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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
iTHE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. : PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8j IBM. THEIR GOBBLE -GOBBLE GONE SCISSORS DUSY ON TRANSPORTATION. TnArriPORTAT S. S. F. A. Kilburn TO THE MYSTIC NEVER-NEVER LAND .ffcr Caw tar. Btuvke sad I XfXt Mlilag Irani rrtlaa, Friday, Mae. la. Mes aaiUog froai aaa rraacswe, Thst, . K CIAS. B. STCKI-SHITB. liwl. OaX Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 Ways and Means Comrtiitte (SnorrrLL-: Council Cutting Down timates for Year. FOREVER AT Tf AT B-B m 1 I 1 'i 1 I t I IF BUDGET .'.,' : v.. , '' - " - j M-f ' VV i-"t r '- -' i s v A toUl weight ef 10,0 pound cTi , turkcra for tb Chrlatmas trad baa com to Portland, and that'a a full .pound for vry man, woman and child ' , in tha eity. .-' ""' . v . Praotleallr an th 1I.0 blrda l cWd hr war ralaad-i tba rlclnlty of Oakland, Oracon, tha turkey eanter of tha Paciflo eoaat. . One , Foarth.treet market alone handled a ablpment of "4.000 fine fowla. The came from one ranoh near Oakland. - USED AS Sailor Says Captain 7 of Bark Muskoka Had Him Sua : - "endd b the Wrists,. : TARS REFUSE TO WORK, iJ ...U:0N VESSEL AT BERTH Win Demand Hearinf and May At ', tempt to Bring Chargea Against Al . leged Brutal Captain in the Courts Sallora Hall From Hamburg. HANDCUFFS MEDICINE .' . Otto Bchroeder, a sailor of the Brit ish, bark Muskoka; aaya that Captain McDonald introduced aoma novel and peculiar treatments for allmenta of his crew on tha way to Portland. Ha aaya that when ha was suffering from a sprained wriat ha waa handcuffed and suspended by the wrists In midair and kept there until ba was so. exhausted as not to feel tba Insignificant pais of tha wrist. -. ' . . The sailors declare that they apeak - only the truth when telling of tha treat ment they received on the way from Hamburg to Portland, and they assert - words are inadequate to clearly describe the . real eondltlona that existed on - board of the windjammer while ehe - bowled along toward tha Columbia . river. ' ' The Muskoka Is discharging, eement . at Columbia dock, but tha majority of I the crew are refusing to turn to for " the time being. They have lodged com-, plaint against the captain with the British consul and promise to lay bare some sensational facta If the matter Is taken up. 'If not, they will probably secure a lawyer and attempt to bring ' tba matter before tha court her. - -' Otto Bchroeder this morning told how be had been mistreated by tha captain. , He ssld - that after Buffering from a sprstned wrist for several daya ha went ' to the aklpper and asked for liniment " from the ship's chest "111 glvs you medicine. Bchroeder aaya tha captain exclaimed,' and then, asking him to pot out his hands, clasped a pair of handcuffs on b I m. ' . "As soon as handcuffed, the captain took me Into the sallroom and bad ma hoisted up by the hands, aald tha sailor. "I was kept suspended ' by the wrists. ' one of which had already been sprained, for 10 minutes. We were kicked and ' swortrat all tha time, and I never heard such vile language used even at sea as that on board tha Muskoka.1 Bchroeder says a number of the men are Germans who were signed at Ham' ' burg, the other members being British . era. One of the Englishmen waa also cruelly treated, if tha atorlee told by the crew are true. He. too. It is said, was suspended In midair while hand cuffed. Bchroeder is a Oertnan, appar- ently of more than ordinary intelli gence, . t DELAYED BY FOGS ' Two Ocean