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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
THE", OREGON DAILY . JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1906. Toivn Topics ..."Th. Tank. roaMii" a geelielora loaut , ..."Oat la Idaho' f!Ur l.........Tbe Htlitue l tt Bl" ..... . ...., .J... Vaad.,111. ,C4 Vaaderllle Penney Bros', Friday Special Christ s mss being a day of good ehar,' can el- IM M mad snor cheerful if you hava torn flret-claa win or liquor tor i ha reativ. oecaalon. Tomorrow we or nr ulna big bargains la wine. $1.10 , grade, white or red Port. Sherry, Tokay, Maderla, Angelica, Sauterne, Zlnfandel ana Muscat, at 11.00 per gallon. Also I. w. Harper, Rye or Bourbon whieker. " regular li-60, at 11.(0. Remember theee '. prices aro for Friday only. Frea dellv. - or. AU order delivered op to Monday evening. Phono Eaat 117, I7I-M1 Eaat ; Morrison. ; In the ault filed In the stats circuit , court, Rudolph Becker aeeka to recover $1,100 from the O. R. A N. for an auto that coat him $1,000. Booker aJlegea mat ha shipped the auto to Detroit In May to have It repaired, but that tt tnever reached tta destination, nor haa ' n. ever been ablo to secure Ita return. " Backer ta a professional chauffeur, and ' aaya ho haa loat 13.100 In rent that ha would havo obtained .for the uee of the machine. This amount, added to the value of the machine, makea up the ... .ivv ror which ault wag brought. Japanese orange trees, now loaded with fruit, palms and ferri balls, make delightful Chrlstmaa presents. Nothing could poaatbl. .h- prettier than one of tnese oeautirul - trees. What an ' at. - traction th.y are to a room. .And the palms are In most vlgoroue growth, wall cared Tor and In excellent oondltlon. The fern balia aro handsome, too, and make charming room ornamenta. A sale of these treasures ia now In progreaa at ! J. J. Butler's aead store, its Front street; between TamhlU and Taylor. C. E. Wood, formerly a lieutenant In the fire department, and recently re moved from the department altogether. will have a hearing before W. L. Brews tor of the civil service commission to- ' morrow. The other membera cannot at' tend. At the meeting of the oommla alon yesterday it was announced that three men of the IS who took the recent examination for ohalnroen In the engi neering - 0pej-tment pasaed the. teat. They aro Franklin S. Walker. Jamas Culroee and Alps N. TorrflL Portland Chapter No. t, Royal Arch aiaeona. elected and Installed tha fol lowing officers last night: High priest, II. U Plttock; king, H. U Bancroft; scribe. H. J. Boyd; treasurer. D. O. Toroaalnl; aecretary, A. M. Kuapp; cap tain of host. Hopkins Jenkins; principal sojourner, riooert Robinson; royal arch captain. J. R. Rogere; master third vail. f. H. rotter; master aeeond JvelL V. Avery; master first veil, George Wilson; senunei, at. w. xoung. Ed Lee. known as tho "tool thief. who was arrested aeveral daya ago by Patrolman Riley for theft of a cheat . of. toola from a new building at Eaat Nineteenth and Belmont atreeta. waa Tuumi guilty yesterday and sentenced t by Judge Cameron to servo one year on the rockpUo, Tho police aro endeavoring to faeten a number of similar Crimea on. Lee., and upon his rsleaae from the county Jail he may bo tried on other rnargea. Flve-mlnut. talks wer . the rule, at laat nlght'a meeting of the Ad 'Men'a league. Among tho apeakers was J. B. Warren of Seattle. Paclflo coast repre sentative or Everybody's .tnagaaine. W. Cooper Morris, who was to havo read a paper, waa absent because of an unex pected business call to Los Angeles. An effort will be made to get Moy Bak Hrn, Chlneae consul, to address the league In the near future. Butt for $10,000 damagea from tha Portland Railway company haa been filed In the