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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
1906. 8Tflllf.lf.liiy SWEEP COAST TONIGHT paper of th steamera Wenona. Jordan, Electro. "Vola and Klyer tor failure of thlr ownara to comply with lha regula Uona regarding equipment aa daatgnated by United State government Inspector a The Brltlah bark Peter Iradala. that" Ilea atranded on Clataop beach, about three mile back of Fort Stevens, haa broken her back and the ship will ba a total loas. Duriug the" laat atorm afie aank by the atern In the Qutckaanda with her bow tinaupported and her keel Tomorrow Again Another Upheaval of Bargains at the Qreai ' 1 Talooeh thd North Head Report '- -Strong and Inoreasing , Tf-a rnnrrm W in nftavy arm The Brltlah bark Qalena, which Ilea also atranded on Clatsop beach near Oear7i"arfPark,". haa retain-shifted het-j THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, . FRIDAY . EVENINQ,. DECEMBER 21. Price Death Blow Competition to position, but la in good condition with chances of. being floated after the stormy season Is over.. , WITH THE WINDJAMMERS Blow. "- ' 4 WARNINGS VlRE DISPLAYED ALL ALONG THE COAST " 'r Jtecent . Prolonged Showery Cause ' Sudden Rise la the Wfilatnette and Tributarlea but the Dangers of .a i Flood Are Remote. 4 f iAtW atorm la prdtotd for the coaat and atorm warnings were ordered dlaplayed at ail the eoaat porta early thla morning. At that time It appeared aa If the blowwould coma alone within tb next 14 hours. There la little dan ger of the blow extending- miana aa far aa Portland, however, but local fpre caatar Lodhola, temporarily In charge, beUevea that the dlaturbanoa will reault la rain for thla particular dlatrlct or wiihiv armor A renort from Tatoosh alatea that the wind attalneoTa velocity of 44 mllea aa hour at T o'clock thla morning off the eoaat The North Head etatloa r porta a Il-mlla wind at the aame hour from the aobthaaat. The heavy ralna of the paat few daye have oauaed a audden rlae In the Will amette and It tributarlee. At Portland the river roea four feet during the 14 hours, ending thla morning, and at t o'olock reached the 11.4 feet mark. The observer at Barton ea the. .Clackamas river reported that daring the paat 24 houra that atream roe five feet, al though It commenced receding when tha rain stopped falling. A still greater rlae waa noticed at Salem, where tha Willamette gained an even five feet on ita banks, At Eugene tha rise waa lass, amounting to only three feet. Forecaster Ixdhola attributes tha sud den lis to the prolonged rains In tha districts from which the tributaries to tha Willamette find , their sources of supply! He sees no danger at this time of a flood, as the water will have time to run off between the prolonged showers. - According to Captain McDonald of the . tank steamer Hoseeraae and Cap tain Berg of the schooner Monterey, the big hurricane that ewept the coast early thla month extended aa far seaward as the Hawaiian Islands. , The Rosecrans aad Monterey had Just, left the Islands when the first hurricane broke out, about three weeks ago today, and they "say the wind was" terrlflo" and thesear ran mountains high. , , DESERTERS ARE CAUGHT Japanese Steamer Sbibata, Kara Kay Oct Away VroaotYOw. -," , The Japanese steamer Bhtbata Mara will probably get away tomorrow. She has been booked to sail for Yokohama every day sine last Sunday, but new delays have always some up and she is i still at tha bunkers taking fuel for the run across tha ocean. Seven of the rbode recaptured or replaced by new men and Captain Ekatrand Is bow able to go to sea nearly fullhanded. Although It was believed that the steamer had about all the cargo she could carry, tt was discovered this aft ernoon that the coal will not bring her as deep aa waa expected, and a few hun dred more tons of wheat will likely be placed en board thla evening. i ,.. .. - Bark stuskoke Arrives Tp and tha Ship BHronaa gall. , The Brltlah 'bark Muskoka arrived up thla afternoon at Greenwich dock, brings lng 22.S00 barrela of cement from Ham burg. Sha made a slower voyage than ordinarily