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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
THE OREGQnVdAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINQ, DECEMBER 20.M803. FUEL FilliJE DUE TRANS PO STATIC" -TO ' KELSO'S Wir.'NINO CC2ATER3 ; ; If5 ' . "" ."... r ll V mm I I - y , , , , , , S-JJ Coal Mina Operator.; Testify . That Car Shortage Is Respon sible forTroublerT" WASHINGTON COMMISSION -V INVESTIGATING PROBLEM Seventy Thousand Tons of Coal Lost to Veaieli in Tacoma Because of Failure 'tp Provide Transportation ;. Steamer Demurrage.- , ; , i (Special Dlspstch te Tb Journal.) Tacoma, wash., Iee. ao.J-Tlie com- ml salon appointed by , Governor Mead to investigate the fuel famine held Ita opening sejixlnn iter yesterday after noon, adjourning after a two hours' ses sion to meet at JO a. m. today at Seat tier wtiarer enrnpfamtnte -w4U be beards It is probable that the commission will hold another.- session hero, tomorrow, and will then make a finding; to report back to the fortrnor. Several coal mine operators , were before the com mission here snd gave their side Of the failure to provide fuel, i , Chief among these waa I. B' Wlnsor. hS'JarWmatlo-BilnesT' WnceHDeceni- er I He had ordered cars to carry 12,400 tons of coal. Only cars sufficient to carry 7,481 tons were supplied, leaving 4.911 tons of coal unmoved. Tills, he declared, was but a sample of tbo treat ment the coal mines of the 'state have been receiving at the hands of the railroads for months. Ho laid the en tire blame for the a hart re of fuel on the railroads, and said 70,000 tons of coal toad been lost to vessnls In this .port because of the failure of the North ern Pacific to carry the" coal from the mines to tidewater. Ho repudiated the Intimation that tkero was a coal com bine in tbo state, stating that the coal operators? of Washington are fighting each other tooth and nalL C R. Cleghorn, general manager of the Northwestern Improvement- com pany, which operates the Northern Pa-, cif ic railroad's mines, was before . the oommlaslonjnd. gave testimony con siderably different from that -of Mr. Wlnsor. Ho claimed that his company had- had no great trouble In. securing cars. ' The hearing brought out tho fact that one of tho most serious features of the fuel shortage for tho mine operators Is that steamships coaling here have a demurrage clause which provides that If ths mines contracting to supply them fuel do not furnish coal within s cer tain time, tho mine must pay the dally earning capacity of tho boat for ths time lost. '' - " , 7 AT-il - V:l.i ' 11 --. ,,..w. i ii . Against tho Castle Rock high school team Friday night this trio Won. though on tho unpopular side of tho question of electing United States senators by di rect vote. From left to right-they are: Bherman Vogel. Helen Carothsrs and Kenneth Cue. Their principal, R. W. Smlts, appears with them. . weeks It U probable that meetings will bo held all over tho country for this purpose. A. meeting haa been scheduled to . take place . at Monument, . Deoem- ber . . ''. Move to Divide Orant Oomnty. ' . (Special Dispatch to-The JeeraaL) lyng Creek, Or., Deo. it.. An actlvo movement Is now on to divide Orant county, and an initiative movement haa been started. An organisation has been perfected, and within the next few RICH VALUES IN NEW ' BAKER CITY GOLD STRIKE Baker. Clty, Or.V ee. 10. Excite ment continues In tho Cornucopia camp where tho big strike was mads a few days ago In the placer diggings of Herbert, Underwood and Blair. Still greater values are being discovered. ' - In developing tho ground Herbert and his companions drifted Hi feet back Into tbo hlllfTnd struck an old creek bottom filled with' gold nuggets run ning