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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
8 TODAY'S MARKETS Considering That Turkey Receipts Broke All Records Price of Turkeys Is .Holding Quite Weil Chicken Demand l Improved Today M wi mm L vu ClflCKEH PRICE A NOTCH HIGHER Better Demand Shown Along , ' Front Street During the : . " Trading Today.- 1 .. V ; - TURKEY SUPPLIES ARE GREATER THAN DEMAND Dtrepite s "Market Holds Quite " Well and " ATertf o Price Obtained Alonf.Street It 22c a Pound Eggs Are' Coming Farter Again. . FrlBrlpal market Nh teasel , - t AH raenrea ereaea m iwwi ., 4 (ma market U setter,..,., . Kcsa anatlnM la laerease. Tw car pin'bmiw errlT. t NeeorS ear af eweet potateee in. . - . Cktekea Market fa Better. ".. i . . . . ,- - lb efcfekea udrt la Terr load Shan. Bseelpte during Uta past few dija kare ant Bee an wrrmi a eeerant ef tne Terr lew nW that bbtb rnle af lata. Hlpk prlcea for tnrk-re threw a large per cant of Oia pooltrr awtaeae lata the eaiekea aarket. th resell .being at prft-es srs aot eels Srmee bat ara saawwhat ktrber tksaraey were a Sep ee aa agay "" hare reope af rhlrkene ara tnaap la demand around I26r for Ilea blrda. Tbeas aealere aba skl at lover prim during the rlraa up dare ara m,t at all btjitjIm oter tba lateet mora ef the market, berauee bad tW W iner weald baa tost beartlr la weight and rhe rrada doe aot par aa $ 1 prlee fiat Block krpt eeTeral dart 'a nop aa It .deae. far fraab arrtTBla. ., . . Taikay Market la lewer, " Wklla displaying a fairly tamt te. hs tarkrp evuket ehasra a lower prlee todays Re ceipt la tbla market hare beea en heeTy of late that all rereads for arrlrala hare baa badly hrekea. Tba peueral Impression of tba trade la tbat supplies ara folly twice aa beerr aa tba trade bad beea lad to eipeet. A feature at tba amrket la tba arrival lata Saturday aad anday -af a anuner of eaopa of llTe tare, At tbla time at tba aeaaoa . day before Christmas tba trade Is too boy af taka care of Hre tnrkera aad tba reaoit la that they ara ahaotately aegleeted br bar era. Thla waralng bad baea aoaaded br The Jowraal aad by eoia- ataalaa sea . dorlnc tbe aaat week. Alnn tba atreet today tba aeeraa prlea racatred far dreaaed tarkeya waa 22r a ponad. aoaaa bvlnf anld a frartloa leea while otbrra were dlepaaad af at aUfhtly klcber Wara. . Seaae aad Daa ka Ware Waatad. ' , mile reeelata wr nraadlngly llkht, de aund tor batb ceeaa aad dnrka waa eery tAdae. flawi ara ahowlaa a larrer dernaad aaeb ueeaedinc I'brlatmaa. Krt reeeipta were aaaia aeaner wor. trade la aiaaral la ant aakliw eeer KUt fi raarb atocba, altboaab la alngle eeae lata aeaaa few aalea vera reported a frartloa hlcbar tbaa thla. Tba (eaaral tendeary at tba amarket la downward. ' There war elte Hberal arrleala of granee .w. k im Mita laia alna TheV wera aelltaf at (l.rMMtl.TS per rrata. New York atack la baoket wara ratbar alow on ae rocnt of tba blfb prlea aaked. ' Two eera of banaaaa arrleed la tbla BMrnlng - . ' wtM 4 sjk iLiM k It h.'HI mil . (reea tbey wera aot . ehllkd. - Ripe atork rather arareo. " ' A ear of aweot pMatoea waa a none tba awjrabic'a arrlrela fra tba . aaa'k. rViea Im at t4e. - ' Lea Aacelea tnaiitoee ara la fair raeelpt wltb demand only ataaay. rrtca raagea iron 43.0 to X2 per crate. ark waa be Id betweea ISQITe par ponad. - - v tee v.. . k ei. r . r Klab reeelpta eaatlama aaiaU. rieoty of Dreaaed Baata la alow arrlral today. Prlea pouto aaarket la eerr dim. altbonca tba trade bellerea tbera rl a dlapoaitloa ta nrerqoota by tboaa who ara loaf oa aappllaa. raw aalea reported la the bop market darlrg .. . & . . rr ' aay. ...... Te withdrawal of tba Contra Caeta or ' "0. C." bread of auar by tba California A Bawallaa rrflnery baa farther complicated tba ancar altaatlaa. kUrket la kraMr, If any- , uiina. . . j t'reamerr batter oteady aad boldtni former price. Oeaeral trade eaya It loeka for ao chance dnrln aeit few days. Tbe trade para the follow lee prlcea to eiat ihmL Tricea paid ablvpera ara leaa rvinUr con ml aalnna: , . " -- - errata. : near aad Teed. - BAI1 BAtiS Calratta. baylaf price; aetlrea 'R4s;. : WUKAT Naw chut, dSe; rod KaaalaB, Sc; bhieeti-at. tBv; ealley,' dc. . BAKLkV-New feed..0?,; railed. (22. bO; ai. 19101 COUN Wbole, ltT-00 .ariekeaV -per BTR ll.M par cwt. OATS New Pradacerr price Wo. 1 wbtta, I S4. 00 it 36.00; (ray, 23.00 t2S. 00. rfXUal Eaatara tuegoe paleam. fflpfti emiehta. f.1.aa: exDort. U.I0: Taller. L1.40: . i. j hl - - a . : a ata. aii.iei: nei-, ee. iv. VII JJtTUFFB Braa. lld.W par teal m dlloaa. 