atata circuit court by J. C Taft, aa guardian of hla minor son, Ed win Taft. It la alleged that on Sep tember t. at Eaat Morrison and Eaat Sixth atreeta. through the negligence of the employee of the company, tha boy waa run down by a oar. and sustained a compound fracture of tho akull. Hurry up and have a alttlng for that Chrlstmaa pboto. Why not come In at once Why not give a good studio sn opportunity to servo you as tt would like to best you ever were served la -alV-yur-llfelWe hare-great pride In making photos. Our patrons will be proud of E. W. Moore, expert photog rapher, Elk's building. Seventh and Stark. Waahlngton Lodge. No. it, A. F. AY A. M., haa elected tha following offlcera: Worthy master, W. a. Khellenbarger; senior warden, A. M. Wright; junior warden. Berlin E. Davis; treasurer, R. B. MoClung; aecretary, J.' H. Richmond. Waahlngton Lodge, Hawthorne No, 111 and Mount Tabor No- 4$ will hold joint Installation ceremonies next Thursday. Tha civil service . commission an nounces an examination for a manual training teacher for tho Haskell Insti tute, Kansas. The salary attached to tho position Is $900 a year. Tho exam ination will be held January and 10, Applicants can aecuro complete Infor mation by applying to Z. A. Leigh, at tho postoffica building. . Window glass And glaalng. T. E. Beach Co.. the, pioneer paint company, lit Flrat st TeL Main ltlt, . . . Tho current Issus of The Sketch, en a' 1 Everybody knows that money represents labor, but there are a lot of people, who don't we oner you per cent on an aDso lu,tely safe Investments. Isn't that a good deal better than to hold your moriey and risk losing it? ' - - Start a savings account with us. , ' , titled "The Music Number," Is full of Interesting articles by tho moat emi nent musical authorities of Portland. Tha number Is handsomely bound and Illustrated, oontalna many Interesting artlclfa. and Is tho most pretentious yet Issued by that publication. , Llvinr " Prosantn-iKNottrrn more appropriate for Chrlstmaa pre. onto thaay palms,, rara plaatav fern. ballsJ te. We havo a large assortment from 70 to IT.0O. Make your selections now for later delivery. Portland Seed com pany, corner Front and Yamhill streets. Christmas Trees. Nice evergreen Christmas trees. ,t to It feet. It cents to $1 eaclu , Mistletoe and Oregon grape, fine bunches tt cents and 40 cents each. Phono us your Order at once for any delivery desired. v Portland Seed Co Front and TamhlU streets. ; Tho congregation of the United Pres byterian church baa presented Its pas tor. Rev. s. Earl Dubois, a handsome ehair ana desk as an evidence of appre ciation of his servioes. ', January Lad!esHome Journal January Ladles Homo Journal -' ' ..January Ladles' Homo Journal ". at Carl Jonas, Fourth and Washington Hollyt Holly! Holly! With big red berries, tha finest In tho city. , Phone us your order. Main 471. Portland Seed company, Front and Yamhill streets. , It B. Edmondson, optometrist, haa re turned.,,. Will .continue his practice In correcting defective r eyesight. ." 186 Brasee street. Phono Eaat 4860. ' Japan basaar, tt Bixth street,' closing out at below cost of Japanese fancy chin and novelties, at your own price. Come early before all sold. Do aot'miss this opportunity George Jabour Co., $41 Waahlngton - street, great holiday oriental rug and lace salt now on. t par cent reductions. ' SJSSB-asas-asB ; 1 . . ' Steamer Jessie Harklna for Camas, waahougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at a p. m -' A lecture on prohibition will bo given at the Norwegian Lutheran church. 