Iteaatera Crop Way Slowly -- tabs Barber. ' TWo big ocean steamers, th Portland a Asiatic liner Arabia and the Japaneee ' . steamer Onto Marti, will J' In the har-. . bor lata this afternoon. . They woa'l ' have been np. thla morning, but a hea ry fog on the rirrr made navigating dtfri cult and they proceed from Astxrla i under slow bell. Ths Ooto Mam ; ft Astoria at I o'clock yesterday after noon and wilt go to th flour mill this afternoon to load. The Arabia Irft Astoria It I, o'clock last night and would have reached br dock .early this momlng bat) for the fog. B he was forced to an nor down the river for sever! hour s d may not get up till late thla aftornctm. pilot Patterson, who brought the steam schooner -Wasp f.rora Astoria thla morning, says thai, the fog wa On Pound of Turkey for Every Man, Tba "lobble-aobble" of these turkey a haa sona to tha Nerer-Never-Nerer land and It'a to tba oranberrlea and tba atuff tna for them. A thla ia Portland. Oregon. It la a aafa bet that all thoaa 10.000 pounda will be pretty well distributed. Soma gourmand may get two or three pounda that balonga by right to a little girl with a -frayed .frock, but, thin town laLnTQa&Jbtrds going at J5 cents and the a generous that a big majority of tha really poor will get a eut out of tba mountain of turkeys. . - very thlek In places on tba lower river, making it bard to handle larger craft. The Wasp waa taken to the O. W. P. wharf to 'load lumber for San Fran eiaco. . v . . Tha steamer Ooto Maru bas been ex pected here for some time. She cornea from Japan, via Honolulu, to load wheat and flour for Kobe under similar eon dltlona a tha Bhlbata Mara, which la now at Astoria, outward bound. : , BRINGS MUCH FREIGHT: faster AWanoo Arrives From Bnreka : and Oooa Bay. ' k The steamer Alliance, Captain Kelly, which arrived from ' Eureka and Coo bay yesterday' morning,, brought a ca pacity cargo. Including nine carloads of freight for the east and about 7.000 oasee of salmon. It waa tha largest cargo sver brought her by the Alliance. She also bsd a good passenger list.' A feature of the freight waa MOO feet of Port Orford cedar for tha navy yard at Bremerton. Tha lumber cam from Coo bay and la considered perfect in every raspeot. It will be used for finishing wood oa tha government veaaela. The rough lumber ia said to be valued at about IT per thousand feet, yet tha Coo bay country la covered with tba white cedar foresta, according 4o the crew .of tha Alliance. - The larger portion of tha salmon ablp ment waa discharged at Astoria, Among tha freight brought bare were alao a lot at chickens, geese, ducks and Mr ky". :. , RAN CLOSE TO CLIFF Freaab Bask Vassal Sfearlr; remadered Off Oape So ra. 0 Captain Behaeffer, master " of the French bark Noemi. tells of very nar row escape from running on tha rooka while rounding Cap Horn on tha wa ta Portland. Tha big cement-laden berk ran so close that the cliffs could ba seen plainly from tha deck. An awful storm waa raging at tha time and tremendous seas swept the vessel continuously. Bom canvas . had blown away, but enough waa on. th tick to give her good headway. - All of a sudden tba altffs loomed t over tba starboard rail, and aoma qu'ck ma neuvering followed. , Hardly had the danger been passed wbea the Alls blew awsy leaving the vessel to drift under bar polea with tha wind. , H ad tha can vas ripped a little before. Dm veeeel ia all probability would have piled up on tha desolate rocks. INSPECTOR EXPLAINS Wails Klve pnota Vfe Vo Stab " Unerase, Bar fUota a. ' Edward B. EdwarrT. local inspector or nuua. aaya mat tlot Henrv