2i.00: aborta. ' coaatry, . 1.0U adty. !!' ehtei. I.0e21 00. . RAX Prodarera'. nrlce TlaMtby. WUIawetee ealley, fancy. oraiaary, fv.ootl ia nit Oreaoa. fin nnrlld.ia): aitreA 10.0OQIO.Mr: elorer, I OOaAOUi crala. 7A .JUi curat, ai vowe-w. . Batter. Kcca aad Vaaltiy. , BUTT IB AT r. a. a. I'ertlaad dwaet BUTTE B City creamery. 10c: aatalda taper, rjy.t)Ue'. atorape. Wbtaur; alore, ie. , rXAiS Baira faacy. candled, ttt; local aad eaatera atorare. V7Hj2tie. i;llKtK -New fall mam, Hata, leHQISc; Veenr America, lBHfllc . rolXTBV Ure Mixed chick tea. 13c pay -lb; taacy aeae. n rr n, rwaiieia, oia. Pc per lb; fryerr. UVke per H; brollera, 13vc m; un 7T n" ancii, lat lb) a-eaaa. 10e per lb tarkeya, ITe per r for old; dreaaed. tmoej, S3a per lb; calK ' t&ejiae Bt: eaaana. .1.00 par doe; plpaoaa. $1.00 pat aom. r,n,,"j' ia a if bar. Beaa. Weal aaa Bieea. - HOPB-lod erop. choice. ' 'e; prime ta Oluat. t0Hl. WOOly mud etlp Tallej. toQXUt aaatarp 'Orerea, SOc. . blOHAlK Kew. aomlaaV V. ...- . BBRKlBklNP abeartap. IBtJane ai-hl abort waeL WOeOe; modlaa wuei, POSTS ITi tooi wool TSceJli.go eecb. TALLOW Prlmpar lit. HJ4 Be. t ,.4 liuiTTlM Ba'K flHCTa for car WaTimall Iota tttc. HII.aOt, 1. ! Iba aad tp. lSa) dry or If. !o. . aader Iba. 13c; aaltedl kldee. ateera. aoaad, an Iba aad arer. 16a Mr- roZi PtVMic: etapa aad balla. aaat. efc: klj Id lo 90 fbe. Pel calf. Med, aader to Iba I lei ereaw, aeealted. la Vea; en Ha. le par lb leu' (eree b'dea, eel ted. a..rb. l uai.ii, 4- Zi l OlidJl.oO; eolt bldea. paat ahlM reoiroea. earb. Wa'; Angora, each. Jbcei ,1' Tralta aad VorauMaa. POT a Toe. a Bnrlna arv-a. evetera Ifnltaa- man aim i iv.ntB, wrm-i, ei.'oll.3r' faner 1 1 OOoM.10; ardlaary, 7ll0c per cwt ; aweet..' . OWHINB Jobap pi toe Hew Oreaoa. aurt) SOME EXCHANGES DO , WOT OPERATE TODAY e e - e ere e e e . mk Tha prtrtleM Hrlr r..k . tha tsw Trk Cotton Exdianare, , d the fin Knnolaca lllnlni Ex- d chanp and the-Liverpool grain d markat are rlored today. All 4 avlll rauDen Veilnea.lae Mrhr-oinv a e e e e e e 4 e ? WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS Ay By W. B. Olaflta Co. d Poultry. . market waa yrathar d - steady at tha atari of tbe week, d owing to light arrtvala. . Iater d tho reeelpta became heavier and d the tone weakened. Then, again, d d It ptrenathened, and at the close 4) d " vaa very aood under active da- d mand. d , Receipt of extra are conalder- . 4 d ably heavier and the markat la a d ' aamearhat weaker, with price d B'rieraJ'y lower. Future of mar. d ket depend altogether on the 4 d ' weather. Ail line or dreaaed meat firm with receipt - comparatlreljr . 4 light, v '" . e U.00; anyhur prlea. T0O75c arllc, POae lb. AfPUCW-raacy fiond meet Kpltaeaber aad Paacr tellow Newtowaa. 1.A0 fancy Willamette taller aad another Oreaoa. IJ0: ordlaare 1RE.SH ritUTA Oraapea. new naral, tlTSdj X.1S; Jananeae. prtr: banaaaa. Be lb; lemnna, choice. PtCi doe: llmea. Meilcan. 1 25 a or ! plneanplee, $4.e5 doa; era pee. California. $1.50 Dl.10 aiatapa, a.m bb; peara. fl.Oflltll.7aj burkleberrlea, Pcf plneapulee, tl.Ou per doa; rmniepraaalaa, fl.2Stll.o0 par boa; grape trati. V mi BT A BT.FB Tttratpa. aew. POreill aaebi rarrota. 7&rxfl per each! beeta. II. U per eacai Oregoa radlahea, SOa per doa: cabbage. Ore . i.z.-ir; neii panpera. 1 1 per lot ta aiafoea. 2 i paraatna. PDretl OO: -atrlna beaaa. lUe per lb; eaallfbmer. tl.W) peei. l.'le: twraaredteb. PejlOc rTtcheAAKMP-rvaec doaea: aauaak. ner -toi: eaanlant. per doaea boacbee: celery, local. 754? .trie par doaea; California. f4iB4.M crate! efpplaat. 1 per crate; pampaioa, igiMe; crauuerriea, pizaj li.V) par bbl. -OKIKO KUC'tTS-rrApplee. era pore ted. CHOTe per lb; aprlcota. lfti-ttfJOc per lb; poaebea, litSlSU per lb; aarka. 14c per lb leaa; prance. SO ba 40. tifr: Ue dma oa each t-1 Baulk laa; Bra. California black. per lb; fail'nrala white. OtfdUc per h; datea. coldea. e.o per aou rania. par ie-w eex. ! ' Oraaarma. Jfabfc- Eta. PtIOAB llforala Hawaiian Cabe. $B.0; powdered, $3.13: berry, fo.oa; dry arena U ted, 3.0A; Hear, 14.85; ennf. .A. i IS; extra B. f4.ft: polden 0, 4.; O, yellow, S4.36; beat pranalaied, 4 . Weatern t'abe, 1.V40; powdered. 15.00; dry rraaalated, (5.05; P. C 4.6; enaf. A, tA.0.1; eitra C. $4.M; pnldea V, 4.4S: 0, yellow, 4 15; beet (ranolated, S4.S bhla. 10c; - i bbla. Be; bexea, AOe adranca oa Back peale. ' (A bare urkea are- jM- daa aot caaa ejaota- Hoaa.l HONET 30 par erata. ' COFKKB Packaie brabda, gll.P5e13 T8. I ALT C'oarea fialf erouna, uua. W.00 pat tea; boa, $.o0; Uble. dairy. 