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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
t ( r; ""THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, 'DECEMBER.. 24,: isoa." I - - You Should rn .ihn iu --, i II yea ftala Dea't rash at- fans Harry p Tktr arc way la which geed Bala ' . u he had. ." If la baaf aoe yets'r prearreselwa ' - Yam will flat It's advertise AND IN THE JOURNAL,- 1 r ' , y ' DAILY AND BUND AT. . : ' Rate 7yt cent per line ONE' TIME, 13 centi per line THREE TIMES' or 30 cents per line Jer WEEK OF SEVEN DAYS. Six wordi constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard '. less of the number of words. '. " ' j . , -," , , NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS 4 THAN 15c TIMBER. TO THE COAST TIMBER OWNERS Da To want the bMt prlcaa for jour timber! Do - you went the sals of It Baaaiea la a way that will bo satt. factory to fool Do yoa want It sold Quickly t If so Utt It with no. I am la constant roach with xooe buysrs, . sow on tho coaat, that an ready to erulae ' eny timber land that to right in price. ' ' Writ or call on bm at ear. I will aril with out delay. J. N. Blair, SIS Ablugtou bias. CBRTINED errlp, any else, lowoat prices. W. . u. uoweu, aaa unsmner ex ijeaimeree. ... WANTED At obco. good timber, everywhere, 4b aawll and Urge tract, tor cash. . Scbujle- ' man, 8Z7H wssbtngtoa at. i WK have caah buyers for yellow pins timber v land a 1h Oregon and Wssblngtnu; alao for ; yejiow fir, spruce ana nemaacB uaioer unua will bar from on claim up If price aaO lora tkm ara rlgut. WUl pay Caah for food re llnqolsbneats. Wo hav bad 18 years' ex ; perlsnce la eoset Umber boalnaaa. aatl, bar I eoBiprtont oralatre wha will paaa oa tho i land witnont ariay. . . -KM BODY BRADI.BT CO, . 70S Chamber of Commerco. 0 CENTS BTUMPAUE. 1M km In S3 8.. K. S W.; rat 4,000,000 ana oiir; nr aaa ancar rino; ana p. cuuXLEUAN. Waahlnatoa at. WILL bay email tracu and etngle clatme for raabi owarre only. Kooa M ZZIK naehinf; - taa at for oar aWoad. . I WANT SO.000 arree tlabvr immediately, from owner ar direct repreaentatlTO, aonet at - emlaad: If eatlafaetorr will par caah: ref error. Writ or call Theaaee T. Tborntoa, alp Chamoar af coauBore. TO OWN KK)-of-timber claim aad timber We will boy far cash aar load timber Ulbatary , ta Kebalem rlrer: will deal with owner aalyi bo otbere Bead Bwr. write, flrtaf run penimiare o -bob O. v, r. auuoa, rortiaao, ortfoa. L ;v:.v...x-rSc.Sttiinpaefc S.000.000 at excelleat Urge yellow ftr, the neat la tnia enuatry) T. si., a rr.i ataer timber to be aaa at me wcairry. S4, S37H WA8H1NUTON ST. ' rOR MALE 161 acre af Oat timber land la Uaroln eonaty, Oreo. - Beady buyer - addrea-B S 7, 'care JoarOaL FOR food timber claim and bometada, boat dealrabl locality, phone Scott M2B. : WANTED Some (nod timber holding In Or ' - ton or Waablng ton. Owaera only heed apply. Addree X 40, care Journal. . OUR buyer wUl be here after Janaary 1, ready Jew boelaraa; nd In your timber land to na o w ran mahe preliminary and stake ear report to the bayera whea they arrive, Uobaa a Tggrt. Ill Altaky bldg. - ' ' "'! ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. .,; W TOD WANT-." - ' - A aew etoee, aa to fb S. - A new rang, go to tb . " ; To trad stoee. f to the f. ': A wtar-beck pat In, go to tbe S. . rarnlture. go to the . . OH Vlrat at. afala S3T4. FOE SALE ToBtorrler papa, 4S4 Bay ., Btoatarllla.. Pboae Kaat IS, hah fa ETaaa, SEWINO MACHINES boagbt. Sold and ax. changrd, SS and op. WlrB Salrage Co., 021 Waablng tea at. ' WE prlat year Bam an BO calling earda, proper alat aad atylet SSes MO baalo eerda, . A. W. Scbmal Co, X flrai, Portlaad. Or. EBOWCASES, eonater. flitare. bongbt. ol4 or - each aged. WtaUra Salrage Co, . Wf Wuhlngtoa at. pacific TM. SO ELIOHTXT- damaged tewlBg aachlrjet at , eery low prim; Slagrr, Wbawlar A Wtleoa, Domntlc, WhIIU. Uoaeehold, Darla and - ether: to aak room for sew atoeh Wheal a Wllaos aad Singer. S. B. Blgei, SSS hlur- rleoa at., atarqoam bldg. BIL14ARD AND POOL tables (or real at Sof ale en eeay Mymenta. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E COtXENDEB CO. 4S Third U Portlaad. SHOWCASES aad flitarea. aew d bead. - Carleoa a Kallatrom. SSS Coach SECOND-BAND bar filter, pool table, Mfea. table, eh Ire. Waetera Salrage Ce, SSI Waahlngtoa at. BOLDEN'S BHEl'MATIO CURB 4)ora aare tor rbeamatl. Sold by all draggtato. ELPBANOEMAKINO) raah reguter for Ml cheep. SI1 Flret at. - . CHRISTMAS BOOKS. Bible and prayer-book. Hylaed-Breo., Z28 lamhUl at. DAMAGED ewlng-Burhlne at eery low prices; . a ill kind eerood-hand machine at yoor . ewB price. H. D. Jona, the Whit Sewing fcUrkln Co., 3S0 TtmhIU t- LOT oecondhand boa. 1-lnck and IVieck, ebeap. Kafka Bro., S71 Froat at. rOR SALE Pool tibia, Bw. Inqalr 411 . Okiey -. MaatarUlai . ' , , , SS FOB combined wirdrohe-fnldlRg-bedl tost $26. 1- LodlgB, 1M 8hrmaa. - FOR SALE Show naee, en gloea Plata top table. 