The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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V. M. C. A. Athletes In Distant
Cities Will Hold a Unique
Athletic Competition.
After Each Conteet It Completed Ita
Result Witt Be Wired to Seattle,
-,. Tacoma, Everett, Boise end Poxt-
land. When Award. Will Be Made.
The Ulatnnh field meet of the T. If.
C. A. trill be neld thla evening. , Phyalcal
Director Grllley ha been planning thla
. affair for a Ion time and now that It la
about to take place a great deal of ln
, tereet haa been ahown In It The eitlaa
r that will compete are Portland, Tacoma,
Everett Rnlu mnA lultll. i JVknmr
an event has- been computed the reeult
will be wired to the different eltlea and
In Oili way the winnere can be deter
mined. The entrlee to date are:
," . Vortlaad. . - r'r'':
:' 120-yard potato race Floyd Keyes,
waiter Backus. Arthur B. Carlson. M
Olujy, Percy Plo, Victor Wetterborg. O.
Jtowerton, H. H. Rich.
' 446-yard potato race Floyd Keye,
-Welter Backua, Fred Walby, Arthur B.
'-Carlaon, M. Olney, Percy Plo, O. Hower-
ton. victor Weuerbora '
. Pola Vault A. E. Bum. Andrew
, .Forbes, Clyde Bheets, Harold H. Rich
. Sot put I Lawffer, George T. Carl-
eon, EL 8. Cook, P. Malcom Eveleth, T,
ill. Fenton. ...
Running- high jump t. H. Fenton,
Walter Haokua. Fred Walby. Arthur B.
.Carlaon. M. Olney, Clyde Sheets, Victor
, ry eueroorg. . , ;
;-.. . i . Brerett, ' .
1J 0-yard potato race 8. Challaeombe,
- H. Roblnaon. 8. Paine.
," Running high Jump J. Delqulet, . C
, Olson, C. Challaeombe, W. McNeill.
; Quarter mile E. Smith, S. Paine, C
, uiaon, n. jiooinson.
Shot put J. Hssstd. At La Bea u, O.
. Clark, E. Rawley, O. Ben eon. r. v
, -.- Seattle. , -'
150-yard potato rare Nell Ellla. W,
S. Howard, Clarence Bryant. S. F. At-
'wood, W. MeAUep, r John A. Cbeeney,
-jamea unmtn.
- 4J0-yard potato race W. 8. Howard,
Clarence Bryant. Laird Wray, W. Mo-
' Bryant, J. Eacheane, 8. F. Atwood,
. Frank Boxiey. . '
Running- high jump W. 8. Howard,
. J. pecbeane. Laird Wray, Jamea Grif
fith. .-
Pole vault W. 8. Howard. John
(Knapp, John A. Cheaney, Boacoe Pike.
. ' Boise. :
, In all aventa W. E. Lear, Glenn H.
HI11, Dean Drlacoll. William T. Pierce,
thariea p. Mccarty, Homer Pence, J.
'W. Barker, T. A. Blaby, R. O. Dsvlea,
'Walter C Blomgoen, Leon A. Hlgby.
. " -. Teooma. - -.-
ltO-yard potato rsee C. . Wills, J. C.
.Richards. D. 0NI1. Charlee Morton.
' Pole vault W.' C. Meredith, L. IL
'Da via...
p ; Running high JomMl Jeger.'W.
.C. Meredith. Fred Morton.
. Shot put E. H. Quade( W. C. Mere-
. aitn,. v. B. Middieton. . i
444-yard potato race P. Denton. A.
' .White, C E. Mlddleton. H, Farkhurat,
, In the claaa C billiard tournament at
rnrhv1, hi 1 11 a rA rnAm nlK, T I m
Friedman defeated F. Levoy lit to IB
In 41 Innlng-a. Tonight H. Solomon and
Andy Roller! will play. , Solomon haa
. not loat came aa yet.
In - th Bacon A and laat nlght'a pool
' play- of ISO point a between Mr.- Hen-
nine- and if- ooiomon, nenninr won.
