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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINQ, . DECEMBER 4. lww. a f. . "GODSILTO," "UB. HICKS THE RESCUED T.lirJER Man Who - Was Entombed In a Tunnel for Fifteen 1 Days In- :. sists That If Prayer Will Keep Him Out of Hades. ' He Is V Safe hi'-i " U (Joareal floerlal Service.)' ' '"' . Bakersfteld, CaL. Deo. J4. "God eavad . ' ma," Mid Lindsay H. Hicks, when ha Y i reached th hospital, where ha will b ; cared for until he recover from -the terrible (iperiencn of hie II dtjri' burial In tha abaft In the Kern river . I canyon. , .j -. ? "God did It I'm grateful, and you ' bet I'm not going to fall Into dancer of . i hU lira If praying can keep me from It .' "' i From tha very moment I waa ewal -J. lowed In I saw that God was protect Ing me and I knew he would sav, ma. . -1 have not bean a crank on religion and I anjnot onejnow, bat Juat aa aura as v you irebornI know It waa Ood who . eared me. - .j ... . ."Everything goes to prove H. The , " way I waa knocked Into the cavity, the . ..way tha pipe reached me. the reacue ; . i everything: coca to prove it. Of eouraa - tha man did creat work and I only wlah - t that tt could be within my power to .'. thank them. But If Ood had not been on ' , my aide I know they never would bar r succeeded." . r . ' ,' " -lfolse oanda Oooa mm. As Hicks was escorted tha two miles : to the hospital, tha sounds of tha cele ;' b ration in gratitude for his reacue 1 reached hi ears. , 1 . i . ... t' "8ounJs a ood." , ha said : "rood ' and sweet, I must say. Maybe If it waa somebody elaa who had been" rescued, and I helped to do It. I'd feel differently ... : .about If They seem pretty clad. I'd ' hate to think that I might have been ' , tha oauae of no celebration.'1 , . Bakersfteld ' rejoiced In a myriad of , waya over the reacue and tha celebta ; tlon will be kept up oyer Christmas and xxew xears. . ,! ; ' The aounda'of -rovrtry reach Hicks in his. bed in tha hoapltal. Ills tempera ture la normal, but hla pulee standa at ' 100, due to tha tremendous excitement tinder which b still labors. ' i . f .. . Toarht Wttk Bate ;; Hicks told of his experiences at lencth. Hf had hourly encounters with - . tha fierce wood rats that infeat tha tunnel. Hla one fear was that ha would f be choked to death by the cloud of duat ' that filled hla lonely cavern when the ' timber crashes! In. vjhe dust killed tha ; two men abova him. - ' "I heard them atrucfltnc frantically ' - for about three houra." ha aald. rand I - know that their death was caused by ; strangulation. Tha poor fellows below - never knew what struck them, but those .: abova had an awful death." f - .Hlcks Is conalderlng an offer to co on - th vaudeville circuit. ' a t CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Continued from Page One.) ...seen any clearer than ia our ancle's poatoAlce. ' v -; t. If you do not get that Christmas t preaent you are looking for before i j Wednesday or Thursday, do not blame i . tha mall man .He Is doing his best, i despite the dflaysd trains and unprece- aentea amount or mall to be handled. 4 Last nlcht'a O. R. ,N. train had not oeen reported in at noon today, and If today's train on the sams road r- r aiMii . fftmM in tirA will t . v. - . . in rusn or mau that the local office haa I , ever known. Poatmaater Mlnto expects !; three or four carloads of Christmas mall on today's train, and the one that should have been In yesterday will have several .