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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENmO, DECZMSEH C3, IZZX ,r IS r - IT rr nn.i.iA r-urJjir III n. .uM-food law. which com late efTeet after the first of th year. te a tew that will protect the buying publlo In every tt cpt where an article was roanufactureo. r or uiwnv . adulterated Jot of jelly waa maaufae . tured ta California, It could be eold In - that tete. but not In Oregon. The home conaumptlon of any article la gen orally ae email that manufacturer will tot" likely put up two varieties one for home use aad the other for Inter " atate trade, ,Wbea you. buy rye flour In the futurtlt niuat not contain wheat lit ma. aneelf lea. If a cer tain percentage 6f wheat, flour la used In the manufacture of rye flour, the ar- Hole cannot oeaHd rye flour. The government law tnaleta that It be brand ed flour mixture. In the manufacture of rye flour It haa generally been the ta nt In a large per cent of h..t flour to rive It a lighter color, Thla will be prohibited hereafter unleaa . , the label ao specifies. , , f After January 1 you wtll know.-wheth ar the "olive" oil you are buying la " really what It profeeoea to be. or slra ply a flavoring of olives with the major ' part of the ell preened from the cotton seed. According to the government Of ftclala, the preaenca of cotton-aeed oil In the oil la the eaafeat of all adulter ants to detect. .. . In the packing ef aardlaea It haa been cuatotnary for many yeare to sub atltute cotton-aeed oil for eUve oil. The cotton-aeed oil la the cheapest, and some epert aay It la the beat, -but the publlo would not buy aardlnea If the label stated cotton-eeed ell waa used. : The general canned gMeiarket will be turned topay-tunry when the new , law goea Into effect. Canned Columbia river ehlnook salmon muat b Colum bia river floh of tha Chinook variety. ' Canned ahiimpa muat in reality .be the shrimp of market, and not the- apawnl that aometlmea paaaea for the shrimp, Canned roast beef muat .really be beef that la rotated Inatead of boiled, and canned veal loaf most not be made of anything but veal. Tou will hare to call -'for Boston-style beana after -the turn of tha year, for only the beana that ar really baked la tha etty of Boston will be allowed to go under the nam of Boston-baked beana. Prank fort sausage In- cans will go under the name of Frankfort-style aausagea. and any article not made la the place speci fied by the nam muat ao atate. Boa ton brown bread cannot, under tha new law. be baked In. a Portland bakery if it la sold in Vancouver. ; . 1 In the butter market you will get Oregon creamery butter when you ask for. the atate brand, for under the hew law Washington, butter must go-4Ebr the name ot-.lhat state. If you aak for Wisconsin cheese In Washington, , you ; cannot be served with the product of any other state, for the new national law strictly prohibits It. " , - If you want Java coffee after thei first ef the year the grocer will not bel allowed, to give you- some that la grown In Brasll. for that would be, a direct vio lation of the pure food law. .' Spanish olives must earns from Spain. and not from California French wine muat not be made, of California grapes, or Kentucky whiskey of Missouri corn or rye. California fruits must not be labeled as coming from Oregon, or Oregon fruit from anywhere alee. New York canned corn or tomatoes must be ao labeled. en If .put up- especially for a local dealer. Cornstarch must be made of corn, and .strawberry Jam of strawber ries. ' Tour grocer cannot sell you a mixture tf pumpkin- and apples as pure apple cutter. anl everything must go unler Us rightful name after the first of the year. , - - JAPAHESE TALKS OF WAR 1VITH ALTERICA - Showman