149 Slith etreet. FOUR brood inwt and on Poland China male bog; 1 freak Jrrary eow aad calf. - Phone Et 4754. - COMPLETE aet of tlnner'a tool In good aondl. tloa. thep. 41 Orend are. PkoneEaet 137. ELEGANT nprlgbt piano, eicellent Irwtrameat, cheap for raah. Call at Sit Weat Park at. PERSONAL. eatabllabed brokerage bmea la OoM fleld. Nee., I W. F. Bnnd a Co., member mining urban fee of OoMflrld, R,no and Saa Franrleea. Send year addr and they will mail "B ,r "nrr week their market letter, new af the aimee and adrtce oa the etock , of all Nri1 ramp. W. F. Bood a Co, Boa P, OoldfMId, Nee. , WEEKLY market letter fraa. Mat regnlarlr ' t any lAdree. Fell mfnrmatlna aad rllM edrlee en all rnlnea ad atork la Try a . - 1..1 UuJ .K.t. - ' ' tm WT 9 ' Bosd Co, Eos P. CoWteid, tit, , Advertise. la aarrr aet exoesniTe T ItUr Balp Waal aaU PERSONAL. ,000 LADIES and gente deelr niTeepondeBre with view to. matrimony; send for free llat with photo and poatofflr addreaa; many ' wealthy: deacrlb youreelf. Addree Mr. Cnpld. Boa 131, Oakland, t'al. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, reliable peychle; read ing dolly: iplrltual meeting Tueeday. Wed aeaday. Tbnnday, Friday. 8 p. m.) teau to all, 26c. sua AlUky bldg. MOLES, wrinkles, saparSaoa ktr rr moved. No charge to talk It ever. Mr. M. D. BUI. Boom FlledBor Bldg. Phone facias 13d. WUroflT X Blarklng Bares the leather) b aorataly waterproof .- BOLDEN'S BBEUMATIC CUBE Sore cor for rheBmetlam. Sold by aU S.-ogiats. BALM OF FIGS for all femato dli S3f Cast Belmoat. Phta Eaat 4084. 4KRMAN bonk, aegaslaea, aovela, ete.i Oo ma. English, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dletloaerleai foreign books af all kind. oV-hmale Co.. E2 Flrt t. A. BKINttt. PRACTICAL FURRIRR. ' Exc.-rt fitter, fore remodeled, repaired and reilred: 80 years' iperlenca Insures entire satisfaction. Phone Pacific 8407. Lewla bldg. SEZINE PILLS core r muscular - wsskaese. forme Price l a bos, S Dorrs IS, with fall guar. Bares. Address r esll J. O. CMmeasoa, drug gtat. Second and XamblU ate., Portland. Or. DR. BIN0) CHOONO. Importer Cblness root medlrlDssi sells Chlnss tea, certain cere tor II dteeaaee. ! 3d, bet. Xemhlll and Taylor. re promntly mivai dlesaaea, kidney,, pereou. akla and apedal female troublee. Call or writ. Office Third St.. ear. XamhlU. . Pboae Pedae 83X8. LADIES:' Use 'Aattseptle Cspbl for monthly irregularities: safest, eoreet, most eoavenlent; aaeoT locally: no dangerou (trail to (wallow; larg box Mrs. Carrlo foaog, Adrian. Minnesota; Box 68. ,. DOLLS' HOSPITAL Renah-lng sad dreeelag. Room 8. 84SH Woshlngtoa t. MARRIAGE 'PAPER, December, seat sealed; many worth 8100 to 8100.000; 11th yesr; and 10c L. L- Lov. box ddtio. Deever. Colo. GENTLEMEN'S plain aad fancy sewing. Par lors SI tad 33, 38tt Stark atreet. CHIROPODY, scalp treatments, medicated fa clal maasag. S34 Woahtagtoa at. SWEDISH trained Bar, Hltngfnr grsdast. cure rneamntism, tomcn trouoie ana ner eoufl dlenrder by hand-rubbing, steam, wat and tub batbal both . No. 7 But 11 lb t. Take Kaat Ankeny car. Phoo Kaat 300. MIPS GIBSON atvea scalp treatment; dandruff. 284i Morrlaoa at., room 83. DISEASES OP WOMEN: anfortnnate girl and bable rsred for: private Hospital. lr. At wood, mora 8, SOOk Morrison at. Tel. Pa cific 1768. i TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orcgonlan -bldg. ladle day, gOBtleBMB Blgbta Mala 1888. MANLT vigor restored ay Dr. Roberta Kerr Glob lies. One month treatises!, 3: 8 month, 88; sent ssearel sealed hf mall. - AaTsata. Weadard. Clarke a Ca, PertMaC Or. SUITS pressed while yoa wait, 60c Ladle' skirts pressed. 80. Gilbert, 108t4 Sixth St., sett to Quells. Phase Mais 8wa- BEST aagaalBa dub ever offered : send for prices: Bgenta wantea. jonee twoa iiore, 381 Alder t.. Portland. Or. BOLD ON There la ana thing that wUl es-e rheaattBL Aak yonr drugglat for hark tonic or addreaa ar coll J. U. Clemeaaoa, druggtot, Portlaad. Or. WANTED Acquaintance of a young lady by a 43, care JeamaL .. CHRISTMAS THRKEY dinner 36c at the Owl Heetaarant, aast isorrieoa iu WANDA, th famoaf palmier. 289 Fifth, op posite couruoose. raoaa ataia bios. MANICURING, cbrropody, acalp end facial treatment, xuita xnira t., corner Tsym. AUTOMOBILES. F. T. ME It R I LL Pop Toledo car, seven rns- anitn, go per hour, urrice neventn and oak. Msln B2S. Stsnd 8. E. comer Sixth and Waahlngtoa. , V. B-T Merrill- Caatle EdeJ Bnn tl ASSAVERS. 0ARTIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad asoaisss eeer aew aawi laws) ! ART. PORTLAND WHOLESALE RETAIL ART CO, Representing on of the Isrgest esstern mann fsctnrere, ara able to show you the .finest dlaplay of picture la the dty. We cordially levlts ' yon to call before purchasing ' else, where. WIS Waahlngtoa at. FREE UCSMONB In embroldsvy every dan sew otampea astrtwalets. corsat-eovrs, ro. lee Jaeketa, hat, usibrellaa. ate. Tb Needlecrsft Bbnat, 183 Wssblsgrna at., be twees Wsst Park aad Tenth ts MRS. M. NICHOLS, teacher In all and china painting, chin tired: ha ad painted chlaa for ssls. 670 Williams ava. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, - 848 AMer. Portrait and landscape srtlat aad teacher. ATTORNEYS. 