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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
V V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER. 2k JCCX. TODfiYl&DOMGS.M J. A.' HORAN OOODSEGONDS-AREfF THE DALLES COLUMBIANS LEAVES FOR SEATTLE mmm Half Witted Fellows Make Many . Blunders During the Ex :4 citing Timet. Multnomah Team Off Thie After noon to Meet the Strong S. A. C. Eleven. v . . ..-.v, - '- --.,- ; ' !. - ' " v .-' ' '.., . .r;. ,,- '' . ( .; 'j f '". ' " t ; ... . .: - ' ; -.v . j... ; ' ts'" : , ;-' .- v-:-' " 4 " The ' v ?" Brewer-- (1 , Satisfiei Every Careful Dresser ' i tl Madc 10 Suit Eve,7 Face ,nd ': " ' Y&N'i I ' t s Shape of Head WCO. v VARSITY liiillli ATTELL AND WALSH BOUT ; FURNISHED INCIDENT Reference Ii Made to the Time When Jack Dempeey- of Portland Fought Fitzsimraona and Refused to Quit ; When Sponge Wat Thrown Up. ' ' " It fa a. bad thlna to have a bunch of " alf-wltted seconds in your corner dur ing a glove contest. 1 , Three men are plenty to look after the intereata Of .. boxer in hla comer and It any mora ' ' are worked In they will only be la the way. When Abe Attel knocked out Jimmy Walah tho other night there waa j m jjoubljee. to jwhotl)rewup the eponge the .flrat time In the - seventh. , rouna. waian rerueea to quit ana tne fight went on,' In the eighth round, ' after Walah waa knocked down, . the eponge waa thrown up again and , thie - time It counted. . .. '" . - Wow the eporte want to know whether " the fight ended la tho seventh or eighth round. It ebould have wound up In tf ', aerenth round, but It did not. for the almple reaaon that one-of tho conteet- ante refuaed to give up even after the flag of tract bad been hoisted. It waa : Indeed an nnueual occurrence, but at the same time things of thla kind have , happened before, but seldom In Cham ,: plonshlp contests. If tho boxers would only use more precaution In providing : seconds, there ; could be no misunder standings Jn the prise ring. Each man. who la to work In a corner ought to know Just what be Is to do before the . mill la started. One man should be j named as advlaer-ln-chlef and all othera j wow unoer nis airecuon. ir nis man ' Is being badly punished and the sponge la to be thrown In the ring let the bone do It. - The practice of every man talk ing at once and two or three trying to . tell the fighter what to do badly mud . dlea things and makes mattera bad for : both Bghtera and seconds, saya a writer la the Cincinnati Enquirer. SCaay Mistakes. '' Tna miatake of . having . too. many , know-lt-alls In. your corner ofttlmes causes many amusing mistakes. Once when Kid Lamont waa fighting, hla seconds became so excited over the fact that he had actually hit his antagonist ; on the Jaw that they lost all control of ' themselves when the Kid returned to his " corner for a rubdown at the end of the ... round. . Two of his seconds grebbejThia hands and congratulated him on - bla . good work, while the third, anxious to ' a how some attention to th hero, poured ,3 a half pint or more of spirits of am monia down the Kld'a throat-Jt la aeed T'less to say that the Kid loat hla fight , and alao hia aecond a, ..- . Mike .conley, who waa on of Jack Dempeey'e aeconds agalnat Bob Fltsslm mons when the Comlehtnan Won hla memorial victory over the Nonpareil In tne thirteenth-round on January 14 lltl. at New Orleans, gives some Inter eating facta In connection with the oon - teat which the same situation brought up in- the Walsh-Attel fight. , Conley , In the eighth round, when It be- .. came apparent that Dempsey . would urely be defeated, Jimmy Wakely, Steve Brodle and the other noted gambler wno had . wagered big money on Demp ' aey, came to Jack'a comer and Implored Jack McAullSe, Dempsey's trainer and adviser, to throw up the aponge."' He refuaed to do so In that round. In the ninth round, after Dempsey had been . Knoccea down and waa In a dased condl tloo. Jack McAullffe threw the sponge Into tho ring as a atonal of defeat. Hia awcaaata vwahed to the center of tho ring yea aa weaopsey waa getting to hla feet. They walked toward - his corner with