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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ' 20, 1900. 13 You Should -' ''' .' a - 'i srftesi eewat .- . ' Wise will act Bead teak, ". 'V - '.i--' Ym will fla It U win - x ..''''''!'- Tw at advertise. . - '-; . , Aad If yea're leellua- aaa , , '. '- valaly yea-re teak ,.. . ..: V. jt trr iuii i4 .-;.' atlarat away, la Hsla Waatea . . - - w " Rite centt per line ONE TIME, IS cents per line THREE TIMES or 30 centi per line per WEEK OF SEVEN DAYS., i Six wordi constitute line, but eieb line, ii charged regardleis of the number of words. , . : v -.r , '. , ..';,;..' ' NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN. ISe." FOR SALEFARMS. v ' BTiTi rnua rnn nm ' Tne tut wlahee to dtepoea af tbs follow. - In list of (via br tba Ant or the rear. V r, sod they -wilt be aold to tba Brat applicant ' t the prices glvsa below. . . Ta avoid future eomplalnta applicants ami gamer information aa to tna enerarter . at tea land br tnaoactlon of tna premises, asd ant at thl. -rs. Tmu . )tk Sowu . and sella ncs la annual Installments of on . aria , seen, intaraat nr cant. OSWALD WEST, State . . rnn rfiimTV. Land Agent. T. fatter d1ii North U of northwest a Bad west H at northaaat at sectlos 28. p ivwvDiy zv soutn. ranga iv wsst, conuia log 140 acrea. Pries SAGO. Mary Grey plscs Wsst H of sontbaaat . H and sooth ft of nortbaaat af aactlon an. township 40 eoath. rang 14 waat. , talnlug loo arras. Price laoo. Rsmutl Smith else Nona U of aonth Waat . southwest H of southwsst H, and . aorthweet hk of eoutheaet 4 of sect I township 41 aonth, range II Ins ISO acrea. Price 500. WMt, coataJa- DOnOLAM COIINTT. 0. W. Patara pl 101 arraa ! aaetfcm IS. towaaalp 14 aattta, ranca I waat. Prka klrhard Oaak placa Sonthwaat U af aae . tloQ 10 aad aorthwaat U. of aactlon M. low,- . aalp tl aonth. rt I waat. aontaliuat 130 . acraa. Prtca 7o0...' - J. H. Whltaatt nUca Morthwaat U aad : aoutttaaat U af aaetlan IS. townablp IM . , south, ranaa waat, containing likl aeraa. rncs a,uuv. JACKION COtNTT. I fbartar Wtfh.ll rlaaa . waat . U. and aouthaaat U of aouthwaat , af aactlon If aorthtaat of nottbwaat 4 af aartlon 10. townahln an aonth. ranca d waat, containing 100 acraaj alao tba watt ' H of aonihwaat U and anuthwaat 4 of . aorthwaat U at aacUoa 10, fmnaaip M .aonth, ranga 1 aait, eoatalnlng 12I.M actra, , asnuinlnf In all 21.64 aoraa. J'rtca ll.UUO. K. J. and A. liar plaea Waat H ef aonth. . aaat U af aaetiaa II. townahln M aonth, ranga I waat. eoaUlolag 10 aaraa. . Frlca , taoo, ? r-t V- UII COCTTT. ' r. l Barnum nlarc Narth 4 of north aaat of aactlon IS, townablp 18 aonth. ruga 19 aaat. Prir wn. ft. and 0. J, Dvty piaca loo acres la arc tlena II and 14. towaabi ia aonth, . ranga waac fic , , . IJNCOUT (XilTNTT. ' -Patar Karara nlaca Bonthwrat U xt aonth waat U of aactlon I and aouthaaat H of aouthaaiC U, of aactlon 6. townahip II aonth, ranaa 11 waat, containing SO acraa. . Frlca . taoo. I d. D. Akin places Waat H of aarthaaat . o( aactlon I, townablp 1 aourh, ranca 44 saav, aonuiuiuia bo.m ava. nl, ,uw X)K tALB AO acma, IS In enltlratloa. I-rooui : , buna a, saw barn; taam of noraaa, I baad af aattta, chlckanai good orchard. 41 bearing t traaa, picket fence) ' farming ImplenMnla. wagon, kamaaa, bsggr; (30 na acre; located IS muee aontnwaat or raruuo, on -jarior Ferry road, Itt mllaa waet of TtgardTllls. 'Addraaa W. A. MUtanbargar, ft. F. D. Ko. 1, Bearertna, Or. J MINES AND INVESTMENTS. : COK0B D'AIiBNI HtmNO ITOCK I aa alwara la the market either ta any ' at aeU aar actlra raining atoeki loaaa asaae on an uereti aaeanuaa. T. P. BBOWN. 401 MeKa bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. TOB lAty threa freak Dorbaa sow. ' Baat 11th au OAMNEY'B VBTBBIMABT HOKriTAU ISO . Ollaan at. rhonaa Main 14M-8A3T. TIMBER. WANTErv-TIMBKB LANDS. Ta the owners of timber lands Wa res resent aery heaey bnere In tba followlnc eonntlaa: Crooh, Klamath aad Lake,' ana owing to the fart that our hojere bara the estimates sa ths greater portion of the tim ber la the abora eoontlee It eneblee aa to mike snick sales, therefore send us your ' full deacrtpttos and the eaUmetei alee rour lowest net cash price, aad we sen do buat. baas with you en abort time) as padding prices goes with aa. 0RE0O BROTHERS. N BliU at., 1T and 118 rantom bldg. Portland, Oregon, TIMBER OWNERS, Pe yen want-yoar- timber- seetiattr handled In tba atost satlafaetorr war in yon la all , detallet If y"l waat a buyer quick yon cannot afford ts dale placing roar timber ' leads Immediately with ear timber depart, vent. Our connection with timber buyers . front all parte of America sjlacee as In s . position to bring yoa a kuar. Call at writs our timber department. - . " NORTHWESTERN (lUARARTBI TRUST COMPANY, Xamber Krrhange bldg. (second floor). " , Sontbaaat Cor. Second and Stark au. CERTIFIED scrip, any sins, lowest prices. O. Howell, Hps' Chamber ef Commerce. OCR buyers will be hers after January t, ready for bualneea; send la your timber leads to na . aa we caa make a preliminary and make oar I report to tbw bayere wben they arrive. Uobsa Taggart, SU AUaky. bldg. - . wa bare aab Rnyera tm yellow pine timber landa In Oregon and Washington; also for yellow fir, epruee and bam loch timber Isnda; will buy from ana claim up If price sad kws , tlon are right. Will pay raab for good re llnonlehmenta. We. kaea bad IS years' Vi- parte oca In coast timber bnnlneee, and bare , competent eruleera was ' will paaa aa the lands without delay. EMBODY a BRADf.BT CO, V. . . toa Chamber at Commerce. BRITISH COLUMBIA. TIMBER LANDS w w. bsea for esle. large and aaull tracts ' ef fine timber, both on water aad rail; Ctcee from M "P. ror1lt te locatkm; II us rone-wants and will be pleeaad'ta submit lUt. Eusens B. Cbsadler, sOT Una tings St.. Vaacourer. B. C. . WILL locate yoa on a. goad I timber claim, eaay to reach) act (t sees. 0. 