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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ' THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20, ; lBOU NEW TODAY. washihpnSt. Property The Quarter Block, situated at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars see .': :"' "BrookFKiernan 81 THIRD STREET DON'T PAY RENT! ' New modern t-room cottage. In scenlo ' location, near ear line; lot 60x100 feet. This place 1 a bargain; ' terms very liberal. Moe, f 1,500. - New. strictly modern 5-roora bunga, low; very attractive home; acento lo cation; lot 10x100 feet. A splendid In vestment; near ear line. Very liberal terms. Frloe f 2,000. - A modern ,.-room house on Broadway and Union ave, car line; lot 21x75. Tbls to within your-reach. on easy .terms. Vrloa, 92.60O. : , Tbree fine lots at Cedar Park; cor ner, 19x101 feet; blocks 'from ear Una and station; all under cultivation; email house; - city - water. Casey at f 1,500. . , :- Mclaughlin, allen & fulton OfSos Wit , . Northwestern Guarantee & ; Trust Company T.i'm tier JBashaac Bids. lor, td d Wtm rorUasd, Or. A SAFE INVESTMENT tOO-acre ranch,, suitable for dividing Into small farms, adjolnlns; county seat In Washington county; too acres under plow, 100 acres in timothy and clover pasture. All level, . fertile soil; two creeks, numerous springs; 100 acres good, timber; R. R. runs through the -farm.--Main -Bounty wagon road on two idea, If you want a perfectly safe invest ment, investigate this - proposition at once. lrlca f 47 per acre, , Call or ad- oress ; . . Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Xffunbav Zxohajira Boil ding ' (aaooad , floor), IX Cor, Bd and Btark Bts. BARGAIN! QM rOBTTaAJTB XZiaiTI , r 92,250 Irresrutar corner at Kth and Elisabeth streets, containing about i,00S square feet; magnificent unobatructed view; ce ment aidewaika, au street improvements: car line t blocks f 1,000 cash, balance easy terms., Tou can't miss It on .this for beautiful residence alts or profit' able speculation. , v . H. W.LEMCKE CO. BUth aad Washlxurtoa Bts. Quarter Block in lrvingtonL One block 'from Broadway, one , block from Irvlngton car. No better location In this flneat residence suburb. Street Improved and cement sidewalk. Price only 12,600. "It pays to see us. ' STAB Tat AST ai TmOMTSOaT, . Chamber' of Ooxtuneroe. FOR SALE $2.6t50 A splendid horns of rooms, . 1 Rodney sve., thoroughly modern ' and up to date, in good restdenoe dis trict, close in and near two car lines. fair gtva-terms. Seeing means buying If you want a home. , X. B. s-AGKSOaT Bi CO. fhonf Main I4. tit Stark St For Platting H ,crs,'t.-Johns carltns. Just be yond riedmont; tl.SOO will handle. , J. II. KEILEONNER & COMPANY '" Ed. O. Mayor. Manager. ' Sir Lumber Zaohaage Bldg. Id and Stark ' WANTED Money o loan on inert wags en city or country property. ' ' j GRUBEH, 17 Commercial Block. I V MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joha A. Kalartreea. T: Asna Malmhonr. 9 1. a. Paiton. 1S Bast Sink ia. Panllne R. Banmea. 40. - v- ' Clilah Hawkins. 