hlia la half-daaed eoadltloaw hot aa Y mas STORE CLOSED ALL . , DAY CHRISTMAS. Open tonight until 11 6'clock with all Holiday Goods at special sale prices, . Smoking Jackets ' For tcxiay and this evening . your choice af any Smoking jacket in the house' This includes all of our $10 , and $12 jprnTcjita. r; LION ClbthinQCo , GiiiKuhnPi-uov - . Men's and Boys' Outfitters, ' 121 and 168 Third Street, ' . ZIohawk Building, c Reading From Left to-Right, the ' I Hawley, McCoy, Burgett, Smith, ... Jr , tm a Robert Murray, Clever Quarterback J . , on The Dalles Team. they were about to aeat Dempaey In hla corner he auddenly realised, that all waa not light. Whom Dempaey Bef need. "What s the matter?" naked Jack. , MCftuuire. , The words ware no more than out of HcAullffe'a mouth when Dempaey, with the true gameness that characterised his long career, puahed hla-haitdlere-esido-and rushed over- to Plta'a corner. Lanky Bob waa standing with his back turned. "Come on!" aald Jack, aa ha laid hla hand on Ftts'a ahoulder. Bob, . thinking that Jack wanted to. congratulate him. Immedi ately extended, his hand. "No, no," aald Jack-f 'TJome on; fight It out" Fits, without further ado, started In again, and : poor Dempsey . waa soon aent sprawling to the floor. The moat sur prising thing waa that the fight laated four rounds longer, Dempsey refusing to quit, and waa Anally sent to the floor helpless, being unable to arise, although not unconscious of his surroundings. Tha weights for thla fight were. Fits Simmons 157H pounds, Dempaey 14T pounds. The betting waa even money. Colonel Alex. Brewster ot New Orleans waa the referee. SPORTING GOSSIP In Justice, to the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, on account of the many reports that have been circulated re garding Oregon men playing with the club team against Seattle, the Mult nomah management announced this morning that a strictly club team of amateura would be taken to Beattle. The players are: Carlson. Sterling, Dr. Rader. Pratt, McMillan, Dowllng. Jor dan, Wilder. Kerrigan, Alexander. Lltt, Rupert, Lonegan, Dolph, James Gregg. Horan. and probably Walker. McKln ney. Hug. Chandler and Kerron.' all Ore gon men, will" not participate in this matcn. ... ; e e. t. .... - Rattling Nelson would not go hack on Biny Nolan which meana they have not pnisnea witn tne dear public Just yet. e ' : Aa Othera Bee It. -Tonopah, Nevada has eclipsed all recorda for presswork In connection with the flans-Herman fight. Tonopah proposes to make Oold- fleld look like the difference between real and counterfeit money. The pro moters of the town'a fame, believe in photography and have kindly offered ua the following Interesting pictures Kid Herman driving first splka In 140.000 arena. Flrat eplke driven In great 140,000 arena. Manager Riley, who handed Kid Her man the first spike for the marvelous 140.000 arena. i " Manager Riley, who will build tho magnificent 140,000 arena. First load of lumber for tha mammoth $40,000 arena. Hammer with which tha.,flrat spike waa driven In the tremendous f 40,000 arena. - ) Carpenters who will build the won derful 140.000 arena. Group of men kicking at tha alto of the phenomenal 140.000 areas. It aeema too bad that thrilling pic tures of this kind .cannot be produced. but If our reader will remember that the arena coata f 40,000 Tonopah will have accomplished Its object In con vincing tho world that It. Is no piker. - SEASON'S OUTPUT 0F 0R0 DELL BRICK PLANT . (Meeclal MMtrh la The Jnareel.) I Grande, Or., lec 34. George Krel- ger haa finished tho bvrrnlbg of 171.000 Drink at the yards at Oro Dell. This will be the laat for tha season, and all of the lot will go Into the Tonet ruction of the holler-mom and furnace at 'the new Palmer mill. There are about 400. 000 brick In tha yarde, but they are all contracted for except a ew thousand which will .be reserved for fluea and amall orders. During the peat oeaaon the Oro Dell yarda have turned eat att.oe brick. - ..' I " . N- . ; I 'X -;' - i v r -J ,. :.,. I ' I ' . vLaV',S. J Men Are Captain, Murray, Cohen, Hen White, Longmire and Coach Stubling. HERMAN SAYS HE WILL Will Thinks Hit Chance Hat Arrived in Order to Pluck. Big Honort. . ' HAS WAITED LONG TIME FOR OPPORTUNITY Tenopa 1 Miners Are Looking For- war to This Battle With More Than Ordinary Interest Bout Is Scheduled for New Year's Day. By Waldemar Young. ' (lDrUI Dtioatck to The Jearaal.l "Tonopeh. Nav Dec. !4.