0. H PIOGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attnrneye-et-Lew. practice In all courts. 4 Melkey bldg., corner Second end Mnrrlsnn. BLANK.BOOK MAKERS. OWE DAVIS KILHAM tOB-ll! Beeoad et. Blsal boob naanaracTarea: ageam roe 4 ones Improved Loose Leaf ledger; ee the new Eureka Wet the beet en tb marks. CHIROPODISTS. ' ne ia.i a tm Mr. M. D. BUI. fhsae Psa. us. Ctl'ROPOrtT end Pedlrarlng. 8 rueaae aug. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER HUI'PLIM a. Blrkeawald Co.. 804. Sa Everett- rt i largrat batcher eupply koaaa oa the eueet. Writ for eaiamgu. BUTCH f: Kg' SCPPLlKS Adnlph A. Dabaa. Ul-lil hlrat at., earrlre full Hue aad com- plete aaaiirtment at krweet market prime. CAFES. THE OFFICE 15 Wahtnglaa-v pboaa Mala 771. Samoel Vlmena. ' CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largoet plant a the coaat. - Luring and Harding at., tele phone Eaat'ZBO. Carpeta eleanad. reStted. oeved and laid: both steam ard latest com. pressed air promos ; reavvaUug Buttress -and frathsr s apeclalty. SANITART carpet cleaning, aoetloa oad coa pressed air combined: oarprta aleaned nn Soar without remoiaL ' Mala 6o34. ' Mala 1300. CLEANING AND DYEINO. r CL0THE8 cletaed and nreeaed $1 par month. Unrnua Tailoring to.. Sue Stark t- H. W. TURNER, profrelonl dyer and eleeaer. SOS JeffersoB at. pbea Main Soli. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dying Work. 811 Fourth at. Phcn Pacific 807. COAL AND WOOD. ' ' THE Portland Wood a Coal Co. are bow dolna buslnea In their new yard, at the corner of ltb and 8a Tier otreeU. Fir, aah alabwood and eosi: AXBINA FUEL CO. Dealer In eorowood, coal and green and dry (labwood. B. K. and " Alblaa av., 3 block eeat of furry. Baat 674. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, eordwood and dry elabweod. Pboae East 4M. OREGON . FUEL CO. All kinds of ooal and wood. -S84 Alder at. ' Pbon Main SB. PORTLAND Sawdnat k Slabwaod Co.. SSS Front, successor to Fulton Wood Co. Mala .lUSd. WErTTEUN FEED FUEL CO. Hoaae and bltrhamltb ooala. I'hooeMal 1018. CARPENTERS AND "BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, to carpenter, 804 r earth St. . Store ead afflce work... Ms4. 1787. CLAIRVOYANTS" AND PALMIST ' FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. - A SPECIAL 86 READING FOR IL , ': ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. . , PROF. B. KBIMO. Oreateat ' living astral dead-trance clatr eoyant of the age; ADVISER ON BU8INKH8 AND ALL AFFAIBS OF L1E; whom yoa will marry, how to control the one yoa love, ' eeea tboogb mllaa wsy; rt unites th sep arated; give aecret power to control. I will do ll otbere advertise to do. and a rest deal more. THE ENTIRE WORLD A8 P.KKM BTARTLKD WITH THE POW ERS OK THE UNSKKN FORCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, sod I prove It to yoa with- out price by gfvlux F"a a FREE TEST FREE By having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL). Jl'SI W 11 AT YOU CAME FOR. and give you advice absolutely FHKK before you decide to have a reading. WHO CAN 6lt WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE BKEPT1C7 DO NOT THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BE Ot'FERKD TO X0U AGAIN. PROF. E. KHIMO, Permanetly Located In His Own Home. HOUKaV 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 218 Fifth St.. core Mdloa C DRESSMAKINO. TRY Anrelee Dreeamaktng Parkwa, S43 Fifth aad Mnln. Pacific H2. DANCING. DANCING leesoa, Sfici eiasaee or private; wait. Ing, Iwe-atep. three-etep, etc.) etage dancing, buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Rpsnlah, Hlgblsnd fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wtllsoo, old est recognised teacher, Altaky bldg. Third and Morrlssse at. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Mose Thursday ana Bsturaay eve. nd Saturday ' eve. I social, fancy dancing taught: -fenrlnx taught; tone dally. Viestera Acsdsmy hall. and atep aaa . private lesaona Beeoad aai d Marrlaoo. Pselnr loau. PROF.' RJNOLRR, Mlsa Bnckenmersr Leading achool; ballroom etiquette: correct dancing; eiaaa Tuea.-Sat. eve.) children Bat. p. m.; private lessons daUy. BUS Alder. Mala 1851. PROF. BATON Danetag school: class for ladtaa nd gent Monday and Thursday evening. Artoa balL Phone East 3604. BROWN'S Dsaetng Academy, Burkhard hall. 8X7H East Burnsld. louse Msln 8718. Dance Toesdaya. . 1 lr1T GASOLINE ENGINES. OAKOLINB englBes. sU sices aad sty tee. a) lowest price. Rclrsoa Mscnlaery Co.. 183-4-S Morrison st. e ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, coBtrse tors, repairer, lctrie wiring, aunnllea. 84 Flret, cor. Stark, Mala 650. SL H. Tats. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sink et. Contrsctors, electric supplies, motor and dynamoe: we Install light end power plaate. MORRIXON ELECTRIC CO., 2l East Morrison St. Fixtures, wiring, repslrlng. East 8128. FURNACES. BOYNTON farm -air furnaces ssv faeL J. C Bayer Furnace Co., Bud Second. Mala 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS 3B8 Flendsre St., cor. Third. Pboae Msln Suuu. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. enUdr orportnirtty to quota price. 