on account of stormy weather off Cape Horn. She is in command of Captain McDonald. .' The Muskoka- la well known, having been her many tlmea. While the Muskoka arrived up the British ship Stronaa' left down, bound for the United Kingdom with a cargo of wheat. The Brltlah bark Inverneas- ahlre will leave- down tomorrow. She oleared at the cuatom-houae today with 137,701 bushels of wheat, valued at $96,- 396. Her destination I Manchester., , CORONER HOLDS BODY aiMnuTwilUnff toTey for W- neral of -Deed Sailor. Astoria. Deo. SI. The body of Qaorg Fisher, tha sailor of the schooner Annie Larson, who was shot and killed by Captain Forest, atlll Ilea at the under taker's unburled, no decision having been reached as to who la t pay the ehard and-Coroner Pohl believe the own ers of the schooner Annie Larsen liable for the expenses, aa the dead man must have earned enough - on the ship to pay the funeral expenae. . - Mi Now for the third day's .selling at this, never to be forgotten slaughter, every minute of which so far has been of the most intense excitementwith crowds that- pack this '"'great building : to suffocation and amongst which the bargains of a lifetime are being distributed. . ; : ' V ' . ' ' ill On ly Eight Days More of the Terrific Selling Unless the body of Fisher is given a decent burial soon the local branch of the Sailor' union will probably take ear of the remains. Fisher waa a member of the union. . , ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Nome City will not be ready. to sail' for San Francisco until tomorrow night The intention waa to have her get away thie evening. The steamer Roanoke Bailed for Ban Franolsoo last night. The British steamship Apollo will finish loading lumber at -the mille of Inman, Poulaen Ac Co. tomorrow . and sail for Shanghai and Tslngtau. The steam sohooner Johan Poulsen Is at the mllle of Inman, Poulsen' ex Co. loading' lumber. ' Rates on feed and breadstuff a to southern ports have been advanoed owing to the big demand" for freight space. The Alaaka Fishermen's Packing com pany of Astoria has chartered the Amer ican ship John Currier to take the can nery crew anif supplies 'to the com pany's Bristol bay cannery next sea son. .. , ;,. r 7 MARINE NOTES LINERS ARE BUNCHED UP . aad arioemedla leave Xoagkoag for Portland. ' - Advloea were received from Hons . kong today to the effect that the Port i, land ax Aalatlo Steamship company's steamer Aragonia sailed for Portland V-December 14, and the steamer Nlcome- dl yesterday. Thla will bring tha ! steamers here in oloaa suoceaalon, al ' ' though the Aragonia Is a considerable ', faster boat than the Nlcomedla. J, The liner- Arabia is due to reach As- , toria tomorrow morning and If so she will be in the harbor tomorrow night, f as predicted by her commander. Cap tain Menxenthin, when aha sailed hence about three months aro. The liner Nil- mantla is nowi on the way from Toko- ' , h9.mtk.A9 Hongkong. " CERTIFICATES TAKEN UP Several Astoria gtieaaiei e rati to Oom- .'"'v ' ply With tm. -. . Astoria, Or., Dec. II, The eustoms authorities have taken up the Inspection Christmas Wines Pure California Port or Sherry, . from fl.OO to $3.00 per gaL Imported Port or Sherry, special, 9 i.OO per gallon. Select California Muscat, Angel Ira, Tokay, f 1.50 per gallon. California Claret, Zlnfandel and Bursundy, 75 to $1.50 per gallon. i Sparkling Burgundy ' and Sau terne, quarts $1.25, pints 65. California Hweet Wines In gml, ' Ion-tiottrtj,: 00 to $1.50. WiiaSldes years years Pure Pre or Bourbon, f old, f 3.00 per gallon. Pure Bye or Bourbon, I old, $3.50 per gallon. Pur Bye wr Bourbon. 10 years old, $1.00 per gallon. WhlskW-a, full ouarts. 85 ta- $1.50 per quart. j t Full Measure House Fheae Mala 394. Tree PeUvery. ff WASjmroTOBT ; Aatorla, Dec II. Arrived down at eteamer Tteanoke. Ootalile at 11:1 a. m., four-masted achooner, -Hong Kens;. Dec II. Sailed, German eteamer Nlcomedla for Portland. Aatorla, Deo. 10. Sailed at 1:16 p. achooner W. T. Jewett for Redondo. Balled at 4 p. m.. achooner Sual M. Plummer for Sao Franolaoo. San Francisco, Deo. 10. Sailed, eteamer Wasp for Portland. r Aatorla, Deo. 11. Condition of the bar at I a. nu, moderate; wind eouth east; weather, cloudy. -ABOUT.