--Aa la fairly well known by now, Joe Gana and kid "ilermaa are to fight In thla camp on New Teer'a day for a J,000 purse.' Aa i may not be known. Kid Herman haa been looking . for thla chance for years, J' and now that it haa arrived, ha la going to quit the gsma rather than let thla chance for a championship pass him by. -Sitting In hie cottage the other night, the Chicago boy told me thla himself. He told It to ma aa a friend, on the square. No fellow, except one who ranks himself aa -extra wise end he never geta far with It ever tries to bull a friend. t-"- - " "Lad," be aald, "I've been waiting, for this opportunity for years. You met mo In Ban Franclaco almoat three years ago. I came there on a gamble. I thought I could get a match then with Britt. Nobody knew me. I etiyed nearly two montha in the town, but the men that run the game there eouidn t aee me aa a card. I am a young fellow yet. and I am still fighting any trying. I have wanted a chance at the cham ge?"aatdrplPnahlp of my " dlvlaloii'ever alnce I started fighting, I want to be a ebam pton, of courae. Every fighter does. know Oans and I know how ha fights. I believe that I can beat him. If any' one can. I believe it ao strongly that I" am--willing-to -tjtrtt the; game- If -he oeata me. 1 juina you. Don t promise that I will quit but how that thla chance la given ma, I am going to coma through. . Bemaad tqaaro Fight. "Another thing: These Nevada peo ple are good people to work with. They run all their gamea un tha sqnargr sna all they demand of a fighter is that ha shall fight on the square. That means that my (chance to win a championship will be decided entirely upon my mer its aa a fighter, it a enough. It Is, too. When I saw Herman work In Ban Franclaco during tho month of April and May in 104, I figured that he waa a boy to consider. The promoters there had no match for him, Finally he went bark to Chicago with out appearing in a San Franclaco' ring. It aeema too bad, now that he la the one man aelected aa an opponent for the lightweight champion, that San Franclaco, the center of the fight In duatry at that time, could not have given hire an opportunity to ahow what he could do. Manager Mike Riley of the Casino club thinks the same way. He has aeen Herman fight privilege that haa been denied me. The best I have yet aeen la gymnasium work and that of a kind to inspire confidence. Riley believes that Herman haa a better chance with Gana than any man In the world.- That la tha reaaon he made thla match. Tonopah la falling In Una with Riley rne nuaay atr. anorieia which waa RIATIORIAL WIRIEAWD ARE GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE Late Phone Orders Will be Delivered Tomorrow NATIONAL WINE CO. The Quality Store' 5th & Stark Sis. Phone Main 6499 LI Q DOBS Pickett, ; lt.JvK-waiMMeJ A. C Stubling, Manager anei Guard - of The Dalles Eleven. the Kld'a name at christening time haa TpleaaeJTRfnHInerg her wttlTTntsTworsr In tha gymnasium. If he can fight aa well aa be can perform in the gym, ha surely good a chance to chop tho colored champion down aa any other lightweight. In fact, ho haa a better chance. Of courae, nobody knows how a fight Is going to and until it haa ended. ' No body knows where tha favorite will finish. At tha asms -time, there Is waya a chanca whan a game la oa the square. Thla game Is. , I know It. Herman Is going to try, and, although Bemay hot b TT-goUrThandwhen "It cornea to punishment, he can fight clever man better than the wallopln eating kid. Battling Nelson. Thet lsto say, he may not be able to take aa much, but ho can giva mora. When Riley made tha match, tho mln era here smiled. They had aeen Gana work, but they knew nothing about Herman. Some of them were up on the dope and realised that the Chicago boy la a tough proposition, but they were ao much In the minority that they didn't count. . Then they began to think. Who elae la there to fight Gaps. Who elseT It a a question. Herman haa aa good a chance aa any one and a better chance than moat He la ambitious to be a champion and that eounta a lot with anyone who knows flghtera and knows when they are try ing and when they are not. Ha will give a good account of hlmeolf. And,-aa he puta It himself, "There enough.' . , , .. ...