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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
- :. I- 1 GOODEVEIIinG. Journal Circchticn H , - ' . ' THE WEATHER. , Cloudy tonight and "Saturday; onthtrly Wind. 1 ' ". VOL. V, . NO. .255. ; -.-TP ": - v ; - - , v,..,. ; , - .. fr: , r ; t . . - , i . To fulfill "m vow made many years ago in far-ofc Iuly, Giuseppo Savignoni today stabbed to death Giulia Bignani, his inamorata; subbed and perhaps fatally wounded Annia Vismara, her mother; fled down the street, and taking refuge in a drug store at Third and Everett streets attempted suicide with a revolver. ' - - The tragedy occurred at 402 Water "street at 9:30 o'dockthis morning. In the house were Giulai Bignani, her mother and two children, a little boy of three years and an infant. The young woman held her child in her arms, while her mother was preparing breakfast. The little boy, a mute, was playing on the floor. . Savignoni entered suddenly. He drew a Jong stiletto and plunged it hihdeep into the young woman's breast. She staggered backward, dropping the baby upon the stove. He raised the knife again, but staggering through the door she escaped. She ran a short distance and fell upon the sidewalk, expiring instantly. '7 ' " " ' " : , .: Thwarted by the elder woman in his pursuit he turned upon her and drove the dripping blade twice into her back. She fell bleeding upon the floor. ' . - The murderer hurried to the Davis Drug store, Third and Everett streets, where he com mitted suicide. He was removed to Good Samaritan hospital, where he died at ( o'clock. The elder woman is' at Good Samaritan hospital, and her .wounds ire likely to result fatally. Savignoni continually paid attentions to the young woman and was ejected from the house , on several occasions by her husband. Neighbors declare that they first knew' each other in lul$and that he has followed her foe years. They came here recently from California. KILLS FOR- Because of Refusal of Mrs. Big- V nani to Accept His Attentions, G. Savignoni Kills Woman a. ByInonl. to avn( th peralatcnt refusal of hta attentloDO, went to th homo of Arturo sBl(nant. . 402 Water treet. thla morning, aUbbod to death hla wife. Quill Bignani: atabbed and perbapa fatally wounded Annla Via. mara. her mother, and then killed him aelf. . f flavlcnnnt went to the place at :I0 o'clock thla ' mornlnt Entering ' the : house from the street, he crossed the hUwt,aiid suddenly appeared In the kHchn.where were Oullla Bignani, her ' mother, Annla Viamara, and her two children, a I-year-old boy and an In fant Emerging from the house, Savlimonl hurried (o the Davis drug store. Third and Everett streets, where 'Arturo Big nani, husband of the murdered woman, la employed. Detectlvea lellwe he went there to finish the extermination of the family by the murder of Bignani, but was deterred by .the crowd In. the tore. Reaching the place, ho shook hands With a friend, excused himself and re turned to a rear part of the atore. - An ' hour later a clerk, becoming auspicious at hla prolonged absence, went to In vestigate.' Savignoni waa found, lying upon the floor with a ?:-callbre revol ver by Hla side. 'There waa a small, powder-marked holo In hla temple. On thlr arrlraLspoIlre offlcera vdlscovered that he waa still- alive and removed him to Qood Samaritan hospital, where b died two hours later.' . - , Aeoaalntea to Xtaly. . " ; The dual and perhapa triple tragedy waa the result of Savlgnoni's porsjatent attentions to the woman. Neighbors declare that they were flrnt acquainted In Italy and there' Savignoni began to ahow hla admiration for the wlrl. Me continued them on their arrival In, thla country, . and did not dealst after her msrrfage to, Arturo Bignani. i - ' The elder woman waa preparing breakfast while her daughter held the (Continued on Page Two.) Things That7 Interest j Stories that nave heart-interest in them, news that is true and worth publishing and reading, comics that are funny, ' fashions that are tip to date, matters . that women should know,' notes for musicians and actors, all the doings in the world of sport, games and tales for boys and girls what-" ever is good and entertaining .you will find , ' In The ; Sunday Journal :ttt::::;:tt T - IMMHIMMMtlMhlMMMmMHIMMj o wm KILLS SELF :"5 Slayer of Women Hurries to Drugstore Lavatory and Sends Bullet Crashing . Through ( Brairn -Dies at Hospital, Realising the enormity of hla crime