about 15 tot tho barrow on the average. On tho f bedrock In decom posed porphyry and slate from which In three by four-foot space 14 barrows of coarse wash gold was taken netting 17X,.iTho gold Is from tho slie of pin beads to beans. . . : ' - . To Heal CbM Rooms GREEiORiL PEOPLE I'ANT jjpxpTOJMER- Desire. Based on Grounds of Dis tance -and -Transport- Facilities. Z will treat nay single uaoojnpllcatsd) ailment foe S10 . , for tho fee. . - Different doctors have different Ideas In regard to .cures. Some call a suppression of symptoms a cure. They dose for drug effects snd celm that nothing more can bo dune.' But the real-ailment' remains, ..and will - bring tho real symptoms back again, perhapa "the name s before, but very likely leave the patient in a much worse condition. I claim that nothing less than com plete eradication of disease can be a real cur. I treat to remove tho disease, and not merely the symptoms. I aearoh.out every root and fiber of an aliment, and I euro to stay cured. : "Weakness" " You Pay for-Cures Only 7 SB. TAYXOB, The Xreadlng Spoetalls. I not only cure.- "weakness" promptly, but I employ tho only treatment that can possibly cure this disorder . permanently. .It Is a system of local treatment .en tirely original with me, and la employed by no physician other than myself. This may seem a brood assertion, but It Is just as substsntlal as it la broad. So-called weakness" Is but a symptom Of local inflammation nr I ,"rl7r' .wun tnysen a I oengaetlem o4 oyraeHcat wrT merely a, ma tter of re- 1 "rsru: irrniim mi ii ibi storing normal conaitions inrougnout tno organio sys tem, and this I accomplish thoroughly and with abeo--lute certainty. . Syphilis I euro this leprous disease completely. The system. Is thoroughly cleansed and every poisonous taint re moved. The last symptom vanishes to appear no more, and all la accomplished by the use of harmless blood-, cleansing reqiedles. Do not submit to the dangerous' mineral dosing commonly Indulged. In. Such treatment merely obscures tho symptoms. ' e Varicocele Cured Without Cutting Th.t!nie.jiM, when ', afiUcladwlth.varl cocele had no choice other than to allow the disease to go on-undermining his power and -health or submit to r nr"icp operation Now he can choose a thorough, euro by painless treatment. I cure varicocele In one ' .w . it .in Miom necesjiary that the patient Is de tained from his business even a single day. My method is original with myself and is the only safe and slc- e seels aftas-ilevlaea. . Advice and Consultation Free ' h-v a private talk with, me concerning your aliment. Rven If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at this time, I ran always give helpful sug gestion to men who are diseased or week.. If you can not come to Portland. -write fofpartlculara of my sys tem of home treatment. Interesting literature and colored charts free If you will call. '' My offices are open all day from a. m. to t p. m., and on Sundays from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. . Cor. Second and Mor rison Sts. Portland.Or. ' The DR. TAYLOR Co. Private Entrance 234$ Morrison Street I aiio UNIONPACIHC !3Traini to the East Daily 3 (tee) TlH'k all ' . . .. i asaa. ChMsss. Sp.t.wl' "v'"-"r- nr e asaaaa v I tk r.Z, 1 "1D sircaira (seal , 2V" rlT- Jot Kilters . I tjmn"9ml. Wslla.- l -','ftC7- romer 4 Aim s4 i KPs for the Bast a!2-P"1,lrh,- '"r.. :? aasi "nrt-sd ni, toe,!' I,, .11 ! IMBira. ktw BIhs an rwtlssd. 1flT. . ; ... S IS anT 1:4 ooT-tTMnf airrn ntrisiow. J" Aa'orla aoS My svlsla. Meaectlas rm fesmep far flwaee aa4 Korti B.rk. StesaMS Hm.Io, a,!!-.,, -te t . 4.HV. 