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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1906)
' G00D EVEmiTG qUtin ' THE 'WEATHER. 'j 1 ,21 U LWMJP Q V day; northeast winds. V ... V' ! . O-' . . Jf" -" Lp ' rij , - ' ' ..- ; .. ', :. . VOL. V.j NO. 253. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. BDiPf VTwn rvMT? e tiu io vu . , BiAHDa. jit cam a . I I I I I I I I I V . I I I I I a I l a 1 I m III M - I I I I'll I I I 11 UL VJ mmt collision nnnnn nrnn nn TnnrT rn Motor Pushing Four Freight rCars When the :'- Passenger Dashes Down Around Curve. Smoker Split Wide Open and Contents Are Scattered Nearly All Fatalites and In- Junes Were in the Smoker -"The dead : " . . '.. ''x:'-";';'.;; George Ross, conductor. , - William Harris; thir.d rail man, of Edgcwood body cut in two. V. i ) ,' 'v''' -;-" AVilliam Guvon, "motorman.; - - ' 5 1 " ' ; ' , ' 4 -': George Rusher: of Edge wood. : ? ' 2 -V ' The injured ' ' ' '''. '! " D. C. Conley of Tacoma, hurt internally. 'J.' A. Ward of Far & Co., badly hurt. ; : ; A. W. ; Henderson, 310 South Thirty-fourth street, Tacoma, hurt about head. " " ; ; " 7- . C. Wi Bates, chief steward steamship Nebraskan, in jured, v ;..;N;f' r-H-'-'-'.-'V-y 4 ; , George Brockman, chief engineer, injured. . A; L. Hopgood, 724 South C street, Tacoma, bruised badly, -:-.'.:';:. - V:r- ... ." v'. .V:., ' ' ' C. H.; Nicholson, 953 Commerce street,; barber, .bruised about head. - -C - ; ; A. W. Collins, Edgewood, left leg broken. . r ' Martin Johnson, Georgetown, arms broken. ' . Mrs. M. E. Kellogg Tacoma, bruised. - ' Tacoma, waan ii-wiio. . fiaaawfer train. Na. I. which lft . gaattla at a, ra. today kound for : Tacoma, collided with a fralrht train a mil thla aide of Edgewood and lht Billea from Tacoma at o'clock. Twenty pemoni ambraca tha number killed and injured. - ' r The frelfht waa crawllns up a trade which wound around a curve where the track rlaea from the water (Trade to the upland. The motor waa behind punhlne ' four - rrelsht cara.' The paaaenrer dashed around the - cunre and .before there waa time to think of checking the apocd of the train, they had amaahed Into each other. The paaaengvr motor " car. which eontalna the amoker.. waa apllt wide open by the frelaht and Ita frarmnta tcattered on both atdea of the track. ratalltlea Is Vmoker. Kearly all the fatalltleg and InjuTlea Vera In the amoker, Tha aecond paa aenrer coach butted aharply up aaitnat ' the frelghtcar and Ita front end waa conalderably apllntered and damaged. ' The. people In the eoachea were' thrown about, ahaken and brulaed. .The Injured . paaeentera were cared U OH H D.'S FDRTU H ES SLU flfl P Standard Oil Stock Continues Its Downward TendencyLoses Hundred and Eighty, " Dollars in Year Due to. Investigations . : ', . " ... , .. (Jearasl Speelal Service.) New Tork, Deo. 2. Rockefeller'a millions are dwindling very faat these days. His holdings in tha great Stand ard Oil company aia becoming lees valu able every day. Not only for the money tba stock could be aold at, but tha gen era! absence of demand. - A few years ago tere ware few peo ple who would not have considered standard Oil aecuHty tha beat In the world, many preferring It to. even the staid old United Statea government bnds, for the dividends wera not ao much greater, but the values were con sidered as staple aa tha securities guar - anteed by tha government. . .. ' Qoveraraeai' presaentloa. ' ' Terhaps thla great preference for Standard Oil helped along the govern t ment's prosecution Of the big oil coin bine, but nevarthslcaa since hostilities for In .the ' eoachea until aid arrived. Help waa promptly aent from . Edge wood and. everything poaalbla ia being dona tor tha relief of tha aufferara.. A relief train with DrLove, Dr. Yocotn and other phyalclana together with aev-eral-nuraea left Tacoma for tha wreck. ' ' ' aam FaUed la 'Doty. Manager W. 8. Dlmmock of the Inter urban aald: "My advlcea are very meager. It aeema .an awfuj thing. : I understand ' from the mrmitt that there wtre three or four who were fatally-injured and nlna or ten that were aertoualy hurt. Aa 1 understand It, the freight train waa on the main Una and a flagman had bean aent out to atop tha passenger train.' He failed In hla duty or at least did not atop the train. The paaaenger train 'tsraahed Into the freight and the two piled up. That