50a. l.00i lOua, lia.T Welea, 118ft; Imparted Urerpaot, Boa. $18.00: lUOa, $17.00: $ie.0O; extra flaa, bbla, aa, 6a, 10a, e4.Sol5bO; Lleerpool lamp rock. ll9.Su pa.- tsa: eu-lb rock. $8 00; luue. $8.00. (A bore prlea apply ta Bales of leaa tbaa ear lota. Car lata at ppacUk price aekject t BICE Imperial Japaa. Ke. I. cl Mo. t. Ittc; Naw Or lee no. bead. - Te: AJas. (a; Creole. 1 Ae. . ' BEANB-Small while. $ larce arblta. 1.26; pink, $2 Ml bayoa. $3.75; Umaa. dltci leifrra rede, 4e. KUT8 I'eaaata, Jambo, e4 per lb: Tlrilnla. 7He per lb; roasted. 10c per , lb: 3a pe- aeae, ipiy; rneateo. TIBIwe per m; eacoe. aata, bSciiMie per doa: walnuta. 18a per lb; plnennta. 14tl8 per lb; hickory rrata, lOe par lb) cbeatiwta. -raetarn. ISetidc ner lb: Ureal! Bate. Iftc per II);. fllherte. lee per lb; faecy pecana. 1820c; alnxmda. lttZle. Maata, riah aad Viaabilaai.' PRE8B MEAT rront Mtreeb Hope, faacy. 8Ve lb; real, eitre. 8'aibiae per lb: ordinary, lt iwr Hi; poor, Oc lb; am t too, faaey, etibtbc per lb. - MAM". BACON, rrrc. Tortlaad peek tkteall kama, 10 to 14 Iba, Id Vic: 14 te is Iba. 6e lb; la ta SO Iba, ISfeellue; breakfaat bacon, ISUtj )e U; pirn lea, 10 14c lb: cottar a, llVjc p lb; recalar almrr "-chrara, aaamofced. 13e per lb: eaokrd, 13a par lb; rear barka. aoaatoked. lZc per In; amniea, l.K pee : uama aotta. 10 to 11 loa. aneooaeo. oe per 10; aneaea. per in; clear aeuiea, anefweeq. ie mm "v Bioked. 16e per lb; aboaldera. ISVa par 1ST a. paov quarter aot. RD Kettle teat. 10 UUl aer lb,' aa, l3He par lb; 60-lb ttaa; 13 par lb: team readarea. 10c. 12 W iM lb: 5a. 12 Ve pee H; eompoand. 10. BSe- CANNRU SALMON Columbia rlree. I- tella, gl.PO: g-lb taUa. JJ4: 7cv 1-lb lata, gi.po; H-lbaacy aaU. $1.15; faacy l ib oral. $3.7S AUaka Ulla. sluk. fte1Uc: red. 81401 aomlaai ta. tall, tioa PINH Itork end. Te per re: Bener'ees. So per lb; ballbot, Pc per lb; crabs. $1.0021.SO per doa: atrliied baaa. 12 We per Ibl eat flab. 10 ner lb; salmon. Colombia . rlrer - elleerstde. 8c; ataelbead. 0e. per lb; . berrlng, da per lb; aolea, ac per lb; shrimp. lOe par lb; parch, be per lb; blsck rod, 7c. per lb; toaieod. 7 id; liter a melt, a per in; 10 Dei era, laa per lb; freak mackerel, be per lb: rrawSaa, per doa; atargeoa, 10 par lb; black baaa. We per lb. 0V8TKR8 ahoalwatrr pay. per 11 $&: per 1 IB-lb aark. $42C: Olympla, per.gailoa W.ffll per I1.V1U aark, $5 .00 ta $ft.S0, - . CLAMS Jlardahtll, par box. , IAO0: raaor claau. $2.00 per box. , JHlat, Coal 00, XU. BOPB Par Manila. 16.! (taadard. lttlei aiaal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl ar Aatral Oaae aot lal: water arblta. Iroa bbla 14c par gal. weadaa lie par gal: aeaUlcbt, lio-dr. gal. Hat pec -OABCOTE-sa-de,. caaa 14 W per gat. Iroa bbla lfte per cL BCN7.1N-a-dcg. caaa B par gaL ire bbla Utt per gaL Tf itPkrTINt-la caae Pa par (.1. weodea bbla. ;ie per paL ' WHITkf LKAI)-To lota. Te perjb! BOO-lb lots, ac per lb; leaa lota, 8Ue par lb. , a IRK KAIt-lreaat U.lTat 2.PS. . t-lN.B,:tP.0,L rur ,,w- o-bbl lota. 80e: litL!!J ,,fci eM2!t " Peaolne ket-tte-bolled, caae. eoe per gal; a-bbl lota. 54e l-bbl lot,- 5oe per pal; Taaod cake, ear lota, $20.00 per loa; leaa tkaa car lota. $10.0 pea baa. GRAIN CROP PROSPECTS . ARE GOOD AT HEPPNER (Special Plapatck to Tba Jooraal.) Beppner. Or . 4 lie. M Tha recent aaews and besey rains bare tboronchlr soaked the froaaUa aad crop proapecta are eery encoorar ng. Ine early aowa arala hat made a kvud growth and It I looking flue, and thla ron atltntea tne greater- portion of the acreaiia. Pome farmer, bowerer, are yet seeding wbea too winter weather will permit, bat- this sere age I wnall wbea compared with tbe total. . ! B08T0W OOPPM XAAKZT. Beetoa. Dee. 14. Official bid prlcea:- Ad rentnre, $4.Wi Alloaem. $S2: Atlantic; 114i0; Bliigbam. $.)B0; t'alnmet, $W00; copper Range, JHS; lsly West. $18.25; ;reene toa.. $s.3o 1TK; North Unite, iuu: Old Dnmlnlon! f'rrr1-.,!1.4' M- vSSSSZ $1.S0; Qnhtcy, $l(io; Royal. M air: Panta Fe W.S; Mlianwm,; Trinity. $1.A0;, I'nlted tvlder, $7a.J0; Wolrerlne, tl M; l . B.'Mlnlua $; Kly. Comb., $11. 7S; Btitte, $la..Vl Botte t'oela., :14; ttlack Mt., gti.75: (aluiret Arlaona. $1H: Puuerlnr a rttia.. $2U: Nln ulaalnp, lt.lU; Doulnloa. $; Eagl $iji,; Lly voa.t $A VB7TXO STATI8 OOVEBKMEBT BOBTJi. KW a'ark, ttrt., 14. Official prlcea: - MM, Aak. KC, UJi4j loit- 10914 ioiii . m 131 105 10 I wos. regieiereu tint. do eonpon Opt. Threes, reptatered......,. tipt, do coupon ?.. opt. PmaH bonda rotira, reglatered. 