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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND.- THURSDAY EVENIMO. DECEMBER t. Itii. THE SEATTLE SETS UP WAIL V ' -V ' "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" Assertion It. Mad That Players Are Not Working Hard Enough . "for the Big Came. Business of (Portland MULTNOMAH MEN DO 1 NOT BELIEVE YARNS OD Is Doing the Piano Cutta, the Great Harvard Coach, Has I the.S. A. C. Boys in Charje and Will Undoubtedly ' Round Out a Fast Eleven by Christmas Day. ' . 't It la very amusing to tha Multnomah club members to read all of the hard 'luck atories that are being aant out from Seattle regarding tha poor condition, of " the team that will tackle the-M. A. A. C aggregation on Chrlatmaa afternoon. Experience haa ahown Portlandere aa It should ahow all people that It la a Tory ,: wtae thlna not to give any apeclal cred- ance to atorlaa that emanate from foot , bell coaches. Here la a part of Beattlo'a " wall: ' ' ' ' ; -The football squad of the Seattle AthKlo club did not practice last night. J for the vary food reaaon that not eeougb. fellowa turned "out to make It worth whlla. Aa urgent eall haa been aent to the men to turn out tonight. . for with leee than a weak In which to get ready for the Multnomah game Chrlatmaa day. the team needa a lot of drilling If It la to make any aort of a showing. '. -. -. -. .' "Six men put. In an appearance laat night, and seemed Immensely pleaaed when no more came. for. they all ran down the hill to the theatre. Some of ' the men who ' aeera 1 Indifferent about turning out for practice will be greatly ' aurprlaed when they nna otner men in their nieces In the big game. The team la going to be picked from the men who . turn out regularly for practice, lor atar performer la no uae to a team u , leaa he knowa the eignale and the gen eral atyle of tha play." Beattle'a Bad Wall.'. Prom the above It might be inferred . that tha Seattle team did not have the allghteat chanoe at all agalnat tha Mull s' nomah men, but auch la not thk caee. 1 Here la another yell from a northern aorlbe: ' . . . -. , - I "When men have to work for a living f It la a hard matter to get them out at . night" to run through elgnal practice. The old football play era like to get Into a came, but they hate to go through the ; ordeal of training. They had enough of ; hat when they were In college. But the men who are trying to turn out a win . nlng team for the club know that , un- leaa the men train faithfully they will '. get a licking at the hande of Multno- J wan Chrlatmaa day." .-.,. i : From the foregoing paragraph It would DDFtr . tint the Seattle playera are ' hard-working men and regret keenly "" that they wore not born to despise the delight a of labor and to live luxurioua day a. Do the Seattle coachea think for ,' a vagrant moment that the Multnomah playera are not hard-working menT The Multnomah playera are engaged In bust- . neaa and whatever time they devote to football ta given after the day'a work la done, ao la thla wtae the locale have no advantage over the great 61 washes. Heattle has Oho- big advantage over WMultnomah 1n the coaching line, and "that la represented in the individual known aa Oliver Cutta of Harvard. ' Cutta, has Just , reached Seattle ' from Cambridge, where ha waa acting aa one of Harvard a coachea, and he la filled up with the latest' plays and trlcka that are made poaalble under the revised rales. Already he la drilling tha 8. A. ' C eleven In theae plays, and It la a cer tainty that they will be maatered by Chrlatmaa afternoon. - . Thta year Multnomah haa gone along Don't wait until Mon day. Don't leave it till Sat urday. Come as early as you can. - ; Here's a big list of ' articles for Xmas pres-: ents-r-fbr the little ones and the big ones. Just received by ex press, a very nobby double - breasted Red : Reefer for boys of 2x2 to 8 years. We have put them on special at $4.85. ' The latest plain and fancy Tarns for boys, 50c to $1.50. Boys' fancy Suspend ers put up in neat boxes, 