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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
, : . . . . . ... ... . .. , . , . . . -'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ..THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ' 20. 1908. EAT IP II S iSIIOMCKE Nearly Tlire .Times as Large as During Corresponding Pe riod Last Year. - : PORTLAND RETAINS PLACE AMONG LEADING PORTS Exported Alone Nearly as Much ai V AH Puget Sound Porta Combined " During the Month of November and '. Gives Philadelphia a Close Race. .;- During the 11 months of the present rear the United 8 1 a tea has exported - breadstuffs to the value of $16M00,T1I. ' or nearly $50,000,000 worth more than r. during- the corresponding; period of the year 1906. The greatest Increase is l shown in the wheat shipments, which i. during- the 11 months since January 1 -tal year amount to 6M4S..T01 bushels, representing a total value of $t3,8SI,95. ' whereas during the corresponding period J of 1(05 they amounted to only lJ.tSB.- 9 bushels.' tSlUed at $10,114,435. During the year 1901 Portland shipped i more than any other port of her else, v and was second to New York In point of quantity. This year the shipments have been more evenly distributed throughout the states, and yet Portland makes a ... good showing. ' The November wheat ; shipments were , about, evenly divided ;' among Portland. Philadelphia. Galveston ' and the several Puget sound ports, al- though New TOrlt took- the lead with . f 4S.MS bushels, the other ports running f a close race for second place. Oaves ..' ton, with l.2.l$l bushels. Is entitled to " the place held last November by the - Oregon metropolis. , The several Puget ' sound ports combined shipped 1,484,191 i bushels, Philadelphia 1.124.I7T bushels. V and Portland 1,0S,77 bushels. From f this It will be seen that Portland as 1 an Individual port Is entitled to fourth 1 position on the list of leading wheat- shipping ports In the United States for 1 the mmith of November. V "During the 11 months sine January . I. 190S. wheat shlomenta to foreign 1 ports were made as follows: New T Vork. 1J,$5.71 bushels; Galveston. 11. i H0, Ml bushels; Puget sound ports combined. T.AftO.TM bushels: New Or- i leans. H.1J4.J76 bushels:. Philadelphia. I.M5.7S0. bushels; Portland,. 1,791.17$ bushels; Baltimore. S.750.S8 bushels. "--Ths--flotrr alilpments to forclgn-porta . Store Open Every Evening Till 10 O'Clock Until ' ; " '--.Christmas " Practically forTlhe Ming" ' DO YOU KNOW that we are willing to send a brand new, high-grade instrument to the home of any respon sible person for use during the Holidays and until our new quarters are complete, without a cent of rental ( charge merely upon the payment of the cost of drayage? .. : . - DO YOU KNOW that this offer applies to any new piano in our splendid stock your choice of all the ' magnificent makes except Metrostyle Pianos repre sented by us practically any style? .Several carloads of new pianos, consigned to us, are . ' still on tracks in the local yards, awaiting unloading, and railroads insist on immediate removal. No room for them here that's why our present offer.. DO YOU KNOW that in our emergency we will sell you a piano now at wholesale cost plus only the bare freight or if you decide to keep the piano you are kind enough to store for us, 'at a later date, that we will make the same concession then? ' DO YOU KNOW that the acceptance of this oppor tunity will give you the privilege of naming your own terms $5, $6, $8, $10 or more if you , prefer a month? ,'''::.rv'vv';r'-....;: DID YOU EVER KNOW of such a chance as this before, so favorable to yqu in every particular? Do you really want a piano? Do you know of any reason why you . cannot embrace this remarkable chance? Dozens and dozens of others have already done so. .Seriously, can you afford to pass this by? it- There's no string tied to this offer it's strictly bona fide made by the biggest, busiest, best and most re liable piano house on the Pacific coast. Don't won der, don't doubt, don't hesitate just come and see. We do what we say. But come within the next day or so. y - - -r-; - Store Open Every Evening Till 10 O'Clock Until . . ... .