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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
CT . I ' i 3 V THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER .20, 1803. IIH1IIIST0N STORER CASE SiiiliMli Sidelights .Turned on Contro ; versy Raging Between PreI- ient and Ambassador. , PRESIDENT HARRISON -V TRIED TO AID PRELATE Pressure in Behalf of Ireland Brought i Upon Former Preident -Blaine Requested That H ' Be Made '- Cardinal Storer's Conversion.' ' , I Iwnal B-teclal Br-V. : - ; 'Washington, D- C, Deo. SO. A search - of th records and old newspaper files to find something: bearing on. the state sent of Bellamy Storer which waa flatly contradicted by Mr. Cortelyou .lhffectUit-Xli UU Preaidont McKlnley had lined his Influence In sn . endeavor to aecure . the red hat for Archbishop Ireland haa brought to ' . light many forgotten facts In relation to the now famous controversy. 1 aTt would appear that neither Presi dent Roosevelt nor the late President McKlnley was the first to become ln- .alleged efforts to have the BU Paul prelate elevated to the carTlinalate. - ' ; Xarrlsoa's meanest. ' ; " ' '. in leading dally papers of August- (, JSI. appeared the following: Chicago, Aug. t. A special from St lxtuls to the Herald says some time . v before the Minneapolis convention, - pressure was brought to bear npon . President Harrison to get aim to write . a letter to the pope, asking .that Arch bishop Ireland bo made a cardinal. He refused. - A few , days before the con ' ventlon further strong pressuro re sulted In a letter being written by Beo ' retary of Btate Blaine, authorised by President Harrison,' saying his appoint ment aa a cardinal would not - only pleas American - Catholics, but would be personally pleasing to President Har rison. This statement i comes from Father" Phelan. editor of tb Western Watchman. Two days later a reporter of the 7 New Tork Herald called on President Harrison at Loon Lake. He reported: "I again asked the president this af - ternoon 'Tora statemenr'Tegardlng'ths ' letter he la alleged to have written the pop regarding tho conferring of a car dlnalate upon . Archbishop Ireland. 1 do not wish to talk upon that subject,' 'said the president, and the Herald ehould not ask me. "" Sfferts Wlta KcJClnley. ' In regard to Archbishop Ireland's ef forts with President McKlnley . to ap point Bellamy Storer- United States . minister to Rome, after the president's refusal to make Storer assistant aecre tnry of state, there appeared in the Cincinnati Poet, just IS years ago this week, the followlna item: ' ArTmbBnoprelaflafTBrTaurn rwa polls, has been to se President elect Mckinley in behalf of Bellamy ' Storer, of -Cincinnati - "Archbishop Ireland will be remem- -be red -as having .issued .a long state ment during the recent campaign, ' Tn : : which he declared for McKlnley for president. After the election tua.arch ' bishop congratulated McKlnley by wire, and received from the presidont-elect an acknowledgement. In which the arch bishop was thanked for the aervicea he , had rendered McKlnley in the cam- ..' pa'im- ' ; L rThls was followed soon afterward by a visit of - Bellamy , Btorer and Thomaa McDougall to Canton, where a long conference was beld with the president-elect, and the announcement waa then made that Storer waa slated for the French mission. A few days - later Archbishop Ireland waa a guest t at the Storer mansion, on Grandln Road, and following this was the announce- '7 went that Storer had been converted to Catholicism., "Saturday afternoon Archbishop Ire-1 lond arrived In Chicago from St. Paul . and had a long Interview with President-elect McKlnley. Saturday evening Btorer received a telegram from Arch ' bishop Ireland, which read aa follows: . ."'Chicago, Deo. 1. Long, pleasant, : and encouraging Interview. Will write j - fully from Bt.