1B0T do ronpoa ii roars, rerlaterrd 1123 do roafoa......, ' lv$ Panama 'J. ......-. dt coapa. 104 i nr, lJ Itrju in:i4 l"li I30V4 J'H 1 1 .1 latrlct of t'olanlil. ....... 11)24 raiuppme .. rOlTtABD BAVK STATCBEBT. nearinpa today .... Clearinga-year ago-.-. Balaacea today ., ..i.aoooooji. .Holiday. ......$ 124.45157 Baw Terk Wheat Markat New York. lec. 14. 'loaa; Wheal Decern, er. 0V bid! "Mar, B;7e. .abed. BTIeaea pells .Wheat Market. aiToneapeiia. pee-. 24.tTeee: Wheat D. ", eial.ietac pi. JO ARRIVALS HERE III 72 A General Absence of Supplies o All Livestock During the Past Few Days. YARD OFFICIALS LOOK - FOR IMPROVEMENT SOON Preaident Daughtrey and Secretary Plutnmer Bellere Trade Will Be Oood After the Holiday Priced Unchanged. Portland Uble toekraraa. Dee. . Ure- biocb recaipm; ' Reea. .. Cattla. gkaaa. Today , ..... i, ....... . ... ... Week ao joo , 400 100 alonta a(o..... CO ... xear aco im . r ... - thirl ne tba Deal 72 hoara ar three dara tkeee kaa aot beea a atnfle arrtral af 11 Tee fork la tbe local Tarda. Tbe warnlna aant oat br Kecretarr Plummer Torouita Tne jouraai aerecai aa.ra ago . aeema to bare been-beaded by all ehlppera, for It oca that time tba reeelpta 1 bare beea all. "There la aotblna dot! In doing la the aarkat," aaya 'Tbera la aa demand aad no Mr. Tlammer. pta. Ao 11 Tea Cock I wanted patll alloc the bolidare. for klllere bare all fhe atck tbey aeed aad are aot looking for mora Juat bow. ' , The total abaeuce ec demand ta tha local market with tre aoa-aniTal of aappllea la a condl t lea that ha aot been abowa here for many a day. Tbe preaeat dallneaa doea not la Buy way reflect any unnaual weakneee tkera ia ao temporary demand, that'a all. Tha feneral trad bellerea tbe llTeaterk allnatlwa will lev pro after the drat of tho, year, wbaa tba uanal demand In all line will reappear.. 1 Preaident liaup btroy, who returned thla thorn ier from hi raarb at Echo. Bare: "Tba market want lower tha 1 thouebt It WonhU Condltlona will likely loiprore anon, bow arer." coaiiitiima a year ape: Hop weak, cam trrn, sheep weak. All valaee anrbanged. Offlclal llTeatock prlcea: Hon Beat eaetern Orecna. $ T5: atockara aad feedera. $e.SO.eo; ITiloa fata, $8.50. fettle Beat eaatera Oreaoa ateera, $s.TBej I. HO; beat oowa and heifers, $3.00; atockara and feeder. $3.00; balla. $3.00. ; . Sheep Mixed, 5le; awaa, 6H& . , CATTLE AND SHEEP HIGHER CnUoatTO Market 10 to M Oemta Vf fog Ike lormex Today. ; Cblrage, Tec. S4. Ltreatork reeelpta: V Hope. . t attle. gbeep. 11.0110 3.IMI0 Cklearo .,......$0.000 l.t.onn Kanaaa City 8,000 3.000 Omaha g.000 10.000 10.000 Hoc are iteady with 5,000 left erer from Pa tor day. Reeelpta a year ago wara lx.000. Prices: Mixed. 5.50tI JR; good and heary, $H.iig.3(; roagb. $a.0.00; light. $S.Hiiut e.a. Cattl Tea to JOe op. Sheep Ten eeata op. SPRING LAMBS "PICKED UP TttU Quarters t Tear- atupply old. 1 iRperlal Die patch to The Jotirnal.) ' Heppaer, Or., Iec. 14. rally three fnarthe or last apriof f lamb crop of the Beppaer dlalrlrt baa already been eoalraeted for de llrery next anring It $.1 per bead, with $1 adranca payment. John- Fleming alone con tracted about 130,0ta) head for Rea Bros, of Minneapolis. Lata boyera will bare dlf. Bytiltr le Badtna what thee erant le thla die. fctrlrt CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET - -RATHER SLOW December Closet Down a Quar terJuly Up an Eighth-- ' - May It Unchanged. - RELATTVI WBKAT TALDEB. Dee. 14. .$ .74-4 Pee. M. Gain. long. .7414 J00 T74)A .82 .87 .. ,774B . .7714 U ,00 Oilcarn, Pee. 24. The wneer-aaarket was dull today with th elnee He ap to M tower. Nothing bnt a aorprlaa la the way of a big rlall, le Wednesday will prerent tbe eon tin oat loa of bull feeling la tills wheat trade, aay brokers. ia cora urn estimate ara tor lit care. 11 la this big ran of cora that will eonat la tba end. The market waa slow- aad eloaed aa changed te a fraction up. Touay'a oats rally may be followed by fur ther good buying If reeelpta are ant enlarged. The markat gained ta December and July, bat closed fractlo off la May. Official quotation by Ororberk. Btarr A Cooke company: , WHEAT. Or.- High. ... 74 ", 741, .. 77 77 .. 7j 77 Low. . 7 Ooes. 1 74 77SB T7 dl 48B dJXB December Hay July ..... December May 41 .. 48t4 .. 4I 41 '4 4044 - 4.14 4314 43 43. July ..... OAT. FiaeMttbor 8ft 88H ... 8. 851. ,.. 88 8.1 i MBSS PORK. ...1B IW ,..170 1700 . tABD. ... vn ,S7 ,.. o - PHOBT BIBS. ... 