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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
- ' THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, w PORTLAND.' THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20, 1900. Children's Books ; 19c Story Boolci, Mother Goose and Little Bo-Peep lor'riday 3tc 'edition8- .'j1 9CT I Children'i Picture Books, with flexible covers and colored pictures, regular 15c books. Spe- . . QA cial, Friday-..,. ...... 7L olbs. wwimMB mum FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS $2.50 Rugs for $t.6G ' Wool Velvet Rugs, in oriental and floral xlrta;n. size 27x54 inches, and they are fondwrae Wilton velvet rugs, that sell regularly for nn $2.50 each. Special (or Friday only l.DO STOREOPENEVENINGSTIU9:30 r f -. i .ww . ii' II ii ii j ,ii i i ii a-, i fr iif iiir if ii- -! ii ii i 1 ' 1 "' ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' i r 1 " Brings Good News to Perplexed Xmas Shopper The Hourly Shoe Sales This Week i Series of Bargain Wonders i i Sixth Street Annef Main Floor ; . Every hour in the day, from 8 in the morning till' 6 at night, a new special goes on sale. And right before Christmas, when you are look ing f or..every jchance. to. make your, rnoney go as far as it jyill, these values will mean more to you than ever before. .. " FROM 8 TO 9 A.M. Men's and Women's Storm Rub bers priced in a very special way (nr triie. first, rimir " . .' fifty-, gwdRuJfbejsclL I"irhl5JUa ft. 37Kt for only. 69c,. and JQr tq $M ; rhour. , W70 the women's are going for'. 07 FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. FROM 12 TO 1 P. My Men's Shoes, in plain calf or pat ent leather, made by Florsheim and other famous makers, button or lace styles; values up 3 OA to $6.00 ; 1 hour. ...... VOOy ' FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. Women's House Slippers, warm Juliets, of selected kid,' fleece lined, trimmed with fur, tops of fancy velvet and cloth, 10 styles ; worth to $2.50 the tf TQ pair; 1 hour.........:. aPl.aUy . FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Men's Everett Slippers, made of dark brown kid, a very neat style, with patent leather back and they .are a regular $1.00' r fJQn value ; 1 hour Xjs v FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. Women's High ' Grade : Shoes, . made by Laird, Schober & Co. and other well ; known houses ; come in gun metal and kid, welt or hand turned soles, and regu larly worth .to $6 the " ,(2 OQ pair ; 1 hour. ....... . . . vOiOs f FROM 8 TO 4 P. M. Pingree Gloria Shoes for Women, select anytyle you please; you know they are all $3.50 shoes, and good ones at that ; for ". 2 1 ft one hour only, pair.... apOaiy FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. Men's Shoes, in patent leather, gunmetal and kid, button or. lace style, light hand turned soles or Men s Slippers, conic in tan, brown or black, Opera, Everett or Romeo style; 20 different styles; handsomely finished, plain or trimmed; worth to - 2ft $1.75; 1 hour ..aDlaOy - FROM 4 TO fij P. M. Girls' Shoes, for good hard-erv-ice; special for one hour. Sizes 5 Uo 8, worth $1.76, for 91.39; 8$ to 11, wo'rth $2, for 91.40; IV2 to 2, worth $2.50 pair,- . ft, FROM 5 TO 6, P. M. Boys' Shoes, best wearing kind that can be built. Norwegian pebble, bluchcr cut," heavy soles. Sizes 9 to 13J4, $2 values, 91.69; 1 to 2, $2.39 values, $1.89 and 2 to hy2 ; worth $2.89,2 2 Handkerchiefs Thousands of them, embroid ered and scalloped edges, made of Jine, sheer cambric and lin en "dainty bits of lace and fab Vic that 'ay woman is 'proud 1ST rarry; worth 35c to 40c each. Special; Friday, . ; 9 C -each. ......... . . . . . ; . . LdK Knit Shawls $1.98 Art Dept. Second Floor Large Sue Shawls, for head or shoulder throws made of fine Shetland floss, come in square or circular style; black, white or gray; make splendid Xmas presents ; worth , f ftQ $2.75. Special . , . . . . I Doylies and Center Pieces, in burnt leather' and applique, with burnt leather, also cush ion slips and wall decorations, endless variety of designs. All selling Friday at one third off.................; . ..A The Chance of a Lifetime to Bu Fur Scarfs and Muffs Going at Half Former PricesThat's the whole story in a word. Jtegularjricesjrun from, $3.50 to $68.50 so you can figure out tor yourseit wnat any tur in the lot will cost you. They come in blue fox, Isabella fox, bear, gray squirrel, sable oppos sum, raccoon, black marten, sable raccoon, electric seal, near seal. mink, lynx and coney. Beautiful Scarfs or-Muffs that'will make su-- yturs perb Xmas presents, priced now at Lf nf just half the regular figure. Rememberfjoll just Regular $3.50 Special ., .