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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1906)
T ( f ' I u -4 Journal .Circul" lion y PORTLAND, : OREGON, MONDAY EVENING,',. DECEMBER 84, 1906.-ATWELVE PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. .. -, SMUf"? VOL. V. NO. Wl. " ,-; i II GOOD EvEIHuG II ..-: u Iren ,CjTAVmY ATrnrTYr linn n n n lull f THE WEATHER. - Tt4yJ k-Vv 7 Cloudy tonight and Tuesday ; Ught I V ;V V s .JSSvJ -"-tST ,-. rS.' , t'Tll 777? PARRIGIDE ''f '"' '' " a,'- " ' - " ' ' ..1-rt - Willi : . .-a ' - '' V -'i '. ? Sidney . Sloane, on In sanity Plea Acquitted, :But Threats Made to : tyncKJufy rv 'sWavf of Indignation , Swep ' Spokant When Boy Who Mur ' Tdered His Father Is Allowed to Go Free, Despite His" Confes sion of Atrocious Crime. - J , - ' 8pwlil Dlnwtrk to Tk Jearmat) - ' : - Bpokn, WMlu, PJ. t "Not tull ty, y rto pt Itwanitx." w th ur piialng .verdirt returned by th Jury In th BWney lon c at :30 thia momlnc. and n than Jialf an, hour after tha verdict had baen returned a great-wave of Indignation waa aweep lng over ihe city. ' " . (m every atreet erowda of men were fathered, diaeuaalnv the verdict, and el mom without exception tbera were no worda bnt of condemnation of the mem bers of the Jury who had been persuaded by a clever criminal lawyer Into ao qulttlng a youth who, according to tba prevailing Mew, waa one of the moat heartlraa and cold-blooded parrlcldea n the hlatory of the riorthweat . -a: ' - Such- remaraa aa "hang the Jury.1 "lynch the . murderer,"- and 'tar and feathera for the Jury," wera frequently heard, but 1 la not probable that any aucli-, action .will b taken, aa there him a ba a mo wllUpg to act aa a leader. - .- ' .''. K ' ; "'r " . Jumee T. Sloane, the man who w ae (rocloulT alaln by hla own aon, waa one of the moat reapected bualneaa men. of the oity, and the fact tnat .nia mur derer la to go unpunished la considered by very many aa. a-mlacarrlaga of Jue tlca and a dlerace to tha auto. ' . The Jury brought In a: verdict after having , been out-over 4. houra, and owing to" tha early hour of the morning tba uaual large rowd whloh bad been Jn conatant attendance during the trial waa not praaent. . v ' ' - It had been generally believed that a .verdict would not be reached before thla evening, tha Idea being that .nothing bnt a doalra to get out for Chrletmaa would cause tba Jury to agree, and that the verdict would bo a compromise one, probably murder- In the eecond degree. Tha Pmrrloide tadlffaraat. . After having been brought Into court thla morning and while waiting for the verdict to be read tha defendant a ho Wed hla uaual Indifference, en whlla othera at breathleaely ,' awaiting the verdict, he appeared unconcerned aa' to tha dreadful Import of tha mcasage the -14 men wera to dltrer to tha court, . Hla mother, who haa bean oonetantly by hla aide during tha trial, waa prev ent, her face wearing an agonlaad look, while waiting for tha verdict Aa tha word "not guilty", were uttered aha gave a faint, happy am lie and aank fnto a .half stupor, tn ' which condition aha waa led from tba courtroom. ( After tha readtng of tha 't verdict, young Sloane waa remanded tn the on a tody of tha sheriff, wha will keep him In charga -until ha la examined by an Insanity commission to determine If ha la Insane, tha Import of -tha verdict ba. ing only that he waa Insane at tha time tha crime waa' committed. - No-official announcement haa bean made aa what further action. If any, will be taken by the prosecution. i-. ' Mother Takes Son's rait. . " Under tli Instructions of tha court the'Jury might have found any one of four verdicts: Murder In tha f tret de gree, murder In the tecond degree, not gulllr because of Insanity, not guilty. Sloana waa held to tha Inaanlty com mission. ' - The trial haa excited the moat Intense (Continued en rage Nina) BURGLARS ENTER ID ROB . ST. JOHS POSTOFFICE : 1 ' ; ' .