--"carloads.. , Three large wagon a have been pressed Into service to distribute the mail about the city. Two of Xheao will handle the INTEREST COUPONS - . i ... . Of the following bond Issues will be due and payable at our office Janut ary Jr 1M7: Morris Brothers BANKERS' Chamber of Commerce, rorUaad, Or. Aatorut, Oregon, Water' ts. Aspen. Colo.,- Funding BS. Buffalo, Wye,, Water a. Caaper, Wyo., Water Ss. Carbon County, Mont, School IMat. No. 1 6a. ' Clarke County, Waah. Pundlnga 4a Clarke County. Waah., School Dlat No. tun. aa Eluro, Waah., Water s. . CorvaHle: Ore., Water S. Cottace Grove, Or., Water Is (Series 1901V- Delta County, Colo., School Dlat. No. s. . . Denver. Colo. Capitol I1U1. Grading A Curbing Xltricl Capitol Hill. Ptorm BewertrTatrTcT No. 1, Kubdlv. No. It It . Capitol Hill. Htorm Sewer Diatrlct No. 1, Uubdlv. No. 21 Is. Elgin. Ore., Water 6a. L Orand Ore., Water a. . . - LawUton. Idaho, Water 6a. IxmlavUle. Colo,- Water 1m. Marlon County, Ore., School DJgtrfct No. 4 (a. MiMlnnvllle. Ore., Water Ss. at'eaa County, Colo.. School District No. 6. Nampa, Idaho, Water fa. Newberp, Ore., Water . Oakland " Tranalt Company. First Mortgage 6a. Oregon Water Power Railway Co.. First Mortgage . Otero County, Colo., School District No. 11 6s. Pendleton, Ore.r Water Ka. Pendleton. Ore, General Indebted ness 6s. Pit kin County, Colo,-Refunding Is (Merles 1J2. " Port of Portland Drydorfc 4. Eeattle, Wash., Cedar River Water Kupply Ftmd . Sedawlrk County, Colo., School Dis trict No. 61 6a , ftpoknn. Welv, Water sM . Johns, Ore.. City Jlall a. Swtwater ounty, Wyo, Fund lng a Tae County, N. a . . I'nton County, it. M, School District No. 1 4a. IThion Comfy, Or. Srhool District Nv I . Whitman Conner. Wash.. School Dla- tnc jo. j a - THEATRICAL COUPLE PLAY : REAL ROLE OF BLUSHING NEWLY. WEDS i ' :,2 1 - "s "Married a Week" la th nam of a pretty . littl pastoral In which Harry mall in th bualneaa section, while an other will drive to the home where th men will be met at th door by th ex pectant receiver. All prvloua records of Chrlstmss mail have been surpaaaed by this year's large malL Last year's great record 'is broken, and . the . experts at the post- office eattmate that between SO and 26 per cent more mall has been . received at the office than last year. The concestlon that mad many a despairing heart feel doubly Sad last year ts hot apparent this Christmas. All the mall up to the preaent time has been rushed through, and the regis try department, " where the conceatton always manifests Itself flrst,s clear of all package at tha end of each day. Additional help ha aided th men in th office, but it is due to their own Individual efforts that they have been able to give the good service that will deliver all the presents cn time. : f ' Blf December mash. , " ! "ogelKer'wHh the unprecedentecPfuBh of Christmas mall, th men at the poat of If ce have had to contend. 'with the greatest December rush ever known at th poatoff lc. They have had to labor night and day to keep th case clear, and It has only been through inoessant watching, coupled, with untiring efforts, that tha clerks and carriers have deliv ered the mall promptly. All through the month there haa been a ateady stream of people coming and going through the postofflce corrtdora They have been buying more stamps . .... ...i , " .i. r. since the office wss established; they have been poatlng more letters and packages tbsn ever before; they have reglatered more letters and packages than have everben handled - In the regiatry depart mien t; and they .have been . asking for and receiving more mall than was ever delivered through the general delivery wlndowa. The growth has been marvelous, snd when It is considered that the facili ties and employes have not been in creased In proportion with the amount of mail handled, it can- be-een readily that the work is being done with the greatest possible efficiency. tmidrea Haa Glad. Fifty children at th Boy' and Girls' Aid society will hang up their stockings tonight, Santa Claus having agreed to atop at th horn while In this city and fill th stockings with presents. To morrow a feast of turkey with appro priate trimmings will be given the children. A Christmas program will be rendered Friday evening In conjunction with the Young People's society of the White Temple. Manager Milton W. Seamens of the Empire theatre,' has in-- vlted the children to see "The Belle of Japan" matinee next Saturday. The In vitation will be accepted. A day's rest from breaking rock will be given the prisoners at Kelly Butte quarry tomorrow. There will be a din ner with chicken and green apple pie. The federal