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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER k 20,' 1908. v QUEER STORY OF FOSTER CHILD Grandson of an Eariy Oregon - Governor Plaintiff In Re- . markable Case. INVOLVES MUCH MONEY - AND LARGE LAND TRACT . Lester Beam, Relative of Ex-Gov- ernor Gale, Cast Off by Hit Own ' Mother Identity of the 17-Year-Old Son Lost by Adoption. - I , .- '(8pcUl Disputes to Tba lour nil.) ; Bakar City. , Or.. Dae. ' 0. On the (round' that ha la the grandaon -jOl ; Joseph Gale, one of. the early territorial " governor of Oraon, the Illegitimate child of the dead atateeman'a daughter. , 1 Inciter Beam, aged 17, haa brought ault, - ; through hla foster mother, against Jumea Holcomb, who, the boy clRlmn, la hla stepfather, to recover 10 acrea of ' One land on the Umatilla Indian re ner vation, and the turn of 19,000, which he : cJatma haa been collected aa rentala ' ' from the property. '., ; , Like a tale apun from the brain of a ' novellat waa the atory unfolded by the ' I wltneaaea In the caao. They recited how . ; Clara dale, daughter of former Gov ernor Oale and hla full-blooded Indian i wire came tq BakerjCUr yeara ago and um -wiagtcalved ly tile man shs'lovea. ia 18 ahe waa deaerted and to earn her ' livelihood accepted, employment In the - t Weatern hotel, then on 'of the leading ' lioatelriea of thla section. Later she re ; tired to Mrs. Young's . roomlng-houae , and there a baby boy waa born, a child ; without a name, : Sated Ket OhlM. ' 4 : She hated the child at Ita birth, 'the . .? doctors mx. and would have ended lta , life had they not taken the infant away "7 from her. . . ' " - When It waa seen that the' mother f would not care for her babe, Dra. At : wood and Dodaon, who attended the ', girl-mother, gave the - child to Mra. Young, who In turn placed It In the ', j care of Mra. ElUa Beam, who now re Sides at the Bonanza mine. After they had kept the bright little , boy for a time Mr. and Mrs. Beam grew ' ' : very fond of him and decided that they i would give him their) family name and ' protection. Accordingly the young mother's algnature waa. aacured and the ; babe became Leater Beam, having been ' legally adapted. . .. " rails la Xrfraa. After dlspoalng of her child Clara ' Oale went to her parent In Eagle vat- - ley. Bha realded there for nine or ten years when ahe met and loved Jamee Holcomb, a thrifty young afarmer. Con ' ceallng the story of her past from him, '. she was married to Holcomb. While she never told her husband of her aecret, he aays he heard of It from pother eouroea and several, times ques tioned her about It, but every time ahe 'hotly denied the truth of the atory ' " '. Vpu ii "these denials' mil the, cemtenAloa.1 thet the present Leeter Beam may not be the boy who waa bom In this city ' ,.17 years ago, but another child who has ibeen substituted for the real helm Hol comb make his defense., - . Flv years after . her marriage to Holcomb the half-breed daughter of . Governor Gale . gave . elrth to a girl baby. .Neither child nor mother 'sur . vlved. During her life Mrs. Holcomb v had established her claim, s an Indian descendant of the Umatilla tribe; to 1(0 acrea of land on the Umatilla reserve. At has death this was.Jhtrned over to Holcomb. -' J Boy Wonts asta. ' . Now comes young Beam with the con tention that he Is the missing son of STIIIESlI loses -111$ LEW Joseph Chamberlain's Mind Re ported to Have Become a, 1 Blank Is Mental Wreck. , v r : (Jnnraal Special Service.) "' London. Iec. 10. The London Chronl cle today atatea that Joaeph Chamber lain has lost his memory and Is both -a physical and mental wreck. For 'soma tlm Chamberlain has been failing rap idly. ' His long retirement owing to gout "mm wmm .. Ut-jii.t:-L . i .