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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1906)
t GooDxionimia. - THE -SyEATIlKa,: Rain; southerly wind. ' VOL. Ill, NO.x4I.. FH.1ST Rescuers ReachJHicks Near Midnight-Is in Good: Condition and Will Scion Recover.: Cheers Greet Rescued Man All Belle In Bakersfield Ring Wei come, While Anvils Boom Is s Little Worse for Terrible Ex- ' r perience How It Happened. V Bakersfield, CaU, Dee, Hlcks WU taken from the mouth of '"the tunnel, where X waa held from the time ef his, ... rescue In order that he might Vget'ac--customed to tha pressure of the outside air, to the hospital that had been ar ranged at U o'clock. He was apparently In even better spirits than when first , taken out of hlsVUivlog grave,", and wanted to go at once to hla home. The doctors who -had seen him acre that he is little the worse for .his terrible exper ience and think that within, a couple of days he will be all right, , 4 .- m ,' "., (Pnblllhere Preee by Special Leaaee Wire.) Bakersfield. CaL, Deo. 13. Entombed In the bowels of the earth, beneath tons of stone and dirt of a collapsed tunnel.. , L. B. Hicks, the miner who for IS days faced death, was rescued this evening by a fui of his fellow-miners who had ' worked Incessantly to save him'. ' Hicks was nearly erased, with . Joy whea his rescuers drew his weakened body from beneath the traracar, under ,' which" be- had been pinned since' the tunnet fell In. )avhi him In -darkness and the Dlaythina- of a mocking- death Thn- hardened miners wept' as Hloka Jlfted to thank them. , v ' Ouuide. crowd around the tuhnet haft bad- heard the alcnaL Bakera fleld waa In a frensy of Joy. Cannon . boomed and the, bells In the churches . tolled. Men and' women flocked ' to the streets and there held parries of eon--aTatulatlon. . .. .. Cheers' Melted lata -Tea.' ;.f :. 'i ' Hlcks waa brought from bis peril ous position at l:0 this arenln. when his rescuers completed a scaf folding; to prevent a fall of boulders and .dirt. When the timbering had been, complftitd, " Superintendent UcClure - of the mine reached down and grasped the Impris oned miner by the hand. Hlcka waa drawn gently up through the openinc and aa ha emerged from ' the hole, he ; waa grasped under the arms by. two miners, -w,ho gently lifted him to- his feet. . Hlcks swayed Ilka a drunken . man.' The sputtering lights of tha min ers' lamps half blinded him. And then a realisation came to him that ha was free. , . . v ' . ' ' ." "Clod bless you alt for -standing by me!" waa all that be could say. but it was enough. There In the" caverns of ' tha earth grim-faced miners wept and ' an Intended cheer stuck In their throats. Ir. St Inch field placed dark glasses over Hicks' eyes, but the miner ' said ha did not need them, as the light of tha lamps did not bother him. . sticks TeUs atlg gtory. Hlcks' joy on his release waa almost hysterical. He laughed and cried by turns, and Dr. Stlnchfield,' fearing a violent reaction, gave him a mild se . dative. ' '-.' "When the eAsh came." said Hlcks a tha doctor, "T was working -with tha ' other men In tha tunnel. There was a roar and a crash of stone and crunching timbers, and then utter blackness. Pinned beneath a tram car,' I heard the moans of dying men. I tried to move and could ' not. I spoke- to my companions. - but there was no answer; only the moans of the wounded. 'Death came to tbem and there was sllekce. , ' .. Bream Worst. Than Waking Torture. ' "I tried to move mr len and fouui ' them gripped by boulders and aarthI r (Continued on Page Eleven,) THAW Girl Wife of White's Murderer Wins Love and Admiration of Even , Hardened 'Trustiest ; by Ijer ActionsPrepares for Trial I : ' (rteamt Kaws by Lonceit I-eeeed Wire.) New York, Dec. 22. Evelyn Neeblt . Thaw has gone Into training, aa It wero, to muster her strength and fortify her nerves for the ordeal through which she mint go next month, when her husband,- Harry Kendall Thaw. Is placed on trial for, the murder of . Stanford White. Few there are, however, who realise the self-denial and actual physical training that thla frail creature, who until a few months sgo floated lightly on the uppermost froth of the gsy life, in the gayest. city In tha world, must undergo. -.