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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1906)
; - -.'"V .:' V'"-.' - PORTLAND. - WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 28. 1900. -i --- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. CLEARANCE INCREASE VilLLIAD-S VJRAIII COOLS HOT v ' , r-: Terrible Malady Recurs Through Strain of His Awful ' " Rage. . ; - IS FIFTY MILLIONS -. v: ; . , ' - - Figures Representjpnly Actual Cash Business and Does Not Take , V' Into Consideration Mortgages and Other-Such Transactions. . -v-'-" ''""'. Crowds packing the store to scUocdlonEvcry slslc a seething mass of Layers TL:rc never was such a $ale before end the crowds are the greatest that ever paclied 11:2 store - Portland" a bank" clearances , top the twelve months of 110 show an Increase ever IS or of. Iff .TtT.atMT.'r'rhta figure ie Inclusive of tho month of December, an aattmata of whoaa clearings was fu oiahed by jr. u Hartman of tha Portland clearing house, and abowa a remarkable an In tha financial atatua of tho city. Tha largest percentage of gain la ahown for tha month of Novarober, whan tha total clearing- amounted to nearly S J 0,00 0.000 and were only a few thou sand In excess of tho bank clearings for tha preceding month. Tho total for No vember this year ia tt.2S4.721.S7 greater tban for tha corresponding - month of ItOS, an Increase of nearly 40 per cent and tha heaviest monthly Increase dur ing tha year. - Tha figures gtvea la ' tha monthly . ; . . v, ' : ios. January .,'...$ 14.120.640.41 February M 14.044.430H Marofc , 1, 464,154.47 April . ................... 14.811.648.40 May ,. ... 18tl.4t5.tS June ..... - !0,124,7.44 July , ... ,. 14.JK3.750.2l August 17.127.306.17 September October .............. 14,436,174.41 November , M.403.S3i.OS- December ..;.........., ' si.0SS.004.Sl 1318,402,712.4 Estimated. . Herbert R. Dixon of Forest Grove" Perishes by Capsizing Of Boat. DIVER FROM PORTLAND SEARCHING FOR BODY V Dyton Was Strong Swimmer and Ex- per); Boatman -Neighbor Witnesses : Helplessly His Terrific Struggle for . Life Leaves Remarkable Family. (Snerlsl IlDetrfe toTb Jnerssl.T' : JForest. Orove, Or., Dec. 24, Herbert It. Dixon was drowned In tha Tualatin river one mile south of this place yea tcrday morning about t:IO o'clock. The river la swollen aver its banks,, cover ing tha whole field, and rushes with wild speed over the snags and brush. Young Dixon- left home about 8:30 in tha morning to catch the o'clock train for Gaston, telling hlg. wire that ha would row up stream In hla newly constructed boat and. thereby cut off some distance of travel. . He had been gone from horns but a raw minutes when a neighboring farmer named Bead beard cries for help from tha river. When Reed reached the scene Toting Dixon was clinging to the keel of tha boat, floating down stream. The next moment ha waa cut. loose i - - . . Dis Cigar Doesn't " Taste Right And Yet It Is tha Same Ha Was Smoking With So Much Relish " After Dinner, Last Night Out ' . ' of tha Very Same Box, Too. . Xt Xaat .tha Segar Xt'a the toxaack. '- Every smoker has experienced thta ,J peculiar condition of . tha atomach and ;' liver, tha result usually of Imperfect 'dlgesliqn of food. And the blame ia 1 usually put on tha cigar and not where It belonga. SlflKS 111 RAGKIG : TUALATIH 3 Such men ara usually high livers, " "hard workers mentally, living - under high praaaura and high draught, and It doean't take a great deal to disorder ) the stomach or render tha liver torpid. They ahould make M a practice to uae - some tried and reliable remedy like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, that will aid Nature and not force .It and will ' take care of tha sudden attacks .of acuta Indigestion. ' V Tha use of these tablets la not to be '. confounded with the patent medicine habit." Stusrt'e Dyspepsia Tablets are - not a patent medicine, but are composed . af tha very elements which nature pro- ' vldea tha healthy atomach to do tha , work of digestion pepsin, dlsstsse, - goldea seal. etc. - There. la no secret in , j, their preparation they ara absolutely ' pure and therefore all tha world uses them. ' No matter how disordered the stom ' ach may be, tt will right Itself If given tha chance. Btuarfa Dyspepsia