870 8W ,...MJ pod PIS ' P15 88 as. ' 53 '4 88 . 85 May July ..... Jannary . , S3 129 170 1888 let n Mt 48 POt IS May ....1 December 81$ en 25 89 IS January . May January . May July ..... Oarraat M eaetary n Jtata. Xew York, Dec. 24. sterling: Dernaad. 484.50: 0 days, 478. BO; Relckmarke, PSHat 84; traace, 53C3a. Baw Tark-Laadea filTer. ' - New Tork, Dee. 4. bar aUrer, 0841 tow doa, 53 & Hid. - . COUNTY CLERK FIELDS ' GIVEN GRAPHOPHONE ' . : ' ': . .-( -" County Clerk Field wa preentd wlttl fine graphophon by hi deputlee at noon today, Mr. Field wa calletj opatalr 16 Ihe circuit court on aome pretenae while a eommlttea of the depu ties placed tbe graphophone In hie pri vate office and atarted it going. . When Field returned he found the machine playing th latt popular air. Ml dep-J utlee wlaned lilm a merry Chrlatma. CHIErDINAN AND ; BOSS RUEF ARRAIGNED Ban Francisco, Dee. 14. ChUf of Po lice tlnan and Aba Ruef arer arraigned thla morning, the forrnar on two Indict rneml and the atleron one. They are Jointly accused of conspiring to protect g "notorious resort. Th second Indict- utot.t against Dlnaa Is for perjury in connection with the conspiracy charge. HOURS necember May .... July .... Lojp. G R EAT H 0 R Tl ! E R fl OVER 4 DOM Hill Stocke Lose Heavily During ; the Seeelon - Today In ' ' NewYork. . : 1 . . NORTHERN PACIFIC THREE AND A HALF POINTS OFF Pea dins Drops 3 Point on the Com- mon Union Pacific and Southern Pacifle Feel Bearish' Attack' on the 'Market. . ' v'-- R8T totI. Car Ik roaadry.... fIWsbash ........... ' Loosmottae, - 'ljaulaTllle -inr It Kngar IV: Kate Wojelter fei Distiller w I Ulatuier Woolea .,v....... )!Mlaaourl Pacifle,... Atchieoa Hi N, X. Ceatral H Baltlniare I Norfolk .... a..' Brooklyn ...v 1 Norther faeine. .. . V Penaaylranla ...... k St. Paul lfe'reoole's Uaa U .oinraao paet . a Beading a . l carer ... iKennnne nteejf.. v""- n line iniiniiiii i aniiaaa leiaao.. 8. P.. Sd afd. .... V do oreferred Teaaa Pacifle... Vill'nlon Pacific 1 v. o ... ., iv. ... Ta ira 4 Wlaoaaala Caatral. Sit). 8. Steel do preferred . HI Great J or tbera BET OAINB. - .. tMllaol Central.. .. ' 1bC -f Tetmeaaee Ooal. Amalgamated . Th Kew Tort atork market waa aader prep- ear all day. Mosey rate started at $Si par ceat,. 4Mit became .easier later la tee aeeeioa. Greet Northern loat oyer 4 potata aad Norther ! raeine a pointa. Heaninp ornpnea a poinia and the genera! llat lost about g puiata. Londoa waa eloaed. Offlclal rraotatioae by Orerbeck, Starr 4t Cook company 1 T DXSCBIFTION. ' AmaL Coooar Oa 112S 112W 100 81 71 Am. Car A Found., aom, . de prafarred........, la. Oottoa Oil, eom..fv Am, LocoanotWe, com,,,' Am. Sugar, com. ....... Am. Baielt., cool....... to preferred Anaconda Mining Oa.... Am. Woolen, com Atchlsoa. com. ......... de preferred Baltimore A Okie, eon. do preferred .1.. 4a "si" 71 SI 1M4 1808, 14D 114 147 118 let 118 284 81 loo 100 118 M'l t lev it 14f 182 M 51 88 55 88 217 44 88 42 84 75 168 in 1 HZ 1 loo Kll V, 101 tie 118 "TS 11 17 147 12 54 61 85 55 .....I it. ins ta..llWV, Brooklyn rlapld Transit, ranadlaa Pad Be, com.. T8 IM 19.7 l ChL QU West., com. 17 i ni.a am. m sr.- raai..i-4V, i nr. m .TTiawm aom. Cheaapeake A Ohio..... Colo. Vnsl Jb Iron. eom. . Cole. Bouth., com , 8 do 2d preferred...,., do lat nreferred...... 554 IMaware lindaoa... I). A R. O., coot do preferred.., , Erie, com...: , zio air ss 42 do Zd preferred....., de lat nreferrad .. 65 i 15 Ta rtllnols Central LonlaTllle A Kaahrllle., Manhattan By..,,...... Mexlcaa Central By.... 142 141 141 48 40 'set 404. TO ee "pi" 71 10 28 .a. 4s a.. ees,..,i da oref erred 70 W P5 82 aa 70 TMstillere 58 Federal Smelters Missouri Fsclfle 8S4 71 National Lead aw lork 4.eatral , . T.. Ont. A Vat 128 128 128 Jdk7 4T 46 Norfolk A TTeatera. coal, de jMTeferred. ......., North Americas... 88 88' 88 Northern Pacific, eom.. 1R8 . 188 1. Pacific Mall Hteem re . I 87 87 87 87 Pennaylranla Ky... riao ,iat 18S 188 r. v., i a u. ia Preaaed Steel Car, Com. do Dref erred U7 PT ST 08 58 O 52 Reading, com........... 183 158 120 ISO de zd preferred....... do lot d referred wo M w5 IS 84 ' 47 68 234 68 81 88 88 88 87 04 2 84 47 88 Bep. Iron A Steel, com, do "referred....'...'.. 87 Pd S5t 8?S 88 4 47 Bock laland, com do preferred St. L. A S. F., Id pfd.. do lat preferred T m 24 4 St. L. A 8. W COD... do preferred . . .-, Bontbrra Pacifle, coat. . do preferred soother By., com 234 6 1 81 1ZU wo lift li4 82 4 Sou 8 83 S2 84 S3 84 88 a ao prererrea Tena. Coal A Iroa Taiaa At Pacifle 158 SR 83 OD 83 53 . 