411 Blast Tenth street, tonight, by Rev, John OvalL . . : . . , Woman's Exchanaa. lit' Tenth street. lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal Oil and tins gasoline. . Pbons Eaat 711. Dr. a M. Welle, reeidence Tfl East Burnalde street .Phono Esst Sett. "Public stenographer, Phono Pacific It" ACME MILLS TO BUILD --NEW FACTORY-BUILDING The Acme Mills company has received a permit ror the erection or a rour story brick mill building on Alblna svsnus at ths corner of Rt 11 road street. Tho cost will bo (11,000. E, A. Lynds has the contract. - Other permits havo been Issued ss follows: A. Baiter, one-story dwelling. Vancouver avenue between Fay and Blondlna. .cost' 11.000; Alblna Hall as soctation. store and lodge room, Rus sell between Rodney and Union avenues, ooet tt.ooe; Hoch, repairs. Burn aide between North .Seventh and North Park, coat 7lt J. B. Blngold, one-Story dwelling, MUwaukle between Rhine and KarL eoat Il.tOO: Frank Camnella, barn, Eaat Tenth between Eaat Grant and Eaat Sherman, coat 1100; 8. R. Jones, barn. East Balmon between East Thirty- ninth and Eaat Fortieth, coat . 150 Kwongtun Tal company, repalra. Bee ond between Pine and Oak, cost $100 Ehllnger Bros, two-story dwelling. San Rafael between Union and Grand ave nues, cost tl.tot; Mra Vantllla. repairs, Estit Thirteenth corner Lexington, cost IliO. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Endors of Oothenburs. Sweden, aro at the Portland hotel. Mr. Enders Is aa architect and Is studying tho construction of public butldlnas In America. Mr. - and Mrs. Enders havo traveled through the east and middle west, and will go from Portland to San Francisco. They havo been la America since October. J. P- Parkinson of Seattle, nubllsher of the Railway and Marine News, Is at tne Portland hotel. Helm Is W. Thompson, an attornev of sugene. ia registered at tne Portland. B. F. O Nell, president of the Stats Bank of Commerce of Wallace. Idaho, la at tne Portland hotel. Mr. and Mra. E. O. McCoy and Miss McCoy of The Dalles sre at the Portland hotel. Mr. McCoy Is the secretary and manager of the Wasco Warehouse, Mill ing company. . .. . . - . C C. Warner of Kendalvtlle. Indiana. Is at ths Ore son hotel. Mr. Warner Is Interested In tha McCrsy Refrigerator company, one of the largest concerns of Its kind in the world. . Al Well, advent man of the Yankee Conirol company, la at the Oregon hotel. J. E. Richards, sdvance man for Flor ence Roberta, who will appear fn Port land next week. Is at the Oregon.. HOLIDAY RATES Announced to Oosaa Beaches. . To enable patrons to visit ocean beaches during the Cnrlatmes holidays. tha O. R. N. Co. win on December 14 and If, and January 1, aell round trip tickets to all North Beach points at a rate of $1.10, For. further Informa tion ask at city ticket office. Third and Washington Streets. Portlsnd. Oregon. Freferre trtock Oaaaed woods. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand, ". seem to recognize the fact that if la . bar can earn money, labor's repre sentative ought to earn money, too. Had you ever, thought about it in that way yourself?' If you will bring your savings to us we , will show you how to make them earn you money day and night Fancy -Holiday -Suspenders On Friday only ' the following re duccd prices prevail : 51.00 SPECIAL $ .65 1.50 SPECIAL 1.10 2.00 SPECIAL 1.45 2.50 SPECIAL 1.75 3.00 SPECIAL 2.15 3.50 SPECIAL 2.65 t4.00 SPECIAL 2.95 T4:50 SPECI AlJ30 r 5.00 SPECIAL 3.75 Nothing could be more appropriate as-a-Xmas Gift-than-a-pair of:these: high grade Suspenders put up in beautiful boxes. All '. new goods, being a delayed shipment that just . came to Jiand. IVHEALDOH FACTOR Hi THE GAME His Influsncs Ktenly Felt In Rac for Presidency of the : . 