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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3. 1EC3. TODAY'S Everyone Is Asking for Chickens These Days Along Front Street- Situation Is Different From That Which Ruled a Week or So Ago. MARKETS mm vu i IS AT 5 CEfJIS Sudden Increase In Supplies of V Columbia r River Fish .''.' Causes Break. PRICE DROPS TEN CENTS I WITHIN SHORT TIME Dipnets Now Working on the Cowliu Fish Men Do Not Expect Con - tinned Heavy Run at Thia Time , General Scarcity of Other Fish. Principal asrkst features today: " Oaluania smelt ran begin. '- . rise aisrkst short of small Mack. ' . Few cblcssns oow; prlc kick. ' far awaat potatoaa la (air shspe. ' Tar Loa Aagvlaa celery due Moo da 7. ; Car araataa ia thle mar a Inf. Potatn market la sealer. -' Hoa aalee aot aa heavy. . Ess axarset eoatlnses soft. - fkhlU 1. W ' Ths raa af smelt to the OetnmMa rlrer I fcegua. Tsstsrdsy tha rscslpts sagas ta ponr la tree tka lawllts and nries droppsd from 4e ta (a pound. Up to tkat time practlraily all tha Colnmbla smell received la lb market was from tka glllnetters at tka knrar river, bat tha present rrtTala ara aant ta trea dlpmeo, rtak m attrtbats tka pnaaat raa ta tka kick aratrra a tka paat event end nay that It ia rather early far tka ref-nlar heavy raa to bl. - Cwneral Bsarelty af Flak Supplies' : Walla Ootsmbls smelt ara to fair easels. thia la tha only nil mat la aot shewing mrnrrity. "I don't knew what la tha natter With nah supplies,- says O. J. B. Malarker, a wholesaler. "Snnpliee to, fractleally rvsry 11m ara very malted. Tkara la bat little a a 11 bt rankle from tha aorta, and thia forced the price here ap ta be a poena- Salaioa fr the Oohtoibia getting scare agala aad prtcee are stirrening. There are aa tsrdabell tin la market today and hat aeaat aappllaa et mow. wsav sre scarce, ear pncea are ma ennagee. raw Caiskeas Osraai Ma High. era email aoppUae eeaUaaa Ma the eolrken market sung Front street.- Not a half aaaat coops came la during the paat 94 hoars, aad every dealer la vainly trying to Isaacs shippers r eator tke market. Chickens are ssnisg at im a pooaa and barter araoraiag ta varwty. aad aotaa daalara ara talking af aaktag Bror tor the raw that are ceasing. are earning to fairly well, .bat tha pool weather kaa set brsnght ea aa ,heavy nrrtvale aa aartrlpeted a few days ad. Mavsrtbeless the market la shewing a aaalc tome -with prices aactoanged. Creamery hotter market at -etesoier with ' prlcea aarkaaaed. - ' rotate BTsrket Is Zaaier. ' Aa easier tone la akewa la tke potato market , today. The laat tare etaanera wklrk left thia rlty for California had ea kearr an do Hoa. aad whea tbcae reack the atarkata there the prfa-ee ara eipeoted to eaae ap cenalderahly. For tha reaana borera are aot btddlnc ap quite aa klfk aa they were a few daya ago. A car ec awaat potatoaa hronjrhf la by a broker freaa tha aonth arrlred ta only fair aha pa. Soatt of the atocka are beinr; repacked. A ear af eraneee waa inosi the aiorahie arrlrata. A ear of Lea Aafelea celery ta due ta arrive aa Afooday. . . , . , ; . Hop Trada b Ikktor. ".' ' The tradtor ta hope eontteeee oa'a lisktar aralo. Siaoa Chriatiaaa boalnaaa kaa keea rather alow. ' la thia eta to aronota ara Bat raahrnc ta eali. ,hat dealera aay they hare do dlf flnlty la boring -remover they have erdera. Waak Inirtoa atata aaarket ta weaker with growers aaaniallr aarhaaavMl. jt - BrleC Betas at tka Trade. ' . Tooe af wheat atarket la steadier. Bocae pnrrhaaaa reported dartaa; the M keen from etetage atoek. : rieat kwaiaees of a . amine aatora." ... . Ih-aeeM BMata flna erttk llrtt rseelpta, aepe- dally ta faery eeaX Prtoe aaaia. - Aipa mi aK wm awin snaa vwia ta the liberal arrhrala af ckemp grade. Fancy atook eoarea. (rtorery Jobbers are baally enraged at thia tbaa to eeerkaoltog their (Marks to aaera felly romply with the proeialoBa of the aew pare food law whick toes tola effect tka first ef tke year. Cabbage market ta holding rather steady. Trices aaaia. Tka trade pay faa Mkrain- prices to Front etreet. Prlcea paid ahlppera ara leas tegular arala. riear aal Teed. KAI!f BAOfr-Oalcatta. 8 Ha paytaf prtcel erlllng. Se8e. WHCAT New etob, SBe; red. Basstas. r; loeotefn. So; valley, aoe. RARI.ET New Peed. t21.nnffK.00; relied. $a IW02S.SO: brewing. t2X.004t 00. COEM Whole. tZlMi. crasked, IBM per ion. BTF l id par ewt. OATS New Prodarera price Be. 1 while. 