63 Wrrt street, TB; Bsr.h J. Uondwla, Of. J. r. atewmaa. Tl Tklrd street, M: Myrtle Gele. SI. I'aul Serbia, 74 Mississippi S Ten us, 13; Mir. - ne rweH. - a trill tan, C. Schmidt. Tl aVerad street, sit Katie iMoarc. 4a. Waller M. Uenalng. SM Beyt a treat. 1; ' Amelia Weaver, 17. Wedding' Cards Smith ft Co., Waah and Washington eta. Ingtoa nig. r.-. for. Fourth aad ft !rv' ri.oBiarn animtra FOR FLOWCKB OC ALL hlM'i. 12B SIXTH ST. Fitl areas salte fi.e eaat. a f alierlag !. . stark Ste I'slga WEATHER REPORT. A southwest gale la expected along the coast ad emit during the next 24 hour, and eiorta warnings were- ordered dlsoleved at all stations la that district. Advisory mcssagea wete slao sent 10 an eta t ions oa tee amino. A low pressure area baa made fit apnearaaee ever wnlrn Canada during the laet ixBoura, sad' shie bhiiiHuh1 -wawifral may TBtriffBTlncf 4t Alberts. The development ( thle disturbance has resulted la general raw over I lie en lira Pacific northwest eaatwnrd ta Montsna. TIM California blab area renialria practical-- station. ary. recalling in eoailuued fair waul her over that ana adjoining eta tee. The low area note yesterday morning over Manitoba baa moved soutbesstwsrd and now overlies tbe upper alia- eautppl velley. It la, however, very weak, ana a precipitation baa attended Ita progress; Uie enlr Influence exerted or thle area be In a ellght rlaa la temperature over the middle Mlsetsslppl valley and upper lake region. The Florida dletnrbsnee baa moved nortueest and la now pesolng off the Virginia eoaat. General ratna throughout tbe east gulf, south ana ailddla Atlantic stales -have marked Ita course. Tbe New Kngland lily a area Is slowly paaalnf be yond the ranee of obaereatloa. and tanipere- luree over that sect ton are rapidly rising. Observettoos taken at S a. ni.. raelfle time j . . - -Temo. K ' ' - Mex, Mln. Preelp. Baker City, Oreroo. ...... . 84 Boatoa, Maaaachusetta .10 Chiracs. Illinois M j Denver, Colorado ..... 40 Kanaaa City. Mlaaoarl...... 40 I Angeles. California..,. TO New York, New York...... M forlland. Oreeea M Roaeoura, Oreeea.'.. M' fit. Louts. Mlaaourl M -SO S4 A ' S4 . no 80 . M Mr- 4-1 , .0 . .0 . . . .0 .0 .14 ,10 .0 alt. Lake. L'lab 41 . .01 Baa Francisco. California.. M .0 8pokana, Waahlnittea. ...... 40 Tarotna. Wsablnttoa....... 44 .Kt .-S4 Walla Walla, Wasbintoa.. M B'a-hlneton, D. O SO 44 . M BIRTHS." ALI.K.N Ilecember 1.1, to Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Allen, an East Third, nortb, a boy. BAZBY December S, to Mr., and Mrs. 0. ilaser. Uonisnila. alrl twins. BAILKV December 7, to air. and Mrs. Ernest nailer, citr. n one. LAMBERT December ft. te Mr. aad Mrs. H. M. Lambert. Woodlawn. a slrL - TASPEMABA December 10, ta Mr. aad Mrs. B. o. vandemara. 8 dtnore. a alrl. MI?fTOSH December IS. to Mr. and Mra Ronerf i. . Melntosa. S2 willlama ansae, a ooy. DEATHS. WII.HON December IS, William Wtlsoa, 70 years. 404 Eset Wsablneton. naralrala. N1HABDBO December if. Ikedo. Ktaabnro, 29 yeera. tjood Samaritan boanltal. trnhoid faver. CHEK1N8KA December IN, Victoria Cberlnska. 42 jreara. 