prisoners In the county Jail will cat turkey at the expense of Sheriff Stevens.' - - - Two Christmas dinner will be the fortune of the boys at tha Detention home of th Juvenile court. All the boys will be permitted to go to their hemes tomorrow and feast with their parents. On Wednesdsy a second feast consisting of turkey snd .other good things will be given the boys at th De tention home, and a Christmas tree, with presents for each, will be ahown them In the evening.. Mrs. Millie R. -Trumbull wlllaesiet ' In making the boys' Chrtatma a a merry "one. ' At the Poor Serm. At the ooor farm the inmates will have 'a Christmas tree with a present for each. Superintendent D. D. Jack son promises to fill hla charges with turkey, cranberry sauce, oranges and other things. Helen Ladd Corbett do nated 200 pounds of turkey for the feast at the poor farm, James Laidlaw, the British consul, presented .tobacco for all the men, and the Pacific Coast Biscuit company sent a esse of cookies. The Flower Mission ha sscured pres ent enough so that each parson at th poor farm will be remembered. A wreath of holly In tha mayor's Of fice 1 about all - tha visible evidence of Chrlstmastlde around the, city hall. There's some mistletoe entwined with this holly but th whole thing Is In sn inconvenient position and probably will not be mad us of at all. Mayor Lan got a present several days ago which he regards ss a Christ mas gift. . It Is a burnt wood waale paper basket for his seat on the -rostrum In 'the council chamber. It cam from th Sisters of the Precious Blood nd waa handed to him at th last council meeting. . For year th mayor hav had to ""throw wast paper on the floor while presiding over th council. Janitors Oet Boaqaets. . Mis Ida A. Powell of. th RusselU vtll . school presented S.-tC Simmon, Janitor, and Jo Rasmus, Janitor, Mr. and Mr. Harry J. Ridings. Ftldlnca. manager of "Th Heir to th Hoor&h" company and hi bride. Helen LackayeVwho 1 a member of the com pany, and alao a slater of tha famous actor, Wilton Lack aye, are playing tha star parts. Mr. and Mrs, Rldlncs Were married in Oakland Juat a week aco today and to day they are celebrating.' Mr. RldincsT 1 the moat attentive groom imaginable, while hia 'lovely bride- la ia charming as any man could dealre. They have proved an unending eourc of am u la ment to the reat of the company, who declare that they make, an Ideal ceuple. The croom's attentloha to his blushing bride-have - neverrelaxed-since they were married and their happtneas ra diates to the reat of the company. -' Both are popular with the reat of the company and are alao well known to many people in Portland. Last night they were the gueats of W. T. Pangle of the Hellig theatre" after the ahow and have a liat of entertainments strung out for tham that will laat aa long as they ax on the coast. with bouquets this morning" as tokens of appreciation from th Teacher' Progress club of th county. Both jani tor had taken much trouble during the teachers' monthly meetings and the littl services were appreciated. The building will be closed tomorrow, though several men will be at work, a part of th day. It la nearlng the end of the fiscal year and ther I a tr-' mendoua amount of routine work to b disposed of before January 1. . Strikers' Ohristma,' Th union carmen about their head quarters on Second streot declared to day that they would spend Christmas much ss they hav spent It In former years. "None of us are broke. We're all able to eat a good turkey dinner yet, even if we have been out of work for ten' days," said one. - "Aa for me, I am going to eat turkey dinner with my family. Alood many of the boys have families. Some of those who have not may get Tiomeslck and go on a drunk.. You csnt blame 'em for that" Half a dosea of the strikers wily spend Chrlstmss on the train between her and San Francisco. Believing that a long fight 1 before th strikers here. they will go to the Bay City and seek work there. .Several wlU leave on the southbound Southern Paeifls train to night and others will leave in the morn