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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
v THE ''OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 24, '1908. Tonight The Outlet Clothing Company - AT. B. Cerl MarrUo and Flrtt Sto. THETOGQ in H. J. White &. Sari ..,CHOICEJ3R, Store Grange Business ' -ANY : .We have concluded to re 'dace our stock of '-Meat's and , (Youths' Suits and - Over-' coats. . Posit i v e 1 y price marked down to one half of what it is worth.'' Big stock of Shoes f and , Furnishing Goods to be sacrificed the same.'. ' John Dellar 181-183 Flrat Strsjsjt foutbwMt Comer Yamhill Open Till Midnight In order to glvs lats buysrs ' chance to rot "what they want" at tho lut moment possible, wo will positively KEEP OPEN TILL. MID ,NIQHT. . . , Suggestions f 1 for Rodgers Song fl.TI to tS.1l ' Fancy Table Covers. . , f 1 for Rbdgerg at fJonsll.lS to f 1.41 Eu-ess Wsiate. " " '" ' 91 for Rodgers Sons 111 to ll.ll Boys' Suits. ', . . - fl for RooYers at Bono ll.TI to It. , large ataa Blankats. fl for Rodgers at Bona' f tit to SMI .. larga alao Comfort. . . . 1 for Rodgsrs Bona 11.41 to 11,00 H doa. boxae Ladles Pino Hoae, 7 ' - - 1 - Useful Xouta aifts axa Appropriats, t ot Cfcrlstsass. . Trnaf-ssove aaeatloau . artiole ara rtsossaltlss. . f': . . . i Boston Store M.' W. Oorur Vlnrk aad Balaaas, Portland.' Oregon, 12211906. THE' JOURNAL ;" " " , V . city - . vf: We' want , t o give your- thoughtful man In -tho department who got up the idea of the '$1.00 space add, our thanks, as. we c , ' - already, closed outran imported order of $1.00 goods that' might have lasted a week or two, longer, and are desirous of using ' this kind of . ads when you allow the V.v opportunity to us.. ; -' ; Very thankfully, V . , ; ; ? '.' : . OUTLET CLOTHING CO.' A Muffler is an acceptable -' gift. . SEE OURS. S. iBrombcrgef ; S4S WASHINGTON ST, Near Seventh. .' HOUSECOAT in our 6toclcy values up to $9.00. '....;.- : v.-:. mm ''.jri r" j , ' N- - CP.Bi ShOD 87 THIRD. THE JOURNAL, .. . " ' ' . ;" f City. . . . . r;. . . I was never, so oonvinoed' that adver tising in newspapers was suoh a paying -proposition until I inserted an' ad in ! The Journal1 s Special $lT6o "Page which was issued Wednesday, Deo. 19th. The re sults were , more; than gratifying, and I ., ; now know, that it takes newspaper adver- -, tising4 to boom .a -business' : , V - " x.x 'v ... '.-; Yours very truly,' ,: . : j : THE TOGGERY, - ' ,: V f''.'::. ." :. M. .C." White. No fake to it. After , the stock is sold we are to sell fixtures and rent the store. Whoevef is looking for real bargains in first class Suits, Overcoats, Hits, Pants, Shirts, Underwear and Shoes should go to ' . . John Dellar ' 5355 North Third Street, , Corner Davis. '. r ;1 This page contains suit able suggestions for " last minute "buyers HOLIDAY NECKWEAR in big assortments. , ' S. Bromberger i CO. v 343 Washington, Near " Seventh, ;- TRADE ON TEE EAST SIZE Out of the High. Rent JJis- trict. ' j Special $1 West Side Price $1.50 Made of hardwood, light : finish, with yard measure. . A' gift that will be appre ' ciated the.. whole year. f Calef Bros. HOME FURNISHERS 364-370 East Morrison. A Christmas Gi for Life ' Opan a aarlnita account In Ihta ... Bank for -. V . ; $1.00 ., In' th nana of "your' ltttl ; daua-hter or aon, payable at tho- . af. of II or tl. and add to It 1 whan futura "TLLETIDE3 coma ' and ' . . ; ,; . it will do. mora to build up thalr charaotar and raaka them , - prominent men and woman than . '. any other gift In your power. . ' ' ' With) for Oar Bookie," : ' : BAsnmro mt.maxw ' OrcflonrTrust arid -Savlnc3 Dank SUtk and WaaUaftoB . - If You Were Just a Little Smarter . .You would not let : i; sensational ; advertising r wonyr. you : "on your " '. Christmas purchases. ' -- THE OUTLET CLOTHING CO. . For the Best That's Made in Men's Apparel. We Are: OpcnUntikl Midnight MONDAY; DEC. ' . - v BOSTON STORE. STortfewaet' Corn Ilivt What Better Gift Could You Choose ? SUIT OVERCOAT OR CRAVENLTTIL FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. Corner Morrison and Sec t ond Streets. Bath Robes REGULAR $5.60. -Just a few of these Robes "left and we are . going to. close them xut at ' ' $2.45 WHILE THEY LAST. The Toggery Henry J. White & Son, 382 WASHINGTON. Old Kazclwood Creamery Location THE OUTLET CLOTHING CO. . We will" allow to all those unable; to buy their -. Christmas gifts'" oi, the little fellows last week; 10 per cent off. on all Children's . . , Suits for the balance of '.. this week. N. E. Corner First and Morrison Sts. Never Too Late to Buy Xmas Gifts Below Are Some Timely Suggestions , S 1 for Rodirrra .fSonai anli li.JO dosen fine Towela, 1 for Rod ire r ft Sona'JU0Jo $S.5 Ullu' Fancr Baga. 91 for Rodsera Son' 13.60 to 13.0 .. Laifl' Tan eoata. -9l' for Rodrera Bona' 12.00 Kid Glorea. v "r 1 , 91 for Rodcera Sona $1.59 bos Fancy Suapendera. 