YamaJI Thinks Jap an's Pride Will Not Endure ; Much More.1 " v ' -(JeorMl Special Bar-lee.) Los Angeles, Dec. 28. "War between the United States and Japan la Inevita ble," saldT. Tama!, commercial com mlssloner for the Japanese government, mho haa .charge of the exposition at Venice, the Los Angeles seaside resort. "The. San Francisco school Incident;" . said Tamajl, "was a trivial thing, but It waa an Insult, and auch an Insult may be more than Japan' pride can endure. We naturally desire to be treated as the world power we have. proven ourselves te be. The Russian war demonstrated that - . "Japan regards the United States' In vasion In the Philippines a a menace te-the peace of the orient We want to civilise Asia and conceive that te be Japan's great mission." . ;.( asp, to See Teddy. - ' Manila, Dae. . 11 Th. Filipino people are elated over pres report that Presi dent Roosevelt contemplated visiting the islands nest summer. The native press received the announcement with enthus iasm. . r Hoffman's Market and Grocery '' The place te get good quality and low price. Patronise home trade. Bring your basket and get satisfied. All meats are Government inspected. amoexmnsa. - pkgg. pr. Price's Food. 14 ..too ,..15o .-.too ..toe ..ISO ..160 . .too . .Ie $140 ..eoo far else Cntsun T lbs. Lady Washington Bean.. s lbs. Dest Italian prunes , Good Hard-Wheat Flour..,.;... Xull Cream Cheese, 3 lbs........ Herring, per dosen. .......... 3 cans Carnation Crenra. ...... . . Home-made Minremeotr t lbs. . . Apples, flrst-clasa, box Creamery Butter, per roll....... ., nun kzats, . Prime Rib Roasts, per lb. Kit, steak, per ID girloln Bleak, per lb... 'jIPU(H ff9lK, I D. ............ , Porterhouse Steak, lb Rolled Roasts, per lb.............. Rump Roasts, per lb... . .......... - Shoulder Roasts, per lb..... , (Boiling Beef, per lb. nr mew, -per id Hamburger Steak. I lbs. Pork. Roast Shoulder, per b.r...,.uye .......... lOe loo loo . . .16 .IS Ho ...100 o 6 Be too Pork, Boiling, per lb. ...... .10 Spare Ribs, per lb............. 6e v'eal Chops, per lb -ltHe Veal Koasta, per lb. ItlaO Wllllsmi Ave, Cor. OoU St. nOXB ZAtT 1813. o r spices; o :C0?FEE,TEAv1 DAltiriGPOVfDER. FlaCOttu G EXTRACTS ttt-alhfVrty, friwjrnvor, OrtiliV Sfmjfh, Cruorabk frkei CLOSSET tk DEYERS . v PORTLAiHO,ORt00N. SAMARITAN LODGE cou;ity wimvm W. L Lightner Is Presented With Oold-Headed Cane and J , Framed Address.L; ; County Commissioner- W. L. Light ner was honored Wednesday with a beautifully framed and Illuminated all- dress from his fellow members of Sa maritan lodge, No, g, accompanied by a gold-headed cane. In appreciation of service rendered In many different ca pacities during hi long connection with the lodge.. - The addreas I as follows: " -. i "December St. HOC. "To Mr. W. I Ughtner. esteemed brother:. "We, . your follow member of Sa maritan lodge. No. 2, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, desire to express to you our recognition and apprcclstion of your faithfulness to the Interests of dear old Samaritan lodge during your 13 years of membership since Septem ber 10, 1874, and In your office as trus tee from January 1, 188. to the present time, and also aa a member of our hall association, of which, you have' bean president alnce 1(04. All through theae years we have admired your good busi ness qualities, your manly and straight forward character and your faithfulness In the cause of right and duty. "As a small tokeir of our regard we present to you this cane, assuring yon of our friendship In the years to come, and wishing you and your dear family every happiness and prosperity. "Most fraternally yours, "From the member of the Samaritan lodge. . i "WILT.! AM P. LEWIS, noble grand. "CHARLES