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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
4 IS -THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' THURSDAY EVENINU. DECEMBER 20. 1CC3. AGREES IViTH THE FRISCO IDEA War Correspondent . Archibald Declares People There Are r-h "Ban Francisco, people are right. l .'' my opinion, in their controversy ant) e element regarding' the ' aaminslon of ' Japanese Into the schools of the rlty. It - Is not a question' of morals but of lack of morals. The Japanese have no mor4 a Is, and -it is not a wise course to put '' Japanese men oveKJO years of aire side by side In the same room with children ' of 10. It Is not a question of Japanese , , .children, but a question of men and lack of morale, and I think San Fran- Cisco is justified in the outcry that Ice been raised over the school question ;. tiivTe.' -. This is the opinion' of James F. J. ArchKald. war rorreapondent for Col- tier's Weekly, who is now in Portland on a trip taken for the purpose of mak , Inn a study of the coast defenses of the northwest, -l have lived in Ban Francisco an ' know the conditions there,'1 continued "' Mr. Archibald jTrie I havebeen tn J a pan and with, tile' twe armlea In-Hussl ; and know the : conditions prevailing . among the Japanese.- Knowing these ' things, I think San Francisco does right - in protesting against the admission of Japanese to. the public schools. 'It la . a question of age there; aa it has always ew -yTKriar" ttrW th prfness"-1 It II , dren, comparatively.. Moat of. (hem are ' , men., with the ideas and lack of moral ', perception of the race, and no one who ' knowa the facts can blame .Californlans for . protesting against the association of their young daughters and sons with ' them on the plane of the school rtom." looting at Ooaart Defenses. . "I am' here making an Investigation of the vcoast defenses," continued . the speaker, switching from the. possible cause of war to supposed protection .' against It "Represantatlve Kahn of California- aaked congress to' appropri ate' tlS.OOO.000 for the construction of a fleet of submarine boata far the- Pa- ' clflc coast defense.- The old. time fort -'-and stationary defense; is useless under present conditions of 'warfare. In the opinion 'of many, war will come tn Pa clflc waters before the completion' of the Panama eanal and unlrsa prepera- ' tlon ia made for such a contingency in time of peace, the-nation will be abso lutely unprepared... .. . . . "Japan is planning for the dominion of the Pacific, The time ia coming when her navy will move this way, and whea that time cornea Jspan will not come with her hat In her hand and no tify ua that she will be over with her fleet and her arm lea on a certain -day. She will bring them along and . let them do the notifying. Hhe will take Hawaii and trie Phllipplnea and make things generally uncomfortable. ' Preparation should be made against such a time." . Mr. Archibald will take the results of Ms Investigation back to the east with him, and . will make such report of it before the reconvention of - congreas after the holiday recess ah will be in the hands of congress prior to the con sideration of the appropriation bill for army anil nayy Jrpprovements. , , JUST. A REMIND Death of Mrs. Tinunerman, , (Hnerlat fttapatrh to The Journal.) Helix. Or, Dec. 10. Mrs. Henry Tim- merman is .dead at her home near place, after a lingering Illness with la one, in the business caxv give you better, value . and, hone will try harder to conscientiously sur ply you with what you want and need. : THE OUTLET. CLOTHING CO. has placed before the 'public garments which have merits Superb values are those we offer in our . Faultlessly Tailored $10c Union Made Suits and Overcoats A visit to our Clothing Department will en lighten and interest any gentleman contempiat ing the purchase of wearing apparel.. Our, Dress Suits at From rI2:5(nol200W" Are actually the counterpart of the tailor's $25 to $50 garments. - ' THE OUTLET UNION MADE TOP COAT $10 fr Oar Department WE SHOW THE VERY LATEST BLOCKS AND SHADES IN JOHN B. STETSON'S FROM $4 TO $6 The Wilbur, the leading hat for durability for ; $3, and the 'Our Hummer," a hat specially made for us to meet the tastes and requirements of y gentlemen desiring. a high grade hat for $2.50. -Tn .Our Shoe Dpsrtmenr -v We sell THE OUTLET CELEBRATED $3.50 and $4 SHOES Made to Fit and Wear.. f Ic Our Trouscr Department We' handle the S weet-drr & Cos productions, II the best that's made, from $2.50 to $7.50 per'pair, and A NEW PAIR IF THEY RIP. fn Oar Furnishing Goods Depl We Carry Union Made Underwear Gloves Umbrellas . Shirts SweateraMMuf fler" Suspenders Handkerchiefs Neckwear Hosiery Collars . ; - Suit Cases NOTICE OUR SPECIAL XMAS WINDOW DISPLAYS of The Best That's Made in Men's Apparel I 1. 