004177.00: gray, 2S.00tae.OO. FIOtB Kaatera Oregon patents, M.Pfl; avraunis, 10.00; export, e3.iu: eauey. KJ.40; araham. a. IS.60: whole wheat, Xlt; rye, 60a. tfl.Oft: bales, I.7S. . MILL TUFFS Braa. IM per tea: avid- flllnita, go.00; ahnrta. coon try, flt.OO: city, 1.0A; chop, l00itj21.00. HAT Prodttccra' price Tlmofhy,' Wlllamerta valley, faacy. l J.00Q1J.00; ordinary, as.OOat lo.wi: eaatara ureses, sio.nuatis.w;. mixed, 7.M glO.nOQ 10.50; clover. 7.rg.W); grsla. sib.ou; encac. bjuuis.uo., . Barter, Zcgs aad snltiy, . s ' BTiTTEB FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, SXHe: soar, SI He. BCTTEB City creamery. She; etttrtds faacy, S2H7B5c; atnraga, 2U03Oe; a tor. ISe. ' gXi Extra faacy, candled. SOQS2KC3 local and eaatera etorag. 27HU28C n.nar new run rraam, iisrav 44110: ysng Amertos, IBHtldc. . , POlILTRT Ure Mixed chicken. ISe per lb; fancy bras, UHc per lb: roosters, eld, VS. T..,bi ft7"- 12H5lSe per lb; broilers. 12Ulc per lb; eld ducks, l'Hc per lb; aprlu ducks, lSVke per lb: geeee, I0e per lb; ttir kere, 17c per Ihi for old: draaae.. . .r VOe i- iv. Tviia, lotriee per m aUinsthal. SJ AA rtaat m; pigeons, fi.uo pi 11H per lb higher pigaoaa, 11.00 per doe. pressed poultry. Hops. Wool and Rides. . . 4 HOPB 1(I0 crop, choice, 18u.c; prims to .TrCT:.'x taoaium to prime, losjllc; medlttm. .Jzk'rZ "P-Vsney, 20t2Se; asstsra vregonr. yoe. ""mm now, aemrnsk ' -l E lKM! -5"h. each: shsrt wool, znttaoe; medium wool. MdtTum 1. 1 1 . ' r 1 fctV"? RK-HTe for eef lots; small :;ViniC-jrV. No. 1, rba and ap. .. ITMi per Ih: dry kin. No. 1. a t in ih. 1 ... ! ilnT IV: selted hides, steers, sound, at) lbs and ever. 10'atllr; eowa. ... . . , no. nnoer is ins, lie; a-rees. anoalted. Is least eulla. per lb leas .iioraj hldea. salted, each, f1.2r.ct 1. 75; dry. each BI.onttl.60; celt hides, K.f- '.Vm rtsraaiAn aB4h tnrV1raa A . a. . rrafto aad Tagstablss. . POT A TO Irs, -Buying pries eaatera Maltn. (id .ssp axaiiMSiBj, awr-rs-T-i., sl .lUt 1 .III. fmfja-a; flotittLlOi; ardlnary. per ewt; sweat. kc Ih, 1, . ONIONS Jobbing art ce New Oregon, fl.Oft; bnyhig pric. fo7h: girlie, iae lb. APPLP-S rancy Hood River Snltmmberg and Tellow MeWtnwae. t2.MJ fancy W illamette al ley end eootbera' Oregon, fl.sO; erdatars stock. Jctl 26. , ' rnuwimvnncei, lev naval, sz.Tncj S So: Japaneae. mtc; btnanaa. 5e per lb; lemom. rkelr. rt.OOain.oo box; limes. Wei lean. 11.23 per n"; pineapples, g4.on1aA.oo per doa; grapes, i allfornla. fl.o0eei.7H: Malaga. fT.ftO per keg; pears. tl.C0ttl.t5: hackleherriea. Br: nloeannl a; oomegraaatsa. II.Z'.faLAO aer p" . gr"pe rruit. sa. la. - . VRiiKtsRI.tM Taralpa, aew, ayvej.fl sack r'n" inraisi per sacBAbeeta. si xo per sack: veceaw radtakea. tor per sne. esbhege. Ore .. il.tatH Ml bell peppers. I I per Ib.i to Bwesss, fAJet paraBipa, Dt0ljtOi . etrhaf SLIT LI EI OREGON WOOLS ARE , SELLING WELL IN BOSTON a (Spaelal Dlapitch is "Tka Joornal.) a e Boaton, lo. is. Oregon wools. e. ara wall sold op her this week. e d. Thd market Is quiet and Arm at d e around 14 eents ' for , rjuitcm d d Oregon aUtple. Conditions ara d) e tb beat for this tltne of year of d d recant seasons. " f d d d d d d d d d ' d beans, ISe per' Ih.: .can II flower. II. SO per doaea peaa, 1.1c; horaeradiah, SiJIOc per lb.; artichoke ei.w per ouaeoi aquaali. 7actl.l per ani rrplant. per aooen banchea: celery, local, TfKiu.100 per due: California. g4at4..V crate; eggplant, p.-r crate; puiapklus, (lftDsci era n berries. I12 12.50 per bbl. . DatlKO PUl'ITA Applea. evaporated. SH? ic per in; apnuete, isel20c per id: peaenva. 12ttlSHe per Hi: each. Uc oar lb loaa: Druoea. SO to 40. iwic: Uc drop oa each I 10 entailer alae; rigs, tallforula black, ttf'e per Ih; California white, tlgidHe per Ih: dates, golden. par box; raroa, f t.4U(Uai.oo per 1ft ia box ? Srooeries, Bats, Ete. 8HOAB California at Hawaiian Cohe. )S.Z7H; powdered. o.l2) berry, 4.24: dry rrauulated, H.tW: Star, 4.T2H: roof. A, 4.zh: extra v. se.ezu gnincn t. S4u; u. yellow. $4.iaH: beet grahllated. S4 7ZH. weateni lte. powdered, 3.J?v,; dry graaalated. 4 9i: P. O.. ti.kW: tmf. A, M KWi extra C, $4.42H; golden 0. 14.3; P, yellow. 4 22H; beet granulated. 4.t2m hbla. 10c; H bbto, 2oci hoxea. Sua advance ea sack aaaia. I A bora Dticoa are 10 daya set cask aeota- tlooai. , r HOSET S.60 per crate. COFFEB Package kranda. 115.118011. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a. $9.00 per a: 50s. sw.M: table, dairr. ISOe. 113.00: 100a. 1 J.7S; balaa, f I MS; Imported Liverpool. 