P. HARRIS, vice-grand. "M. OSVOLD, ecretary; J. F. HAND, treasurer." , '' The Samaritan lodge was organised In 1851 and now. haa 104 members on its roll. At. the meeting of the trustees held night before last the assets of the lodge were found to be S71.676.tO in real estate and other holdings. Thla haa been the result "ff good -management on the part of the trustees and It la for this," largely, that Mr. Light ner haa been rewarded. . BILL TO INCREASE ' v -r JUDGES' SALARIES i A bill to provide for Increasing the salaries of the judges of the circuit court throughout the state-from $3,000 to 34,000 is being preps red 'by the legis lative committee (if the State Bar as sociation!. It will be introduced at the next session of the legislature, which begins January 14, two weeks from next Monday. . ' Each of the judgea of the circuit court now receives 13,000 a year from the atate, payable quarterly. The four Judges, of the clrcalt 'court In " this county and Judge McBride each receive 31,000 a year additional, payable by the counties In which they preside., Multnomah cou nljr .pays j 4.000 It year to Ita circuit. Judges.- These" payments by the counties ar provided by section 22 of the code. f The bill that la beln r prepared . pro vide that each Judge shall receive 34, 000 from the state, payable monthly. In stead Of quarterly. This bill. If passed, will be substituted for section itit. and will therefore -' relieve the counties of the additional paymenta they now make. The measure will not increase the sala ries of the four local Judges and Judge McBride, but will give all the other oircult Judgea in the state aa additional' THE; HIGHEST GRADES! OF COFFEE ROASTED 1 IN THE NOftTH- WEST AT YOUR CHOCERS. & ccrru iTNgyi a. lief SSffM 31.000 per year. Some question s to whether this will be a relief to Multnomah county baa been' raised. Multnomah county paya about one third of the totRl atate taxes, and it has been ajrggestej! that the In crease of the state tax. to meet the in creased salaries would be more of a burden on the taxpayer of this county than to pay the additional $4,000 now paid t the locatf Judges. MOTbRMAN GUION WAS KNOWN AT PENDLETON We are ready to erve you with the best there is, both '. in quality of goods and, erv- ice. .We are liberal on our prices to make them as low : as conservative business will , prmit--low enough that no one need do without a New Year'a" feast. ." "Start tHe NewVeenrRIpcht Big Free Dem . onstratioQ . 6 f , HUMPTY: ; DUMPTY Saturdgjr S pacluset for"2S cents tamo - aa Force." - I package Gold Dust.. Shredded Wheat Arm and Hammer Brand Soda xiottie Ammonia Bottle Blueing packages Acorn Matches . . . 1-lb. can 10-Mule Team Borax package Toothpick ...... 3 package Jell ....... 3 packages Toilet Paper I cake Papollo 9 caaes Avory Domp a lbs. stripped Codfish ........ 1 gallon Catsup PHONE MAIN 1412 The store for and of the people. Our aim is to 'give the people the best there is in the market, and at the lowest prices; that is why our store has grown-to such proportions, and why we are doing such a large . business. We claim small - profits and quick sales-quality,- promptness and -courteous treatment. ; , v j 22Pound3 Cane' Granii latcd Siiar pnouF MAIN I4I W. hav - cured a Urge lot . of Royal Dr. Price's and Cream Baking Powder; the carta are alight ly damaged out the Powder ia good; 2S cents per lb. 854 ..tit ,.5a .