Emkin's contention thnt he reeds no stste ltcenas to pilot on ma Valumbla-and WlUam etta rivers is coract. but pUots on the bar are required to have the stste Ucens because .there pilotage la com. pulaory. By reason of thla fact the Btat Board tt Pilot Commilonra is to Issue bar Vllot licenses. "Anybody nay pilot on the river, now that eompti'Aory pilotage haa been abot isnea,- sa the Inspector, who also Is sues th .government Hoenses. r "But pilotage ja tk bar la compulsory. Hence, l' l necessary for th bar pilots to ibavv a state branch, and hold atat neons' m. These aaa only be issued by me s cata ooara. i-QNQ THE WATERFRONT The funerals of liongehoremen W1V Ism Boyoe and Charles eBnaon will be neld tomorrow . morning - at 11' o'clock from Hoiman'a chapel, and all the mem bera of-(he Tuongshoremeb'a anion will attend la a bady. . . ' Cbristmaa will be little obeerved on the windjammers la the harbor becauee few of them have full erews. Those wishing to calebrats ar given : th chance to go aahora, say th aklppars. Captain Amos, owner of tba launcii Bva. picked up a derelict houaeboat Baturday In the mlddfe of th river and Is waiting for the owner to call for It. Asstsunt United States Engineer Ger ald C Bag nail arrived from Port Bte vena thla morning to apend Christmas In th city. He says the winter storms have done no new damsge to the Jetty. Tba steamer Maaabeeter Port left Woman and Child In Portland. At ThanksglTlng time it was reported that the fowla were of unusually good quality and the same statement la made by the marketmen now. And this la allowing for the fact that never be fore have so many turkeys been shipped from Oakland to Portland.- For dressed birds tha retell prloe Is between 10 and 10 cents per pound, tha fancy kind at 10 eenta. Only the "cull" stock oaa be obtained at 10 cents. Prloes In the chicken market are low TWO SURE THING BENEVOLENT PEOPLE EASILY Her la tha story of two 'aura thins boya that is. vouched for by a well known railroad man, who waa one Of their victims: : Tha railroad man flrat ntt the bya. neither,, ot whom waa jrwr . tban-a 'j I years old. In front of a confectionery store.' Their eyes expressed a wish for bonbona, but their threadbare clothing howed that, they had not tha where with to satisfy tha desire. , -Hully Oee!" said ona of the lads to tha other, aa ha gaaed longingly at tha confection a. "Bay, 1f I had all of them, son, rd aead you to college. Tea, I'd aell them out. and. I'd give you a start In Ufa.", . . ; j ."Aw. gwanr said ths other. Than In an undertone be added: "If you had th chink you could get for those can dlea you'd forget all about ma." Tba rallrotvd man and several otbera who war reelecting . confectlona for Christmaa presents crowded close to the boya to llrAen to ths conversation, and here la wljat they heard: "I'd never forget you, Johnny. Tou r like me. you haven't any father and you bare to aell papers. .Ton never get any oasdy for Christmaa. and I don't either.'" , down tbia morning bound for Oluck ataM, Germany, with tt.ItT bushels of weaat, valued at U7.I6I, and t.030,000 feat of lumbar, valued at ltt.000. Tba steamer Cbarlea Nelson, which arrived at Astoria today, will load lum ber at th mills of ths Portland Lum bar company for San Francisco.