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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
I THE ' OREGON DAILY. JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO.V .DECEMBER 20. 1SC3. !cro Opca Evenings Until Christmas Clovo end Mcrchahdiso Orders Sold for Any Amsunt Stcro Open Evcmnns Until Christmi rC Frank's 882d Friday Surprise Sale "TherMeierGk Frank Storm T,::!:rQ- Frank's-002d Friday 'Snrprfco Shla Xmas Sale of i Handk'rch'fs iii 30; New Mr Neck Scarfs ; Inour Fur Department f oir 'tomorrow' 882nd Friday Surprise Sale we offer an unusual bargain in Women's Fur Neck Scarfs The new Za-Za four-in-hand style and fancy collar fastened with head and ends finished with silk fringeThree lots to select from, Isabella Opossum, Sable Coney and River Mink Long and short cluster boa effects A style and quality scarf the exclusive fur store asks you about 10.00 for Our seven-dollar your choice tomorrow only wonderfully low price of, each. : No mail or phone orders filled See 5th Street window display Meier Q Frank's-882d Friday Surprise -5(110--- $1 CoMay Siisfienders 48c The Men's Famishing (foods Department offers for tomorrow's 882d Friday Surprise Sale 600 pairs of beautiful Holiday Suspenders, each pair put up in an attractive holiday box; silk webs, with . A Q fancy silver-plated buckles; plain colors and fancy stles, in large assortment, best $1.00 values. t3tt .Your choice while they last -tomorrow at this low price, pair better come early, ..... r .. IV Meier Q Franks 882d Friday Surprise Sale ,) I J e VL tin U1V ttM : VV J MlKlriJ m Qw w-e w. ; imam Bags Valnes ,to,$L?5 at 98c A great Friday Surprise Sale offering of Women's Handbags And Opera Bags at 98c each -The handbags are in seal and walrus, in brown and black The opera bags are in handsome Dresden and Dolly Varden effectsOver 700 in the lot Splendid assortment A pleasing Xmas gift for very little money Values up to $1.75 each your choice tomorrow only at this exceptionally low price No mail or phone orders filled Come early They won't last long at the price. . ....... 98c "MeieFCOTFranirs 882d FridaySuTprise Salo SCOWhiteShirtwaistPatterns Phenomenal Value at :98c .Bo. Tomorrow a great Christmas Surprise Sale of 500 White Persian Lawn Waist Patterns, Jnser-, g f tion front. and cuffs; a very large assortment of pretty patterns to select from; sufficient mate- Wat! rial in each pattern to make any size waist. Regular $1.50 values tomorrow only at, each...'. Great Christmas Sale Cut Glass, Silver w re China, ChafingDishes 5 o'Clock Teas, Etc. Cut Glass .Bowls, very handsome cut; opecial, each: $ 6.50 CUT GLASS BOWLS, special ? 5.12 $11.00 CUT GLASS BOWLS, special ? 8.42 $15.50 CUT GLASS BOWLS, special $11.98 fSperiaHo of Wine-Sets decanter and six glasses. -Very s handsome sets 4arge assortment to choose from. Crockery Department, Basement at, set: $ 9.50 SETS ON SALE AT EACH $7.50 $12.50 SETS ON SALE AT. EACH 0.08 75c and! 80c German China Seven-Piece etQ SSaJad Sets, on sale at this special price, set...a?7C Special lot of Tive o'Clock Tea Kettles, wrought iron stand, pretty model, regular $5.00 val- fll'l QO ues, at this special price, each..... yJrO Special' lot of Five o'Clock Teas, wrought-lroti stands, assorted styles, regular $3.50 : CO TC values, at this special low price, cach...ywC O Tsickel-Plated Coffee ' Machines, 3vi-pint size, as sorted styles, nickel and copper, $10.00 C C'O'T values, on sale at this low price, each... V Fancy Covered Chafing Dish, medium size, best burner, reg. $7.50 value...!. Special lot of Coffee Machine Trays, beaded edge; on sale, special, each.... Chafing Dish Trays, regular $2.00 val ues, on sale at this low price, each...., Silver-Plaled Cracker Jars, opal glass, P 1 QQ silver or nickel cover, best $2.50 value., v 1 177 Pickle -Casters, silver-plated stands, 1 tf $2.50 values, at this low price, each.... v I 7v $5.9? $2.98 51.62 Tea-Straiaersebony-linish-lhandle- lOCP $1.60 values, on sale at, each., ..Z9laVaV $1.07 $11.15 Silver-Plated Bread Trays, satia fin .ish, $1.52 values, on sale at, each..,.. Silver-Plated