91 for RodRera Bona' tl.t box . Linen Handkerchtefe. Yon sat Good Value when yarn Bay , Kara. '-; Boston Store ST. W. Coracr nrat amd Salaaoo RICHES in LITTLE PATCHES Breaking Up Baronial Tracts Is Waatth to Sneulator. Ovftiar - and Cultivator, KLAMATH LAND KINGS " - YIELDING TO DESTINY At Sam Time Hug ' Obstacle . to Government Reclamation, Project Removed Klamath ; Palls Business Property Advancing. ; - " " (SMttl IHvtefe t Tht JoarBl.r" Klamath Talla. Or.. Deo, 14. The paat week haa ban one of srat act It ity in .rai aaiaia, in. largaai tranaiar belns that of tho widely dlacuaaed Kern tract of 4.210 aere altuated between thla city and Keno.- which occasioned wide comment becauaa Ita owner per latently refused to aln It up to the Water Caere' aaaoclatjon under the fed eral reclamation project, and penaltlee and aaaeaamenta to the amount of SI irenta per acra now atand aa;alnat It. but the new ownera ara In full accord with the Irrigation project, and wlU make a fortune by Bailing: In email tracta. Tho purchaee price waa tlt.60 per acre, and in from 10 -acre to 110-acra tracta It will problably reallso. tlO and upwarda per acre. ' ' Abel Ady. the "Swamp Land King." haa both bought and aold heavily, hav ing purchaaed about 1.400 acrea at I1J SO a'nd aold LOTS acrea .at 20 per rr. to Lao B. Roblnaon.. of Alameda, ; Get Dn Graves T00U1 powder. Use t twice-a-da'y and you will have white teeth, hard gums, clean , mouth, pure breath, good digestion and good health. Just ask your dentist about it. , v ' In baady anataJ eana a Iwttlaa. BOa- I California. Men who tiara talked about theae landa, drained and Irrigated, bring ing an annual eaah rental of from 110 to 114 per aora were oonildered wild In their eatlmata, but thla heavy pur ehaaar aaya almllar landa In . California hare actually brought aa high aa too rental. While a few email lota ara etlll being offered at 10" per acre, the ad vance wlU be rapid from thla time an. City FioyeHj and Bnlldina'. Welt located property la alao adrano Ing. A Seattle man waa ao favorably Impreaaed with the estenalva jC. D. Wll aon property on Main etreet that ha followed the owner to Portland to eloae th. deal at I ISO per front foot Tha fourth of four brick blocka, In volving an aggregate outlay of 1100,000. la almoat completed, tha Wltherow-M.l-haee block, adjoining tha courthouee blonk on Main atreat. Tha othera. In the order, of their-completion, are the Baldwin, four atorlea, the Murdook. and tha American Bank 4t Truat eompaaya, two atorlea. Theae vaat axpendlturea, by residents, have inaptrad confld.nca, and Ineura the aubatantlal values of well-located property, but tha "booatore" ara here and addition after addition baa been platted. -. r In aplte of the mud tha wohkvon the new railroad and Irrigation project la moving as faat aa poeatble under the atrthgent labor condition... Mr: Mason, auperlnteiident -of tha- Maaon-Darla company, la rushing the outalda eon crete work and If the present ' open weather continues a short time ha Is sure of completing his nine-mile ditch, including the bis; tunnel, on contract time.. . .- . . CI THIRTY FEET OF WATER VALISE SAVED 11 : Truly Remarkable Experience of ; Myopio Mr. Pearce at " Hood River. . ' ItpaelU DspatcS ta Tk fwraaLI Hood River. Or., Deo, 24. While on tile way to Hood River O. N. Pearca, poatmaster at Oaler, . Washington, stepped Off tha ferryboet and waa rea eaed with difficulty. Mr. Pearce'e eye sight Is defective end he walked off the end of the boat 'with a valine In hie hand. The-water where tha accident took placs la 10 feet deep and he would have been drowned ha4 It not been fot tha faot that the valine acted aa a life preserver and held him up. Clutching It, he floundered In the river, calling for help until the attention of the ferry raen, who ware on ahore. Waa attracted Wnd they wont to his assistant. . With ihe aid of ropea he waa drawn from tha sVatar arid brought to thla city, none the worse tor bis adventure. ATHEISTS RULE IN FRANCE Archbishop-Ireland Explains the ' ' Cause of Trouble In the . Republic. . PEOPLE DO NOT DO THEIR OWN THINKING Party In Paris Bent on the Destruc v tion of AD Rellglofta and for That Reason Wars Bitterly oa the Cath olic Church. (Jwtratl Special wlr. 