Bcpre 1JO-J46. 1 .
Trip of aaaketball Teaaa.
New York. Deo. 28. The baaketball
team ef Columbia unlveralty Jrft today
on a week'e trip In the middle Hfiut. The
team haa alx ama acheduled, ta fol
fowa: December II. Detroit T. M. C.
A-: January 1, Evanaton T.'M. CV A.i
January Ariel Athletic-club, Mani
towoc, Wbiconaln;. January , Appletoa
..Buelneae collve-e, Appleton, Wieoonein;
January f. univeraity or Wlaoonaln,
Madison; January S, Chlcavo Central T.
M. C. A.
of Pure (Vines and Liquors
Port Wine, 25c value. . ,r. ,. . . . , ........ . . ; ,10
Port Wine, J50c value. . ; .... ... . ... ... . t . . . .30
, Port Wine, ?5c value... ............... ...........t.'.50
Port Wine, $1.00 value. . . , ... a ................ , , i78f ,
Port Wine, $1.50, value ..... I .............. . ... . . .$1.22
Sherry Wine, 25c value. . . . ; . . .' .............. ,19
Sherry Wine, 50c value..... '. ,i.39
Sherry Wine, 75c value;.'..?...... .50
Sherry Wine, $1.50 value. . . . . . W . . . ,$jt.22
" Angelica, Muscatel, ladeira and Tokay, all 50c ., -.
value .......Vr.:....;.. .U....;;.....,..30 t
Monogram Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, full quart,
$1.00 value . ,i . :.. 78
. 4 - a f
N. E. Cor. '5th and Stark StS. Phone Main 6499
Fumo C3V.1ERS v;n
Players Roll - Some . Very Good
Scores on the Oregon Alleys
Last Evening.; j ."'
' Two match gamea were played laat
night on the Oregon alleya. The claaa
A teema were Portlands va Government
Bonda. It Waa a decided victory for the
ForUands. they taking all three' gamea.
The' flrat game waa fast and good
aeorea made, aa ahown. below.' Kruao
held hla title aa beat average bowler,
aeourlng- lit In the match. McMenomy
and Moore eech made III In one game.
the highest Ingle score. The scores
.' 1 . I
I '
Case ...........
107 . 101
Moore ......... tJS li
McMonles - 114 204
Ullman Jl lt4
McMenomy ...... I3 191
Total .1077, .
" v , -.1 '
Barbour lit
Davla : ,. 178
Gillespie 171
Rowe Ill
Kruee r. J2
ill. Jii -
171, 160
- Total , . ' .
.... ( , 114
Claaa B Match.
The claaa' B match betwen the Happy
Da lea and Commercial No. I waa cloae,
the Dales getting two out of three
games. Tonslng had high average, 188.
Hill got the best single game, 199. The
scorea are aa follows: i
' - I I I
Volalnet ....... 178 117 14r
Tonalng 177
Withers ....... 145
Hergert 188
Hill 177
187 19
. 180 174
167 141
16 111
Ill 717
- 1
Keee . . . . . .....nt4
Roberta 141
Davidson ...... 1(S
Sumption ...... 164
KUllngsworth .. 140
Total 781 85 80
Tonight the gamea are between the
Oregon and Gold Leaf, and ' claaa B
teama Willamette vs. Commercial
No. 1. ...."
(Jmirnil Special 8rrl.) - . -NewTork,
Dec. 18. Between and
7 colleges and universities, the larg
eat aumber en record, are expected to be
repreaented at tonlght'a meeting of the
Intercollegiate Athletio Association of
the United States, to be held at the
Murray Hill hotel. It Is proposed to
take up at thla meeting the work that
waa left to a special committee - to
formulate when the convention ad
journed laat winter, the adoption of uni
form eligibility rules, definite formula
tion of lawa of -amateur a th let lea, and
almllar pertinent and necessary legis
lation. It la understood that Princeton,
Cornell and Annapolis will formally join
the association and co-operate with It in
ita ef forte to maintain a high atandard
of collegiate aport. .. .