8eriate. IF HODSON WEAKENS WHEALDON MAY ENTER It Ig Believed That Some Men Tied toHamee -in- Present Rsrr .Would! Desert Him If Whealdon Stood in Place of Hodson, ' What Senator Whealdon of Wasco county is after ta a punle which Is oc euprlng the winds of a good many peo ple, even members of the legislature. He evidently has deserted the Haines army, where political loglo would ex pect him to be, and has apparently gone serosa tho fence to Hodson, Hainea' op ponent, to whom ha. has in ths past been opposed. Senator Haines now has It votes pledged to himself, so ho aaya and his followers Join In the chorue. The sen ator waa In Portland today, and ha sd- tnlttsd that he had a cinch on tne or flee unless something should happen of which be oould not conjecture at the present time, Senator Hodson looks at tha solid It votes held out by his opponent .and stands by his guns. He Is In Just as good shape as ever, he says, and Is sure that when the time comes ho will be at ths head of the list. Senator Whealdon. during the early stages of the game, was hlroeelf a can dldate for the presidency. It Is said that the Hodson eamp made overturea to the Wasco man some time ago, and to all outward appearances won him over. It wss stipulated, so tne story goes, that Whealdon was to be ths Our horse brought out by the Hodson peo ple at the last moment In event It waa found that Hodson could not be .looted. Whealdon. If put up for the presidency at ths last moment, would be able. It was argued, to bring; to hla own sup port the votes of Bowerman. Laycock, McDouald and Cola, all easts Oregon senators who would rather see an east em Oregon man In the chair than one romthe other side of the mountains. Up Oooure It would appear now that t'hla ealrm latlon slipped a cog before tha ertala came. Bowerman haa gone - bark to Condon after announcing that ho would vote for Hainea Laycock and McDon ald, both friends and neighbors, sre also In line with him and Col. of Umatilla la also quoted for Hnlnes. Prom pres ent Indications,' therefore. Senator Whealdon'S eastern Oregon following looks far off. But so ia the election, Hainea opponents say. and they con tinue with the argument by pointing out ' that there la a possibility that while . Bowerman. Layeoca. McDonald and Cole will support Haines ss against Hodson, It is not sn euro that the would consider themselves -tied herd and fast to Hainea In the event that Wheal don ram. onto the seen, at the laat mo ment. , Just now It looks Ilk. Senator Haines had his Multnomah county contestant taking long, high atepa to keep up, at leaat that Is the way . Senator Hainea views ft, but Hodson says his wind Is good. Its disclaims being st all tired and alleges that the pace la easy. While Senator Hodaon will not admit tt, the presumptrorr-lies that If th- Multnew mah senator's breathing were to be come noticeable -to hla running mates they might put Senator Whealdon, who comes from a' high-altitudeend has long wind. In as pacemaker. In tha hop. that, he might box his eaatrffn Oregon eolleegiies tip with th. Hodson field and crowd' th. Haines racers Into th. fence. That, politicians figure,' la what Senator Whealdon would like t. da, - - -. - .- ' - - ..- . " . SALE BARRETT GETS NEW POSITION Is Elected Director of the Bureau of American Re- " ; publics. , - John Barrett, United Statea minister to Colombia, who at preaent la visiting In Portland. , was yesterday elected to th. of floe, of director of th. bureau of American republics, to succeed William C. Vox of New Jersey, who has been nominated mlnlater to Ecuador. Mr. Barrett's election by the executive committee, presided -over by Secretary of State Ellhu Root, was unanimous. Immediately after Christmas ilr. Barrett will leave Portland for Waah lngton via San Francisco and , Los Angeles, and win assume his Bswdu.UM mvmm uiu in tfanury. nm -wit, mmv, a salary of 16,000 a year. The bureau Is composed of tl republics In South and North America, cooperating In an effort to disseminate Information