741 Eaat Seventeenth. Mrltanltla. BOH LEU December la, Anna O. Bobler. Tt yeara. km Lot tax f lace, TalToiar heart dlf FUNERAL NOTICES. SCOTT la thla city, December IS, 1(KM, Crta- ais B. Beott. aced OS years, moo lbs snd Id days, wife of Joseph Scott. Funeral wlU take place rrldar. December SI. at 1 n. 1 at a". S. Danslns'a chapel, corner Bast Aide ana net nix LB ste. iTienos inelted. UNDERTAKERS. rioral dealrna aad 'cat towers cea be era. eared from us at any boor of eight or day. roone stain aoao. nwimii area., 70s Ulleaa. Dnnnlna. McKntee ai Ollbaoak. andertabere aad embalmera: anedera ta every detsIL oereath and fine. Mala 440. Lady saataUnt. , B. Bemstock. andertsker aad embalnm. Beet Thirteenth aad Umatilla see. Phono n.iu wood .' Brlcksoa Cndertaktna Oft., aad anrnalmtne. ts) Alder at. . Phona Mala S13S. Lady assistant. J. P. flnlrr at Bona. Third and llidum mt OfSea at county coroaer. I'hoae Mala S. oarers and oral desJcna. 28S Morrison at. Edward Belmna, nadertaker, S30 Third at. arrxa ttxw ccxztebt. BUurte crates. tlO. Famllr lota. 10O to 11 ftnn The Ml? cemetery In Portland which per petaally matntalaa and cares tor lota. Wot full laformattoa apply to W. B. Mackeaste. Woe ssatec block, city. W. M. La 44. praaldeat. BOBX CITY CEMZTEBT. Blnsle araree. (5 ta tH: lamllr lota in to TS- aat end . Fremont at., corner ai Cully road; superintendent at cemetery. Phone Tsbor 2nd. For full Informstlon apslr -4s Prsnk Bcbicgel, 003 Commercial klk. Phona Mala REAL ESTATE-TRANSFERS. Arleta Land company to Gulaeppa Kearstto, lot IB. Lkork S. Inn Park.. 1 Donald G. and Lacy E. Woodward to Oulaeppe Ncgretto, lot S, block 2, lna Park . TB Boss Swank snd wife to John W. Swank. andlTlded H of snhdWtsfcin A. nnd east S feet et aubdlrlslnn P of lot 4. block a. Portland Home s' red . I Arleta Land company to Charles Boedler, lot 20. block 14, lna Park 129 Kllcabeth C. Spragoe to t. D. Lee, lota 1 and 2, block 4. Norm sn dale 100 M. B. Les snd wife to W. D. Fraley, guardian, west 10 S- feet of lot 13, end eaat 10 2 8 feet of 1st IS, block 2H, Couch addltloa 1,000 1. O. Alna worth and wife 'to Lionel F. - Tartar. lot . 11. block. 1, . Oak buret ' addltloa ;. . . . jbo Benry Mason to W. G. Bef later, lot 10, block a. Eaat Portland Heights 1.S00 Charlca B. Black and wife to Albert Slater and wife, anuth M feet of lota ' : 1 and 2, block 11, Central Alblsa ' addltloa 400 Ellis O. JTuahew snd wife 4 Harriet B.- Dunham and Victoria Kundret. lot 1, block 11S, Baat Portland, excepting that pert tying eaat of a line 20 feet - west of and parallel with eaat line of aald Vit 18.000 Joha Mler to Security Harlnga ft Trnat eoanpeny, lot 4. Mover's enbdlTtalou of lot B, block S, Portland Jfomaetead. 2,800 T. J. Savage to Ellen A. Falrchlld, . 80x100 feet commencing at point In north line of Everett atrect 2M feet east from Intersection with seat Hue ef Twenty-second 10 T. McKamee to Joha Bench e and ; fhrlatla Bcneke. Iota 1 nnd A , block 26,. Alblsa Homestead 2,400 George w. Brown to r. w. King, lot a, block 2, Leurelwond Park Idah M. aad Coll a K. Harbangh tn Her man T. Boblman. Vest A of Jot 4. block Holladay's addition ....... 