35c and 50c. The new shades in boys' CollegeTaps, 25c. ... A nice Christmas present with every .pur chase of Boys' Suit or - Overcoat., Store open evenings -. until Christmas. ' ClothinQCd GutflftihnPiW ' , Mcn'i and Bojra' Outfitters. ; 166 and 168 TnJrd Street " , ' v Mohawk Building. ; without a eoaeh, the playera themaelvea turning la and riving whatever advtoe and aaatatanca they ooult How the reault will justify thla gahftneTTirmat ter that la not yet determined. At laat nlght'a praotlve of the Mult nomah squad Dolph and Great played tha .halves and. made-a. vary good allow ing. .. Oregg cn play either half or tackle and will be a valuable man to the club. Dolph ahowed old-time form. Bud Jamea aurprlaed hie cloaeat fiienda by running faater than waa ever im agined. Kerrigan, Kupert and Alexan der played in the quarterback poaltlon la their turna and got the playa away In good shape. On the whole, laat nlght'a workout waa fain conaldering the fact that four of ' the so-called regular varsity men were not out Another attempt will be made thla evening to muster a quorum for practice work. . . " ' FRIEDMAN AND FRIDAY PLAY GOOD BILLIARDS In the claaa "C" billiard tournament at Corby's, billiard' room laat night waa played one of the beat games of bil liards aver aeen in thla city for playera of thla claaa, The game waa a hot one from atart to finish, aa both - playera were la good form and played a atar game. - Friedman won the bank and atarted In with a run of 15, and his beat runs were 1, t. zt. . It. but he only eucceeded in piling up 121 polnta. John Friday played-the game la splendid form, playing good eafety.aa well aa making aome good runs, S. II, II and II, and finished the game in 19 innings. The score at the finish was: Friedman, lllf Friday. 118. Tha game tomorrow la between Henry Solomon, and John Friday, and will be juat aa good a game, as Solomon haa net lost a game ao rar. mo msicn la ISO to 111. Henry Solomon, will play Mr. Homing a match gams of pool of 100 balls. Mr. Hemlng la champion of 'Washington, having won the champion ahlp in Seattle laat month, defeating all corners. V- ' . ' V.- .., GOLD LEAF BOWLERS TAKE THREE STRAIGHT , . The Gold Leaf team won all three games last night. The Bchlllers were short, a man, and it proved too great a handicap. Christian bowled tha. stead iest game, having 190 for high score and 202 for highest single game. . The scores: GOLD LEAF. 1 (I) (I) Avr. 15t 111 Sheffer Hague 111 111 121 101 u in in 202 200 170 Boulanger ........ Galllard . .v 111 111 181 Kneysa Total ....... Ill . 711 . BCHILLEBS. gwarts ............ 172 178 Newberger Ill 161 Christian .......... 117 170 Lunney v 111 141 168 174 110 171 Total .... . . ;";.. 711 S 78 ' ' Tonight the-Happy Dales v play' tha Commercial No. 1 team. WHAT THE BOXERS ARE DOING Battling Nelson Refuses to Di vorce His Notorious Manager .;':V -.. Billy. Nolan.', CANS AND HERMAN ARE , TRAINING FOR BATTLE Fight Fans Are of the Opinion That . Colored Champion Will Have an Interestinf Afternoon When He Meeta the Kid Other Items. Bat Nelson's heart seems to be true to Poll. Despite the efforts to divorce him from Nolan, and Tex Rlckard's statement, that there la nothing doing In Nevada until the team splits, the Battling one sticka to his manager and aays that aa long aa he fought he should atlck to his preaent mentor.' In a way. Nelson Ian t so foolish. No lan always geta him the best of It, which is what managers are for nowa days. They make money for each other. Both kid Herman and Joe Dans are now hard at work around the arid plains of Tonopah. Nevada, and while there doesn't seem to be any wild ex citement over thla coming bout, lt'a a cinch that tha present champion' hasn't any pipe to smoke. Herman la faster thsn Nelson can tilt as hard and Is Just aa game. The trouble la thst his system won't carry as much punishment, for he Isn't built along the same rugged lines but for all that Oana has an aftsrnoon of real exercise ahead, aaye Orantland Rica In the Cleveland News. Nelson had traveled 