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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
' . 1 V V THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1808. CHARGE OFJIMIID IS ED Jury Find for Buekner and ""j Against Mutual' Reserve , Life Company. : SUEDvON NOTE HE .' .. MAKES FRAUD CHARGE Declares Trantaction Through Which ' Note Waa Obtained Was Fraudulent 2 and Jury Sustains This Declaration J by Verdict in His Faror. ''-.'. Charges of fraud mad sgalnst th 111' Reserve Llt Insurance com pany by W. L. Buekner war sustained by a Jury : In Judge Cleland's depart- ..tnent f--thr-ata ta-ctrcnlt court yeeter day afternoon. The Jury returned a verdict la . favor of Buekner, relieving him from -paying a" not of' lll.I6 given to M. T. Kady; the aaent of the life Ineuranc company for the, first pre mium on a. $6,000 policy.. - . - Buekner' defense In -a ault to col lect the note was thaf the transaction was fraudulent. In finding for Buekner the.Jury auatalned the defense of fraud. ,' Buekner alleged that ha was told by Kady that he.itaa to have a policy with a special renewal - contract, through which, by means of eystem of rebates, and an 'appointment aa executive agent of Jhe company, he waa to receiv com missions' from the company to be 'ap plied lo hla premtuma. , These commis sions, he 'Was told. In the course, of aeven or eight years, would be enough to pay th entire premium of fltl.ZS an nually and leave something In addition to add to'lils. bank" account.' t There were to be only S00 of the apo dal renewal contracts sold In nine west ern states, according to Buekner al legations, and Buekner was 'to b on of the favored 0. - He sad heIearnedl later tnat In alg or the nine states tne , Mutual Reserve was barred from trans acting business. ' Attorney John KV Logan and Walter G.-Hayes appeared for Buekner. " CAREY SELECTIONS IN HARNEY WILL BE OPENED mmw .. v Herlal nispetrk te The JoaraaL) ' - - Pralrlo City, Or., Dec 20 Jamea 1 Mayberrr.V gevernment land Inspector. has been- la Grant county checking up the land that has been entered re- cently.' W He re vet the law was not com . piled with no patents will be issued. He ; has alsobeen . making Investigations In Harney 'county. Several large tract entered under the Carey act,' had been .- . contested, and he was : there for the .purpose of oonductlng an examination. , ' It Is reported that all the lands In Harney county that have been taken un - -dtr the CryrcT'wnTbo thrown open : to settlement aa -upon examination It ' waa shown that the law waa not com- plied with.. ..: ' . . , . . t preferred Stock Caaae wood a, . . i Allen 4t. Lewis' Best Brand. ,. r - . '. ' Vnkaowa Man Seat so Asylanv 1 f! (Spiclsl Plivatca a The JoaraaL) Pendleton, Or., Dec ' to. An unknown ' erasy man who' has been confined In ' the county Jail- for - aeveral -day baa - ' been adjudged Insane and committed to -the asylum at flalem. An attendant " from that Institution will arrive to ac company blm there.. Abaolutely nothing ' la known of the man, hla relatives or '' where he cam from.' , ACctabk Preparationror As similating mcFoodandBctf ula ling (he Stoaachs andBoweh of . U ll ll'A Promotes DigeslionJCbtcrful ness andRest.Contains neither OpiumJtforphine norlmexaL lSOXXaVROOTIO. ' - Aeaw W fls a4 Apcdfecl Remedy forConsfipa non. Sour Stomach,DiaTrtea Worms Convulsions Jcvcrish- furst and Los9 OF Sleep. , FuSimtat Signftrars tt -NEW "VOUK. v ! I id pcaflT-oonr -or vbauul zszxm CSSSSZSSSZSS Oriental Curios -Store --We hold no actipnsweriiark our goods wi'th plain fig tires. -We have a nice and beautiful line of Xmas goods, "We carry; the best gride of Oriental art g6odsr, and at the . lowest prices. We afford all an opportunity to come in and inspect our line and it will be found to please you better -'!:'. v than elsewhere. 