74 Sixth at. Pacld 4M. HOTELS. THE BELLEVCE, Fourth and Salmon oto. Rooms ooe up; ratee by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. Pscloe 3106. HOTEL Portland, American pi a; 33. H per day. BELVEDERE; Europeaa plan: 4tb aad Aider rta. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. Bra tack bldg.., 844 She. JAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers Mablllty and ra dlvldusl accident security bonus ef ell kind. Phono d7. 8uS MrKsy bWg. - LAND SCRIP. ' -. STATE SCRIP FOR SALE, Owing to the creation of several forest -reservns In the stste there is now available n limited amount ef valid base for indemnity or lien sections. Any one knowing ef a desirable tract ef Don-mineral, vacant, lur . veved goveraat-nt land In tbla stats csa scur title to th came through the atate by having It aslected ae Indemnity land to aatlafy a loss la poms srhont section oc- ' csslnned by the creation of tho asld forest ' reserve. Tbe price until further notice will he $7.60 per sere, no fifth to be paid down. No election will be mod antll after th first of the year. For further particular and blank address OSWALD WIST. Stats Land Agent, Salem, Orrgoa. WANTED and for ssls. All kinds, rnrludlng approved forest referee errlp for lurveyed, nn surveyed, timber end sra Iris government land. U. M. Hamilton, "Tils' Portland." Portland. FOR SALE Land ccrlp. certified and gs'ran teed; alwar oa hand. 327 Falling bldg., Portland. Ore roa. Maglnala a Boa. MACHINERY. B. TEENKM AN A CO. Mining, .uawroll', big gtag msrhlnery; hydrsBltc pipes, eaatlagl aU kutd repaired. 104 North Fourth. THE n. C. AI.BEB CO. Secoad-haad B sBiacry. wmiii. iv. . win . ... yj A. i. PAUL. 103 Flret et,, etidnee, hnllera, saw. mill machinery 1 Wicks' Bros.' flooring gang. I nil rnniuai MONUMENTS.' NEU KINOPLEY; M First St., Portland' IsadJof marble and ftaaltg werkv- MUSICAL! THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, has Jo, rat tar lnatructloa; w'lbaon man doling. , 4eMVi Wssblngtos. LEHHONS BOc, piano, guitar, banjo, msndolm. . vtolla: msaical luatrunieata sold. 341M First t.; comer Mala, Mr. Mania..,- S COPIES popular ma air. our own aalecUoa, J 60c. puetpald. Levy Muelo House. PIANO, violin. plknoTrr)ainnnC clarlaer. Pr. feasor B A. Smith. 3r4 12th, Msla 4708. MONEY'TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved 'city preparty ar for bonding purposes, tor from 8 to 10 yesre' tlm. with privilege to repay all or part of lose after ' two years. Losna spiroved front plans and Bwney advanced a building psu grosses; Baortgage taken ap and replsced. , SUED M. STRONG. Flusnctal Ax Sat. 1.43 Stark at, . CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en aalarlea, InearaBe policies, plaooa, furniture, -warehouse rs cslpts, etc.) sny deserving person may secure - a liberal sdvaoee. rwpsyfng by easy wsekly or monthly Installmenta. NEW KUA LOAN TRUST COMPANY, Sud Ablngtoa bldg- - - MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat ea your owe asms as other security; "don't borrow antll roa eee me; my yatcm I the beet for railroad men, Clark a. bookkeeper, etteetcsr men snd all othsr employes; bual. Bees etrictly eoBOdeaUal. F. A, hlaatoa. 434 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And ethere upon their own name without security: chespest ratsa, esslsst payment; office la do principal cltlrst esse yourself money by getting our terms Brat. lOLMAK. 323 Ablngton bldg., ludH Third at. WANTED Notes, snortgsgse or son tracts ea any kind of real aetata in Oregon and Weehhia ton; second mortgages purchased If wsU e sufsd.--11.. BwHoUs. 812 Couwsrclsl blk. , MONEY to lose la sums to cult, S and B years, a low 8 per cent, ea Improved dty urop- . erty. Moultoa a Seobey. M Columbia bldg.. 868 Washington at. DON'T borrow money on aalary entU . : Huttcn Credit Co. 613 Dekam bldg. W. S.- WARD, lawyer, Allaky bldg. Probsts nd mortgsgs business solicited; moderate : fees; kians monsy on mortgages from 2u0 op; easy term. MONEY loaned on furniture, planes and other eesarltle. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington Bldg. Pbon Pacific 1883. MONEY to loeBt targe loan pectaltri also building loans; aowesi rates rire i William u. aecB. iu ssniog ie. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend an eay-paymait plan to wage-earnera; atrlctly conadeatlsL MOBEY to loaa ss aU kind of security. William Hoil, room 8, Washington bldg. TO LOAN Bum to suit oa cbsttel escurity. K. X. Frame, C14 tbe Marqaam. MONEY TO LOAN Fire Insurance; reel eatat. Hotter A McKensle, 3H0-210 Commercial blk. TO LOAN 15.000 or lees on city property v O. A. Johnson, 813 Commereisl blk. A LOAN for the asking Balary or chattel. The 1MB vo.. eiu wexum oiug. OPTICIANS. ' DR. B. I, MftLB - Optomatriat and Eyestglit Bpectalkvi. Booms 36-87. aaairtostreet, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DrT'lILLEBELLE PATTERSON, graduate ef the Northern Inatltute of Osteopathy, elsss of '88; spedsllat en nervoaa, acute and ' chronic diseases; consultation nnd examina tion free Office 217 Fentoa bldg. Phone PsclAc 1190. DR8. ADIX a NORTHRUP, 416-10-17 Dekam bldg.. Third and Waahlngtoa eta. Pboae Mala 848. Examination free. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P.- E. BEACH CO Tb Peonecr Paint Os. window (lass and glsxlax. 18 VUnt ' at. Phoae 1834. PRINTINO. THE MODERN PR1NTERY Artistic printing. 88 Russel bldg.. Fourth and Morrison. Phoo PeelBe 152d. EVERYTHING IN PRINTINO From circular to catalog-nee and na we paper. MetropoUtsa Printing Co.. 147 Front U CGILBKE BROS., printer Cards, blllbsads. tc Pbon staiB iBoa.. iso iini ex. PAINTING AND PAPERINO. FOR reliable work, reaeoaable price. Sbeebr Bros.. 3K2U. XsmhlU. near 4th. Mala 8073. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. sanitary pi inhere. 381 Beeoad, bet Mala aad Salmon, Oregon Phoae Mala SOOL DCNNERBKRG A RADEMACHER, removed to No. 803 Burnslds at. REAL ESTATE. Payne & VanTyne Beal estate. lnvstmnta. morlgsge. loan 310 Allaky bldg. Phone Mais 3261k PARR1SH. WATK1NS CO.. estate. Insurance, reatal aad sgsats. SM Alder eC J. w. OCII.BEB. real aetat aad aoanai Uebed lsbS. 145 H First at., room 1L A B. RICHAJtnflON REAL ESTATE AND MORTOAGB LOANS. Pbooe Mala 68. 623 Chamber ef Osmmsroo. ROOFING. oxXkjnsaaaBjBl TIN ROOriNO. rwttanlnf, rpaliiDff and cn-fl . . . . a 9 11 a1 41 - - - - m Dm as ft A OA. HHTDIDSe IEBoUl ' 1 41 avvaaaaB ova a -w RUBBER STAMPS. p. C. STAMP WORKS. S48 Alder at., phone Main 710; rubber a tain nr.. seels, trncll; beg gsgs. trads chechs; brsss eigne aad plates. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTKR KLEISER SIGNS. . Ws bsvs built ne tbe largsst slga Ik tbe dty by first -elaas work snd keeping . ear promise. Our prlcee are right. Fifth and Everett ts. Phoo Ex. 88. W. P. BERGER A SON. 34 TamhIU . , Slga f aU kinds. Phone Pd8 3333. v HI 8 THAT ATTRACT" A. W. Boat Csx. 2S7 Btsrk st. Pboos PaclBc 1688. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every descrlptloa; bank, bar snd store 81 tores made to seder. The Lathe Manufacturing Co., Portia sd. R. H. BIRDSALL, dealrser; sgeut M. Winter Lam ner Co.. 7 Hamlltoa bldg. Mala 8630. SAFEST PORTIND SAFE CO., eole gear for Herring. Hali-Marvla aafe and Manganese Steel Be fa Co.' bank ssfes, Tb Isrgest emortment of high-grade fire end burglar-proof aelss la the n)ortnwsew .. .,.. - DIEROLD msngsness end fire proof eafss: lork eute opened; metal -fiitnrea; vault and fall work; jacks. J. B. Devi. 88 Sd. Main looa. EIGHT erennd-kend fire-proof fe aed twe aecnod-hsnd bsnk safes (or sale cheep, at TO Sixth at. Portland. Or. STREET PA VINO. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, dde walk and crossings. 814 Lumber Exrkango, THE Berber Aaphalt Paving Co. et Fortlsnd. Office 868 v.'oreeeter blk. SEWINO MACHINES. . Psrlfle S7S8 and I personally, win repair your nevnng-mscnine; work I. 8. Bams, adjuster. 881 Third et. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWKIA DAILY Comb, krask. soap. It per moots. Poniard Laaadry and Towel up pi Co., Nlath ssd Ceuca, . FbM dlu FINANCIAL USZ NATIONAL BANK 6F POETLAJID, I . ' Ikmlgnstsd Pepsadtory aed Praddeet 777. a, . MILLS Aaamtaat Cssalar. W. C AJ.VORD ed Lenrra or trrwmr avtusnie in nrrrone snoj ins sseieve D " ' . -j - Btcbt Exebaage end Tlrphl Trsasfere sold ss New York. Boston. Chleaga. I ma t, Pssl. Omsha. bus rranetse aad the pHadpal point la fhs Northwest. Bight aad time hllkt drawn to asms to salt s Loooos. Perls. Bee Us. rsakfsrt-esrs, cagkoag. Yakuts ma. Csasautoaea. ChrtaUaala. Stscfcholm. St. Pslsrsbsva. Moaeosr. sstoa. tAaia-TTXTOW-lWTTsCltajairt:s Is ll8. ... TraeM a Oesersl Baaklag Bsalnsaa. Coneetlons as'Ae h! 8" rJrtotoeaj ib . able terms. Lattsrs sd credit teased svsllable la Eerop aad aO points ta " ate, sight Exckang and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York. Wa.hlnstoe Cicsee, Isals. Deavsr, Omska, Sss Frsncleew aad Montana aad Brltlab Clambta. Exchansa seen caLondon, Parle. Berlin. Fteekfort. Boaghoag. Yokbama, Manila and Be tsm- f M MERCHANTS BATTOBTAX BAXV PORTLAND, OREOOB. Lss- J. FRANK- WATBOM...t...Prsddent I B. L. DURHAM Tile B. W. BOYT Caahlst 680808 W. H0TT Assistant Cssaier Eraaaaats a Croaara) Bsaklsg Besmess. DrafU AU Psrta el th War Id. UBITSO STATES BATI0BA1. BANK 4)F PORTLAND. OREOOB. - . . . Mortawssl Corn.r Third and Oak Street. i ... . - .r Iraasaeta a ataaersl Bsnktsg Bn1aaaa - DRAFTS 1IMCED ' AvaflaM fa AH " Oc U sited Btatea aba Eorope. Bangkaea ead Mentis. Collection Mad ea Favorable Terms Praddeat c. AINSWOBTW I Cssbler B. W. CBMBBR Vtce-PreslaMat....;.. .. LEA BARNES I Assistant Cashier .....W. A. BOLB Asslatast Cs abler. BANE ERr a LTVBXRMFBTB BABX PoTtlssd, Oregea. . Corner Be send and atark streets, Commercial aad vlBg depsrtmsat. I nt arret paid en eavtaga oeeeunte. Drafta oad . - ttere of credit lesuad svslUble la all parts ef the world. D- P ELTON .....Peeetoeat I B. O. MftARS. .Oashle B- ROTHCHIU)... Flret H. D. STORBY Assistant Cashier lOHN A. KEATINQ..,. Second Vice-President PLATT Pl.ATT..., weweral Onssa.l TKE BANK OF CAJOsUTIa Established 1884. Kead OfCse, Baa Fraaetaee, Csllfereat. Capital paid ep....... 84.0oa.ono aBurplua and'nndlvlded proSts. 