con cerning ' the respective reaoureea and trade,, opportunities of each, and to pre serve -.dlplomatio relations of the closest obaraoter among nations whose language and traita differ. The bureau la the outgrowth of Inter national conference between commer cial and dlplomatio repreaentatlves of the varloua republrca. Mr. Barrett's se lection ss director waa determined upon at the last International - oonference. held at Bio Janeiro during the past aumraer. Tha praotlce of th. bureau haa been that Its director should be ap pointed by the secretary of state for the United States and confirmed by the executive eommittee of th. bureau rep resenting each republlo. in th. present Instance this method was adhered to. Under th. direction of Mr. Barrett tho bureau will be reorganised, a hand' some building erected at Washington for Its exclusive occupancy, and the clerical foro. will be considerably en larged. Tne worn or tne bureau. specifically aet out in Its literature, la: To act aa a permanent committee of the international American conference, reoommendlng toploa to be Included In th. program of th. next conference: te aupply Information; to prepare report a; to carry into effect the resolution, ol too conferences. CHINESE LAUNDRY DAMAGED BY FIRE Many Citixene Weekly Wash Goes Up. In Smoke in Early Morning. 1 . Fir. la a Chlneae laundry at Seconil and Main streets early this morning will cause great Inconvenience to a number or patrons. Many garments, fancy pieces of lingerie and plain, ordinary clothing, were either destroyed' or greatly damaged. . The fir. etarVH shortly after I row walk. Wils, Mlatar. H m SST.4 riwir mht. sag sat Bland th rtcM. yoa mUbt ewe aa astnaioMl. Tkw. alk.t. yea b.t snerH fairs tk ramrkMis bws nt th. slot aiMhlae, If yoe bei M, would bey rn a msraasn-rmir. But yt UkMl aaraetamit. Now walk. That Sark BrMrr. Onwa' at CMeaiMa slaeah haa rnt yoe tb. ..In. .fa llaok and Bon. Mt Wat A tlxwaand y.ra. tit too had t. .hewt dartta aad gesse. Nnw walk. Ve ewM bae i4 all the elsrtrle ears la Ore If J bad ! ff. ' ' Ktit tvt dlda't. Now walk. But ae ea. sm warn t. ear Laaaary. oet I Mrs mp I JSala lad n euT-wiroa will atVHrlaht off. la a little while w. U letura Ua 0m whit, i a Illy. Small BmfMtly . ..Iraaatd ;.,,',. , ;', , Imvil by our at.M.iiMt. in, (inly- . la 6rse that d. 'set erarb th. Hn. ... i , Tb.t BM.M s mt te yon. -It's Ilk. rtdlnr-la a rullmte. t.SlOJI Lal'.N'rtRY." ' Ii aula SM. . .. Setoad sai CeauaUa. STORE OPEN EVERY .x : , ' . ... . ---r---0UR-OREAT - - Be among the lucky ones and share In these matchless specials for Friday and Saturday. Christmas gifts of every description st greatly reduced prices for these two great bargain days. Look over these items carefully. TwilLbe well worth your time for values such as these are hard to find. Shop in the morning if possible. , Out of town orders carefully filled and shipped same day as received. . v $5.00 Silk Umbrellas $2.50 Each For a great Friday and Saturday Special we offer 30 doxenlWom cn'a High-Grads Umbrellas, best silk cover, with rich gold, silver and pearl handles, the best $5.00 umbrella you ever saw. Choice of the lot for these two dayg at tbia extraordinary price. . Women's bet $1.50 Umbrellas, rainproof cover, steel rod and choice assortment of handles. Special for Friday and Q7r Saturday 7 tVt Figured Pongee Waist. Patr terns, .put up in fancy Christ mas box, regular CI I7 $1.75 value.Special,. QlAt Fancy Christmas Aprons, lace, embroidery and ribbon trimmed, 40c and 50c OCj values. Special... .i..LO Men's Pure Linen Handker chiefs, our regular 18c grade. Special for Friday and Saturday ...laVa Christmas Furs for Less You can save fully a third by purchasing your Fur at this store. We have a large and well-selected stock of all the leading skins. Children's Fur Seta and Costa st special prices. All Furs reduced from now until Christmas. 