-50 25 lot 25v 25 ... .io 16 25 ......j Good Creamery naaen . , VRIS, 55 604 7v t lbs. rult Cream Cheese , I lb. Half Creara Cheese ww Cheese, lb. QUALITY We Give the Best MEATS! MEATS! QUANTITY -You Get It From Us o tottb nvrrojkxn. . package Currant ............. .254 package Raisin ........n....25 lb. Lemon Peel 20 lb. Orang Peel ,...20 id. mtron reei .k ......SOe r.... 0KHB. i ....... i Fresh Egg 30 noxAxa. . nV AJTD 04)1 1 lb. U. C. Japan Tea..... ...25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea 25 1 lb. E. B. Tea 25V 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee. ....,.15 t lb. Tpwn Talk Coffee.... SO 1 lb. Monarch Coffee v-25 " Our Poultry Buyer. Ia Now Back. from the Turkey Raising Country and got the very finest lot of Turkey that ever was teen in the Portland market for our New Year'a trade. These Turkeys - and ' others were shipped to us alive for our New Year'a trade and will be killed and dressed to your order. We will have the finest lot of poultry for New Year'a that ever reached Portland a fine assortment ' of all kinds if fewfe, : .; ..,-;' ; ''(. ' .? , ... '"SIRLOIN STEAX PORTERHOUSE STEAK BOILING BEEP . . . . . .. POT ROASTS HAMBURGER BOLOGNA ......... SHOULDER STEAK WEINERWURST 204 aoajna. .w' '- J 3 bar Royal Soap J bar silk Soap 'I bar Monarch 8oaa . S bar XLNT goap a5J 95 .25 .25 All kind Cream. S can, M .........t...... i a 12Vaf 12e . . . . 5 6 and 7a , .8 pounds 15. ......... S pounds 15t , A pounds 25 104 Scotch OatsL. Violet Oata, 3 packages Quaker Oats. 3 paekage ' Fore, t package ..... Grape-Nuts, 3 packages Figprun 20 Postum 10-1 r. aack Rolled Oata 10 lb. Corn Meal .......... ! ....10 25 .........25 25 25 20e 854 .......... .... 9Ri 10 lb. Graham Flour........ ......255 10 lb. Farina 85 J t eana of any kind of Cream for...lK All Order foe Albtaw aad Beat Sid Host Be la by 1 O'Clook, for SeUrery '.y . atturday. , ... , N . , LOOSE PORK SAUSAGE .S pounds 25 -PRIME ROLLED ROAST BEEF 10 VEAL ROASTS pound 7, 8 and 10 TRY OUR VEAL SAUSAGE. ; . . . . T . . pound 15 CHOICE EASTERN HAM. ....................... ....... pound 174 oans Salmon .....JSrf cans Domestto Sardine 25 S eana Mustard Sardine ......... 15 1 dosen Alaska Herring.,, ,.20 AH Orders fo Arblna aad Heart SHAa I la by 1. O'Clook fot SeUrery . v, Sasarday. M 1 'r: n 1 E; : ' sasaaassss : B OUR MOTTO: 'Quality, and Plenty of It" Stands for roasts from the most fastidious plate.: Stands for irresistible. Our meats are all that, , - ...V'- town' The Rainier Market 17th & Savier Phone Main 1632 The Modern Market 233 N. 23d St. Phone Main 3807 Empire lOla BtAXBT OtH. . OOaV miT AJTD ICASZSOaT.i; I Ensllafl the lleat Trust Eight Weeks Old Watch Us Grow THIS SHOULD SHOTO,TOU THAT WE MEAN BUSINESS. " . .- . " ' - . " .' ; Special for Saturday Smoked Pork, Spar Rib. Breakfast Bacon, every ounce guaranteed. All other meets proportionately low priced. Come se us. ' We need you, and you need us. Every market raisins prices but' ours, we continue to prloe our meat so cheap that we prove to be the TRUST BUSTERS. COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT 3 Lbs. for 25c Salmon, per lb... .....104 Razor Clams, 2 dor. ..... .'.25 Best Creamery Butter, roll. .75 Good Creamery Butter, roll. GO 4 Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, dox. ,j...35t (.CHICKENS, GEESE, DUCKS and TURKEYS for your NEW YEAR'S DINNER. Columbia Fish Co. Third and Anlceny. - Main 5 SpM-la) t)tNitek f The Jorol Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 33. William Oulon. the motorman who ws reported to be fatally Injured In the bead-on col llslin. between pnssrnger nd freight trains on the Seattle - electric railway I Wedtieluy nenr-Tacoma. la well known I In Pendleton and -eastern Oregon. lie I 101-mcny work-rd in the praln Fre hou!s alonir the O. R. ts N. and from this place he went to La Grande, where Ji btgst firing on the road. ' After about four .years aa fireman ha, waa pro mubtd to tit position of engineer at La Utnmle. . . ... Soon after being promoted hi left the arrvire of the o. R. N. and went to tl Henttle-Taeoma Interurbua electric llnV where