-n , - Thieves Secure About Four Hun dred Dollars in Money .. . and Stamps, v Robbers broke Into tha St. Johne post office last night through m window and made awaywttb approximately 1400 In coin and stamps. They took 110 In .one cent pieces, and tha reat tn larger money and stamps. Tha discovery of- tha robbery was not made until this morning, whan Poatmaat tor FW. Valontlna opened ths office. No clue was left as -to the number en gaged In the theft nor are-there any ' groundsSipon which to'found anyraolu lion of tha entrance to tha poatofftce. ' Tha office la a new one and has not been thoroughly equipped. Tha fixtures .have .not ..all arrived,, and , the office la 'without a safe. The exact loss haa not yet been estimated. , . The city authorities atale that no suspicions charartera have been noticed e'jout town.- and the night watchman reports that he heard no disturbance Inst night, and there la no trace of any kind as to tha perpetrator. . FI6IIT CLAIivl Inland City Demands Status of Terminal , Point for-'Purposes of Railway Rates' ' Intervening in Case Presented to Interstate Commission, and I Resisting That t Contention Dates Set for Hearings at ,J, Spokane and Elsewhere. . i (WtsblBxtee" koresa ef The Jeers!.)' Waehlngton." D. C.?' Dec. - J4. Inter- atate Commoroa Commlaalonera Lana, Prouty snd Clark -will hold a hearing at Spokane January 14. and probably at Seattle and Portland In the week be ginning January II, In the case of Spo kane's demand that the commission de clare rates unreasonable. Previously Spokane had asked the commtaalon to give them terminal, rates, which waa de nied. .- r- The present request is for a reedjuat ment .of achedulea en what they will claim Is a reasonable basis. Portland Intervenes to resist tha demand. J.' N. Teal will represent Portland aa attorney. It la understood alao that Ban Francisco Jolna the other coast termi nal -cltlea.-v - The contention ot tha Interveners will ba that reasonable rates ahould be baaed on water route. tariffs; hence,Prtland. Seattle, San Francisco and Tacoma are entitled to . lower' rates v than- Inland points, such aa Spartans,- Commissioner Lane says tha commls slea will also look Into tha car short age while in the Pacific -northwest, holding hearings wherever asked, if tba time at their dmpoaal permits. ' . Such--a hearing Is dated for Seattle, January 11. Portland may have . tha same by spplvlng promptly to tha com missioners, .who will 'remain here until January I, when they will leave for New York on an extensive tour. ' tha hearings beginning at New York. Janu ary .4. ; i 'J. - The commission Is anxious to assist all communltlea to procure relief from a anortaga or rolling' atock. 1 m COREY TO TAKE PLACE . v OF OWN PORTRAIT . Menraal SpeeUI gerrlce.l - r ' New York. Dec tt. William . E. Corey.-the recently divorced atocl truat president, is on hla way to Europe undAr an assumed name. Munh mys tery surrounds this unannounced Jour ney, but-In Wall street tha general ba iler is tnat corey - haa gone to France to wed Mabelie .Oilman, tha . actress with whom hla name has been connected ever elnce a. Ilfe-alsa portrait - of tha steel trust millionaire was noted In pbo- tograpna of tha actress" boudoir . In Parla that waa widely published In the magaainea a year ago. Seven Girls, Acting as Clerks, ; Said to Have Stolen": Million - Dollars and Forced Waynes ' burg Farmers and Drovers In - stitution Into Bankruptcy. f Joirail