810.fln8.4n3.8Si'. General Ranking and Fvehenxs Baalneee Trensscted. Interest On Time Deposit. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aceossts may be opened of 818 snd apword. Portlaad Branch Chamber ef Commerce Bnlldlng. Zl. A. MACRAB Mansree J, T.' BPRTfUAEI.L. . . . . . Assvatsnt Mans see ' TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COnTPAVT OF 0REO0V The Oldest Tract Oaapaay k Oragasx. RBBOoRrTB OVER St. 760.000. Oeaer4l hankma. t per cent kit met en cheek aeeeoaa svn kandreda) ea dally be la sees ef 6908 er over. Letters of credit and even ana- ll Psrteof tb world. Ravine accounts. Time cert If testes. 8 to 4 per cent; atiort call apodal certificate. fws or eeee,- SU to 4 mt,. Call for Book of 'lU.rBTR ATIOVB. at Corner Third end Oak street a. Phone Private Excaange Tt. 5B7iTv0r1"!,' " PveeldorJl I H. L. PITTOCK V Ice-Pveeld earl B. LEB PAG BT...T.V; ry:. .......... rBecretarr t 3. P.-OOLTRA .Aeslatset Recvetnry COTI BIT T SAVTVOS TBTST COhTPAWT t Tranaaeta a Sesersl Bsnktn Bostitess. on Ilea snd Ba vines Aeooaate. Acta aa Credit Available la An ft P. ADAM. r. SMalaMt I A, L. MILLS. ja a a"vPvOol fl C-T" 1 fjn7M GEO. F. BUS8RLL. TX MOBTAAOB TAEAMTIB Si TBTST Tvsnaarts a Osnsrsl Bsnklng Badness. apea-aaswanr -- war -eenv snsaeeee siaa CA PITA f, . W. WATERRUBT Preddeat I . k lAman nAio. .......... a,., .a. Etk Ttmpls. Seventh and Btsrk Streets. Pken Main 164 Si SMM.M M.WM NOKTaTWZSTXRB 8TJARANTEE TBTST COhtPANT Port lend. Otanu. Lambs Bxehange. S. . Corner Second and Stark Streets 4 seen ad Seer). FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State, Ooaaty, MenlHpal end Corporation Bomls Boucbt and Sold. Rear aslm prise ergaa and Snanced. Stocke and bond gaarenteed. Tmi OtJARAITTTE TRUST COnTPAVT 844 WASHTNOTOs! STEXXT. MOBTGA0B LOANS SB Portlaad Real Bltat et Lowest Rstse. Tttlee losarcd. Aba tracts Fsretshed. I THORBrrRN Rrxia........... ...President I 0EOR0B H. BILL....; Vlcs-Presrideet J BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BEOTBEEB. Chamber ef Osmmsrse Won Id pal ratb-oad and DOWVIBw-BOPKlira 00BTJABT BTOCKB, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wire. ' BOOM d CHAMBBB UK J. a LEE COMPANY Commas wealth Brokerage Department ' Bee P Before Baying or Selling Stock g OUTS I. WHDX BOMB TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. . Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' ' Corner-Blxtb snd Wsshlngtoa Streets. Portland; Oregoq. UlWIUbVOa ay Ma sat. wvv wwe 5 BJ,nr PBOTISTONS. -COT wg po j BTaiUTX,x vvasuaaius avwsaaiaaa. Ceatlnaoaa Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Lsdd vmuiraoaw (a4 Ualted 8 ts tee Nattoaal Bask af Pertleaat TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS tor new and rabullt type, wrlure ef all makss; esc cur window; If yoa ... mnii to has n new typewriter see as be- fore bnymg; we can sav yoa money; w w eenairlne sU machines; state exeata for tbe Vail hie ros, ws buy U kind of typewriiers. iaa 'r""" , ..--, In. B. J. Klllsoa. manager. 84 Third at. WB eeU ' Bamlogton. Bmlth-Prsmlere, Dsns. i . ansa an ok av jka those' r swart an n a hi! -mores, eus,, aoww -. ,,f ..1. anvaetigate. Underwood Typewriter On., do 8th. TYPEWRITER rplr and anpnly Co., 480 Wsshlngtoa st. Pbon Msln 4t84. BLICKENSDERFRR typewrltera. 840 and. aappUea, repslxtac. Boss aV-ttoe. 381H Stork TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ror. Sixth and Oak .; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to deottuatiou; paaeengera therefore avoid rash sad aaaoy- nnce ev . aaFES piano and furnltnr moved, parked ready for Bblpplnt snd shipped; all work guaranteed; targe, 8tory .brick. Bre-orool waranooae tot storage. Office 308 Oak St. Olssa Roe. Phone Mala 647, C O. PICK. Otnce ss rirea eajreiwees oiars end Oak etc., phone 688; planoe nod furniture , . m.. foe shlnnlnet eomsoodksis 'brick warebouss with separate Irua room, . , ... .-1,. V- . CUT rate oa house bo Id goods to all potato .. - tnka ho ssrloads: soeetal room for trunite while waiting. Oregoa Auto-Deep tee, 18 Flret et. Phoae Msla U8- . anaw riTT VAN' CO.. office 141 First St. pnon Msla 628. Fur nlturs snd pUao-motleg n spscaame. " NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGR CO. 870 Oak at. Telephone Mala 4480. Traasfar. ring nnd atortcg. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth, phone Mala 88. ' Heavy hauling snd storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 824 Btsrk et, Msln 4U7. FOR ksck. furnltnr wagon, trunk or piano moving, pboae Heswlan, Esat 86BA POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 300t Waaa- IngtoB at. t none aiai a au. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California win depot: tl kind f win, be glass, cooks' sna w Help ers Ursdqasrtsrs. 