50a, 1100; lolla.IlT.OO; 224a, fld.OO; extra fine, bhla, 2a. 5a, 10s, . $4.60f 5.50; Liverpool lnnip rock. $10 JO pet toaj 60 lkrock. to.oo. Above orlcse. apply to asles of lees than car lota. Car tota at special priors Subject to flnctuatloaa.) BICE Imperial Japan. He. 1, ec; Be. Z, BV4; Kew Orleans, head, T Ajax, Be; Creole, YbABS Bnan wblte, fSROi Isrga white, $1.26; ptok. $2.00; bayoa. S.7S; Llmaa. 81c; Mexican rede, 4e. NlJTia Peanata, IkmKa, He par lb; Th-glnla, THa per R: moated, lOe per lb; Japanese, 6tf OHe; roaatd77S per lb;, oocoanata, asQOtc per doaea; walnota, iNe per lb: plneaats, 14 lac pas lb: hickory, nata, Jfto per lb: cheatauu, eaatera. lSOltte per lb; Bra all ants, Itte per lb; filberts. It per lb; faacy pecans, 18t20c; aloMads, l4(21Hc. Meats, risk aad rrerlalaas. . rBKSH fJBATB Proat Street Hogs, fancy. Be per lbiveel, sxtrs, SHo per lb; srdlnary, aary, THcTpar fb; poor, a per lb; atattua, fancy. SlnH par lb. HAsfS, BACON, ETC PortUad pack (local) hama, id to 14 lbs. lHe Ih! 14 to 16 lbs, lfl lb; 1 to 20 lbs. lAHQloe lb: breskfaat bacon, 15H20e lb; picnics, 10 lb; cottags. 11 H lb; rogtilar abort clears, aanueked, Ike lb; amoked. 1.1 lb; clear baeka. anamoked. 12 lb; emoted, 18 lb; I'aloa botta, 10 to IS lbs, aa amoked, c lb; smoked, se lb: dees hell lee. an smoked, 14 lb; snwfced, 15c lb; shonldera, 12 lb: pickled toncvea, $4.60 quarter bbl. Local labi Kettle leaf, ins, isu n; Mfae lb; SO-lb tloa, 12 e lb; steam res- a. 10s. ' izM lb: Oa. i24ka lb: eomoouad. 10a. Sc lb. - OAK NET! B ALMOB Columbia riser, Mb tall,; Mb talla.; fancy, l ib flats, Il.W); H-lb fsary nata, SI. IK: fancy l ib orals, a.7H: Alsaka tails. plnk, S3 S 90c; rad, 1.50; aomlnal, 3a. tall. 2.00. FISH Rock cod, Te per lb; flonndera, tie per lb; halibut, Se per lb: craba. 1.00ttl.50 per doaen; atrlped baas, 1214 per lb; catfish, lOe per lb: salmon. Colombia river sllveralda. Sci ateelbead. 10 per lb; herring. 6c per lb; eolea. e per u; shrimps, 10c per lb: perch. Be per lb; black rod, Tc per lb; tomeod, Te per lb; liver a men. oc par to; Mcetere. ine per lb: freak mackerel. Be par lb: crawflah. zoo ner doaen; etarssoa. 10a per ( lb: black baas, 20c per id ; uniumma rrver emeit, oe per id. OYHTRRH Hboolwsteg bay, par galloa. f2.tS; per I IS-lb eack, 4.25: Olympla. per gallon, lk.28; per lls-lb sack. $S-00 to (5.50. CLAMS Hardahell. aer bos. 12.00! Lraaoe ciaow, s.w per box.-- - - Palat, Caal Oil, Bts. OPE Pare Manila. lSVkc: ataadard. llBei slaal. lie. -- - . (X)AL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaae. ISUa aas galloa; water whits, kroa bbls, 14e per gallon; wooden, 17c per -galloa; headlight. kyO-dea.. caaea. 21 He per galloa. . I GASOLINE Sft-dec. eases. 24U aer nllaa. Iron bhla., ISe per galloa. biib M deg. eases. Sac per galloa 1 Iron bbla. lHe par galloa. TCBPEBTINB la caaae, Be pa gsl; woedsa bbls, 8e per galloa. - WHITE LEAD Tea lota. 1e per Tb; OOSlb lota. Se per lb; lees lots, hue per lb. WIRH N AILII Preaaat bsela at 12 S. UNSEED OIL Pare raw. In a-bbl Iota. Sort 1-bbl lot. 63c; cases, aSs per gsl; genu Ins ket tle boiled, esses, 00s per gsl; 5-bbl lots. Me; 1-bbl lots. B5e ner sal: around caks. ear v.t 'M per ton; leer than car lots, ISO per toa. CAINS ARE SHORT LIVED Tsrtsrday'a AdraAewa la CUestro WlMak Wiped OaV BILATTTB WHEAT TALTJES. ' Per. IS. Dec. 2T. Less. ang. necember ....f .7 A f .74;f XXS f ,K1 Vsy 77SB .78 u A . .OoC .MtJ Jnly 77A .77 .00J ' .BZ Chicago. Dec. 2S. Today's trading la the wheat market abowed mora activity tha a for several days psat. alrhvugh "the gains of yes- bat short-lived sad - were rapidly wiped out In today's aeaaloo by a certain clique which la satisfied with amall profits snd quick turns. Liverpool sent higher quotations, alao reports were received from Argentine complain ing of too mock dampness, but this had no effect ea price-making whatever. Helling eon tinaed aatil tha rloalng. with the May aad July abowlng a loaa of So. Cora and oats acted la sympathy with w heat, with fair ac tivity la three oereala. Provisions lost ea lower hogs la tha yards. Offlctal coot at lone by Orerbeek, Rtarr A Cooke company: r . WUSAT. 1 ' ' , Opea. . High. Lew. . Class. 7i nA 77 77SB 48S S2 y ts'i "i M4A tSS KiVs 1002 ItlfttA IflOO ' 1W2A 187A an A 012 91(1 1 30 3S SS7 . SK7 7 ' an8 800 ' 00 December ...... T4 74V liar TKli . Tata inly T7 77, COBN. December May ... ., 41 41U -G 4 44V4' inly ..... OATS. December 84 May July MEM) PORK. January '1817 , 1S77 Stay July ...1SI LARD. Decern he ll SI2 January ..... 02A t P20 naj ......... , e. wm FHOrlT RIBS. Jannsry ....... A0 . Sno- May wit - h fho July 000 SoS j UTXBPOOL BBAIB XAKXXT. Urerpool, Be. BS. Official prices: ' ' WHEAT. --y . Open. 'cioia.