'P' wlT; a.fnrvl.. to s.. St. aarlws about ( 9. ..o Sewiav. , tamriix airra aorrg. roe Davtoa iirwM rttw . v . nh m ,4m. . pwrmmmt ion tnt Krioer-Mwf . s. a. Sai, eioest gauday Iwatar see-- ?."'") arrtTa t:30 a. m. dslly. esow "s icitrr iimrri. 5i?tU-' w",,-. steasjera Bpaksae and Ii fe iy H 4 i. a.. ee epos arrival TriiS V ii Safsraay. Arrive p. aa. lTkMi.Atflf-TMeJJM.Wiiil..s est Mats T1. t ra. MMUhBV. Oeeeral hxuv Aft. ' Fvorv honsa haa Ita told room. Abnormal weather - cnndttlons. kiadeauata Stove or fnrnaca heat often result In aoma particular - J part of ths housa being cold and cheerless, Yoa -caa Buuca doom warm and cheerful with tha 4 - - PEKFECTIOM Oil Healer 1 : ' (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Csrrf It scout trom roost to rooaiJurn wick high or low-thora'a so i anger. Saiokelea device prevent sartka and smeU. Easy to oporata as a laurp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beaatifuUy em bossed. Holds a Quarts of oil and burns e hours. Gives Interna - heat Two finishes nickel and Japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. ' Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our Dearest aiency lor acscrtpuvs circular. . The yes caa svy. Equips wna '' latest Isiprovad burner. . Gives brlrht. steady II rM at lewtst cost. Mi 4a ef brass tbrwelMut eni SKK.I elatad. SuluMe for any room wh.ther II brary, Sinlsc-rooa, sartor erbrooa. Safe aa4 satisfactory, every ims warraatae. wriia ss. aaarest agsscy If aet at veur saaiar s. Stamdartl Oil Company Fishing Shooting GROVER CLEVELAND and -Sltctehcs Crover Cleveland haa always gone fishing and shooting (or the fun of it; and probably no phase of tha former president's many-aided, rugged character haa brought him mora univer sal affection from hia countrymen than his keen. Justice-loving sportsmanship. His book has an intimate human quality, combined with a calm, genial philosophy that. will make it a. aportsman'a creed for this generation, and for many genera tions to come. . Mr. Cleveland's book is a guide to the spirit of true sportsmanship. " '. . , Fifty Illustrations by H. S. Watson." ',. -tPrlesi 4I.3S INt) The Outing- Publishing Company" ' . . - " II and 17 West list St., New Tors. , ' - ,,-- , ': ' i r '' ' "THE BALANCE OF POWER" Is In Its 4!h large Edition. (Special Olspstch to The Journal. I Baker City,-Or., Dec -20. Residents' of the Greenhorn minlnc .district are rtialdna every effort to -have their sec- 1 tlon of the country added to Baker ' county and will have a bill Introduced j at tho next session of tho legislature to that effect. Senator Hart of this city 1 has been ,sked to Introduce the bill and la Investigating the resort made by tha Oraonhorn realdenta, who ' state that ! Orant county will make no objection to i tho chanfre laTtioanaaHeaT-' John Thomson, .manaaer of tho Red Boy Mines company, and ' Oliver Lake Power company; la in tha etty In tha In terest of tho proposed 'chance and de Clares that unless opposition la mad by the people of thta county the valuable Greenhorn mining district will be a portion of 'Baker county next year. . The advantage of the plan lies In tha fact that the ratalnc Interests of the district center In Baker county and not in Orant. Tho mining; ' operators and employes all transact their .business with Baker City, and oppose roing to Canyon City for county affairs. To reach Canyon City the residents of tho Greenhorn country are forced to croaa one "divide, make Wielr way to Sumpter and then make an arduous stace trip across another divide. From Sumpter they can coma into Baker over tho Sumpter Valley railway. According to tho present plan the new . lino will, run ..from tho town of Greenhorn to tho section line, thence north to tha lino ot Grant county. - This will add about six square miles to tho area of Bakir county and will include