-VIOLTNS Advice to People Who Think They Own "Stradi." Very often somebody thinks that he or she haa a small fortune locked, up In a Addle ease. The aoraeboay does not j know much about vtollna, but baa heard : or read that an old violin 1 a very j valuable thing, and because grandfather ' happened to leave a violin, to assume ' duties upon the harp, aomebody im- mediately beUevea that grandfather's violin la a treasure. Aa a matter of , fact, ninety-nine time out of a hundred grandpa Invested in a tlO diddle and played "Suwane River" and "Annie Laurie." When he bought it the violin was worth 110, but since then It has ben depredating tnTalue; at the rat of ! about 10 ceit a year. . From the mere j fact that moat of the varnish 1 1 scratched off and there are several I cracks in the instrument It doe not fol- low that It is an "old one." If a violin Is good to start with it will i Improve with age and good cara, but, J on the other hand, a poor fiddle Is not ! benefited to any extent if It survlvea a : century or two. - - I Don't Judge a violin by the label Insld of It- Anybody oan -copy an old 'name; and data and paat It In. If all the i vlollna bearing a Stradlvartua label were ; his, poor old Antonlu would be working yet, at the somewhat advanced age of mors than MO. ' More than halt of the cheap, worthies wlollna bear copies of hi a or soma other master a label, and even eoma real old and good Instrument , have been paused off aa the work of Amatl, Ouarneri, Maglnl . and ether j famous maker. j Any one having a violin with the label ' of a comparatively unknown maker la! likely to be the owner of a more valu able Instrument than the person whose flddl is marked "Antonlu a Stradlvartua," There I only one way to find out whether or not a violin Is living -up to Ttr name, and that I to get the Judgment of a good dealer. If he tell you that your violin I no good but still offer to buy 1, 11 J(JU mny ua riuue irrin j n in&i you i hav a good fiddle. But doh'l Hftlf tt.T Take It to aome other authority and see what he says, but don't make a bargain. You will hear from him If your violin 1 genuine, for the supply of valuable one la small, and great rivalry" exists among dealer to secure masterpiece. . A great many people have the idea that all the very good Instruments are the output 6f a half dozen old geniuses, when the truth Is -that there are score of old, a well as quite modern, maker whose work bring very high prices. . tallloa-rit-nts la Philippine. ' From th San Francisco Chronicle. "Spaniards have an idea It' beneath the dignity of a gentleman to ride any thing but a. stallion," aald Major Hugh Sim of the old, First California Infan try. "Filipino thought the same thing unttl we began getting eur cavalry ani mal Into Manila. ' Every 'nativ rode or drove one, of these Filipino polhy stallion. "Vicious J. "Well, you ought to se Oioa Uttie devil Bit and 'amice each other. Stallion fight wer regular thing till American autnnrltlea stopped them brutal, bloody, always ended In on bor being killed or maimed for s Lower and lower go the prices regular retail merchants stand aghast at this wanton and reckless sacriflcs of prices and values 8 days cm ly to clear out the balance, of this $128,600 stack Hundreds of new lots unpacked for tomorrow's sale, but at the time of writing this 10 a. m. the crowds are so great that It is next to Impossible. to get to the counters and boxes to secure new items to advertise, but rest assured many of the. new lots are even bigger bargains than al ready quoted.' . '. -' .: - . ?.;;"'', ;.'; . ;r .:'; ' ',:':,' ' ;;-:''-.-;: No Man Was Ever In Such a niirry to Sell as J m H'i That's why I am desperate that's why I cut prices to a point. that bringing the, whole town here-fthe biggest crowds you ever saw, and a rush and crush that's simply beyond description.' ; ' .-' - '.