0. Scbaaad, tM Stark at., slty. . yon AI E ReMnqilstimont on ltd acres wllk I feet sf timber on It. Box SS5, Juae tloa cur.. Or. WILL buy small tracts and Itnrla clalma for cssbl swnera only. Roeai . B mUIM" '. tea It., eotnsa leOMut. Advertise. TIMBER. $15 Per Acre 7 ,1 SM scree sa Pistol rlrer, la Carry aeaaty, . will eat erer 4.O00.4XIO feet to quarter aactlon; isa euius pnixwjiioni snap. 4 i27Vk WA8BINOT0N ST. $35 Per Acre lav acres. SS slsshed. balaaca lonOfloO isei sr rir umner, rina son; closs so Beaver ton t aprlng and creek; land alone wsrth the aaoawy attar oeing lorfea. v 14, S2TH WASaiNOTON ST. $12.50 Per Acre I3A seres la I north, 4 west, cut aver s,vw,wi line nr. aoon nouse ana nam; -a earnest auu. i uis m a nrmsnaa. 14, S3TH WASHINGTON ST. . ID OWNERS ef timber claims snd timber Ws will buy for cash sny good timber tributary ts Mehslsm river; wtU deal with swnars snlv; aa othera seed anewer. Write, giving - tun porcrruioju, o, u. a. ntauon. rurtisna, uragoa. FOB good timber claims snd horeeeteed. most oesirabis socsuty, -pnonsi Scott . , I BARTER AND EXCHANGE. SPOKANB ACttEAOB. 1900 per acre to trade for buslnsas.' room- ng nouaaL or resineneawLaava. n tradaa to offer In farma and bostneee ehancea, Llat rear nrooert with ns. CL B Xalaon. a nurnsias at. HEW upright plane In sichanrs for good lot Addreea r. u. son set, t-oniaaa. EXCHANOB dentistry for grading, plastering. . curpeatsriug. . yau room n, ste wasnington 40 ACRES, ef which IS acres Is ths bast sot aom land. Irrigated, 1 mile from town; rronta en Columbia river l beet fruit and vegetable "land In the country; would exchange for slty property er acreage, i. i. Keus, KB fnrn- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ISO REWARD for Bmof that anv tslktnn ana cnise equals ins caiaon pnonograpa; com- pie re erocaj assy paymanta. rortiaoa mono graph Agsncy, 1JH aeraath at Mala KM. FOB SALE Aa nprtght avimbatl piano. Call at eice aaat itueseit sc. xaaa wooaiasra car. SHERMAN. CLAY a CO. are tba largest pis no nes lers on toe feci no aoast. , sea taam ir you necw s piano. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS TOO CAN IATB MONEY . la new wagons snd buggies at Portland Warehouse A Transfer Co. 1 seO-SSS Eaat Washington Is ths piece. FOR BALnVTweented light wagoa .- with brake; almost new. Portland Riding Aead- emy, jaM snu sonnson. . BORSBS and boggtea roc rent by day. a so awatai apeciai rales so nw Slitb and Hawthorne. Bast TS. WB bur. selL rent eirbangs b horses, wsgsna. ssddiss. Bam sea. Babert Halt. KtS 4th st 15 READ ef banes, wclgblnf from 1,000 to 1.400 poanae. nil prices, call ii JiortB 14th at. BABN room for IS hnraee for rant; ST Jrffer- sea yard. Main Tins er ooa Market at. FOR SALE A Mover top buggy In flrat-claea conaition: aiao eternal pnnctna rront aeuvsry wagon, nnesc msas. ins iniow nvs. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF OU WANT, A new stove, go re roe B. A now rarure. aa to the a. Te trade stoves, go to ths I.' A wster bsch pat la, go to the S. . Furniture, go to ths I. . kSS Vlrst st Mala SS74. FOR SALE Fortevrler pupa, 4X4 Kby ask for B' at. Maatsvuis. raons asst lo. SEWINO MACHINES bought Sold aad aa. chsnged, go aad up. v astern Salvage Caw, MT waahlngtoa, at . . WB print your asms oa So calling cards, proper sue ana etyie, aoej nw ausmes seraa. A, W. Sehmals C., X Flrat, Portland. Or. SHOWCASES, CDuntsra, flstarea, bought aold er eichsngea. westers salvage ca ma Wsahtngtoa st psalfw Tbs. 10 SLIGHTLY damaged arwtng marblnea at Very tow prices; atnger. wseaisr WUsoa, Domsstlc, Wbllta, Household, Davis snd etb rrs to make room tor sew stock Wheels! Wllsoa and tnugers. a, B. Slgei, BeS Mor rison St.. mavvsam BILLIARD AND POOL toblsa for feat sr tor sale ea ssey payments, . TUB BBUNBwICK'BALprB COt.LXRDRB CO. . eg Third et, PertUsd. SHOWCASES aad flitoreo. new and aeeeadV asad. tariaos a asusiraan, aaa uooca at IBCOND JJAND bar fliturss, pool table, eafee, tables, cbalrs. Wsstsra salvage vs, till Wsahlagtsn st H0LDRN S BHEUMATI0 CURB Sure rheumatism. , bom by au arsgglsts. . SHAFTS for three boreee for aula. MaU TIBS. FBEB araaure, MT Jefferson. SELF-CBANOEMAKINQ csah rsglstsr far sals cheap, ail rirai at. FOB SALB 1.000 loyal Aau Lamberts, Bmg, g.oun . ioganberry, rhenomaaai, ITImalay Olaat.' Ockley Oreau Nureery, Portlaad. FOR HALE Loganberry sera. Bos.J2 Moats, Ills, ursgon. rnone nut si's. FOB SALE . 4 room boa (bouse, asstlr furnished, .st a bargain. Dark-greea boa In ones, tool of Co lamb la at . FIR ESCAPE and ssfs toav sale sbsap. gsirs saa navtn laim st. FOB 8ALB A) Urge houseboat. Addreea ft eft, rare .ournai. (4110 HEW aptight . piano IM, Webhst 171k, or sua US. pianola. 