- , . , To thosa ' who " have been ' close 1 to llsrty Thaw In his Imprisonment In toe Tombs. Evelyn Neeblt Thaw has ap pealed as a good wlf.. She npwtias tha greatest respect not to ssy lava and admiration,, of even the hardened keep ers and "trnstles" at tha city prison. . At tha trial of hef husband aha will PORTLAND, MSB. AnEriglishlMrs, Storer uses Hammer' upon -Britain's Representa tive inAmericai Lady Susan Townley Complains I TJiat Sir Mortirper Is Too Slow t'Xn'y Pouring Tea 1-Dld - Not Measure Up to Standard of Society Fixed by Peeress. T . (Ileerat News by Leagest Leased Wire.) , 'Washington,. Dec., 12 Social -Waah-Ington has been humming with tha story -tha very latest story that there has . been , an English Mrs.' Btorer at work In diplomat lo Washington, ' and that ber social and. unofficial- activities were really responsible for tha recall of Sir Mortimer , Durand, British am bassador. . Lady . Suaan- Townley is tha woman In the. caaa this time if Washington gossip la not hopelessly awry and ahe has stirred up a moat Interesting ket tle of f lshi ' Lady Buaan, it appears, did not think tha Durands were maintaining tha Brit ish embassy at as high a social pitch aa waa consistent with tha position of his majesty's station -among tha rulera She found Washington a town of rath Among official folk, if truth be told, did not impress her as quit wearing their best clothes with ease),' but she waa -table ' to forgive- them when aha contemplated the ambasadorialfamly from bar ewtiMsrrlfi England., . " .' I Aaakaapaaoa To sUaw. : ' - Tar tha Durands, In Lady Buaan'a es timation, were really -altogether too slow even for Washington. They poured tea hospitably enough, and Sir Mortimer was entitled to soma recognition, for by-rtho act-of-lntroduclng.cHckethere he waa made popular -for a time. But for. tha real eochity why Lady Durand did not wfc-all measure .ut to the stand ard fixed by this arbiter elegantUrum, Lady Susan' Townley. She complained abou, It all to- Dowing -street so the story goes and the result- was the re call of Sir Mortimer.. . ' The swagger and very correct Lady Townley is the wife -of Walter Town ley. ; who was councilor to' tha British embassy here during tha season of 1J0S. They went away from ' here- several months ago to a South American post. Lady Susan waa a-very discontented woman while she was here. . She is a daughter of tha Earl of Albemarle and is aaid to be on close terms with Mrs. George Keppel. the king's close friend. Through ber " relations . with- the bocta powers at tha English court. It Is In timated. Lady Buaan Has been sbla to convince the authorltlea that Sir Mor timer . Is not quits tha right man for tha Washington post, . , k Bememaers fcady Susan, ' - , Washington well remembers tha social activity of Lady Susan. Sha waa not an aggressively handsome woman, but ahe wore exceedingly good clothes and wore them well, and there waa nothing doing socially that waa too correct or too fascinating for her to take part In it Pouring tea waa altogether too mild a form of entertainment to - comport with her view of ambassadorial proprie ty. She regarded the Durands aa good enough folk of their kind, but they were of tha English country genteel style without enough social experience. - Lady Durand's social experience abroad bad been at tha Teheran and Madrid courts; tha first tha moat retired court In tha world aa concerned . women, save only that of Constantinople; and tha second tha atlf fest . Nobody at Madrid aver asks a 'question; nobody la presumed to be really entertaining. There la no so ciety save In tke most formal fashion. Tossed from such surroundings Into tha frank, free, democratic Ufa of Wash- (Coatmued en Page Eleven. IN TRAINING be tha most Important' witness. On ber testimony alone tha fata of ber young millionaire huabsnd may rest 8he knows this. Sha la preparing herself for tha crucial moment In her career. Every one knows tha sort of Ufa Evelyn Nesblt Thaw , lad before tha tragedy of tha Madison Square garden roof on that June evening. : Today no nun of tha- strictest of orders leada a llf of greater self-ssortflce than aha. "I know that Harry will be able to prove his right to freedom," sha says dally to her questioners at tha Tombs. , - "With faith In this., I am willing to gtva up anything and to dohverythlng In my power to help him. Tea, I have given up all that meant much, to' me be fore. But t am gladto do it The past Ufa aeems Ilka a dream to me. . I "feel stronger every day because of my reg ular program, I shall be well able ta undergo