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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
.;v- ... . y , - ' . . - - - : . .V . -tnCEISimGODE TOW Appointment of Irishman Would Bo Most Acceptable to Ad ' ' - ministration. ' IS FAMOUS AUTHOR OF . ' BRYCE'S COMMONWEALTH Knows America ; Better Than Any Forcifner Living In Any Land Is Nativs of Belfast, Sixty-Nine Years -' ' of Age. '.. "l (Joarul Special serrlee.) ' Washington, D. G , Pec lr Henry M. Durand, the retiring British ambassador, - has arranged to sail for ' hem with his family the last of next , week. Mr. Earns Howard, who will bo ths British charge d" affaire until the appointment of an ambassador, la ex pected here within a dar or two. Though, of course, there has boon no official expression of opinion. It la 'pretty well known that thla govern ment would . welcomo the appointment of James Bryce to succeed Sir Henry M. Durand, It Is but natural that Mr. Bryce should bo preferred to any of ; the others who have been mentioned as possibilities for the vacant poet, for ' th reason that none of them is so well - known on thla side of tha Atlantlo as the famous author of the "American Commonwealth." ' ...- It Is scarcely an exaggeration to say " that James Bryce, more than any other, person, has exercised his influence in ths direction of a closer union between the United Bute and Great Britain. Perhaps no man living in foreign lands j knows the American people their as pirations, their history and their post " blllUesso well as does Mr. Bryce, who possesses a peculiar talent for the phil ' osophy of history. : Mr. Bryce 1 "an Irishman born." He , is a native of Belfast, and is in his . sixty-ninth year. His early education ; was secured in Glasgow, but he studied later at Trinity college In his native land, and graduated with honors at Ox ford in 18ta. He has from the first been a notable man. Even in his col . . lego days he won fcbolarship an prlxes James Brice, H. P. for which hundreds of others strove Li vain, and In his mature years ho pro vided his . friends with no disappoint ments. It would hardly bo fair to say that Mr. Bryoe is an ardent disciple of tha Anglo-American alliance theory, but ho has presented the case of the Unit: I Rtates so well that ths conservative Briton has steadily advanced in his de sire for a - reuniting of . those ' racial bonds which the American revolution so -radely threatened. . . . . , .. 1 RAILROAD YARDFJIEN HEADY TO STRIKE TOMORROW Only Acceptance by Companies of Ultimatum Will Prs ' vent Walkout ' ISHDGTO r 1 71 7' :H t; ",i!'', " ' H 1 : i.:.,ii-':' ' (Jearsel Sseead Bervtsa) IStw York, Poo. IX. At a meeting of . ths general manager of the railway lines entering New Tork last night to ' consider the ultimatum of tbo yardmen te leave the servloo of ths companies ' unless aa Increase of cents an hour . In wages Is granted by December II, , Grand Master Monissey of the Brother 1 hood of Railway Trainmen was re- quested to come to New Tork at- onoe. It is said Mr. Morrlesey is now on his ; way east ' The situation Is regarded as acuta. In lew of the holiday rush. Ths mana ,' gers declare the men have violated con ' tracu in threatralng te strike at this time. Fourth Grand Master Murdoch of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men when shown thamanagers state ment today, said: There is no contract 'governing the wages of the trainmen In any part of the Now lork .district ' It is true, wages have been Increased materially, but for a number of years ths yardmen In this section had contended for the Chicago scale. The arrival of Grand Master Morrlssey would make Mo dif ference, I have been deputed to repre sent him here, and to all lntsnta and purposes, I am, grand master. . "It te now too late for arbitration; all negotiations are off. The only pos sible way to avoid a strike now is a notification -from the manigers before Satnrday that the demand for an In crease of S cents an hour Is conceded." LA" FOLLETTE INTRODUCES RAILROAD LEGISLATION Washington, , pea II. Senator La Follette has Introddoed bills to amend the railroad rate bill passed during the last aeaaloa of congress and adding one ectlon to provide for the Investigation of the valuation of railroad property. The proposed amendments are along the line of amendments offered by the Wisconsin sens tor while the rats bill waa aader consideration la the eeaata ; '' I-' ... , ,, ... Photograph ahows the chateau, Calve'a beautiful residence in ths south of France. -: Emms Calve b new on - Eugene B. Hlggins yacht, to experiment love on tha milllonalrs. She says; "If I find I loVe him, I "will marry him." ':;:'''' r ': ' . : '"; " ' f r MJ iMJITb' I ' f'. If you want to preserve peaoe lnthe family, give its head a carving setfor Christmas.' Nothing Is more trying to One's temper than to attempt to serve the king of birds with a dull knits that tears its ' war along, scrambling the turkey Instead of slicing It. At J. J. Kadderly's, 130 First street, there is a splendid selection, with