ing. - The carmen who remained at thetr posts will not . fare as sumptuously aa they did a year-ago, If the reports of str "The strike put a damper on any proposition " to help the carmen," said one. "Since a week ago last Saturday night there haan't been much ssld about helping out ths carmen for' Christmas. We've made inquiries among tha men themaelvea, and we have not discovered one who got ss much as one dollar. One got 10 cents, another SO, and an other SO. One especially popular fellow who got 113. SS last year admitted that 70 cents wss the extent of his receipts this year. To me It's simply a proof that the people are In sympathy with the strikers." Chrlstmaa will be celebrated by th Seamen' tnatttute In the good old-fashioned style. The large hall has already been' beautifully decorated by the lady friends of the mission and on Wednes day evening at 7 o'clock the sailors in port will be entertained at dinner, whan turkey and plum pudding will be the pieces de resistance. The arrangements are as usual under the personal direction of Mrs. E. T. C Stevens, and the following gentlemen- wlIK preside at the tables: Bishop Scaddlng, James Laidlaw, British con sul. John I-atta, E. T. C. Stevena, R. W. Hastings, F. V. Andrews, R. Livingston, R. W. Blackwood. The dinner will be followed by a musical and social even ing. , - CHRISTMAS ELSEWHERE Slew th Say Will a Celebrated la World's Capitals. (Journal Special Service.) - ' Washington, Dec. 24. There will be no fsmlly Christmas tree at tha White House.- The older Roosevelt children have., of course, outgrown such things, while for tha youngsters they may have all the Christmas tree featlvlties they dealre at the .homes of relatives and Intimate friends. - - President Roosevelt will attend serv ice at the Dutch Reformed church and Tffrs.KboseveIt-and other" members at the family will walk over to St John's Episcopal church for the morning serv ices. The president . is expected to so horseback riding ia the afternoon. Olfts will be numerous, aa Is evldenoed by the continuous stream of mssnger and delivery men who have been calling at th executivemansion during tha paat week. Among the diplomatic corps Christ mas will be observed with - ths usual elaborate ceremonies. Nearly every em baasy and legation will have Its Christ mas tree.- At ths Austrian em busy, the Braatllan embasay and other diplo matic homes where there are chlldrsn- ther will be great featlvltlea. Mo hammedanism will be temporarily for gotten. In the Turkiah legation, and evi-n th Confucian aona of the Chinee min ister will combine with the dosen other children of the embasay in a genuine American frolic. , Cheer at Saadrlngham. tJmtrnal SpeeUI Service. t London, Dec. 24. In accordance with their custom of many years the kins snd Queen .will celebrate Christmas '"at their Norfolk home. There have been occasions when a shadow has hung ovor the observe ncea et Christmas, but all Is bright snd propitious for this Christ mas' featlvlties. No one Is more corei ful of her observance of Chrlatmas thati Queen Alexandra, and the king - and 4ua lbrat Lb XasUval la really OU never knew i smoker who wouldn't aDDrcciate a box of rood ciears for Christmts r New Year's Holidays WeVe got a stock of dgare that every smoker in . town ought to look at this season. Our customers fynou) that they get the best dgarf in the world for the money in our stores. - ' vWe want all smokers to know that, and we want every box of cigars bought , in our stores : and given awaythu season to make another all-the-ye&r-round good customer for our Aores. That's die land of cigars, we sell cigars that are good, unusually good Al ways quite a little better than you can get elsewhere. These are some of our best : ' ; Orlando, Bimuuck Siza. box 2$, . . ;. $2.50. . . ; Havana- Aiaericaa, Panetala So, bag . of SO, $5.00. ' La Rosa d Santiago, Asttosjaasc. bot of 25, $3.50. Palma d Cuba. Media Periecto Sit, box of 25, $1.50. " Gen. Biaddock. Reau Victoria Siie, box of 50, $2.00. , If it's not cigars, it may be pipes1 then we can r