Coffee Sets, 4-piece, reg. $13.50 values, on sale at, set., 300 dozen Women's Pura Linen Hemstitched -x Handkerchiefs, with hand-embroidered1nitiat and pretty floral designs in cor ner, latest tape and crossbar border, reg. 35c val- AC' ues XT4, or y do...7JW 500 dozen Women'a Pure Linen' Handkerchiefs,, with-, beautiful hand-embroidered floral de signs in corner, put tip six as sorted patterns in a box, at tractive holiday 0 1 A.1 box, reg. $2.25 val.. J 1 tO 200 dozen Women's Saeer Swiss Handkerchiefs, with hemstitch ed, embroidered and scalloped edges, Val. lace . and insertion trimmed, very large assortment Q-jielecL from, reg. . 11 35c values, eaco .'. . ; . "." . wtw9r-. Women's Pure Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand-hemstitched border and real Arme nia lace edge, . hand-embroidered initials, 65c vaL, , A(Lf at, each nrU 300 dozen Women'a Pure ISheer liaenHan4krehief-"tit the- latest crossbar and checked tape and cord effects; 95 for yi doz. reg. 25c values, , 1 Tg or at, each . , 1 200 dozen Women'a Pure Linen 'Kerchiefs crossbar or embroid- ered allover novelties, pretty ' floral designs, great assortment, 35c values, on sale . at, each ............. .t.mtGK Hand-Embroidered Pure Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, large and choice variety of beautiful com- .bined patterns and destims; prices from 65 to, . 1! each ............40JC Madeira Eyelet Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs, of pur sheer linen, latest novelties, on sale at. ea., from ; J ff so to ...VJtUU Children's Handkerchiefs In Till styles and -grades ' best -valr . 300 Pillows $3, $3.50 Vols. $1.59 Each -Amt--aU nt ftnm, .ftf Pj-n , I lows, 4-incn size; sine, veiour, damask, velvet and tapestry coverings; 'very handsome de signs and colorings; pillows worth $3.00 and , $3.50 each. While they last, On sale on the Third Floor. Humidors and Cigar Boxes $2to$7.50 Val. One-Third Off i Your choice of our entire stock of Humidors and Cigar Boxes at one third off regular prices; zinc-lined, with moist eners; hardwood boxes, with brass trimmings; $2.00 to $7.50 values on sale at one third off the regular prices. Take ad vantage of this opportunity. . .. i ..- , . . , Christmas. Solo Stationery - Great special lot of Fancy and Christmas Stationery, suitable for holiday gifts; values to $1.75 bo5x.r..;...-...98c Valued ap to89ct49cBox 23c Holly Papterie 19c Postcard Albums, genuine leath er covers, hold 400p 500 cards; Dennis on's Holly Seals and. Tags greatly improve the ap pearance of your Christmas packages.' Complete assortment here at lowest prices. 1 French Staghorn . Stationery Sets, with inkstand, paper-cut- $1.75 values at, set.:. .$1.19 1 ckft 1 I! IL-' Wl 'A holiday tale extraordinary tomorrow of Men's Blanket Bath and Lounging Robet The entire reserve stock of one of the largest and best known mills in the wesl 400 of them -All that were available These robes are madeof German blanketing' materials df firm quality Cut full length Girdle and cord tomatch A very large assortment of the very best designs and colorings Grays, blues, tans, browns, dark reds, red and black, gray and white, gray and black, etc. Every man needs one, everymaxtjwant8--onyC' AtttCaltriaT"gtfrTtii be highly appreciated Every robe in the lot regular $5.00 valuc-rYour choice for V tomorrow only at (See Big A Fifth St. Window DisDlav). ea Ko Mail or Phone Orders Will Be Filled" Come Early If You Want One Second Floor mm Meier CV Prank's 882d Friday Surprise Sale t Men's 50c lancy lHIdMs.