The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1906, Image 5

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    . ..
, -
Heiiig......-.,.s .
Our Batee Part la "Tee Heir to tbe Hooroh"
Baker LUllaa Lawrence "Trilby"
? LuaDlre .............The Belle ef Japan"
lorlr, ,.,,.j....."Arrek tie Pofee"
, Par he Saltan' nencbter"
, I'anttfr Vaudeville
Craed . vaaeerul.
At ft UwitnM church. - Third ud
, Bhirmm street, muiw will be offered
on Chriatmas - morning at , t. and
1 : O'clock. At 10:J the choir will
render Gounod's grand solemn mass.
The following elaborate program - baa
wn arranged for tba occasion: . Kyrta
(Gounod). Gloria (Oounod). Creed (Oou
- tiod). Offertory (Noel), Hlaa Elisabeth
iwvu; eancius tuounoaj, ueneaiouon
Gounod). The members of the choir
' are: alias Mattle Kelly. organist; Mrs.
Hunt and Smith, the Misses B. and L,
Jlarwas. Nora Barrett. Ida Lehaie. Mac
4 via and Irene Barbara; Messrs. Sauveln,
- Montag. 01a nrlll. Parcel. Bannon, l?n-
n'"ww, vein. , irraias ; ana i mavr
WII. ;..,., . ... ,,.
we eniidren aver amoved - av - bla-
TlrUlma. .. . . . ...... b. Jt I M . U
members of the Sunday school of the
' Centenary Methodist church enjoy f 111-
ing barrels with presents for children
. not so well supplied aa themselves.
. Several capacious barrels occupied the
veeumile and these were all filled yea-
- leroay. unt Barrel went to uie Boys
. fenil 1 1 Ivl ilj 1 . WW
. whim 4.M nit mmi vi
' evar nhllil - k. hnm w . ..h.l
- to one of the packages. Another barrel
, was prepared 'for dlatrlbutlon by the
. v. m,,.v, a, AlliailVBi, .
v Annual-' T. P. A. banquet: The
traveling men win give snouisr or matr
, famous banquets at the Hotel Portland
Saturday evening. December J. Mana-
ger Bowera is planning to make thta
; occasion the' moat, enjoyable of the
'many which have "preceded It and a
. cordial Invitation is , extended to all
travelers to come and' make good ebeer.
Qnod aneakera. anil muiLe. . Tleketa at
office of secretary, 10 Fenton build
ing, i J. w. Current aecretary. ! .
The cantata. "The Coming of- the
- King," . wna given by a Urge chorua at
the Centenary Methodist Eplacopal
Mr. E. 8. Miller, soprano; Mrs. E. N-
lVheeler eltn, -Waltaala Hlll T
W. Wust and E. N. Wheeler, bassos: B.
. ix Alien, rari tone, wno toox tne part or
. King Herod; E. B. Miller, director; Mlas
- Kennftalv. nramnlat. . 'j . ' -
' Officers of General Com peon post. No,
, 12, O. A. PL, have been elected as fol
lows: p.. W. Hlnman, post commander;
B. W. Snow, senior rice-commander;
.' Dan Calklna. Junior vice-commander: W.
H. Adams, officer of the day: 1 &
Chlpman, adjutant; Vf. W, Baser, quar
termaster. . Mrs. F. w. Hlnman -waa
made prealdent of the Women's Relief
. ..cot- : '' -
Toilet and manicure sets, handbags,
wallets, i blllbooks, purses and card
- cases, cigar eases, eafety rasors fort the
men, fountain pens, etc., at ' Albert
' Brafa drug store, itl ' Waahtngton
afreet. , No ' long waits for goods ' or
change. Open all day tomorrow."
. Footbali! Football! Football!
I Baht Ilah! RahJ ' RahJ. Rah! '
Multnomah Seconds, vs. .The peJleav
Multnomah Field. -,..,, ,
7 j ChVlatmaa dsy, S:0 p. in. "' "''
.Rain er shine.-Admission ti cent, v
. Christmas - Trees. Nice evergreen
' Cliiistmaa trees. to 1 feet, 7 cent
to ti each. Mistletoe - and Oregon
grape, fine . bunches ti cents and
. once for any delivery desired. Portland
. Seed Co.. Front and Yamhill streets. .