-.:': " ' BOAT RACE TOMORROW ; Foreign tsailors wm Test Speed aad Ba. ' : dnranaa. , , A boat race, organised by tha Sea men's lnetitute, will ba held tomorrow at t p. m. Tha course will bs from ths steel bridge to a point Just south of th upper ferry and back to tha bridge. The following ehlpe will probably be repre sented: British Olenalvon, Ivernla, Formosa and Bankburn. French Bay ard, Hoche and Noemi. German Xlarl Haokfald. Great Interest baa been evinced in the event both by captains and crews, and several of tha latter have been fn con stant practice. " Captain Porter will act aa referee and prises will ba given by friends of th mission. MARINE NOTES -Astoria, Dee. 14. Arived down dur ing th night, steamer Yosemtt - and British, steamer Apollo. Balled at I a. m., steamer Toeemlte, for Ban Pedro and eteamer Nome City and aohooner Annie Larson, for Ban Francisco. Ballad at 10 a. nu, steamer Roseorana and schooner ' Monterey. . for . "Monterey, Crossed out at t a. m., schooner Alpena. Arrived at 11 a. m. and left op at t p. m., steamer Chai'ler Nelson, from San Francisco. " Ban Franclsoo, Dee. 14. Arrived .at 11 a. m., steamer Roanoke, from Port land and way porta. Astoria. Deo. It. Arrived at and left up at 0 a. ateamer Wasp, from Ban Francisco. Arrived down during tha night, Japanese ateamer Bhlbato Mara. Arrived at 0 and left up at I p. m., Japaneee steamer Goto Maru, from Kobe. Arrived down at a. m steamer Nome City -and British bark Inverneas-shlra. Arrived at' and-left up at ( p. -. OermsA steamer Arabia,, from Itangkong and way pojeta. Sqhooner Behome'waa reported off the lightship at S p. m. 1 Ban Franolseo, ' Deo. It Bailed at noon, ateemar Columbia, for Portland. Bailed, schooner Alice Mac Donald, for Portland. Balled at 1:10 p. ateamer South Bay, for Portland. . Astoria. Dee. 14. a. m., condition of tS bar, amaoth; wind northweat; weather cloudy. ' , Moat , disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, plmplee, raahea, etc., are due to Impure blood. Burdock Blood Bittere le a cleanalng blood tonic Make you elear-eyed, clear-brained, alaar-stlnnsa. , . V. :....'.. v.y . ' I because of the tremendous receipt dur. ing the past two or three daya. Ducks and geesa are high because of the strong demand. Whola marshes of cranberries her been ' stripped that the turkeys might have company. While eranberrlee are plentiful In tha. markets nuts are high because of a shortage In the crop. Olympla, Bhoalwater bay and eastern oystsrs In bulk are her In plenty, but canned eastern oysters are practically out of the market. . - B6YS WORK- "Tou mean thatf came In a whisper. "Sur I do,1, also in a whisper, and then followed a. silence that waa broken by tha railroad man. .who handed th Xolder boy a dollar and said: "Here, son. split that ap and buy aome candy." Balf La Josao other sympaiheUo listeners also went down Into tbelr pockets for (0- cent and dollar piece, and than all went Into the store happy in the . thought (hat they had done a good turn for two homeieea boya. - - Ten mtnutes later tha railroad man, still smiling serenely, saw tha tiro boys In front of another confectionary atore. He thought they were going to spend their money for-eandy, and stepped up to them with the Intention of adding to his benevolent offering by buying a bos. of bonbona for each. But his Intention went to the place of all good Intentlona when ha heard th ldr boy address th younger thus: ' ? . "Bay,' kid, if wa can get another crowd of blokes together' before a nop cornea along and chases us away we might have another four or five to di vide. -Bar. warn't thoa fallow easy! It waa almost a shame to tak their money." I There waa mora aald, but tha railroad man did not atop to hear It PARRICIDE : ELUDES (Continued from -Page One.) Inter eat 4 n tbls-eity, awing to tha prom inence of the murdered man and th uncommon atrocity of tha crime. The moat able eounael and the moat elo