'J; vTHB VVnaTCRN IMPORT1NO COi SOUTHWEST CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER . , ...... ": zz zzzt -' zzzzzz "zzzz2 HOUSE FOR MRS. BE READY . I. The House the Woodm " The-home which wss partially con- structed on Sunday . last by a. large "honaeralslng'' band of Woodmen of the World and Odd Fellows for Mrs. RS. Curnutt. at Mllwaukle, will' be ready for occupancy by Newt Year's day. ' - On Sunday rooming a large number of Woodmen. and Odd Fellows left for Mll waukle and raised the cottage, which Is two stories - In. height and has eight roams. The roof was put1 on and th woodwork practically - completed . by nightfall. Dinner waa served In the Woodmen hall Vy- the Women of Wood craft members and Daughters of Ko bekaa. The members of th two women's or ganisations have undertaken the fur nishing of the house and It la expected that Mra. Curnutt and her five children will be Installed there by th first of th year. Mrs. Curnutt is the widow T HE .t ifiS vV A ,f. Til BY IIELE HAVTnOKNS, Holiday Gifts for AIL .If you haven't bought th Chrlatmaa presents, and are not quit sure what you want to get for loved ones, th fol lowing list may help you out of your troubles: ... . . For Father Crystal cigar Jar. scarf- pin, ancokf r's table, partridge-wood cane. umbrella, house . sappers,-house coat bath robe, flat reading table, watch fob. match - case, stag corkscrew, wallet, shaving set.: box . of cigars, "alcohol smoking lamp, bay rum. clothes brushes, flask, traveling bag. collar box. set of coat- hangery chessmen, fountain pen. desk chair, letter rack. f or- ftsr -rvnasni necaiace, oroocn, fan, -dog collar, cut-steel - girdle, neck set, purse, box of flowers, muff chain, hatpin, vanity bag, books, bracelet, bou doir lamp, jeweled supper buckles, trav -For Infants and Children. The Kind M Have Always Bought Bears the Signatnro of In 'Use ' . . :. . . : r ' For Over Thirty Years 9MfjMs)fewa flTO 1MH 9ff1ws) , zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxsxzzxtzaxJ CURNUTT WILL NEW . YEAR'S DAY en and Odd Fellows Built. of- R.- B, . Curnutt, a . member of th Woodmen and Odd Fellows, "who died some time ago.. . Owing to th Interrupted' car service a number of . men from Portland who Intended to accompany the Woodman from here on Sunday did not go. Thoa who did attend are the following: William M. Toats. Captain Kerr, John R. .Kejsn, Floyd Scott,- H. C. Brady. James Phillips,' Nelson Cooper, A. B. Cridge, John Stacy. M. Welch. Leo Bhandler, . Lewis Brady. State Organizer H. Jj. Kay. General R. G. Morrow, Major William Reldt, Lieutenant C. H. Flmpl, Adjutant A. L. Barber, Nate Bird, Willie Reldt, F. H. Lechler, O. H. Wallberg. R. - St Helen, J. H. Oibaon,- William Shandler, L. B. Paxton, Peter Brown, R. V. Auxler, Philip Strelb. Georg At wood, A. A. Webster, G. M. Hlveley, D. F. LFevr. ellng bar. handkerchief a. allver mani cure set, veil clasp, umbrella, deak requi sites, folding tea table, empire comb, set. of furs, brass bookrack, gold - puree, string of pearls. . '.. . . For , th Grandmother. Lorgnette, reading lamp, . leather purse, overnight bag. lac collar, eaay chair, brooch. Um brella, bedroom slippers, year book, -hi li ver calendar, pearl barette, veil clasp, coiffure ornament, handkerchlefa, mem orandum book, neckwear, gold thtmbl. money, .set of furs, lac scarf, gloves, ntgh't lamp, basket of fruit, book rack, magaslne subscription, crystal clock, silk mlttlns, vinaigrette shopping bag. Things - a . Woman Likes. -Empire comb, set of furs, French .'kerchief, favorite books, bracelets, veil pin, mani cure set. boudoir lamp, chafing dish, barette, pendant ' necklace, evening gloves, box conch, bed valance, art pot tery, fancy., apron, empire locket, um brella, brocade book rack, deak set, sli ver .calendar., lac bolero, emplra-acarf,. coiffure ornament, -overnlgnt bag, bead ed bag, leather purs, dog collar neck lace. -. '- .. . , What to Buy Jack Traveling bag. clothes brushes, silver smoking lamp, smoker's table, silver match case, desk set. wallet,-lamp for den., field glasses, scarf pin, reading chair, studs, euffs and shirt.' shaving stand, favorite books, allver for dresser, "tabouret te, pedestal reading lamp, cordial, cane, monogram or crest ring, leather bat-case, leather bound coat hanger, hunting pictures, fur-lined gloves, traveling toilet case, engagement books. For Lasalea Dollhous. fitted "kitch en, books, purse, bracelet; money, hand kerchiefs, new frock. . sled, fur-lined gloves, nursery chair and table, nursery bookcase, set of furs, stationery, rhlne stone ring, pictures, toilet set, doll with wararooe, set or doll dress patterns. Iron bad for-doll, set of dishes, aramea uancing pumpa, racking chair, smalt alxed suitcase, fitted sewing basket. giria Toilet ra u I si tea bow pin. watch, favorite books, pendant necklace, camera,' fancy apron, skates, money, picture for room, cloves, deak aet, oet f furs, box couch, handker chlel, aweater, girdle, book rack, bed vaiance, "ver tray, brush and comb, fancy scarf, handmade neckwear, -silk blouse cachet, bracelet, monogram