Rpeelal 8rrlee.) '. - J Wayneanurg. Pai lec. 14. Seven women clerke. It Is slleged. wrouaht tha aerlea Of forgeries by which the Farm era Drovers bank . waa robbed of tl.000.00i and brought to complete ruin. Art Inveatlgstlon of the hooka has re vealed, an ameslng State of affalra. No leaa - than eight aeoarata , sets ' of ledgers wera kepV and only one. that in ne sois possession or J. R. F; Rlrfe hsrt, showed the real status of the in stitution. Already tha failure' Is de scribed aa one of tha worst 1n tho'hla tory of banking In Pennsylvania. The facta Involving the seven sus pected women have-been arranged for prasentatlontta Owen T. Reed, a special agent of the department of Justice, who Is expected to arrive tomorrow A preliminary inquiry haa been com pleted by Bank Examiner John B. Cun ningham, who before leaving - for bin home admitted he was astonished by tha Ingenuity and daring with which the bank had bean looted. Ha ald halt the alary of the failure had not 'been told, and that tha rumors in circulation did not approach tha seriousness ot the situation. ' i . Cunningham expressed - the- brllef that a criminal information would be made against tha clerks, although ha be lieved thev wera guilty only ot - con st ructlys forgery. .... -. , A. t . .; . OF SPOKANE vOMEn CHARGED WITH LOOTING EASTERN BAHK CENTRAL FIGURES IN" - ' - " -'. w l I t kMsMMMMsMMMsaJ Misa Hallie Erminie Rivet, Novelist, and Post Wheeler,'. Writer anJ Secre try .of the American Embassy aj Ttjkio, Who Are to Be Married . December 29. ".v "'' . " ' " ' v " ' UnCLE SAr.l FIUDS CHRISTTeTAS GIFTS ON THE OHIO Officers and Crew of Battleship Tried to Smuggle Vast Quan 'tity of Rich and Rare Goods From Orient Into New York to t -. -. Escape Customary Duty.; : Naw York, Dec 14. Tba battleship Ohio, Just heme from- tha far. east, waa raided by united States treasury of ficials at tha Brooklyn navy yard last week and tha nawa of tha . affair haa Just leaked nut. Wholesale smuggling waa discovered .and: big aelsures-of smuggled goods wera made. Sailoray-arid marines, aa well as many off losrs, - went about With r sad, faces, mourning tha loss of silks, cigars, art works and other costly- goods .-. from China, Japan and other oriental porta Tba raid waa led by Special Treasury Agent Ralph W. Clayton, In charga of tha confidential work" of tha treasury department In matters relating to "Cus toms. ' .i f . .. ". Tha Ohio brought In enough curios and rare works of art from the east to start several stores on Fifth avenue. From stem to stern and from the uppr dock away to tha plates at tha bottom It seema there was no place that did not hide soma article of value. It ia ru mored thst several arrests were made aa a result of the selsurea, but this Is denied. Certain officers are placed In a very uncomfortable position by the discov eries of the, treasury agents. One of the 24 officers1 on tha. ship waa not only caught In a deliberate lie, according to authentic report, but was exposed In an attempt to smuggle a chest filled with the finest silks of China and with other articles, of great. value. .. JOctATHAN BOURNE BEGINS VORK AT CAPITAL '! A U! ,. X- i-;- '.;' i Takes Vp With- Interior Depart--'nient Homestead Entries in l Mia v3iain. t Y " (Jnaresl Rpels1 gsrvtre-l, , '" Washington. T. De-. 14. Jonathan Bourne, United State-, senator prospect ive of Oregqn. was a guest svV dinner party giveo laet 'vnlng ' by Mr. and Mrs. VV. B. Hlbbs of this city to meet Willlim Ior-b Jr.'. secrets ry , to Presi dent Roosevelt, and Mm. Loeb. - Mi, Rnume has taken up with, the in terior dprnint.