$1.75 $6.50 $12.50 $25.00 $3.25 $6.25 $12.50 $12.50 Silk Petticoats $7.95 Two hundred more of those splendid Silk Pet ticoats for Friday's selling. Two hundred more women to get the petticoat value of all their experience. All colors in the assortment they are made as well as care and best work men can make them, with deep flounce and silk dust ruffle, of the best rustling, swishing silks; skirts that sell regularly and rapidly at $12.50 each. Special for Friday, pgj ;" f!Si? f i. ;i;V';:V.; Decorated Haviland China For Tasteful Gift Seekers A special sale of Cups and Sau cers, Boullion Cups and Punch. Cups at remarkable reductions. Decorated Cups and Saucers ; that sell regularly for$li.0i) the dozertT Cfi TTri,i,,r 3 .nil a jf Regular $15 values... $11.25 "A,y Regular $27 values.. .$20.25 T l tf"in i eon r ' 'Regular $42 values... $31 .50 ,; Regular $47 values. .$35.25 Decorated Punch Cups;, regu- CH A A Jar $12 values. ipV.UU . Regular $14 values for; .$10.50 Decorated Boullion Cups ; reg- - C 7 00 - ularly $10.50 dozen. .00 Regular $16 values. $12.00 Regular $24 Values. ............ ..$18.00 Regular $33 values $24.75 Decorated Ramakins, that sell T rrg for $9 the dozen .OU I O Regular $10.50 values. .$7.88 Regular $15.00 values. .$11.85 Special sale of Art Pottery, including hundreds of articles of all sorts. Buy Art Pottery for Christmas gifts. The: Toy Department Will Be Crowded w"BhT Friday will be the banner day in be there early after these special and early, for tho. we've enough be gone in the afternoon. - Pioneer Flyers, or handcars, with rubber tired wheels. Spe cial for Friday, regular $6 ones for $4.75, and C C A $6.50 ones for. . . ... .aPJaUU Football Game; a feg- . Oft ular $1.50 val. Friday.. Oxv Mechanical Toys, the Climbing Miller' and" the Awk-. OOr ward Clown ; 35c vals. . OL Wall Toss, large polished wood ' shield, brass hooks and heavy rubber rings; very fascinating; worth $1.50. Oft Friday. OyC High Grade Steam Engines, specially priced like this for Friday's selling: $ 7.50 values for.....$ 5.50 values for.....$ 6.25 values for $ 7.00 values for.....$ 8.00 values for.....$ 8.75 values for $ 9.25 values for....": $10.50 values for.,... $12.50 the Toy Department, and all of an economical turn of mind will values. Mind you, tho, it will be well for you to come bright to last arcUnaryday;thesewill sell so rapidly thaftheymay Mission Doll Furniture, dress ers with adjustable mirrors and three drawers; worth . 45c. Special, Friday. ..'.wOv Fancy Covered Return Balls; 10c oncSj5, and 5c 1-, ones O L Little Gents' Building Blocks: will make chairs, beds, dolls, swings, tables, etc.; worth 25c Pretty Mercerized Vests $ 8.50 $10.00 $11.00 $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 $18.50 $30.00 values for.,., .$21.00 'the set. Special- -tZr Friday....... .....lUL Mission Tables, folding style, with round top; worth- 35c each: Special v 0c Friday. .11 Oregon Map .Puzzles, nicely colored ; regular value 5Ci 50c. Friday ,i OuL Mechanical Trains, complete with locomotive, "tender and long car; circular track; T0- , worth $1.25 ....UOC IPicture Puzzles, large jcut up pictures; worth 75c; beautiful- tei..,......;.....49c Mi qhiy -Sensible- Prese nts .Women's Vests, mercerized, long sleeved style, come in white, pink and blue; a superb vest when sold at $1.25 each, and that is the regular price (tights to match at same). JiO Friday, only ....................... Os y Women's "Silk "Hose, fine quality, rich black silk, full finished and medium weight; regu lar $2 value. Special, CI 30 Friday........ MflOy Children's Vests and Pants, in the famous Munsing make, with finished seams; splendid fitting and wearing garments. Size 1, worth Size 2, worth Size 3, worth Size 4, worth Size 5, worth Size 6, worth Size 7, worth Size 8, worth 45c the 50c' the 55c the 60c the 65c the 70c the 75c the 80c the garment, garment, garment, garment, garment, garment, garment, garment. Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday only.. .35 only.. .39 only.. .44 only... only.. ,53 only... 59 only... 63 pnly...69 P) DCCC UflTCZ Silk -Velvet -Hats, 200-to-thoose from, 1ALJJ IIMItJ arge or. small shapes, come in black, white, navy, brown, gray, pink and red. These hats AO are worth to $6.00 each. Choice .................... tj) 1 O Kerchiefs, S u spend ers and Ties for Men Men's 'Handkerchiefs, plain white, hem stitched linen, come with ior "ch hem ; the best 20c value you ever had in your hands. A mighty good special for in. Friday, each. ........ ........... .. IvIU Men's Neckwear, in four-m-Tiands and Eng lish squares; a superb range of pattern, light and dark, colorings ; -splendid 20r values at 75c each., - Friday, choice. . Men's Fancy , Suspenders, an ideal Xmas gift; come One pair in a box; new, hand some patterns, and the price range is 50c to $4.60 the pair. , Friday" any one in the t line a25 per cent discount. ........... 4 Polar Bear Cloth $3.25 yd Just what you want for making baby coats and caps. Give some little toddler enough of this to make him a cap and coat and 'twill be the nicest present he'll get. We'll help by making a special and selling you our regular $1.50 quality " OC Friday for EnglishRlaiMLuitings69c The patterns are Scotch Tartans and Enelish Overplaids, in splendid colorings and the; quality is a superb dollar Afn grade. "Selling special Friday at, the yard. . .... . . ... .. . . OVC aiiK ana wool ropnn, tor aner- imported Wool Suitings, in twag -ger designs checks, mannish ' mixtures, stripes and overplaida priced like this: Regular $175 grade ...ft. 19 Regular $1.25 grade..... ,...89t Regular $1.00 grade. ;.... .'..69t noon and evening dresses every wanted shade to choose from. Priced thus: Regular $2.00 grade. ...i...1.4 Regular $1.50 grade... fl.19 Regular $1.25 grade.;... 89 Fa ncy Go ods---Frida y Pri c es Smokers' Companions, sets, in boxes, pipe and cigar AV holder; reg. 50c set.;...OUv Post Card Albums, hold 150 cards ; 35c value, JtZn for......... LQL Photo Albums, all celluloid covered albums, now doing at half price. Back Combs, shell and amber, no two alike. Special prices.. Celluloid Work Boxes, large size; regular value" Odr $1.35. Special...... r. ,sDt Xmas Stationery, in holly boxes ; regular 50c box, 5 Cr for only. ..... . . . , . ... . OtJL Childs' Manicure Sets, in cellu loid handles; tegular price $2 the set. Special ( IP Friday. ............. 4)10 Glove and Neck Tie Boxes, of fine hardwood, Austrian make, brass and metal trimmed ; worth $2.75 to $2.85, .for...... Fountain Pens, hard rubber barrel and solid gold pen ; reg .$1.75 ular value $2.50. , OCy Special Friday OOL Framed Pictures, large size, hardwood frame, mostly game subjects for dining 30" rooms. Special Friday... Ox v Sterling Silver Sewing Sets at 69c Sixth St. Annex Main Floor. " Sets consist of three pieces, scissors, thimble and emory ball, fitted in handsome covered wood case; regular price $1.00. Spe- lf cial, Friday . OyC Signet Rings, solid gold, medium sizes, in handsome patterns; these are our 1J JtZ regular $2.50 values. Friday, only. . h ! & Puff Jars, large size, also hair receivers, with fancy metal top. Special ;, ; g. value. ......:........ ... .... , . .j. r. . . . Fancy Metal Candlesticks. . Special gn values, 75t 65t and OUC Jewel Boxes, in silver. French gtay and or molu; great variety; 50 75t TQ AA and up to. ....................... . 40.(J(J WAGES SHOULD BE BETTER, HE SAYS Mayor Lane Thinks Firemen and Police Should Get More ' ' - . ; Pay. . . "'' In hl' messsra to tha council, '.dnllt. rd elrJay aflernoon. Mnyor Lan l-clarra that flrmn ahould b paid tha Mm aa patrolmen, and that" neither should Ttclva lasa than 1100 a month. " Ha aay'a thia aum laecMaary tt tha rly la to prt tha aarvlora of tha bpat clana of mn. ' ' ' - ' - A partial aatlmata of tha axna for 107 la lncli1ed. It la tlmitd rough. lr that It will rVtulre H.oo,iJ0 to run l'ortland n'Jtt V4r. Am th ollmrt bava not yot bwn romplntoil, It la Im- posslbla. for the mayor or any. jpnela tq flva definite flfurea. It la aatlmatad that the-receipts of tha (cnaral fund In la7.wlll be t3l,. 