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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
J:' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. 1803. GOLDFIELO STRIKE DAY'S EMS; 00 1DISA8IR0U If . S Li SDL i5' Companies Refuse Demands ttmA ku IJI.M I eai 1 linn iyiumw vj 11 on ana minvg mil Close Down at Once. MEN CALLED OUT OF ' - ALL FAMOUS PROPERTIES fiomt Confusion Dug to Irregularity T'of Strike Order Owners 7 State t ;,Thgt They Ho Not Propose to 3 . DlcUted to by Employes. , ., f Joornftl SaeHal avf.l Ooldfleld. Nev., Dec. SI. A strlko which la likely to prove disastrous haa 'begun bar. . Commlttaea from the Weat. t am Federation of Miners waited on tha superintendent, of tha different proper- 'tie and presented their demands for ""an Increase of car f rem a rati mlrnam t II to 15 a day of Sight hours. , In every ease tha persons In -shares ...of the mines replied that they had no authority to act. or that their om , panlea refused to entertain- the demanda. , Tha man wera then called out. Including thoee at the Mohawk. Jumbo, Red Top i ;and aU of the -Wlngfleld properties, which are .dosed down. .3 .It Is held by a few of tha miners that the- commlttaea. were appointed to .." present tha demands, without any power to act, and that tha call for a strike ,.waa a uaurpatlon of authority. . . At soma of the mines the employee were allowed to remain on shift, and . some confusion was caused by the lack of united action, but this was due te , a misunderstanding that will be cor rected, according; to tha of floors of the v Western Federation of Miners, who say that the call for the strike was learltt - mate aad regular. CLOSE MINES DOWN : Owaera Put Deputy Sheriffs on Ouard Frepare fo rials Tight. , , (Jeeresl SprrUl Sennto.t . . Ban Francisco, Deo. 21. "I ordered the suspension of operations ' on the 'mines." said George .Wlngfleld. ' "be cause do not propose to be dlotated -Tto by my employes. Their demands .were unreasonable and they object to . the keeping of .deputy sheriffs on guard watch their work. Aa a lot, they are the wore t men In the country. .They have been driven out -of' every ether district." ... .. . , . ' - ' .. V REWARDS HIS: FRIEND BY . STEALING HIS WIFE - Descendant of Lord Nelson Elopes With' Spouse of San : Bernardino Acquaintance. ; i. Uearaal peetal knto.) San Bernardino, Cal., Deo. SI. Frank .' Nelson,' whose proofs that' he ' was a v direct descendant of Lord Nelson, the . great British admiral, won him a wel J come In the homes of British subjects " here, has .repaid the kindly' attention shown htm by eloping wItHMrs.-.Wn-, llam Stoddard and carrying away her 'beautiful s-year-old daughter.' . A month ago Nelaon came, from New . ' Tork at the solicitation of Mr. and Mrs. , Stoddard, who were his neighbors In . ' London. He was taken Into their home 7 and lionised. '. Btoddard returned home laat night ta find a note from his wife telling him of her departure. With her ahe took all the available money ahe could scrape together, which Is leas than 1600, but v alao took her Jewelry and other valua bles, aome of which belong to her hus Never can tell when you'll mash a (Inner or Buffer a cut, bruise, burn or 1 ' scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eo ' lectrlo Oil instantly relieves the pain ' quickly cures the wound. ITT oaKiiiinraeir s Corner Union Avenue THE TRUE TEST OF VALUE IS NOT WHAT 7 YOU, PAY, BUT WHAT YOU GET , i Christmas Shoppers, should not miss visiting our store, where true value at economical prices prevail. We have a very large and extensive assortment of . 7 useful and ornamental goods. , : .7 7, Handkerchiefs .1 Neckwear ' 7'" Gloves ' , .. Leather Goods i' ' Shoes and. Slippers for Men, Women and Children Our China Department-is replete, the prices are lower than the lowest elsewhere. rnv lisaKLfltnmer The Talk Our 5, 10 and IS Cent Tablesr-Make - Them a Visit. 