-eff Iciala the ouestkm of delay In the Jssuence of palcnta for eevral homestead entries In Oregon, with (ho result! thst orders have been given .tfce general land office , to issue one of these patents to thet local tend office Immediately for delivery to tha entrymn- In-the other case ordere were given to examine the entry with r view to Insgtng a patent- If ury and ptoof wero fmtnl regular. . Rotli cn were made exptions fo the general or der recently ismi-d by the Interior de partment holding vp all patents.'' . SUPREME COURT WILL - TRY SHERIFF SHIPP ..'! . ' . ' j J- '.. "S " (Jwaal 'Specisl tervlre.l . ' i Washington, tec. 14. -The supreme court decided that It has Jurisdiction to try Hherirr Bhlpp and others of Chat tanooga, Tennessee, for contempt of court in connection' with the lynching of Kd .Johnson, a negro, on Msn h 19. The prisoner, when hf met death, was under a, stay of execution granted by the supreme court. ; COLONEL OF INFANTRY .; " VICTIM OF ASSASSINS t V iJixirnsI Special rlc I : I r.ukow. Ryrela, nee.' 21. folonel ObroiM-hoff. rffmmander of, an Infantry regiment, was killed on his estate near .era by aa unkaoarn earl this moralnjr. , A LITERARY ROMANCE. . V ..' ' .," ' ' -,.' j ' ! V BIG FORTUNE GIVEN BRIDE FOR PRESENT Spokane Girl Receives Gifts Val ued at More Than Seven Hun dred Thousand Dollars- Was ' Educated at St. Helens Hall - in This City."; slit jnora thaa.4M0 000 worth of wedding presents are vara anywbecav-andJahen ana visits Portland It la worthy of mention. Mrs, Csrl - H. Weil, who- waa Miss Rena Kuhh af Spo kane st thle'time last week, wss s guest of tha Portland hotel yesterday1, and. In company with Mr.Wet left today for California where they', will' apend the winter before going to Europe on i a honeymoon that will last eight months. All kinds of presents wera Included in the list of tha favored bride. . Tbera wera rubles ' and diamonds shares in banks and ahares In gold mines, whila a great chest of stiver containing more thnn S00 pieces was the gift reoerved from 1-er grandfather. A diamond horse ahoe. In which SO atone, weighing half a karat apiece, wera daintily worked by tha Jeweler, was a gift from the bridegroom.- .... ; '..j .; i,. . ' Mrs. Well, who by the way. Is a grad uate of St. Helena hair of thla city, waa given- 100 sharea of atock In the Tradera' National bank of Spokane, of which her father, Aaron Kuhn is vice president Tha atock la worth tlto a share, making tha value of the father's gift $3,000. In addition to tha dia mond horseshoe presented to tha bride by her husband, , ha gave . her ' 2,000 share of atock In the Shat tuck mine, afBlabee, Arlsona.. The stock is worth $54 a share and makes the bride's pres nt IIOS.000. The mother's gift to the young brldo was, a beautiful diamond necklace. Several hundred presents, bestdos those mentioned, wera given the lucky pair, . ; t , The happy couple received too tele grams and 60 cablegrams on tha -day-of their marriage from frlenda In all part of Jhe .world, who wished them a happy voyage on tba aea of rmttrlmony. ' ' Mr. anuMrs,, Well 'make a charming couple nnd were as nappy yesterday aa If. t)ieyv owned-tho. universe Instead of only a. large share ot the world's goods. They rntertalped many trlenda who called at tha hotel .during ihe day. nnd. were, the reoet unassuming persons in, the hotel. -Fow or .ho .other guests knew that .they were seated In. tha din-Ing-rnemj near a girt who had s prince ly ra'nenm ln wedding gifts showered upr.ii her but a' few ilsys ago . '.After fompl'ting thlr ,hon-moon. Mr. and srr. Vell will live in Chicago, where Mr.. Wcjl Is Interested- Jn-one of the largat wholesale liquor bouses In the, world.', Sidney .Uoewenbergof this cjty waa one -of the lucky ruceta who 'sat 'down, to