sta tionery, reading chair, magasln sub scription. Whst a 8m ell Boy Wants. Tool chest, awatr, camera, book rack, books. Uxx couch, penknife, . skates, watch. wriung laoie, magasin subscription, chest protector, curio cabinet, musical instrument, dress gloves, punching bag. naseDaii ana oat, Morris chair, hand kerchiefs, leather purse, fountain ten. clothes brush, student lamp, new scarf. storm coat, sled, toilet articles, football. Nothing Ever Comes to Us,Too Late. By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. In all ages men and women have be moaned th passing of time and regard ed youth as th only seaaon of happi ness. - Poets and authors have expressed this Idea In words, and painters and sculp tors have embodied it In works of art so often that to question It seems al most a confession of utter lack of Ideal ity, ". .. . '. -. - - Tet not .only do I question It; I open ly refute the assertion of ages and of my superiors In Intellect, that there Is "no time Ilka youth." and that during a brief score and a half ' of years are the beat of life's happiness and Its keenest enjoyment to be found. . I recall a day In early youth when I looked out on a colorless p'rospect and rebuked Fat for delaying, enjoyment. "There are only a few mor years left for me to enjoy pleasure and amuse ment," I said. "After they paas thnre will be nothing but duty and ambition snd usefulness but th power to enjoy the good things of life wilt have gone with youth. Do not cheat me, O Fate. of my little share while I am able to graap'lt." ' I .' And then I shaped the melancholy thought In vers and sent it out to de press other lives and other hearts. It was something about the cruelty of Fate which sent Joys too late, and thoe final words were used as a re quiem over th graves of hop and hap piness. . . j' : : ' That waa long ago, and 1 have lived to learn that nothing .cornea too late, unless w chooee to believe that all happiness lies within a circumscribed period of years. It la th mind of man, not the Irony of Destiny, which makes delayed desires disappointing. -There Is no such thing as time, save In our own Imagination. It la all eternity. It la a circle with out beginning or end. - W hav always lived, and will' al- There ts no need of letting your bed v. yoarcheart or your mind wither away btvau a fw years hav gon by and Charcoal Cliffs Dad Dreath. Disagreeable Odor Arising From In digestion or From Any Habit or Indulgence, Can Be In- . . ' stantly Stopped. !: Sampl Vackaga Stalled Tree. zitk., ninl. nA(lr vmir tet breath where you would not notice It at all. It la nauaeatlng to other people to stand before them and . while you ar talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. . It uauaUy come from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you hav it in th morning, that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. Tou can atop that at once by swallow ing on or two Stuart Charcoal Losen gea, the most powerful g4S and odor absorbers sver prepared. " Sometimes - your ' meals will reveal themselves In your breath to thoa who talk with you. "Vou'v had onions," or "Tou'v been eating cabbage," and all of a auddeit you belch In th face of your friend. Charcoal la a wonderful absorber of odors, aa every on knows. That 1 why Stuart' Charcoal Losangea ar ao quick to stop aU gases and odors of odorous foods, or gas from Indiges tion. ''.'.' .'. l Don't ns breath perfume. They never conceal' the odor, and never ab sorb th gas that cauaea th odor. Be sides, th vary fsct of -using them re veals th reason for their uae. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges . in the first place stop for good all sour brash and belch ing of gas, and make your breath pure, fresh and sweet. Just sftef you've eaten. Then no on wUl turn hi face away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pur and fresh, and besides your food wlU taste so - much better - to you at your next meal. Just try it. . Charcoal doea other - wonderful things, teo. It carriea away from your stomach and Intestines, all th impurl tlck there massed together and which causes the bad breatit. Charcoal la a purifier a well as an absorber. Charcoal now by far th best, most eaay and mild luxatlve known. A whola boxful will do no harm; In fact, th mor you take th better. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges ar made of pur willow charcoal and mixed with just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you,, but not too sweat. You Just chew them Ilk candy. ..They are abaolutely harmless. Oet a new, pure, sweat breath, freah en' your stomach for your next meal, and keep the intestines n good work ing order. These two things ar th secret of .good health and long Ufa Tou can get all the charcoal neoeaaary to, do these wonderful but aimpl things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Loxenges. W wsnt you to test toes little wonder worker yourself before you buy them. So send as your full nam and addreas for a free sample of Stuart's Charooal Losenges. Then after yon hav tried the sample, an.1 been convinced, go to your druggiat and ger a tlo box of them. Tou'll feel bet ter all over, mor comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside. y Send us your nam and address to day and w will at onoe send yoa by mall a sample package, free. A,ddrees F. A. Stuart Co., id Stuart Bids.. Mar shall. Mich. th tradition, of men tells you that youth baa passed. ' ' Keep expectant, keep hopeful, keep sympathetic and ambitious and. ba occu pied. ' ; .; '.T Mtt:f lir is - beror -yon rwhether her or hereafter does not mat ter, ao long as you lose no hour of hap piness and usefulness by mistaken Ideas gained from mistaken traditions. Discard them! ,' Right, about face!. March I ,' ; You ar on th road of happiness now. There ar goals at every step. And there are better goals further on. Keep marching! . , ;i , ,r . 1 We Have Just STERLING SILVER A VERY HANDSOME alHgatprupigand Spanish Just glance, through this plete with good things. ' "7'!" i"' - -. Cameras' i-i, : '' Cloisonne.: XutGlass;7;J'; . ; Candelabra" v " Candlesticks ' ; ' Albums Art Pottery . Perpetuated Palms French Perfumes, laa a Manicure sets Electnc Pocket Lamp JCmas Decorations '. Candles Teddy Buster Brown A moment in our store will remove all your perplexities. We have .what you want at the t'g!?LPr,ce quick service store." No tiresome waits for change or package. Canadian money taken at par, Use our phone Ex.; 1120, extensions A perfect system. , - . ' " " ' , Smoking-Jackets To close vc have MISSES' COAT Ben Selling : i. Some Recipes. '' Meat Loaf.- Buy a pound of ef from th lower round, chop It fin and add two or three crackers, rolled,! a sllc of onion and . two stalks of celery, both chopped, salt, pepper, and a scant quar ter f a teaspoon of poultry dressing. Beat this well together and form Into Received and Placed AND EXCLUSIVE LINE OF GENTLEMEN'S TRAVELING BAGS in walrus, leather. Plain or with sterling silver fittings. We have priced these arrivals very iesfs list. It may help you remember, too, our gift room, A delight to the Christmas seeker. . ' : v' , Triplicate Mirrors . Suit Cases Fine Umbrellas Xmas Stationery Pyrographic Outfits 'z.' Framed Pictures ,r Fountain" Pens Safety Razors Shaving Sets Sheahan's Famous Passe partouts ' . Postal Card Albums Silk Shades Art Leather Pillows Y 1 out balance of stock marked down every Jacket in the house $12.50 Smoking Jackets $10 Smoking Jackets . $7 Smoking Jackets . . $5 Smoking Jackets . . $20.00 $17.50 MISSES' COATS, Reduced to $12.85 $12.85 $1 1.85 MISSES COATS, Reduced to $ 8.65 AU THIS Season's Coats ALL HAND TAILORED a loaf. Place in th roasting pan. brush It over with melted butter, dredge with flour and salt and roast with a hot oven for half or three quarters of an hour, bsstlng occasionally. To this may be added bits of cold steak or corned beef chopped floe, but .If cooked meat la uaed. add th yolk of an egg to bind It on Sale Toda y Delayed Shipments of TOILET, $215 re- Simplex Typewriters ,Ingersoll Watches . Art Brass ' Loving Cups Jardinieres Tankards T '"T" Vases Fern Dishes Military Brushes Physicians' Medicine :' . Cases Fever Thermometers Japanese Bronzes C . Ormolu Clocks on hand, Smoking - $8.65 $7.35 $4.95 $3.85 LEADING CLOTHIER together. Mak a rich browa gravy to serva'wlth It. , . Apple in Mapl Syrup. Cut apple In. halves and remove th cores, putln a saucepan with on cup of mapl syrup, two tablespoonfuls of butter, on and a half cups of water. Bake until th syrup. Is thick. Berva cold with whipped... cream. . -I - THE GREATEST SHOW ING OF FINE EVER PLACED CZF0ZE THE PUBLIC ; Wrist Bags Opera Bags , Shopping -Bags- - -Purses Wallets ; Card Cases . Cigar Cases Music Rolls r Collar and Cuff ; ' Boxes Rollups If it's in leather we have it. FREE, YOUR NAME ON ANY ; LEATHER PURCHASE SPECIAL DRESSING, Leather Goods A. . I..