40 old rounds with the dusky pug, before he Imported ns now celebrated roui, and ir aans trims the game little Kid from Chicago he'll be on the other side of 20 rounds when he springs the trick. At present Oans la eight pounds over weight, but he'll never go on with Her man above 138. This would meaa a net loss to both of 8.000 cold and his 128- pound charge Into the aame ring with welterwelglt. . Rrt far Tnnonah hasn't ' drawti' thw same luck which fell to Ooldfteld's' lot for the scare heada of the Oans-Nelson melee sre missing. ' Goldfleld ran the ever-strenuous Roosevelt a dead heat for six weeka or more, but up to date, Tonopah la a few laps still behind 'the -avers ge councilman In the matter of dope" uaed up. Herman faces long odds, but with that he haa a chance to plant a lucky haymaker, and get away with more preatlge than any rsgnter has enjoyed since Jeffries oosed from the lime light. The Oana-Jlerman affair is at pres ent the only war scare of the season'. Both Burns snd O Brian are still en gaged In the deadly throea of a type writer duel, but neither has broken Into the open as yet 1 The present odds are that well be reading the bos scores of spring before they don the mltta again. Tonopah has gore crasy. even as Gold field did in the enrly fall for fight Is' 1n the sir. with Kid Herman and Joe Oans both. In bard training there In readiness for the New Year's day bat tle, and mining and stocks have dropped below par In the matter of inter eat. From all present Indications there Is go ing to be a bigger traeerrr of money on this fight than on any bouts thst havi preceded it for many years, af or several of the big mining operators are out with the coin which they are laying on Her. .man.- The Kid la having considerable money laid on lilni, but tha -majority haa conceded tha fight ta OenS la view STEINWAY, EVERETT HARDMAN N FISCHER ESTEY . ' ' MASON & HAMLIN KINGSBURY s MENDELSSOHN CABLE ; HUNTINGTON KNAB'E A. B. CHASE PACKARD LUDWIG. emerson . PORTLAND of past performances and tha glimpses that may be gained of him at training. ,. ' Eddie Foy, the clever comedian,' who never played a game of pool or billiards In his life, la a collector of billiard balla. For more than a decade, during hla travels about tha country he haa visited the various poolrooms and gath ered up tha strsv balls for his collec tion. Whenever he gots Into a town he hies himself to tha hotel, seeks a quiet nook, takes a alesta of about IS min utes' duration, then goee out on his dally bunt for the Ivorys. ' Heaiwtys makes a friend of tha man behind tha tablea and always comes away with one or two balla Every billiard haU haa a broken set of balls, and tha proprie tors are alwaya willing to accommodate the genial Eddie. In aome places they save their strsy balls until be cornea . Multnomah Club's BECAUSE We are Steinway dealers. - T , . Tf a i We carry the largest stock and therefore have the largest variety DsUaafsfJOU frnm which to choose. ---'V ;-v - V y a 9 j o y We study1 to please. We try to make of every patron a satisfied cus- V J aW tomeft Same courtesy is shown after the purchase is made as before RfT.f A I IQTT The reputation of Sherman, Clay & w inyourdealinga PRICE RTTf AI IQTT Nowhere else will you find prices lower and terms of payment s Jlaa ' more reasonabie. M. , Riff A I ISTT We rent Pianos. We tune Pianos. We repair Pianos. . We allow DLKjtJOL yOU a liberal price for your old Piano, Organ or Talking Machine. k . With With That That CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON STREETS, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE iTACOMA SEATTLE v EVERETT, . 