show you everything new - and good. . . . ; UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY 274 AND 301 WASHINGTON ST. 147 THIRD STREET. " old-faahloned manner. For some days their majesties havs been busy sending Out presents. .The Queen's gifts to hor intimate friends are legion, but ah takes infinite pain with har pressnts for th children. . Beaaonabl messages and gifts hav been dlspatohed to Nor way, Denmark, - Germany, Russia and Greece. The royal omnibuses may be seen traversing. London In all directions and standing oktstd the various hospi tals whll th royal footman deliver th packages and gifts which contain the queen'e presents for the little Inmatea All the members of the royal family will attend services at ths parish church on.Chrlstmaa morning: After luncheon, while the household servants are enjoy ing their Chrlstmaa dinner, the king and queen, the princesses, and others of the houss party usually go for a quiet sauntsr through Bandringham gardens, visiting ths stable-and- kennels. In the evening th king and queen, their children and grandchildren and1 a few intimate friends sit In parti aa at amall oval table,- prettily- decorated with floweri and" apraye of greenery. There la no Impoalng dlaplay Of season able far, but som of th chief dishes are eeremonloualy carried Into th hall by rlchiy-llverled servants. This Is par ticularly the case with the boar's head and the time-honored dishes of roast beef and plum pudding. , After dinner adjournment Is made to the ballroom, where the Christmas 'tree festivities are held. . . , . . - With the Xoheaaollaraa. ' (Journal Special Sarrlee.) Berlin, Dec. 14. Emperor William and all the. members of his fsmlly are at Potsdam for the Christmas celebra tion. Nowhere Is there a family that observes Chrlstmss with more genuine enthusiasm and pleasure then do the Hohensollems. Ths festivities take place on Christmas' eve, according to the German custom, Last year nine beautifully - shaped pine trees hung with all kinds of shin ing baubles and lighted by white can dles stood In a row In the center of the great hall, one tree for their majesties, one for each of their children, the loft iest for tha crown prince and his wife, ths shortest for "prlncessohen," accord ing to custom. This fear a ninth tree Is added to th lot In honor of th In fant son of the crowp prince and prin cess. The gifts are not so magnificent as many mlcht aupposa, being often far lesa coatly than those reclved by th children of wealthy commoners. Th Chrlstmss dinner, like the Christmas tree festivities, is always strictly a ramny affair. " " ' J ' ' At SUhMia, (Joaratl Speelil Servlee.) - Asheville. N. C, Dee. ' (4 Mr1, and Mra. Oeorge W. Vanderbllt have ar ranged elaborate Christmas fete for their guests st Btltmore. and also for th loo employe on the estate. The Chrlatmas tree celebration will , take plaoe tomorrow morning. The Chrlat mas tree will be 10 feet high, and will bear 1.509 presents, all of which Mra Vanderbllt haa - purchased herself, se lecting each gift. .The employes and guests will be entertained with a vaude ville performance .and "costume musi cals." A company of vaudeville artists from New York will furnish . amuse ment. Th Bay la STew York, (Jnarasl Spedsl ervtea. New Tork, Dec. 14. Christmas day tn New Tork will be marked by the cus tomary universal suspension of busi ness, and ths usual family reunions. and generous outpouring of publlo and private charity. Arrangements hav been made to provide Chrlstmss dfnaers for no less than 18.000 persons la the city hospitals and asylums. In mission ana other benevolent Institutions sup parted by privet charity, and at tha annual distribution of dinner by th Salvation Army, Volunteer of America and other organisations working along th sam Una.