8tr L. W., eom. . do eref erred... 5H 5V4 6.1V Union Pacific, eon.... 178 177li 1781,4 do preferred...., . 8. Rubber, eom...... do preferred. si" si' 88 50 60 '" l4 s si" Sn 108 V. . s. tei no., aom. ., do preferred.. 484! 47 ,464 18 88 83 lOR 14 Wabaah. com............ IV 40 is 0 84 do preferred TV eater a Inlon .Tele. ... rYlecooela Oeatral, com. do preferred Virginia Cbemlrsl X oa 85 Westers I'aWa Telegraph, ei-dlrldead of 1 per cent. J oval eaiOB lor aay, laarei aauaa. Call awaey closed at S par cent. SECOND WEEK ' OF STRIKE ON . . .... v , Has Simmered Down to Desul tory Attempts to Get Men V : to Desert.' ; WitH the beginning of its second week the strike of the onion carmen has elmmered down to desultory attempt of oommlttoes te persuad nonunion plat form men to desert their care. While th attempt are for the moat pert an sucoful, th unionists still ezprss strong hopes of ultimately turning a trick that trill put them In command of th situation. - Neither Richard Cor nelius, the noted carmen'e organiser of Ban Francisco, nor M. J. Sullivan, vice president of the Electrical Workers, In ternational, has ae yt put in an ap pearance. Cornelius waa unable to eom at the ' time Aie flrt planned, and It waa etated at atrtke headquarters today that he may not eome at ell. Tbe where about of Sullivan Is etlll a mytry. It baa been repeatedly, reported that he was momentarily expected, but he has not yet arrived, and the electrical work- era will take no raaicai action to aia th carmen until ha Is upon the ground. Manager Fuller stated today that everything is progressing smoothly from the point of view of the company. Practically a- normal schedule is being maintained on all Uneswid DO farther trouble is expected. - EUROPE AND ASIA STIRRED BY EARTHQUAKE Washington, Dee. 24. Tbe seismo graph records a ahdck In addition to the one reported f rom (Kurop. The second evidently Is cantering In Aala. " Records -obtained from London and Paris were more pronounced than tho rr. Ind he ia.t ' Indicating Aata aa th location of th Upt quakp, -. .;-,i:ni3Ver qucss; Experiment or take chances of any sort. I attempt to cure only thoae diseases that I have been curing for th past ixten year, and I believe I am justified in saying that I have learned all about them. Wera I lack ing In knowledge pertaining to my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I to day be recognised aa th leading ape clallat treating men's dieeasas. If aff Uoted. you ran depend upon It that the eervlce I offer you le th service . you need, end Is service such aa can be rendered by no other phyaiclan. - My practice ta th largest because J invariably fulfill my promises. VARICOCELE TTnder my treatment the meet ag gravated case of varicocele are cured in a fw days tlm. Tbera le ' bo pain, and it Is seldom necessary that the patient bo detained from bis occupation. Normal circulation ie at one restored throughout all th or- -gana. and th natural . procesae of waste and repair are again eetab-. llshed. . If you are afflicted with va- fioocele, consult me at one. De-1 ays can. but bring on - aggravated conditions and nervous complications that will Impair the vital fu net lone aad Involve the general haaltb. Contracted Disorders In the treatment of dloordere I of fer a service such as no other phy sician can render.' The remedies I employ have a most thorough and positive action In cleansing the mem- ' branes of all Infection and subduing all inflammation. My manner of ap- -.pUcaxlon insure absolute thorough- . no,- ana removes every possiDliity of relapse er m-ohronlo stag. My -cur ar not only thorough, but are aocomrlished In the brlIat time poaaibl. MtUmta Uvlng t of th ety aad Oheek jon timmka eUreot te BS4H We Cure Men Xa aay aaeompUoated a wrttteaf gaaraat ta Wa wlU ftr eaaw w tattler- If yon ere among the aaat number ef dleeaaed men who have become and think of giving up In despair, first that your health la beyond you afford to not hat It preaerve regardless of ) costs or required? Then you muet try . matter not how many tlmee you have been uneuccenafully treated; pereever and Tf poaalble, euccoea will surely come, bat If you despair, th futur ia loat. EXPERIENCE AND : SKILL, oora year of practlo In tbe "treatment eased men, and ar th easentlal considered by men seeking therefore, we know we ara Hi- a position to do the bent possible for our patients. welorfm free consultation to tbon may wish" methods. to be treated by our W waat Bvery Kaa ' HOUR ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY oo: nOOBTB FACE DEATH Head-on Colflflon oh Bridge Be tween Local Trains In California. , -V FOUR MEN INJURED, MUCK RROPERTT LOST ICH RROf andlnf of. Misunderstandlnf of. Order Nearly Causes a Terrible Calamity to the Citiseng of Oakland and Alamada This Morning. " , - . (Jearsal Speelal 8 err lea.) Oakland, CaL, . Dee, 14. Four men wera Injured and more than 100 people were exposed to death and aeverel thou sands dollars' worth of railroad property destroyed this morning In a head-on col lision between two Alameda local trains on th Southern Paolflc bridge between Alameda and Frultvale. The eolllalon waa due to a misunderstanding of or der. Fireman Hopkins waa probably fatally Injurad by striking a taiegraph pole while Jumping from the engine. WATER GRAFT IS, DISCUSSED 1 ' see Arguments on It Presented Meeting Held by the Socialists. , at 'Portland Water Graft" ws the eub J act under dlacuaalon laet Bight at So clallat nail, 101 Davie ptreet, and Hamil ton D. Wagnon -was the principal speaker. He waa particularly sever In his criticism of the watr board and th method of paying for water adopted in Portland. Preparatory to a full dla cuaalon of - th water question,. th Jpakr told of th first socialist meet- 0 PER SO IS mm- ar . ' SB. A1XOS. Tke) aaeafllag? aTpeelallg. BIT m ZS OaTXT . DflO rsr amt TnrooicruoAnD OAjra When Consultation Fre eesnlag te Vortlaad fot trraakma will Tea Morrlaoa atreet. . . - for aSTKT.ISB ei -You Pay CURED dlcouragd oonldr X VOBTaVaVn. valuation. your, life. th ffo TaXOTTtaVB, V arrDB4rax, ' TAJaZOOOKLa, bxoos roxsov, tVOBT TXTAXrXT, again. - It from: of dla- BULB factor 15 BxasAns, ' " .oirosmsomA, . V0TATX0 ABT9 ' BTnTOTS ; , ' BXnASTaaT. treatmenT; and who effectual ta the Country Who ta tUniete te Witts TO T TO 1:10 DAILY; BUND ATS, AJTB TAaCBTJJUa ITaJlTl, FOBTXiAJTB) OaUKrOBT. Ing hld en th Pacifle coast, at about the time Dannie Kearney became the laader of the anti-Chin movement In Baa Francisco, . He told how time aad again tha socialists' mseftnge were broken up by the police, who would scat ter the crowds, elubbtng all who cam In reach or showed the leaat resistance. - Mr. Wagnon Illustrated hie remarks by relating many historical faots of an cient European feudalism. "Ia the days of feudalism." he said. "It was custom ary for the slaves to wear a band around their necks. Tea have bo bands around your aeck, have - youf No. yon don't need them. You taka cafe of yourselves without the bands. It haa been said that If there be any aeienee In taxation It la to ao pick the geese that there will be no squealing. We geese have beea herded Into these picking pene ee long that we now go In without very much hissing and aome of us ar getting quit devoid of feathers, the feathers whloh now line the nests of others. . . . .. We think we are free men, but we are wrtmg. The Indian la the only free man M the world, for he says that the land ig hie mother and he will aot sell her. "Th water board takes the money out of vaur nocket and anta ft lata tha I.e. Mng of water mains, which largely In crease tne vaiu or th property through which they are laid. Then, if you want to buy aome of that property yon have te pay two prices for It on account of the increased value given by tbeee water pi pee running through It. "We have a vlcloue charter bare, made by vtcloue man. It la said that It would b a ein to tax the poor renter $1(0,000 a year to pay internet on these water bonda, but would It be such an awful thing to give the people free water r The speaker dwelt at length upon the great Increase In value that haa eome to Portland land becauee of Its fin water eyetem. After tbe eloee of the addrssa a number tf five minute talks were made on the evenlng'e topic. STREETCAR CONDUCTOR . IS FINED BYJUQGE Oecar Stanley, a conductor Ifl the em ploy of the Portland Railway company, waa fined IIS today br Judge Cameron on a charge of aaaault and battery. H. Thompaon, a atrlking carman, wa the complainant In the case. . Hie story wss to the ffct that h boarded a Bellwood ear In charge of Stanley and displayed his employe's badge when asked for fare. Stanley refueed to allow him to ride on thla, and Thompson thereupon handed the conductor a nJckeL The testimony waa to, the, effect that Stanley then sought to forcibly take the badge from LXARliSBVEniHDOUBTV I am never ta doubt aa to what the raaulta from my treatment will ba Day after day for sixteen - years I have