Tablets digest food where the stomach can't, give tha abused stomach and intestines a rest . and offer renewed strength to the worn out 'glands and muacles. -Brain workers can rely on Stuart's dyspepsia Tablets, no matter how tense tha strain. All druggists carry them in tha 0-cent packages, or if you prefer a . free trial package can ba bad by aendlng your nsma and address sorter. F. A. Stuart Company, 71 Stuart Building, . Marshall, JHlca, totals represent only tho actual cash business transacted, tha .money Jthat moves through the Portland banks, and do not take Into consideration mortgages and other transactions of that character. Tha fact that toe Seattle banks for a long time held oter their dally balance and Included it In. the next day'a state ment was largely responsible for' tha padded showing of tha bank clearings in that city. . Now it Is claimed by tha banking Institutions of Seattle .that their balances are made in 'actual cash. - In tha statement below' tha monthly clearings ara given', for 1006 and ISO, showing the gain of each month of this year over corresponding months of laMt year. It la likely that the estimate for December of this year will fall some what abort of the actual figures to be Issued at tha end of tha month: HO. I' 20,084,081.01 17.04S.837.1S 12.381.401.11 ' V J2.060.277.4 21.604.184.08 23.664. 434. 1 23.681.904.0J 25.008.609.84 -2S.442.471.24 29.457.65S.S0 l27t.130.S4t.If Increase. -I S.S66.640.S1 2,81. 206.62 - 2.727.244.44 1,093,720.61 ' 1.80M11.8S 1.281,184.4 . 4.310.886.45 - 6, 864. 410.7 '. .J0J,S.8S" : 8,154,721.87 " HJ.737,636.47 f v .;, Herbert R. Dixoru from the boat by an Intervening snag, and. although-ho had on a heavy wool art overcoat and rubber hoots he swam down' stream at least; 30O yards before sinking. Beveral desperate attempts were made by tha drowning man to grasp brush and get to j shore, but the river was rushing, at a speed of 11 miles an hour, and despite hla exceptional ability aa a awlmmer tha current carried him un der. Reed summoned help Immediately, and In a abort tlma 25 men were at work with grappling hooks trying to find the body. . A force of men worked continuously yesterday from t o'clock In .the morning till late at night, but no trace waa found of the body. Hugh Grady came out from Port land thla morning and la at work dlv Ing thla afternoon with a big crew of men assisting.. , . - Toung Dixon waa an expert swimmer and boatman. He came hero about 11 yeara ago with hla brother, Ed Dixon, from Colorado, where ha was born tt years ago; Ha was the aon of Jacob Dixon of thla place. He leaves a wife and seven little children. A singular ract about hla children la that alx of the seven are three pairs or twine. FATHER OF HdUSE OR LORDS IS EIGHTY-FOUR (Journal Special STTtc London, Deo. 2 f. Lord Leicester, the "father of the house of lords," entered upon his eighty-fifth year today and waa tha recipient of many congratulations from his fellow peers. Lord Leicester la given hla title of father of tha house of lords because of tho length of Ills' continuous service. in point of age he la tha junior of Lord Gwydyr, who la 9t yeara old, and Lord Field, who waa tt last Auvust. ! Lord Leicester acted a a page at the coronation of Queen Victoria nearly 70 yeara ago. Ha haa principally distin guished himself by having married twice and begotten no less than It children, there being a dttTerajioe of exactly SO yeara l between tha age of hla eldest child. Lady Poweracourt, and that of his youngest child, who waa born In l)4. . : . WED UNDER RITES ; OF ANCIENT PERSIANS (Journal Special Brvlra,t ' Chicago,. Deo. 26. The first marriage ceremony aver performed In. thla coun try, under tha ancient rites of the Per sians took place today at Maadasnan Temple. Tha contracting partlea were Hopper Millet of Montreal and Miss Ida Adella Marsh of thla city. Tha ceremony waa performed by tha priest. Dr. Hanlsh. Tha bride, who la a mem ber of tha Masdainan Temple congrega tion, desired tha church ceremony- be cause of the blessings aha Will bring. In keeping with tha ancient rites, said to have been laid down cen turies ago by Zoroaster, tha marriage Is to be followed by a week of contin uous religious services. FREMONT COMPANY'S PIPE LINE COMPLETE .. . . . ' (Special Diapatrh