-Christmas.' ef '-WLaA M . I diaeesisf- f W. ' ' i . - pino.1iWblIitr THE HOUSE OP New NumbtV,53'WasKington Corner Park - y. . during th month- cf November from tt leading ports war as follows: Puget sound ports. combined. 37S.67K barrels; New York, f 1.M0 barrels; Philadelphia. 11S,Z0 barrels; Baltlmors, 1 15,151 barrels! . Portland. IM49 bar-reU- ' i , : , " ". " .' OLD CAEIA1N INJURED, tWUttaAlAJI i ., -falls Over Gardaqa WaU. , (Joeraal Special Serrlce ) ' Ban Francisco, Pea. 20. William B. Seabury, one of th best-known sea captains on th coast and la th Orient, stumbled over an embankment In the grounds of 8. B. McNear In Ross Val ley, a suburb of this city. Monday night, and ' as result of th Injuries . he re ceived Is ndw paralysed, ' ;r r ' Whether he will recover, time alone can telL Physicians fear that there has been a bemorrhag of the spinal col umn, but are hoping that It la merely a depression which time will cure. The accident will prevent Captain Seabury from taking- charge of ttj steamship Mongolia on her next trip out. and Cap tain R. H. Hatha way, chief officer of th vessel, win command ber. Captain Sea- bury has been spending a few days with th McNeara. Last night. In ooanpany with th host and several friends he was strolling" about th grounds, along an embankment wailed la abev a driveway.- - Captain Seabury atumbled and pitched; down th wall a distance of about six feUf v - ALASKA STEAMER SAFE WW ... . ...fa, ... . Overdo Pennsylvania Be cos See We ' iritk Tissij Boltotm. j .' ' 1 Special Dtmicb To Javul l SeattK Dec lO.-Th. .vrdu mmi Pennsylvania arrived at midnight from V aides. Alaska. She had been delayed by leaking boilers and awful headwinds and th passengers report having- bod a disagreeable royaxa. The steamer brought 10S paasangors and $500,000 worth of gold. Grav fear bad been expressed ber for tha safety of th vessel when she failed to make her appearance after a reasonable length of time. Th Pennsylvania encountered th hurricanes that swept th aorta Pa- clflo during ths past two weeks. SELLS OUT AND RETIRES Captain rtckereQ Quits boatta- . . ,' a Astoria, ' Astoria. Deo. SO. After many years of successful stearnboatlng In and around Astoria, Captain John Pickerel! has decided to aell his boats, th .Sham rock and Mayflower, and retire from th business. Captain W. Red has secured an option on th Shamrock and will take her to to Shoalwater Bay and operate her. The Mayflower and all of Captain Pickerell's Interests has been secured by th Collender Navigation company, and Ihs . Dep.JRlTSCxunwJxig ' HIGHEST QUALITY Vets 'Jkil eluding- mall contract, will to to Cap tain 1. W. Babbldge, who will operate a boat on that run. k - There arrived on th steamer Roan oke Monday night all the machinery and appliances for the establishment of th government wireless telegraph sta tion at North Head. It- was taken across th river .today. - A large force 3. P. Shua arrived with th material. 1t!XW.ULo, tO-WorH-at-ncaand. the station Is expected to b In opera tion In three weeks. STORM IS APPROACHING Weather SareSa Displays Weraiag at '.". AU Ooast Borts. ' - ftorm warning war ordered dis played. St all the coast porta this morn ing and advisory messages wer also rnt to all stations on Puget sound by the local weather bureau. Indications r for a strong blow within th next 14 hours and shipping Interests wer I therefor warned early this morning to b on guard. Th storm bar been more frequent j this winter off the coast, than ordinarily and more dtunag has been don to shipping than tor many years. Half a draea wrecks wer th result of the ! latest sever blow off th coast and report of other disasters or feared dolly. Nothing new ha been heard from the derelict sighted by Captain Evans, of j th British ship Glenertcht. off th Or- j g-oo coast about a wek ago and It Is now feared that th dismasted craft most fear rn down or .drifted on the nvXt SKvaea-aer along the northern coast. ' 8 was drifting northerly at ,)M TlM ' about If tall sa boar when seeei kv Caecala Enu and at that rate . . I " I Tl ZZZlLrZSZZZVf HJcr carreata aad set seaward again. If p41d P a th shore of Vancou-er Island th ladiaaa would probably have made aoen sort of a report, bat nothing has been beard from. them. Th mea sag sent to Tsshingtoa by th local kydrowvapbio office a iking that a gov ernment Teasel be cent la search of th derelict, has not been ens wered her, and It Is not known whether or not th department has dispatched en of th vessels lying Idle on Puget sound. Captain Evana feels confident that the crew was on board of th windjammer when her sails and rigging blew away. STORM DAMAGED MANY Teewela Antriar at Aherdeea la Weed of mepalr. (Special ftepatch te The 7esraal.) 'Aberdeen, Woali. Dec, 20. A number of vessels, operating between this port and San Francisco, have - suffered In the sever gales of the pest few days. Mrs. Peterson, wife of the captain of the steamer Robert Dollar, was a pas senger on th steamer Chehalls, which left this port last Wednesdsy morning i 0f Sn Francisco. JBh wr)testO hsr husband that th steamer encountered th sever storm and lost part of her deckload. Among other ships Injured or delayed Is th barkentlne O. 8. WUder, which sprang a leak and was tojred Into port snd taken to, Lindstrom's shipyard for repairs. Th schooner Philippines from Ssn Pedro Is also at Lindstrom's, bar ing her rudder stock repaired. Th barkentlne Kohalo. about which there has bean som anxiety on account of her long trip, has finally arrived In port $1 days from San Francisco. She was .off ihs harbor IS daya ago. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Ths French bark Jacobsen cleared to day, for Queenstown or Falmouth "for orders with 109,740 bushels of wheat, valued at $T,MJ. She Is expected to leave down this afternoon. Th British ship Invernes-shlr will clear this afternoon . for th United Klngdsm with $.790 tons of wheat. Bh will probably sail tomorrow. All her sailors deserted here, but a new crew has been slened. be at Couch street dock tomorrow night to take on passengers for San Fran cisco. She is loading; lumber at Linn ton today. The steamer Roanoke sails for Port Los Angeles via Eureka and San Fran cisco this evening;, carrying passengers and freight. The Elder Is dus to ar rive here from the southern ports Sat urday. Ths oriental liner Arabia la du to reach th Columbia river Saturday, and shs may get to her Portland bertbviat in th evening. , The British bark Muskoka will be at Greenwich wharf late this afternoon from Hamburg with a cargo of cement MARINE NOTES - Astoria, Dec 10. Condition cf th bar at $ a, in., obscured; wind north; weather rain with dense fog. San Francisco, - Dec. $0. Arrived, steamers Aiteo and Columbia, from Portland. ... Astoria. Dec. IS. Left up at 1:S0 p. m., British bark Muskoka. Arrived at I and left up at 4 p. m., steamer Rose erans with schooner Monterey In tow, from Monterey. Arrived down at 1:40 p. m., French bark Empereur Menellk. Arrived down at 1:16 p. m, steamer Asuncion. ' Ban Francisco, ' Deo. IS. Bslled, steamer Tiverton, for Astoria. ' Astoria. Deo. SO. Arrived st 11 s. m. and left up at 11:30 a. m., steam schoon er Tosemlte, from San Francisco. ADJOURNED MEETING OF -COUNCIL IS BEING HELD Because th councllmen spent so much Urns yesterday wrangling among themselves and disputing Mayor Lane, little real business was transacted. Ah adjourned meeting this afternoon was A number of Improvement ordinances are waiting for action by ths council. It is also probable that th underground wire ordinance will com up. The ways and means, committee Will soon begin on the estimates filed ', by the departments. The knife will be ap plied to some, ss It Is never pdeelble for enoh department to get everything It wants. BASKETBALL TEAM - . - LOOKING-FOR GAMES . i - The Albln Athletic club's baaketbsll team Is looking for games with Junior teams of Portland or any other elty in the stste. The Alblna boys 'hold the Junior championship or this city. They average US pounds. Farrell, Undln. Phillips, Williams snd Springer make up the team. Reperesentatives of teams wishing dates ars Invited to call up Bcott $701 or writ to th manager, Harvey Hoffman, of S2t Montana ave Toot Xsalth Compels Change. -Speelt -tlie te Tlie- JoenuiU) ' Athens, OrH Dec 20 Itvv. Onorga T Ellis, pastor of th Baptist-church at Athena, left yesterday for California for the benefit of his health. Tlev. Ellis htfs been pastor here for' a number of years, and he' will be missed In 'Uma tilla county. For years past he has Buffered considerably with asthma. . j.