In' the billiard tournament at the
Multnomah club laat evening. Baker de
feated Monaon 61 to 10.
. - e e ..
The Multnomah football squad will
meet this -evening for practice; Thla
will be the first .practice since- the
Christmas game and every man on the
team la expected to report.
, e e .
Ban Johnaon la to get $15,000 a year,
hlle Pulllara, who has a harder Job.
geta only 18.000. It Isn't alwaya the
Jobrthat decldea the aalary.
i e e
Whenever' a new fla-ht la nronoaed.
Nevada springs a new. town to bid
for It. Rhyollte la the latest nlaee to
claim the rl(H to appear on the map.
Aamoaneed to Ocean Beaches.
To enable patrona to vlait ocean
beaches during the Chrlatmaa holidays.
ins u. it. as w. co. win on December
84 and XI. and January i. sell round
trip tlcketa to all North Beach polnta
at a rate or !.. For further lnforma
tion ask at city ticket office. Third and
Washington streets.- Portland. Oregon.
Preferred; Stock Canned Oooda.
Allen Lewis' Beet Brand.
ing Sale
181 148
151 188
190 217 '
Seattle and Multnomah Boxers
and Wrestlers to Compete
1 ; for Medals. .
Chairman Frank of M. A. A. C. Haa
Matched Four of Portland's Clever
eat Againat the Fineat From Seattle
FootbalJ Playere Will Attend. "
The' coming lateclub championship
boxing and wrestling contests on New
Tear'a eve, between . (he Multnomah
Athletio club and Seattle Athletio club
are exciting considerable Interest and
will be a good stimulant for the New
Year football game. .
The program will eonalet of four box-.
Ing and two wreatllng matches. In the
110-pound boxing contest Oliver Dranga
of the M. A. A. C will once more meet
Willie Hope of the 8. A. C. Thla will
be the third time these two boys have
met. Their first contest waa won by
Dranga and the next one waa a draw.
Thla shows that Hope la Improving
light along and the outcome la a ques
tion. Dranga haa been training faith,
fully and thlnka he will have no trouble
in outpointing his opponent.
Adam Hendereon of the M. A. A. C.
waa acheduled to box Chester Brown ef
the 8. A. C, but Hen!eraon baa been
alck for the laat week and Is in very
poor condition, ao Frank Bush has en.
tered in hla place. Bush Is a strong,
rugged fellow very much of the aame
style aa Brown.
The Wrestling- Bouts.
In the wresUlngvthe Seattle club Is
once more entering Ita old standby,
Fank Vance, to meet Bill Dennis at 140
pounds. Vance has wrestled against the
Multnomah club three times ' and has
won all of the matches, but In Dennla
the local clubmen think they have a
man who will put Vance'a shoulders to
the mat.
The agreement Is that the visiting
club name the weight -which the home
club must accept or forfeit the match.
The Seattle club has entered Homer
Tilly to wrestle at 160 pounda and the
local club haa no one In that weight
so have entered Edgar Frank against
Tilly. Tilly will outweigh Frank 16
pounds. There will be two local box
ing matches. One will be between H.
Nlcken and Ford at 131 pounda.. These
men have met before, Nlcken- winning
the decision. The other preliminary
will be between John Douglas and Har
ry Vinson.
These contests sre. open to the gen
eral public and will be conducted under
the patronage of the rulee governing
amateur boxing and wreatllng bouts.
There Is not the-slightest doubt in
the minds of the football devotees of
Portland but that the New Yeer'a game
In this city between Seattle A. C. and
Multnomah A. . C will be one of the
greatest struggles ever seen In the
northwest and perhapa on the Pacific
coaat The amall margin of two polnta,
which gave the Multnomah dub men
the victory over Seattle on ChiiBtmaa
day, waa juat sufficient to alanine, the
fighting eplrlt In the Puget sound war
riors. Vnd, aa they feel that the conteet
should have been scoreless, they wlu
come to Portland prepared to do or die.