'r BELLINGHAM . along. It Is said that he haa several thousand of these dslnty bits of Ivory In his collection. They are In reds and whltea and variegated colore, and repreaent considerable money. SPORTING GOSSIP ' On account of "ladles' night" at tha Multnomah dub thla evening. It will be Impossible for tha football aquad to practice. The club is thrown open to the visitors, and aa the playera would not be able to use the baths, there would be no use In turning out. It will be absolutely necessary, however, for the teams to turn out for practice on Friday evening. Dow Walker, the fa mous. O. A. C. center, haa Joined the football squads and will be In fighting togs for M. A. A. C against, Seattle. TV: ir ; n Second Eleven That Will PUy Tha f We always sell" "AN HONEST I, , Nowhere else in Portland can you get PI a Reputation Name, f Has the Goods Gives the Values Fine Piano "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.' Walker la in' fine condition, and can readily play center or tackle. Henry McKlnney, Oregon's fullback, and a member of the Multnomah track team, la spending hla -vacation 'In Portland, and will take a whirl with the club 'varsity against Seattle. ' There la no truth In the report thst Multnomah will play Herg or Moullen. Captain Jordan's call for Friday night and Sunday morn ing Includes Walker, Carlson. McKlnney, Bader. Sterling. Pratt, McMUlen, Cowl ing, Wilder, Kerrigan, Kerron. Alexan der, Lltt Rupert, Dolph, Jamea, Loner gan, Gregg and Horan. Maybe Walter Camp could revise tha slx-dsy race rules and make them more humane. ' e e Jack O'Brien. wh gave Tommy Burns " y ( . .. Vi '4 it Dalles' Columbians in This City on Co. makes you ansoiuteiy sate VALUE AT AN HONEST such world-famous makes ol conover kingsbury sterling wellington harrington er- Play KNABE ANGELUS : ' -: EMERSON - ANGELUS .1 . A. B. CHASE PLAYER HARRINGTON AUTOTONE ; KINGSBURY INNER ' LUDWIG PLAYER !' . r l ' v ' .. .' . a . threat Amas Bars ...... .. Splendid high grade $500 (used piano) only Beautiful Steinway Grand .................. auch a terrible beating, ta again able to b about ' ' Lucius Horatio Bigelow, 1108, of Mont Clair, New Jersey,' has been elected cap tain of tha Tata football team for next year. Bigelow played right tackle on tha team thla year, a member of last year's crew and played guard on hla freshman football team, e e- Here are tha rules that governed a recent cat show: Narl--Oueste will kindly leave boot jacks In the vestibule. - ' ' - I Visitors will please refrain from feeding the klttena apple pia, They won't eat if anyway. ' - No 1 Picking cattails not allowed. No. 4 Cats have ulna Uvea. They r 1 -4r t '" A Christmas Da. ; V : ' , ... . ! ams :...i5ie8 ..!... $275 .... . . 1,000 , I ,.v. SPOKANE will be allowed to lira only ana during tha ahow, however. No. I The tlm for the catnip la i:I0 p. m. each day. . ' SWITCHMAN'S BREAST IS CRUSHED AGAINST TIES " ' (Special Dtapatck to Tke Jonraal.) ' Centralis, Wash., Deo. SO. Switch man Frank Baacomb waa probabjy fa tally injured here yesterday afternoon while working in the yard. He-nra-rldlng on the footboard of a yard en gine and jumped off to throw a switch. His long overcoat caught and be waa , thrown to' the ground and dragged over the ties a considerable distance before tha engine was brought to a atop. His breast waa oruahed and he sustained Internal Injuries which the aompany surgeon saya will probably have fatal results. Bascomb'a homo la at Pawnee City, Nebraska, where he haa a brother, Ver non Bascomb, living. He formerly worked on the railroad out of Spokane where he haa relatives and friends. PIPE LINE TO SUMPTER MINES IS COMPLETED f Special DUpateh ta The Jnornil.) ' Sumpter, Or., Dec, 10. Manager John Thomson of the Fremont Power com pany and Red Boy 'mine In the Gran ite camp. SO miles west of Beker City, states that tha pipe Una to the power house haa been completed and trans mission lines from the power-house to tha Red Boy, Oranlte and other mines, are being erected at tha rata of a half mile a day. When completed tha plant will siot only run the Red Boyvmlne, but will furnish lights and power to many camps and towae and may even ' enter Bakar City. At the Red Bof will ba a complete revolution. . . . ' , :, r-r.-'y.:: Social Dane ''. - Thursday evening at Arion hall,'' good time and good mualo. Admission, gents, it cents; ladles, free. Professor Eaton -anagsr. , . , . , ' v V .-.' ' " . '' V- .- rr.-