- lec. 27. Cain. March ....J a e4d as BUd as 4d Nd Msy ........ OS 44d tid as 4id i .... 1 rnaa. Jannsry .... na lHd 5s lSd Ss IKi Mtrek Hd 4s Hd 4a BAB FB AX CISCO LOCAL ITOCZs. San Pranclaco, Dec. 2. Official closing: . RM. Ask Contra Costa Water Hprlng Valley Water.......... eiH an as siH 10', 1. n, B2 7. SN14 2JH K S4 m -hi 14 12 )S . a t Mutual Electric Pacific Light Giant Powder:.' Hawaiian Cnmmerclsl , nokes Roger ,,. trhtneon Sugar Makawell Sugar Onnmea Sngar , I'aaniieu HugeeY .......t,e..,. Alaaka Fackera 4 40 Aaanrtoted Oil 47 It' aa California W in aaaneiatloa. S2 T B4 rscuic Btatae Teleplioae 107 10 - POBTLABO BABX 8TATEBEBT. Oearlnra today. fl.ooj.47R M Cleerlnga year ago. S40.tM.M2 Oala today :. ....... isi.sis.Tt I Blaacee wsy IsO.eulXA IIOGf,liraiS15 CEOTSOP mu.. r 1 1 r- iit luciLut ittiiianu rium iviiisrB IB Help to Price and Receipts Are Small. ALL LIVESTOCK SHOWS ,, 'r IMPROVEDTONE TODAY Predicted That Cattle Will . Go to Four Centa If Receipts Do Not In crease Too Fast Mixed Sheep About Ten Centa Higher. Portland Union Stock ranta. Dae. M I I. Stock receipts: J H'gs. . Csttls. Bbeep. iy 2"j im noes Bgo.k. 1.-0 - . 60 Moutk ago....... 76 5A 1X3 X tar ago ' 100 'You eaa ssfelr aar that all .livestock ia allowing a stronger tone," says Aasrrisnt Man. agr uouid. "Hecelnta are not heavr and prlcea are la soma iDstsnces higher." " nogs are considerably nrmer aad will that sugar ... improvement In demand from killers tke price HSuielter , raa 10c uoay, puiuag tu pries or Beat a tun at aa iu. No cattle arrived and that Una ta showing a much better demand all .lhs . way through. While prices today la the rattle market ere nominal the tone has strengthened so much that SB advance to 4c for beat east af tha mountain stuff la llksly within ths next day or ao. - oneep are vary arm wtta aa atjvaere Of about 10a la mixed lota. Beat atnff ta se Una as nign as ee. Today TV Boreas cam la. : . . - ' ui wuMMt p, cattle arm aad aaeksuged; abeep steady ami anchansed. urnciai nvestocs price: Hose Boot eaatera Oregon. IS TR AA aK etockers sad feeders, td.wJ4la.TS; . Utlaa fata, B.6O4J4.S0. Csttls Best eaatara - Oregon steers. M.TS41 .8o: oast cows sad baiters. SS.OO: atocksrs ana reeaers, 3joo: bulls, S'OU. Hheep Mlsed, tflSWcl wthr, SH awes, Stroma. ..J. CATTLE AND SHEEP STRONG OMoaa-o aatettot la Oood TtMUj for BXora. Chicago, Dae. 28. IJveatock rseerptai ' Don. Cattle. Sheen i pica go g.000 10.0110 Kansas Oty.,., T.6no f.000 1.AO0 Omshs T.ftOO 1.200 S.BOO Iftitra line. Se I mi. A AAA 1 mm . . j . nm..,i.i. jw a" were ao.jv. i-ricra: aiiisa, so.sotxs.W; good snd heavy, I0.11HI" Z7H; rough snd heavy, fe.S042S.00; llgui, 4v.e11sve.SB. tattle (ttrong. Bbstp Strong. A GOOD SALE OF SHEEP Contunatit BCsa MrnVm SB.aS foa BTcort . ' . TeBrt Zexxaba. TRpeclsl Dispatch to Tha Joaraal.) Monument, Or, Dee. 28. Oaear Scbafer. heenmsn of thia sect Ion, baa made a asls of 2.200 head of aext rear's croa of umbo ta Mr. CsrrlgaU of ths Bntter creek coaatry. for whick I he to te be paid 82. SB per hesd: 12.000 ta be I r1d dnwB. tka remainder aa delrrery, October I IMMMM UAULIOTH STOCK ' Minlnglssue Offered at Eleven J but it Bought at Twelve and a Half Later. Iastdera were MsnoaMfhlA Snr tv. .rr... a -mevw mrw as lie aoasr m ins socsi market. Whea as baring was 'd tenia ved the ems uimw switcnsa sna bid up ssversl eents on the same stock It ksd bees offering to asU. During tka day e.OOO share of Msmmotk were Bold, one block St 12U. taken he the Inter. that offered at lie, while tbe other block went e c. nrniao xuxoa a rraetloa up. Great Northers loot Ita advance of yesterday, aeinng oowa to ie. Assoclstsd Oil gained V.C. Today's Bales: One thooaaml AaendatAil nil at 47S.C, 1.000 Great Nortbera at lt, 1.000 Mammoth at 12c and ..0U0 at 12Va. 1.000 w."wa iuiw mi soc Official prlcea: BARE STOCKS. Bid sos Ask. s;i ino ' 91 140 120 Bank of Callforala ....).. iisnasrs A Lumber me 'a Kqt'itahle Ravings A Lena..... Mercbsnts' National 104 Oregon Trust A Havings 120 ' Portland Treat Co .' United Statu National 200 BONDS. City A Ruburbaa as ... Columbia Southern Irrigation 6s.. ... O. R. A N. Ry. 4s pa O. W. P. A Ry. fa 1O0 Portlaad By. 5s ... J, 0. Lee Co. Oe J S . 100 n 100 MISCkJIXANEOUa STOCKS. Aasncistsd Oil 47 ", 4814 Home Telephone J. O. Lee Co...i.; Oregon City MIU A Lumber Oregon Joornal. preferred........ Portland Heights Imp. Co Pacific Statee Telephone Paget Sound Telephone Ysuulaa Bsy Tslcpkons. ......... MINING STOCK 8. Alasks Petroleum Ilrltlah Columbls Amsl... ....... 22", "a us . 62 110 - BO 0314 24 20 . 