, , Football! Football! Football! ., ,
Rah! Rah!. Rah! Rah! ' Rah! '
r-v Vf nl.aaMna la SaaaaaA-aa4a . M . Tha Taaillaaa
Multnomah Field.- -. -
' Christmas day, t :iO p. m. '" ,
Ra)in or shine. Admission. I cent. ,
' Vou charttably disposed: ' If you wish
M HA m aaaa,iar aaa-arv , aa.. mmtxtw a Mm ia r a
' worth of magaslnes out tdathe Hospi
tals or to the home for the aged or In
digent and make many' a' poor heart
' glad and bring genuine cheer-on the
Christmas day. .
' Friends have "been notified .of the
death of Mrs. Susie E. Foster At Helena,
. Montana.-' Mm Foster waa a well
known W. C. T. IT. worker of this) city.
She formerly lived at university Park.
She is survived by a husband, son and
danghter. , '.. , -, .
. - During the rush and bustle of the past
few days yon have probably forgotten
or "overlooked someone In the way of
a Christmas gift.- We are open all day
on CbMstmaa and can take cere of yea.
Albert Beml. the druggist, lit Wasb
Ington street ,
' -! a. ' C. Matlock, Merle Matlock . ar-d
' John Rlgley, appraisers of the estate
of Oscar H. Bellinger,- filed a report In
'the county court this morning showing
that the property of the estate la worth
: 4.m. , ; - j.
' . Holy Croaa church of Portsmouth will
hold maasea at T:IO and 8:11 tomorrow
and solemn high roaes at 1:1- followed
II J aa uruauii.iiuii v a aiaa.i, bwiv
. ment. Rev. . Oallagher, C. S. C.. pastor.
' The new' January magaalnea. '.
'. The new January magaslnes. ' - , ,,
. . The new January magaalnea. ' "
All the leading dallies. :
At Carl Jones', Fourth and Washington.
' No Christmas present eomplate with-
out a bottle of nice perfume. We ean
help you out Albert Berni, the drug
. gist, tit Washington street. Open all
day tomorrow. :
' - .
' Do" not miss this opportunity Oeorge
. Jsbour a. Co., 141 - Waahtngton atreet,
' e?raat holldav oriental rn and lace aale
now on. 31 per cent reductions. ,
Steamer Jessie Harklna for Camaa,
- Washougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Lea vaa Washington atreet
(lock at I p. m. t
Acme Oil Co. aells the best safety coal
Oil and line gasoline. Phone East. 7I.
Woman's Exchange, UII Tenth street,
lunch ll:l te S; business man's lunch.
Lot aecond-hand Jtoeo, 1 'gnd 114 -Inch,
cheap. Kafka Bros., ITJ Front at
- Tubllo stenographer. Phone Paetfla 1.
' Aaaenneed to Oeeaa Beaekea. ':.
To enable patrona to ' vlalt ocean
beaches during the Christmas holidays,
the O. R- N. Co. will on reoember
14 and II, and January 1, aelL round
trip tickets to all North Beach points
at a rate of tl 10. tor further Informa
tion aak at city ticket office. Third and
Wsshlngton streets, Portland. Oregon.
' - r r rea.
' i' l "at ullli, ,
J Nof'.l.'
Christmas Qrciinz : -, ; . , , r
. Thi's is CHRISTMAS EVE, add tonight ' Santa Claua"
will come to our beloved city." ' iy - ' ' " ' -'
In our childhood'i happy days we cherished as a sacred
' ideal the Santa Claus told of by our parents, antil-the shock
of unbelief was borne in upon us by the derision of some
; .rude,youth who,, barren of Love and Sentiment, scoffed at
our. childish worship,, but now weknow that; Santa Claus
existed then and will live forever enthroned in the great ;
throbbing heart of the world." ; , , .. i
We rejoice with the good people of Portland because, of 1
the wonderful prosperity that has deservedly come to them
during the year now closing, and which has brought dear
old Santa Claus back to our homes and hearths again. .