- 1 Tv ajrA'AisssW Joseph Chamberlain. and other ailments' has led to constant assertions and contradictions regarding tha ejravlty . of hla . condition. Ths Chronicle states that he has greatly overtaxed his strength at the celebra tions In honor of hla seventieth Birth day at Birmingham, with -the result that ne Has lost ma memory completely. The paat became a blank to him and he could not remember what took place, even a few hours terore.ana aitnougn his -other- faculties were, and are un injured, his memory Is gone. Mrs. Helcomb and ' consequently en titled to the reservation allotment. ' Al though ha alleges that l.000 haa been oollected in rentals, ths testimony tn ths case shows that but 11,050 in money haa been collected, besides a house and other Improvements which . have been made upon the property. 'v , ' As' the ease la brought . against the United States aa. guardian of Indian lands Assistant United States Attorney James Cole of Portlsnd rprenented th will be submitted to-'JudgeWplyefiai who will render a -decision.- MILLER CONVICTED OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER elr1 Ttlmteh t The J' Kalama. Wash, Dec 20. The case of the state vs. Fred MtWer, the defendant being charged with the murder of Frits Dlerks, was stibraltted to the Jury late ye8terY8Xtejnqpnanaafter aeveral hours' deliberation tha Juryf eturnsd - verdict of murder In the first degree, 11 belns; In favor of conviction on the first ballot ii nBiiiaciiissxzizzzxrzzrzacziiEzaKzsExniBiiniHiiia MMY SPECIALS ON SALE ALL DAY I .' . CUJTJ 39 c M ROYAL DECORATED JyRDINIERt , g - 1 TINY JUNO ROCHESTER LAMP. 7 FULL NICKEL' STORE OPEN EVENINGS i, . ! - , , - (-. - , v k M II VERY man who smokes hopes that some of his friends Will send him a - box ol goodcigars. -. -r- If you are a cuftoriierof r 7 tur stores you know that " " we can solve the Chnfimas gift problem for most men. . . - If you have never been a v customer of ours, come in riou?. We can give you the . beft cigars for the money all the time but just now ; "we ard all stocked up tot r. Christmas and we would like to show you our flock. Come in early choose . leisurely what , you or yourV friends would like. v " iip x ;'.. For smokers of Havana ' cigars we are recommenoV , ing these three: . .. HovaBa-ABierican, Suptemo Size, boa -: of S0,$6.(XX U Principe de CaU lliga Lif Sba. boof25. $175. , : Pahaa de Cuba. Media Pcrfeda Size, x , bocl25.$IJa For smokers of mild ' Domestic cigars we recom--" mend these: . ' . - Orlando, Media Perfecto Size, boa ol 5a4.0a ; :i . ' Roxboto, lnviacibla Sizs. box ei 25, ' , Benefactor, Superior Size, boa of 50, , ... $2a . ,.. - UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY 274 AND 301 WASHINGTON ST. -1 147 THIRD 8TRKET. OUHERCE-OKHISIS ASKS FOR AUTHORITY e Would Deal With Car Shortage u Problem but' 'Lacks' Power. - .'.-.''''' r a Waahtnton, Dec SO. In the Inter state commerce1 commission's annual re port to congress much space la given to cat shortage. It aays: "Prosperity and the high prices of all classes of com modities ha stimulated production un til business far exceeds the carrying capacity of the railroads. Conditions existing In the northwest are alarming. Larger roads say they refuse to ship their own cars beyond their own lines. because other' Urms practically conf lo cate them for use for local trafflo. One road claims that SO per cent of Ha cars Is In use y other roads refusing to return them. We are told that every car and and locomotive building works are rushed to the limit. Orders now placed for rolling stock cannot bs filled within the year. " "Whatever tha causa, whatever tha effect, the fact remalna that rallroada do not move the volume of trafflo of fered and shippers are suffering to a degree unbearable. Such a grave situa tion calls for every remedy that can be usefully employed, . The commission Is without authority, to deal with tha situation, however. ' Without . awaiting authority, it Is Investigating to ascer tain the cause and remedies that are applicable - , . COLLEGES TO DEBATE - AMENDMENT. REPEAL (pedal Dwnatrk t The JeeraaLt Unlveralty of .Oregon, Eugene, Dae. JO. The question for the big tii-atate debating league between the universi ties of