8t. Paul, Minn., Dao..24. "Church and State In France" waa dlacuaaed by Arch blahop Ireland In his sermon at tha Ca thedral, lie was heard with cloaa at tention and the sacred edifice contained a remarkably large number of people who do not hold tho archbtahop'a ro ll gloua belief a. "Americana,' aald "his grace, "should not be misled by words which have a totally different alnlflcanre In their land from what la allowed them In Franca. Separation pf tho church from the atata In America means liberty and Juatlce; there It meana aervltuda and oppraa alon. "Speaking Friday laat to tha Vardl nala preeent In the Vatican, Plua X said of the-French situation: Ws are ready to aubmlt to eeparatlon from the atate, but It muat be a fair eepara tlon suoh aa obtalna In the 1'nlted Bfatea, In Bra all. ,ln Great Britain, In Holland -and not subjection.-Non CathoUo In the United Rtatea tnakea ob jection to aeaaratlon. for there eepar- tlon meana exactly purporta to mean. - "Under advice from the head of tha church tha bishops of Franca refund the aaaoclatlona offered by the law of separation. . They acted from princi ple. In tha Interest of religion they could not approve auch asaoclatlons; thay cannot by tolerating them appear to approve them. They are not rebels sgalnst ths Is ws of tha country.. ( ' Womld Beotroy SUUglos. ' ' . - "The aaaoclatlona,' as tha mlnlatar of education, M. Brland, hlmaelf haa de clared, were not atatutea binding upon cltlaena; they wars privileges rendered to tha church, which waa frea to ao oapt sr reject. Shs has rejeoted Umsb. Pops and bishops know wall tha eon eequencee that were to foUow; the spirit of ths government was not hid den from their eyes; it was an era of oppreaalon; but If no other eacape from persecution wars poaalble than the ac ceptance of ths law of aaaoclatlona, they were ready to welcome peraeca Uon. , ."It la a lamentable fact that there la In Francs a party bent on tho de struction of religion. The war 1a made on the Catholic church becauaa aha In Franco represents religion. In reality. In Intent, and in fact, tha war ts sgalnst Christianity under any form, agalnat religion of any kind, aganat tha Idea Itself of a Ood reigning over men. XaJdels la Trosw. Ths party of infldellam and athelam haa grasped ths halm of power snd it steers the shtp of stats Into tha darkest depths of unbelief and Inreligion. Yes terday If was Combes, ths most brutal of ali; today It la Clemenceau, soms whst mors subdued In his hatred, but yet leader In the fight - ... "With auch men, and with others di viding with them particular power, even less violent adepta of Irrellglon, there reigns another Idea ths omni potence of the state. There waa aver the plsgu of France, even whan her rulers were derout Christiana. The stats must control - all -ajenctee of power: It muat brook no rival. ' Even ths church must be in ths hsnds of the government. So was It with Louts XIV snd with Napoleon; asd so It Is with ths re public. ' The ' republic la nams In France; It haa been well said of It that It sleepa on the bed of LouIb XIV. franca has never understood the meaning of a republic. "Tha atata la the Drat power and all must think snd set ss ths eta re wills and aa ws will. ( . plrlt of tha Conn try. "Thla Is certainly the. spirit of ths Infidels who now rule' the country; snd I am not at all anre It la not, to some degree at least, the spirit of good Catholics, who, were they, to bo tomor row n the ascendancy, should believe It their duty to make every one go to. maas, as present deputlea asatim. It their duty to let no one go to msaa. . "I know her- cltlea and her villages; t know her people her arlatocracy, her bnurgeolee. and her pen win try anil I know them io be Cnlhollc. How, then, eBlain.ihe political situation? -There re several rauaes to be noted. ' "Tha maases are not ueed to political Ufa. An Independent, self-argued auf frago haa not entered Into the popular, life. Nor la there among the masses the ambition to gain political victory. Paris for a century and a half has ruled "Trance. Eatabllah a new regime, mon archist er .republic, in Paris this even ing; the provinces 'awaken tomorrow morning monarchlal or republican. 