ebony and stag handles, and at very reasonable prlcea They also have scissors of all sixes, and with pretty Japanese handles that will JxPjecjatei by the woman who sewa Welch, the American clothier, corner First and Morrison streets, has won out with the boys, by offering a stem winding, guaranteed time-keeping watch or a large football with every 14.10 suit sold up to Christmas day. These spe cial boys' suits are waterproof and are Just the thing for the youngsters to splash around in during the wlntsr, A boy instinctively hates to carry an um brella,: thus the greatest safeguard against colds is tha waterproof suit. At Baron s shoe store, JIO Morrison street there are the prettiest kind of fur-trimmed, kid Juliets. These well fitting slippers hold the foot to as dainty and graceful lines as would a shoe, af fording at ths same -time tha ease and comfort. of a slipper. Soma of tbem are ornamented with: a touch of red, others with steel and pearl embroidery, while others are quite plain. The price is ths same as tha-standard felt Juliet Another item that will interest old peo ple, or young people who have tender feet is -a cushion-sols shoe, extremely soft snd comfortable. The members of this firm 8. Swlrsky, J.- M. Bwlrsky and V. B. Senoeky have an amusing time of It oveivthe firm name, "Baron," which they adopted because of the ease with which It can bo pronounced and remem bered in comparison with their own. Many customers and strangers, not knowing . this, regtfrarly call for "Mr. Baron." ; "At Tull eTOIbbs' there Is a great win- JUST THE OUTLET' UNION MADE ' $10 SUIT , 77L vi':.mmi ? THE 'OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY. ROMANCE OF MUSIC AND MILLIONS. - k.'.NV . : Aol;: : Ma." - - J. ' dow full with more In tha storeroom of model vehicles, handcars and motor cars, built strongly for use, ths motor oars having horns, headlights and all the othsr appurtenances of a real auto that will s delight , the wideawake bey who likes things with "go" In them. And there are juvenile plecea -chiffoniers, dressers,- rooking chairs, etc that will appeal as strongly to the woteanly little girl who likes her own room, and .her own tiny furniture. While for the adult Who appreciates genuineness aa well as artistic beauty la. rare articles, nothing could bo -bettor than one of those exquisite Navajo blankets, espe cially selected in Arlsona and New Mex ico by Mr. Tull himself, who la aa ex pert in these matters, and who makes a trip to the southwest eacn year to per sonally make his selections direct from the Indians who weave the blanks ta In this way no buyer can make a mlstaks and get an Imitation; and so closely are these rugs Imitated in factories now that an sxpert's Judgment Is almost -re quired to distinguish the aiserenoe. Tims, howsver, reveals, the imitation article aa such, and it has no Intrlnsio value; while the real Navajo becomes more valuable with every added year, -r,-NJ,- Healf of A Uy ah--Brothers, Tenth and Washington, has Invented a carpet beater, especially for oriental rugs, that will be welcomed by every one who owns these beautiful rugs and who feels a hesitancy tft brushing them In the usual way. Mr. Han If is In structor in rugs for this firm, a posi tion ha Is especially wall qualified to hold, being an expert rugmafcsr an ar tist one would better call ltacd thor oughly familiar with every phase of Lie subject Tisltors are welcome at this store as they would bo at an expo? sltlon, whether or not they have any In tention of buying;, and Information re garding the many" rare and beautiful things will be gladly given. There are many smaller articles, however, such aa Damascus hand-hammered, brass vases. Jardlnlers, trays, etc, and Bad win straw baskets, real Turkish slippers, Egyptian silver veils and kimonos, that are within tbo reach . of almost every ona 1 The Eastern Outfitting eompany has had a great ruah on clothing for Christ mas gifts this year, more suits having been purchased for this purpose than svsr before. Their general credit sys tem makes many people heavy buyers who would otherwise bo restricted to small gifts.--They havu a splendid as sortment however, of all tha smaller articles so much In demand. The Columbia Phonograph eompany, 171 Washington street, has one of the most unique windows la town. . It is an aaL ;e:: (DQJTTELETr CL(MG(r (0); Anpyl 1 1VJ r" TV aLJtlVl 1 l i No one in the business can 'give you better value and none will try harder to conscientiously sup ply you with what you want and need. . THE OUTLET CLOTHING , CO. has placed before the public garments which have merit. Superb values are. those we offer in bur , . .. - 'Faidfl0anoO;' Union Made Suits and Overcoats A visit to our Clothing Department will en lighten and interest any gentleman contemplat ing the purchase of wearing apparel. Our Dress Suils al From $12.50 to $25.00 Are actually the counterpart of to $50 garments.' . ; V . -hi? 