1 1 j THE OUTLET UNION MADE $10 SUIT ID mm. ii (CD-dPTrDHDN (CdDo NOBTtlEAST CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREEIS clothes, to fit W V" - ' ' i' ' ' V'''' ' -"" THE OUTLET ' UNION MADE OVERCOAT $10 dropsy. She waa born in Klaadorf. Oer. many. In 1(R7 she came with her hus- band to the United States, settling on a quarter section of wheat land near Helix. Herself and husband were among the most prosperous and indus trious pioneers of vmatuia county. Their son, John ' Timmerman. is one of the foremost wheat raisers of the coun ty. Besides her husband, the deceased leaves four children in thla eounty. The Lfuneral will be held this afternoon and interment will be made in the Oerman Lutheran cemetery. BIG WATER SUIT IN GRAND R0NDE VALLEY. ' (Special DUaca The JoanuL) . La Grande, Or.. Dee. 10. Attorneys for the defendants in what 1s to be one of the most stupendous lawaulta held in Union county are rapidly appearing be fore the county clerk. J. L. Cgvlneas having filed a complaint with the coun ty clerk againat the La Grande Irriga tion company to entsbllsh water .rights en the Grand Ronde. He also de mands costs and disbursements. CONGRESS ADJOURNS FOR Nearly All Western Members , Remain at Capital Dur , : ; ' Ing Recess. IJoeraal Srwelat Bertlee.) "Washington, D. C. Dea i9.- Congress today adjourned for the holidays, thla being the . flrat outward sign that Christmas Is near. at hand. Nearly -all the members Intend to remain here dur ing the recess, but whether the aboli tion of free passes has anything to do with their decision they decline to aay. Poaalbly It la due solely to the attrac tions of Washington, for. there la not, one can be quite sure, a more Interest ing lty in the world at the high tide of the Christmas season. ' Orientals and Europeans of all races. NLARGEST MANDBVCTUREKS M THE WCTOCTDISCrWCVUlTORMftCHIN5Sl C H R I S T M A G T F T S 6 W1J V WW DISC GRAH10MON M vise RECORUS V, . A A Columbia PtionlraptfC o. 371 Washington Street OPEN EYENttGS UNTIL CBRISTUAS COLUMBIA BIJILDINO Between Park and W. Park Sis . - v CYLIMR GRAPtlOPRONE 0 INCH REC0RD5 CYLIHDBR RK0RD5 254 OWNERS Of THE fUNPAKENTAL PATEKTiS . 5v C H R I S T M A G I F T whether their calendar coincides or not, enter into the spirit of the American holidays with genuine enthusiasm. While all the diplomats' children yield to the great myth of the chimney piece, and hang up stockings and decorate Christmas trees, there are also many quaint and beautiful custom among the Latin folk which are adhered to strict ly. Nearly every embassy and legation will have a gorgeous Christmas tree. This, is equally true of the embassies and legations where there are no-chil dren. 54 BELOW ZERO TOO WARM FOR EXPLORER PEARY So Hot That It Prevented Him From Reaching North Pole ' Last Winter. ' V . Specially Registered tOvYoii . I XT : 1 Consider how the United States Government protects letter registered . to you, guaranteeing its delivery safe and in good order. - " " "; " The NATIONAL BrfcuiT COMPANY eercises - . even greater protecting foresight in delivering its Biscuit and Crackers to you. Fresh from the oven, they are enclosed in a dust tight, moisture proof package, on each end of which is affixed this trade .' mark in red and white. . . ' 'ST mm ZTJZU ClNCCR SNAPS Crifp, deUciooa, gsUea-braw. morseli of iweetseH and tpiot that lovet. ; CntCSE SANDWICHES Thia creckert eociosn laret of creamy chi daUcsl bit to tsmpt sa spicara.. (Juamil Special Service.) New York, Deo. 20. Robert B. Peary complained laat evening In an addreaa before the American Geographical so ciety about the warm weather in the polar region a Ha said if it had not been for the warm weather up there last season the expedition would cer ininir nave reacnea ine poie. m I The winter of l06-, which hlsrshlDTT me itooseveit, spent at Cape Sheridan, complained Peary, was comparatively warm, the thermometer having an aver age reading of only 64 degrees below lerOi This waa In antithesis of the winter the Alert spent not far from the same place SO years before, when the average was -I J degree below aero. But. of course, It got even warmer than S4 degreea below aero after the aun rose early this yeaf and the Peary party set out from Winter Haven in four detachments with dogs and sledges, with faces turned to the north. Where the heat got in Its work was In pro ducing a atretch of open -water of about 100 miles off the northern coast of Grant Land, which seriously delayed the advance northward. When this open stretoh was closed with a thin coating of new lem and the eipiorera had crwsaed it. amaller'open atretchea were encoun tered, all of which delayed the party. TIED UP HER TELEPHONE TO PREVENT SMALLPOX (pHat Dlipirrfe ta The Jtmreal.) North Powder, Or., Dec 20. The pub lic school opened with a good attend