the; weddlnc dinner' that cdst 3p a plate. , . , . ., . AGED MOTHER TURPiEO OUT rTO FREEZE IS STREET Wealthy Sons Close Door on Par ent "..When ' Icy Death ; " , Rides on Blast. W 'M iff "- w I,1 . k v - m Urnl 8r'al rtt.1 ' New York. Iec. 24. Tha temperature Is I degrees ahqve ' sero, Tnd -cruel gale Is blowing. . The hospital this morning Is crum-ded with people ho are frutbtitrn. - llanr of the destitute are dying from exposure. ": The police statiniis sheltered many f amlltcs last night. A richly dressed woman (0 years old waa found on the dock at East Sixteenth- street. h are her nam as Helen Stacey' and ead two. wealthy, sons had turned her nut and she - had . lived -In' tha etMwts for two days. She may lose both logs, whlrh' are froaen. ' . r - Pollew report at noon shows that two persona ara dead and five uqconsclous from cold. . , r , A new-born Infant ws,Xotn stiff on the toof nf a hospital and tha nurse hss bean arrested. f, ,i r,. , -, ;J; f . CIIIIISTIiS Pu Holiday Season Opens -With Its Myriad of Pleasures and -Good Will - Spirit of -Festivity Seizes Upon Tortland :How All Classes of Citizens Will Spend the Day Postoffice Busy Handling the Christmas Packages. 1 4 4 ea a a : Tha weather will be very ar- 4 dinary tomorrow, cloudy aky and . 4 occasional mlata, and the Indica- 4 tlons , for snow snd sn Idesl 4 4 Chrletmss picture ara ao remote" 4 4 - that tha weather bureau ia not willing to ataka Ita reputation by 4 even holding out a alight hope. 4 4 'There ara no indications of a 4 4 change," aald Forecaster Lodhola, e 4 who la temporarily In charge at 4 tha " office, "and tomorrow'a 4 weather will In all probability ba 4 exactly as that of today. Oray 4 and gloomy with a sort of misty a 4 rain. But there is .no telling 4 what might happen." e 4 - . ' T "Merry Ckrlatmaa!" v i TTou eaffhirar it alraadyr hear It on tha atreet., In tha ' richly, fur nished office and tha little corner atore. In tha homes on Park avenue and on tha acowa of tha riverside. , : ft'a thO day before Christines and no 'miatake. . Tha terrible pressure on tha stares Is over, for only belated shoppers ara buying presenta now. Tha mailman la swamped with delayed arrivals, but that's part .of his Job. The facetious persons who make up as Santa Claus are buying their masks, and 10,000 trees have been decorated. Tls Christmas for fair. - - v - ' Portland alwaya does herself proud at Christmas time. Witness tha wonderful increase in stamp aalea during the holi day seaaon. - The generous hand of the big city falls to reach out with Its to kens of remembrance to the little chil dren in the p iblic homea and tha far mora pltluble old men and women whose memories are full of brighter days. It'a "Merry Chi-lstmaa" to everybody and 'don't forget It. Every man and woman whose Job doesn't pin them down relentlessly will celebrate tomorrow. - For one day at leaat tha wheela of business will stop, and the holly wagon wjll hava tha place of honor on tha atreats while tha stdck lasts. . . Home men must work harder than ever, however. Nowhere wilt this, be (Continued on Page Two.) TRIES TO BURN E AT T: ESCAPES Unknown Man Makes Dastardly Attempt at Arson ort Washing ton Street Residence -De - tectives Are Now Trying to Ef ' feet His Capture. I'steetvas are investigating what Is believed to hsve been a deliberate at tempt at incendiarism at 4I2H-Washington street st sn asrly hour ' this morning. Mrs. Msry. Smith, who lives at that number, was ownkned st o'clot-k by peculiar noleis In th"- hallway. She arose to Investigate and found a strange man in the hall. He ran quickly down the stalra on seeing her and escaped In tha street. The hallway-waa quite dark nd Mrs. Smith was unable to give the police a good description of the man. An odor of kerosene permeated Ihe hallway and on further Investigation ttwas. found that the oil had been po'irej over the floor snd along tie walls.