. This Progressive Bank has enjoyed its full share of the
city's great gain - in wealth, ' and now, ; with thankfulness
. upon the . part of its. officers and, directors for. the Urge .
patronage that has come1 to it, extends to all of its friends
i and patrons cordial good will and holiday' greetings, and '
sincerely wishes them one and all - : . ' ;'
Sixth and Washington Streets. ; . ; lortland, Or.' v
-' 'r
e .. " ' I
,V ' V e-'.V I
Mr Guy Bates Pott, in,Th Heir
':''T mas Matinee
Chriatmas Attraction 'at tfie HeOig.
Tba attraetlne at the ' Bellis. tbeatie. Foor-
leeath and Waabtnstoa straeta, toalsM, totuor
wt (Xui) aftenwcMi and alf ht, with the laet
parranusre WeUseaday Blsht, will be Paid
Araiatroo's dellatatral emnedr.- The 7 Heir te
the Hoerah." Our Batea feat and a loot l
celleat aapaertidDg eewpaay ate preaeatlag thla
hHerestiiig play la a maaaer aeldots ' rtinaked
for a Unladed perform, or. Thka will bw
fonsd to be a charming aad fitting Chrtatnaa
eHerlsg te year wife or teat girl.
Flortnc Roberts Next Sunday. J
nerenee :. Roberta wilt be the' Kew Tear'a
attraetlea at - the Brills theatre, roorteeath
aad Waahlastea atraeta. The opening bill seat
M iiiiala r . sight, Oereabar 80, and eoatlBulng
Mnaday alibt aad New Tear's aathtee, will he
The Strength of the Weak." - New Year'a
aaa Wedneaday sight her lateat seecaaa, "Maria
Roaa." .Heat sale epeae seal rrteay.
' ...-- '
Salt Tomorrow for "Sis Hopkins."
Toautrow. awralng the advaaee aaat aale
IU ooa far Hoae Mrlrllle la her faawoa
rhararter ef 81 Hopklna at the bomfaea ef
the Belltg theatre. The clever - aetraaa end
eeaMdiesae will ee the attraction at the above
theatre aest Tharatlar, rrioay, Batarday alghtn,
Deeaaber- tt. IS. it, .with a apeclal-prlce aatl
ase aaterday. . -
TrUby'at tha Baker, . j,
- The Baker has another Mg hit this -eek la
the 'sMgniteaat' pfadaeUoa ef Da Manrler'e
faaeae TrUhy." Mlaa Ufllaa Lawreeee, In
the title role, dees en an ef the beat work of
her irereer. John aalapells gives snre ef hie
espe'rb seting aa Bveagall. Howard Knaaetl
ntakta a geod Little Blilee aad Kraaat Baatlaga
la all that eaa he deal red aa Taffy. Tea don I
araat te alee-eeelog Trilby. ' tpedel ChrUt.
aua daypatlaee. ,
" New BiU ft the Lyric "
'Amb la Pegee" ta the aew Mil at tba
tafrie. epenlag thia afteraoea. Ia It tha popular
Lyric stack compear la aoorlag another great
earreea. Thla faaaoaa eld pUg glvea ehanre tor
ladlvldnal work on the pert of the plarera.
inviTE Youn;
iriQUiniES Fori
v V".
','; -A
Monday, Dec 24, 1D06,
i .
. :.- ... .. -r ! S
. t
- t
1 f 1
to ltia Hoorah" at the HeOig Chrlit
kad Night
Ita deUdeea- fcatner, Ita sweet love atary, every
fuallt la. It. appeaia to hamaa hearta and
aaakra ene feel there la atlll eoatethlng alneere
aad aoaething good ta the world. There
will be a matinee of "Arrah Na Pogne" every
afternoon thla week. . It'a tha great Chrtatnaa
hUl. . i . : , , i
- Chriatmas Week at Pantagea.
- The Paataitea Chriataaaa hill whir peon
today will be la every way worthy of the
ecraaloe. Each eaa ef the acta haa beea aew
eared with a view te miking aa eepeelallr
etroag offering for the kolldara, aad each per
fuiiueia have heee aimed aa the klarroa com-
pear, the Odeeaaa.- traak King aad the Da
Yore. All the eaves featoeea. are ap to tha
. At the Grand.