quent advocates have been employed, the victim's own wealth being drawn upon to clear tha aelf-confeesed slayer, and almost superhuman skMJbeng. ex ercised la so arraying testimony' as to show ths culprit mentally and morally Irresponsible for his terrible deed. Tha boy's mother appeared aa a Witness not only for him but, - considering the line of defense pursued, neceessrlly a wit nesa against har murdered husband. . There was no Question about ths es- Sidney Sloane, Who Killed Hia , Father, but Waa Acquitted. r sentlsl facts In the csee. Tha only con- eioet was upon tbs question of responsi bility, and tbs chsrscter of this strug gle haa been such ss to maks ths Slosns murder trial ons of celebrity In the aa. nala o( criminal Jurisprudence. , History of Sloaae's Crime. y The crime for ' which young Sloana haa been on trial sines November 11 wss committed on th night of August 17 and was ona of the moat shocking that . baa ever occurred In this elty. Early on th morning of August II ths leport spread that Jamea F.81oane, on f th most prominent business men of th city, had been murdered; la bis ALL DEPARTMENTS MUST BE CUT DOWN Salarici of Polica and Firamtn Can - not Perhapa B Xncrcaaad aa Much . aa Desired Other Branch That WlU Ba Affectod. Tha waya and meana committee I now eagaged la siloing off corners of tha appropriation of tha various city departments.' 'Where tba btggeat cuts wilt be made la on those departments for which th charter provide specific levies. - ... i For HOT tha fire department wants 1401,41. For thla year tha appropria tion was fSOt.004, though ' nvore was asked. Aocordlng ta tba charter th expenae of this department ar to be paid from g-lery-wbten"cannor exceed mills. This levy, on this yeafa valuation, will not rals th amount wanted, and a aut muat b made some where. It is doubtful if the-Xliwmen's aalariee are inoreaaed as much aa hoped for by the department, though it Is probable that a slight thcrease can be made. On of two suburban fir station planned for - next year ' muat probably ba held over. Another out will be made tn tha estimate of ths po lio department. Here provision has been made for a substantial rals in pay all around.. Disappointment Is almost certain, though the present ealary of 180 for patrolmen will almost undoubt. edly be moved up a notch, but not to th iioo a month mark. .' Official olasora Busy. Th city engineer wants nearly twice M muoa this year aa waa gtvea ma de partment In 1000, and th official scis sors will get busy hers. Tha same ap plies to tha street cleaning and sprink ling department.. . At the first of the present year $H7,0it was turned over to the engineering department. This time City Engineer Taylor baa asked for t!4,ITl. Superintendent Donaldson ran his department on 190,000 this year by a tight sqoeese, and now asks that II4C6TT be appropriated. . . Under tba old political ytm flv mllea of hard-surf see pavement was claansd every night by tha department. Now under civil service regulations, but with exactly tha same number of men at work on the hard-aurfao streets, eight miles are cleaned Just as well as ths old f Ivs miles. The city treasurer's offle is th only on which baa asked .for a lea amount of money in 100T. Last year I6.I7S was appropriated, and thla year but 10,100 has been requeated. It la expected that aalda from the re celpte to the general fund from licenses end so forth ths total amount needed to run the city next year will ba approxi mately 1800,000. The total levy, how ever, is still a matter of conjecture, It I In ths hands 6r6s"waysand means committee of th counoll. Messrs, Wallace, -Qrar, Mastsrs, Rushlight and LBennett. home, and less than an hour afterward another sensation was sprung in the re port that th crim had been commit ted by the 17-year-eld eon of tha de ceased, and that ha had made a confes sion of tha deed, telling all tha horri ble details of Ut chief of police and members of the aetectlv department. . Sto Overdid the Angela. 