Among many people there la the impres
sion thst aa club men do not adhere to
the etrlct training rules that govern the
college playera, they are unable to put
up the same kind of a game aa col
Icglans. but If these aame people had
seen Seattle and Multnomah play the
flrat half In Seattle, when ibut two
mlnutee were taken out on adboant, of
Injurlea, they would change their "bplh
ion regarding the endurance of the club
men. Not one man waa winded In Jthe
ChiiBtmaa game and that la saying
great deal. The only men who were
winded were the Seattle rooters, and
that etate of health came over them
In a sudden,. when Multnomah scored
the safety. u
e e
Dr. Roller of former Seattle fame.
but now a practicing- phyaiclan In the
cltr of the sound, waa an Interested
spectator at the Christmas came. The
handsome physician graduated from the
ranks or smateurlem aome time ago
when he wrestled Carkeek and Ootch
for money, but to hear him encourage
his former team matee would make one
believe that the doctor'a heart waa
really with the amateurs and not with
the gang that la represented by Car
keek and Ootch. . During the progrees
of the game Roller wes heard criticising
the game for Its roughness, but those
who have played with end against the
great 'wrestler know full well that he
wss Joking, because hla football tricks,
sre well known. Roller was a fine foot
ball player and Multnomah men re
gretted that he wat not In .the lineup.
e e
Seattle mlaaed D Council In the last
rami. In Ihe'oplrrfbn 'Df-cxperte Coun
cil was the beet man that Paaty.e.hae
had In yeara. He knew the game thor
oughly, waa a aura tackier, ar oaaater at
advancing the ball and waa an all round'
good man on the field. Multnomah
men wilt long remember hla brilliant
work. ' Another capable man who did
not play In the laat game waa Dr.
Wella, a player for.,whom Multnomah
men have a lot of admiration. Wella
witnessed the match from the sidelines
and said that he had never witnessed a
better nor a cleaner contest. - (
e e - Jr, ' ' '
But. while Roller, Council and Wella
Were out of the game, Beattle waa rep
reaented by men. who coud make any
team In- the. country. Abbott, a former
Michigan atar, who played left end,
performed In rbtlUlant atyle. Some of
hla flying-, taoklea were of the - hair,
raising variety. He waa game to the
flnlah. Ills playing resembled that of
Dan Pullen, a former 8. A. C, man, who
shone at West Point tble aeason. Both
Abbott and Pullen are bleesed with' big
crops of red hale and a suitable amount
of freckles. They are the only two red
headed men who'-have ever done good
work In the northwest. Another man
who showed the old Dartmouth dash
and training were still In Mm waa Vic
tor Place, who played left auUrd,-Place
coached the Cnfrerrlty of Waahlngton
team this- season and rounded out a
creditable team In spite of the -many
handicapa that he encountered in the
early part of the yeer. Hla work en
Tuesday against superior weight spoke
for Itself.' Thn there were such men
ss "Baldy' Cole. Hooper, Bagshaw,
Kern end dear old Tom McDonald, who
Is very popular th "Portland, all of
whom played faultless ball. -There Can
be no question about the atrutale that
Will take place when the Beattle giants
and MiiHnoaiaU warrlera meet on Now
Tear a day. - s ' - ' - - .. V
Tales of Snobbishness Regard
ing Ambassador and Mrs.
McCormick in Paris.
Mortifying- Mistake of Flunkey.
Sugar Bowl Story-iViaitor Took
Lump With He-r Finger and But
ler Wu QrtertJd to ,Wah Bowl
lloaraal Special Berrtee.) . .
r Washington. Dec 8. Tales of the
doinga of American Ambassador Robert
8. McCormick at Paris have caused eon
alderable goeslp here. The ambaee
dor'a appointment to hla jtreeent post
after two or three promotions waa
caused largely by the effect which It
waa known hla handaome entertaining
might have. But while ambassador and
ambassadress like entertaining they
have been showing a marked arerelon
to their country people abroad?