t The JoartMl.) ' Granite, Or., Dec. St. The laying of tha big wooden pipe Una for tha Fre mont Power company's electric plant haa been completed. Tha work of In stalling tha electrical machinery at tha power station haa been delayed some, owing to tha delay In tha arrival of tha two Pel ton -wheels to furnish power for tha generators and dynamos. While the chief purpose of tha plant Is to furnish cheap powf for tha oper ation of the Red Boy mine, enough ad ditional will ba. generated to, supply neighboring mines of -thla camp and the. Bourne camp. Tha -Red Boy mine wll be reopened with large foroe, ; , ...imm -spy. J a mm.. , V y t - -- ' V X' T ' :-lv . ' 1 J " ' ' 'V E , I ., I. Y " . ... . COLONIAL AMBITIONS ' T: NEVER Tb BE REALIZED Reichstag Dissolved, butWill Return a Worse Foa of Absolutism Ef ' feet ot News of Exposing Belgian : Lobby. . -' ' '. (Joarsal Special BeMtea.) Berlin, Deo. St. The kaiser haa been in exceedingly bad humor during tha last three weeks since It bersmo appar ent that the relcbstsg would not mske the ealled-for appropriation to carry oa the often suppressed, but alwaya exist ing, sebelllon fit German South Africa, and when It became necessary for the government "either to surrender or dis solve tha relchstag hla majesty is said to have had a severe paroxysm of rage. Prince Chancellor Von Buelow, who magnanimously shouldered tha whole responsibility, although everyone knowa that but for the kaiser's obstinacy the crisis might have seen avoided, haa re ceived no thanks and scant. courtesy, . Colonialism at as Bad. It even seems to gall the emperor that a compromise waa lost by only five votes. He would have preferred an open battle with a atronger enemy. ' The nervous strain has affected the kaiser's health and brought on an at tack of hla old ear trouble, which causes htm almost unbearable pain ' and pre vents him from sleeping. : To an -unbiased observer it looks aa if Germany's colonial policy has come to an end. The relchstag will undoubtedly return atlll atronger opposed to the waste of money on unprofitable colo nies, and the torrents of blood and mil lions of money 'spent In Southwest Africa will bring no result., Leopold's Washington X.obby. " OUfslde of ' the dissolution of the relchstag, tha exposure of tha workings of the Belgian lobby in Washington have formed tha general topic ot conversa tion here. While the ultra-conservative press, which has alwaya been antl-Ameiican, points to the revelations as a fresh ex ample of the corruption among law makers snd men of high finance In tha United States, the liberal and espe cially the socialistic papers are full of praise of the New York paper which did the work that caused the government in Washington to change Ha whole policy toward Intervention In the Congo In less than a day. . ' - Tearless Amerloaa Press. -One of tha editors of a leading so cialist .organ said: 'The're may be. or rather, undoubtedly is. plenty of cor ruption in the United States, but It will never become dangerous so long aa you have y6iir fearless press. ' "In these last dsys wa have once more been ahown an example of Ita power, and In' hla inmost heart there la not a Journalist here who doee not admire your press aa represented by tha truly American papers. -,. ' "I fall to understand how these docu ments concerning the - Congo lobby, which left no loophole of escape, were collected. To accomplish something Jt Beemrtjurws-WIH have to send our young newspapermen - ato America to learn their profession,. The world at large owea an enormous debt of grati tude to tha much abuaed yellovf Ameri can papers." QUIET PREVAILS TODAY AT SCENE OF RACE RIOT Total of Twelve Dead, Two of Them Negroee Three . Wounded." " (Joarsal Sprrlal gervlce.l N Jackson, 1 Miss., Dec it. Governor Vardaman'a report from the scene of the race trouble Indicates that quiet prevails todsy. Troops are In control of the situation and fully-able to cope with any emergency. Reports have been grossly exaggerated. Twelve dead, IS negroes and two white men, and Three wounded, ia tha total of the dead In Kemper county since the trouble started Sunday morning. Colonel McCants, the commander of the Second regiment, was Informed that the negroes had fortified themselves two miles from Wahalak, and a party of sol diers went out to dislodge them, but when -he troops arrived on. the scene the blacks had dlaappeared. Two negroes namea Simpson were killed near Wahalak by whites and three more were lynched before the arrival of the troops, Including George Simpson, one of the principals in tha disturbance aboard the Mobile Ohio train last Sunday, aad father of tha two already mentioned. v ..