tha .hours of ,'Harry'a . trial; Aaver. n-n r II II I Hill lVUI I M la W Sna ' OREGON. SVNDAY MORNING.VDECCMBER 23, lS03. : ' p' 8 A jl j I l j :1 P61ZjKiHZ&JWW ASSESSOR SAYS TAX LEVY WILL :BE-T00 LARGE Declarls Mayor's Estimate-for . City Expenses During Coming - Year Should Be Cut Hundred and ' Sixty-Eight . " Thousand 1 Dollars at Least. ' That tha estimate In tha budget sub mitted to tha coancU Wednesday, that 11.000.000 wonld ba needed for city ex penses far tha coming year la at least $118,000 too high Is tha opinion of Coun ty Assessor B. D. Slglsk. . "To raise tha - amount proposed for expanses for tha city for tha coming year would necessitate a levy of I mills, which Is too high," declared Mr. Slglor last night "Tha assessed valuation of city property In round numbers la II Si,, ' "It would seem that a levy of I mills ought to yield . sufficient revenue for this year. A l-mlll levy would amount to $M2.000-leraae over the levy of last year of 1150,000. That waa Jha highest levy aver made In Portland. Last year's) taxes for city expenses wars $IJ.00d. In 104 .It was $($0,000; In 103, $418,000, and in 1102, $4$5.000. The eat (mate of $1,000,000 la an Increase of $311,000 over-lest year's levy. "A t-mlll levy would surely ba suffi cient. It - would give an Increase of $116,000 for the year over last year. That means an Increase In clty-expenaoa of $13,S0O a month, or $418 'a day over what they were last' year. "Aside--from- this, -the Income -to-the city from licenses and occupation taxes Is constantly increasing. If there la more than a, l-mlll levy, the expense of tha city will be Increased in far gseater rstlo thsa the Increase of-th city itself." - STRAUS REFUSES TO ADVISE GEORGIANS (rnMlahare Press by Special T-oaaeA Wire.) Washington, Dec. 2$. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Strauss today re fused ta advise tha Georgia Immigration soclatton as to its rights In Inducing Immigration for work In tha industrial bait In that state. . . - Tha aecretary has been Instructed to send the aasocistlon tha recent -opinion of the department permitting tha South Carolina authorltlea to encourage Immi gration. 'The department" announces tha sec retary, "will not gtva an opinion In any hypothetical case and aa no law of the federal Immigration statute haa been violated, tha matter as fsr as tha gov ernment la concerned will ba allowed to 1THHJ0LLYCHRISTMAS -SPIRIT Cepyrlgbtr t0, y Amerhrt n-Joonul g i mXntf. E- CMfeiSTXAS PICTURE RlVCNlFROM HOME." 3N&tfNC4 WITH r IS CAPTURED AT BUFFALO Georee A. Witzhoff. GreatesfBigamist in the , - World, a Real Bluebeard, With a -Spouse in .Every :City, Arrested Courted Women y to Marry Them, Get Their Money and Desert ' Bearst News by teogeat teased Wire.) ' ' Buffalo. Deo. II. The greatest biga mist In tha world, ' a man who la ac cused of having mora than 100 wives and who has eonfeasad to marrying II women and robbing most of . them of all ther savings, sometimes but a few hundred and sometimes many thous ands, la In custody here tonight It la believed. He- haa been sought-for all over the worldf ."' . Tha- notorious George A." Wltshoft who baa married more women than any other man In the world, twice aa many aa tha Infamous Johann-Uoch, who was executed in Chicago for ' murdering soma 'of his victims, haa at last been caught and will have to pay tha penalty for tha scoree of broken hearts ba has oaused. - , Search for Xls wives. The prisoner, tha police have known aa Charles John Anderson, tha name under - which. Witshof f married aoma of - bis victims, and' hla acctiaer. r Mrs. Adela Wagsr of this .city, baa repeated ly Identified plcturea of Wltahoff aa tha mair who married her and robbed her of thousands Of dollars befora der sorting her four years ago. It Is now plsnned to notify tha police of . averv cltv In. the United Slates where Wltahoff consummated his biga mous marriages and to hsva aa 'many of tha wives coma to Buffalo aa possi ble for tha purpose of identifying him. Since sha was so sadly deceived and robbed. Mrs. Wsgar has thought of but little else and it waa - only after she had been given an. opportunity to see him during tha past few daya while he waa under eurvelllnnce- that tba arrest waa decided on. The moment aha saw him aha declared that be waa (ha man sha married aa Charles John Anderson, and that- he wss-undoubtedly tha, man who had married Mrs. Jennie Thurston of "Loganaport, Indiana: Mrs. Randall Miller, Miss Sophia Toucher, Mrs. Ernest Tinner -ami more other women than sha could recount--' v Is Oetla Tklref Degvse. " ,THe Mentlflcatlon Of -Anderson as tha real AVltsholfr haa' not been completed as yet, but tn doteettvee -who okugfit him and caused bis arrest tonight say they are-absolutely certain that he-la ths man. For hours this afternoon and tonight -Chief of Folic Regan haa had Anderson. In. his private', room . putting - FdUR' SECTIONSFORTY-EIGHT IQJ - t I-whcrc: f - WOkF" VX SAHTjajLLW HKH tASrKs fecRf; him through tha third degree and he hopes to get from him a confession that ha la Wltahoff. If ha succeeds the neceaatty of bringing acore at woman from their homes to this olty wilt dis appear. With tha necessity eliminated, however. It la certain that many of the wives who are bttter agalnat him will coma to aid In tha prosecution. ' Tha facta were laid before tha police today by the chief of tha Watts de tective agency : and ' they appeared so convincing that the man was arreeted on a warrant which was secured against "Anderson' about three years ago. The detectives have either made one of tba greatest captures of recent, years or a grievous error baa been committed 'that will-bo hard to explain. - . Wltshofrs career Is perhapa tha most remarkable - that any human being has ever . nao. ins marriages extend rrom or coast to the Ovher. and from Can ada to Mexico. Sometimes there were two marriages- In a week, and frequent ly ha stopped In tha midst of one mar riage ceremony to lay plana for anoth er, immediately- after manylng one woman ha has actually taken her to an advertising office, where he would In sert an advertteement In soma, publica tion designed to catch v the eya of aoma woman who might ba hla next victim. Accusations have .come from' practi cally every city In tha United States, many of the English cities, from Can ada, Mexico and Franca, where women are sura' they have married hint The various detective agenclea throughout the -country who have kept track of blm during the years of his astounding big amies have, recorda that make It almost certain thathe has almost a Hundred wives, although, he confesses to only 12. CLAI MS -THAT JEFFRI ES L -,- -WILL FIGH1SQUIRES , '.. t " '.. (FnMtaheri'.- rreaa r SpecUI teased1 Win ' Rhyollte..-Nev., Deo. 2J James J. Jeffries is to fight BUI Squires, the Australian heavyweight at Rhyoltte in April. Matchmaker Frank Hklnner of the' Rhyollto Athletlo club Is authority for the atatement. He says be offered the champion a $10,000, purse- and that ba accepted It. ., ,, PAqES. RO DDE R BARON1 poucc now think IS fcOfATCKV . TWENTY iriJURED Id COLLISIOff AT Passenger and Freight . Meet Head-pn -Track Torn Up and Engine ' Demolished Wreck age Catches Fire Injured Are Tourists From East, v f (Hearst Mew ay Leogeet Leaaed Wire.) ' Reno, Nev Dec. JX In a hadon col lision between westbound express pas senger train -number 20, from -Kansas City, and . a freight thla afternoon at Harney, 30 passengers ware Injured, sev eral aertoualy, the engines being com pletely demolished, and the track waa torn up for a distance of 100 yards. Tha wreck was cauaed by tha freight train In charge of Kngtneer. Frank Carsons and Conductor A. Bullla, which waa left standing on tha -main line at Harney while tha conductor went to the station and tslegraphsd the 'dispatcher at Carlln for more time to get in the clear. Car son's Watch ' had stopped, -the official (Continued on Page Eleven.)' FIREMEN OF HARHEY.IEIIADA Three Jhousand, Men on Southern Pacific Go Out at Four o'clock Sunday :Cbmpahy ; t ! Will Receive Nj i . -ight f (Pabllesen' Free ky Special . Leeeeg Wire.) Peoria. 111.. ' Deo. 21. From tha cf flces of the Brotherhood- of Looomotlv Firemen It - waa announced lata tonight that a strike of all locomotive firemen on tha Southern Pacific railway, which will involve fully $.000 men, will be called Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. - rbllseri' Praes ky Msertat Leased Wire. I Houston; Tex Deo. $2 A big strike loom p on tba Southern Pact ft o, At lantic System.. Vlra-Presldsnt Shea at tha Brotherhood 'of Locomotive Fire men iaeusd an ultimatum to tha rail road that unless certain demands-' wera granted the union firemen in the service would descend from tha cab at noon Sunday. .... Vice-President Fay of tha company re plied that ha waa unable lo comply with the request and haa ar peeled to tha Inter" :eommrca oomrai.