and certain .that hla 'capture by the police would Inevitably result, a. Savig noni. a double murderer, with the same calmness and deliberation which char acterised the ruthless alaughter of hla two hclpleaa woman victims a few min utes previously sent a bullet crashing through his head to escape the penalty of hla act. He died at the Good Samari tan hospital at 1 o'clock without having regained consciousness. . . The second act In the terrible tragedy occurred In the lavatory In the rear 'of the atore of the Brooke Drag company at 17 North Third street. About 10 o'clock Savignoni entered the drug store and. approaching .his . .friend, Frank Poaxl. a clerk in the establishment, cor dially shook hand wKh him. ' Poxxl waa well acquainted with the murderer, but noticed nothing unuaual in hla de meanor. ... i , . . Aavlgnoni had been In the habit of securing his mail at the drug store, and - after ' Inquiring . If any letters awaited -hlm,r aaked In a careless man ner for fhe key to the lavatory. rrtoaa Avapeeta 'nothing. . Without1- suspecting the t horrible event that waa to follow, Posxl handed over the key and Savignoni sauntered to the-back of the-' store. Opening the door to the toilet with the key, he en tered and Pots! thought no more1 of the matter. - An hour elapsed and the drug clerk wondered why Savignoni did not return. Intuitively feeling, that everything waa not right. Poxsl asked Mlchele R I poll, an assistant clerk In the pharmacy, to Investigate. ' . Rluoll entered the - apartment and waa horrified lo find Savignoni lying In a corner, laboring tinder the Impren sion that the man had been taken 111, Rlpbll bent over him -to ascertain the cause of his Indlspoaltlon ' and waa horrified to. find that tha man was covered with blood, A closer examina tion revealed a large pool of blood on (Continued on Page, Two.) Hv4vfmvtvHmMt.t PO&TLAND,- OREGON, FRIDAY mm WITNESSES No One Saw Bloody Act but Two Babes One Is V Trampled Under Foot, the Other Is Dropped on Hot Stove. . Two Innocent little children, one a boy 14 year old, toddling at hla moth er's skirts, tha other a babe of 10 months, lying in her arms, wffre the only witnesses to tha terrible tragedy enacted In the kitchen of the houae at 40 Water atreet when O. Savlgonl murdered two women this morning at :I0 o'clock. When the murderer rushed Into the room, the older child waa tram pled under foot and the moment he plunged the knife dripping with blood Into the back of the aged grandmother, the younger babe allpped from the arms which had been holding it to. the hot aurfaoe of the atove. thence to the floor where a neighbor found the child soon afterward. From Cecil, the older child, nothing of the detalla of -the crime could be learned. Injured In a streetcar accident In Los Angelea about a year ago, hla vocal chorda were paralysed and only the teara that stained hla cheeks and the baby sobs told the neighbors, who tried to learn something by questioning him. of the horrors which he had wit nessed only a short time before In the kitchen of tha borne. . aimed oa Stove. The younger child waa frantic with the painful burna whloh soared the little legs from the feet to the knees, and for two houra after the murder the child screamed with i agony. Finally, ex hausted and worn out from the excite ment of the nolso and many people In and about tha bouse, ha sank Into a fret ful sleep. No medical attendance waa obtained for th child.-and the red and swollen lege were, bathed In aweet oil and other lotions,' which only intensi fied tha terrible sufferings of the little one. 4 ' - Grandmother Vlsmora and the daugh ter-tn-law. Julia iWnanl, were together In tha kitchen a little paat o'clock thla morning. - The younger woman's hus band had gone to work long before and the two former were busy clearing up the breskfsst work and washing the dlahea. In the arms of the mother lay the little tO-mnnths-old babe, and pull ing at her apron strings waa Cecil. There waa a nolsa at the door and a second afterward Savignoni burst Into the room with stiletto raised ready to strike. BeeelTOd Steel to Breast. Julia Illgnanl was the object of hla murderous Jealousy and aa he plunged the long steel blade Into her breast, little Cecil wag trampled on the floor under hla feet. Tha younger child fell on top of a atova nearly red with heat and into the steam rising from the Lpofllne; kettlea. When he waa picked up from tb floor a raw minutes