-PaoL" v . - ., '.V "Archbishop Ireland then, .returned to t. Paul, and ex-Congressman Storer Is awaiting a letter from him. ."Owing to the efforts being made by. Preseofs That Are Always Appreciated ,v Fancy Suspenders : i-. Initial Handkerchiefs v:v - ' Fancy Hosiery- ' Neck wear : A A,::..: ui Gloves ,N ? Umbrellas ackets Etc. 311 MORRISON ST, 0pp. Postofflce OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS Is a central attraction during these busy gift buying days. Be one, of the happy band of shoppers. Come in for your share of saving surprises and enjoy to the fullest measure the peace of Christmas tide in the comforting .... i .. . . ; . r .'. . - 1 : 1 tnougni mat your giving or presents nas Deen accompusnea in a most sensiDic anu cconuxtntai way. Post Storer, It Is now thought that he Is aiming higher than the French mission, and that he either wanta to go to the court of SU Jnmes or seeks a cabinet position.; At all events. It Is considered that Btorer and . Thomaa McDougall were not able to get theassurano from "McKlnley that Storer would re ceive the office he sought. Otherwise he would not nave found it neceaasry to aend Archbishop Ireland to Chicago to tea tie president-elect." j, FIVE HUNDRED A DAY IN A ; BAKER PLACER WilndemMd-Strikea tremely Rich Streak in Eagle ' . Valley Gravel. Frank L Smith Meat Co. aa-ta Aider Bet. 1st and d Its. ; Smith Is rhtln- tho Bef Trusi." TURKEY), CHICKENS AND GEESE FOR CHRISTMAS Rump Roast Beef ..........St Pot Roast Beef .................. .&( Corned Beef ..6 Boiling Beef ................ v Beef Btew .v. mlth's a Wholesale antoher. . Our Own Lard, ( lbs.......: 60 Our Own Bacon ......17M Hama 17 Veal Breast ......Sf Veal Btew ......... ...r.. .. ratroalM Soma Liver ,.. S Beef Buet .5 Mutton Shoulder Roast ......... Card t . Albums . 5c 55c Story Books 5c to- 35c Everybody's Christmas Presents Obtainable Here V CHRISTMAS BELTS A ' Plaid Silk n Beits. Fritxie Sheff buckles, each..... 35 Fancy black or black and white Silk Belts, Kilt buckles each .........25 to Full line of Fancy Orientat Tinsel and Leather Belts. CHRISTMAS PURS. Ful r stock of all favored styles and qualities " . v from flO SPECIAL 60-inch Ermine Scarfs, r each ..........f-e.50 SILK PETTICOATS Building Blocks; 35c Dressed Chicken, lb .6 16f : Special Dlapetrfc e Tbe Jixirtul.y ' . Baker City, Or.. Dec. Whilst Iw is comparatively little placer mining In tha- Bkr; district In comparison with the quajts' operations, soma of the placer fields In Wlsvlclnlt are proving very rich, t(oa 6eUig taken out by on man tn a alngle' dsy-lastTjreelc This atrlks was made! byW. J. Under wood la Pine valley. fv- - . . ' fndorwood, with hla partners, Blair and Herbert, i have been prospecting for placer ground for soma time past and last week struck It rich In a canyon Just above the old placer fields of Carson. The gold-bearing gravel la located in a sheltered place In tha canyon and is being panned by the miners despite the snow -and other un favorable condi tions. " - During the spring season the Nelson,! worked ss long as the water ' supply lasts, and while no. wonderful at'rlkes have been made there for some time, they are classed as steady producers. In Btice'a gulch, Harvey Brown, form er sheriff of Baker county and reform candidate for governor-in the lasVCfti) palgn. Is Interested In placer mining and good cleanups were made on the proper ties In that distrlot this year. - The Oaly Sndepeadeat Bntohar la tha ,. City. Leg liork 1 2 H t Pork Bhoulder Roast T. 7. 