1 1 Suspicion first pointed to the boy Sid ney when he wss told of his father's death. His apparsnt anguish and his conduct when taken to tpa place where the dead body had been dumped upon a pile of rubbish In an allay, were so evidently assumed aa to lead th detec tive woo accompanied him to place him under arrest. Leter, at tha pollc station, he made a clean breast of tha matter, after first having told an incoherent story, ' In which ha accused a man by tha name of Riley of committing th murder, but admitted that he, Sidney, had bean pres. snt and had planned the deed with the imaginary Riley. His first story wss that ha bad met Riley In Wyoming and that tha two planned to kill th elder Bloana and get the large sum of money which he usually carried In hia pockets, Sidney said Riley met him here, and together thay committed tha deed, Riley striking tha fatal blow, artar which ha took 1410 of the money found on the person of the victim, giving Sidney S0, after which. Riley bad fled. Sloans Telia Sow X Bio) X. - Being told by th officer that this atory was abaurd. money finally eon feesed that be alone bad murdered his father snd that ha had no accomplice. He aald be bad gone'home at about 11 o'clock at night and ha and hia father had become involved In an argument. In which the father upbraided him for hi conduct. Sidney aald be went Into the yard and aecured an ax, returning with it concealed behind hi back, and watch Ing for an opportunity ho struck his father ever tha bead, killing him in stantly. Ha. then dragged the body down the stairs Into ths yard, want into a neighbor's shsd and got a wheelbar row, first dumping out a load of apples which it contained, then losdsd ths body on tba barrow and wheeled it to tha alley, where ha threw it He then returned tha barrow to tba place where he had got It, reloaded the apples, went .back ta the room wher he had com mitted the murder, deliberately tried to remove tha bloodataina, and then went to bed. . Befena f Insanity, - Ths boy and his father were occupying a room In the Bloane home', which waa rented to a woman for a boarding-house during the absence of Mrs. Bloane. The trial of Sidney began on Novem ber II aad haa been the moot sensa tional trial aver held in thla part of ths country. More then a week was con sumed in getting a Jury, and nearly te witnesses were later examined. Tbe defenss snnouhced that It would plead Insanity as a defense, snd Introduced teetimony of many witnesses to show that ths boy had been for yesrs differ snt from other boye end bed performed many acts which mlgnT he construed ss showing a tendency to insanity. Sacrificed Father for Boa. Tbe boy's mother stood faithfully by blm all through th trial, even consent ing that tbs defense ehcwld sttac the 'Character of her murdered" husband In an ettepmt to prove that he waa a Vio tlm of habitual intoxication and that be aa wall aa tbs son waa Insane. Thla testimony waa combated by the test I moor of many prominent eitlsens whs had bad buatness aaeoctatlona with Mr. Bloane and who declared thst he hsd never o their knowledge showed any eharcatanatlca which would Inrtie! that ba wss not possessed of his f I mental faculties, la fact, the rebt 1 I ' i .'