01 02 Si on 2S - SO - 04 V "i ' 05 , ' , f2 ' 20 02 ' oa 15 mu ' M " 81 lOVi Csscsdls ......... t'opneropoll Dixie Meadows .. Preeland Con.- ... (lallHher Gofconds . ...r. ., (roldficld Trotter . Ureal Northern .. Holilen I i Creek Oold. r4tRIVs?rsw assreaaa 10 fl4 10 01 'i IX 02 moraine North Pair-view . Oregon Seen rt ties Rarahler'arlboo Standard Con. .. Tacnma Steel ... I'nlted Placer ... 01 ' 2l 10 12V. 14 22 . COECK D'ALENB DI8TBICT, nnlllna . Burke . Copper King Happy Day . Park Copper , .....w. Mineral Farm ......... Monmouth Nonparlel Copper 27 t 0 ON '4 no OS 0.1 oat. OHV on on , 07 06 rtemneer ...... lot. Snowahoe no r 1.10 Snowatorm .J. aft VBITXO STATXa OOVIKBstlBT BONDS, NwT-oaJkr- ttrc. 2S, Offlrlal prlcea k. 10ft Tama, ngtatered. Opt.' 104(4, do esapoa Opt. 10.1 lor.u, 1031, Three, reglatered. npt. t Opt. 1024 102 V iwt'i 100 101 ino 44 104 104 116 1014 do conpoa ....... Small bonda. ...... ronra, reglatered. . . do connon ltKiM. iniH o2t4 17 1WV7 1025 l2f Pears, regltsrd.. do cenpoa 1.11 10S 105 Panama 2a do conpoa. platrlct' of Colombia Philippine . 1084 V.w Terh-leadea SUrer. New Tork. Dee. 2S. Bar sllesr. (! Lon don, 82 I loo. aTswwy Batsa. m . wHb Tk-e ea e.-elle. rw. 4U.Toa)m aO so asa, 77aa7t.ra. , ClltL LOMJ GOES T0 18 PEROT Lis j.. 1 . . BinuvsncB in KBTBB utui ' n v , Early Break In Values In New , York Market ' LATER REACTION IS HELP TO QUOTATIONS I Values Start Strong on Good Reports ..From London but High Interest tea Ara HarmfulAdvance at Close.. ', i KIT I.O88RA. ' Brooklyn . IklNortbara Paeli ... - Peniieylvgnla ..... 1 i Southern Hallway. WiIIoIob Paetflc V,U. a. Steel ...... 1 it'. . Btael. pfd.. Caaadlaa . St. Paul .. 0 I t heaapeaka I r-ne ...n..... Loolarllle .... katy .. 4 rtaoaaa ......... .. V Wabaah, pfd KET GAINS. N. T. Central Amalgamated .. Mi lNa .. HIP. Mlaaourl Pacifls . . atlonal Lead .... Peopl' a Oaa ..... I Atrhiaoa I . IV, Wooding Baltln Hillock falsnd ..... VklBgMtksra FaclAe ., Coiorada Fuel While aa Improvement ta shown Is tka foreuts money markat todsy. New - Tork was vary er ratic. Call loans started at 0 per rest and went a high as IS per cent. They tortus ted badry around thia point bat saaad off aad later went to t per cent. Tb market started strong aa good report from ths London ex change, but with ths advance la caU loans rnaoge, ou wim ine savance cau mana I prlcea broke sharply but later abowedsum recovery aa ratee receded. OfSclal New Tork prices by Overbook, Starr m yjooae company: s el DESCRIPTION, AmaL Copper Co... 11414 ii4i HaT Am. Car 4t toaaa.. 1 Am. Lococaotlve, aa. augsr. com 1S2H l.K 2S8H 102 V 110 182X, 1604 1S2S ldSVi Am. Smalt,, cobs...,,.. Anseonda Mining Co... . Atchleoa, com... Baltimore-at Ohio, com. Brook lya Rapid Tranatt. ranadl.n P..IA, e 104stiinu 120 llteai SOU SOJil TOis 104 4 1183 10J. n., .... Chl.. MIL Bt Kal ; - Erie earn . . P I lntivtMe a 'VISUAL" ISO 1)14 14SH 4H, 42. l4aH;kS 43 I Z 77 14.1 Federal Smelters....... Mlssnurl Pscta.., 0t 00, fw Tork Central...... Norfolk Weetora, ma, 180li es sa cortaara racuic, cess,. Pennsylvania Ry. ...... P. a. u a Co...... Rssdlng. com Rock Island, enm 1ST 1W lWk "8 185. 11 ISflH as 471 SO 2 Southern PeelSc, eeas. , Southern By., eora I'aloa Paclao, aoea..... 2H 2V isi jnt H V. 8. Steel Co., eoas... do lirefarrad 104U 104 104 Wabash, com.. lSa do preferred. Missouri Pad A, aa -dividend nt 11A nee TotaLaMlea for dsy. eua.000 shares. CsU-SBOoey closed d per seat. . ' NEVADA MININQ STOCKS : fjaaiaral Tssdaaor of BCarkat Zs Baa Pranciaco. Dee. M. The eaoerkl roaAeaee of Nevada mining stocks was downward today. Markat Is aulet. Offlcial bid oricee by Orerbeek. Btarr j fS.I2 Caledonia ....... .48 ...... .00 rxeseoner Norcroas ....... .05 Home , ; .. ' .IT Gold Crowa .... .IS Ot. ".Bend ...... .00 Reecae : .28 . Black Bwtt Bx.-:, .18 . Montgomery Mt. . .47 Rnnaat ......... .17 Vernal -. .IS Sceptre .00 Manhsttsn .... .20 Baylor-llumprsy. .13 . (lexter .72 rsnny , .SOA Sold Weds ... .20 Loo Btsr HI fit. Bend Bz .. .2 Ot. Bead Annex, .IT . Crescent .1 Cowboy 1J Denver Annex .. .81 Blsrk Bock .00 N. T. Cooeol ... . .28 Manhattan Con. . 1.00. little Jos ...... MsySowsr , 71 Jumping Jack .. .M Red Tup Bl ... .2 Mustang .IS Bull rrol Mia-. . Jim Boiler .... 1.27 maenamsra ... .a Midway ....... B Montana ...... t.vt) North Star .... ,42 i n..k w .... a uvu I nevsas .......iw.oo I West B4 1.00 .19 . .! .85 .KB 1.U0 .20 .OOA .1 I Adams I Atlanta Bluebell I TtAAtk . Columbia MY. . I ua. quarry I DtamondOeld Dixie I lamka 8 40 Jumho Br 1.2S 1 Kendall 52 logons - 1.40 Mar unaea .... .a Mohawk ...... ,12 M) Red Toa I. SO Sandatorej ..... -.07 Silver Pick .... 