-. PORTLAND ZEBRAS ARE BEATEN BY INDIANS fapwi-t Dtaratrk te Tke tamm.i. Chemawa, Or.. Iee. 14. -The speedy T. M. O. A. Zebraa of Portland were defeated Saturday evening by the speed ier Chemawa. aeconda In a very faat game of basketball played In the In dlana' gymnaalum. At tha start It looked ss though the visitors were to win hsnds down, aa they displayed ex cellent teamwork, but the -Indians aet tied down to work and mitwlnded their white brothers, and tho flrat half ended II to 7 in favor of the Indiana, who added i to their score In tho second, while the Zehraa duplicated their score of tho first half, making the total acore zo to 14. Twenty-minute naivea were played. The lineup was aa follows: Chemawa. . Zebras, Wilson .forward,.,.,,. Thomas Darnel! forward........ Thayer sooksort .center, . . . . . Vinson Tallup-Wlgglna .grtard. . Bruce Qoudy guard,-. ... i . , . Burns SBaskets were thrown as follows: Wil son, I; Darnell, z; Sooksnlt. I; Ooudy.l; Thomas, 1: Trayer, 4; while Chemawa threw z from the foul line, and the Zebraa 4. The referee waa Mr. Leabo of Chemawa, and tha umpire Mr. Forbes of Portland, - . BAKER MAN CAPTURES ' AN ALBINO SQUIRREL i (Mpeclil Dispatch te The Jmraal.l' Baker City, Or., Deo. 24. Greatest curiosity haa been aroused hero by the rapture of a freak equlrrel by . J. Halfford, a local butcher. The squirrel an albino, being perfectly white and having pink eyee. It la otherwise ex actly similar' to an ordinary pine squir rel. Mr. Halfford captured the little animal near the Sanger mines, SO roues northeast of Baker City. Ho waa driv ing through that district when he no ticed the diminutive freak. Ha spent aeveral hours In following it about and tchlng hla rhanco stunned It with a club. He carefully revived the equlrrel, brought It home with him and i making pet or It. s , , If you haven't tha time to exercise regularly, Doin I Regnlets will prevent constipation. Thev induce a mild, oaay, healthful action of the bowels, without griping. Ask your druggist for them. Mo drix, Conrow, Mclnerny,: SECOND TEAM READY FOR ' THE DALLES COLUMBIANS Captain Foley Says That M. A. A. C Seconds Will 'Play a Strict Club .v Af gregation and That No ' First Men Shall Participate. '. : Thla- afternooniat4f9e-trloclr-'-h Multnomah Amateur . AthletlO' club' football aquad, accompanied by about 100 rootera, will leave on tho Puget Aound limited Sot Seattle, where a game wrll be played tomorrow with tha Se attle Athletlo clubr The local clubmen held their laat practice yesterday morn Ing and tried out every play that will be uaed againat tha wary Slwaahea. For 10 mlnutee yesterday the varalty lined up against tho seoond team la order that both elevene would get all tho real practice necessary. The workout waa very satisfactory, though tha Held waa rather wet. Tho varalty players expect a hard atruggle In Seattle and they have pre pared for It Blnce Thanksgiving's de feat by Oregonv'Captaln Jordan and hla men have put In more time In getting Into condition than they did before tha Oregon game. - It la In endurance and speed that the winged "M" men hope to be able to compete sueeeaafully with Captain Cutts' veterans. Tho Multnomah party will leeve Se attle on Chrlstmaa night and reach home on Wednesday morning, ao that tho boya will not bo abaent from business any greater - length of time than la eary. SJaooad Team XopefoX Field Captain Dan Foley haa rounded out about the fastest aggregation that hag ever represented Multnomah in secondary capaotty on the gridiron. Tho young men have line speed. Iota of grit and display a remarkable knowledge of tha game, and If they dont give "Slen der" Stubling" team a run for their money there will certainly be something wrng In " Portland.