-.1 . , ,'; , ('' -m (J I A c Ci ' -sv i . ' ' ' X- ' W-' ' ' Made of th finest 1 I grade " of" selected ... ,. . ... j 3 juartr-aaw4 oaav . -myr; i ii if ).r -'. .:. . ; 1 ' . ' '-'. ' ' ' ' I 1 I golden finish. -with ' ' ; -L- " V- - " Of V?S. r: . J " i..e I '. ' ran . - -, - I ""' ' ; d s p 1 y - chiseled Y SlZJ-&'7-Mt, I .. . . v - .. yi? I I rllll - - I "fvlng. The sad- II . I K J s . V 1,1 1 J Rocker that would II ill ir. ' -., ... ..-H.rM iiL ... - - -- 1.1 . I i. 'g kia 11. II II ; B. . . : l ... l-r... , . . "VJW I ? ' ; -V.. - thoughta, of th II H VI I I L O - ,- . '-': I. il , , ; for nur a II I ' .I U WiThMfl OnV rnrh k 5-- ' Christmas to coma, III , ll . I II """" " . - ... 1 rW1 TTT 4 IIJ! ' ., . 11 I .... "A ' " trpholsterd In a beautiful patteni of green velour. KlSflh '.' J Xsf TVTM ijfTTSO : II hand -polished and put" to- ' : ;.- :Jr FXS&T ' II J3jfclSVt ' tSi Tn" V II 1 lffS : - III A handsome desk well-mad - H.fW I CSSLi ' . , lik ' ' . -V - PTUttV from grained o. Would ; Vl I ' ' F 1 Wetnr. W msas a line present ior m n- bus. i - is , . . w . i A v " .. - - www Hboy or glrl-mok th.m M 1 ' MOIT1S wDaU I J.dU ..,4 real mora Ilka dolnr their II II S! '" home work tot school, ; iX . iT TlFvVh ' - ' Heavy, masslvs frame mad of handsomsly TT ' ftSn'-mj Si :.: -Ci"tV Ju ; - grained oak, with deeply chiseled claw feet. j " .1' i'-1' ff5- " TT i ' I P ? fKji J Th beat oil-tempered springs used in th , ' f1 " . 3 . f . " ! i, rll'.. f W V. seaL Handsome loose cushions covered ij I' y , , 1 . ,1 I II JJw- I ,F with velour. This Is only on of th many llil Liifl'll 1 1 111 I ' m '" ' 11 i W- fI " Morris Chairs ws show that can b bought m i:-;n . u c '.:! ,4EE5!S2i .Pound. m " I hW " lB,"t - ': S t m ft 9 vk with V Asy j V m 'hfl ' A V li-tA iuartsr-sawd oak tn . i 1 fa YM Yl Yg ., r ' I- 1 ' HI, I B 1 ,Vf ) the.; shalr Pan.l back. -fftf , $ ' ) 1 ' EV7 CFIj I 1 - r-i :-,: st I ' : ' fiLrJ&l' Tk : ' nmh I V " ' A chair you'd guess to . . &fiJJ 'N.' V - I 1 ' ivj ." worth at least $4. What tl V jlT '"l''L I ' , V r:-2i- ft" J II V womo mo., a pre- gj -, .VWwf&. ' R8 ' JKP Vi I Music Cabinet $10 Mad from quarter-sawed oak. exactly as pictured. Ha I sliding shelves and a spring lock on ths door. . Cabinet work Is ths very best and the polish is squat to that of any piano. , Mu.ic Cabinet $11 Sams as th on above, ex cept that It Is mahogany. An extra fins piece of ma hogany used in th front. 91.00 a week boys It. You Are- Ppyp Welcome- JjO to Credit . r3"IT?fr UlUfiJUliXI; PERSHIWBS FR1EHDS-0EMY CHARGES AGAINST HIM Stories of Filipino Wife and Child Said to Be Due to Jeal ousy of Others. - (oarn gpsclal Berrtee.) Chicago, Dea SO. Relatives and friends of Brigadier General John L. Pershing, U. B. A., emphatically denied ths charges mad agatnat .htm at Man ila, that he had a Filipino wife and child In the Philippines, and that the charges are being prepared against him to pre vent his confirmation as brigadier gen eral. The stories are declared to ema nate from those Jealous of th promo tion of Pershing. This story was published In a Manila paper, which claimed that th facta were Supported by documentary evl- What Ails YouT Do yon feel weak, tired, despondent have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad tatto In morning, "heart burn," belching of gss, acid risings la throat after eating, stomach gna or bunv foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or Tsriabl appetite, nansea at times and kindred symptoms 7 If yoTNuve any considers ble number of thevabov Tyaoftoms you are suffering rromilou5nA,"Hrpid liver with Indl fWtlonNitlpclW Pr.PttrertfloMw Men Ira I lnverv ft mie P 0( the rov vaniaoie niBQicinai princiuiei Knowq mefllFal K-lcnre for