148 FourUi et. Pboae Pa- drscjtiiixr torati. , - nmns WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO., nbbsra ef ssddlsry, hardware, korss goods, leather, find ing nd snoa etore supplies, klftk snd Oak. A. 0TTN8T CO ' --;,7L DISTRIBUTORS OP FINE CIGAR. PORTLAND. OREGON. SHERK, OAEB ft GRAHAM (lac) enmmlealou merchanta. Jobbers of fruits, produce, etc; eoadgnmoBts eoUdted. 138 Front et. EVERDINO ft FARRELL. produce sd cosa mlaalon merchants. 140 Front 'at., Portland. Or. Pboae Mela 178. . ORROON Farnltare Manufactartng Compear . . , . .. . I . .. U S Ik, ., aaanuraciurerv oa . Portland. Oregon. WADHAMB ft CO.. wboleeale grocers, mane. fsetarers end aommlealoB sjerchaats. Fourth and Osk eta. . . FrRNITURR manufacturing and apsetal erdero, L. Ratsnsky's furniture factory, 8u7 Front aU ALLEN ft LEWIS. commlaaMB snd produce mer- . , . . . . , , i ,. t. . , i . ... n . rnanis, rraai eow - WHOLESALE erocksry snd glaaaware. Prsel. Hegeta ft ts.. loo ta 100 Fifth, cor. Stsrk st. Can roa City O. U. OrYlcars. ' , (Bpeclxl Dtspetrb to Tbe Jenrnal.) Canron City. Or.. Doc. . Th East ern Star chapter has elected th foK lowlnB officers ' foe th nautnr yaari Ida Nlvan, worthy matron; r.. Flnlay aon, patron: Mary Johnaon. Aneoctat matron; Winnie Cosad. secretary ; Llxxla Robinson, treasurer; Be I ma Brown, con ductrosa: lAila Chandler, aaaoclata con- ductraas. - ,' Mi!waukr Country Club. Fastem and California racaa. Take Rellwnod and Orofoa City cars at Flret and Aidar. . BANKS. OklWS. Vlnssetsl I Cashier I Becsad Vlnaaetal Agent et the Vattad) 8steVi Au't'.Vt CMhierV.V. .'a r. btb vbbs and Letter of Credit Isened Collect loss Spedslty A. M. WRIGHT 888 Morrises Brreet. PevtUsd. Oraarea, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intsveat Allowed Trastre for Estates. Drafta sad Letters ed Part of tbe WorleV r. a Ltwn First Tloe-Praetdast 0. JCBITS , Aastatsnt Secretary COMPANT BANK, Interest Paid on T ma .PPaUlV Bevtngv, so. - eaaarMsmiFii nwarreviy. flnnntavaa C W. MTT.LrR. otataat Secrets "sarordar Bveema? S ta I Open JNO. n. AITCH1 T. T. BCBKHABT Bldg. public sen la corpora Moq boode. aad Bold for Cock and aa Ksrgtn. t " ef COMMERCE. ' Pkene Male St. Bldg., Sixth and Axkesy rts.. lrtlaad. 11. W. Donahae, Manager. ar Bona. Can Always Bave Tea Mosey, yjj Third nt htcBxay Bldg rsa-usaa. TOW. STOCKS AND BONDS. TtTtoo. Baaka WRECK MAKES CHRISTMAS SAD FOR 1.UHY Nina Kilted and Thirty Injured in Shocking Collision in ' Minneapolis. - -i (Joornal Special BerHfa.r Bt Paul, Minn,. Deo. 14. Nina nan war killed and SO were badly injured In a collision on the Minneapolis, BL Paul and. Saul t Ate. Marl at Kndertin, North Dakota. Sunday morning;. Ths napkin--car was telencoped, the wreck caught fire, and there won a display of heroism rarely equaled in railroad his tory when tha reacuers battled with the flames to aave th unfortunates penned in tha car. Ths wracked train was an accommo dation running- between Mooaajaw, Can- acta. iid at. Paul, snd crashed Into a freight that had been left on a aiding. Both locomotives were deraollehed and paasengera in ths day coach were; slight ly injured, but the full 'force of tha hock was felt in tha smoker. Among tha dead and Injured ara: Charles' Backus, Bergen. North Da kota. - N. J. Volkerlng, Anamlosa. North Da num. John Batterburg, Anamoosa. North Dakota. Tony Glean, Valva, North Dakota. D. J. Bcreaford, Medicine Hat, Al berts. II. Roseinbaum, Velva. North Dakota. W. . Danlclson. Shelbon. North Da kota. A; O. Anderson. Btarbuck, Minnesota. Nels Hanson, Kenmor. North Da kota, . ' REAL THING IN FLYING MACHINES Wright Brothers Said by Alex. ander ' to Have Solved Aerial Problem. -(Jonrnsl Special Barries. V London. Deo. J 4. Few men hava trav eled more oyer tha world In tha study of aeronautics than Patrick Alexander. who, on his return from America. dellvered-an interesting lecture on aero plane. Alexander la a great admirer of tha work of tha Wright brothers of Ohio, and ha had a model of thalr flying ma chine in tha lecture-room with him. After the" lecture Alexander said,;,.. Tha Wrights have a flne'lffying ma chine. I Mvi aeen It, and, lr. my opin ion, they bave aolved the aerial prob lem. -Tha, Wrights ara working with two propeller, which run along at It horsepower, but both tha brothers told ma that, Judging from results they at tained, si horaepower, was ample for a speed or 30 mile an hour. The Wrights believe in having tha propellers outside tha body of tha machine, and seeing tha reaulta they attained. I think their Idea is tna best I hava ever mat with. . . "In thalr recent experiment ther hava flown 110 mile sltogethar through air. and this experience give them con fidence, and they ara tha moat likely men I know to solve tha oroblem nf aerial navigation." ' t T t -. t, 1 n nllea nrAvnbet nM,a..i. v .. . m C .11. vwnn'S o,,e thai. Tva' eti. ..i. ....... -- - - njwi vini ment cures Itching, bleeding ,r pro truding pile after year of suffering. At any orus; aiura. erkar are Baaue Waa As ta beSai a Pearaal taat wUl takerearl ROOT :il . THE Pi'ST'i : o Sacriflce Future T5y"Tnterrnr . Senate arid Fighting for Roosevelt. PLATT WILL RESIGN - JN SECRETARY'S FAVOR President's Policies Must Have Sup port of Strong Man in Uppor Hons End Choice Falls on Mouthpiecs of AdinlriUtretiori, , -, , ' - tJeerusJ pedal Servire.) Waahlngton, Dec, 1 4. Senator Piatt- wlU ba sacrifloed for Boot, Boot's future will ba sacrificed to preserve Booaavelt, and Boosavalt aad tha grand old party - 1 will go marching gaily on. To sav ' tha national Republican organisation, it I conaldered naoaaaary that tha preai- dent' policies should hava tha backing -of tha senate, and to gat th backing . of th senate a BtTxtnr. ablatnan.