- Hero la what The Dalles Cnronlcla haa to aay about - tha game: ,There will ho thlnga doing In tha football line when Tho Dallea Colum blaa go to Portland Chrlstmaa day to play the suppoeedly second team of tho Multnomaha. The Multnomaha evidently eonalder that tne" Columblaa know tholr business on tho gridiron, sa they have U In tholr lineup tne narata of several of the nrat team, and the vacancies on tha first team, which goes to Seattle on that day, have been filled with players from tho U. of o. team. . "Notwithstanding the fact that they are playing tha beat timber of tha flrat and second teams, the Columblaa will go to Portland confident that they will win tha game, If the team should bo do feated by the aggregation named ia tha lineup below it will not reflect any groat credit on the -.second Multnomaha, aa It la not tha aecond team, but a team made 1 up of -the old and tried plByera"ofbotR teams, and this la to be done evidently with tho Intention of attempting to do feat the Columblaa, and If auch a thing should happen, to give the credit to tho second Multnomaha Tho following players are named In the lineup: ' ' Austin, Alexander, Shall, Folay, McCully, Tully, Jameaaon. Don elaon, Morris. Barendrtrk, MeMlcken, Blackman, Sterling, Kennedy, Kline, Carlaon. Lewis, Taylor, J, Smith, Lester Smith aad Owens. : . . . Sterling and Carlaon are both flrat team men and Taylor waa the star player of the Hill military academy team thla aeason and made quarter on tho all-Paclflo . and northwest team. These men are hardly entitled to play on a team of the- aecond Multnomah, and there cannot be "a great desl of credit and glory In It for them, and therefore cornea the auppoaltlon that tha second Multnomaha are out to win this game even if they have to do It with tho flrat team. Owens Is given credit for being oven a better man than Latourettc. Kuykendall and tha crack quarterback of tha O. A. C. team of thla year. "Tha Dalles scribe la ao far off hla base that It la hardly necessary to an swer his statement," aaya Captain Fo ley of M. A. A. C.'s second team. "Ster ling and Carlaon are going to Seattle with the first team and ao la Jamea Alexander. Taylor of H. M. A. will net play with M. A. A. C. aeconds." Perry juanchard will referee. Malor Von Egloffateln will umpire and Clifton MacArthur will be head llneaman In tha ramo. . . SKATING RINK TO BE OPENED AT NEWPORT ' (Special Dt-petcb to Th Jneratl.) Salem, Or., Deo. 14. -There haa been some dissatisfaction among tha young- er set concerning the ammomcnt at- tractlona at Newport, the popular resort on Taqutna Bay, but from now on the disgruntled ones will be v satisfied, for an up-to-date roller skating rink la to be built there soon by a concern from this eity. A lot haa been secured and an- amphitheatre, modern in every re spect, will bo erected In the city by the sea. H. G. Meyer, Harry Albert of Salem and Cheater Murphy, who will open a rink here this evening, will have charge of the rink atJiewport. Offleers of Baterprlse A. K.. (peHnl Dl"ptcb to Tke rnirsat. '' Enterprise. Or., Dee. J4-The follow. Ing Were elected officers of tho Royal Arch Mesons. Enterprise champter. No. 10. at their laat meeting: L. J. Rouse, high priest: W. ,T. Bell, king; J. a Wagner, scribe; W. R. Holmeo, treas urer; D. W. Bheahan, aecretary; C. A. Ault, captain of the boat; J. B. Olm- etead, principal sojourner; 3. W. Kerns; roysl arch captain: C. E. Funk. M. K. Boatman. Jack Johnson, masters of the valla, and V. B. Magill. sentinel. ' saa-aaaaa-eiaBna-awaasaBSB-Bsgaw-a-aaBaBMss-aasspa-sasa-a Arthar U Beohtel Xaeeae. (gper,l nieuetcli te The Jwaraal.l Enterprise, Or., Dee. 14. Arthur Rechtel, aged tt years, living In the north - part of Wallowa county, haa been committed to tho Inaane asylum. Hla hallucination conalste In auppoalng some ona la trying to kill him. He had aecretly aecured a platol and - oarrted It about hla person for the purrmsa af killing hi auppoeeS eneralee "BKSi: HAT IN THE LEADING Roof 4 - - , ... . ,. , . . JB-s' aiwaw -w ..... Vri.....'n "' BEN:SELLlNQ;-: Stains, OilfaM Varnishes Autom obi leas l Agent PIERCE GREAT ARROW. LOCOMOBILE, CADILLAC AND v 1607 4-CYLINDER CADILLAC IN STOCK I -V Temporary Location Qub' Garage, Fifteenth and Alder Stav : T. IY0 MILLIONS READY FOR GREAT OX BON PROJECT Contracts Let and Working Force Augmented Great - - Demand for Power. . . 