7 ;7 Woodlawn, Promised It Will Have V Bull Run Water 7 , Early Date. at MOUNT SCOTT TO HAVE : : -VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Improvement! la Sellwood Are Well Under Way and Residents' Rejoice Accordingly Wild Man at Large ; on the Peninsula. . ' Sas Side Department, . Woodlawn will have Bull Run water at an early data. So says the city water department. C. L Bozelle, chairman of the committee appointed to confer with the water board, .reported laat night to tha Woodlawn Improvement association fthata pointed him for, 11) U -Service, that the city officials had asaured him Bull Bun would be available for wood' lawn realdenta very eoon. Also It was reported that the Fort land railwayed are willing to pay from 4 to i cents a. yard for dirt te fill up the gravel pit at Woodlawn that they excavated aome years ago In order te build their llnea -and a practice that Is stlU going on in other parts of ths olty by other corporations. The ozrer will greatly facilitate . the street Improve ment in woodlawn, since the dirt taken from these streeta can be sold and tn this way help defray -the expense of grading the streets' and opening hew ones. . i Active operations will be Inaugurated Immediately for the opening of several streets and a committee was appointed to circulate petitions for several of tha streets, t W. M. Guile will take Fern street; H. W. Grlmshaw, East Ninth; J. T, Gregg, East Seventh; C. A. Am brose, Oneonta street, and C L Boselle, Wlnnona street. M. Damon; C M. Foley , and W. L. Greene were appointed to urge the com pletion of the gradlngfof streeta that already have been let out under eon tract but that have been allowed to lag until they are now behind the contract. The Woodlawn people are anxious that these streets be Improved according to the terras of ths contracts. ' Improvement la SeUwood. Progress 1n Improvement Is -being made tn eeiiwooa along all llnea, ac cording to the reports listened te , by the Bellwood board of. trade last night. East Eleventh atreet ' will be Improved with cruahed rock. The Portland rail ways have promised to Improve the ear service as soon aa the strike troubles are passed. Aaaurances were given that the Sellwood bank would actually ha ready for buainesa within a short time and have permanent quarters en Uma tilla avenue and East Thirteenth street aa soon as a brick building eould be put on that site. The recent Area that have been no dlatrict have led the cltliens of the district to move toward a Are organisa tion that will be able In aome way to oops with theae accidenta. A Are com pany of some pretensions has already been organised and la making wonder ful pro ire. in' the vlolnltv of Laurel wood that is Known aa tha Mount Scott volunteer Ore department. But the dis trict stretches out over several miles and It Is Impossible for one company to suppiy me exigencioa or toe entire dis trict , Thla week a company was organise i jimhthu witn me rouowing orri eersr Captain, Jack Jeffries; first lieu tenant, M. - A.- Mannt secretary, F. It Carter; treasurer, M. Mitchell. B. a Couch and W. T. Wlllour were present from the Mount Scott company and set rorin me plans ror the system which they have worked out for ths protection of the district. : Another company win orranlse at Anabel and the three will endeavor ta do, the beet hey ran towards providing nre protection ror me district, which, they realise. Is not an eaay problem. 1 ne ponce were notified laat nlvtit of the reappearance of a man who la thoughf to be tnaane and roams about the peninsula stark naked. He waa seen by the school children first at noon Wednesday at the Peninsula school, snd again by three little girls last night and East Morrison Leather Goods Celluloid Goods Metal Goods ; ' ' 7 Trinkets of all kinds 9 i '7"7.'" I 77 ii ". , i r 1 -- - a 4 v RXXXXXXXXXXZXX Dentat Work That Cannot Be Duplicated?--At Low Prices Until Jan. 1st at ef Teeth, raaeer IU BmI ft ef Teeta, rabaaf alataa- . . . TOO , 4.00 Bridge Were, per fi.ld Orewu. Btt and BUvot Ml I Inn. musk... .M Gold aad rareateia ruUaa, ua.. l.M Zxtraetlnc .... .SO Teeth eleaaea. oftee Hean, a, at. I a. m.i t:M to a. sTkeUaara, a. aa, to II a, ... j Yale Dental Co. ' ' ltTH TOST gTKZXT, ' Between kforrleoa and TamhllL rbone KaU , near tha German Lutheran : church. When they called to him, thinking him aomeone they knew, he leaped over a ience ana took to his heels. A row of houses, owned by Dr. C H. Raffety and altuated on the south aids of Baat Washington street, did some sudden settling night before last, to ths great consternation of the Inhabitants. The house are built on piles and face m waanmgton atreet. where there has been a fill, but the heavy rains loosened the dirt on the sides of the fill and sent It sliding aaalnat the foun dations of the houses. The house ocou