102. Lavlea for tha various depart raent expenaea must ba fixed vary aoon. According to tha oharter, tha munic ipal flacal year oloaaa Dacambr SI, arfd It la provlild that the annual atAtc monta of tha auditor shall ba presented on thi flrnt day of tha year a phyalcal Impossibility which tha framera of tha charter arerlookad. ' 1 5c Scenic Photb Calendars. Flna orlalnal..ohoto(rroh", chnlcMt Oreaon vlewa, a dainty cnlndr and'tha most approprlata holiday souvenir; other elsea, tto and tic KTter Photo Co.. ladlea lobby. Imperial botoL . , .a i)i a Miii - i-a i f , Milwaukfe Qounfry Club. - Raaiern an -California raeaa. Take P1Iwao1 and Qresoa City oars at First mnA Alir. x CONDITION OF ' -WOMAN SERIOUS School - Teacher Injured . , '-' Strike Riot Fighting With Death. in Mlsa Charlotte Patton, a teactter'tn tha Clinton. Kelly achool, waa-atrurk In tha forehead by paring block In front of he Orand Arenna 4iol on Saturday night and la now In a prerartnua condl- t aUa bom ot Jmt ..Uri?U.crin-Uw. II R,' Rig of Alblna. Mlsa ratton' had been shopping with her alater nnj aome friend on Watur dny avanlng and knaw nothing of tha atrlka until they went out on tha atreet totaka their car for hnme. Finding that tha car aarvjea waa lntarfuotad and V--- : '.- unaf. Mla Patton decided to walk to the homa of her alatar In Alblna, rather than make any attempt-to reach her own home at Softwood. Tha party aUrted home, and aa they reached tha Orand Avenue hotel noticed a car coming and that a large crowd had gathered to block It Fearing trouble, Mlaa Patton and her companlona hurried Into tha door 'of a email aeeond-hand atora near by for ahalter. Tha mob etopped the ear' oppoalte tha place of aafety choeen by tha women and began to rnlauee tha crew. Soma unknown peraon on tha opphalta aide of the atreet hurled a paving atone through the -wlmtewa ef-the ew r i h auch force that It atmck Mlaa Patton n-he renter fHhe faeehee)i"wnt"h fell unconecloua to the pavement Bha waa removed to the homa of her brother and la reported aa alowly recovering', though etui In 'a eertoua condition. ' rrafened ' .Allan A I 1 afened Stock Oaaaed Good. 111.. -. ,v MEN OF CALVARY CHURCH PROVE CAPABLE HOSTS Men's League Cooks and Serves , . Dinner to theCongre- gation. (" . ,1 A novettv In tha way af church en tertainment Faa. not. only attempted but curried .rmt lat evening at Calvary free toy f4n bti roa XMep atom . an.lU the aelitanca 'of tha women of tha pariah tha enterprlalng membere of tha Men'a Laague plnnned a aoclal. aooked and aerved the tefreahmenta and proved moat capable hoata.' -The deooratlona of hblly; 'Oregon grape and Ivy were much edmlrad. AU that waa aaked of the ladlea waa that they ahaaild bemlabla. A program waa given - which added much to tha aucceaa of the venlng. Those' taking part were: Mlaa Con nelly, M!s Campbell Mr. tcey Wis dom and Mr. Harold Mllllgan. The young men maintained, end were not TfoV thla once contradicted In their aa aertlon that all that a woman can do, a man can alao, and better. : DIES SUDDENLY WHILE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING While doing her Chrletmae ahnpplng late .yeaterday afternoon..Jlra.-rtnt Scott, wife of Juaeph Soott of IIT Van eeuve eenne, waa aud.leujy alaaed aU heart failure. Bha waa walking arnng Waahlngton atreet, near Park with her daughter, Mlaa Joaephlne Scott, when the attack earner . Mr. .Rcott had jat alighted from a car. and ,had only walked a tew t-p Whaa aha complained of a ehortneva of breath, and her daughter advleed tier to atep Into aome. place and take a reet. Accordingly aha walked into Ellera pi ano oima and Dr. William Campbell waa auiffmoned .from hla office In th i Columbia buUdlng. but deeplte hla af forte aha died within a few mlmifee. . Mra. Crlaale Scott wat 8J eara ft age -and leavea a huaband and I we daughters. ' Bhe wae a member of tin Haeaalo-etreet Cngregntlnal church. Funeral will occur at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon from the V. H. punning undertaking eetebllahment, and Inter, ment will be at Lone Fir. Beg liek PtWUui l?rK;,- A family In London wriUh la ,.l i. wtey- 4wm4m4 bvl4 wui - r-'MKtv plunged Into mourning ly (lie l. ,t the fHlhr. A !i' .-lo- ''.. . . i , whether the deceaarj would ! r" to be liur Wil or or-iiinirtt , waa left to'the el l-t a-xi, at hla mother, aald: "I )iv to which aha rplld, "1 t