- i . SISTERS DUEL TO DEATH . ronojE Of Mil With Revolvers Cuban Senorltas DecldtrWhfrShairHavr-H ; Handsome Youth.:, ' llearasl SnaeUl gervtes t . Qavena, Dec. 14. Reports of a duel between two sisters hava reached here Maria and Carmen Hidalkues lived on a farm near Las Lajaa, . Not fas away, en another plantation, worked a hand som chap named Juanlllo, with whom both c'fla were in love. 4 Juanlllo seams to hav divided his at tentlons-and ths sisters had their first open uarrel about the young man few days aco and next morning left the house together at daylight. . - Carmen came back alone. Investiga tion showed that the sisters had taken revolvers and had gone to a lonely to hc field, one to live and the other to die. -.-: The rural guard were informed by neighbors who beard th story, and a search revealed the body of Maria on an I adjoining aetata. I Th. ititAM Kj4 hmvIauiIv Keen da- voted to eaoh other, appeared. Juanlllo has die- THREE -L1EH : KEET - DEATH OH THE RAIL Fatal Acc!deritrogr California .-. Koao jeoparaizss uves or - Many Rescuers. " j (Jrsraal Special Serle. Stockton, Cai, Dec. J 4. Three men war killed end four were dangerously Injured in a wrack on th Sugar Pine branch of th Blerra railway abov 6o nora, Sunday afternoon. Th dead war taken to Bonora today. They are: Gal lagher WhlWhou, A. Chlellfhols and ClvU Engineer Newell. Three Japan are probably fatally Injured. A apeolal waa sent out to piex up in wrecked construction train. . On Its re turn the special train ran away down a steep grade. The caboose, with SO men. enapped off the curve like a popper on a whip and dashed 40 feet to the bottom of an embankment. It Is -remarkable that all on board ware net killed. v JUDGE'S SON WRITES . TO SANTA CLAUS Even the children of Judge of 4 th circuit court find oocaelon to 4 express their want to Santa - 4 e Claus. confident that the merry e old gentlemen will give what ) they ask. Jack Fraser. th ) 4 a-y ear-old son of Judge A.. L. 4 Fraser, In making hi Chrlatmas 4 wants known, addreaaed the fol- lowing letter to "Mr. Santa Claus, e North." w "Dear Santa ' Claus Please ' 4 bring me for unnstmas a type- w writer and a top. isnng m a w Roosevelt bear book, and a toy ' 4- 4i that will wind up. X would Ilk a drum, too. Jack Fraser." . 4 . Th letter ha been forwarded ' to Mr. Santa Claus, and it is be- - lleved that the wants of the little fellow will receive bis personal e) e attention, t I TOLD TO LEAVE HIS ; SWEETHEART ALONE A Ferrantl, arrested on a charge of threatening to . kill his sweetheart, pretty Oemma Maggiorlnl, upon com: plaint of C. Mardlne, the girl's guardian, was before Judge Cameron this morning and waa allowed his liberty upon his promts not to annoy his Inamorata with his attentions. It was brought out by Deputy District Attorney Haney that the prosecution of Ferrantl was dons in a spirit of re venae bv Mardlne. Haney stated to the court that Ferrantl had caused Mardlne's arrest about a week ace by informing the license Inspectors that hs waa en gaged In the sals of Intoxicants without a license, and that Mardlne retaliated by swearing to the complaint against the young man for threatening to kill Miss Maggiorlnl. ' M '-1 - CONTIIBtJTORS Imersoa Bough Joha Barrohs Stewart Idward Wkltt lalph D. Pain JohnvS. Spews SswtU Fr DIUoa Wallace Arthar Skl . Chitr B1I7 ftnalfl Caspar Waltacy aad vtaars ARTISTS J. M. Cldwsoa K. C Wyth . F. C. SUlUS ,, Alice Barber J. G. Sonuner Allen True Hy.' S. Watsen Carl Rnn.ams Majnard Dixon and ethrs r- - al 0 W. Mitt I'ijuiir Presents , No more acceptable gift than a pair of. Shoes or Slippers coming from the BEST SHOE STORE made by the BEST , v SHOEMAKERS. It spells . ; HANAN ' And . the recipient will remember you ever after. Should ybu be in doubt-as taizev; purchase oneof bur-HANAN MERCHANDISE ORDERS, which will be redeemed from our tremendous stock on presentation. We carry, every- ' - - thing pertaining to a first class Shoe Store. " - - R O S E N Leading Shoe House STANDARD OIL JUD6MEHTS ARE ALL INVALID Judge Duncan of, Ohio Says Probate Court Had No Juris diction In the Cases. "' (Jxmrntl Boadal terrlee.1 Flndlay, O., Dec. 14. Judge Duncan decided this morning that the probate court had no Jurisdiction to try ths Standard cases under the valentine law. One result of the decision ts that ths 11,000 fine