- CAREER OF PIONEER ; ERASTUS R. WILSON (Special Dlapetrii te Tha Joeraal.) ' yarllngton. Or., Dee. 2f. ErastuS H. Wilson, who died at hla home here Sunday, waa a native of Lee. Oneida eounty. New Tork, and emigrated from that atate to Minnesota In 1S(5. He waa married at Booneville to Mis Mary Carey of Oneida eounty, who sur vives him. From Minnesota he moved to California, where he resided about two years. He then came to Oregon and settled In what waa then known as Alkali, and where the city of Arling ton now stands, me family haa been Identified with the development and Improvement of the city In many way Mr. Wilson leavea an aged wife and one daughter. Mrs. Harry Burnham, ot Umatilla. Mr. Wilson was a veteran of the civil war and a member of the a. A. R. The funeral took place yesterday from the family residence, with Inter ment at tha Arlington cemetery. ' J lauant Bolemtlsta Mas. t (Journal Spaelal Servloe.) Providence, R. I., Dec. 26. Emlnrfht men of science representing five of the great national scientific societies are to meet at Brown university for the three dsys beginning today. The societies represented are the American Economic association. Bibliographical Society of America, Amerlral Sociological society, Amerlcsn Hlstorlrsl association and the American. Tolltlcal Science association. There are several hundred membera present, many , of whom rank aa the foremost ef American eciaotia La, Breaking all low price records Tomorrow again this merciless-sactifice of prices and values continues Come with the crowds and get your share of the bargains. " ' " ' $1.00'13uys $2r3 and $4 Worfcfo Our entire quarter of a million-dollar stock" to be forced out regardless of sacrifice must be reduced to almost half before inventory. There's no reserve, everything goes, and at a price to sell it at sight A Store Full of Bargains BARGAINS -ARE THE GREATEST EVER i Get in line for these, and rernemBer, there's thousands of other bargains just as great it's the time of all times to buy.' ' . ' ' '. .)"' 2c 69 c For large $1.50 Striped Blankets. For. large-5c Turkish Wash' Rags Women's 15c to 2Sc Em broidered Turnover C- Collars Women s and Children s Black Hosiery, worth C to 35c, at 17eV9e and .OC Women's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Skirts, all in 01 iCQ one lot. Choice. .PiaUy Reg. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Fur beans Muffs, - go Fur Scarfs and OQ- t....,...70V $1.00 to $2.00 ' Fascinators, black and colors, . 30s go at joy Thousands of 25c and 35c "Toothbrushes go r at, choice Odd up to FOLLOW There never was, never will day and HOHENLOHE VICTIM OF 'SWINDLER German Prince Mulcted Out of Hundred Thousand Dollars -on Stock Deals. ORDERS FOR PURCHASES NEVER CARRIED OUT Investigations Showed That All Op erations Were Sham Suspicion Aroused by 41s Notes Being Dis counted. (Journal Special Berates.) Paris. Dec. 16. M. Slmlonl de Flerea, a Paris banker, has been arrested ss a conaequesse of , a complaint lodged against htm some els months ago by Prince Frederick Charles von Hohen- lone, nepnew vt mw ikiuvu, vn.iimiur, and brother of.Jthe ez-Stadthalter ci Alsace-iorraine. Prince Frederick Charles von Hohen- lohe. who lives In . tha Avenue dee Champs-Elysees. waa during the sum mer of last year flooded with circulars urging him to buy Pekln ayndlcate shares. These circulars were sent ny M. de Fleres. The prince at first threw them Into the wests paper basket, but the persis tency of de Fleres finally overcame his better Judgment and hs gave the banker various orders. Within the per iod of four months, however, these operations were so disastrous fhst the balance. vras nearly 1100,000 against the prince. Prince von Hnhenlohe settled the difference, but soon arrived at tha con- In Dr- Graves' Toolli Powder you have a pe antiseptic. It erfect dentifrice and antiseptic. It insures mouth purity ; aftd' beauty