When ene ambassador came to take
up his new poet and the Invitation list
for the housewarmlng was made out,
the ambassadress tried to explain omis
sions and eccentricities by stating that
"My -husband and I are ao accustomed
to court life that we find It very hard
to know all about the middle classee."
A warm welcome waa not given by,.the
Americana whom thla . atatement
reached. The evening went off fairly
smoothly, however, except for one lady
from Kentucky whom the ambassadress
challenged at the door with the Ques
tion whether ehe'had really been In
vited The lady retired after Indulging
la a fit of hyatertca.
Americana Are Barred.
The ambassadress and hla excellency,
her husband, sowed broadcast the word
that there were no "at home"!, days at
the American embassy. But . when It
was observed that the local nobility
went at stated Intervals to the embassy,
blocking the street with their carriages,
and that only Americans were ex
cluded, there waa a decided cooling of
the atmosphere
The expedient waa . then found of
double seta of reception daya, one for
the native nobility and the other- for
Americana. But by that time the em
bassy was pretty well boyootted. -
''The ambassadress meta. vei promi
nent baron and at once made up to him.
aa la her wont witn weu-anown uties.
"I am at home on the first and third
Tueadaya, but those are for the Ameri
cans my husband's position compels me
to receive. For my real friends, l mean.
the forelgnera. I receive on ihe second
and fourth Fridays, and I hope to see
you next Friday," ehe told him.
The muakey'a Mistake.
The baroa went home and aald to hla
wife that he would not go. but out of
courtesy to a compatriot aha might call
wlu. her daughter. For the baroness Is
an American. Bo the bareneea and her
daughter drove up to the American em
bassy on the following Friday. As
equipage after equipage stopped at the
embassy steps, a. flunkey put hie nana
on the carriage door and nunc it open.
The baronese said, "The ambassadress
is at homer' She had aa American ao-
eent which could .have been recognised
half a mile away. 'The flunkey changed
In a minute, and slammed the door al
most on the baroness, who had risen
to alicht. .
"The ambaesadress Is nets receiving,"
he called out. and signaled te the coach
man to drive on. ' '
The wife of the American ambassador
to Europe had given orders that no
Americana were to be admttted on her
foreign reception daya.
The baroness threw her card and her
husband a through the carriage window
aa her coachman drove off, ao that It
unlght be known to whom the Insult
had been offered.
The Sturar Bowl 8107.
The ambassadress waa considerably
upset when she learned what had hap
pened, and ao aha made the break of
her career. She waa giving a dinner
very shortly af terwarda, when a very
prominent American aoclety .woman
Wanted to take aome augar. She did hot
the tonga, and with her fingers aha
took a piece from the top of the augar
diah and put It In her cup. Out ran the
voice of the distinguished hostess In
command to the butler:
Have that Sugar dish rsmoved to the
pantry and washed!"
The lady turned very pale and got
up. her cup in her hand. She de'lber-
ately daahed her coffee Into the tire,
place and left the room without a word.
Since then her circle or irtenda . have
been among the embaasy boy cotters.
All this has got on the nerves of hla
excellency, who does not appear able to
eet hla domestlo affairs straight. Dip
lomatically thla ambassador -haa 'made
no breaks that anybody haa heard or,
and he haa behind him several brilliant
achievements, but the American em
bassy, being cut out aa a social factor,
caused a reaction even In the foreign
olrcle and resulted In the ambassador's
. Yoaaf lnfer'a nletde.
A remarkable trendy ofrlealousy haa
occurred at the Ecole Henri IV at Fon-
taLnebleau. where a youn officer waa
anot oy a )eaioua ainger, woo aiterwarae
committed suicide, says the London
Express. ' .
Early en Friday morning a revolver
shot was heard In the rooms of a youns-
cadet named Lemarielle, the eon of the
well known - senator, several people
ruaned Into tne rooms and found the of
ficer bleeding from a wound in the arm.