.' WW CURIE Sick SerAaoheasd MttereaU tbetsoaUsi toeb Aent te a btUoaa etaie of the areusa. aueb as JMartneee, Kmiii, Pmselinaa. Dtatraee eft ealiaf. eia la the Bide. 4a. While tkelr stoat femarkable suceeas has beea ahowa Inmutng DOGS Headaaae, yet OarW Utile Live Ml as equally valoabla la Constipation, curls aaa pre. . seatlag thIaasBoriBseoaplalat. while tbay alae eamalldleurdsravftbeatosaaehMaiaUieth Brer aad regulate Ike bowels. IreaUtaeysaii HEAP Aabe they woa Id be alas eat prleeleaa ta these trh tram isu niaeraealaa umpmi nately IbeU gnnilnn 4om netaaA beraod thee wooeoeawy ueaa wui nae uaae uiue puiavaiv able la eoBianrware tha they wUl sot be wtl iiiig e de withoat tiieia. ul after all otok head .AIMli Is the bens of ee saoy tare that have le wber we Mkeew great boael. Oat pills east n) while Stkeresesnt. Cartafe Little livee PlTla are very will and very easy to take. Oneee ewe oUl ekea Oeea. They are strloUy veetable end ae aot grip e porbnt by UmU geaU actios pleas aU waa cum unson m rax. iblE blla Bllte, o r SPICES, v o COFFlIEe,TEA DAinnopcvDzne CLOSSETGDZYUtS W errTLANO,trRX0N. Collars o asjsy , ' stjggarraaa. ' . f viaav saerv aaaos so eviea- Bave "LIP OCOBD" V1.?"?11? Koeytol gtroas to hoi. aavjkv. taoTA yh oft ftmn testimony produced by th proseontlon we a to the effect that Mr. Bloana waa aa unusually shrewd and competent bus iness man, stress being lata upon me fact that as chairman of tha building committee of the Elk a he had supervised ths construction of their new temple a few years ego. TWO PIONEERS PASS j AWAY AT ARLINGTON Arlington. Or, Dee. 14. Death thla morning claimed two of Oregon's pioneer set tiara. Ureal ue R. Wilson died at an eerly bour from a complication of dis eases which had confined him to his bed for several weeks, snd shortly aftsr his death aire. H. R. Hanklns dropped dead from heart failure. Tbe letter was 71 years of sge aad bad lived bera for many years. Both Mr. Wilson and Mrs. HaraVlns were among the early aettlera of Oregon. They eroeaed the plalne with other emi grants In ths early fiftlee and, exeept for brlnf Intervale, have lived In Oregon elnce that time. Hot t were well known In this viiinlty and' fn fact throughout the atat. . Mr. Wilson waa 74 )rt c! I a. t a els. 17 nsLorrs scoTca SYnu?; be ba seed by HBoni of Mottier. for ter elUldrea while TeeUUna (or over rtfty Taara. , it auothas the ehlUl. eofteas the gosia, allayo 1 i all pels, enrea wind etdte. Seat la. tee bee ' . remeriy b dlantm-a. i Asa uaiUIiJL'..U 1 Trilni to (he Eaot DiUy J Tlu each Pnlhsaa ataadard aa tMrtet etaew "S-ear Uv to linaha. Ctileaf. Bseaoaet . t.Ut aU.plncai .Ur Kasaaa laroaeh ,im.ih imim ti mi IS tlie Keet dalle. Oaioa Depots. Ckleoeo. Portland AwS ie luiot via Haatlnatmi. Sly Mora f:aOps r,t""e . rer f. gaoler Waablnatoa. Walla Walla. . . , leloa. Cover 4'Aleae ea ; -- Noetbera potota. aellr. fiOOsrs ! itUatle aoeeeaa (ee tbs Cast via Rnntlnetea. dally O.lSsra :M SBJ -".M iiiiii laea rar all te fc..-. .i ; eetwee Bin aa rwtlosd. dolly........ 18 era l:UM -OoujinuA srrga mTraiow. ' .... ewr Aatorla aad say aolata, eeaaeetias eriee (teemer lot llwae aad Norta Beach. erae '"" dork. Wvee 0 p. av .dally, emest ssaday- Batarday. t p. av Arrives w- ai eaeeat saariiy. . TAUBILL BIVBB BOOTH. for Daytoa. Oreea City aad Xaaihni treer pelats. ateeaaera Bath aad Made, asb-et. deeh. Mave T a. st. dally, aeeept Baaday (valet pee. ralttlnO, Arrive T:M p. at. dally, saees Saadajt. uwkww nmra noTeraj. Rlserta. Waak.. ateaaaaea Snekaae and Lewie- . f?a wave eieo e. or apoa amvai ivaiv , aaiij eveewi dally