been curing caae after. caa of . th several dlscmseapeoullar to men. No ease coma to ma now, th like of whloh I have cot treated acora of tlmee In tha past,' and 1 can al- ' waya aay definitely whether I will be able to. Sct a permanent ' cure I never hold out false hopes op . make promises that I cannot fulfill, . and you can rely absolutely: upon any encouragemeni.I may be ' able to otter, you. - If I promise you. a cure, a euro will follow. - V WEAKNESSV ' , . s a. ' ',' ' X eure functional weakness In man. X know of no other physician Curv ing this ailment. - Most doctor treat wrongly. They giv atlmulanta and tonics. Tkaee things can't aura, "Weakness" is a symptom of pro, tatlo : disorder, end the treatment must be local. Thla la a truth that I myself revealed. I have perfected the only system of local treatment that cures "weakness." - A. few doe tor over th country claim ta. eur by th sunt method, but their treat ment la only an Imitation of the , genuine Taylor method. The gen uine is her and la administered by its originator. Don't hop te flod It eleewhera. . .V ;,;1 Specific Blooid Poison No dangerous minerals td driv th vlru to- th Interior, but harmless, blood elamnaing remedies that r mov th last poisonous taint, 2341; MoiTisoiiStrcet .' Cor. 2nd, Portlandp Or. tumUktt wrth flaa roosa fx) of aaacga. i .-;,: v . CONSULTATION FREE Under Absolute vGuarintce NO PAY UNLESS CURED a Teatfj U Kegally XJoeaaAd ta Praetloe XaUotaa. r ;'V Blood Polasbrirr . Is - tha most dreadful, dangerous ' aad de- ' etructlv dlseaae knows. Thla dlaeaae not only unfits yon for your work and da tie. . , but makes a man unfit for marriage,' for holding faeponsible positional' Wheev" hie -eyetem becomes inoculated with tbe germ th whole body UBdergoae a' change ef de- ' composition, and not only raault Ja Jtdlav flgurement of the body, but also of tha ' man. Tbia dlaeaaa eta b en red. ' We have) received the evrlUng gratitude ef .those whom we have urd and" who show their ' appreciation by sending ve other ease. Nervous Debility Xrsse ef energy, will power, lack of con centration of thought, loss, of memory, which weaken your ntlr system, mental aa wU aa physical. - This lowered vitality af the nervous and physical condition Me strengthened so that In a short time you will have your original strength and be yourself again. - Be Abeat Big AUlmvtma, I TO 11. -m ': ''- e-' -V ROBERT BURCH IS CLEARED BY COURT Judge Cleland Believe Word of Father In Prefereno to That T; of His Daughter. . In the eirouft eourt thla morula : art Burch waa cleared of the charges made agalnet him by his daughter Ger trude that he had endeavored to eeeure the only property lWt by hie deoeaeed wlf. Mary Buroh, to her children. Tbe controversy wes over tha sale of aome timber land la Tillamook county that had been filed on by 'Mrs. Buroh before her death. . Buroh petitioned th oounty oeort for an order to cell the timber land to sat- ' Isfy a claim ef ftSO whloh he had against his deoeesed wlf' aetata" He alleged that he had loaned hie wife the 4t0 to file en the timber land, with the' understanding that ft waa to be re paid. .. - s Tbe sal of th land wa contacted by th daughter, who aasrtd that tha " 1460 waa not a loan, but had been given te her mother by Burch ta tnduoe her ' to sign a deed to thalr.hOm at Anoka. Minnesota. A hearing waa held In the county eourt, where Judge Webster de- ' cided In favor of the daughter, and da- '' nld th petition for the eal of the land. Burch appealed to the circuit eourt and tha matter was tried before Judge Cle-. land. In passing oa the eaee, , Judge Cleland said: "Tha court la called upon to peas apon a question of veraolty between a father and his daughter.- From all the testi mony the, court le of tha opinion that wbat the father said . waa true, and that the daughter was mlataJcan, The teatlmony waa directly contradictory, but the daughter was mistaken regard- -Ing a number of things. andVhls leada me to believe that she was mistaken about the whole affair. "Th opinion of the court Is that tha money waa loaned by Burch to bis wife; that he te entitled to recover It, and that th order for th sale should bs aj- -lower." . Attorney Chester T. Dolph appeared for Burch. . - ' Xaaarltaao Tax lw Staada. (Joorasl Special Service.) .... . Washington, Dee. 14, Th saprm eourt today declared constitutional th Inheritance tax law ef Louisiana. . Baw le&g la your s tasking Thompson ana aeeeuiiea him . ,,-. t .. .. - ..... ,.(; . , I i.' v. X