The Philadelphia, room 11 Third and Salmon. A FINB little bouse, bars and chlckes-heuee, 8 Iota. 81.200; Caster sddltlon; terms. Call up Scott 270T. fs.onn 1 LOTS tn on tract, near Irving tos; will sell separately If desired; terms. 8S.O00 46 acres near dty, convenient te railroad snd river transportation! part ridge snd Sne spple land; easy terms. S.1.O00 is acres, well Improved, seer city; . epleadld land for .Small fruit, aad will grew In value, 8I.600 Under cultivation; fair buildings; 4 mils from Clackamas. I. U. DAVIDSON. ; - 408 Chamber of Commerce. 200 FARMS, small tracta sad lota: bergs I no en O. W. P. electric line. O. B. addition, ,Leata, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. Sc. 8 DESIRABLB building Iota la Wood mere t - convenient to Mount Scott care; prlc ao f each ; easy terms. Addree V . luT, Journal. S2.TSO 2-8TORT mttag. Bearing completion. 7 moms, De semen 1. 1 owes from Bunnvsine Mount Tabor csrllne: terms. Gage-Hemphill Co., 807 Sherlock bldg. A rar opportualtv. 81.026 SNAP OS 2-SxlOO. nor thee at corner 87th sad Eaat Washington at. Address a. Itex- worthy. T48 Hoyt St. ... , 82.000 BEAUTIFUL 0 room -bonse.- tnet -com-Dieted, strictly modern,' 86 Eaat Main: S&OO 1 down. 88 monthly; select neighborhood. Owner. Esst 62S. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS IN CLARKE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ti cres One, dairy and atock ranch ever looking the Columbia river; 40 acre In , timothy and alfalfa; 80 acre hi gu lend. , . pert of which la covered with One piling timber;, balance hay and pasture; 8 acrea orchard of assorted frulta: good T-room house, 3 barns snd other outbuildings: SO bead of choice dairy cow,: team of Sne horses worth at least 8V; 10 need of bogs; wagons, bug- -glee; full set of farming Implements; enough hay on place to winter all stock, water froas -springs piped In htuse snd barna; If yea are . looking for first class dairy ranch see this; ' ' pries 88,800. term to suit purchaser. 40 acres good land, SO acres under One stats of cultivation, T acres tn 12-year-old orchard . from which tb Income Ja S"0 s year clear: ' S-room cottage, food a ton foundstlon, good ' barn Soored and room for S eowa, S horses, 20 -tons of bay and burgles; chicken bouse; good well; enough cord wood on piece for family nee; 14 mil from good town with river' - transportation and will have a railroad with in year; 4 mile from achool; R. F. D. thia la aa Ideal boms; price for place and household goods 68.000, or with 8 bones, 3 cows, 2 bogs. 8 dosen chickens, new wagon. : plow, etc.. 83,600; terms 4 . essb, balance to ault purchaaar. 13 scree, 84 mile froas this city, on 8ns road 4 mile from Vancouver lake; nearly sll very easily cleared; will make a fine orchard , or truck ranch: prlc 8730; term to suit pur- - chaeer. - SO acres. 84 miles from this elty. 14 seres nnder good state f cultivation: Sne orchard , of aaaorted fruits In full bearing; fine large barn; two good wells; 4 mils from cburcn ' snd school snd '4 mils from railroad Sta- . tlon: thie Is s snsp, owner anxious te eell; . price 8X000. - J -story 6-room bonea snd 2 seres of nice level land, well located for platting Into dty Iota; desirable location: close to school; elty' wster, etc.: Iota serosa the atreet selling from 2.1O0 to 83SO each; . now la the time to buy this tract; If sold this year price only 81. TOO; It's cheap at 82.000. If you fall to see what yon want In the ,-' , bovs, call or write for our Mat. W can ault roe and save ru money.- ' V,. THOMPSON A SWAN. . ' -.- L-;-' Cltlsens' Bank Building. ' ' Slxtb at. Vancouver, Weak. 88,000138 ACRES. 8 miles from Datos. Yam hill county; rural mall, phone, food running water; 40 seres fruit, mostly apple. Phono East 2737. between T and 9 a. m. Address V or cell B. C. Robert sr. n, TO Bast Sixth St., N. 0NB of tb beat reaches 1 la eastern Oregoa. Improved, 800 acrea, pno acres fin bottom Isnd, s bonds nee of water, st s bargain. Ad drees H. B. Currey, Owner, Baker City, Or. . ' A SACRIFICE. -40 acre excellent land. 4 mile from good country tow and 10 miles from this city; 22 acre nnder fine ststs of cultivation, 8 or 10 scree DM saw timber balance very asslle cleared: place all fenced aad emae-fenced : living stream through place, telephone lino by place, on main county road and in Ine neighborhood; owser vsrv anxious to- sell 00 necount of sickness; tb timber en thle piece lie within 4 mil of sawmill snd caa be sold at s good figure; prlc If sold before January 1, t THOMPSON A SWAN, ' Cltusns Bank bldg.. Sixth St., Vancouver, Washington. Beferancae: Vancouver National Bank. FREB homes for thousand ef people la Lake county; land subject to homestead and dee , art entry. For partteolsrs writ - Brautoa - A Roblnstt. Sliver Lake, Or. 83.200 Farm, bmh In. less tut Improvements. ttn SO. TlriTtt. Q elf WILL sell very cbeap for caah 2nd acres. 180 In cultivation, fln soil, ht heart of Villas:. ' tt valley; good orchard, fins water1, lots of wood, snd Improvements. T. 3. Jackson, owasr, 100 Fifth st. Bl0Or:STNAP IN A FARM BARGAIN. - 66,028 Fine 87-scrs well-Improved farm, right os Willamette, wltb boatlandlng, near , depot and handy to Newberg tMlege: II seres in hops, fond snd comfortable buildings. beat kind of soil; this place Is worth 8S.0OO ' and will be ssrrlflced - to settle sn sstat. w ' Oet particular and If not represented 1 will paF J"" 110 day Tor Investigating. " F, FUOHS. 821 4 Morrison st. r MINES AND INVESTMENTS. ' : C0EUR D'ALENB MIMNtl STOCK , r- I In always In tbe market either to buy or aall any active mining atock; loans bm4 l 4a ny Hated eecnrltle. , 1 ' . X. r. BROWN, 401 at cKa bldg. - '