On the table waa the dead body of a
woman dressed In a uniform like that
worn by the w minded man. A revolver
waa still clseped tn her fingers. -
The woman was a well known cafe
chantant alnger . named Eatelle de Cam.
bourd. who la believed to have been
Jealous because ehe thought Lemarielle
waa about to'foraka her for another
woman. She borrowed a cadet's'unlform,
succeeded In peaalng the sentries, and,
after a quarrel, shot Lemarielle and then
killed hereelf. , i.
FUe, Kick lfaa.
George B. Letghton, mentioned for
United fltatee aenator from New Hamp
shire, la it. a Harvard graduate gnd a
member ef an old New Hampshire fam
ily. He made quite a fortune In rail
ways and eteel.
' wuri .....
worth doing la worth doing well. If
you wish to be eured of Rheumatlem,
use Ballard's Snow Liniment and yoe
will be "well cured." A positive cure
for Bpralna, Neuralgia, Bruises, Con
tracted . Muarles and all the Ills that
fleeh Is heir to. A. O. M. Williams, Nav.
s sot a, . Texas, writes: "I have used
Snow Liniment for sprained ankle and
It gave. the beat of satisfaction. I al
ways keep it in the house.? For sale
by all druggists.
The -finest made, in flesh, blue
and. white. Sold everywhere at
$5.00 the suit
Special j
Mamie Long and Jennl Lynch,
Factory Workers, Avert
. . Fire Horror.
Living; Chain, Linked With Hand
Claspa, Drawn . Through ' Stifling
Smoke, Above J?oaring Furnace, to
Fie Escape. ' JZ
(Jearnal IpeMal aWvlee.t
New York, Deo. II. With rare pree.
ence of mind two young women, Mamie
Long and Jennie Lynch, saved last night
the lives of SO girls trapped on the top
floor of a factory building that waa a
furnace below them.
The two young women, with 'the
othera saved, were at work for the Ad
vance Novelty company on the alxth
floor of a building In Eaat Sixteenth
street, when they were thrown into
panto 4y?fhunes shooting up the elevator
snart, -xne materials used In the son
struction of ths tables, together with
paint and varnish, caused the fire to
spread so quickly that the girls above
were in danger of being suffocated.
Miss Lynch and Miss Long had been
In the employ of the compeny longer
than the othera They called to the
latter that the fire eaoapee were la the
rear. . Some who had their head out
of the windows aboutlng for help did
not hear. These they dragged inside
and in a minute had gathered all the
girle to them. Then the pair pleaded
with the othera to be calm and take
hold of haada. and with Mies Lynch and
Miss Long leading they were piloted to
a rear window, to the fire landing.
Onca at the window the two leaders
got the fethere out upon the fire escape
and aeslsted the more timid to go down
the ladder-like steps. At the second
floor, where the heat had eaussd window
glass to crack and fall, a amoke that
seem'd to mean death poured out, and
the line, which extended to the fourth
floor, waa balked. Men in the neighbor
hood quickly unhooked Iron laddera for
the last stage of the Journey -and as-
elsted the girls to the ground.
- .
Nothing Sacred to Destructive Or-
ganisma of Nature.
There la nothing saored ro-'(he ublqul-
tloue microbe not even the glaaa of a
cathedral. That- any disease could at
tack glasa seems abaurd, but It waa re
cently found that the wlndowe of Tork
Minster were suffering from "glass dis
ease" In an alarmingly advanced atage.
The glass appeared to be perforated to
auoh an extent that portions of it yield
ed to the slightest touch. Moreover, Its
transparency had to a great extent dls-
appeared in shgrt, the glass here and
there exhibited no longer the properties
of' glass.