ezeent VrMny dolly eaeeat gararday, Arrlrs S. oa. sent rrMay. neset Of fire. Third and Woohtaftea Tolenhene Mala Tl C. W. sttNOr.n. City T1r Agest." v McMUBBAV. Qeaeral Paaoeaavr Asesa, EAST, SOUTH Voimm Oeeee- A aaaedaaa rortlaod aad- Sa. elaee aUproea Blocs ealy at sal ImiMrtaDt . betweae Vnrtl.mA mnA - - - j- fTaacloosi eaaBeettoee al - - . , ; " a rreneteee (at aU salsts : tut tod aV..77.r!7r" 11:10 M:0rs Overload Bipreoa Trolas for all Inral .petata Booth, - Boeraaiertet Boa rronrlece " aod palate Boot and Booth. t:4Bss) l0s !! trtia eaaaeeu at Woodbara dollv eoeent Soaday with Moant Aael. ' ' ' ' " and Bllvartoa lueal i:Woj IMpm Oottoce . drove peeeeeser ' eoaaeoej at weeebara aaa. , j- . ; Albaay dally. ase-Dl Bus-. . , . day, with tralne (or Doluta oa wooaDara-Bprinaaera oaa Albaar-LabaaoB broaehaa.. 4:1S eat 1i0 a rortafll paaa.n.r.J,....t n 0ei 52 Bberldas poae.ner.i.r.,.r7M:W eiOitO aet Foreet urove saaoeaser.....l)i :w on ? roeeat Orove peaaoDser. . . . IIA OO pal 112:60 pm Dolly. I'Dally exeept snixiay. BrrrRwiM-irraeKT station. aw n-n. --.a innr-.iiin awtnto dally. t:a . oa. aad 4:1 p. Sk Arrive reruaas twiiw . ai.' aad 0:36 p. aa For tine aad eard ef Oowega BBhertte tratss apply al city Ticket vrnee, er atatias Tlcketo to gaaiera potato aad Koi Jonaa. China. Hnnolola and A antra II Otty Ticket ornee enrner Ttilra hnlia atraaa. Pkaae Main til. tad WasV 07w. BTINOBB, VTaJ. MeMtTVBAT. City Ticket Aawat. flaw. Paea, Aaeet TIMECARD OF TRAINS Rorrtlandt tea re. I ; Atrl'a, rellewetoa Part Ktaooo City, t, Louie Saeelal for Cheballa, CeatroUa, - Olympla. ttray'a Harber. Beats Bead. TaeooM, rWaltle. Spukaae. Lewlatea, Hotto. FIDIufo, Dearer, Otaa ba. Benees City. St. LeaU and Soatbeaet, dolly.... worth Coeet Limited, eleetrt IMia 4:M pta , Irk led. (or Taeocna. Seaiile, . ' . . Spokane. Bntte, 1 Inn oa polio. . Bt. Paoj aad the loot. daIT!:0O -j eT Pneet Boand Limited. for' - Cloresieet. Chebolla, Cea troUa, Taeeate aad BeatUe only, dally 4:10 pel 10:65 pna iwto vuy reeoea roe raeo- taa. Baattle, Bpokone, Beleae, , , pntte. Bt root, Mlaoeonnlla, Llnaela. Bt. Jeaeeh. Kasaaa .. Cltv. Omaha. Bt. Loefa. wlih- aat chance el rare. Direct eeaaectHn ror au poatts seat aad Beatheaat. dally ll:4Spo 0:50 pes THt COblfOeiTASlX WAY. 2 Overland TrclasDsSy 2 'Too Oriaatai Lhaited. the Feet MaJ) " VIA SbUTTLB AKD SPOKASa, rwrtlssd ttme srtednle . . Dally. ' bee. ' Te and frew Beohane. Bt. PooL lIlBneopelle. ' Dalsth aad all pelast Baot via Seattle 0:tM asj U:am Te aad treat Bt raol. Wlnsea nolle. De'eth end ell pelats Bast via Spokane ,. TrOS pel Pally. Arrlva J oe ia Maw S4aaa Oe. SolUag Com Seattle Sas eepee aaa Chiae parts aad ataaBa. aaoryla sec aeaser ana ireiant. B. B. attaanita, Jaaaarv a. B. B, Dakota, ronraaiv it. PirrOa? TV8SB XAIgRA Alepoa Moll BtaaaMhls I . Toaa Stan will Ball Brattle a boot Jaaaary fc for lope and CMneeo parte, earmag paaaaasero aad rretfbt. Per Uoketa. rata, kertta. neane Met, etc.. call ee e addroee L SrOVBOaT. & 9. . A.. 10 Trd at., rvrtiaaa, Otagea. Astoria & Columbia : River Railroad Co. ' Catea Hepet Pee aiarsere. Bainler, Leave, i Aarlva, Oeta- koala, eVeotpee, CUt loa. Ae- . flavel. toaia, Warreatna. Hammnad. Pert Bt. hart fork. BeeoMe B e em II id tea tat) aaa S em Aoteota sad Baaohws, Aetle. f. a MAjrO, 4. r. ood P. A.. Aeterta. A. t raWAftT, (ewmeraiel Ageat. Ahiet t, rheae male sua. . sromrs. facuto sT-isrsrF oo.-s Steamship QEO. VV. ELDER acta trsra, Balls Tw fi. an. tT i x Anf 1 foot ef kav Bliteenth Sir" TI- ket ofif r- v r- rl 1. I i n r l t frrnn 1 t etrtri; t e..j. 1 T ' -.e I l v.: taV aoufi. Inj WW B B '