45-inch Blended Water Mink -CollaT,- fur tore price- $7.50. Our price for Friday and Sat urday only one to a flJC flft customer each. . , . . . . ."PUsUU Special Remember, we are noted for Fine Black Dress Goods and Silks. A splendid showing for the holidays now ready. Nothing would be more ap preciated by 'Tier than s fine new black dresa. Wa will pack it nicely in a Christmas box. Special reduced prices until Chrlstmaa. $1.50 Kid Gloves, $1.00 a Pair If you haven't bought your Christmas Cloves, you're lucky. One thousand pairs Real French Kids on sale Friday and Saturday at Sl.OO a nair. All 'the DODular ahades are represented and every s t w . Women's 2 and 3-Clasp Gloves, in all the' leading shades, the grade other stores ask you $2.00 fcr..::,..,::r.v..a...$i.50 Men's Silk 'Initial Handker chiefs, regular 75c grade. Special here Friday Cfr and Saturday OVW Ice-Wool Shawls, a large se lection to choose from. Spe cial valuea at from CC T5e to....; OO Hose Supporters of fine frilled silk elastic; red, blue, pink, white and black. nZn Special, a -pair..., TTTTTTTTT o'clock thla morning. The laundry Is located In a large two-story frame building In which a 'number of China men lodged. Firemen believe that they wer. enjoying the tang bamboo and uie nre atarted through" their careleaanea They eacapd without Injury. There were a number of horse. In s livery bern In the tear of the laundry which were removed by the firemen. The burn waa uninjured, bnt It waa feared the horses might be stifled with smoke. The laundrv was completely wtkim and the building practically deetroyed. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM AT Y.M.C. A. Arrangement have 'been completed for a musical program to be given In th. T. M. C. A. auditorium Sunday aft ernoon In connection with the Chrlat ma a services. Tha- particular musical feature will b. the rendition of Handera 'I-argq by a violin orcheatra of II membra com posed --th. sasJorUyoll-Ihe- violin teacher, of Portland, together with some of the pupile. The orchestra will be under th. leederahip of A. L. Cltf ford ,OUist Bamlwe. -rrpeer err the 1 program Include the 'Lost Chord" by Sullivan; "War March" from th. opera Athella. and ."Moon' Moss," art Inter measo by Kusner. McKea brothers' f McMtnnvtlle wilt sontrlbute several vo cal selections. . ' . . I f iair -fitted and-waxranted. UiQTCJJracrt, at counter L ..i i ii i.i i , ! , ORDERS Qiro The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices EVENING UNTIL CHRiSTMAS. . - SERVICE : Women's $2.50 Silk Umbrellas; gold, silver and pearl bandies; best Paraxon steel frame and each........::..$1.47 Sale of Sample Waists A dainty White Lawn or Silk Waist would make a very acceptable gift. Now's your time to buy one at leas than actual coat price. Doxens of pretty new .stylesbut, remember, there's only one of a kind. Prices range from $1.50 to $6.00. See window. Corset Covers, finest grade Nainsook, 3 rows wide Val. in sertion, beading and ribbon, standard $1.00 quality. (Sin Special, each. uiv I Brown Opossum Collar, a fine. - j -rich neckpiece and Tefrrnar $0.tXJ value. Special for Friday and s;.......,.:.:..$4.oo Fancy Christmas Linens Moat any woman would be pleased with a beautiful piece of linen. We have the largest stock in the city, and our prices are decidedly lower. Doiliea, Centerpieces, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Scans and Squares in a splendid assortment T I--- CA,,.r.t to1A Inch I snmi VWVI InrVtmm with " hemffiTcTitd'eage and l drawnwork center, regular $1.5.) 1 value. Special for twe OA4 days, each ch..... .7VV . 