- r- r-':r ' '''' -..V'"-'- t:'- ' Doors Open at 9 To morrow Morning ' "T-S ) : ---a-- roiiow tne crowds ana get your J share of the bargains liargams that beggar description and stag ger belief. ' . '. , '''' ' 1000 Other Bargains Besides ttiese for. my entire stock goes at any price ; to sell . it quick. R. L. HOLLINGSHEAD. EVERYBODY COMIINQ-QET I1V UIINE on at now Nos. 210, 212 and 214 Front St. . ' Cornsr Salmoa Look for the Big White' Sign . " ', ; ;' ' '. : '. V -1 EMM Forced to Sell and vSell at Once The entire Hollingshead .& Cald well $128,500 stock at almost your own price. My big page ad in Wednesday's papers gives full par ticulars of the scandal which 1 has wrecked my life and forced .me but of business. Respectfully, , R. L. HOLLINGSHEAD. Thousands of Lots at Less Than Bankrupt Prices Sell I Must and Sell I Will Be Here When the Doors Open and Share in 'Th:-l;p;: r:: PLAIN AND FANCY CALICO All colors; my entire-stock goes; w'th iri up to 12c, at, yard.. .'....... w!2C MEN'S FINEST SOCKS n. -Blackrtans and fancies, all sizeajlhlJVU.makegyll-sizesr J5c, at, pair.. . .-. Jv 5,000 GOOD HANDKERCHIEFS Men's, women's. and children's; some worth to 25c, each . ...... . . ............ 1 C MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES Hundreds of pairs to cp;' worth to . A Cr ; pick 'em out at... .... . . . . . . .Tttw $2.50; WOMEN'S 10c AND 15c COLLARS Thousands to be sold; laundered, fancy and other styles. . . . . . . . . . 1 V WOMEN'S $1.50 TO $2.50 CORSETS Sr-all-in -1- lotr and -you C get $2.50 ones for. UL BOYS' $5 AND $6 SUITS Mixed lot, including fancy novelty A Jf styles, all sizes '. .TrOC LADIES $2 SHIRTWAISTS Hundreds in one lot; fancy styles; "I A wofthlo $2; all at. . . , . ..... ... . . . . . . 1 VC ivltiaSHns Choice of ray entire atock of Unbleached Muallna, Inelud-ln- Pepperell and all the best make: all yard wide and ' worth UHo to 16a, pick out the beat at, yard ....2He Amoakeas Apron Olnfhim, only 10 bolta of it eell all over at c yard. Come quick If you want any, yard. . 2 4 The finest of French Dress Qlnirhama, best of patterns and colors, worth I6c. J5o. Choloa, yard 5f 'Entlr stock . of finest" French and All Wool " Flannels, worth up to 5o yard',. 9 Full all Bed Sheet, sood rnualln, worth 600, Bo, slightly soiled, choice 10 .Hundreds .at. dosene. of Towels Ltnen Huck.-Turklah, 1'Mh, IaiBih t'n , tilalo and fancy bordere and fringed, larre lses, worth up to 5o, each. Table Damaak 1, 1 and t bolts of a kind, widest widths, finest qualities, 0o and 0o eradee damped In on great pile '.at, yard lSe) Fine Satin Table Damask, beet imported foods, French and Irlah makes, pure flax, worth up to $1.00 a yard, while It lasts, yard .37 Table Damask, worth up to 14 per yard one of the finest grades you ever saw. Every woman who comes In time to secure a supply of this will be lucky Indeed, choice, yard ..i 200 Larre Full Size Bed Spreads, a mixed lot, plain or frlnired, some In . fancy colore, "worth up , to choice 4 37 hMen,aS"Farnishingar REGULAR 10c LAMP CHIMNEYS 10,000 in 1 great lot; none worth less - n than JOc ; choice ..... ''. . ; . . ; . . . 4 . , . 1 Q LADIES $25 LONG COATS Abcmt-50-inllrT1aidS7"rhixtures, 3 AQ latest styles. . . ..... .... . . j)pyO LADIES' $5 AND $10 SKIRTS ' All -this season's styles; all black; 1' AA $5 and $10 value. ; .... . . ... . . . . . .tj 1 .UU LADIES' 50c AND $1 BELTS Hundreds of kinds and styles; all in I I . 1 lot; pick. of all... ........1 1 C 8,000 pairs of Man's Black and Tan Hose, regularly aold aa high as ISo, per pair ...3f My entire stock of Men's regular lOe and lie Linen Collars, including all alses and styles; sold by the dosen. Ten gat the box of 11 for ...... . .7; . .7. . ;7T.7T715 Thousands of Handkerohlefa all kinds, worth up to JOo and lie, all yon want of them for, eaoh...l Men's Baspenders. hundreds of do- Frssldent and other makes, fancy and plain wb; suspender worth tip to SOo. All go la on ldt and : you'd buy a yeare eupply ' when ""you see them, pair'.; ...T Men's Underwear all my broken lota on sale at ISo, and they are worth up to 11.