H wsa evident that aome kind of
r ham teal action had been established,
due,, perhaps, to the life and habits of a
speolflo,fungua Organisms are known,
of Course.- which assimilate all lea, for
the vast deposits of pure silica occur
ring in a very fine atatexof division in
various parts of Germany consist of the
scales of extinct dlatomaeeae. ' The mi
nute and beautifully formed species of
the apongldae and radlolartae -also con
sist, ef. pure silica. - j
Some years ago attsntlon waa at
tracted to the disintegrating powers pos
sessed by certain epeclee of bacteria
which attack even the hardest cement
with euccess. The gradual but sure
crumbling of ths cement used in water
reservoirs' has been traced to the opera
tion of countless tiny organisms. The
action waa at first regarded aa being
due to the eolvent, property or earbonlo
acid and other substances commonly
present In water. Under the action of
the jMcterla the cement slowly resolved
Into soft mud. ' i1
The-'e.t tack is made by the ublqul-
toue nitrifying organism, the erganlam
wTilchteondueta to enlarge extent the
great work of purification - throughout
nature.- The action ceeeee in the ab
aence or nltrlfiabie material, and the
view la that nltrOue acid la produced
hlch acts upon the eetseat lining of
the water reeervolr.
Clearly the destructive potentlalltlee
of low forma of life are great, both for
good and for evlL
' Preferred Ceased OoegaV
Allea a LewW bait BiasA
me specials
Two-tone effects, in grays and
browns, sizes up to 40 only.
Choice of entire stock -
Special $4,95
Auto im obi 11 es
. . : - : ... ' : Agent - '
. vw WW eMa 1 av Jsifjvw
Temporary Location Club Garage, Fifteenth and Alder St.
Discovered Through Prospectors
Using Old Bones for
, .Fuel.'-"-:
Uonrael tneelal Bervlre.f
San Bernardino, CaU Dec Jl. George
L. Graham arrived here full of enthuat-
aam ever the discovery of greet mounds
of foeells 2f mllee from Lee Vegas,
Nevada, In which he aeea an Inestimable
treasure, both from the commercial
viewpoint and scientifically. He will
Interest a number of wealthy friends
and then go to Stanford university and
lay his discovery before the American
Geological aoclety, now holding ite an
oual .meeting there. "'
Oraham'a interact In the mounds waa
first aroused by old prospectors who
were heating beans over a fire made
from-mammoth-bones. The formation,
though hard aa atone, acted like coel.
He met a professor from Tale who bad
been touring Nevada tinder a commis
sion from, a scientific establishment, and
thla profeeeor shipped several speci
mens te Rochester, New Tork. Graham
drove a tunnel 11 feet Into one ef the
mounds, encountering great deposits of
seaaheiis and bones, in other mounds
he mat a similar result.
To Be Ve. Brisk Chocolate.
From the London Chronicle.
In an obscure but picturesque little
village of far off Germany la a place
called the "Chocolate Cure." where thin
people go to become a tout. The pa
tlenta eat and drtnk cocoa and chocolate
all the time while they rest, .admire
the scenery, gossip " and grow fatter
everyday. The true eecret of the great
success -of this treatment is the happy
way chocolate has of fattening just the
right places, settling In the handa, the
arroe, the neck and the ahouldere, mak-
That I shall commence the New
Year by a discpntinuance of need
less expense v
To carry but this resolution, I can
buy, a
- "50c Saved "
Top and Bottom Shop
: -sJ2 just vcst cf n.:i
HATS ' SHOL5" TV?Ml5lllllC
o :ti
aratdbs'da mm mm av a aw e va
Dental Work
That Cannot De
At Low Prices
Until Jan. 1st
get ef Teat, raktor elate.. g M
Beet Bet ef Tsetk, nkbei slates.... f.SO
Bridae Wars, see teeth 4 0
e-sld Crewaa, per teeth.
earnest and lilter rilllasa, each... ,t0
f14 sad Bereelala rtlUafS, eas... Lie
Zxtraetiaa- .0
Teeth eleaaes..... M
Oftee Keen,'-1 a. a, t. I f. Skt
:M . m. gelldaya, S a. ak
te M a. J""-". ' '
Yale Dental Co.
icTH rxauiT mm,
Betweea Morrison aad Taihfil.
rfcone Mala eeeT.
lng the fair patient prettier and plump
er all the time. The really effective
pert of thla oure may be tried at home
by any peraeverlng woman, ana) the
medicine la so palatable and the method
eo simple that there Is actually, it
seems, no reason why all should not be
of Just the desired weight. ' .
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