12H Pork Bhoulder Chops Leaf Lard ...12H Salt Pork i .12He Pork Ioln Roast ................15 Pork Loin Chops . OoatUna Tradlnf With Smlta. . Prim Rib Roast Bnef ,. ......... ,10 Rolled Roast Beef lO Porterhouse Bteak ..12H I--Bone Steak ...12Hf Tenderloin Steak ....(lO Btrloln Steak tlOf Round Bteak 10 Veal Shoulder Roast .10 Veal Shoulder Cutlets .10 Veal Loin Roast ....... v .... ,12H Hamburg Steak 10 Cigar factory for Worth r-owder. Speetl PUpsteli to The Joe mil.', - North Powder, Or., Dec. 20. A fac tory for the manufacture of clgara waa set bp this week by A. N. MayvUle, who , waa. here a month ago looking for a permanent loeatlonfor a cigar factory. Four rooms In the Gorham block were secured, and the business opened this morning witn a orana long and favor ably known In tbla county. Games ; lOc to 65e Horns 5c to 15c Tree Qfnaments Doinft Forget tte : Boy PRESENT HIM WITH AWaterpro Football or Stem Widd Watch Free with Each NECKWEAR , HANDKERCHIEFS SUIT CASES SHIRTS SUSPENDERS " FANCY HOSIERY GLOVES UMBRELLAS- IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT ; II jTI r ISn IVif JMTPTMl JIM- 5c to A 25c Fancy Baskets 1 Oc to 50c Dolls' Dishes B : -f3c "( $1 V 4 Eleeant .styles in red. blue and green, each....;. $4.95 Extra quality black ."taffeta, with accordion flounce, ' each f 5.05. . ' " , ' ' . CHRISTMAS WAISTS Beautiful black embroidered orplaid Waists from f.f3.05 to $S.OOy Black or white Net Waists, elaborately ; trimmed and made over silk, each. ,f4,w5 Boys white Worsted Sweaters, each .fl.25 Boys' fancy weave Australian wool Sweaters, each.'. .. fl.25 "Children's fancy striped Sweat ers, button shoulder....... 50 Children's all wool blue and red striped Sweaters ,. TB Boys Silk Initial Haffdker- Boys . fancy Suspenders from .............. .5 to" -5w Boys' wool Cloves, pair.. .254 Pearl Beauty Pins with gilf jnoftntings, each .......... .-.5 14-K. gold-filled Beauty Pins in fancy open design, pair. ,. ,25 Plain filled Beauty Pins.set 15 Little Girls' Curly Bear Skin Coats, gray or white, ea.f 6.95 Girls' fancy - plaid Coats, red trim., 12 to 14 yrs.. ea.. ..".$ 6.50 Misses' and Children's 1 Silk Hose, . black, white - and red at.. r. ...... .75 to 99 Black or white Ice Wool Shawls in assorted patterns. each .50 to fl;2S Croclitt Slippers, all fancy col ors, par pair... 9 l.OO to tpi.50 Girls Fancy Hat Pins, Purses, Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, Gloves, Collars, Belts,' Ribbons, Combs and Fancy Silk Garters. MAIL AND PHONE OR DERS RECEIVE PARTICU ,. ' LAR ATTENTION. Men's large Silk ! Mufflers, black, white or fancy colors, each ..60 to fl.SO Fancy Flannel Mufflers 35 Immense assortment of Silk 4-ln-hand Ties, each.... 35 Fency Silk Sleeve Holders, in fancy colors, jr...... 25 Men's Garters, plain or nixeL-eolorj, .,,tJl....25f . Fancy Silk Embroidered Hose, per pair 15c, 2 for 25 Men'a fancy Silk Web Sus penders 35 Men's White. Wool Sweaters 53.50 Men's wool fancy striped ' .Sweaters, each ....... f 1.50 