after wards, hla clothea. were saturated with blood which had apurted from the mother' throat when the artery waa aevered. - The skin on the little ilegs hung In 'strips and in th flesh were AContlnuea on Tf Two.) ' EVENING, DECEMBER '-TV ' !""' !' . ;wm,w an mmi' wi w , uim ...,.vw( . v ( i ' , . -. t m ' .xi I 3 i;- 7 Oa the-Left Is Ciaueppo Savignoni,; ' 1'Y '' ; .; '"-.2 :' '1 v - v.r' '. '' Congress to Be Urged to Discharge All the Colored ' Troops by Army Officials ; ' . ; (Jeamal Speeiil Serrlr.) ' ' : Washington, D. C, Dect H. -Congress will be irged to rid tha army 'of all ne gro soldiers next, time consideration of the , Brownsville affair arises. Many army officers and! members of congress are planning for thla end. . ' Four regi ments will be affected, the ninth and tenth cavalry, and the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth infantry. The attack upon Captain liarklin. tha aasault upon Mrs. Clifford in Oklahoma, and the riots at Fort Leavenworth, all by negro sold iers, have Increased ' the r agitation against the b)ack troopers. . The negroes have been good fighters tfgalnat the Indiana, Kpanlarda and Fili plnoa but -the records during peace are filled with stories of brawls, - street fights and efforts to shoot up' towns. As a result, the war department flnda it difficult to station negro troops when not on active service, - y . - No community wanta them near. Pro testa ariae aa soon aa it la rumored that negro troops are to be atatloned at any post. The same thing occurs In the l-mllppinea. cltlsena objecting to black soldiers being quartered near.-' . ' Representative Slayden of Texas, af ter the holidays, will 'press a renolu Uon providing, for the, discharge of all negro troops --" ADOLPHUS BUSCH .. 1 IS CRITICALLY ILL . (Joarnal'8p(!l,l gervte.) St. Louis, Mo.. IMC . at.-Adolphus Buaolv- the millionaire brewer, I criti cally ill of pneumonia. Ilia age and obes.y are against blm. Ids Illness wss thought to be but alight.' His age la t. ; . MILLIONAIRE DONLAFS - WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE '- . ' - . (Jonraat gpeelsl Service.) -Norfolk. Va.. Dvc. it. The wife of David Dunlap, the-millionaire club man and yachtsman, has gone . to . South Dakota to take up her residence for the alleged purpose of securing a divorce. SECRETARY WILSON ; V INSPECTS DISTILLERIES Ufterul Special gervlre.) Washington. Dec. Secretary Wll son and Solicitor MoCabe went, to Bal timore today to, Inspect the distilleries Iflii 28, 1908. SIXTEEN PAGES. , . . . PRINCIPALS IN ' the Murderer and Soidde,; Ja h Center 4-Mr. Annia VUrttara, Mother of Giulia, Who Wat Fatally Stabbed . r'IsVGluHa Bignani,,' Who Waa fclain, and Her Husband,' Arturo Bignani.' ; 'J1'-' ' " , .-' ,.; ft BO CHAfc OF JURY New York Life Insurance .Officials Must An swer for "Technical- Crimes Committed. , Jury .States "That Defendants Were In JuencediSolelyyiDesireito Make Money (Jonraal Special Service.) New York. . Deo; 21.-George W. . Per kins and Charles. 8.. Fairchlld were In dicted today on charges of forgery In the -third degree. The indictments are In connection with the New Tork Life Insurance company Investigation. - Perkins had been told by District At torney Jerome thst the . Indictments would bo returned and he waa In court with his attorney when the bills were handed In. He waa formally arrested and. arraigned before Recorder Golf. He pleaded not guilty, with tha privilege of withdrawing tnta plea and interposing WAN" TT. I If mi md teams te nasi wood ea kid road. Imnilre Traiia Bros." Pl . Seat Elcbta and Ilawiborae are. WANTED f!iwl all aron4 bateher St J. B. Bartel a. Coltase Crora. Urecea. OKSCRAL help Vented. ' JVnrth and onrh ata. City Laoadry, 2S rgft WEEK sad traTellnf ecpenaee , pa 11 ealeaman i sell gnnda . grocery aealeo: eiperleere aDneeeaaary. Purlijr to., CBicaaa. i . . . 