- 35c For tomorrow's 882d Friday Surprise Sale, 300 dozen Men's Faijcy Silk and Linen Mei chiefs, beautiful plaids and checks, light and dark centers, light and dark borders, all the newest and Linen Mercerized Ilandker borders, all the newest shades of tan, champagnv. pink, blue, helios, etc., etc. Rest 50c values on sale tomorrow at the jf unusually low price of aaf eacii, or tnree tor taicc advantage ' Meier g Prank's 882d Friday Surprise Sale 7 . , 50Q WomeiVsLorisKim6h . i i tn i i-1 1 i H ' ,. . i' i ii i , Portland's Leading Cloak Store offers for tomor row's 882d Friday Surprise Sale a great special pur-, chase of Women's Heavy, Long, Fleece-down Kimo nos, the very best styles, trimmed down the front and ket with ones inch satin bandsfasjtened--with-gir- dles Plain colorings and fancy designs in large as sortment Pinks;, blues, lavender, grays, tans, white and colored dots Great variety to select fromAll are full sizewell made and finished An article of apparel every woman needs and will appreciate as an Xmas- gift Regular $3 values Buy allyouwantjpfJth tomorrow- at the phenom enally low price of; each. . . . . . : ?W-H(01 )) :elJU'2:ev Cloak Department Second ' Floor S7.98 $1.98 22c $1.98 Imitation Leather Boxes,' for collars and cuffs, gloves and photos, great value at. Oxidized Silver.Toflet Sets, 3 pieces- brush, comb ana mirror values to $3. Ribbon Watch Fobs, -.with gold-filled : QQ trimmings and signets, $3.50. values. 70 Great Special Sale of . Gold Clocks, perfect time keepers and guaranteed, not to tarnish. On sale at: $1.50 and $1.75 Value on SaleW, Each 13 $2?60 Valuea on Sale atTEach. . . . . 1.08 $3.60 Values on Sale at. Each.....,:.. 2.69 $5.00 Values'on Sale at, Each .. s ..... . ?3.08 Three-Piece Sterling Silver Toilet Setsbrush comb and mirror; regular $10.50 value at, set.. Sterling Silver Top Puff jars,' cut-glass base-, regular $2.50 values, on sale at, each..,.....'.., Peart-Handle Gold Pens, in plush boxes, at, each Three-Piece Ebonoid Toilet Sets, silver-mount- 1 YJO ed, very pretty styles, regular $3 values, at, set.. V -O Large Variety of French Briar Pipes on sale at, each.... S9) 35c and '40c Pearl-Top Hatpins, all colors, aj, each.....'.28 $1.00 Sash Pins, beautiful styles, on sale at, each.... ....69 Special lot of Fancy Shaving Sets. at this low price, set. . 63 ISiiekel-Top Powder Jars on sale at, each ........ 28 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons on sale at....28J fancy-uiai Mission docks at. each j :. Silver-I'lated Shaving Sets-mug and r brush in a fancy case; special at.. vV03 $2.25 Oxidixed Silver Cloth Brushes at, each.fl.T9 Children's Fancy Work Boxes, with 3 handkerchiefs, thimble, thread, pins, hooks and eyes, . needles, etc.; great value at ... ........ . ..ayOC SiTver-PIat ed Je w& Boxt r.wiTlrsTIir 1 lining. $4.50 to $9.00 values, at. 4 VIl $1.50 Sterling Silver-Mounted Brush and Comb. 984 Hardwood and Gold-Framed Tripli- 1 CC cate Mirrors, $1.50 to' $3.50 values, at....4 VIl ELLIS BACK FROM : EASTERIJ TRIP Congressman-Elect Shows In . terett In Stat Politics and : Legislature. W. R Ellta of Pntlnton, .conrress mninlMt from i tha Meond nongntm ionml ' district, l In Portland aoeom ranltd bv lira. Ellla. . Thar have just returned from an xtnlvl trip throuch 1h Mit, whr iaAf Kills .vlaltd for nmi lima with til bimiit at the old tioma hi Gttlhrt county. Io. : ' . Th rotirrtnrT-rt . la , much .In Ur(d la niiat politlviiiBS. ara, dulng both retards proposed itata IKlala tlon, th orcanlutlon of th leg-lsla tura and anything that may bav a bearinf' on national IrrlaUtlon. Bi la Inclined to believe that a. dark born will win the race for tha presidency of the aenate, but otberwUa haa no opin ion as to what tha lealalatura wlU do. When- aakad what ba Intended to do whan ba want back to begin his aervfea In tha national house, tha judge looked wise and proceeded cautiously: . ' "1 have been there before ba said, "and I will ba batter abla to tall whajt I will do after I have dona It I have discovered that the nam who goer back expecting to have It all his own way generally Is disappointed. "I hope to do something for tha state, however.' tha Jtidg continued. "I have a large acquaintance lii con gress now and many friends there, so I do not go ai a stranger-either to members or method. I will do what I ran to ecre for Oregon all tha rec ognition possible." , i Judge F.llle la enthusiastic Over Ir rigation law" and construction work. He will direct bis energies toward se curing for tha state as much' aid for Its irrigation projects a congress will give and as tha state la entitled to. The open riven . tha Columbia Jetty