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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER II, 1908.1 AT THE THEATRES. : m n mm Yankee Conaul" atHdUj Tonight, L BnBjrfcmofrow alahi. wit MHit i erlee matlur Saturday, the tuaeful ouialcel e iiim Oeneal,' will he tee , attraction at tba H.uig theatre, roartMatb . and Weehlngtoa streeta. ; 'Tee XutM Oaaeal'' tci)or tti aietlncttaa of being a, not re f tentloue efferlng a th eonlc opera 11m that . . tou prodooed la near rear. It Sane to world-wide, aad oaring IU lone and 1"! I?" N,w Chieago. Boats, Falla- Selpnla ins Baa ITanclaca, reoora breaking audi ences atteeied ta popeUrity. i1M8 "Tha Heir to tha Hoorah" Sunday. Th return tngageraent a Peal araetrong'e Werer comedy, "Tba Balr to tba Hoorah," will Halm tba- delighted attention ot two alaaaaa at Portland theatre-goere thoee Hbo. aaw It laat eeaeoa, iml those rke didn't. It will flay for a ball a( Christmas waak at the Helilg heatre. beginning Sunday alcht. Tale clever little corned, with Jy Bataa Poet and aa neelleotly trainee supporting company the laat eompaar trained br the lata Klrfca La Sheila, by tb way establiaaee JtsaU to tha vara heart at poealar favor laat year. Beets are bow selling at ahe box attic e( tba Haillg theatre tar the entire engagement. Rose MelviUc as "Sta Hopkins.- . 1 Tba clever attain. Rose Melville, la bar , famooa ebaraetar ot "81a Hopkma." win be, tba attraetlna at tba Belli tbaatra Tanreoay, Friday aad Batarday alghta, December X7. as and 28. A special-price aiatlaaa will ba grrea Saturday. , , -, y "A Bachelor Romance." j , Kraeet Haatmg and Dat Seymour, tba twa aw mambata of tba Baker atock company, ara winning buadrada of trlaada aad admirer tbla waak tor tbalr work la "A Bachelor's Romance. It yo haven't aaaa tbla bill yoo. ought to aa aa. ita graat Beauty la eatoonaing; it la Ilka , a bant at aanablaa aa rainy day. Tba lava . tha ma la eiqulaite, tbaca la a dallcata humor " Bona caa fatuaa aa obeetve. aad tba membera at tba company tit tba bin walL Tonight, - tomorrow autlaaa aid Bight ara your hat ; chance. , r. f J " ' "Trflbw" Comlnc at Baker. ( Baglaatat Beadar aiatluaa aad aaatteabat an ' waak with a aiatlaaa flatordar. tha Bakar tnaatra atork eanpaa? will aradaea Da btaar lf a (amoua "Trilby." with Ulaa Ltlllaa Law rrara la tba tltla rate, bftoa Lawraaea baa playad tha tola aaibra, aad la It aoorad ana i at tba graataat aaaraaaia af bar caraar. John Balnpolla. wba raeaatly raealrad aaeh farorabla aammandatloa (or hla work aa Bbylock. will . pUr Sraniall. Hpeda) attaatioa will ba glTaa w acrnw oataiia. "Out In Idaho" at Empire Among tba (aw waatara playa that Kara an- ' aaarea Darora ttia pabilc una aaaaoa M H Wabh Chambarlaln'a "Oat fet Idaho," which baa baaa at tba Bmprra all tbla waak. It la . full ar tba (raadoai aad charm o( bordar Ufa, ; and talla a typical atory of tba wild country inera wui aa bat tbraa aaara barfiaiaaaai aotrirht. tnaiomw Bhrbt aad tba matloaa tn. r aaorraw afternoon. Lat tha -ablldraa aaa tba aaantirai ailat" The Belle of Japan" Next Week. Starting Sunday matlnaa aad cantlnnlng all ' rhrlatataa waak, "Tha Bella of Japan" will ba tba Emplre'a attraction. Ttila la a atory ' ef tba orient, aad daabi with many atranga aad aaamingiy ImpaaalbM coatoma which for caa tortea hara baaa la aogoa la tha land ef tba , Mttarriiaa. Tha eoaipaay W a arrang , tbnughoat, aad tba aeaaary aad ataga aattlBca , rwn and bcantlfal. Banta for tha holiday par- nruuww bdooio aa atenraa at aaca. . . Next Weejj at the Lyric. "Amb Na Pogna" win ba tha bin aaxt waak - at tba Lyric, beginning Monday matlnaa. Tbla rami era puty, wnica aaa not aaaa aaaa la Portland for yea re. hi one ef beauty, poetry and delightful pictnrea. Ita boainr la Irrealetlble and Ita lore atory toothing. The theme - la ef lore, boea, bate, rerenaa and trktmpb. It ' baa baaa Well caa by Director Aehtonv aad will a flooot prora aaa ot the aaaaoa'a awceeeee. ; "Pauatat the Lyric , ' Hahdreda af Beanie wba bare eeea "Taaaf at tba Lyric tbla weak declare that tba me- . cnanicaj errecta aad acaale raatnrea eorpaaa inaaa or any traTauag eoaipaay playing "raner , that baa erar been aaaa la Portland, not eg' . casting that of the famoa law la Morrbna. fiauh raiinhig.