' The three Wnhwya, the premier paetaiete.
have a woaderfnl acrobatle act at the Oread
thla week, serving aathe headllnera ea the
ChrutnMe program. Frank Mantra Kally, the
earicatarlet and eeaaedlaa, ta offering 'Tea
and Jerry." a eollege-bor playlet, aaalsted by
K. H. ralvert. htoeh ta expected ef thla aketrh.
The Flahere have a apeetaealar aevelty, "The
rrog aad the Uaard.' - - . .
At the Stw. ;.
Two dtatlact plara are being offered thla
Cbrletmaa week at the Star theatre by the
Allea atock eoapeay. vary afteraoea there
will be a matinee at which "Little - Lord
yaaatlerey" will he prodoced. aad at eight the
attraction will be the arrange eeaedj. "The
Baltaa'a Daughter." Neater Harold Heff, wee
haa beea einglsg Ulnatiated aoaga at the
Grand for the past rear, will have the title
rain, la "Little Lard Paanttarav." WleetVema
rtltoa wlU bo the daughter ef the salua.
J. M. Johns, editor-of the Arlington
Record, and wife are In the elty spend
ing the holldaya at the hone of their
eon-ln-law and daughter, . Mr. and Mra,
I O. Ralaton, Oft Market street. Mr.
Kalaton la one of the financial movers
In the organisation of- the Chiiatlaa
Federation colony scheme. -
' A. John Francis, formerly of Portland,
but now living In Manila, la In Port
land visiting Ma mother, MYa. Elisabeth
Francis. Mr. Francis believes that all
talk of war - between Japan and the
United Statee la foolish. He says that
the Japanese are taxed ta death and the
national debt ta so large that Japan will
not be able to go to war with another
nation for It or II years. Mr. Francis
Is accompanied . to Portland . by . Mra.
Dr. Kay Palmer has recently closed
a union meeting at Healdeburg. "Cali
fornia.' One hundred and fifty persona
publicly-declared their-purpose to be
come Christiana. Dr. Palmer haa Juet
been elected a member of the Interde
nominational Aaeoclatlon of Evangellats
for the United States and Canada.
Christmas Ev Dance.
'Monday evening. December H. the
date of the big Christmas bail. Merrill's
hall, with Prapp'a full orchestra In at
tendance. Turkeys given away. Usual
admission. Charlea Berry, manager.
1 5c Scsnio Photo Calendar.
' Fine original photograph, choicest
Oregon vlewa. a dainty calendar and the
mr-at appropriate holiday souvenir;
ether alsea. lie and He. .- Klser Pboto
Co ladles' lobby. Imperial hotel.- ;
Will Make Clad Hundreds of Peo
ple Unable to Buy Holiday
, Luxuries. " .
Baskets of Pood to Ba Glvea Families
Who Art In Poor Circumstance.
Public Offerings Make This Char
liable Work Possible.
. To over 100 families among tha poor
and needy of the city, the beat meal of
the year will coma tomorrow from the I
contenta of the dinner baaketa to be dis
tributed' by the Salvation army. At I
the headquarters, t6B Darls street, the '
floor of the building Is covered ' with
doseog of rows of baskets, running ever
with Christmas . edibles, whlch . will
bring a smile of happiness to scores of'
the city's poor tomorrow. . i
Each baaket la provided with pota-
toes, apples, oranges, celery, . cranber- j
Vies, sugar, white beans, canned corn
and tomatoes and a ehlcketv.- In fami
lies of more than five members, a flve-i
pound roaat Is added to the Hat. Tbe
baskets will be given in exchange ror
tbe tickets held by those who have made
requcata for aid. and In cases where
sickness or other causes prevent a mem
ber of the family from coming In par
son to army headquarters, tbe baskets
will be delivered.
jfmr Case of Seetitatiom.