the ncrm.nen t rure o i abnormal rondl llopL It Is a moll eWetcnt liver tnvtgorstor. stomach tonic, dowsi regulator and nervd strengthened . - . The 'Golden Medical DIscevsry Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its Ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrspper and attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extrftct mads with pure, triple-refined glycerine, o. proper strength, from the roots of th following nstlve American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root. Stone root. Black Cherry baric, Queen's root, Bloodroot, and Mandraks root, Ths following leading medical authorities, smong a hoat of others, extol the ferecoirg roote tor the cure of lustsurh ailments as the boeyniptomlndfrate! Prof.K. lUrtholov, M, D.,of .lelTcrson Med. Collere, Phlla i ProC H. C Wood. M. U.of lnlr of Po.1 Prof EdwIa M. Bale, M. D., of Hahnemann Med. College, Ghlragoj.Prof, John silos. M. D., Author of American DUpenaatoryi Prof. Jna M. Scud- ?er, M. D., Author of Specific Medlclnea; Prof, .surenr-e Johnaon, M. D., Med. Dept. Univ. of N. V I Pmf. Flnley Elllngwood, M. I Anthor of Materia Medlra snd Prof. In Bennett Medi cal Colic jre. Chlratm. Fend name and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. R. V. Pie res, Bwf falo, N. Y and rerslve frt bookie glvlrg trvta from rlUnri of all th sbov medi cal authors and many others endorsing. In th strongest pomlhle tarmVearh and every In gredient of which "Ooldea Medical Dlacor ry'ia oompoaed. r Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellet regnlaU and Invigorate stomach, liver snd bowels They rnr he lined In conjunction with "Goluen Medical Discovery if bols ar much coa sUpsted. Vksr're Usy aud lugtr-ccaled. ent ths. a pretty of j, Hj 1 chairs t Make a pretty pr ' Uf ' i' nt for th man who fl . ' ' lial r - ; ahave himself. Ma : f? Z." "Z7 ' I Tabouret 50c Hag a scalloped top of quarter-saved oak that measures ISj Inches square. ' Th legs are neatly turned and wedged In as In a tabla ; Usually sells for 75c , . : ' ' -fcogany finish, nloely polished. Has an ad Justabls French plat mirror (1x10 Inches) that can be turned to any angle, Th locker for shaving mug and raxors will prevent the rasor from being used to trim , corns with. , 000 OT? Mt aQOD PLAGE TO .TfiRMOIrS-1 ' dene. It is stated positively that ths that General Pershing is now at sea on his way to Manila with bis wife, who was Miss Francea Warren, daughter of Senator Warren, of Wyoming, chair man of the senat military affairs com mute, and their infant son. General Pershing is 4 years old and a native of Linn county, Missouri. ' He 1 a West Point graduate, He was the Instructor of athletics at ths military academy at' ths outbreak of th Spanish-American war In 189S. H was than captain. ... MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF BAKER CITY LOCK HORNS (Special Dispatcb te The frontal) Baker City, Or., Dee. 20. Trouble Is brewing in th municipality, the coun- otl and Mayor Johns being at Jogger beads as a result of ths council's re fusal to spprovs ths appointment of An derson . Flnley, as superintendent of streets. Ths mayor ts giving th coun cil a good as it sends snd hag abso lutely refused to nam another street superintendent or a city attorney, and has not announced th council commit tees for ths ensuing year. Flnley was chosen as street superin tendent by the mayor as a compromise. but th council refused to confirm the appointment, accusing th mayor of breaking faith by not making Flnley a member of the police force. Other notes of discord and a tl ballot on th con firmation were the cause of th mayor Ignoring th expected announcement of a city attorney and falling to nam th committees for th year. - MONGOLIAN WILL BE A RICH MAN ij, THE ORIENT (Speeltl DtsiMteb te The Joareal.t Baksr-XllaJDiecL--a0rArtfJ ft s waaea' mmirtm I Urn Ir am Ae jflM years' residence in Baker county, dur ing which time he naa furnished th ta blea of the finest homss in this city with choice vegetables dally. Low Tung, a-Chinese character of the eastern Ore gon mining district, has abandoned hi home among th whit