-who playa Mephlato, waa for yeare anaaratndy to Morrlaon, and aaaa all hla - little atage trtrke which Morrlaon aaad to make tba role and hltnaelf famoaa. ion don't want to ralaa raoat ' at the Uyrt. Director Aaa- ton ba pat on a blgbly creditable production. , Pantagea Excellent Bill - There la aot a waak ar area mediocre act aa tha Pantagea program (or thla week. In the magnificent anectaealar aneclalty. "La Call.1 - pat en by Ulaa Laorelle aad her aealitanta, aa - entirely aaw feature la preeeated. The Maa- .. geana are th graataat ef aerol r other act will pleaee yoa, acrobat, aad erery "The Heritage of the Red."'; The Hcrltag of th Red" I a great bit ton week at tn star, roc the Allen tock company I troaaer than erar aad tha play la better than the average. Tbla particular at tract Ma wa wrtttaa for If lee Taraa raltoa by Herbert Baehford. Tha eccnee are bid aa Paget emnra and there la eoaaMerable of Week. ingtoa tate aoliaea galzed la tha play. . c . At the Grand. Wban ahopplng any fternoon or evening, th beat way to reat to to vlalt th Grand aad aa tha (In vandevtU entertarhmeat the manare ment baa arranged for your pleaeare. The headline act, "Tba Half-way Hoaao." to the moet artlatla aad beantlful little comedy aketch that ha baaa acea bare aa raaderlUe auge. CITY-MARSHAL SUITS . DECIDED AT ALBANY (Special Dlipatcb to The Journal.) Albany, Or., Dae. -lLThe tw eaaaa . of City Ma rah k 1 W. A. McClaln va. th City Council, to compel tha city fathers to submit tha matters at lasue to a vote of th people and asking that the referendum be Invoked to finally dl poae of his case, has been decided ' agalnat him by tha court, sustaining? a demurrer. ' This throws tha mandamus proceeding; .out of court,- . In the Injunction proceed In a; brought aasmat tha council by th chief ha farad -tt-trttrtrnttefr ,The decision of tha court seems to b the affect that tha council ha,e the right and power to regulate his salary under the charter of tha city. Tha court alao holds that they hare not the right nor tha power to take hfrh from the duties for which ha was elect. ed and make of him a night watch. In thla matter it seems tha two principal! . broke even. . This is tha culmination of the attempt of th council to cut and lower the alary -of th chief of police and make ' him do duty aa night watch. . AVINGATE RANCH TO BE r ! MADE A DAIRY FARM Astoria, Or., Do. tl A dd bat fyftn filed for record for thai mU of th tVlnarata nnrh nit PUtaAtt vl av ' 'B"' w.. viwiDOfi JS A a,! 1 1 a IV Frank L. Hurlbutt and W. A. Poole. 'The purchasers are p: aot leal dairymen ' from Humboldt county, California, and it is their Intention to convert tha prop. ' arty into a first-class dairy farm. 'LAD KILLS 1AR6E.ANH- lW.rc4 H ItT.ll III ' aTteaVafl I Shaving Stand Very popular with gentlemen who "shave themaelvea. We have several atyles in golden oak and mahogany finish. All are fit ted with French Plata mirrors. ' ' drawers, ahelvaa, etc Mirror la eas ily - adjuated to any angle. Few gifts would be mors satisfactory to a gentleman. Prica $8 1 SOW. V -91 A WXXX. ' J .-.if Baby Morris x Ghair The "cutaat thin out" la the Baby Morris Chair, If you want to delight tha little one you'll sure ly remember to got one of theae before Chrtatmaa. He or she will take great pleasure in sitting at the fireside "Just Ilka papa." There ara several grades to enoose from. $4 4 v IA Parlor Cabinets Tbeee beautiful mahog any Parlor Cablnata, with their graceful and delV oate framaa, heavy plat mlrrora, and brilliant polish, make them tha choicest of Chriatmaa glfta. We earry a strong Una. of these pleoea. Ba sura you make your holi day aaleotlonai regular tX6 valuea, mad special at .... $19 Standard I day - Clocks, strike every half hour, keep perfect time. Reduced, from IS.5S to $2.45 aTrnuu 01 ou AA ObOOKaV fill pJ i; Hall , Clocks past ha e been IS For th years therel a constant reversion to- Colonial archi tecture, and alao to other styles more -ornate, but still characterised by large proportions. The ball clock has thus one mora found ita plaoa. This one In weath ered oak la priced regularly IIS special $11.2 Get Your Name in This Book v You have but two days more in which to do your Christmas shopping.' In order to