'V. . '. - r I' .' arrangement of ' graphophones, dolls, Santa. Claus and the Goddess of Liberty In such happy combination as to pro duce a beautiful plotura. -The window trimmer la certainly an artist . H. D. Jonas, proprietor of tha White Sewing Machine company, ISO Tamhlll street Is assisting- Banta Claus by sell lng the newest Improved make of these well-known machines at a much reduced price. The White is a look stitch, light running and almost noiseless machine, that will do fine and coarse work with equal ease. Husbands need have no hesitancy in presenting their wives with this 'machine. - Three carloads of. these machines have been unloaded . In ths last day or so; very good evidence that the -women still sew, regardleas of the ready-made achlovementa la nearly ov ery Una. ' HUNDRED AKD SIXTY -FOR SELLING A DRINK This Fine on Two Joseph Men for Violating Local ; Option Law. - V - (SpecU! Dtsntca te The Jearaalr Joseph, Or., Dec II. The first arrest for selling liquor in Wallowa county in violation of the local , option )hT been made hero, though a recent grand Jury found several indictments for the giving away of liquors In the Shape of a friendly proffer and acooptanoa. XL. I. SohJuer and J. W Martin, pro prietors of a ooft-drlnkestabllshment operated In the quarters of tha old Shamrock saloon, war charged with selling a drink of Whiskey op December It to persona named. Upon arraign ment before Justice' of the Poace Colon R. Ebsrhard thew1 pleaded guilty, The Justloa imposeda fine of 11(0 upon each. Following the sentence he made soma remarks about his having understood the liquor interests were having the "re tailers" take out government license to protect them from Unola 8am, with In structions to take their chances as te the at ate courts. A very strong intimation of a heavy Jail sentence for any such convicted be fore him was thrown out by the oourt 1 Ever since the local option law went into effect there have been dally evi dences of a violation' of the law. Last B O That We Are In Excellent t-J IV Condition TO TAKH CAPR mm THE OUTLET ".UNION MADE TOP COAT $10 "the tailor's $25 - v NOCJUCAST CORNER rlR5T EVENira, DECEMBER 21. CI(GK WES SMOKERS' MTICLES "TOE TRADE UARK ' V ON ALL OUR SE0W iVlNDOiyS Boptemoer W Vrand Jury aat for a in tha Investigation of tha matter, call ing many witnesses. Btx indictments were found, five for giving away a drink and one for selling. Those charred with, giving away Intoxicating liquors wsra each fined 159 by Judge Robert Kakln unon nleas of aulltr. while tha one charged with selling forfeited hie bona. Since, then the opera tl one of these trafficking in "wet" goods have baoorao bolder and bolder until It has become common talk that at two certain place In Joseph all that was necessary waa the. price anu the "combination." Prominent eltlsens assert that ' If money and effort will avail anything both will be forthcoming to assist la putting a stop to vtolatlona. Constipation can sea headaahe. nausea, dlsslneos, languor, heart palpitation. Drastio physics grip, sloken, . weaken the bowels and don't euro. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure eonatlpa tlon. it cents. Ask your druggist. v Frefsired snook Canned woods. ' Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. l...6 In Our Oat Department WE SHOW THE VERY LATEST BLOCKS AND SHADES IN JOHN B. STETSON'S FROM $4 TO $8' The Wilbur, theleading. hat for durability for T $3, and the "Our Hummer," a hat specially made for us to meet the tasres and requirements of gentlemen desiring a high grade hat for $2.50. In Onr We sell THE OUTLET CELEBRATED $3.50 and '-: SHOES Made to Fit and Wear. ' " We handle .thCSweet-Orr & Co.'s productions, the best that s made, from $2.50 to $7.50 per pair, and A NEW PAIR IF THEY RIP. , . In Oor Fornlshlng Goods DcpL We Carry Union Hide Underwear Gloves 'Umbrellas Shirts. n Sweaters Mufflers-. Suspenders Handkerchiefs Neckwear Hosiery Collars Suit Cases NOTICE OUR SPECIAL XMAS, WINDOW DISPLAYS of "The Best That's Made in Men's Apparel mm AND MOBCI&ON ftTDECI lgoa. HAYANA. DOMESTIC, IMPORTED ' STAPXET5KAin5S SPECIAL .HOLIDAY PACKINGS ' . .IN BOXES OF 12, 25, 50, 100 , V, nil Sizes ftv All Prices .t BRIARS In Cases and Without ' 1 MEERSCHAUM In 4 Large Variety f' of Styles; Plain', and Fancy -: PETERSON,; LOEWE, B. B.: B.; ' i.-" . t;;: IMPORTED ? . :-i . I- All Styles CIGAR ; HUMIDORS, 'CIGAR JARS ; r tobacco jars ' r TOBACCO POUCHES -CIGAR HOLDERS r r.T - CIGARETTE HOLDERS V CIGAR CASES CIGARETTE CASES SMOKERS SETS, ASH TRAYS ASH RECEIVERS, ETC. DOUSE OF STAPLES" RETAIL STORES' 141 Third Street, Corner Alder 103 Third Street, Near Stark 295 Morrison Street, Corner Fifth 314 Washington Street, Corner Sixth 334 Washington Street, Corner Seventh STAPLES THE JEWELER 162 "FIRST ST. WILL GIVE AWAY THIS AUTOMOBILE JAN. I; 1907. AUTO TO BS GIVEN AWAY "BUY YOUR XMAS OIPTS FROM STAPLES." . ' Tha little atora oa tha eatt aida of OF YO UR XMAS BUYS Shoe Department In Our Trduser Department (EQP 5 Ml Prices :CdDo BY STAPLES. THE JEWELER. First treat, Juat south of Morrlaoa v:; $4 - : ' v THE OUTLET UNION MADE OVERCOAT $10 lt' n