1.22 National Bank. .67 Bcltpa 1.10 Trlanxle 1 aT Gold Bar l.ftTV, O. BaU Prog... .20 RUIawsy ...... . (Vm Cal-Tav... 1.20 ITiangi li"jTi North Star waa.T.14 Lab Dilloa s-" Wonder -"! Pin Not ...... -W Kewaaa l- Ophlr ......... 820 Msxlcaa 00 to Close. ' '' Bsn Prsnclsee, Dee. 28. Ths mining exchange will be closed aext Monday and Tuesday. FUGITIVE FROM FOLK " READY TO COME HOME Bt. Xo1a, Deo.' 21. dose personal friends of Sills Wsinrlght, the million aire brewer, who ha a long; been a fugi tive from juatteo and was Indioted In connection with the bribery Investiga tion by Folk la If 01, say Walntight la weary of being a wanderer and has de cided to come home aad face the musla He haa been In France and Egypt most of the time. . , . . 1 asaBaHaaaHwsaaSBSsasssnsen WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS ByBverding A: Farrell. ' 4 Hecelpta of . chickens, geese 4 and ducks have be:t far short 4) of ths demand during the paat. 4 few daya, and everything In this 4 line le being quickly snapped up. e Prloee on chickens of sll aorta e have materially improved of 4 late (there was a time "about a week ago when It waa difficult to. move toem) and the trade Is e getting for good hens and 4 springs 11 and t cents. 4 Ducks are In demand at II and 4 If centa. Geese, are selling very 4 well st 11 and 12 cents. Ws are 4 of tha opinion that the following 4 week will witness a very rood 4 demand for all poultry, and ad- 4 vise shipments. The turkey aea- d eon la pretty well wound up, but 4 A few fat dreaaed onea will sell d well almost any tlma at about 10 to 11 cents. . 4 There la an extremely Arm de- d msnd foi" good fat, small and s medium veals, and It ta not 4 likely that too many of them ', 4 will come. There Is a good de-- d mand for aolld. fat, small and 4 medium hogs and shippers will 4 do. well to make liberal ship- d monta. , . f - I NEVER GUESS; , "Experiment or taka chances ef any sort. I attempt to cure only thoea dlseaaea that I have been curing for ths paat sixteen years, and I bollsvs 1 am lustlflsd In aaylnar that I have learned all about thsm. Wera I lack ing in knowladsej oertalnlnr to ror specialty I would never have attained. ray praaant auocess. nor would l to day be recognised as tha loading ape, ctflllst treating men'a diseases. It amicicd.iyou ean depend upon It that tha aervlc I offer you Is tha service you need, and Is sarvlce auch aa can be rendered 'by no other phyaiclan. . My practice la tha largeet fcacause I Invariably fulfill my proraiaea. . VARICOCELE Undsr ray treatment tha ttioat ag aravatad eaaaa of rarloocels ara cured In few daya" time.' There) la , no pain, and It la seldom neceaaary mat tns patient ba detained from his occupation. Normal circulation Is at once restored throughout all tha ore-ana, and tha natural- processes oy waste and repair are again estab lished. It you ara afflicted with va ricocele, consult ma at once. - De lays ran but bring on aggravated .conditions and nervous complloatlona that will Impair the vital functions and inyolva the areneral health. Contracted Disorders la the treatment of disorders I of fer a service auch aa no other phy sician can render. - The remedlea I employ have a most thorough and positive action in cleansing- the mem branes of all infection and subdulne? all Inflammation. My manner of ap plication lnsuree abaolute thorough ness, and removea every possibility of relapae or a chronio ataa-e. Mr cures are not ottly thorough, but are accomplished In the briefest time possible. . . . t -v, Patlnata lrrlaA oak of tha eity Aad Check jroar troaka Alreot to 834 H OUR FEE XV ABT TnrCOMPLIOATXD 0A8I aBTAVBUBBTHO nr iomTivAJrj. ,ni ovmm . . irivonuBV TaUOTtTsUL, aTTSaVOOaXdi, TAJkXOOOlITeB, . 'iBX.OOXv OXBOBI, X tVOBT TITAXITT, BTXDXfXftf AlB ' BXeAXtDn . XXSaVABBB, ' orOxfomaxoaA, fbobtatxo juts'. Brnrovs BXeTXASaa. - (f ire. things We Wait vary HOURS 8 ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY COaVBTXa. aTZOOBT S ABTU TantaTTLX. BTsUIXTB, rOBTXiABTD, OKXIOOBT. ,' ' H. C. CAMPBELL IS ELECTED SCHOOL DIRECTOR Board of Education Names Him to Fill Place of Richard Wil liams, Resigned. H. C Campbell . wss today elected school director . In place of .Richard Williams, resigned. f The board of education met at noon for that purpose. All - the members wera present, and. aa Mr. Campbell had already been agreed upon, there waa no discussion. 