becomes a part of one's life in its twice-a-day use. Just ask your dentist about it. . ; la handy metal sans hetse. SSe. PORTIIMID 1IM7 wm aT I ss m I xv. was AT 1 rLTr BiOCKjW 4c 1 2c For Chil dren's 35c Union Suits. For mill ends 15c Nbvelty Suitings. v aw.' f -i-aBX - Vs 15c Fancy Hat. Pins, all styles; choice for , Cj - each uw And Look at These 1.000 reg. So Tin Cups go at 2a Wash Basins, worth lie, Vr Women's $1.50 and $2.00 Flannelette Kimo- A fin nos, cut to OKt Large lOo qt. up to 5c. go at , li. each : Dover Egg Beaters go at.. 7 Ic, Sc. lOo Odd Baucera....2y All So and So Pie Tina go lOo and Uo cold handle f.r Stove Lifters WW ISo large tin Bread Panel. Te 10c 'Asbestos Mats go at... 4 6o Glass Tumblers, bait fl . price .2V 10-qt. gmlvanlaed Buck-- 1 fr eta, SBo value ......... Is too and ISo Flour Sifters. 124 II and- 11.28 decorated cov ered Vegetable AQr Dishes ."....'." Rubber Gas Tubing, foot. ..-4e tOe-deuble-alDa-Wash r- Boards . 10c and 15c Moire - and Satin Ribbons, all - C colors, yard .......... JW 15c, 20c and 25c boxes Sta tionery, go at, Or choice JV Odds and ends of Dress Goods, worth up to Oi 35c yard .i , VC Lace Curtains, worth 75c pair.- -J be, a greater bargain sale, thousands of new ones on sale tomorrow. Doors open at vtotion that theae Operations were all a aham, and that de Flerea was aided and abetted by an accomplice, acting for him in London. The Jugs d'lnatruo tlon, M. Flory, Instructed an accountant expert to look Into the matter, and It waa in consequence of his report that de Fierce was arrested. At a restaurant close by, M. - Dlxmler, his accomplice, who had returned from London, was also taken In charge. In giving hla instructions to de Fleres, the prince had atlpulated that his orders should be executed at Lon don, . and that tha banker ahould act merely as an Intermediary. Do Fleres had, of course, arranged, his accounts and letters so thla should appear to be the case, but Williams; Frenoh; Williams. Glover Co.--the three firms which were ostensibly acting for the prlnoe, proved to be merely manifesta tions of M. de Fleres himself. The . operations had' never been exe cuted, the money had never left Paris. This la proved by two lettera from Dlxmler to de Flerea, - ' " Discounted Kls rape.' Prince von Hohenlohe'a ayea were first opened on learning that de Flerea had discounted one of his acceptances for $10,000. and that others were circu lating among brokera of doubtful repu tation. The charges against the banker are that the operatlona were fictitious, that tha three English firms to which his (the prince's) orders were transmitted did not exist, that de Flerea simply ap propriated the first paymenta and ma neuvered to extort large auma from the prince under eover ef fluctuations which M. de Flerea la an Italian. iO yeara of age, who founded a bank In Rue de la Banque with Prlnoe Henri de BrogUe Bevel as a Bleeping partner. He le a knight of the Crown of Italy, moves In circles of even the highest aristocracy, and Is a friend of the son of the Mar quis dl Rudlni. He Uvea at the rate of about $100,000 per annum; haa or had, besides his Parle residence, villas at Blarrtts, Deauvllle -and Monte Carlo, with horses, carrlagea and automobiles. GOLDEN WEDDING OF' CLATSKAN1E COUPLE (Special Dlapatrh to The Joeraal.) Clatskanle, Or., Dec II. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Eastman yesterday cele brated their golden wedding at their home in Clatskanle. Their three chil dren, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and about SO friends spent the evening with them. Mr. Eastman is a native ot Ohio and Mrs, Eastman of Indiana. They ware married In Wisconsin. Later they were pioneers In Colorado and in 1S7I rams on to Oregon, where they have since resided, except nine year they spent In Florida. Mr. Eastman waa In the mercantile business before the CM! war, but was mustered out with a-. Wisconsin regi ment; during that wsr. After tha war he spent a few yeara mining In Colorado and alnce 1S7S haa followed farming In Oregon and Florid v . -I DlMTIllT - STORE f-VSCO Ilelr - trfCU" T4Ce OM YAMHILL 3c For 8c and 10c cakes ic For 5c cakes best Ironing Wax. Toilet Soap Women'a Sample Vests 5,000 Bath Towels, worth and Pants, worth iQ- up to 15c, , - On $2.50, go at, each.... cut to ........a...... 7 10,000 -pounds 'Best Granu- Women's 25c Lace Collars, lated Sugar, goes i I r all fancy ' tr ati pound styles .............. 