the towns Of Greenhorn, Alamo and Granite. . The population of tho district v w u . .ww. nuiviin .iia frinvimi milling- properties are tho Red Boy. Monu mental. Magnolia and Independence. LEAPED INTO CALDRON OF SEETHING FLAMES (Special Dianates to The Jseraal.) Tacoma, Wash., Dec J9. A man who ran not be Identified leaped Into' the "everlasting" bonfire, where slabs and sawdust are burned at a sawmill be tween Telm'and Roy, Monday after noon. Coroner Stewart made an fnveatl. satlon of tha case and returned here with tho body last night. The man hd stopped at a saloon near by a few hourj previous, and' had, made tho acquaint ance of several hangers-on about the place. With one of these new acquaint ances he sat down near where tho slabs and aawdust were burning. - The man acted In" a strange manner. taking off all his clothing save .under garments. Then before his new-found acquaintance could Interpose, he leaped Into the bonfire, which was burning' fiercely The Instant he "got Into tho fire he began a dismal walling and made strenuous endeavors to get out. Kick ing snd rolling and with the flames wreathing around him. he was finally able through the assistance of his ac quaintance snd the nlghtwatcbman at the mill to get out or the nro. .ho waa almost burned to death, however, and could but speak In a whisper. Ha Inti mated that ho had contemplated suicide. declaring that death by fire, he thought, was preferable to taking poison. The man . was 4ft. years or age ana a ror signer. He waa brought 10 TtoyrtJUt died shortly after reaching that place, SALVATION ARMY MAN : WAS SINNED AGAINST . 1 '. ' z- - ' (Special rHspstch te The inarasl.Jj Pertdleton, Or., Iec ).-wlng' to the fact . that there was not sufficient evi dence to hold Olaf Hellesath on tho charge made against him of statutory crime, the alleged victim being LI 1 lie Blhley, a 14-year-old girl, he has been released and will leave for Seattle to take up hie work In a new field. Accord ing to District Attorney Phelps he de cided to dismiss the rase agalnat Helle sath after having fully Investigated It. The only evidence. against him waa that of trie Hlbley girl and this wss found to bo of little value as evidence, because of that feijlHauhA.lrjjrvjy.adnltudi Heinf to .the company of others. She' will In all probability" be sent to the Girls' and Boys' Aid society, a petition having been filed with the county court to that effect. - We Cure Men for $10.00 In any naoemplioassa ease. Wo will give wzlttem guarantee la any oaae we anaer- We snake no mlslsadlag statements or false promises Wo have slo free trial treatments or schemes to trap the wnwary. Onr doctors at graduates of the leading soilages of Asnertoa aad are duly Ueesd la the state of Oregon to eare diseases of CONSULTATION FREE We'll treat any single uncomplicated all- men! for. 11 0.00, : - IITAIUI1BD S5 TBiBI X rOBTlVAaTO. Under Absolute Guarantee U NO PAV UNLESS CURED Come to us In the strictest confidence. ' Wer will treat you honestly snd skillfully .snd will cure you In less time than other dpctora take to experiment on yon. All those- who sre discouraged or - who have taken treatment from unskilled spe cialists we especially Invito to cell on us . ana avail' mem selves or tne rree ttOB. . If your system .impaired In any way,' come and, have a talk with as. We way and wo know we can cure you, IT your caae la curable. Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific able Experimenting and theorlea are principles, founded on yeara of : BUSTS SXSaABBS, things of tho past. auifAaarn nranra. - Vse cure by the latest snd best methods known to medlcsf science YaJBI0OCI.B or aTBTOTTBD TBTBI,' B&009 rOIBOBT, STXXYO-YITAIi DBBTLlrT, SLIBBBB ABT9 BTXBBTBT TBODlUt, and aU.asaocJato dis eases and weaknesses, with their reflex complications. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture snd Weakness. ' "' We have cured thousands. If your physical condition Is Impaired, If your vitality Is sasslled from overwork and worry. If your system is tainted with disease In any form whatever, TOV OY1 IT TO TOVBUU .to seek snd obtain restorative power at once. - ? , We Waal Bvery Bfaa la the Oooatry who Xs AtTUotod So Write ns A boat hue Ailment. HOURS I TO I; 7 TO :I0 DAILY; SUNDAYS, TO 11. w ovma tow at tmtm . ST. JLOUIS, MEDICAL. AND 8URQICAL. COBJTXJt SXOOBTnABTD-T. DISPENSARY, TuaTa.ToaTX.Ajm, osuboobt. eastw SOUTH t'aloa Depnt-. PerllaaJ and Baa rrsa eisce Kinrnas BiopS oslr '.smsi impartial atattoas NtKa tNrtlu4 aa4 Sas rraaclseo-, evunaetloa at Sas rraadare tm all pulBIs Bast snd Bouts Osarlaad Biurrae Trains tor all Ineal palate Boutk. BaeraaMaca, Baa. n.nrlce and polata Cut and Bnatk. Moraine train eoaaeeta at Weodburs aally iimi SnndiT wltk Muant Anasl and allvartoa local Curtate tirava pasasagev eronrts at Weadbura and Albaar Sallr. ajeent San. i Say, al(h ti a Inn suluta oa Wosdbnra-SprinsaVM and allMny-Lebaaaa braneasa.. ; com lite I Rnertdas iSrl uriT 11 . I Q Iocmn. tttasia Leave. arrive. 11 JO pa 11:80 psi 1:Sysj S stpw S:BSaai t:Mr 4:18 p 11:n asi paasenser T:30S1 -0 fM) pra Baasrnaer 4:10 am !S:IO aai roraat Onn eaasrnsr..,.tltV) am 'n m Fanat Vrove pawaser. .. . I'S:S0 pai ;2.60 pal Dally. I!r)jr exrent Bnartay. J KTY KRSOS-aTKKKl' TATIO?. . rot Dallas ea aslaraMO'laia points Salty, T:SS ' a. n. and 4 la p. as. Arrtve rortiaad 10: IS a. as. and 2ft p. av tor time asd eard et Oawece eahnrbae trams apply at City Ttekst Ofrlre. ar atstloe. Tk-keta te Castara points SM Foroeer alas a. rtitne. Hnnolnls aad Anstrslia. tv Tlckst Offlcs earner TblrS aad Wast. tnftns atr.t. Pace kln Tit C W. STINOrB, Wa. MeMtTBT. Cttr Ticket irnl. Oea. Psaa. Acsat m r 1 (r-0 J E5TTIMECARI -or ! " TRAINS MEN TREATED AND CURED Investigate Before Taking Treatment Elsewhere Tno rbo are mieted with 14 BRVOl'S DIBILITT. er ralllsf Btrasfta, commonly called "LOST MANHOOD." Ksaaunting Ilrslaa, Pimples. Lsm Back, lnllasiniatlos of the Bladder sad Kidneys, Htraly Col ored Trine. Imputascy, rMspoaaseey. railing Mesmry, Loss of Ambi tion. Maatal Worry, results, of aicess and overwork; Piles, Blstals aad Hydrocele ar etasv weakaeas,' which abaolotely an at them for Study, Busi ness, Pleasure er Marriage tkly and Bemaaestly eared. 'Te ears, as amy.. Bleed Peiasa, eoatraeted er aeredtrary; tkia OUsaaas, Rhaamatlass. Boras, SwslUaga, Slaoaarese, Oasuiihaaa, Oleat, Strletara, la- kuwsd Preatata aaa Kyaraoate. aieae scientioos Bsrvice, Baaaoaable- Charges. Can er writs BE. T. I. PXXBCT. 1U First St. Pertlaad. Oraeea. ass , Healtaga. Bscceaafal asd Caa- TUee Otured la BIB to Tonrteeat Bay, PAZO OINTMENT la rtiaranteed te ears any Bl ease ef lublns, Bll fuse la te U MISSISSIPPI STEAMER IS SUHK BY EXPLOSION Tvvolv Known to Havo Perihsd and a Scoro In (Journal Seeelal Berries ) 'V . Vlnksburg. Miss.. Doe. 10. Ths steam er W. T. Bcovll, running between here end Davie Bend, was destroyed st Qold Dust TAndlng. IT miles south of here. THE PATIENCE OF JOB Could Hardly Endure the Tor mentof Itching Piles. ' Itching pilea Is constant tor-mant so is ocsema. . No comfort all day, ho rest sll night. Can't keep your mind on work., . No usa to go to bedj - Suffer -no 4ongrt-eo Ooan's Ointment. It glvea relief In five or ten minutes. It cures In a short time cures you to stay cured. . Portland people endorse It Martin Bulllvan, employed In the street department, and living at (It Third street, Portland. Oregon, saya: "Doan's Ointment la without any ex ception the best preparation n earth for the purpose for which Ita use Is recommended. For two years I was trou bled with the worst kind of Itching snd bleeding hemorrhoids. I tried one rem edy after another emd was treated by physiolsns, but I got no relief until I procured a bos of Dosn's Ointment st a local drug store. The first applica tion gave me relief and in two or three weeks I was completely cured. Blnce then I have been free from tho torment ing affliction." (From etatesnent made on February 1. 