7. it naa been generally un derstood for some time that a majority of tha board favored the,, aeleotion of Mr. CamobeiL - Richard Williams resigned last spring after'-servlng on tha board - for IS years. Since tlwt tlma there has been four Yllrectors: Messrs. Beach, Flelaon- nsr, Wittenberg and Mra. Sttton. H. C. Campbell la one of the moat widely known men of Portland. For a number of years ba waa connected with the old City A Suburban Railway com pany. He returned to Portland aaveral monthe ago after being pn an extensive European tour for mora than a year. KILLED SWEETHEART AND THEN HIMSELF ' ' :: ( V. '. " " (loornal Sped! Service.) South Bend, Ind., Dee. tf. Carrie Vincent agd It. was stabbed to death today by her former -sweetheart. Ray Armstrong, who sought to restore hot to respectability. N Armntrong'e advances were refuaed and he killed the girl. He then tried to commit aulctdo and Is dying. . , V GREAT NORTHERN SAFE - BLOWN IN WASHINGTON floerast Spertsl Strvles.) Sedro-Woolley, Wash., Dee. II. Pro feaalonal cracksmen blew the aafe of the Great Northern depot . here last night and secured f 1.000 In "cash and valuables. ., There la no clue to. the rob bars. . - Most disfiguring! skin .eruptions, scrofula, plmplea, rashes, eta., are due to Impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters la a cleansing blood tonic Makea you clear-eyed, eleax-b reined,' clear-skinned. r - t mm : SB. TATXrOB, The aVssMUaa; BTpeoUltat. bct rmrn xs onr DdD or surr tmcio vuoatbs Oajtm .. ' . You Pay When CURED Consultation Free eomlBg to Portlaad foe treatment will he Morrlaoa street. - - . ' Special Diseases Men o Consultation Free you to do by us if our cases were reversed. Ourcounsel will cost vou nothing,: and our cures arc reasonable and within your reach. Physicians having stubborn caaes to treat ara cordially invited 'to consult ua. Hundreds Tight herein Portland have recently been made well and happy, by ut, and cheerfully c6mmend our cures to their afflicted fellow-men. What we have done for them we can do for you. Every man needing medical attention should carefully read our specialties, which follow: .? ..... ... If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a talk with us. We may be able to'eet you right again if we can cure you w would like to nnrlertake your caee. For many years we have made a specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and. we know we can cure you. IF your case - ia curable. Experttnentinar And theories of the past. - Our trestment embraces, the most, modern, .and c.ieptfic ' principles, rounded on years ot successtui practice. . We cure by the latest and best methods known to medical science VARIC0--CELE or KNOTTED VEINS, BLOOD POISON. NERVO-VITAL- DEBILITY , BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, snd all associate diseases, and weak nesses, with their reflex complications,, Gonorrhoea, Gleet StrictuVe atn Weak-'- "'we have cured .thousands. " If your physical condition if impaired, if your vital-.,' ity ia assailed from overwork and worrv, if your system is tainted with disease in . any form whatever, YOU ,QWE IT TO YOURSELF to seeknd obtain restora-A tive power at once-. ' '- ; - ; , .' la tha Country Who Xa AffUoted to Write) TO ; T TO 1:10 DAILT; SUNDAYS, REWARDS OUT FOR BUTCHERS OF NEGRO (Jearaal Speelal Sarviee I ' Jackson, MIbb., Deo. tl. The gover nor offers . a. reward - of f BOO - each for the capture. d or alive, of Hal Bird, Ernest Brown and Dan Kerr, white men who. It la alleged, ahot Clint Nicholson, an Innocent negro farmer, and burned him while he waa dying. . Alao tha gov ernor offera If 00 for the oapture of Tom Simpson, the negro who murdered John O'Brien, a railroad detective. , WOMAN SUICIDE GOES OVER AMERICAN FALLS (Joaraal Special Sat !.) 1 , Niagara Fall, N. T.. Deo. 18. A wo man. aupposed to be Mary Hagen of Buffalo, Jumped into too river today and waa awept over American rails De- fore ths eyea of a number of people at Proepeot point. 