Adjutant -A. P. Storey, who has had
personal charge of the Christmas work
thla year, says they have found many
casea of destitution, and In addition to
the assistance rendered through the dis.
tributton of the baaketa, arrangements
have been made to provide meala for
200 at the American : restaurant' Is
North Third street. A turkey dinner
will be served there between the hours
of, 11 and 1 tomorrow, and by this
means It Is believed that a large num
ber of tfte deserving poor, whose faml
ilea are outelde the city, will be reached.
Thla la a feature of the Christmas ar
rangements Inaugurated ' for tbe first
time this year. - - x
- Through the means provided by the
army, fully l.SOA people will be given a
Chrlstmss dinner. The baaketa alone
will carry to the' needy oyer a ton of
potatoes and half a ton of chickens, be
sides other edibles. The $800 required
to fill the baskets haa been raised In
large part by contributions from the
public to the kettles which have stood
tor several days on many of tha down
town street corners. -
Tomorrow night at tbe Davla atreet
headquarters gifts will be taken from
the Christmas - tree and distributed'
among the children of the neighborhood
at intervals during the program of
ale - and recitation. . Invltatlone have
been extended to the children of alt the
famltlea to which aid will be given and
It Is expected that the hall will be
crowded with the little ones, many of
whom will see their first Santa Clans
and receive their first Christ maa remembrance.-
Chriatmas- trees and pro
grama have also been arranged for the
army's halls at jtO Fourth atreet, and
the Scandinavian headquartera at
Fourth and Burnside streets. -
T .I.J T"ooJp1 tan- Aaa ea. , eaM
''"i A.i),
For several weeks past little girls of
culinary tastes have been busy baking
cookies and trying them on their Indul
gent relatives and friends. The result
ant cookie the perfected article waa
brought to the gas company's headquar
tera. Fifth and, Yamhill atreeta. Satur
day afternoon In dosen and hair dosen
lots. There were cookies of every Imag
inable' shape, else, flavor and history.
nearly every" nationality! being repre
sented, from the Norwegian faUgman
bekele" (poor man'a eakea) to the good
old fashioned, generous sised American
sugar cookies. Three well known Port
land ladlea acted as Judges at the Invi
tation of the gas company, and after
two good hours of sampling, examining,
comparing and reeomparlng.- finally de
cided that while every separate little
batch was worthy of especial mention,
the most unique and beat cookies were
those baked by little Olga Sherman of
100 Eugene street, and therefore she
was awarded first prise a 110 gas
range. Mlas Olga had very cleverly
worked out the words "Oaa Tips." which
Is the name of the gas ompany'a pub
lication. In cookie dough, In relief. The
second prise went to Coletta Bar
thole my, 14T Blandena street; she re
ceived a 111 portable gas reading lamp.
Miss Coletta had' worked the words
"Cook With Oaa" Into her eooklea. Be
aldes thee a, 10 other - prises were
awarded to little girls ' whose cookies
were especially palatable and artistic.
All were of pretty design, light and
crisp, and It certainly waa a difficult
task for the Judges to turn aalde the
product ef any of the young oonteet
ante. One little tot.' Elate Nicholson, of
East Flanders street,. Is only 4 yeara
and 10 months old, and her eooklea
would have been a credit to a much
older child.
. The gaa company Inaugurated -thla
very interesting content to lend seat to
the process of cooking with gas and to
Intereet the young people' In culinary
The cookies were all Bent to charitable
Inatltutlona where little girls and boys
not so fortunate aa the young cooks
will have a Chriatmas feast over them.
Encouraging cooking among young girls
Is a most commendable Idea; and though
perhaps the gaa company boys ought not
be given away, still It's only fair to tip
It off to the girls that certain young
men were very buay Saturday after
noon taking down the addressee ef the
Portland girls who can eook.
Excellent work of the fire department
prevented a dlsaatrous fire In the Labbe
building. Second and Washington atreeta,
yeeterdly morning. The-- blase atarted
under the roor from a 1 defective flue
knd the fire was communicated to a
broken gas pipe. In order ta reach the
eat of the fire It waa neoesaary to cut
through tha root, and a few well-dlreat-
III I a na . 1
ansa.' m
r 1 1
Mot tt dollar's worth to b carried over, ven if vr Have to
almost fflvo It away D wltH the crowds and got
Toys end; Dolls, Xmaa Novelties and Fancy Goods
Most any price to clear the shelves and counters. If cut
ting prices to the bottom will sell the goods there won't
, be a dollar's worth left tonight when the doors close.