Oregon, Washington and Idaho ' has been decided to be: ."Resolved. That ths fifteenth amendment and aection I of the fourteenth amendment of the constitution of the United Btatea ahall be .repealed." , The difficulty Incident to the repeal will not enter into the BK-h eoilegawlll .ha represented by two teams, a negative and affirmative. Tha vota or each Judge counts aa ona point and victory an additional one. On this basis Idaho won the champion ship laat ysar. , The tryonts here will be held fin January, while the debate comes off in March. , SAD CHRISTMAS FOR ' v l SHINGLE MILL MEN (Rparla M.pttth e The Jrttriul. Hoquiam, Waah., Deo. I0 iTbe shin gle mills of this pines have fallen in line with others throughout the state, and have ahut down for an Indefinite period, probably till some time In Feb ruary. This action la due to tha car ahortage, and there la little hope that tha situation will be relieved under present conditions. Tha ahutdown throws sbout S00 men many of then with families out of -workrso that the Christmas season will be far from "merry" with many of tha families here. - . , - The mill at Aberdeen wjMtrobablj ralroalU Kllla Himself. ' (Joernal Special .1 ., Port Arthur-Uxwv- 'TO.--Funerol vices were neui toaay over ma ooay or General Netson Falrchlld. the American consul-, st Mnkden, .. who accidentally hot and killed blnsal& ,. , 60oaOLFOLOVE3 AT 35o V 15 dozen for Bargain Frlday'a aellinav-vnn'B worated and mercerised i fcnlt Oloves.ln These gloves are new - and 'are our best tOe values. On iC sale Bargain Friday, at...Ut)& mm I ... ' i r . i vifiee-iai: rasiihw mm C5oPHXOT7C- J AT 35o ..... 10 dozen Lithographc4 nl Stamped Tillowf Tops, in a great assortment of patterns, former ly sold at 50c' and 6Sc Your choice Bargain Friday ,,.......;.uJW fflif Your last chance to buy your Christmas gifts at our Bargain Friday Prices.' -'-With' a saving on each and every article such aa we offer for tomorrow the amount saved on a bill of goods becomes quite an item. In spite of the fact that from our holiday stock we have served thousands of customers during the past week, there is still an excellent assortment of everything suitable for gifts for young and old. You cannot fail to please your friends if you make your selection from our Christmas stocks. XIany 'Useful Cliristmas Gifts Can Be Found in J ' the Suit Room The Following Items Have Been Special T?T" ly Reduced for Bargain Friday. 50 Children's Winter Coats In the popu :larx styles, plain kerseys and., mixtures i values up to $7.50. Choice for CM OO Bargain Friday. . . . . ;i k.9fla00 Women's Robes Teazedown robes, full length,, wtih kimono sleeves, collar and front trimmed with broad bands of Per sian designs ; $1.90 values. . y Ct QO Bargain Friday.. DlUO $15.00 Women's : Coats for 10.00 Women's 50-inch coats, in , plaids and mixtures, high grade garments, made from English and Scotch woolens. 40 choice coats for Bargain Frit day; each. $10.00 Fox Fur Scarfs $6.90 Fine dou ble fox scarfs, 50 inches long, large brush tails. These ire positively good values at $10.00. 25 of them to ; cnoose irom On sale Bargain Friday at....... Holiday Sale of Silt Petticoats Beyond a doubt the best values in Silk Petticoats we have ever shown. Made from rustling taffeta, . in two styles of shirred . and tucked flounces with underlay, and dust , ruffle of nearsilk. Good selection of light, rhane-eable and dark colors and black. s A very special Holiday Offering at i 10.00 :?f 50c Wonderful Bargtiins in the Basement Toy Dept. Irrpc31snnid-T so cheap as now. .we are sonenng an immense aBsoruncnt. .Aof them. New Dolls, Toys, V Animals, . Wagons, etc, at prices much below what you usually pay. Thip is the last Bar gain Friday Sale before Christmas and your last opportunity to buy at these ex traordinary reductions. All Dolls Greatly Reduced 50c Ktd Body Dolls reduced to S5J - 75c Kid Body Dolls reduced to 48fr $1.00 Kid Body Dolls reduced to " 69 LSO Kid Body Dolls reduced to 08 $2.00 Kid Body Dolls reduced to 81.40 35c Dress Dolls reduced to..... 10 65c Dress Dolls-reduced to.. 43 $1.50 Dress Dolls reduced to..... 81.19 $2.25 Dress Dolls reduced to. . . . .