ance, after having been closed a week to enforce the quarantine laws provided for stamping out contagious diseases The administration of these laws by Mayor i McLaren stimulated Individuals to Institute personal quarantine. One had Sheriff Chlldera over from , La Grande to investigate the situation, to see, generally, "If everything waa all right"; another, to be safest from ex posure, moved his family, to the coun try; ohe lady who' knew "of a family elsewhere, having "caught' the small pox from the breath aver the phone," wlaely tied up her telephone; another lady truated solely, to prayer, but the majority ten tack upon vaccination. In consequence of this vigorous move ment, tne -ODject sonant waa accom plished and danger or. an epidemic averted. Frpar.ona for a . merry Chrlntmaa and hnppy. New. Year are again under wy..,.' ; . ia Bate for Xelisays. (Journal giieelal Service. t St. Louis, Mo., Deo. SO. The report that the railroads planned to abolish the cuatomary reduced rate for the holidays, on account of th new rate law, has proved -to-, be without founds tlon, so far, at least, as concerns the roads of thesouth arid southwest. " Re duced rates averaging. far and one third, were nut Into effect today on nearfy all the leading roads In thla ter ritory, the tickets to be good for 10 days, aa in previous year. 1 1 J ." J A Klraonloa Oars. - . ' The following atstement by II. M. Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will Interest csrents and othera: "A mlrac- uloua cure haa taken place In our home. uur child nad eraema year ana was nronnunced inrtirsble. when w read sbout Electric Bitters, and concluded to try iU-Jtefora th aecnnd bottle was all taken we noticed a change for the better, and after taking , 7 bottles be waa completely cured." 'If the up-to-date blond medicine and body building tnnlc. . Guaranteed. 0o and tl.OO at Bd rrnr- Pharmacy. A tip Tomorrow or Saturday "JUST J FINAL WORD TO ALLTHE LITTLE GIRLS WHO ARE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BAKING CONTEST You have no doubt baked several little practice batches of cookies, and are all . ready to bake the last one, which should be the best of all. Every little lass must ' do her best; every one must make her cookies all by herself don't let Mamma,, help, for. that would bar you from the prizes; don't forget the little composition on "Cooking With Gas' write it as neat as you can; and be sure to bring the cookies and the composition, to our office, corner of Fifth and Yamhill streets, to- " morrow or Saturday.Be sure to sign your name, address and age plainly.-- -: The Best Cookies and the Best Compositions Will '-z. -:'y Win the Prizes . 'fdy A $50.00 ELEVATED OAS STOVE TO THE FIRST BEST. , -A $18.00 BEAUTIFUIOASREADING4MPTQTHE. SECOND BEST. ' . AND FIFTY HANDY, HOUSEHOLD TOASTERS TO THE FIFTY NEXT' v ; v '.:-;':v y: best. ., ' i ' ; . ; y. NOW ON EXHIBIT IN OUR WINDOWS ' ... .Those who win the prizes will be happy indeed, and air who participate whether they win or not, will be repaid for their effort in the knowledge that their labor will have been in a good cause, for the city's poor will enjoy their Christmas din ner the more for the addition of all these cookies, which we shall send tothe vari-. : ' ous charitable institutions to help .along their Holiday feasts. So every little girl should be sure to participate. If there Is anything you do not understand, just 'phone us Private Exchange 26. ; "; ' " ' .::;l'Vv.'. .-a : AT YOUR SERVICE -U Ji Firm & viimm AMERICANS - FIGHTIN6 FOR GERMAN MEAT MARKET Tariff Commissioners Making Aggressive Fight for Trust : - Products Abroad. Uearasl Bperial lervle., Berlin, Dec. 20. Th American tariff commissioners are maklnx an Mfrea lv flajht for the admlcMon f Amort, can ' parkin-' product to th Oerman market. They hav submitted convinc ing evidence of th arbitrary' nature of th disabilities imposed by the kaiser' ravernment. and, supported by a wealth of material proof, they hav - ahown what a boon th unrestricted Importa tion of thee product would confer on . . V" f . .FY' Autom obi 1 e-s HOWARD M. COVEY -i'v. ; - .'-"-v ' :i-It .; Agent : ., r ; ' PIERCE GREAT ARRO Wj LOCOMOBILE, CADILLAC AND KNOX j4,cylindjer.cXdillac in stock Temporary Location Club Garage, Fifteenth and Alder Sts. Mi fatherland's meat-starved popula tion. The effect of th unlovely adver tising contained In Cplon fllnclalrs book, 'Th Jungle." ha been overcome, the American delegate pointing out that it la not essentially for th pack er, but for th greatr farming popula tion or th United Stats that eonoe. ran werk sought. . 80 far the. Oerman commissioner hav not., looked with favor on th aboli tion of th eiclualon law, their atti tude being that Germany ha all th meat Jt need a . Th Reichstag campaign -come at th right moment t plo4 thl contention. '