-ts'.ca at PRICE FIVE CENTS. Magazine Writer Tel Is Enterprises Run by Men ? With asty Re- onlsJBsewherei One Company With Which Port land Man . Is Connected Haa . Spent Five Millions In Adver tising Bonanza Not Listed on -Any Exchange Except 'Frisco, i ff . :. ... .. -i . ; , , . .;.,., -. t. . (Hearst Kews by Leageat Leased Wire.) 1 8an Francisco, Dec S3. Tha Bulle tin today says: Fresh from an Investi gation of the wildcat mining schemes of Ooldfleld, Tonopah and other Nevada, cam pa, Lindsay Denlaon, assistant editor or Kiagways, is now In thla city. Mr. Denlaon was formerly ona of tha crack writers of tha New York Sun. and bis work for Everybody's ' and other big . magaxtnes haa attracted a great deal of attention. -.. - . Attention would ' ba mild word to apply to tha notice which Mr. Denlaon baa received since hla articles on Cold-' field and Tonopah have appeared la Rldgwayav' Ha want to Nevada, commit sloned to tell tha bare truth as ha found It, and. as always happens, tha truth haa hurt a great many people and has made tha writer tha object of Intense hatred. For. tba: legitimate ventures of Oold--Beld and Tonopah, -Mr. Denlaon has nothing , but tha highest praise. He consider tha new gold fields tha richest . and most promising in America, and aha men who are developing them as repre sentative of the beat business princi ples tax this country. But for the ex ploiters of wildcat schemes, Mr. Denlaon . haa nothing good a say - ' - ' . 1 ' ' :. Ada Attract Attention. ' . ' : . "Thr anantionof-Mr.-Ridgway.-b-ssM this morn log, when Interviewed at tha - Hotel Jefferson, "was attracted by . tha big advertisements , appearing " In New York papera and magasines, and offering Investors a chance to make as high aa I-S per cent a month by buy ing Certain Nevada mining stocks. Of course, that meant money back In three montba and untold wealth for tha rest of your life. Mr. Rldgway had a, sus picion that the ads were meant to catch 'suckers,' and ha sent ma out to Investi gate. '"..'- "I did not bother about mining prop erties. I Juet started out to see what kind of men were behind tha schemes that were being mo extravagantly adver--tlsed all over the country. Tha results Justified our worst suspicions. . I found, that one company, which haa already spent $$,600,000 In advertising, consists of four men. three of them with nasty ' records. On of them came from Port land, where ha was engaged In all sorts of. Illicit enterprises running, gambling houses, protecting brothels, .shanghalng and all that sort of thing. . The second man In this company served a aentenoa In Sing Sing for forgery In the third de gree, and baa also been tn Auburn and tha Elralra reformatory. Ha engaged In tha. business of sailing tlpa an the races until he got Into trouble with tha postofflce officials. Then ba went to Nevada and la finding the graft there better than forgery or selling fake tips. Tha other two men are better than theee. one of them being an office bolder' tn Nevada, but a very "weak sister." ' ' . - 1 ' ' Stocks slot Urki, "When I ' began sending facta about tbeae and other men, of ths aame class, to tha eaat by telegraph, I found my self In trouble. Somehow or other they knew what I bad written a day after I dispatched. It, and there waa talk of running ma out of tha camp Tha senti ment la against the wildcat men. how ever and it was Anally decided that I ahould not be moleeted. JThesa . men who -a- luring "suckers' (Continued on page Eleven.) . 4- ESPEE STRIKE Waahlrvten to aid ' blm In ths settle- -sent cuha matter, which under the Hepbnrn bill It haa power to do. Tha -present attuatlon la a three-cornered fight, tha result of a disagreement beaween the engineers end firemen ss t seniority. Tha engineers have an agree-ment-wtth the company which the fire men claim detrimental to their interest and seeking, tha 'abrogation at tha eon tract.' '. i ., , . Tha company claims It Is no poerlM.m ta rneet tha demands, as It Is bound br the agreement with the .. engineers, ft Is, feared that' all holldar traffic en lb Southern Paclflo will be eerioualy tied up. ' " ' . The Southern rstinoallrnart tn r sent notices to sll uiw'i,ere t j freight would le received fre.m ront,e. t. Ing lines for Tea points In lw rf t , damanda presented br tte fir.,- . -tie roarf. which were e . i f ' . i by tre. , -I.;-''.''-