0 pieces. BltO. . laiw it Flra at, aoraet lUla, Boatalra, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE f corker spaniel pups. Mr. Eddy, os fcast Anleny, or phone Kael 1211. CHRIRTMAS BOOKS. Bibles sud prayer-books. Hyland Hroa.. 2L11 Yamblll at. PERSONAL. - DIHRAHE.1 01' WOMEN; unfortunate girls asd babies cared tor; private bospltaL lr. At- wood, room. S, I61)4 Morrison al. TaL Pa- ' cUI 17fts. TrRKlSrJ BATHS. S00 Oretonlan bldg. ladlas daya. gaatlvmea alabta. Mala low. MANLT rigor raatorad by Or. Bobartat Naras Clobilee. Oae moath'a treatment. 13 1 I . aaontha, IB; aeat securely seeled by mall. Ageata, Woodard. CUrke a Cs Portland. Or. SUITS preaaed while yoa wait. 60s. Lsdlea' , sklru preaaed, toe. Gilbert, 10S BUth at.. aaat to Quelle. Phone Mala fcJbS, BEHT magaalna clubs erer offered ssnd for . prices: egeuts wanted. Jones 2U1 Alder St., Portland. Or. ntore. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous kalr resaoTed, , No cbarre to talk It oear, Mrs. K. 1. UIIU Boom S& Fllednar Bldg. Pkone Pad as la. BOLD ON There Is ens thing that will sus . rheumatlam. - Ask your dragglat tor bark vonia or sua. eas er csu e. u. druggtot. Portlaad. Or. WEBFOOT Oil Blacking aaraa the testbari ab solutely walsr proof. . , . BOLDKN'S RBECMATIO CCBE Sure sure for rhfsmatlam. Sold by all draggista. BALM OF FIQS for all female dlaai sees, M Kaat Beuaoat. f bene Eaat 40S4. 0RRMAN boos a, magaalses. novels, e tel.. flee enan.' Berltsfc.' French,, Spanish, (wadlab aad Itsltaa dictionaries; foreign books at all kinds. Bckmals Co., tZS Flrat St. A. BRINElt. TBAOTICAL FURRIER. Brp.rt fltur. furs remodaled, repaired aad ' red red: 80 years' ei perls nee Insures entire satlafsctlon. Phoas Pacific U91. Lev la bids. SEX IN B PILLS cure all forme at muscular weakness. For men er women. Price 1 a boa, g bqiea IS. with fnU guar - aatas. Address or call I. 0. Clamenaon, drug, glat. Second aad Yamhill eta.. Portland. Or. DR. BINO C1IOONO. Importer Cblneae net medlclneai eella Cblneae tea. certain cure fee aU dlaeaaas. Ml 2d. bat Kamhlll and Taylor. DR. R. O. V. KRTCHUM cures prsmptly private diseases, kidney, nervous, akin and aDedal femals troubles. Call sr writ.. Office IMU Third at. YsmhllL Phone P seine 229). LADIES: I'ss Antlaeptls Cupids for monthly Irregnlarltlaa; aafeat, auraat, moat eonvenlent; used locally; no dangerous drags to swallow; ' largo boa 1.60. Mrs. Carrie foaag, Adrian. ' MlnneeeU; Boa el. DOLLS' HOSPITAL Repairing aad dreaslag. Boom S. 143 14 Waahlngtea at. REFINED, young lady-Just arrived frees Mew York; maasags. Boom g. aniH Alder st LADIES: Dr. La Fraaena Compound; ssfs, speedy regulator; S3 cents, druggists sr mall; booklet free. Dr. La Frascs, Philadelphia. Pa. MANICURING, chiropody, scalp snd facial treatment, and ma aaa re, ataam and tab baths. Sulfe Third st, cornea Taylor. . MAHRIAOB PAPER, December, aent eealed: rany worth f 100 to 1100.000; lltb year; ssnd 10c L. L. Love, bos 1600, Denver. Colo. GENTLEMEN'S plain and fancy eewlng. tors 21 and 32. SUSU Stark street. Par. CHIROPODY, i clal maaaaga. nip treatments, medicated fa XAI, Waablngton St. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helalngfora graduate, curea rheumatlam, stotnscb troubles snd ner vous dlaordcre by kand-rubblsg, ateam. sweat and tub baths.' both aexea. No. T F.aat lltb at.? Take Eaat' Ankeny car. Pnona Eaat 200. MISS GIKSON gives scalp treatment; 2UStt Jlorrfsoa at, room 62. dandraff. LADIES: Ask your druggist for Cblenestsra EngUek Diamond Brand Pllla; regarded as beat ssfeet; always reliable; buy of yeuf druggist; take no other. C'blahester s Dlamesd Brand rills era sold by annaista srsrywhsrs. roiia ra. W. F. BOND a CO. The oldeet established baokeraga konee ta Goldllold, lease sack week ' a market latter, rati lets- with newa of all Nevada camps snd giving reliable advice ea all Nevada stocks; mailed free regularly to any address, baad years. Boa P, Uold- Seld. Nevada. EMRRODIIRY Paint recipe for IS; patterns loc. XI NsrtB aiitn st LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Look ap mj sd In today a Business Chances. 'J nomas a, '.oorn ton. SIS Chamber ef Commerce. -ASSAYERST 0ARFIN CYAN1DB BZTR ACTION CO., Montana Aaaay Office, lod Murrlsaa et aad ART. PORTLAND WBOLESALB ft RETAIL ART CO. Representing one of tbe largest eastern mans facturera, are able to show yon tbs finest display of pictures la tba city. We cordially Invite yoa to call before purchasing elss- wnere. eeo woesingtea at. PEER LESSONS In embroidery every day; new stamped shirtwaists, corsst-oovsrs. lere Jack eta, halo, umbrellaa, ate, Tbe Needlecraft Shop, SKI Washlogtoa at. be tween west rsrg sod 'lasts sts. MBS. K. KK'HOLS, toscber la ell aad chins K taring, r snle. Inting, . chins Bred; bsud-pslntsd chins 670 Wllllsms a vs. PROFESSOR B. MAX METER, S4S Alder. V or trait and landscape artist aad teacher. ATTORNEYS. C. FT. PIGGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attnrneys-at-Law. Practice la all courts, 4 Mulkef bldg., corner Second snd Morrison, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. iinnr. rtAOia a. ar, dau in. . , Blank hooka manufactured: ageots for jonss lot proven uoosc-tst aaogsrs; sss ids a Eureka leaf, the baat on tbe market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BCTchkh BOfPLiRH a. Birteawaid ce aoe. sng Everett et urgent nstchar supply aeoas sa . tbs coast. Writs for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Deknaa, TlTVtot Flrat at., carries s full tins sad com plete aaaortmeot at lew eat market pnose. COAL .AND WOOD. WB bars moved to tba earner of Idth and Sa. vlcr. Tbs Portland Wood At Cos! Co. phnaa Mala 4871. Fir and slsbwsod aad coaL ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la serawood, see! ana greea ana ary aianwooa. a. a. ana - Albino a,e.r t bleaks east ef terry. Best Bis. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dee lers ta eoal. eor d wood ssd dry sisnweoa. i-aoae assi ase. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of aaat and S34 Aider st i'Bons Main so. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL. CO. Boa blscksmllh ceela. Phone -Mala tola. CHIROPODISTS. CBIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. at. B. Bill. Pbsne Pas. lad. Room ISO riled ner Bldg. CAFES. THIS OFFICE tas WasblBgtea at, pbose Maia TTi. natnnel vigness. CLEANING AND DYEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed (I per ath. Umqus Tailoring Co.. SUV Stsrk at W. TrRNER. prefeaalsnsl dyer end alas aar. BUS Jsffsrsea St. Phoss Msla 1411. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning snd Dying Work a. git aouria at. roone t-acitie aui. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. , A. MELTON, ths carpenter tnt Fanrsb-ea, rfire snd ofdes work, Mala 1T8T. . CARPET CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., targeat plaat sa ths mart uanna aaa naming sts., tele phone Eaat ISX). Carpets e leaned. reStted. sewed and laid; both ateam and la teat Com pressed air process; renovating aasttri and feathers a epeelalty. , SANITARY carpet cleaning, eaeHoa Sod aom- nrraeeo air enmbleed; carp, re aieeaeei on as Without removal, , Mala nCsi. Mai 1200, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST aJwajaanAamaaaaaapa Rcadl J(cad! Read! w this is for rorr re ItRAtL CAlLkHULLX. Ia..Jnafa . s, ""-"' tin FTTLtOWTNo WOkU , ' JIadam Barta Is peraannently located ta'ker ewa borne. 4 STAHK ST. " Tkla woaderful womaa. ae-' knowtodged by ths world to be tke grsataat clairvoyant alive, without yon writing a anee. tlon er altering ens word, shs tolls yoa lust what Tom came for. kow many In your fam ily and all about them. Telle names, dates and facta. Tells yon ef love, aaarnaaee. 4atha, buelaeas speculations, tnvantmeota. etc. l Iocs tea oIL gas and miners Is of all kinds, removes evil Influence and teaches fou now to control tba ens yoa Jovs, suites ha aanarnted and saaees speedy and coa reulal marriages. Ho matter what your con dition may he. MADAM BAMTll WILL HELP VoU. 42 STARK. CO at. 13TU. ALL WORK, t'ABANTEKD, FEB WITHIN BEACB OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL I P. M. EN0LIHB AND GERMAN SPOKEN. ' FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. . A SI'KC'IAL IS READING FOR IL ALWAVS CONSULT THE BUI. - PROF, E. KUIMO. ' ' flreateet living astral deed-trance rlslr eoyant sf the ase) ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE) whom yoa will marry, bow to -control the one yoa love, sves though miles sway; reanltes ths sso are tod ; glvea secret powers to control. 1 will de sU others advertlae to do, and a great deal snore. THS ENTIRE WORLD HAS BKKN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OF THB UNSKEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and I prove It to yea with- VrsTRHT ?REB ' By baring yaur NAME TOLD (IM PULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAMH FOR. sad give you advice absolutely FHKK before you decide have a Teedlnf. WHOTAN OR WILL FO MORB TO (0NTINCK THE SKEPTIC I O NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BB OlFEBED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. E. KHIMO. ' Permaaetly Located In Hla Owa Rama. HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUM DAT. Mo. . 5 Fifth st. sornsr MsdlSos st CONSULT the baat snd cheapest; Mae. Piper, the acknowledged gifted spiritual llfsrasdsr. - 14T lltb, near Alder. PROFESSOR WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant and medium; reediugr 50c. Parlors d and a, - The Coamus, 208Vk Morrison -at. DRESSMAXINa TRY Angeles Dreeemsklng Psrlors. SU ITftS snd Main. Paclfle 83, . .g... DANCINO. DANCING leaaoa, tfie; cUssss ar private : waits tag, two-step, thxee-etep, etc.) stsgs dancing, buck and wing, slog, reel, skirt, Spsnlah, Highland fllna, sts. Prof. Wsl Wlllsoa. old est recognised teacher, Allah bldg. Tklrd aad Morrison sts. ' WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Mow Thursday snd Saturday are.) eoclai, faary aad atep dancing taught; fencing taught; private lessons dally. West era Academy halL ierand and Morrlaoa. Pacific loau. PBOF. SINGLES, Mies Buckenmayar Loading school; ballroom etiquette; correct dancing; class Tus.-8st eve.; children Sst. p. m.; prlvsto leasons dally. SOU Aider. Mala 1951. PROF. BATON Dancing school) class for ladles ssd ganta Monday and Thursday stealage, Arloa hsU. Phoas Bast 2D04, BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Borkhard hall. SSTH East Bornslda, Pbons Main till. Daaca Tuesdays. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engl nee ra, eontrae tora, repair era, electric wiring, supplies. S4 First eor. Stark, stain SSS. S. B. Tate, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, SI Sixth at Contractors, electric supplies, motors ssd - dynamos; ws Install Mgbt nnd power plants. MORRION ELECTRIC CO., T81 East Morrlaoa st. Fliturse, wlrtti i,-repairing, ate. FURNACES. BOYNTON (arm -air farnaces save fneL J. Bayer Furnace Co., SOB Second. Mats 4 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A ' IRON WORKS SSS FUndera St., cor. Third. Phoae Mala 2O0O. GASOLINE-ENGfNES GASOLINB eugtaee, ill sums aad atvhna. st so wee prices. Morrlaoa sk Kelreoa Machtnsry Co., i&2-4-g HARDWARE. POBTLAND Hardware Co. solid ra ta opportunity l Pedis aoO. suote prices. T4 Sixth at HOTELS. THB BELLE VLB, Fourth and Balmoa sts. Booms Sue up; ratee by week or mouth; sat-ef-town trade aollelted. Psclos tlOS. HOTEL Portland. Aissrlcaa piss; 10. per day. BELVEDERE; Europeas plas; 4th aad Aider eta. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. ' WHITE, each bldg. , .. 44 JAB. McL- WOOD, employers' liability aad ta- mviauai accioent eecunty nenas ex au Biaoa. Phone 4T. SOS McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. STATB SCRIP FOB SALB. Owing to the creation ef ssvsrsl forest reserves la tbs ststs there Is now available - a limited amount ef valid boss for Indemnity er lieu sections. Any one knowing of a desirable tract of non mineral, vacant sur vsyed government lend In this state can secure title to the earns through the atate by having it selected aa Indemnity land to aatlafy a luce In some school aactlon oc casioned by ths crsstloa ot tba aald forest Theprfce until further notice will ha 17.50 per aero, one fifth to be paid down. No aelectlona will be made antll after tba Brat ef the year. For further particulars and blenka addraaa OSWALD WEST. . State Land Agent Saleat. Oregon. WANTED ssd for sale. All ktnde. Including approvsa lorest reserve scrip ror surveyed, an eurveyed, timber and prairie gorerament land B. M. Bsmlltoa, "The Portland." PortUnd. FOR BALE Load scrip, eertlfled and gueraa- teea: aiwaya oa nana, m railing hiag. rortianu. vregrm. ataginnia at oxu. MONUMENTS. MED ft KINOSLET. SdS Ftrat at, Partlaad'a leading marble snd gtsnlts worka. MUSICAL. TUB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, baajoi gat tar instruction; wiosea .msaaouaa. , aouta Wssblngtoa. . LESSONS BOc, piano, guitar, banjav mandolin. violin; si as ics i instramenia soio. asiib rirst St., corner Msla. Mrs. Mgrtla. BOOB Sue. postpaid. Levy's Musis Boons. PIANO, vtollu. piano, trombone, clarinet. Pi feasor B A. Smith. 204 lath. Mala 4T0S. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO Mining, sawmill, log ging macaiDery; nydraaue pi pee, aastingi an kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. THB H. S3. ALBBB CO. Bs road-band BVB- eblaery, aawmUM, at, ase urana aee. . . J. PAUL. 102 First at., aatginss. bsllsra, ssw mill machinery I areaa.faoerlns; gang. OPTIWANS. Dk. B. J. Ml LI A oneeanetrtet- own ajresir Ream gg.tT, SSS Waahlngtoa Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLERRLLR PATTERSON, graduate sf tho Northern inetunts et uereopemy, ciaaa sf 'SS speHalUt sa Bervoas, scuts snd chronic disease, ; censultstlon and examina tion free otsca BIT Fentoa bldg. Pboue pacISs llBO. . VKS. ADIX ft NORTH RUP. 4IB-1S IT Dekum bKtf, TBirq sna . voaaaingtaa a is. . gaeas Mais 19. KsaalBaUoR Leo, it " - ' 1 ' ' .... .. r- MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO-LOAN. , - 0a Improved rltr oroncrtr ar foe bulidlna purpoaaa, for from I to 10 rears' time, with p, iri.ijrge ie rvpey an er part ar toaa arter money advanced aa building progress as aaortgagea takea np and replaced. 1MCO U. STUONO. Financial Agent . Ull Stark et . - ' CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea oslsrles, lnsvsnce pollrlae, pianos, furniture, warehouse re eelpts, etc.; any deserving aeraoa may aacnrs a liberal advance, re paying by eaay -weekly or monthly Inatallmeata. KEW ERA LOAN A TRVST COMPANY. Bud Abiagton bldg. MONEY LOANED' TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just an yonr awn name no other eecurltyi doa't borrow antll roa see me; luy eyatem la " tba beat for railroad men. rlerka, bookkeepers, sitsetcar men and all other employee! Duel. : neea etrlctly conUdentlaL F. A. kewtos. 4X4 Abtngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLR And othera upon tbelr own namaa without . security: cheapest ratea, easiest paymaeta; . efflcea la au principal cltleai save yuuraalf ' money by getting our terms first. TULMAK, 121 Ablngtou bldg., ltXYi Third at WABTTED Notea, mortgages er contracta an sny kind et real estate In Oregoa aad Washing ton; second mortgages purchased If well ae cured. M. X yobls. 112 Commercial blk. MONEY te loan la eume to ault I and S years. , aa low aa S per cent, ea Improved city prop ' arty. Moulton A Scoboy, Sol Columbia bldg., on Wssblngtoa st. DOI'T borrow -money on salary until yoa ses , Huttcn Credit Co. ' B12 Dskum bldg. W:-B.