Men's red or navy . ... Sweaters ....... .....f l.OO Men's Australian wool Car digan Jackets In black, blue or tan $3.50 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, large size, inch deep hem, each ; 50 Large lawn Initial Handker chiefs ........20 Christmas Four-Jn-Hand Ties, each in fancy box.TS Pearl and -gold-filled Cuff Buttons and Links, per pair ......... .1.15 to 50 A complete line of Ladies', and Gentlemen's Umbrellas, af styles' and qualities, from ...75 to $5.00 Only Four More Shopping Days Before Christmas! Spend them where r ' your wants can be supplied with the least trouble and expense. , Work Boxes 10c to SOc Dressing Cases - SOc $1.50 Iron Toys . CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR Elegant assortment of fancy Chiffon Lace, . Oriental and Beaded ( liars on sale at, each .15 to 65 CHRISTMAS HAND BAGS . -Large line of new leather Hand Bags, all col ors;, prices from..........'. ....35 to $2.95 . FOR THE HOME ' .'V-.'' Elegant 8-4 Tapestry , Table Covers, green, blue, red, fancy.. $1.00 Linen Table Sets. 216 yard cloth and 6 nap- -kins to match, set..;r.. .......yx.a Half bleached German Linen Damask table Covers, hemstitched, each ...51.98 CHRISTMAS COMBS : . , All patterns fn elaborate Side Combs, per pair 16 to SO Fancy Back Combs at.. 25 to 65 , SEAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS Regular $5.00, $4.00 and $3.00 Lace Handker chiefs, now. each... $2.50, f2.00 and $1.50 Finest linen, heavily embroidered,, real lace edge, each .$3.00 and $2.00 Silk- chiffon, embroidered edge and corners, teach i .....;.........$l.SO Fine linen hand-hemstitched and embroidered. each . .$ 2.60 Same, with emb. corner Only, ea.,75 and $1 Same, 'four corners heavily emb., each. $2.50 Same,, light embroidery border, each. ..,.88 . ''- ,-7 ,-: CHRISTMAS GLOVES ' ' . 22-button Suede, in all evening shades, small sizes, per pair ......................... .$1.50 Same, 12-button, pair .................79 Celebrated Centemeri Suede Gloves, all shades, per pair . ..................... 1.50 Same, glace finish, pair...,....; $1.50 Same, 2-clasp ,.....$1.00 Infants' white ' embroidered Silk Caps, ea.35 to $1.00 J Infants' white wool Body Leggings..... 35 to $lioO Infants' . cashmere Sacques, silk stitching and ribbons, at....... SO to $1.60 Crochet Sacques, each, ' from ..35 to$1.00 Bearskin Caps and Bonnrts, white and colors 50 to 75 Babies' Ermine Fur Setv each $1.60 Babies' Angora Fur Seta, each .............V...$2.25 Babies' Bootees, er u fsir ............10 to 50 nfants' long white Bedford Cord Coats, fancy braid trimmed.... $1.50 to $3.00 Same, Short Coats at..... $2.95 to $4.00 Infants' Silk Hose, white, colors and black.. 57-64 Infants' fine Cashmere Hose, white, black and colors, per pair .25 Infants' Silk Socks, all plain colors and plaid, pair... 38 Dress Goods Christmas Gifts Those eleganf-Shaded Plaid Suitings so much worn at pres ent are here on sale at, per yard ............ 35 Novelty Plaid and Check Suit ings in all desired colors, im mense assortment, at, per yard .. ..,.50 Crepe de Albatross in delicate evening shades and black. Have a waist or party dress at, per yard ........15 56-inch Broadcloth Suitings an Cloakintrs. all fashionable1 shades, at, per yard, 85 42-inch Wool Serges in all up-4o-date colors. Serges are very much in vogue and are marked, yard 35 Cravenette, guaranteed . rain proof, different shades to choose from, the yard 95 Ladies' White . Silk Vests; long; $3.50 and $2.50 vals.