(0. Air wool and silk trimmed. Remember, worth up to : 11.50. per suit. Tour choice at lSe Men's Fleeoe Lined Underwear, worth up to 11.60, all sises at 37 Men's Underwear, worth up. to fl.OO - par ault, your choice at... -.,.42 Men' Blue Flannel double-breasted Shirts, all kinds, regularly aold at ' 11.10, at ..89 Men'e Wool Underwear, the - best makes and . there are - no finer, worth -up to aa high aa .00 per garment, at , .73 Men's Guaranteed All-Wool Sox. , regularly sold' aa high as lOe, while they last,' per pair rr;; 77 8 0 Men'e and Boys! WooV-Majf Wool and Cotton Sweater. . none , . better, no matter what they are . worth, and there are some srorth , ap to as high as 11.00 value? your choice at 10 Men'e Overall for 17c. and ITo buy , the very belt I had In atock and .sold at 11.00. All the beet makes at .....37 Thousands and thousands ef Neck- ties, all of the lateot klnda and . etylea, Including all my Xmas ties, worth from lOo to 11.60; tak your unlimited oholo at ......7.19 100 Men's ' well made' Dress Suits,- doable and single breasted, blue, black, serge lined, worth up to f 11.10, out they go at , ...f 2.98 Men'e Extra Fine Drees Bulta, guaranteed all wool, nobby - and handeome, worth up to as high aa f 11.00,: at. .S4.98 Men's Tailored Suits, blue, blaok and fancy and lined with Ilk and satin, no tailor oan make finer, worth up to aa high as 111 te 111, all la one lot, ptok them out, your cholee at 86.25 100 Men'e Odd Coate end Teeta. the pante ef which were 7 aold at Decatur; the are from suits that sold from tzo.oo-io io.Tjo;TJi Boat ana vest xor Cl. To Men's Test, from my flnt eults, that sold up to as" high a $15.00, tak the vt at ..........25 All my Fanoy Teete In whit and color. sdm ef them of the flneat allk and of the vary lataat material, veit that I aold up te aa high aa fl.OO, out they go at .......85 Men'e Pante at Bto, 100 pairs of them. Well mad every - one -of them; worth up te 16, your choice, per pair, at ..'. .........59 Men'e Pants worth 110.00 for ,.,.....',.... ...61.75 The flneat of Custom-Made' Pante, none better, pr. .62. 4S 100 pal re of Men'e Heavy Pante, these would be bargain at tf.00, per pair ......fl.15 Shoes- Hundred and hundreds of pairs ef Bhoea men's, women's and chil dren'; all my odd and ende bunehd together in on big lot. Including ahoe that I hav eold aa high aa 13.60, all go for 65 600 pair of Children' Shoe of all kind nd etylee, worth up to $1.60. for .....4f 1,000 pair of Women' Bhoea, all th best styles of dress shoes, worth - IS 00, for ...fl.29 Men's nneat of Dreas Shoes, worth up to '$7.60 per pair, at 8169 Men's Boes. moat any kind ' you can mention, of th very beat make, worth up to aa high as $1.00, per pair 81.25 Men's Viol Kid. Box Calf and Patent Leather. Bboe. worth from $7.00 to $8.00, including all of th bt , make, pr pair '. . -81.98 Ladle' Xnta Slipper, ail of th latest - stylea, plain and fancy. Including the 7 fur-trimmed Juliette, .worth up to $S.00, per pall" TO Children's $1.60 Sltpper,s for. .....59 Miaea' Slippers, worth up to $1.60 per fpair, at ..69 Men's Overcoats COO Men's Overcoats at leae than eoat ,-..f lining, all kind, allBtvle. good , . well . made overcoats, worth"" $10, that's what I bought them to ell for. choice 82.40 All my $11 and $16 Overcoat goal 84.85 lAll my fineet Overcoat, "sllJt and sattn ' lined, all slses; worth up to $25 and $5, go at f6.15 and f8.49 Curtains 600 of them or thereabouts every odd , pair I hav In toek, a well a broken lines, flnnat of net and new est patterns. You'll o at a glanc that theae are $1 - and $2.60 value 7 end you'll buy them by the doxen when you see them. N Choice, .. .25 Imported Lace Curtalne Cluny, Arabian and Fancy Net, largeat, fullest size, perfectly erqulalt. Curtain . that are aa One as any you've ever aeen and worth up to $0.00 a pair. ...98 Ladies' Cloaks and, Suits Slaughtered Yet, that's the word, actually laughtered for all go at prices never known before. ' You actually buy them for lets than the linings cost. It's a once In a lifetime chance to buy them at next, to nothing prices. Doora open at 9 a. m. tomorrow. Be here then and get first pick. " Ladles' Skirta $1 There' 5,000 of them at this price; black and colon and fancies, many extravagantly trimmed; worth $5.00 to . $10,00; choice fl-OO Ladles' $20 Long Cloaks J3.9S Made of handsome plaids: latest Styles; finest silk and satin linings; worth $15 and $20. and your size la in the lot, too; choice.... $3. 