la all the word I have, and It la very in complete.'" . Ever alnoe .the tracks were disturbed by the flood a aerloua accident haa been looked for. Conductor Slpee and Motorman Scott of the freight were not Injured. Both tha freight and , paa aenger crewa are old employee.. The bodies of tha kttjed and the injured ar rived here-' at noon, ... v - were beguh Standard Oil stock does npt hold tba attraction to traders It onca did. ' . ; ' - v ' ' In leaa than a year Standard Oil value has dropped about I ISO a share a very uncomfortable loae If. you were lucky, or unlucky, enough to have a few thou sand shares. " -- Downward Slnaap. The highest price reached by Standard Oil stock waa 1700 a share. That waa In Jannary of thla year. Today tha laaue waa quoted on the curb at $510 a ahare, or Just fits lees than It waa In January. Tha downward range of Standard Oil since the first of the year shows: January 1700, rebrusry Hit, March t77, April 1. May !:. June 1611 to. July tit. August r bids, - September 0S, October IS 7S,' November till, Doccuber l &ao, Pecembar It 1139. mm SPOKANE BELLE CAPTURES THIEF Miss Margaret Monaghan, Sister of Naval Hero, Holds on to Burglar's Coat-Tails Until Her Small Brother Arrives With . . Double-Barreled Shotgun. tfpeeltl DIspatea te The Joeraal.) Spokane. Wash.. Dec, it. Tightly grasping tba coat-tulla - of a burglar whom she discovered prowling around In her home at East 217 Boone avenue at about 12:10 o'clock yesterday morn ing, Mlaa Margaret Monaghan held the marauder, until her brother. Charles Monaghan. a lad of It yeara of age. could arrive with a double-barrel shot gun of large bore. Then they watched the burglar until offlcera arrived. About midnight Miss Monaghan beard someone walking about In the house. Jumping out of bed aha made a tour of the bouse and discovered tha man In her father's room. - Grabbing him by the back of hla coat aha called loudly for help.- Hearing her cries. Charlea Monaghan aelaed a big ahotgun belong ing to an older brother. Rushing Into the room, he covered tba Intruder. The man waa carefully searched by the police and a gold watch and chain belonging to Mr. Monaghan and a val uable fur boa, the property of one of tha daughters, were found- Several overooata, carefully piled up near the front door, ahowed that tba burglar or burglars Intended' to carry them off. Miss Monaghan waa extremly r rent In regard to the capture. She re fused to talk -to newspaper men and avoided discussing It with friends. She aai It waa 'not bra Very; that aha ooufil think of nothing . else to dowhen she caught alght of the man. . ... , She la a Bister of Ensign I. R. Mon aghan, who -waa killed in Samoa, and whoae statue at the corner of Monroe atrcet . and Riverside avenue was un veiled recently. : ;-,. :. ULTIMATUM ISSUED BY v COURT TO SCHMITZ fjoamal Bpeetaf ferries.) San . Frnnclseo, Dec. . I. In the Schmlta trial thla morning Judge Dunne announced that until Codefendant Ruef withdrew his motion to set aside in dictments no notice would be taken of the mayor's offer to waive the Indict ments agalnat him and plead. The court promised a speedy trial, once the mo tion to act aalde me Indictments waa withdrawn. Schmlta left the courtroom with a disappointed look on his face. The examination of tha members of the grand Jury that Indicted ScbralU and Ruef waa then commenced. ROOSEVELTS TAKE WALK WITH USUAL GUARD (Joarsal SMe!al Sew lee. I Washington. Dec. Zt. President and Mrs. Roosevelt walked out from the White Houae early this morning and created a panic In the office of the se cret servioe agenta when It. waa. an nounced that the guard usually accom panying them waa either loat or left behind. An officer happening to be in the office plunged down the stairs and raced to overtake, the distinguished charge. The Roosevelts visited an art store near the treaaury building and re turned to the White House. ' ARSENIC IN STOMACH . OF MARTIN VRZAL ' (Jearaal Rpeelsl Service.) Chicago. . Dec. it. A chemlet today announced the discovery of araenlo In quantltlea sufficient to eauaa death In the atomach of Martin VrsaU tha first of that Ill-fated family to die. ', Her man Billack Is accused by witneaaea who attended Vrsal until hla death,. belter I! scapes Vualakment, , Uoarsal Siwelal Serrlce.) Washington. Den. 2. The coroner's Jury today reported that