$1.69-$2.39 Sleeveless Silk- Vests in all fancy colors, d f each-,v;,50cta.$1.50 Ypsilanti" Silk Union Suits; ; $9.00, , $7.50 and $4.50 values , at. $2.98, $3.78, $4.98 These Prices are of Very Uncommon Occurrence Babies' white - embroidered Flannelette Squares ...w,...V. 25 Ladies' fancy Swiss" Tea Aprons, lace and rib bon trimmed ............................76 Children's fancy colored Gowns ......... Ladies': plain or fancy striped Knit Under skirts ..65 to $ l.OO red Outing Flannel Night ...'.35 to 65 McCALL'S MAGAZINE (tha queen of. fashion) for a year and a -15c pattern for 30 can be had by calling for it each month at bur store McCall'i Patterns on aale. Black, cream or white allover Lares for waists, elegant patterns, per yard 15 to $2.25 COLUMBIA WOOLS Columbia Floss, Teg. 18c skein.......... 14 Columbia Shetland Wool. 18c skein 10 Columbia Spanish, reg. 20c skein........ 15 Columbia Zephyr, reg. 20c package.... 12 Columbia Saxony, 12)c skein.... ..8 Columbia Eiderdown, 35c ball, now..... 25 Columbia Golf Yarn, 45c skein...... .25 Columbia Germantowrf, 20c skein.. ....12 Columbia Fairy Zephyr, reg. 18c......... 15 German Knitting Yarn, reg. 35c... 25 Ice-Wogl, reg. 15c ball, now.. ....., .,...5 Broken lines of Zephyrs, package. .5 fee Wool, reg. 75c bolt, now..... j...... 35 Carlson Currier Knitting .Silk, spool.... ,.5 Angora Wool, per ball 15c, now.,... 9f THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS ALL OTHERS JU 144-146 Third BeL Alder & Morrison S& 5c to $3 Drums W--5c(' to 65c Dolls' Pianos 65c Pocket Knives; ';; 5c to Dolls-Dressed or , Undressed 3c to $3 Pictures and Albums ; 25c: $3.50 SECOND VERY. RICH STRIKE OS THE GOLD COIII ' . Sp-l1 PUfwtrk Tha JiwrtlU . Baker City, Or.. Dao. 20-Rlch though th oiialnal strlka In tha famoua Gold tXUa W rrttrrkerra tnowrt T9 be. It pales to InslKnldcanoa braid tha lat- mt And In thin wonderful property, a 10-foot vein, SO foet docp, a trua lla tire, 'of no lid Quarts of manralous rich- i rima, which has boen trac4 for 1,004 fert. . Nnwt of tha rich atrtk was brouaht to. Baker by Haurloa Glraux, the well known minlnc man. 'who haa been at Ilia Oold Coin for tha Mt,wfk. Mr. Ulrtus sys b bsllsrstT the vein oponad up on tha Durkv propartr Is tha rich eat 'thing ha has ever aeon. But a amall crew of men have been retalnad at the Oold Coin alnc tha burning of tha stamp mill j several months ago, when the plans of T-- H, Ay re and Dr. WJIt. the owner, war wrecked, but thla fore la to b In creased within a few dava and In tha prlna an entire new plant will b In. Ulled to handle th rlrh or from th (wo yejn oojv xpan-oa-4b propertr. Tb atiik waa mad on th northeast Sid of th mountain and runs north east and southwest, anros th south east end of th original Gold Coin claim. TheVntlr 1,000 feet for whtrh th new' rein haa been traced Ilea upon tha Gold Coin Mitring company's property, which conslate of nine claim. - - ThS original strike InVth Oold Coin waa a rein which la 1 razor than th last on opened up. but mixed . with th quarts ia a grare.1 formation., Tha nw EVtUY CUSTOMER GETS A PRESENT 193 THIRD STREET Do (Co. phonc . MAIN 3C0 HOLIDAY LIQUOR HEADQUARTERS T strike Is a 10-foot vein of pur quarts, J tne of three discoverers of new plawr which rarrlea th same Wonderful gold ground In Pin trailer. Baker county,' values that hav mad th mine famous. took out J0 in gold In on day. ' r". - ,-l '.' ' ..' V I' :