1 (Rperlel Ms-etch te The Jenrnel.) " Baker City. Or- Deo. 24. Two mil lion dollars will he expended by the pro. motera of the Ox Bow power project on Snake river before their plant la com plete. Tbla aaauranco waa given D. J. Wlnalow, the Boise engineer, who is at the head of tho concern, while ho was Chlcaao snd Milwaukee and other middle weatern cities early this month. a-utlv 1100.000 haa been spent already. Having let tho contract to Klrby aV sterna af Richland for S.oov poiee, Mr. Wlnalow expecta to make a deal for from 1.000 to f,000 of the aame kind of timber with La Grande men eome time todar. Work la to be ruahed en the project. Although only a small crew ia employed at present this will be Increaaed aa aoon aa tho roadg. become paasablo and the eonetructlon reaches the stage where more men 'will be needed. It la - ex pected that a material Increase In the force will be made about February t Csrrip ; aoppTTes are being rushed Info tha OK Bow district, a shipment or m 000 pounds being aent out of hero this morning. ' This shipment consisted for tha moat oart Of camp utensils, pro. visions and supplies for the blacksmith shon. . Mr. Wlnslow fear that the BnaWe river railroad will not be built : He aaya the line la asmired. and that even if It were not, tne o mow people would- bo taking llttlerlek In sinking lt.000.000 In the projest,-such Is the growth In the demand for power In eastern Oregon and aoutnweaiern Idaho. ' " LIMESTONE LEDGE THAT BEATS MOST GOLD MINES (Sceel-I D1ttrs ts Tke Jeamel.t Baker City, Or., Dec. J4 Believing there la a great future In the lime quar rylng industry in thla section of the country, Frank Nelaon, a. Boiaa capl tallat, 1a In this eity msklng arrange ments for the extensive development of hia greet dykes near Durkee. Work haa been dona on but one of- these dykea up to thla time, but he now haa a aur face showing of from 10,000,000 to It, OOf.OOO tdns. ( . fha llmeetone in the Durkee district, which la 'also one of fie moat famous gold mining sections ef eastern Oregon, Is of exceptional quality and le reduced to a high-grade product at nominal coat. - Taking Into consideration all these conditions. Mr. Nelson and hla associ ates have decided to go Into the Industry on a large ecaje. They- ere now nego tiating a deal which,' It Is understood, relatea to mm property rights upon which hinges their futf.ire. action. If thev are auccessful thev atand ready to expend a largo sum of money In de veloping aad quarrrlnr their dykes. WORLD FOR THE MONEY" CLOTHIER . When purchased of a a, alwaya give., the hast aatlaf action. That la"be--cause we sell only the beat We carry in etock nothing but the high ; est quality, and, aa they don't coat the consumer any more than inferior 1 gradea, there la ao aseuae for not - using them. - -- :t -. TIIE DIG PATT ST0HE BsaBES3-BssaaaBSBXB-sBBBBBaB3aaBBBBaBBBaf ) Fisher.Thorsen & Co. nOR AJTS MOBBZSOaT ST. BRING THE LITTLE FOLIS To See the COLUMBIA THEATRE Zt U Free. Ail Bwy Ferf o - - Bpeolal Moliday Bedturtton aw w3l THIBETSr TWEEDS ' - - AND CASSIMERES. eveath aad gtark Its. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT FAIRBANKg' BATH ROOM and PHTB1C1ANB' BCALK8 Populer for . "home and of flea. CHRISTMAS PIFTS.S FAXBBABKI, MOBSB B OO ' ' - Flrat aad Stark Bta. ; 1 They are eonfldoni that th deal will ter minate aatleractorlly and m tne mean - time are making aU preparatlona te go ahead. i. UNION PACIFIC BUYS ' 'FIFTY COAL TRACTS Olymple, Wash Dee. 14. More than KB deeda, covering coal lande on the . Pkookumchuck rlyer. In thla county, near Bucoda. have been filed- with the county" auditor by John McNeil of Denver, Colo- redo. It la understood that McNeil rep resents the Union Faclflo railway, . Fref erred Btoek Oeaaed eooda, an- t qa.i i -a) V f eiiia m euvwtai mwm i i(au i M : - - 1