extension. Improvement of rivers and harbors, .all will enlist tha active ef forts of the Congressman-elect Judge Ellla will remain at hla home In Pen dletoh for tha next month or so before leaving for bla future work at Wash. Ington. , . "7 . EX-POLICEMAN'S TEARS ; MELT CAMERON'S HEART ' ' - ' Big Myers, tha ax-policeman, whoaa lachrymose exhibition was tha headline act on the police Court 'program yester day, was found guilty by Judge Cam eron this morning of assaulting Patrol man : Inskeep with an umbrella last Saturday night. The deluge of tears shed by Myers yesterday apparently had the afreet of softening Judge Camer on's heart, as he continued the tsfor sentence, which la tantamount to allow ing the. prisoner ta go dating' good be- havlor. ' . . , -. Myera, at tha former bearing of hla case, ahed enough tears to float a minia ture sailboat Between hla hobs 'and sniffles ha managed to .blurt out that ha waa tha vlotlra of Jobbery and that tha ' patrolmen testifying agalnat - him were committing perjury.' A t night of rest had tha effect of quieting hla shat tered nerves, however, and his crying act waa not repeated. , LODGE TO BANQUET. ' WORSHIPFUL MASTER Columbia lodge . No. 114, 'A.' F. and A. M.. will hold a, notable aesalon this evening and will aleot-a, worshipful master for tha enaulng term and give a banquet to -Philip Qevurta, who - baa served In that office for tha laat year. Mr. 1 Oevarts has rendered sWrvlces so signally beneficial to tha order that the member Bra preparing to confer upon him marked honors this evening. H will do tha recipient of a number of gifts of unusual value, which will be fitting mementoes of tha fraternal re- gar In which ha la held by tha mem bership. During bis term of office ha has Initiated a large number of men prominent In official and business Ufa In Portland. Tha banquet in hla honor this evening will bo given at Brandea' grill room on Sixth street REJECTION OF AN OPERA v . LEAOSTO SUICIDE - ' "''' r ' (Jesretl gpedsl SerTlee.) Maysvllle, Wig., Dee. 20. Because his new .opera, was rejected, Frank BL Bor ehart, fof ( years an orchestra, loader In a number of cities, romraltteed sui cide by-hanging himself to tha ladder of a freight car this morning. ,-. atoKurray ftosaaa' Baok. ' William MeMurray,, general passen ger agent of the Harrlman lines In tha paclfto northweat, returned today from ao extended trip In tha east Ha at tended conferences of tha officials at Chicago. .On his return to the coast ha topped several days at San Franolsoo. HEGR0 CHAUFFEUR TRIED TO BLACKMAIL EMPLOYER Threatened to Steer Machine . - Over Palisades Into Hudson Unless He Was Paid. 1 (Jesratl Special Service.) Kaw York, leo. JO Alberto DaVer aategul, a wealthy rent estate owner and engineer, told tha Harlem--police-court today how Chauffeur Joe Page, a young negro, after - torturing hla employer s sistar-ln-law- fdt month In an attempt to extort money from her, planned to kill hla maater by steering blm off the palisade In an automobile unless 11,000 waa paid him. The allegation waa made that Page haa ' for months past bean waging a aystematle and heartless cam paign of blackmail against Mrs. DeVsr- aategul'a slater, Mra. Thomas DeMar-, tlnato, wife of tha wall-known mining engineer. . . ..j . It Is charged by Mrs. DeMartlnato, . who la on tha verge of breakdown aa the reult of her experience, that,, for . weeks Page haa bean persecuting har with threats upon har life and reputa tion, and that finally In in effort ta compel tha payment of IS. 000 ba aimed a revolver at her head' and swore that he would murder her. Within an hour after causing tha arrest of the negro. Deverastegul learneef from tha prison er's wife that ha waa to have bean tha next victim and that ha waa to ba killed . eemlngly by accident unless hla wife paid a tribute of IS, 000 as. the price, of hla life.. . .. .. , .. -i. TRUST SELLS ICE AT - ENORMOUS PROFIT (Jmiri'tl tpeelal fJervlre.) -A ' New York, Da?. 10. Attorney-General ' Mayer Instituted proceedings today to dissolve tha Ice trust, declaring Ice cost ing II. SO sold for 114, - i,