Imposed on th Standard OU company Is Invalid, as are all th pro ceedings In th probate court. Th caa will be taken to th circuit and uprm courts as quickly as po- lbl. - . ... - - . ' Tb decision aa to th Indictments against Rockefeller and other officials of th Standard wlU be deferred. The Judge set no date for giving his opinion. DECREE IN A SUIT TO . ENFORCE HOP CONTRACT SpecUt' Wrote te The Jenraal.) ' ' - Salem. Or Deo. J4. Judge Galloway has rendered a decree In favor of Lout Lachmund' 4k Co. In Their suit - agatnst O. J. Moor et aL, which resulted from th refusal of Moor to fulflMhls part of a contract covering 11,000 pound of hop of th ll growth. Th plaintiff contracted to buy th hops at 10 cents a pound and In - hia complaint asked Judgment for the amount of the differ ence between the contract . and market prices. The court granted Judgment for l00, which amount equals ths difference between the price stated In' the contract and the market price of It cents. The plaintiff waa also allowed ft attorney's fees.., ;. . , . - , ' At th QnirlmaL ': (Journal Special Berries.) ' Roma, Dee. 14. There- is no offlaial celebration at the qulrinal, but King Victor Emmanuel. Queen Eleanor, the litUe princesses and their baby brother do not forget that it Is Chrlstmaa. Ths royal children have their Christmas tree, and the old-time Roman urn of fate Is also set up in the palace, from which they and the children of the court draw preaent by lot Th littl ones' also know that tonight "Befana," a! lady Santa Claus. wUl com to th palace with mysterious gifts if they have been good children. 'IlllHTW'l L',.l HI11"!1' 1 1 r . n n c i&pt i -v? a A s i rrv tm FOR DECEMBER Nine Pslsilass In Color ' including; new Interpretation .. v ' of Klpllnt'g "Jmujl Books." A Dozen Sterling Articles ntertalninf and practical, with scores of beautiful illus trations. . . ) Five Strong Short Stories ; JohnKendryVldea'V the shipping- aerial, i ' " The Long Labrador TraO " "TheDallders- "The Bnecaneen . Vital Sosa Anerican Talk InCe-VIew-PolsL A Wonderful Holiday A Number Suggestive T H A L, ' S v; 149 THIRD ST. fiRFAT STFAHFR Al I'flST CRASHES lT0 BRIDGE Madison Street Structure Has "Narrow Escape From Be- ' Ine Wrecked. v Th Madison tret brldg had a nar row cap from being knocked off It piers into th river yesterday morning when th Brltiah tramp steamer Apollo' got beyond control, of the towboata El. more and Harvest Queen aa the were lly, the anchors held Just a th Im mense crs.ii was witmn a ooupi of hun dred feet of the West and of th bridge. By lodging against the eenter bridge pier with her bow, the steamer swung around with th current untu receiving It full fore squarely broadside. It looked dangeroua for a while, and car that had collected on the west approach were hurriedly backed off. Teams eiuf unu ground worn averyinins; indicated - m vuAiiBioa couta nuc o averxea. ' Th Incident "occurred at about 10:S0 o'olook. The Apollo had sUrted down, the. river from the mlUs - of Inman, Poulaen 0.- bound for China with a narco of lumber, and owing to th strong current the steamers Elmore and Harvest Queen hooked on, the former at the starboard bow and th latter at the stern. ' Pilot Henry Emkln was on th brides of th Apollo and gave signals for th brldg to open, but owing to a short delay th tow had to check th speed. By doing this the deep-drawing craft got out of line of the east side channel and shoved her port bow against the swung -towards ths west shore and threatened to drift onto the pier sup porting the west approach. Two an- chors wer let go Immediately. - and. luckily, they held. Eventually the Har vest Queen managed to haul the steam er against ths current In a straight lln for th. draw. v , " raary's wtiacaar af. . (Jearail Speelal flervlce.t "i ' New Tork, Deo. 14. Peary's- steamer, Roosevelt. whloh reached , "farthest north," arrived offClty Island this morning. . ,. Zs th Zdkbel a Stralg-htt afllltaary-trlaiaani la Cblss- are sr1rsrtn a nnfc BMvemeat. Ta plaa eaattaiplataa the aaloa label la wobmb's kats. . 1 v.. i i