19.) CONFIRMED AFTER THREE TEARS. On January 1, 10. a member of Mr. rSulllvane family ealds "Three yeara nave pasimd since Mr. aliivansde tha shove estatement and I confirm ev ery word tf it. Not- only that, but he has time end agaln-advlsed ethers to use Itoan's ointment. ... lie haa great fslth In it." For sale by all dealers. Price to cents. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, Nsw Tork, sole sgents for the United mates. Reroemner ins name uitJan sna tiki ha other. ' tHdRrmedf. firm firms. BBt-BBI KBOWB TO rAIB. Tarraat'e lurast et Cabebe sad ulna, tali aad '. si fas GEE' WO The at, waltes, eta. bar olaat as esrry. Iifu !al ass. PriseBl,at Boa A alartls'a, S51 Waaklsa-tno st- rerrlaad. Oresoa; er ay aafl from Tke gafiaa Ca.. as Haas as St. new Vi For Women Only ir. Sanderson e Compound Kevin and Cotton Root Pllla The beet end only reliable remedy for DELATED PE RIODS. Cure the moat ob stinate cases in to le daya. Price It ner box. mailed in plain awrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE. D. O.. ill First street. Portland. Oregon. by a boiler explosion, caused by a de fective plate, yesterday. Twelve per sons, four whites and eight negroes, are known to bave been killed end a score were injurva. The force of the explosion wss tre mendous, part of the boiler, after cut ting through a mast, continued on Its flight for a distance of too yards, plow. Ing-up several -hundred -feet -of earth, The white dead are: Captain John Cjuackenboss, master of the boat. Vlcksburg; ClerB wads Qusek enboss, Vlcksburg; Lovell Yerger, cottonseed-salesman. Jackson, Mississippi; Clerk Joseph Bmlth. Tasoo City, Mlssls- alppt, . . ' -' " r The white Injured: Tsnnl Roberts. ssststsnt pilot, Vlcksburg. Mississippi, Injured Internally, serloua; John Pough erty, pilot, shoulder dislocated; Charles McKenns, passenger, painfully Injured; . Butterfleld. slightly Injured In the head.i - ALIENISTS TESTIFY PATRICIDE IS SANE (Spade! Mepateh te Tha looms 1.) Bcokane. Wash.. ' Dee. In. Dr. Q. K. McDowsll. who a few daya ago testified that he had been present when Sidney Bloane was examined by Dr. flemple for tha defense, and that the boy wae play ing at Insanity, gave his expert opinion on the witness stand, declaring the boy is perfectly ssne at tne time ine murder wss committed, ss well, ss at the peasant trme and all- other-tlmaa.- Dr. McDowell wss tne nrsrxpert wit ness for tile state snd gavs hie state ment in answer to a long hypothetical question vwhlch took the prosecuting at torney more than sla hours to propound. Five other expert witnesses' remained to be examined on the part ef the prose- eutton, with the expectation that they would testify that the defendant la sane. c. S ...sstLm - a Portlands Leave- Arrtva fetlositaiai Part flaasas City- It. Laela Ssaetsl for Ckek.lla. - Caetralls, - Oiympla. Oray'e '. Harbor, Boot a Baaa. Tacoaaa, . ',' i i eoaiiw, npoaaae. uvuma. ' ' . . M . 1 I. . . I i,iaii i'iiw at. land Boatheaat, dally...