4 FOMC'ITeRH fer rortUad and eataMe tnvrne: no Inveaiment : terrlteey clear: pay every weea. W. H. Taylor Ce., TI4 - t taaaiber ef Coamerre. . S GOOJ siaehlnlfta for eat nf town; state ei per lance. A4dras I. UT. Jenraal. SALOOX. $2B(V Why work ea salary t Onnd . Ineatlna. fond leaae: InTeatlsale; rest $An. ' Alexander Land To., -t Slttk, Bear Fine, rboa Pad Be 39. V i - roa nniTKrm "wurrr nu to m OLAItmZO tasks ; . Ifyou want anything a 15 cent classified advertisement will advertise the want among 100,000 JOURNAL Readers! WANTED PRICE 'TWO THE TRAGEDY -v another If he wished, before January SI. His Mil' Was died at $10,000. which was furnished by' J. P. Morgan Jr. and Cleveland H.. Dodge. The prisoner was then released. f t ' Former' Secretary of 'the Treasury Charles 8.. Fairchlld. a director of the New. Tork Life 'and president of - the New Tork Truat A Security- company, waa alao Indicted, alz ldnlctmenta charging forgery In the third degree be ing returned agatnat him. ' Fairchlld la now In Europe. - ' . -, The Indictments against both Perkins and Fairchlld relate to one atock trans action of tha Chicago a Northwestern railroad. The grand Jury accompanied tha re port with th statement: "The jurors desire to record their conviction that th defendants were eolely influenced by th desire to benefit the policy-hold-1 era: that -they did not and could not profit personally, and that th evidence Shows that large pecuniary benefit was derived by th policy-holders." - a PRESIDENT AND PARTY .OUT TURKEY.HUNTING (Jeornal Speelal Servlee.) Norfolk. .Vs.,- Dec 28. In Ideal weather for turkey hunting. President Roosevelt, accompanied by .his ; sons. General Blxle.-snd others, went out this morning into Pine Knot forest, Albe marle county, Mrs. Rooaevelt, - Ethel. Miss Langdon and others who did not go gunning went horseback riding. Th party la so large that a number have been accommodated at the homw of the Wilmera, nenn the president's lodg. All the Roosevelt are present except Mrs, Longworth. PORTLAND APPLICANTS - HAVE APPOINTMENTS (WiMitoa Bur ef The JoarsaL) Washington, D. C, " Deo.'; 31 Mrs. Harriet T. Churchlld and Mis Cora 11 Franklin, both of Portland.- Oregon. have been appointed stenographer in th federal reclamation service. . SCOTLAND SNOWBOUND ; COAST IS DANGEROUS (Jnarnal RnaHal gervlee.) .. . Edinburgh. Iec. -Scotland la enow botindr and all traffic Ik auepemtcd. Th coast Is (lKiigeroun for veaeel. Many wrecks are 'reported. ' - CENTS.' JMOTnPcKH ' V ' Steanjeh! Competition r ForcesRailroad to Cut Down Tariffs Frdm ilUpper Rivefe; Points Striking evidence of th extraordlnafr benefits' resulting from 'the opening ef thd Upper' Columbuv.'rlver to navigation la afforded by the new, rate achedul Juat tasued by the O. i R. "aV N. ( Sweep ing reductions' have .been' mad by tha railroad In freight ratea between Port- land and numerous points in th Inlat Bmpir. . Tties concessions ar th di rect result of th competition of - th steamers placed on the upper river by the Open River association, and 'wilt mean an enormous saving to th frm-t era and shippers. In -many Instances th - reductions , range from 12 to 1 1 per ton. They demonstrate conclusively th benefit of opening th upper Columbia to navl- . gation, and ahow. that deapit th com paratively small amount of freight car ried by th steamers of the Open River asaoclatlon. they have nevertheless ao-'" comnllahed their purpoae. Frank J. Smith, traf f lo manager of th association, aaid thla morning; Oaaaot Overlook Columbia. 1 Th open River asaoclatlon has dem- onstrated that the Columbia river la a factor which cannot be overlooked here after by th rail llnea In making. rate. The people have not yet forgotten that after, the completion of th Cascad locka a heavy rsnUictlon was mad lit Th Dalle ratea Above Th Dalle tp obstructions In th river at Celilo kept th Inland Empire from ' sharing mucfj benefit from the reduced rates in effect below Th Dalles... , i "But the Portag . railway and th steamers of the Open River Transporta tion company by their tentative opera tion have- shown that even a partially opened xlver will regulate freight ratea)--' that It will lead to greater and speedier Interior development. s ae was Kedaeed. . "After the Portage railway wss opened, but before a wheel wss turned by the steamers on th upper rtver. th rs te on wheat from Arlington it Port, land, waa reduced ti .40 cents' per ton, and during that year th Waehlngtom farmer On. th north bank r some one els profited largely, for at thns nnln' th a ten ir, era got no wheat, although they offered lo carry for 2S rents per ton leas tbanrall ratea,' bealdea aavliig a erosalng charge of to cents per ton. "Following a vlslref a reprentafl v of rte sssorlatlon to Condon In April of'thl year, a reduction was made of from 11 o I P" on freight t.i th't point. The rail line In a numhr c ' ways bettered Ita aervr and pairoi Interests wer mors . .cloeely l-.k after. "During the prencnt year nf . (Continued oa I'age I . aa---'