--WARD. lawyer," Alisky" bldg. Probsts snd mortgsgs business solicited; moderate , feea; taaua money on anortgages from $j0 up; eaay tarma. MONEY loaned ea furalturs, pianos snd ether securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, . Waahlngtoa Bldg. Phone Paclfle 1632. MONEY to toam large loans specialty: alao building loans; lowest ratee fire Insurance. - William 0. Beck. 112 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4 Mobawk bldg Money to lend en Saay-payment plaa to wagesrners; etrlctly couudentiaL ' MONEY to loss ea all kinds ef security. William Boll, room u. Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Soma "to ault oa chattel security. R, A. Frame, (14 the Msrqusm. MONEY TO LOAN Fire Insurance; real estate. Motter A MeKenale, S0B-210 Commercial blk. TO LOAN 13,000 or leas on city property. G. A'. Johnson, SIB Commercial blk. A LOAN for tba asking Salary ar chattel. The M CO .. siv aieaum oiug PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH a CO. Tbe Pioneer Paint Co.; window glass and guvstag. lift First st Phono 1S84. PRINTINO. THE MODERN PRINTERY Artistic printing. - 2S Russsl bldg.. Fourth aad Morrison. Phone , PadAe 1&3A. , EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From elrculare to catalogues and newspapers. Metropolitan printing CO., 141 trout at. COILBEB BROS4., printers Cards, billheads, etc. Pbose Mala lsoo. 146i First' st PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices, Sheeby amta xsmhlll. near eta. waia suib. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. sanitary plumbere, E91 Second, bet Mala and Salmon. Oregoa Phone Mela Soul. DOMNERBERO ft BADEMACBEB, removed to No. 808 Burnalde at -' ROOFING.' TIN BOOn NO, guttering, repairing and general . tubbing. J. toa 11. 212 Jefferson at.. Pas 1424. RUBBER STAMPS. r. It STAMP WORKS. StS Alder St.. khone Msla Tiu; raODer atampn, seats, eteneusr nag gasa. trade check a; brass algna and plates. HEAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne Bssl estate, tnveetmenta, stoVtgsgss, loans. 210 Allaky bldg. Pbons Mala B-us. PABRISH. W ATKINS ft CO.. "aetata. Insurance, rental and toaa agsnts. ISO Alder at J. W. OOILBEE, real eststs aed fesus) setab 11a bed land. 14BM Flrat et, room 1L , L. B. RICHARDSON SEAL ESTATE AND MORTOAOB LOANS, pbooe Mala ftWd. B22 Chamber of Commerce. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft RLEISBB SIGNS. - WS havs built up ths largest alga bsstnaaa a ths city by first-class work snd keeping esr promises. Our prices sre right Fifth and Everett sts. Phoas Ex. ba. F. P. BERGRB ft SON. 24 Yamhill st Signs af s!l kinds. Pbons Paclfle 2X12. "SIONS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. 2ST Stsrk st Pbons Pari He 1894. Beat Cs SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. inUnLABIS or every scwnpovai and store futures made to order. Tba Latke Manafacta,-tng Co., Portland, B. B. BIBDbALL. dealrner; agent If. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton niag. mam oodu. SAFES. HiRTT.ANli SAFE CO.. sols ssenu tor Herring Hsll-Msrvln ssfea snd Msnganeae Steel Safe ' Co. a bang aa res. ins largest sasorimsnt oi hlah-srads Brs snd burs lar-proof safes to the oortbweat S2 Seventh st DIEBOLD manganeee' snd fl re-proof aafea: lock- ssts spened; metal fixtures; vault snd Jail - work: lacks. J. K. Da via. d Sd. Main ISOa. BIGHT second-hand Sre-proof safea sad two second band nans aarca J or saw csssp, at iv Sixth St.. Portisnd. Or. STREET PAVINa WARREN Construction Co., street paving, aide Walke Snd crossings. S14 Lumber Exchange. THB Barber Asphalt Paving rCo. sf Partis ad. ornes ana voreeater sia SEWINO MACHINES. PBONB Paclfle 2730 and I personally will salt and repair yonr sewlng-marblns! work gnerauteed. S. Sams, adjuster, SSI Third at ..TRANSFER AND HAULING. TBB BAOOAUS A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. sixth ana oil eta.; naggage enacted from hotel sr reeldeoee direct lo destination; eeeaeagera tberofore avoid rueh and aaoey ance at depots. Private exchange eg. SAFES planoe and furniture movad. packed ready ror raipinng sua wirrra, au worg gaaraatead; large. Salary brick. Ars-prout warehouae for atorage. Office 201 Wsa at, Olaaa ft Roe. Phoss Msla 647. a a PICK, office SS First st, betweca Stark and OaB ata., poooe ouoi pianos sna rurnitars moved aad pavked for shipping; comoMdloua brick wsrehouss with aapsxsts Ires ruoau. Frost aad Clay ata. CUT rates ea boose bold goods to sll points eaat: wa mans up cstiosub; apeciai room ror trunks wklls waiting. Onxoa Auto-Pes pa tea, II First at. I' base Mila lis. SOSR CITY VAN "CO.. antes 141 First st, pbons Mstp S22d. Furniture Snd pUno-mvlng A-snscisRy; we govts ntes sar Work. RATIONAL TRANSFER ft STOBAOR CO. 210 Osk st. Tslephens Msla 4400. .raosfsr ' ring snd storing. 