Cloaed All Day Tomorrow! We Wleh You One and All
For an Ideal and Last
In anticipation of a - popular
demand for finely grown Winter
flowering and ornamental foliage .
planta for Chriatmas praaenta.
Clarke Bros., Portland's leading
" florists, have this season devoted
' their skill and attention to the
production of an elegant eolleo
tlon of planta, and will offer for
" the Holidays the finest selection
of these treasures of tbe floral
1 world yet assembled In Portland.
It will Indeed be a remarkable
' dlaplay of beauty which will greet
i' all who vlalt their floral atore
- during the next few daya. Among
. the moat popular offerings will
be the gorgeous Polncettlas, with
. their flam'ng heads of scarlet
' flowers. '.Other beautiful plants -
' are In Ana lean. Cyclamens; Prim
roaes. Begonias, all splendidly
flowered. x
' They are Indeed gifts of nature
and It can truthfully be said that
there la nothing more acceptable -aa
a Christmas present for lady
friends and relatives. In addition
to tbe grand ahow of planta,
Messrs. Clarke Bros, have their
: usual large supply of seasonable
cut flowers, roses, camatlona.
chrysanthemums, etc., all of
fineat quality and of freshest "
gathering. Clarke Bros, are lo
cated at It Morrison atreet, 'be
tween Fourth and Fifth,
For Your Accommo
dation Store Will
Remain Open V
All Day Christinas
ed streams soon extinguished the blase.
The prompt action ef Special Officer
Childress in turning off the gas sup
ply materially aaalsted the firemen in
their work. The damage la small and
fully covered by Insuranoe.
(Joaraal Special Servtca.) -
- San Jose, Cel., Doc 11. With remark
able fortitude la the very face of death.
Ben Walsh.' a elgarmaker, II years Of
age, calmly watched the life blood pour
ing from his body, his legs and a part
of the lower end of bis trunk having
been completely severed by a Southern
Pacific train. Walah was taken to the
receiving hospital and remained con
scious almost to the last
Walah saw friend away On tho south
bound train and intended to get oft the
car at Center City. Considerable head
way was gained, however, and tbe Jump
was not an easy one. His overcoat
caught on the handrail aad held him
until ho rolled under tbe wheels. -
Sheriff Stevens took Morlts Fletsch
nor. 1. S. McNally and John Bettinaon
to tbe penitentiary yesterday. Fletsch
ner will aerve three years, si months
snd 1 days "for stealing MOO from
Woodard, Clarke A Co where be was
employed as a salesman. McNally was
sentenced to three years for selling the
furniture from a room that he had rent
ed from Mra. 8. Ingate. Bettinaon waa
sentenced to a year and four daya Satur
day for attempting to hold ap a saloon.
. a . sanaaf .a aa
lead his
- BaJidhMr Veswlts. .
The following permits have beentC
sned: W. J.' Hawkins, repairs. Second
and Main,- cost 14(0; E. W. Baughman.
two-story dwelling. East Thirty-third,
betweea East Clay and Hawhorae ave
nue, coat Il.tOO; Portland Toot works,
ehop. Efcst Ninth, corner Marlon, co-t
t00: J. II. Scott, ooe-atory dwe!"
Hunter avenue, corner Eaat. Klneta
and East Twenty-first, ooct Its).
Evcrytbinjj ia tho Line of
share or tne Bargains
ZZL Jht HcIUg Theatre
a. Oeaaetlr.
nrg mx to not -ooak."
Oay Patea Peat aad aa BzeeUeat Oast,
see to seata seiuag si uewg
Baker theatre.
raaae Mala MOT.
Ornaoa Taeatre on.,
Oregea Taeatra Co.. tseaee. O. U. Baker. Ugr.
aane af - Partlaad a araat eek Oawyaey,
Special Matlnre Teaesrrow, Chrlatnaaa bay.