stimulate or force business, for this unusually dull Christmas season, we have made some extraordinary cuts in prices. Those who know furniture values will realize it upon inspecting the goods. ' r You do not need ready money to trade here. Our credit plan is strictly confi dential . You can buy Just as freely as if you paid spot cash. Select from our large stock the article you wish and pay $1.00 per week; goods delivered on first payment. We want your business and good will, Would be glad to have your name in our book of "Small Payment Accounts.. . V 173-175 Tint St. 219-227 Yamhill G1LVURTZ & SONS Library Tables Dining, Table $27 for $23 fg"TurkislrRockers Tables quarter. A most beautiful Una ef aawed oak and mahogany Library laoioe, specially reauceo. una ilka the cut shown hero, former prloe 2t. 5S5K..!!.-..;..-...;.$18.0O ' Basy Tsrraa Of Faymant Ing Table, has solid pedestal, hand-carved olawa, perfect in Ita matching, quarter-sawed, hand-polished. It la a f ern in furniture and sella regularly or, 2T special . ....c. $23 Indian Stools These make very pret ty glfta for a young lady. " Wa have them In many styles . and , different wooda Tba regular 1 kind cut to only if $40 And Chalra ' ered with genuine . highest grade) t leather and deeply tufted with patent fasteners, wa have la-" many" atylea. Frames ara of vary . boat solid . oak, goldan finished. Tha one shown here la No. XT. sells regularly at ISO; special tlU Chriatmaa Thla beautiful Parlor Chair is " fit to find a place In any home. It la highly polished mahog any flnlah: regular prloe $ a apeoiai $4.50 Writing Desks $u These pretty little . Indian Stools ar in blrdseve manle and golden oak. They make vary attractive) window . seats; th regular prloe la $.00 Oevurta apodal Wa are displaying a, fine Una at . ladles' Desks at a raduo Uon of 10 per coot from regular prtoea, Thay make a par- : fact holiday gift Goldan oak aad blrdseya m a p 1 a; soma . have bevel Plata mlrrora. Thla la mahogany finish. Regular $20 special Musicr1- XCabinets s mn m nsHtiaa saw , a . -ABBBBaBB.aaaF m . tr-A tVfrTf . $9.50 ' highly prtaed glfta for tha mast dan. - j We have a special . sale Regular III Cabi Sewing MachineCift Here is a Very praetloal preaent. Sawing Machine of the gi. r fr very beat make for only $j,)t 11.00 down, lOo a week, Leave your order eariy if you wa& a maohlna. Morris Chairs - Thla Morris Chair oomes fat the solid weathered oak- la th old mission and other deelgna. I It ia weU made and ia a good, ' ' strong cnair. i ou may -choose from an assort tnent of valour eusnlona, -Bpeoial prloe PESTIFEROUS 0Y0TE (Bperlei Dlepst to Tae jKiraal ) - Hood River, Or Dec 1 -Reuban -JClder, a lad of 10 years, whe. Uvea sev ' era miles back in the country, rid his neighborhood of a big coyote yesterday by trapping and killing it. For some time the coyotehad been committing ' depredations in 'the ch!ckn-houn m tba yiolnltj and maoy attmpta bad KADDEBLY-S REGULAR SATURDAY NIGHT BARGAIN TV...-.--: h ',vv r TOMORROW EVENING, FROM 5 TO 9:30, WE WILL SELL V Large Elegantly Decorated China Fruit -Dish $1 Value at 50c ' ' Only One to a Customer. ' IF YOU WANT ONE OF THESE BEAUTIES COME EARLY WE CLOSE AT 9:30 Tomorrow will ba th last day we sell those Magnificent Sewing Machines, regularly sold at tSS by th dealers Our price til. Full complement of attachments with each machine. ..y "X'-KADDERLY The Live Hardware Man, Store 2,00 Feet Deep, 130 First Street, Running Through to Front. been triad by old experienced hunters to kill it, Th animal was too wily for Uin. but joung Kldr set a traj for It with euch clVema that th doyot waa foolad and caught On going to tba Uan yeaterday gaoralBaT tha Uttl fellow was surprised to find bis quarry, and after a good deal of effort killed It wlta a club, , abort time afterward hla parenta Were surprised to see him drag the animal lata tba yard and aa nounoe hia victory. - - . --"e-eaaj jesaaea ' Tha iplrlt of tha ag e i to ba t !d of the rrrrji'V rffl middleman principala like to et togtthar j, ?SyjSl.fV buy your piano of a factory store. ; ' A Christmas I ; Present ; V3 -1 ' F7 A Piano A Beauty $240 Pay $6.00 a Month, Beginning in January n::d-Fr;nch Fi::o U Co. sixth and rur.::::n- (Stora opea r . ')