- An empty aluminum ran tn which the' kerosene had evidently been taken Into tha building was -found In the 'hallway. Scott Morrelt, who conducts a -saloon m. the Immediate vicinity, reported that he saw a man emerge from the door of Mrs. Smith's residence and run down the atreet. ' - Patrolman O'Brien Investigated the affair and from hla' report- to hesd-t quarters It la believed that Incendiarism' prompted the man to pour kerosene ln tha hallway. .The unespected appear snen of Mrs. Smith is believed to hsve prevented him from setting fire to the building. Jtcrtive wera detailed (o make, a mora complete Investigation. ; RESIDENC HIGH . ' v-"';f - I J , ....... . J c Laiciv Picture of James Bryce, rybo Refuted a Peerage. IRISH PAPERS DO NOT GET WARM ; - OVER MR. BR YGE New Ambassador From ' Great Britain to . This . Country Re fuses Peerage, and the Scram- ble for His Old Position Is on LLiikarne3 '( Junrasl gnerlal gervlee. 1 Loudon, Dec. J 4. James Bryre Will be the first ambassador who hss gone from Great Britain to the United States without a title. . This is no fault of tha British government, ss Mr. Bryce was Offered a peerage, hut declined It. The J-ondon Chronicle, commenting On this, aaya neither, thia nor,, the Vnited States government will suffer by tha declination, .as "Americana who know end- honor. Mm aa James Bryro will eateemhrmSirTBepioTff Ui'rause lie de cllned a title.'- i It la rather remarkable that the Irish papera, of all political shades, lack en thusiasm whan discussing ths honor conferred on Bryce. - It has been no se cret here that In Ireland ha was mors generally regarded . an English than Irish In his sentiments,' snd his coun trymen thought him lacking In sympa thy and with having been a. rather weak Irish eecretary. .'.. It will not b easy to find a suc cessor to Mr. Bryce, because there are so many applicants for his plaoe, Lewie Hartcourt, first minister of works, to whom the position had , been offered when It was known Mr. Bryro would accept tha - ambassadorship, haa de clined. : WILUDEDICATE BABE ;T0 CAUSE OF LABOR Chicago, t III., Dec. . 24. Organised la bor In America Is to. receive. Its young est .recruit tomorrow in the person of Lee-Glessner Creel, the two-year-old son of H.' H. Creel, the labor" editor. The babe.Ms .to become. a member of tha Al lied Printing Trades Council, and all the"eremeniea customary to tha occa sion will be gone-through. , -, .The earns youngster came into promt nencei last September, when a baptism waa ' held to consecrate his life to the cause of organised labor. The ceremony was performed In St. James' Methodist ehurrh- by ths Rev. Dr. Milner, repre aenting tha department of church and labor of the Presbyterian, church. , t. 1 " 11 "- 1 V For the Week Ending Dec23 v ' Tha following is the advertising .record of v the three dally papera ef Portland for the week ending with Sunday, December Zi: . - . , v -' ' ? ."' . 1 For Six Week Days- Local Display!... ... .. Foreign . i , . ..'. . .". ! . . .. . ClassOicd .... . . . . Display Real Estate . Readers For Sunday . .'- -. , . . ' , Local Display. , . .'. ..... .'..'. . . . Foreign V. Classified ... . .'. . . . . .... . Display Real Estate. ... . . . .'