0BE0OH TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth, pbons Msln a. Mssey healing and storage. INDEPENDRNT BAGGAGB ft TRANSFBB CO. Storage. AM Stsrh st Msla 407. FOR back, furnltnrs wagon, trunk er plana moving, pheus Hesslaa, East bu.2. ' POST SPECIAL DELIYERT, Bo. 2U0 Wash. lugtoa st, fbsaa Mala MX I FINANCIAL BANKS. FUS B ATIOKAL BANK SF PORTLAND, 0RXO0B. - . Daalgnatad Msssitarf 'aad FIsaaHal Age at at the Called Staves.. .... rreeio-av. ............. e mii.1 I st I sanies . , .". , W, . CtAUttU. I Leeteea aC r iCI, Ae.tlel.hfe !' Esrbange aad Telegraphic Tranatera aold ea Mew York. Boston. Chissgo, St. taaha, t Ps.l, Omaha, aaa Fraoetare and the prloctpal polata tn tbs Nertbwest (at and time hills draws la esses te suit wa. aaqoaams. Cupeaaagen. vanaooaia. ADS ft TTLTOB. BAJrEERS tErtshUated a Seaeral Banktaa Bsslneea. Colls etana mode et an aeesas a raewe. able terms. Letters et credit Iseeed ''oa-sight Exohaage and Telegrapble Traaafecs aold ea New York, Wsshlsgtoa. Chtcasw. aeeava. ueaeer, Omaha. Baa yseoclaee as htootaas aad British Columbia. Kama see ea Lsuaoa. Berlin. Frasktuet. HoegSeag, Yohohama. Manlln and Hosolahj. njg KXRCXABTT BATIORAl BAVX. POR1LABD, OREwOtT, 11 M. FRANK WATSON. ......Preetdeet I UOYT - ....Caustics I rnuOBSts s wsaernl Banklas Buslnaao. Drafts ail farts at the weeio. U1 BITID STATES BATIOBAL BAB OF W n. Hi M..t nM. ajn,I.S SrVeoeeeae . aa .! w.-bin. w i. Mis Csltad Ststss and Europe, Hongkong- aad H? ,.- ...1. 0. A1NSWORTB I Vlos-1'ra.eut B. I.BA BABNSS -- Asslatast Cs abler. I3ABXERS ft LVMBERMEX'S BANK Portlaad. Oreasak Carnes Baisad ssd Jtsrh etessss. BF uomsssrelsl ssd ssvtngs department. - rbaVr. 1.:" f President I fJ?Ji? H- ROTHCHILb.. .Flrat Vies-Presides! I ,oum V rl 't-w- .rirec vice-rrssiaeai -"JL- ATINO. . . .Second Vice-President TKE BARS OF CALIF0RBIA ZMbltased laaa. Bead efSaa. Saa Frascleea. Callrarala, Capital paid ap .I4.0no.0OS I Surplus snd undivided prtsSts. S10.0M. 402.(2, . Oesersl Banking and Fvchsnra Business Transected Interest As Time Deposits. , -. -.SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened ef IO aad upward. - ' ' Portlaad auaesChamber ef CemoMree Bsildlng. ' WK:. tACRAB...; ...Masager I, T. BURTCHAW.L......Aaatats V.e.e TRUST , COMPANliStT DRTLAND TRUST COatPABT OF OREO0V The Oldest Trust Oemsaay ta n 1...U11 ai k. ovait gi.T9O.0no. Osnsral a!2.TTwh"'"1,,, "" dnltw balances af IiWOer eertlftcatee. gmo or over. SH to 4 per sent. 7.. St" toror Third end Oak St RE. I. .COHEN. PraMowet l " i r,n rnxT. ...Secretary I QtCWRrTT SAVINGS ft TROST OOstPATT - a2-ets a seaeral Baskme Boatness. .ee..TIoe ad Sulna-a Arcousts. Acta aa weait avaiiasw la All porta er the vrorea, " 1 A L ."".........-rVeeidsat I U A. tFWIS. ........ ...Ftiet Vtor-Preetdaat A. fa. MILLS nyni sles-Prealdeag I B. A' JUBITB ..Besretary ' GEO. P. RUSSELL.' Aaatstant Secretary T kfORTBAOt SVABAWTEX ft TBUST COhtPAlfT BARK, , TrsBaeeta s Oeaeral Bauklag Bnataesa. Interest paid sa Tints Dsaandta, SavtngS twoartmeat; d per cent taterest allowed, esmnsaaded onsrrsrly. . CAPITAL WATERBUBT. Predaeit i O. W. -lfcrf . B. LOO AN HAYS ststs nt Seeretarr . . . Temple.. Seventh and Stark Streets. Phone Main S4, Open Satardav B-eastuaT S as S NJRTH-WXSTEBB OOARANTTB ft TROST OOhtPABT-Portland. Oragsa. ' Lumber Kxehaags. S. B. Corner Second and Stark Streets I seas ad Soar). . . ' FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. tats, meaty. UsnMpal and Cornoratloa Bob, t. una ananceo. at ocas TITLE OTJARAHTTE ft TRUST COMPART S40 WASKIBOTOB STRXXT, MOBTGA8B LOANS sa Portlaad Real Ratate at Lowest Re tea. Titles J THORBrRR ROSS. OROROE R. HILL... President I . Vlce-Pr Idest I BONDS e AND ys ORRIS BBfJTarwfB,I Cwaaisrss Bldg. V". ; Mnntclnat. rsrireed and bits ear lie a cot pe-att bonds. DOTOrao-BOFs S OOhTPABT Yrtabllaked STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Boaght Private Wtree, . . BBOht 4 CHAMBB B THE J. a LEX COh-ATT Oommeawsaltk Bldg., Sixth aad Aatheay ata., PortUnd. Oregon. - Brokerage Departmast H. W. Donahue. Manager. Sea Pa Before Buying or Selling Storks se Bonds. Can Alwara Ssve Tea Money. 1 OUIS J. W1LDX HOMB TELEPHORX BOBDB BABX STOCXS. , Member Portisnd Stock Bxcbsnge. ' Corner Sixth snd Waablngton Streets. Portland. Oregoa. OycrbccR, Starr & Cooke Co. sunt. PBovistoNS. cot tow, stocks and bobds. , WB DO A STRICTLY 0 OMkUSSIOR BUSIMXSS. Ceatlnueas Mark eta by Private Wire. Quick See-tee. REFERRNCES Ladd ft TBtoa, Baab era. and Called SUtsa Rational Rash ef Per tie ad. o TOWEL SUPPLY. CLRAN -TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, sosp. II per month. Pertlaud Lsandry ssd Towel Supply Co.. Ninth end cooes, rnone sia. tVpewriters. HEADQUARTERS for new and rebuilt type writers of all makaa; aee enr window; If yoa are going te nay a new typewriter see as ne - fore burmi: ws ctn savs ros moocr; we kave raru for repairing all msrhines; etate agenta fur the Vlalble Fox; we bay all kinds et typewriters. ue ty pswnter Dxcnsxuis. - inc.. m. 4. aiiisoa, ma eager , as 'J sire sa. WB sell . Rsmlngtons. Smith-Premiers, Dsns. BMrea, stu., k'wer tbta any other cempenyl investigatu. Uuderwood Iypewrltsr ts, aa ata. TYPEWRITES repair and supply Co, 480 waeniagiea at. rnana stain esse. BLICKENSDERFER typewriters. 40 sad !S0 reapplies, repslrisg. Aoas a noes, zwive atsra. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THR BRETMAN I BATHER CO.. Jobbers af aaddlery, hardware, horse goods, lest her, flnd- Inga and anoe store auppues. riita ana use. A. OPNST ft CO DISTRIBUTORS OP FINS CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. 