'It will require long yaara .to decen tralise power in Franoa, to give to each clUassi eonsctouanssa of personal Inde pendence enough "to obtain true usl veraal auffrage, a true expression of na tional wlU. "There la no other country where a well-organised and' stirring fraction of ths population can sway ao easily ths masaea and Impose upon them Ita will. "No one understood Francs better than Leo XIII. He bade all Cathollca seek the welfare of country and - ot church within the ranka of loyal adher ents to the republic. Had Leo been listened to. Franc In all probability would have earaped the religious perse cution of the present day. Monarchlal Ideas and plotting, have done, dreadful, injury to the church In Francs.', CLUB AT KLAMATH FALLS TO GO AFTER THINGS '. '::-. Has One Railroad Coming and Is Out for Other Large Enterprises, ' (Special Dl patch to Tba Joeraal.) Klamath Falls. Or., Dee. M. The In land Empire club, a new bocIr! and com mercial organisation, haa been launched with (0 charter membera an initiation fee of tlO and duea of $1 per month. When tha " chamber of commerce leased half of the eecond floor of the new Murdwk block there was a suite of rooms In connection which the chstnber did not need, and soma of tha members proposed organising a club, within tha membership of ths chamber, which would take and furnish this ' suite, hut msny sought membership because of ths social features proposed who were not Inter ested In the chamber of commerce, so It was decided to erganlss entirely separate, which has been dona, about half the club members also holding membership In tha rhamber. the membership of' the latter being 100 and Increasing constantly. This organisation, whW h waa an offshoot of the original Klamath Promotion club, waa first organised for tha purpose of haatenlng ths building of s railroad to ths city by raising a bonus ot 1100.000 to be paid the, first road reschlng ths city, snd wsa pledged to ths Csllfornla A Northeastern on condition that It be completed by March. 1907. The bonus having' been raised, this organisation looked to further Industrial development and haa continued to do good work, snd Juet now. whir tba spectilstlve tendency dominates many, there Is .special need of a conservative organisation which will look to the substantial development of the city and county, eapeclally by In viting and encouraging new industries, which are greatly needed and wouH And profitable employment here. , After next '-'Sunday trains on the, Klamath Iske railroad will nin nn a new scbedula. Instead .of leaving trail at V-Y;:TO;-ALL;-- ." W. WISH A VERY Merry STORE CLOSLD All Day Tomorrow T:J0 s. m. fhey will lesvs st 10, reaohlng Pokegama at 11:06. Returning thay will leave Pokegama st p. m. and arrlvs at Thrall at 4:4S. Thla will make the mails arrive here two hours Ister. but will make Utile difference to the public, aa they now arrive too lata for distribu tion before morning. - Representative, of the Oregon Stage company and tha Klamath Laks Navigation company are now at Ran Francisco and It la expected that before Chrlatmas the Klamath will be making the run between this city and Keno, again shortening by 11 mllea tha stsge rid between here snd ths railroad. NORTH BANK OPENING NEW AREAS OF TIMBER Ssrisl Ma.. Irk t. Tkt JoanMll Hood River, Or., Deo. ' 14. There la much evidence that the lumbar business will bar. a rapid development along tha north bank railroad In tha near future and that timber landa which have here tofore been Inaccessible for marketing logs will soon be tskrn up or bought snd that several small mills) will Boon be built between While Palm on and Lyle.. , The offer of the railroad cftwfpany to ttke u ociivereij anywhere on Ita line l proving a (treat Incentive to lumber, men. and during the rst few months twn nillla linv tn bt.ll for th p'T ija ncfir Vtii ;r oi anl V". . mon. In many places along- ths gratis of the railroad tlea are being delivered and It la said that the now mills whh-h will be established between White Salmon and Lyla will be used for ths purpose of making them. TOWN TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION tJearaal Special gerflr.) Little Rock, Ark.. Deo. 14. In acorn, ance with an order ot the court there will be aold at auction a large part of the town of Msmmcth Sprlnsa, Arkan sas, includlag one of tba largest floor mlllo In th northern section of ih State, S cotton mill and mora than Iu4 city lota. The town, founded manr years ago by capitalists, who her. atn- e died or retired from active Imslne -,. for a time snjoysd considerable proni -ity, but tha ownera falling l ar' upon plnno for Ita further developmet. , It haa been decided beat to let all iris property go under tlie hammer. Csttholle Superiors' fr ?. (Jmrnal Sell Br--- I Hellas. Tea.. I"c. 34.- Of the rrmillns OrH-r sie their periodical r-nvi era province er n. r ' the 1 nlt'd ' ' ' frn bo'inrlirr of i tll-n Will ' "Xbl'T 1 vf.' -j r toe 1 r V x V Y