Taelfht. All This Week, n Orned rredaatles
et Pn Manrler's .
"tixm" y
Omaleta aad Correct BiesatT aad geCMaaa.
Unaer Dtrertlea Jnka anlnnolia. Toalfkt tbe
valuable nine wui Be aararoes coin aia
Matlaee deturdar. Krenlng Fneaa W,
Kl Matlneee. Ifte. me.
t Week Keyt'a "A HUk-Vkina Has."
ISrrilnt EBplre Tfceaire kSTTif.
Mlltoa W. Bee nun. Manager.
Playing tbe Beat era Read Bba-m Oaly.
Carintaiaa Week Attraction Special Matinee
Tomorrow l it; Beery Hlfht, Begnlnr Mai
seae Wedoeeoay and torarday. , tbe Oreat
Onaaady-Drema Baeeeaa,
Wltb Minn Beaate CUftoa aai the Oraflael
Kv Tark Onanany. Moat aovel aad Inter
eating abew ea the road. . Begnla Bwytre
Beat AtttaaUio. "Tbe OKaetbes
Fourth and
Stark 8ts.
lieMkln n Ma 1 1 an aad
art ft Monitor. The BLesiapk.
PrerBiaaeee-4ally at S:t, t;So aad S a.
a. eoatlaneaa Sondara. . Uaaeral edwlaaloe
10 eeata: laenvil aeets B eeatni beaee U
eaate. Take aay seat at weekday aMtlaaas
tot seats.
: BxanrvDro Btoznsa M
Beaelaaalt's Beaattfnl Xriak alar
"Arrah Na Pogue"
BweMee eaea freal 10 a. m. te to s. m.
Seata eaa be Naerved by pkaaa. Mala eta.
- The Allea Stock Oaa-paay Friesata
- .tvary Bvoalag at :. '
vary Aftaraeee at :0,
uttli iobb iAtnrrLr0T -
A BOLD HOrV as the "Lard."'
Baswvad Seata ay FbeeA Mala MSA .
The Grand
- Ckiietmaa Week
Bain-4 VandertUe
rsaak Meera Katkay,
B. X, Oalvort,
Skaa A lie bUey.
. te yiaaav.
The Pnaaafs. ,
a IX BeMnaoa.
"Tka Baab .
Oalis mt
Society NIflht
Ma lM s Sajor i
' ' Skava.
Xmas Special
Blak Open a t a. aa. . postal
Kattnee. - -
Xmas IMjttA Surprise
... Musts All ay
Crisis ef the Week's
! T -
(BOX' (BUSsfe
Qfi0 iJCKCLifni?'
St. i.i
7 3
t7M!H.Ttiii;i m ;:
Of goallty
to ono
n AlijuSljr" '
The repairing or replaetnsv at
Your Tcofeb
Beoeiveo tho earsful attsntlani It
merits. Our splendid office eqala
ment oombined with a large vol
ume of business enables wa to
render a superior dental eervtoe
at a reasonable eost te yeu.
tJ-kt Oold Crowns.. C5 and f"
mil Plates ,ts ta mil f
Putins FilUngB , ft
Painless Kxtraotlng ,t.j
Boston DehtdPalci
. OFFZOa..
DO THEY Fill If ttey're not IT
ALTLI rlrht. let an maaa th.a ee.
When we flt roe, we It ym EXACTLY.
Long etnartenre, evwy aereeear ai'l.a
tiOe apparatne snd tbe reqnlrJ knew.
Irriro eaabllns as to enrrei'tlr aee tne
saaae. onr ewe cnnaplere workafcnp wtia
eaery tacllltr eaea aa Ike arlaHInf
of apertal lenaeo ere all at fmt dia
"Pnenl kre, aeanrlng a aal lire nl
alMe wttb .mneie .fc-ae fnrtnnailr
eulppe4. Aeaia. da yon jUaa.-a rif,
er atari ft I
t:sci 'text
rri 4ricvn n rr::- '
' a
sawlBatlSB Free ef Olayk.
Work ' Sraaraatsad.
' ' - aaadw AntSBBBB.
.1 .