12-Button Glace - Gloves, in black, white, gray and mode: standard $3.50 quality. Special for these two daya t2 7C I only, pair...., ........ vtleaVty I TO VS, DOLLS, GAMES The balance of our Christmas Goods, such ss Dolls, Toys, Games, Pictures, Manicure Sets and Fancy Boxes, Leather Cases and Tree Ornamenta, on sale at about half pries. We never carry over any. thing In this line, so all must be sold before Christmas. Come end help yourself end pay less than anywhere else in the city. " I4th asd fraahlactoa HeUig Theatre Mala I The TakwrM ana tuarniintf anises, - ALBEIT A ftALLAIIV, la th. Batitlfiil Romaatlc Prana, DoaoTHT ruioi or haddob haix.- PtItm lwT - floor, first 10 mra ll.SO, tnr me a $irytrrmT. rirst 1 Tews IT, a. it row. TSc. last row. aoc; gsllwy, BSe and an. ante aslllag tat eagateMat at theatre. 14th and -Wsshlsgtoa TheQeilll Theatre Mass L Tonight. . . ' mnv km. tMiui ir. , - Vl.ta m A. M. episi mm ninim nafnniay. Tb. Tmral Mnalral Coawty, TSS TASXXS COBSOU" With Rarry Short and aa nnllnl ammm Branlnc Prlwlxrw.r floor l.Rrt, - balcony, tl. Tit. HOe; gallery, lie, 2. hfatlaoe Prtcos iSe to l. boat. sningaat H.IIIg Theatre. Baker Theatre J?;L?'c?l. FOROB L. BAKER. M.naswr. The Bkor StMh Commm. Tealght. All Wh, Matlno. Hatnrilay )ot Bailtfe "A BACRELOB'B aOBTABOBl BMstlnil nd oat It Ptodnrtton, I ador Mree. tton Mr. ioba Salnpolta. Krmlng frte, Jnc, Me. SOc Msts., 1B, SKA Tonight, BlaiM Nlht gToryon. Has Taisia te Praw for Valn.blo riano. W.h 'TrUby." . BJVtPIRQ THGATRq ; ""Tfahl "tlTr -MHtod ""SWinsa." MansBer. riaylag ra. BaMsrn' Stair Sav Ha Bond Attrartlnaa. AQ This Wnt-H. WM Qamborlalw'. ""OUT"!' rDAHo!"" " Carrrhig tralaod bwttng bmnroei hunw h. Imim .n4 nSany etttt Wild Wot foatam. Blntng erapaof. ' Matlnoaa Wartnoada? aad Satnrday. fc'f'ilar Esiulra Biiroa. ' Bark I of broahoa at s aad f lorh n. m. Tr EihlMtlon ffmt f. THrarra. Bast AtanoUaa "The aVt ef - A GOOD LIGHT, PROMPT . Men's Dress Shirts, in short or long- bosom, standard $1.25 Duality, on sale Fri- QA ax nd Saturday at.. 7uC Men's f Wool ' Sweaters,"' in T fancy mixtures, just the thing; for a Christmas gift.flJ r A $4 grade. Special p.OV Boys' All-Wool Sweaters, the regular $1.50, kind.. Special for two days only, . Q7v your choice 1 V Fine Cambric Skirts,, with 3 rows wide insertion, deep ruu flounce and regular $4. value. Special for two daya ff )C only ij.U $7.50 Feather Boas -J, blue, brown, gray, black and white. Special for Friday HQ and Saturday, each ePO. I O $7.50 Silk Petticoats, in large selection of styles, all colors and black. Friday C iP and Saturday -PU.-tU j Silk Scarfs, large assortment in plain andfancy silks, $2.00 Ipecial . . '., 1 .50 T. in fine satin finish, rich floFaf" designs and our regular $1.50 Y,ue- Special for 2 ffl AA flays, each..., I.UU te Wool Blankets, size x90. with red. pink and blue border; regular $5 OC value. Special...... 90. 7 $2.25 Leather Handbairs. silk lined and latest novelty clasp. I opcciai tor iwo . gri Cjl days, each....;..;..j)a.dU Men'a Fine Cashmere Hose, gray heel and toe and regu lar 35c value. Spe-, C cial, a pair...., l.fcOt STAR THEATRE Weak ef Doooaisar IT. rheae Mam HSC, The AUra Stork Conaany Pneants , THE HERITAGE OF TEE RED Msthwes Toeadaya, Tharedaye. Sarardays end Sandajs-st a-att y. a. wkw. Ie t v. Bwy eroakig at g:U; artcae 10c. an. and an.. LYRIC THEATRE SMonmrs bxcxkbxb it. Ooothe'e XsjsMrtal PUy k ne Ara, "FAUST" Bi sffloe epoe from 10 a. m. to 10 a m. Brati ran be raaerred by boom: Mala enaa. The Grand nt. aad Mrs. -Walse riaher, "Til BAXTWAT XOVSS.' The Tares sTiltaaa. Tease aad DulaU. Jos Salient. : , BoaaahMia. ChooorloL Harold Mttl. .raadtaaofo. WEIGHT Md HEIGHT FAIRBANKS' BATTt ROOM and PHTHtCIANS- SCALITU. Populsr for home and effloe. CHRISTMAH OifTI. TaXKaAaTBTS, stoasa Si CO, Vtrwt aad . . II- . . t . .