b has slnre boen constant ly e-nploy!d. In lino he miin-lsd a daughter ef Charles Beale of ttil city. OLD HUTCH'S PARTNER V .DIES AT POOR FARM .. . . (ft- a, " ... S ; Spokane, Wash.; Dec. 18 Once a mil llonalre wheat speculator, the partner of "Old flutch" In the Chicago wheat pit, "Judge" a. O. Leonard, ia dead aged (3 at the county poor farm at Spangle, .nnmourned and unattended by", friends tor relatives. One son I superintendent of the largest tet.mlll at Birming ham, A la bam-., and his dsughter I the wife of p professor In the University of California, and hi wife and two other daughter reside in Chicago. Drink t.iought about his dowpfall. wrecking hla hearth and breaking up family fola- lUius, . .. , v DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR FRANK X.. SMITH iVIEAT CO, 828-228 ALDER STREET. BETWEEN FIRST ANDSECOND STREETS "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Smith ia the only7 independent wholesale butcher in the city the only one who is riving the Port land people positively fresh Oregon meats, absolutely pure and without the taint of the beef trust. Ect Oregon Meats-Smith's Meats Don't Eat Beef Trust Meats-Chicago Meats ; Choice Oregon Turkeys, Per Lb. 25c Choice Ribs of Beef, to boil, per lb. 54 Choice Brisket Beef, to boil, per ib: .v... .5 Choice Neck Cuts to boil.... .54 Corned Beef Plates.......... 6o Corned Beef Brisket. ,6 Choice Pot Roast Beef....... 84 Choice Rtrmp Roast Beef.....8J Rolled Roast Beef, lb. ...... 10 Loin Beef Steak. ....... . . .10 Round Beef Steak. ...... ,..10 Porterhouse Steak, lb.... 12,Prime Rib Roast Beef. 10 "T"-Bone Steak, lb.. 124Hamburg Steak, lb.........X0 Beef Liver ; . . . . . .... ... . . ; .5 LLeg of Veal..... .124 Tlump Roast Veal.. 12f Loin Koast of veal. . . . . ..izyzf Loin Veal Cutlets. ......125 Veal Shoulder Roast....... 10 Shoulder Roast Lamb. ..... .84 Breast of Lamb ........6 Lamb Stew . .' , . . . ;. ; . ; . ;f. . .0V Leg of Lamb... ........ ...154 Loin Roast Lamb. ........ .15 Lamb Loin Chbps. ...... . . .15 Lamb Rib Chops. .1 . . ..... .15 Pork Shoulder Roast . T. .12t Lamb Shoulder Chops.... 12, Pork Shoulder Chops.... 124f Leg of Pork, per lb. .; ...12a Pork Loin Chops,. lb. ..'.....154 Pork Loin Roast... 15 Shoulder of Pork, . . . . . . .124 Pigs' Feet . . .'. .5 Leaf Lard 12, Veal Breast, lb ........ . . . . . . 8 Veal Stew, lb..... ..64 Our Own Pure Lard, lb... .12 Hams, lb ......17 Our Own Bacon, lb...... 17$, sausage .........i.lOf Oood flour la half the batU In baking. Everything da seem to com easy when on: haa good flour a a baa to work on. Tou will And your Breed, Roll end-Pastry much better, sweeter, lighter and more nutritious If, you try ' " - Dalles Diamond- Flour a an experiment. ' - Tou wltl continue to us It afterward as a matter of cpursa 4 oussb nost tovb astooaaw 5tarttHeNew Year Right ; BCT1NQ FOVB FISH. POULTRP, ITERS AND BUKLtV FISH FROM G. Covach & Co. BT OTSTtTRS Th Most Reliable Fish Market In' . ; . City. , ; . . rirst and irttmo Itreeta. SikeM Jtala SSS, , 1 TTTTTn On pi whim Packed; .!. Wax Cartons m. Jf ' ilr.'U '-ff. fi First in QHality- .Because of our ex . pCTience 'Z'r; .Krst in Sales Because of the buy er' experience , T. ;towiikn3 CrcameFy Co. :: " aa.- 44-46 Second SI., PorUand, Or. ', A Triaate to Temperaaoe. . . from th London Chronicle. . Th graredlggsriof s little town In Scotland was Induced to vivo up hi habit of hard drinking and sign the pledge. At a public meeting he rare his "ex perience." "I never thought to tell ye," he said, "that for a whole moaUt X havena' touched a drap of anything. Tre saved enough to buy me a braw oak coffin wl' brass hsndles and brass nails and If I'm s- teetotaller for fil'hl moata X ahail be waaUa' ltr '.V3 t ...'-4- V. w V-