98 Ladles' Waists 19c Each Any of them easily worth $1.50 to $2.00; all fancy styles, well made and all sizes no limit buy as many as you want; choice 19f Ladles 8ults $3.98 This Includes my finest,, worth up to $25 and $35; black and colors; all sizes; all the latest styles. Ladles Fins Pattern Suits Ele gant styles, made of best materials and fancy trimmed, finest silk and satin linings; worth up to $40 and even$50; choice...... .....97.50 iidi es Kimonos and Tea Oowns at give away prices. v AH must be sold." ' '' -.7. .: ' And Hundreds of Other Lots at Prices Just as Cheap 5c for 23c for 19c for x 19c for Underwear !. Fascinators Sweaters. -Union Suits worthto 50c worth to $2.50 worth to $2 worth to 01 Umbrellas The entire etook er'BOe to' fl.OO TTm . brellas will be placed en sals at Ito - each. All wall made, fanoy handle. You'll -mrly-wnt-4 buy-them by the doten, for everyone." can afford umbrellas at thla prlo. Choloe.,29 About, (09 of th Finest tidies" and Men' Umbrellas, beat gold-plated and ; fancy pearl and allver handle, pur ' silk; makes that I aold up te $7.60 and $J. Choice . ....75 The finest of Umbrellas best grade. . flnaat of silk, . elegant " and artlatlo , handlea , The are , men' and .women's atylea and some are worth up to $10.00. Tou get them now at, each , 7. 98 11 i 1 11 My Entire Stock of Holiday Goods, Toys, and Fancy Goods Is now unpacked and will be on sale tomorrow at next to nothing prices. Buy your " presents , here and save big money. . .Underwear- . . , " ' Only four lota are mentioned here, but there , are, hundred Just ' aa Wg bargains and1 you want te eeme and get your share of Them.' 7 .' " TT'.TT' Ladle' Union Bulta, finest cotton and .'all wool, - pearl 'button, allk finish, ' worth up to $1.B0. Chblo...,..S9 Ledla' Wool Vests and Pnt, really fine value, silk and satin finish. . Everybody asks you $1 and $1.19 for them. Her' your eholo te eaoure thera at a mar nothing. Cholo 25 Children's Union Suits, all sises, regu lar lOo and 7te qualltle. Buy what ' you want at, aoh..,,.. ....... .10 Boys' Clothing BOO pair of Boy' Knee Pant, heavy material; the Include om of my finest stock, worth up to 7 Be per pair T. .. .5 Boy' Suits only 4 Jo. and thy. are worth up to $7.0. Every style .of , suit sailor, Norfolk, blous. to-, in . blue, black and fancy. Tou never aaw euch- a bargain before; -cults worth up to $7.00 w are sailing - t ...i...... ................. 49 Boys' Finest Suits, nom better, worth $11.10, now on sale at.. 52.90 Bedding" The. entire atock eaertfloed. Hundred of Blanket, all wool, plain aad fanoy striped, worth' $4 and $, go at..8T Finest $B and $1 Heavy Ail-Wool Blan kets, largest ! fanoy bordsrs ....... ...fl.lO Over 00 Pillow in" en grand lot bast s ticking, filled with good feathara, full sue, worxn t.ev.....r. ....... ,4 rineet ef Pure Down Feather Pillow, soft and fluffy, laag sis, worth up to 11.10 Extra large All -Woo Bianfeeta, worth up to $1.10 pair ft.rO Handkerchiefs ' Handkerohlefa by th Thensaad for ' men, women and enlldren. A big lot, worth up to a high a IBs, at, each .....1 Women's and Children' Embroidered .' and Lao Trimmed Handkerohlefa an te aa high aa ISo, at.. 4 lAdlea" Handaoma Swiae Embroidered Handkerchief, the-'Vary beet I had In stock, and worth te IBs, your choice at .....9 AU my Imported Randkerohlafa, for which I -was famous, worth up te 77$11, your oholee at.... 19 A great lot of Silk Muffler, five hun dred doaen plain and faaoy, th larg-, " 1.... .1 -M. t.ri W . an Xmas gift and worth to $1.00 your hoto for Open till 10 o'clock tomor tow night to give those that can'tcome duringthe day A . CHANCE TO SHAKE" IN THE BARGAINS. 2 1 0 to 214 Front Street , , ; -Holman Block, Cbfner Salmon ' OPEN TILL 40 O'CLOCK TOMORROW, SATURDAY, NIGHT Everybody, welcome $1.00 buys $3.00, $4.00 or $5.00 .worth. .My entire stock goes at a sacrifice. Remember the place, 210 toU Wont St. t ;-'v