$1.60 All Toys Greatly Reduced '35c Children's Oak Sewing Tables re duced to :.........10 50c and 75c Mechanical Toys, that will 'please children, to go Bargain Friday at .... , . ... . ........ .... . . ... . 39e 35c Metal Swords and Shields, reduced .to:.- 19 50c Comic Books Buster Brown, Jim- ' my. Lulu . and Leander, etc., reduced . to ...39a All Books Greatly Reduced All 5c Games reduced to..;..... 3e All 10c Games reduced to. ....... 7f v All 25c Games reduced to. . . , .lOip All 50c Games reduced to. ...... .39f All $1.00 Games reduced to........69 All $1.25 Games reduced to. 80 50c Books for Girls reduced to... 39 Tree Ornaments of alt kinds at a' great reduction. ' : . ' , , Holiday Aprons A magnificent ' display orGiffAprontrthe larg est and best-seiectea una in town, at aurprisa prices for tomorrow. The New Hand kerchief Aprons New Designs and New Patterns. We find it dif ficult, to supply the de mand on these popular lit-. . tie aprons. They are of strikingly original design 'and can be bought much cheaper than . yon can make them for. 100 do. for tomorrow 2C iV" M.- at.eactv.. ..OOC LLn' Reduced Prices on White Lawn and Swiss Aprons AI! 50c grade Laca , rand Ribbon-Trimmed Aprons . . . . 39) 50 dozen Lawn Aprons, ruffles and tucks, best -Mtf grade - .- .... ...... . ,r.45at- 50 dozen Lawn Apron, trimmed with lace and - embroider, 75c grade ,.50a yMI fl.OO Lawn Aprons reduced to. V.60f "Atl StTTApfont reduced to.. - 89 All $1 50 Aprons reduced to. .,..$1.00 All $2.00 Aprons reduced to.:...,......f 1.69 me on J Christmas Suggestions for Hen and Boys Christmas suggestions have been made specially attractive for Bargain Friday 1 Bargain Friday. Friday is' a vary important and very busy day T in this department, and w suggest that you do your ahopping in tha morning, and thus avoid the afternoon crowd. Ths following items will prove splendidly that , : Our Prices Are 'Always the Lowest Silk Snapenders, in a large, variety of fancy patterns, in dainty colors: one pair in a pretty hoIiday'"box.' Specially priced. Cfn at f2.SO down to ..OUt .Christmas Neckwear, in large assortment of nobby styles, every popular, shade and pattern. Fricea from 81.50 down 50C Men's Bath Robes These are without doubt the greatest bargains we have ever offered in Men's Robes; border-trimmed, of heavy im ported blankets, all the desirable colors, exceptionally A A good values, at 83.90 and...... ....aPU.UU Fancy Silk and Lisle Handkerchiefs, in large assortment of pat terns, in white, blue and gray, very suitable for Christmas OZi gifts. Price, each i ..' Initial Handkerchiefs, in great variety of taponette. Lawn ')Cp and Linen, every one good value. - Prices iOe, 15 and....OL Dress Gloves, in kids and mochas, in tans, reds, -pearls, gunmetal and browns, A A Bargain Friday at f 1 $1.50 f 1.76. VL.)J Silk Mufflers, fine brocaded effects, in black and cream, also a large assortment of Cflv Prices from fa down to. UUW fancy colors. ' Suit Cases $7.50 Cases for 85.90 All Cowhide 2-t-Inch Suit Cases, steel frame, brass lock and catches, both brown and light colors, $7.50 flP QA values. Bargain Friday.. ...... ..,..$Dyj Robros Hat S2.50 The Hat of Quality and Style. , ROBERTS BROS, SOLE AGENTS. But a Hat Bond if uncertain as to style and color Good at any time until used. v Bargain Friday in THE BUSY AISLE ' Wa will endeavor to make Friday the busiest day of the year. To do ao we have reduced the prices to ths lowest possible mark. Never before have we shown such good qualities or such an elaborate assortment of dainty styles. The following sre only a few of many bargains to D ottered tomorrow: . . Bargain Friday Sale of Ribbons Over 50,000 Yds. on Sale Dresden snd Persian Ribbons," 5 inches wide,' Plain Taffeta Ribbon," 5 inches wide, all want beautiful assortment, all rich color combina- ed shades, cream and black, on sale tomorrow tions, elaborate designs, regular 45c 11- at half the regular price. -Special, pec- . Quality.JSpecial1per yard .... ......... VO C yard, , . . .. . . . . ... . ..jjjJUw: JEJLsJULUM.C7J.'JJJ. C1U Thousands and thousand of Dainty White Handkerchiefs. In this assortment , are fancy lace ones, embroidered, scalloped snd plain ones, large variety, of patterns. Q 3argain Friday, each ........ y . - ' . v Simrle Box Lot of Samnle Neokweaj 'Just received, latest novelties. Two prices for Bargain Friday, iQ eacly S5f and ; 4oC Silk Crepe de Chine Scarfs The chic thing this seasonbig variety of patterns and 'colors, are two yards in length and will make an ideal Christmaa gift JOr For one day only. Bargain Friday, each OsV All Christmas Slippers Reduced to Cost Price OVER v 8000 PAIRS . For Men, Women and : I Children $1.00 Holiday Umbrellas It is surprising how many people buy Umbrellas for Xmas gifts. We never sold so many as this week. Tomorrow will find this department very busy. - We have marked several of pur best selling numbers way down f of tomorrow. Read of these Special Inducements.'; 1,000 Women's 26-inch fast black water proof Umbrellas, Paragon steel frames, steel rods, rustproof caps, a most exten sive line of gold and sterling silver mounted bandies to choose from; these are reeoilar $2 umbrellas, for a one davV saler tomorrow only, vve offer them at half price, each.... 500 Women's extra quality silk taffeta Umbrellas with wide selvage,, frames of the best crucible steel and positively rust proof steel rods and non-collapsibfe run ners, silk case and military tassel. A most elaborate line of, the highest grade han dles, full and half length, combination gold and pearl and silver and pearl or plain gold and silver mounts, guaranteed non-tarnishable. We pack these in dainty boxes, make a most delightful and appro-' priate Christmas offering, the quality is such that we would be able to sell these at double the price we ask; we sell them regularly at $5. Will place them on sale tomorrow for one day at, CO 00 each. . . DL,tJ0 Children's -Umbrellas 00 Children's 24-inch Umbrellas of fine mercerized Cloth; rainproof and fast color a large range of choice handles ; regular 75c qualities at; each.. Our Big Domestic Dept. Is Brim Full of Useful Christmas Gifts What would be more appreciated, more useful or more appropriate for the house keeper, whether mother or wife,, than some useful article for the home? Our big Domestic Department is brimful of just such things. Tomorrow will be Bar gain Friday and the following specials .permit you to pay the lowest prices ever recorded for equal qualities: Tray Cloths ' 45c values at Special Holiday Offering Damask Tray Cloths, 19 by 27 inches, strictly all linen, newest patterns, neatly hemstitched; ex cellent values at . 45c. Special Bargain Friday at ...................... , .32a 32c Tray Cloths 20c Values at 12c Exceedingly good 1 value Fringed Tray Cloths 18 by 26 inches, momle linen; , never before sold for less than 20c. : Spe-. cially priced for Bargain Friday at. ,12a Tapestry Table rr c' r sf Cover8,Reff.93.50j5etiy Tomorrow we place on. sale a special lot of S-lFancy Tapestry Table Covers, in a large assortment of designs and colorings, bright, new::goods. just the thing to please mother or wife; our best Selling number at $3.50. Special for one day only, Bargain Friday, at. .... ....92.69 Bed Spreads - gfy c a h $3.25 Values at 3&.5 A most acceptable table gift fur the housewife Kxtra large. , white satin Comeo Bedspreads, full sire for double beds, best wearing quality, hemmed ready to use; well worth Oil sale for one day only, Bargain Friday, at. .92.13 Wool Blankets r A r Fully Worth S3.50 i V V3 XJ Men should make their vi r a jrr nt of one or more of the?. l!I.n ''!. th-y'll Tc sure to appreciate it. I it t i " blanket, full (r poiituk in w'i larc size, marie of the li',-t - ' real $.ho value, pcci -";. ; gain l'riday at. . . . . ' - ' .. ; .. .r'. . - .-. 1 1