-friend' ly to tha administration la needed. ' That man is Boot. Senator . Thomaa G. Piatt Is planning . to resign at tha and of tha present con- greaa. Flans ar likewise being laid to have Governor Hughes appoint Ellhu Hoot to suocaad him aa United Btatea aenator. . Tha Piatt end of tha story comes . from a cloae friend of th aenator and beam tha stamp of authenticity. Tha prediction aa to Boot futur ! baaed on knowledge of a movement that ha been under very quiet consideration for a long time. Secretary Boot haa had the matter proceed upon hlm vigor ously of late. . President Roosevelt will feel deeply the loaa of Boot from the eablnet, but , aeea reasons why it would be wis for him to make the sacrifice. In th first place, the president wants to Be th Emplr Stat restored to Its rightful position of Influence In th United State senate. Th appointment of , Ellhu Boot, it is conceded, would go far to ecompllah this result. Moreover, an.l this consideration balances to a great degree th loa that would b incurred by Secretary Boot' retirement from th cabinet, th administration may Deed , to strengthen ita force in th senate, ; Hoetnity to th president that baa do veloped In th aenatc Bine the begin- . nlng of th present lon of congraes give eaua for giving heed. Aa m sup- . porter in th senate Boot would be a power, capable of exerting fay nor influence than Lodge. One of the current rumor baa been that President Booaevelt, at the expira tion of his term, which coincides with that of Thomaa C Piatt, would succeed . the latter In the senate, but it is stated that th preeldent 1 not counting on this. Furthermore, if he thought the succession might result in that way. Senator Piatt probably would prefer to ' have Boot step into his shoe. .That ther 1 an understanding re- " spectlng Piatt' resignation and Boot's selection to fill the vacancy thr la no doubt. PRESIDENT APPEALS FOR -STMInG CCSE . Proclamation to People . Urging Christmas Gift to Famine-" Stricken Mongolians. ' (Journal Special Bsrvtrs.) Washington. Deo.. 34, Prealdeiit Booaevelt haa Issued a proclamation to ' the people of the United State calling for aid for those 15,000.000 Inhabitant of China who, over aa area of 40.000 square mile, ar starving becaun of th ruin wrought by dlaaatrous floods. After reciting the appalling condition. tho president eoncludea aa followa: "Amid our abounding prosperity. aaJ. In. this holiday seaaon of good will to man, assuredly we should do our part to aid the unfortunate and relieve the distressed among th people of China, to whom we have been allied for so many years in friendship and kindness. "I aball ask congress upon its next day of saaalon for authority to us our transport vessel to carry flour antt . other food to. th f am lne-atrlcken re gion. "i recommend inat oontnouciona ror th purchase of euch food and other appropriate relief be sent to th Ameri can National Bed Cross, which will tak car of tb expenditures. Suoa con tributions may be made either through the local Bad Croes treasurer. - ar through the department of state, r may be cent directly to Charles Hallam Keep, Bed Croou treasurer. United Btatea treasury department. Waahlng ton." . 1 MANUFACTURERS TO GET DELAY New Pure Food Law Will Work No Hardship Upon Them. v . If the pore food law passed by ccm- greaa and to take effect January 1. 10T, Is declared to be constitutional by th courts Oregon manufacturer ef good Intended for- Interstate traffic will mot be affected to any extent until October i next, Tha general government, aa State Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey says, haa granted this exteaelon of time so that the manufacturers in all atatea may one th label they now hava on hand. Whan thee label ar used tha manufacturers of drugs, foods and confectlone must brand their prodncts in accordance with the saw law. 'Vf la branded" products ara stated by the .' law to be drugs, articles of food or artlclaa which enter into tha eompoei tloa of food, tha package or label of which beare any etatement, design or device regarding auch article, or the In gredienta or substance contained there in, which Is false or misleading In any particular. Imitation offered for ami under th names of other article are to be eonsldcred mlsbrapded. v There la a great deal ef douht In Mr. Bailey's mind as to the eonetltuinm allty of tha law. Protect hav- been made by ov,mo of the state nrei-t th standards eet up by the c appointed by the lrsaourr snd 1 departments, end these prMeelc n. -suit In th testing of the U " J 4 . . law iu tha court. , -.44 . . . A