8HERK, GAZB ft GRAHAM (Inc. I commlesloa merehanta, jobbere sf fruits, prod see, ate.; Sonslgnmssts aoiiciieq. aw arose sa, . EVERDINO ft FARRELL, pesdoca ssd cera- mlsaloa merchente. leu rroot at, Portlaad, Or. phone Mala ITS. OREGON Furalturs Manufacturing Company Manufecrarers at larniiars tar us traaa. PortUnd. Oregon. WADHAMS ft CO.. wbolessto grocers, mese farturere asd eommlsaloa nterchaats. Fourth and Oak ata. FfiRNITURR mannfacturlng and spectal orders. L. Uutsnsky's furniture factory, BUT Front st ALLEN ft LEWIS, comtalaatoa asd produce mac chants. Front ana farm ata.. roruaaa. or. WHOLESALR crockery and gUsswsrs. Prasl, - Bagels A Cs.. 100 to lo Fifth, our. Stork at . WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California wine depot; all kisds et wine, nc e glass, tooas ana isoir oeip ers liradqsartsra. I4S Fourth st Pbeaa l'o- eiric .Ida. r. Lsnrati. L. .-. J GENUINE CRIB Cumbersome in Appesrsnct, but SJ Comfortsble In Use. 1 In conatructin tho majority of tho ao-ollcd cribs for bableo, tho manufno- turera havs antirsly lost stent of ths 5ASKET AS BIO AS A BED. comfort of the Child. Too many o?tham are made for Rppearance rather than for ease.' ' This 1 cannot be aald -of the one shown here, as It ts Ra cum her soma and Ugly as it Is sure to be comfortable. Th, .e , Tm o1 . ... men. Mt, VaSBwr J. W. F 1 htVCi,.ii"-. - hihaea 1. Sm . -... . . h..l - ea Laadoo. Parte. Bee Ha. Freak Past-ss BtoeSBatat St Paterebara. Sums, aas-aeaw ta Utw.) svslUble la Baropo and aB polsne hi tbe tTaltaal B. L DURHAM ....... an -1 I wi ABORGB W. HOT. Aamiataat Cash lee and Letters ef Credit leased A valla hie couectiona a specialty PORTLABD, 0RIB0B, eiMt oak B tee., V bkirTB I US ran ' aMM.e,a. a. ' asl rwsee eS Ma alls. Collaetleas Made ea FavoraMe Tarmea. Cashier .R. W. SCHWRa Asststsat Cashier W. A. MOLS A. M. WSIOHT Intsrest paid sa sartsga sake. Drafta aad B. C. MBARS...... n. D. STORSY . ................ .flesh tea ........Aealatant Ceeale .....leeneeel Ooaweel PLATT ft PLATT... baaklns. , S par sent istsrwat ea ever, Letters ef credit snd sschasss aijMI Call fur Book ef 'ILLTTSTBATIONS. rest a. . annua Private Bsehsags tx n. f riTTOCsI... t i.riwii J. O. OOLTRA. .AaatataBt Sei r.tere tSS Verrtsea Street. Twrtiaaal. Oregea. SAVINGS DEPARTMBNT. Isleeewt si Troetee for Bstetee. Drafts sad tatn .lino. 000. OS ' (L W. WtLLRR...; Vtee-featdaoS a Bought and Sold. Row rslsi pslsaa srga and bonda rears ateeg. Abstracta FuraSehed. JNO. ft. AtTCHlSOR, T. T. BCRKBaBT... .Saw story INVESTMENTS. laS BROXX B. aad Bold far Cash sad an Marctu. ef COVMBBCB. " l-none Mela ST (Members Chlesga Board sf Trade.) I0S Third St. McKay Bldg.. Portia ad. Oregon. sndeavored to devise a crib that would fulfill Its mlaaloo. Enouajb spring's ara provided to kaop the wicker basket In motion for a Ions time after It has bean given a start. An Important although, small addition la the rollers xn tho bot torn of the f rarao. There Is thus pro vided art assy method of transferrins the crib from one room to another. The busy housewife only need stop occasion ally In her jlutlea to clvo the basket a 1 periodical push, ths sprints doing; ths rest ' THREE-KEYBOARD PIANO" Weights Attsched to Keys for Sus- .. , tsining the Notes. 'Organs baring two or three keyboards are being- uaed practically everywhere, but a piano having; three keyboards Is oao of the novelties of recent date. A South Carolina Inventor la responsible for its construction.. Of course, the question will inatantly- artee, bow can a performer operate three keyboards with only two hands? On the tipper . keyboards practically no operation ta neceeaary. They are controlled and r THREE KEYBOARDS OJf.FXANO. ; leased by weights. - Ths notes connect. " ed with these extra keyboards are real ly what' might be termed . ' sustained notes." If the player wishes to sua. tabs the souad-af a certain note, or an octave, for Instance, he strikes the note. toe latter pain sustained until ths weight controlling that' note is releaved. Every plano-player will Instantly rso ognls-1 he- advantage of thin arrange, ment- It would be Interesting-, at least, . to bear one of these Instruments played, , v Alcohol From Corncobs. The department tt agriculture la 'de veloping; a new diaoovery in the produc tion of alcohol from vomcobs, which promisee to be of much commercial value. Investigations are being . made and have proved, that the large quan tities or corncobs which every year go to waste eaa be made to produce alco hol In sufficient quantities to Justify the erection of a distilling plant la con. nectlon with a corn cannery. Bo far ths department has succeeded by sim ple methods Of Tormentatlon In getting a'ylsld or 11 gnlliieis ef alcohol from a ton of rreenobavn4 by similar math- o1s' In gsttlng sts gallon from a ton of green cornatalks. A department offi cial says that these tests show that there are 140 pounds of rsrmetuahie subatsnce la a tnti of grsan flsld rnra SUlks, Which wtU yield about half of their weight tn anwoiuie.,Biooni. in round numbers, a toa of stalks wl.l pro duce lod pounds ef alcohol, gtr 101 pounds f proof spirits, eta a fallen of alcohol weighs nearly swvsit pounds, there should be II gallons ef al.uhul It ton af sulks. . ( r t ,