1 . . , SPANISH STEAMER LOST ONLY ONE SURYIVOR -A::: : ' (Joarnal Sperlsl ServlcaJ 1 Caronna. Spain, Dee. 28. The Span lab steamer Prlmerose has foundered off tha coast Only ons person wss saved. RUSSIAN PROVINCIAL V c - GOVERNOR IS SLAIN (Joaraal Rpeelsl Serrlce.) St. Petersburg. Dea !. The gov ernor of Osk, the capital of tha province of Aknollnsk, was killed by an assassin todsy. y ' y . :' Btttrdered Wife, Tkori Sko lraself. (Journal flpseial, aerrlee.) Boston, Deo. S8. Fred.I Clark- this morning ahot his wife fatally and then committed aulclde. fc..: CATS' EYS AS CLOCKS In thiris They' Serve to Tell Natives ' , the Time. . ' So long aa there IS a cat anywhere near It Is not neceaaary to have a watch or a flock, for tha animal's eve will tell you the time of day. Ths first European to learn ot the use of a cat as a time-Indicator waa M. Hue, who. In a work on tbe Chinese empire. I AW NEVER IIS DOUBT -I am never la 4oubt ss to what ths' 'reaulta from my treatment will be. Day after dsy for sis teen years' X have been curing case After case of tha several dlsesses peculiar to man. No case comes to mo now, the like of which I have not treated scores frof times In tha past, snd 1 can al ways ssy definitely whether I rwlU . be able to .effect a permanent curs. I never hold out false . hopes or make promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may bo Able to offer you. If I promise you a euro, a cure ' will follow. 41 WEAKNESS I curs functional we&knaaa in men. I know of no other , phyaiclan cur ing this ailment Moat doctors treat wrongly. They, give atlmulanta and tonics. - These things, can't cure. "Weakness' is a symptom of pros tatic disorder, end the treatment must be locaX This Is a truth that I myself revealed. X have perfected the only system of local treatment tha, curse "weakness." A few doc tors over the country claim to cure by the eame method; but their treat ment la only an Imitation otr the genuine Taylor method. The, gen uine ta here and ia administered by its originator. Don't hops to Bnd It elsewhere. Specific Blood Poison - No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harmless, blood - eleanalng remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. , 2341 Morrison Street or. 2nd, Portlands Or. roraished with flna room free of charge. - " - Under Absolute Guarantee PAY UNLESS CURED Wa do not treat all diseases. ' Wa treat men only, and curt them to stay cured. We challenge the medical profession for a case of BLOOD POISON, NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY or allied troubles that will not readily yield to our treatment. To these maladies alone we have earnestly -devoted our en ergies and .claim advantages over other physicians in their treatment. If you have treated elsewhere without success you are especially invited to come and see us. Wa will do bv you at we would want ma About BUg AUmsnt. TO IS. For WomcNi Only .jr. Sandersons Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The beet and only reliable remedy for DELATED PK Binria f., . . ... - - w.. ... W UIV. U- Biinaie caaea in S to 10 daya... Fries 83 per box. mailed In plain wrapper. ' Ad drees T. J. PIERCE. D. O... lfl Flrft Street. Portland, Oregon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY;. tOST Oold wstra. riader please rstmrn te . Journal effles; ewaer W1U aaecrlsei finder ten bow bo was initiated Into the) mye- M. Hna and a nartr of frlsmda set ' out to visit a Chinese Chrtetlan mission settlement amonA tha naaaantrr Thaw met a young Chinaman on the) road, and -to teat his intelligence they asked him If ha could tell them the tlma. The) ba tlva looked up at tha aky, but tha clouda hid tha sun from view aad ha couldn't read any aaswer there. Sud denly darted away toward a farm, and returned in a few momenta with a eat In his armA Puahlng up.vlta eyelids with his hand, ha told Hue te look at them, at the aama tlma volunteering the information that It wss aot Boon -. .". wwiw pueauna vraruiv . esse, ths boy went about hla buaineaa. V When the party reaohed the Villags tney'aasea tne cnristlsn eon verts I f, they eould tell the time by a cafe eyea, and how it waa done. Imi1iatr-Vr thi waa a wild hunt, And aU.the est 0B- talnable In. the nclghoortioou aa.s" brought before them. The Chinese pointed out that the eu- plls of a cat's, ayes grsw gradually Bar- r rawer nr. tv,se nmn ehM . i. -w ti - acareely perceptible lines, draws ner-' pendlcularly aeross the eye, and after that dilation recommenced,- Hue exam-, Ined the eyea of several cata and veri fied what Ula ChlnVsa had told him. w """SAsvnsaSSAwSS Too Brack Of floe. Elected to office for life- through tha oiunoer or lawmasers. Dr. Hugh Csry, memoer or tne cut., ooara or education of Detroit', will appeal to the eomlng legislature to put aa ana to me otllalAl , tern. . .... . , ... ... ,. r . " : .. i tiSiiaivLor's scoura SYRU? kas besa assd by Hlllloaa of Mothers for reek? , ouiMraa while TeoUUns for over Fifty years. It sooariae U ehllri, softens tbe gum, allays 1 i all pain, enrea wind eoUo, aad la tae best ' , remedy for dlarrhoM. ... ... i J 5, A