I Died br the families nf IT H Mmith ...4 J. Crlder waa the most damaged of thai three. -The fill waa made several years ago, but was thought to have been per recuy soua and compact. Only one of the houses was badly unsettled, the I omers omy sngnuy shaken. - Seat tide Votes. Rev. Thomas F. RoyaL one ef the three surviving Methodist ministers of the first Methodist conference whloh was held In Oregon and which convened at Balem March 17, 1168. haa been criti cally 111 at the home ef his daughter, Mrs. Harold Oberg, whose huaband Is the paator ef ths Methodist church of Montavllla. Mr. Royal la II years old and his recovery Is - uncertain. Rev. John Fllnn of Vancouver ahd Rev. CL C Hosford are the other aarvtvore ef the first conference with Mr. RoyaL The Sunday school of the Church ef Strangers, Grand avenue and Waacel street, will hold Ita Christmas enter talnment this evening, aa also will ths Sunday school of the Highland Congre gational church. Rev. H. a. Bollinger, paator. Christmas trees loaded with good things will bs the main features. while other suitable exercises have been provided to make the evening a pleasant onsw ' t . PROBATIONARY MARRIAGE GOOD Andrew Cochran Thinks Ii About the Best Thing Ha Ever Heard Of. ' Andrew Cochran, after nearly two years' trial, haa declared that proba tionary marriage la a success, but that marriage Itself Is not. In March K 1101. Cochran was married to Sarah A. Keys, who had been divorced from her former husband less than- alx months. Ths marriage waa therefore voia. , v Veaterday Cochran appeared at the courthouse to get exact Information te the atate of his wife's divorce and bis own msrrlage license, and declared that he would take steps to have his marriage annulled by A court decree. On October 10. 1104. Mrs. -Sarah-bong waa granted li divorce In the atate cir cuit court from J. W. Long, and waa permitted to resume her maiden name. Sarah E. Keys. - when she married Cochran ahe tMd him she had been di vorced tha full six months required by tha Oreaon law.' , Cochran stated yesterday to Deputy County Otnrk ,C. D. . Chrlatensen that soon after his marriageable wife's for. as.... With every Juvenile and Boy s Suit, nette we give FREE OF CHARGE choice of the follow irig selection of presents: ::::y::-:-: t Fine Stl JmIc kni Genuine Victor Fdotbalb, Spalding Baseba Gloves. Mothers will find every comfort and convenience possible to provide in our Juvenile Department. Extra salesmen insure prompt . and courteous attention. Waiting rooms and JelephQneu.f briadicsv Store ODen iEvcnings zsxz mer huaband threatened to bring crim inal proceedings, and he then learped that the divorce had been granted only five months and fire daya before the marriage. Mr a. Cochran wanted to bs remarried ' at once, aad cure the defect la they marrlags - .Ab 7- -. W Will Pay for Finest 7 , h ---- J:i Suit or Overcoat I BBl Baa amaaaaal S-em. sieaBBBB aaPBBl an WW .BkaBBBBBk. - aana .Basaaw II ' . . . - . . v - - - - 1 1 s ' L . . I h-riofm o o ' i.7:7: ' V : III ' fA. Jt U I a sf I 1 . V I 1 III '. - - . r ' 1 I "SJf On a small outlay, by ac h yWFVFr&mSktsmm. ceotinE our easv-oavment ; - ?.v;ysmHm Pian-0000 soas ana p?n- " II ' X' JT S Mt &t:X I A V AX . I I aSiS'wC xvrr. ?r.r-7 I Jr-ttW S SSr .. 1-BfM-HKrtB.s ... - .. - v . :.i - : I I . - I II tm ; HrWtf'tll ' . . . 7:-- : .1 I j " V jfiiSaflfl ffi . " fine, stock and learn - T', I 'CuQ cSSWWo0"- how easy it is to outfit ;' 1 7 fVlTJ uvJaLtm here for the holidays. JT II J 'TL - ' S w ill ,- - . . .. . ...j . - v i-, , ; 11 - - - 77 -zzl 111 . ,m. m ' v m. m jt a i i - v- is. i v .nil ; r 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill- 7 V 1 - - 7:7..-l-iri-- . -. . 1 IT "T I I T r'rTTslWslssaaajsail I gSM I I I I I I I I I , , - 3IC Rut, aaya Cochran- when- he learned that the marriage was void, he decided' to try the probation plait, and iaked hla wife to wait a while and see If they couid live happily together before, they ha the hymeneal knot retted. Recent ly be decided that their wadded life waa urcbb.uu ior - An-i Overcoat or Crave- MAILORDERS CAEEFULLY FILLED ax: not happy, and that the heat thlni tonld do would he to aeririt. I e. perm .'td to I t, ord r t t e c" h. f f i 1 : 1 i ' to ' r. t i. . . r ii ', J --4 CV' " I . J -teui '?-. I ; ?- 'A' I . l.;'..'-- - A "A s 7. j A.' ''';Vv":.C.''':''",7''''' I'd v