man and starter? on ths return Journey to th flowery kingdom, wher he expects to snd his days in peace. Accompanied by four ether Mongol tans, Low, who is familiarly known her as Chinese Charley, left Baker last night' for Portland, and will soon be en rout to his old horn. He in tends to remain in th Orient th rs- malnder f- his - dsygi having , saved enough to make him a rich man in his own country. FINE WEATHER BOON TO ' ARLINGTON STOCKMEN W.WWMHM ' (Special Dtipatcft te Tie leamat.) Arlington, Or.. Dee. 20. Tb ' open weather which has so far continued this winter has proven a boon to sll stock men In this locality who depend almost entirely upon, the -rejig paaturs ia or. der to. hold, rang stock until spring. So favorable hav th climatic oondK tlons proven that cattle especially have been moving very slowly, prices bejng so low that growers prefer to hold as long as the grass Is good, sxpeotlng a bettet market in th futur. J. B. Rey nold jehlppsd two aarloads e beef sat Parlor Table $3.50 Top Is mads from beauti fully m a t o h d quartr sawed oak, and measures 2x$ inches. Has heavy rope legs and scalloped shelf, exactly as shown tn th Illustration. BUY ftAT ORD1LR Redeemable at Any Time ' .' '.'"'.' ' ; , THE BEST $3 HAT - V IN THE WORLD B1LN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER tl to the Portland market, and C. C Clark has also shipped two carloads which averaged 1.1(4 pounds per head. All this stock was fsd her in tn coun ty, and looked In prim condition. Sheepmen all report that their flocks ars in fine condition for this time of year, hut ars all feeding their sheep. UPPER COLUMBIA GRaIn IS ALL DELIVERED 4 i : ' (Special Pt pttch to The loorntL) Arlington, Or., Dee. 20. The Open River Transportation company has com pleted ths hauling e( all th grain It had under contract from the farmers along th upper Columbia, and will not run , any boats this winter. It Is ss tlmated ths com pap y delivered 100,000 sacks to the Portage road at Celllo and if th.servlc la maintained th eomhtg season, double that amount will be han dled. Navigation OA th Upper Colum bia has ot oeassd entirely, but Is sUll continued by th steamOrs Norma and Yakima, both st which are kept busy delivering material to th contractors slang the North Bank Italy, between Aiasworth and Celllv . f , Looks 11k $1.15. and that's what you would .have to pay for them la any art store in town. Uold frame, that meas ures 16x20 Inches, fitted with a Urge variety of pretty subjcis,iot cheap, gaudy - looking flowers, but landscapes copied from . famous oil paintings In colors true to life. . While they last, 65. , A 10-LB. TTJRKBT WILL BB given away with every Monarch malleable Rang purchased from us between now and Christmas. . No doubt you'll think. "Oh, they have raised the price and can afford to gtv away a turkey." Not so, th prlc la th same now aa it has been and as It will b after this offer hss passed. And you don't need all ths money. Bring along $1.00 to show your good faith and we'll set up ths rang and glv you th turkey aQ In good tlm for th Christmas dinner. Goods Delivered len Promised HIM Baker City Masoaa SlaeS. . (Special Dtapatch te The Jeernal.) -Baker City, Or.,' Dee. 10 The Ms son lo lodge of Baker City has eleoted th following respective officers ' to ' nerve during- the ensuing yearl .F. H. Dean, eminent commander; M. D. Clifford, generalissimo, John L. Band, captain gsnsral; O.D. Taylor, pre late; Art Harris, treasurer; O. B. Moul- ton, recorder! W. J. Patterson, senior warden: N. U. Carpenter, Junior warden) . T. S. Bailie, warder; A. Love, standard bearer; D. W. C- Nelson, sword bears r E. B. McDanlel, sentinel. - , ; BAB.T TO BBS and early to rise, makes one healthy, happy and wise especially if you take Herblne- before retiring' A positive , cur for Constipation, Dyspepsia and sll liver complaints. Mrs. B Co- . lumhla, Tenn., write: 'I always keep a supii.- of your Hsrblne on hand.- Am so . plessed-wlth .th relief It give In constipation snd sll liver complaints that words can't express my apprecia tion." For, sal by all druggists, . c -1 , i i'.V"-;' f ( . t f - -v