the killing nf a negro, youth by Joseph Lelter s auto mobrea-jresterday driven by O. H. Ray mond waaaa unavoidable accident. " ASSESSOR BU DGET Coming Councils May Never Get ; High Assessment Roll From Him Unless They Sign Agreement. fTh adoption of tha wiya and means commtttee g budgtl mtana that tha council will he givea Ittl.OOS, In round figures, to- spend . In HOT, Thla la &,000 over taa- sssndlturg l 1101. - ,:, ' . ' .. y i. , ,i ' '. , j AGAIN TO BE MARRIED r y ' v ' sV T T Mr. James O. Blain Jr, formerly Mils ' Martha Hlchborn, ' daughter - o AilTiirJ Hitchbonu She te- A I j teas WiWS4-lV0fce Sioux FUe last week, and now! her engagement Is announced to JPaul S. Pearaall of New York, "a former Rough Rider. LIAd AfID MILK CAN SPLASH IN RIVER TOGETHER Captain Amos of . the Gasoline Launch Eva Comes to Rescue, Throws Rope Over Struggling German's Head and Drags Him Out. - Captain Amoe of the gasoline launch Eva la entitled to an Iron cross or some other sort of a medal from Kalaer WU helm, because this morning he laasoed one of hla subjects around the neck and drew him from a watery grave.'-The man'a namr waa not learned because he was, too rattled to remember It, but be delivers milk along the waterfront and thla morning he slipped Into the cold, cbld river at the foot of Stark street. '"Hel-lup. hel-lup, . hel-hel-hel-Uin" came the' distressing screams from the river, while Captain Amos waa buay pre paring breakfaat .In the kitchen of hla well equipped floating home.' ' "Hel-lupl hel-lup-up-up-up! man over board!" -came the cry again, thla time less distinct, but more agonising. "Hel-lup!- - ' . - i Looking out through the port window Captain Amos' saw a man struggling frantically In the water, but banging on with one hand to tha rail of the stern wheel gasoline launch known aa tha "grocery atore." The -other hand had a death grip on a milk can partly sub mersed, but bobbing up and down Ilka a cork on a flah lifts. After adjusting hla sweater the Eva a skipper stuck out an oar to the milkman, hut the latter waa ao excited that he refused to let go either the can or tha bold on the rail. Unable to grab . him with hla Amos secured a long rope and finally succeeded In throwing a loop over the German's head. - Then he pulled him loose and 'ashore. . - ... .. ; SIGLE R T HINKS FIGU RES TOO HIGH Tha ctty ha grown during tha two yeara, but not to aucn an extent aa will necessitate the largely increased ex penditure." County Assessor Bluford D. Hlgler. "The city, haa outgrown Its clothing and naeda a new suit. - Every cent ap propriated la carefully spent, and lUwIII bo carefully spent aa long aa I have anything to aay about It. It will be for permanent betterments. We fieeVl the money and tha - Improvements. Wa must not slide backward." Mayor Hsrry Ine. ., ' . These are briefly-Ilia opinions, flrsj. of tba man who trebled the assessed SU ITALIANS VICTIMS ' of mi mim mafia JAPANESE Pllf REVOLT III CUM ".". .. .1 Governor Magoon Investigating Report That Mikado Is Abet ; ting ; Insurrections In Philip pines, - Hawaii arid West In dies to Begin in March. (Joarsal Sseelal Service.) New Tork, Deo. tt.A cablegram to tha World from Havana aaya: Governor Magoon la investigating a report that-. the Japanese are planning an insurrection In February agalnat American rule In Cuba, tha Philippines and ' Hawaii. Thla Information was given to tba American governor by Mr. Pardtnaa, a government official. Five Japanese are aald to have been taking photographs and measurements of the fortifications at Havana. The secret police have been shadowing five Japanese for three-' weeks. Magoon or dered tha police to watch them, but not to molest them. ' ' Pardlnaa overheard : a' conversation between the Japaneae, who talked of planning an Insurrection among the ne groes In Cuba simultaneously with in surrections in tha ' Philippines and Hawaii. Tha Japanese plot la aald to be due to the antipathy of tha mikado to the United States. This antipathy dafea back to the Russo-Japanese peace conference at Portsmouth and was ac centuated by the killing of Japaneae seal poachers and the exclusion of Jap aneae from schools attended by white ehlldren In California. . The Japaneee obtained' , entrance - to the new batteries at Havana and'Caba- naa by pretending ' to be reporters for tha Havana peat. Tney were wen appearing- and apeak five languages. They lived In poor quarters In the suburbs. Suspicion waa aroused and they moved to another- addraa- Sunday secret po lios found thsm and they aeattered again. ... ........ . it la aald a German acquaintance of Governor Magoon feara arrest. .' RUSSIANS TRYING TO EXTRADITE GERSHUNIE (Joarsal Speetal Service.) Chicago, Dec,, it. Warnlnge have been received by the American western wing of tha Russian revolutionary party that agenta of the St, Petersburg gov ernment are active In trying to secure the extradition of Gregort Gcrshunle. Gershunle eecaped from Siberia, where ha waa exiled for Instigating the aa aaaatnatlon ' of Von Plehve. the noted conservative and reactionary. After hla escape he came to this country, land ing at San Francieeo ana naa Deen ieo turing to rale tunde for tha revolution ists ' ' .- . ORE WORTH FIFTEEN DOLLARS THE POUND " ' (Journal Special Service.)' ft.m jr T mm 1A The "Hnlnrer company of Philadelphia, lessee of the fanoua Dutchman mine,-haa uncovered a terge body of high grade ore. A 19- pound specimen aasayea iiv.ouw ia mi ra- There is rreal excitement nere ana the mine la closely guarded. ANNA 'NOT QUITE DONE ' PAYING THE FIDDLER (Joarsal Speelal Service.) 1 Tt I m T Of UmA ftIIlM VII to day held liable tor pay. Jointly with her former husband. Caatellane. two claims. being shown mat certain jeweie pur- chaaed had been delivered . to the countess.. One claim waa. for; $24,000 worth of diamonds. . : GRAND JURY FINISHES PROBING INSURANCE (Jotiroal Sperla) Servlea.) New tork, Dec Z. A special ses sion of the grand jury la being held thla afternoon to clear- up the Investi gation of the New Tork Life Insurance company, Several or tne company a bookkeepers were examined.-: It la un- derstoed the grand Jury will report Fri day. -- (.; . Mayor Lane Declares That Budget; Is Not Extravagant . and Extra Expenses' Must " ' , Be Met This Yaar. valuation of the city under tha belief that the. tax-levying authorities and their eucceMOTs would adhere-to a pre vioue understsnding that levies would (Continued on Faga SOI HACKED E CHARRED BY FIRE Panic in Foreign Quarter Follows Discovery of Outrage Police Called Upon With Fire men to Subdue Excitement, and Maintain Order Men Struck Down Unawares and Several Engaged in Slaughter ' ' - - (Joernal Special Service.) ' New Orleans, Dec 2S. A Mafia plot, working secretly in New Orleana for' yeara, It la thought, la responsible for tha death of six Italians found mur dered this morning In a tenement-house In Dumains street, Some of the vic tims were burned to death, others hacked to pieces and mutilated. There .was such a panto In tha Ital ian quarter following the discovery of the, bodies that the police reserves were forced to call upon the firemen for as sistance to maintain order. . ' The bodies of the victims wera hacked lo-pieces. It la believed they were killed early last evening. As no screams ware beard It la thought several persona wera engaged in the slaughter and -that the men were atruck down unawares. The attempt to burn the bodies waa probably made after -the viotlma were dead. In an effort to hide tha crime. , Work of tha SSafla, The murderoua work of the Mafia In New Orleana began in 1188, culminating In June, 1190, In a desperate fight be tween two factions on tha streets. This determined the municipal authorities to break up the organisation. In order to prevent thla. It waa alleged, the Mafia, In October, 1890, murdered Henneasy, chief of police. Arrests wera made but a Jury failed to convict. In March, 1191, alx of the arrested men had es caped conviction and 10 were In Jail with the prospect also of a similar verdict. . Tha people of New Orleana believed the men to be guilty and a mob broke Into the Jail and shot 11 OX the prle onera. Including thoaa who had been acquitted. The Incident led to a con troversy between the Italian govern ment and tha United Statea and to the temporary withdrawal of the Italian minister, but an amicable agreement waa reached, by the terms of which the United States indemnified the relatives of tha victims. ...... Two Klada of ataxia, Tor a long time local police authori ties refused to recognise the Mafia aa anorganlxatlonr They aald it - was a bugaboo and that "aa a society" it did not exist. The numerous Crimea at tributed to tha Mafia, they said.' were