1VW Mill ends Fancy 'Cotton One lot of Purses, worth Suitings, worth up in 20c and 25c, go Q .io 15c yard ...... ..a a2C at, choice Boys' Best 75c Corduroy I n f a n't s' M 1 1 1 e a and Knee Pants," .7 . 'JQn Gloves, worth 25c r 11 n pair .Myt and 35c, pair.... .....Ill Fancy Scarfs and Squares, Fancy and Jewel-Set Back worth up to 35c; Q Combs, 25c choice values ........rK.L.iyC MKaMaaaaaawaKBKaK ra One lot Women's Waists, c and 10c Fancy Toilet all 50c and 75c OA -SoajSsgot, r. 'Jr values; chofce .....k aaiTtW cake ......aC v Dish Pans, worth CROWDS AND here, elsewhere, anywhere., FEDERAL ARM NOW LONG ENOUGH eeaBaaBeesjaaeaaeasaaaBBBsh, Also Strong Enough, Says Jus tice Harlan of United States Supreme Court. CONSTITUTION TO BE RIGIDLY CONSTRUED . , , - , National Government's Powers Dele gated, and States' Liberties Synony mous With People's Liberties Ad vocates Strong and Adequate Navy. 1 (Jnsraal Special Service.) Washington, Deo. 26. Justice Har lan of tha United Statea supreme court has signalised hla golden wedding anni versary by an emphatlo declaration on the question of an Increase In ftderal over state power. The Venerable Jurist, when asked whether, after serving aa soldier and Judge, he waa prepared to aay that an Increase of federal power la to be desired, said: "I served In the Civil war aa a colonel and will -have been on the bench 21 years on the 10th day of this month. I can say now. what, J have said ' lit many Judicial decisions, and auch has been the uniform doctrine of our court, that the federal' government . haa no powera except thoee delegated to It by express grant on hy necessary Implica tion from an express grant. "f think the federal government haa all tha powera It need have for the pur pose of accomplishing the objects for which the government waa established, and that any tendency to enlarge Ita powera by loose construction on the words of the constitution ought to be restricted. I think the preservation of the states with all Just powers ia essen ttsl to the preservation ot our liber ties." i i Justice Harlan then passed to the Sub ject of increasing the defensive power or tne nation. , "I am strongly Iq favoi of thla coun try having a navy large enough and powerful enough to protect our Inter ests," he said, 'and to let all tha bal ance Of the world know that It will ba no trilling thing for any nation to In terfere with thla country." " Fruit Inspectors are putting up no- tloee requiring pruning and spraying. That'e right make Oregon the best Doors Open at 9 A.M. TO m 3c 1 C Doz. For reer. 5d For reg. 5c spools Sew ing. Cotton. and 10c Pearl Buttons, COME AH items advertised yester 9 a. m. u 0. R.& N.EAGLE WILL SCREAM AT PILOT ROCK (Special Dispatch toTJia Journal.) -Pendleton, Or, Deo. tt. It la the hope of the O. K. at N. company to open the Pilot Rock branch of the line on July 4, 1S0T, with a monster eele bratlon at Pilot Rock In. honor of tna occasion. Every effort of the com pany will be made with this end in view, and If the road can be completed the company will take active part In preparing a program -for a celebration at Pilot Rock next year. Pendleton clt aena will take an active part In the mat ter and it la expected the affair will be one of the most glorloua eventa ever held In Umatilla county. - Heart Palpitation t .... . Indigestion causes the atomach to expand swell and puff up , against the heart This crowds tha heart and inUrferee with : ita action, causing ahortneae eft breath, palpitation ef the heart, to. , Kodol ' Dyspepsia Ctiro BI0E9TS WBAT TOO IAT tales tha strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of tha body. Cures IndU feetion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Belching, Gas on Stomach, and all Stomach troublec, ' Daaovs, Iowa. Three years age I was afflicted ' with ladigtatloa ae atach Uat I waa ia can tinsel pela.. After . eating say heart was affected ' and I had aaiotatrlcg sensations, t Two bottles ef Kodol eared rate. ( ALES2T LATX I 3A llr sWrV sj'-i t Vmm smca al f I tea. av er ml ft I BolA r ' Xrult state la the uulon. . ' '. ' -v ."v - : v I 4