-. (:80 aa 40 pn I Xnrtb. Coaat l imited, eleetrle . ; . imteo. ror tscosm. Seattle, epaaana. antie. Minaea t. raai ana PortlaMirTa Widely Known and Successful Chinea 'McdklnaU Root and Herb Doctor T Hat, fasten rssMdlee, the hutradlaeta at stales ate Impart street troai tse Ortaat ta larse ea.auttaa aed prepare aad sot ap Sat ss ta -hie ap as Sate laeatary. Be asatiati. er Srags a4 say etas' ease. Paralp esfrtable. tke Deeter traaSi sa.afally asd gesraataae ps sere all atamaek rraebls. saSarrk. astksss. Wae. rhroat, rkesaurlsm. asrvsessaas. Uvea, klasey aad bat BaaseeC rxxAui rtovBus abb au bbitati PISXABXa. ... y ' Be hiss er Bmleeslee; star. mists aa a srlleted. A aafe sad laetlag nr. la tka esl.a sst seastbl rJma aad at the lesrsat east sse stble foe sanest Treatment. If yoa eeasot sail, write tne a. mates BlsaS aad etrralar. feemae 4 eeata ts atassea. - oonnrtTATTOB ran. . Zas 0. tae Wa Chtaase Madiema Os IMH Vara Bl, Oar. Marrtsas, Pertiaaa. vs. sjssuaa asas sssar. tka Bast. A Pact Sou ad United. f m aa. laaenlla. . dally. tKWsss is. roe Claresarst. Ckeealla. Caa- 1 . ' , trail a. Taeema asd Seattle i nnly. dally ....... ., 4:30 pat 14: U asm Twta City Bxprsaa for Tsee- . ; ma. leattle, Spokane. Helena. ' ' . Bntts, St Paol. Mlssespolla. . .. Messie, St. Joseph, lint. . . ., . City, Omaha. St. LasIs. wtta eet eneare et ears. Dleert eaaan t tone for an paints Beat aae Sontneaat. dally tt sspat S Vlpm. U . TBI GOBtrOftTABiS WAV. 1 Every Vcnan mlBtarsstiJ and ahoald knew soooi tne woaaarrai MARVEL Barliwff Spray w nsw lass arrant J re turn rnnH JNo-flA. Haas Sal. eat-Most ronrsaient. I imiAVSltfl 1 'm. inT- ,-4-v vst M. av notaaralrtha 1.. SMrt no otnar. Put emd alamn for llliMtreted anok-MUa. tt fnll nartteaiara and rltrwtmn. tn- valuabla to la1iaa. Ms)'Bi. rex. aa . eaa st.. Bats in.. W00OABO, VLASa CO, ABO LAUA-OATII SBtJO CO 4 STOBIA. Scott's Sanlal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE rr PnrTnSsmSistles mrmtarrhef i Blsn1ersnil IMsaaae ato -a. as suss i rklr aad aai eorst esa ef 4 .sera, asevsi alrkl B0 PAS. Cares irmaaeatiy the Blander and Msaaad as so par. t rrma Wats . aa mat karmlaaa. Sold by draeflsaa. -TXEUkTAL-ima .ad ejlsa, ae matter at baw lone ateadine. A eeolately Bald kv All Tratss. TRANSPORTATION, S. S. F. A. Kllburn Per Caaa Bap, Bat. be asd Baa rrivkn Next salllag rroas Pertlaad. Prldsy. Ka. la Bes Balltsg frasj Saa Praseteea, Thar., Was. Si, CBAB. a TMtSaUTB. Ac as, C:IJttt CscJl, lt::2L: :;:: TBI COMrTMtTABtK WAV. 2 Overland TrslasDxily 7 The Ortsatal Ltmiwd. the Paat Mail tit BBATTLB AND BPOKAKsV tHilr. Arrive. PerUaad time eckaeare Dally. . -s - Laara. Te sad rrora Bposana, St. Peal. Mlanesanlla. Pnlnth ssd sll poiato ' ' Bast VU . Seattle I an am t-CO am IlieSpai S M pm Ts asd from Bt. Peat Wlaseepoile. Dntatk -and ell polata Bsst f rta Bpaksae...., T:Oo pm 1:00 am Oraat Barthara ataaaukt Oa, Bntllnf frnat gMtila tor Japaa aed Cklaa porta aad Manila, eatrytag aee eeaeers aad fralcbt. ' B. B. Mlsaaaeaa. Jaaaar a, . :: S, S. S.linta, yabniary IT. " BTPP0B' TU8KB XAISHA. A Japan Mall Bteamaklp rat , X.fa Mara will Ball from Seattle about Peeembar II tor Japaa aad parts, earrytag paaaeasara aad trslfht. Pot ttrksta, rataa, barfh. tisane, rloea. ate., sail' ea er address K. rjJCKSOB, JS, P. T. A.. Itt ThtrA St., PsrUsad, Oragaa. , Phaaa aUia tsa, Astoria & Columbia ! River Railroad Co. Leso, atrtsa " tJaloa Dane Pot atarsera. Batnlar. Olata k.nta, Waatpnrt. CUfloa.. Ae torta, Warraotoo. Vlaral, " Hamaiaed. Part Staveaa, Uaaf hart Park, aaelde $:0t m Aatorta aad Seaabere, expraas Sallr , T OO am AU trains sally. ). C. kVn, 0. P. sad P. A.. Asterla. Or. a A. STBWABT, ComsiereUl Afset, S Aide etreet. Pkaae Mala sua. II Slam epai KorlhePcciUcSoSeCOs's - STEAMSHIP t.nOd-reme, earte for ritreka. Ban pran. elsco. SLfid Is Anseles Tl.urs.lav. fas- V-"ber i. st I p- m. from Martins :ti.k foot llfh atreat, Tke er lth Street fsra, i,-' ' street, Pr AMer. I a . Lux It jfioa, liB- ' t l! M mi. r