for the most part private vendettas or tha work of email, aeattered, unrelated ganga of aounterfeltera and blackmail era i ' ... I But the multiplicity of murdera with in , tha Italian dlstrtcta of large cities during tha past few yeara haa -forced upon - police offlcera everywhere the realisation that there really exists in this country,' aa well aa In Italy, a most powerful society founded on the prin ciple of vangesnce and that the meth ods of this criminal organisation are murder, blackmail, . Intimidation . and perjury. - T- SETS ASIDE Sheriff Stevens Will Not Permit the Collection of High Interest on Tax SalesOwners . Can Redeem at Reasonable Charge - Usurious Interest on tag sales cannot be collected through Sheriff Stevens peaceably. Any effort to collect ex ceaalva interest through the tax depart ment will be fought by the sheriff In the courts.. , . . Msny sales of taxes wera formerly mscie. to blddera who asked aa high aa LOO per cent Interest a year on the amount of the taxes. The owner of the property has three yeara after the sale In which to redeem hla property by paying to tha aherlff the amount of de linquent taxea, with Intereat at tha rate bid by the buyer. Sheriff fitevena said this . morning thst whsra a rat4 of Interest that ex ceeded the legal rate, of 10 per cent had been bid. ho would accept from the owner of the property erklng to redeem It tha amount, of the "tax. and the 10 per cent legal rata of Intereat,, and tea- - . . :'; :-v ! ., .1. . , .-v a 1 TO PIECES, There are two klnda of Mafias tha Alta-Mafla and the Baaaa-Mafla. , Tba members of the former aa a rule are Intelligent, educated crooks, often en gaged in respectable business pursuits. , These use tha members of the low Mafia, - the Ignorant, -brutal, heavy-V handed criminals, to do their murderoua and Intimidating; work. .'"':'.' ' Object of Society.;;",.-.-; 1 Mafia Js end atwaya haa been a clans 'terra like Hoollgana. Ku-Klax. White , Caps. Teggmen and tha like, and Black Hand or La Mano Nera, aa apeken by . a the Italians, haa coma to be a dreaded 'name which la uaed by all tha different societies, . which. - - however, are not known to one another by any auch dee tgnatton as Black Hand.-" ' : The primary ' object of the various bands and of tha central organisation la to obtain money. All tha membare make pretext of following aoma legitimate oc cupation, but the money they- secure through blackmail and Intimidation ia what they really depend upon for their living. The secondary aim of the mem bers is to gain power politically which may be uaed for the benefit of the mem bers. When It cornea to augmenting their political power the crooks and thugs .composing the mafia will go to any length. If the victim opposes their wlsbea be la made to disappear mysteri ously or his mutilated body ia found. MISSOURI P0ST0FFICE ' : SAFE BURGLARIZED ' (Joeraal Special Service.) Warrenton. Mo., ' Dec It. Robbers thla' morning cracked tha safe at tha. postofllce In thla city and stole f 1.109 worth of stamps and 1400 ' in cash. United States Marshal Money with a posse la on tha tralL- --r.v . BANKER TABOR RUNS FOR CAR AND DIES (Joarsal Special Serrlee.) Marlon. Ind.. Dec 21. Thomae Tabor. - aged SO, a banker of Argos. Indiana, ran for a car this morning and tha exertion caused heart failure. Ha died Just aa ha arrived In thla city. SNOW STORM BLOCKS TRAFFIC IN LONDON (Joarsal Special Barries.) London. Deo. it. Great Britain Is awept by a bllsxard. Two inches of snow blocks traffic in London. Several ahlps were wrecked along the coast. der It to the holder of the certificate of tax aale. Should the holder of the cer tificate Insist on oolleetlng hla usurious interest and refuae to accept the tender of the sheriff and surrender the cer tificate Mr. 'Stevens declares that he will refuse to give ' deeds when the period of redemption has expire). Taoaeeaa 1r Cos latereeS. In a numbr of easee where the sale had been at 1,000 per cent Intereat, the aherlff haa accepted 10 per, cent from the owners of the pioperty who delrvl to redeem Ik So far none of the holil re of certificates have consented to ac cept leas than the rata of Intereat Ihey bid. - . " The period of redemption for t sales for the roll of loj expft ! Saturday. December 2. The mn-rnl (Continued aa faga TwaJt USURIOUS SALES V .-.;!;'.:-r-.v-;.-.:',:. -A