. . . Readers .... . . .............,... Total for Week. -' Tha Journal malntalnedt leads In volums of advertising over both Its morning snd evening contemporaries for tha week ending tilth the ltd Instant,' exceeding - the Oregonlan aeven issues, bv I, TIT Inches, snd me Telegram, six Issues, by l.tTt Inches. ' The growth In the volume of advertising esrrled bv The Journal Is de to the advertising public's spprecHtlon' of Ths Journal's greater p.oved. paid for dally circulation, greater thnn either of Its rrnilfniimiirl lv 3 to 2S per centum, and that class of circulation which Is phi ii iilnrlv frtiH ful' to wideawake and honest advertisers who "deliver the go.J' n .( their sdvertlslng promises. - The Journal Iskes this Occasion to thank hMh II lvei liners snd lrn family of snivel there tor their n.mut S'li'POrt 'td to wlh t'm ell I Mrry, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, llsppy New Year to f'iln "ROOSEY" BEAR THAT CrueL , Lady-Townjey; Says - White House Reception is Great est Circus in America When- President Is -PresentiNo One- Allowed to Get Word in Edgeways, asHe Does . All Talking- Washington Society a Bear Garden. (ynaraal gpeelal BrTle. Washington, Bee. g4-A aaap Won a tha White xouaa ia tha biggest clrcna la Amsrloa. ' . "Washlngtos society is a bear garden, i " Ttoosey la a performing bear. Jfoboy gtrta a ward In adgewiaa, aar - tas president doss all taa talking.'V Zrftdy luu TowsJsy's asrttsaata mt , aoaaa grsat personages and thing at tbm national oapltao. . - Washington.. Dec. 24. It la not be lieved hero that Lady Susan Townloy had anything to do with tha recall of Ambassador-. Dursnd, Great Britain's representative In the United States, but the gossip linking1 her name with tha recfcll of tha ambassador haa" brought out a perfect flood of stories about that remarkable and Interesting member of tha British peerage. . ', - Lady Townley. who la a daughter of her husband 4tntll last May, when ha re- -tired . aa councilor to- the British am- ' baeey. 8hs Is of striking beauty and la recognised ss tha most modish and beat gowned woman In the dlplomatlo corps. Add to-this the fact that she wielded' a facile slthough sarcastic pen, wss n. wit who never considered fhe feelings of ot Ivors, nd did not hesltsta to speak her mind, - snd you hsve a remarkable character. - She had a healthy contempt fofrnany people In public life In Washington and ToTTheTWt of these; weie President Roosevelt and tha Durands. Oddly enough, her two closest -lntl-mataa wars Mrs. Herbert Persons, msda famous by hsr trial marriage propa ganda, and Maxlne Elliott. Whan Mas Ine Elliott played In Washington Lady Townley attended almost every perform ance, and gave numaroua box parties. , 8h also entertained tha actreaa several times. She ts quoted ar having aald to ono senator's wife: f , - "My goodness, I would not go to ths White House if you gave It to me. - A reception there ia tha blggeat clrcua In America. " ' ; .. ." Concerning Roosevelt aha aald: Washington society la a bear garden and 'Roosey' Is a performing bear.". "There Is no need for court atlqnetta . at tha White House," she remarked at another time. ' The mandate that you must not speak to the king nnleaa first addreased by. him would he obsolete hero, ss'one could not get In a word edgewlae with tha president if one tried. He doea all tha talking." These are a few. of her ahota at tha praaldent. ,. , 4 FIRE'& THREE VICTIMS r IN STEUBEWVILLE (Jonrsat Special lerrlet.t " ' Steubenvllle, O., Dec. -24. First nday that started In a bakery gutted tha sleeping quarters upstairs and suffo cated Mrs. Ira Ulltman, 24. her daugh ter, aged i. and Elisabeth McCoy, aged I Journal Oregonian Telegram Inches; ; inches. ' Inches. ,: 6,072 397 . 1.457 171 69 4,249 6.704 582 490 . 1,425 1,220 272 , 438 1 fiO 1.643 1,427 - 49 ' : . . 81. .... 334 481 - .... 395 ( , 300 .... - 13 - 15, 10,600 8,883 . 8,822 ,::';S'-'V ,1 .