0,000 W. G. Kerlater to Henry Meson, lota B and 0. block 07, , Vernon 1,000 Jobs Behoenbecbier and wife to James R, V. Dodce. lot 2. block S. Southern Portland ISO Char lee A. Ward and wife te C. E. and V r ItiwUtL bat 1. block a ' llniat Tabor Villa 1JI00 Portlaad Trnat Company or Oregon ta Otto . Hoffman, lot 18. Mock T. Wll- , Hams Avenue addltloa , 880 The Hawthorne eatate ta Edward Ml-, nener. lot IX block 18. Hawthorne's First addition ...v... 000 A. O. and B. J. Wright to A. O. ' Parklna. lota 11 and 12. block 0. Xaat . Portland Hehrht 860 B. C. Herlow, trustee, . et al., to Se curity Seringa ft Truat company, endl- ' Tided 0-0 of land beginning st aoath ceist corner ef George I. Wstt's do nation land claim, en left bank ef Wll- lemMtta. elver. In section 11.. town ship 1 nortii. range 1 west , 64,000 John O. Carson to Robert Piatt, lot 8 . . . n. . . i. .. a Ki-a. ana warwi iw. v. ei. , mw. I '- riA r ,,iHtlM ........ i-.-. j... i Security Savings ft Trut company to Hobrrt Treat riatt. lot nna weai 23 feet ef lot S. block 284, Couch s mAMttnm . 1 Klnald B. Cartnon and wife to Charles I.. Hunter. 10 acres or aectioaa si, JflJ. townahtp 1 eouth, ' range 4 aeet .... 10,000 E. B. Holmes at el. to Marsh Cornelia Berrr. mm is ana in, docs o, iioua- d.v Park addition 8.000 Lnnla Buck nrd wife to Alex Ceetelll. lot 18. block son, toucn aaaitmn.... - i Amlrew C. Wetnee end wife to Hannah Johnson, lot is, Blocs A, lermtnus addltlott .-. aoO Point View Real Eft ate company to F, Percy Babbitt, lota si, 8 mora 1. Point View 200 Elisabeth Eckeresn to D. H. Watson, lat 1. block 01. Woodstock J. - S00 A. W. tioddard and wife to H. H. . FViwer. tract f la Vance, containing 10 acres , TOO Title Mnereatee ft Tnial company to E. . r. Hurlbert. lot 8, block 0, Houth St. ' Johns-, ' 250 Anna M. Worth to Lemeeh Harlow, lot . sv-bVesfc 23, -srlglnal Aownaua t-U . hlna 8,080 Quel Frank and wife to Ole S. ttuder aoe, lota 88 and 84, and a strip 10 feet wide off north nlde ef lot 82, ' block 2ii, Point View addition ....... 1 Lenta Rerllnrsr and wife to Rarbsm R. Dalton, south V, ef lot 8, block 0, elty .- JT.000 Emwy and William J, Hill to Prince . t. Doaae. lot 1, block 1. Oak -knoll , ansa a,ddltloa 800 W. J. Kelly in Portland Tool Works, 1st 8, tloci $4, leilweed ........... . 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Title Gaarantee ft Treat company to An tbxajr Suite, lot 14. bkk a. South Bt.' John. ta Annie Itreck Is Minnie II U. lot B. block i'to. city 0.000 Budoipa wiihrlm to Portland Tool T Judaon TL.'a"ralf Viid wife to l r. Hoarue. eaat U mt h'ta 1 and a. block 2S. Hawthorne Park .... , . d.Bti0 Oldeoa B. Wblts and wire to H. A. Nel son, lot 3. block 4, Bsrtscb Park .... Victor Land company to Oecar tlthHf, - lot 18, block 1, Washington Bduitlua to Eaat Portland ". Mary yrel! to Kev. Jnaeph P. O'Brien. M block IX Porumouth Villa Extension Annie klrbr e't al. to Katharine Mae Farlane, ait a, block S, Uroaauch'a ad ditloh v 100 180 TOO Security Sarlure A Truat company to n 1111NID . e. reconeinier, angiriuca of uart of block 1. rHr ............. 10 Clara A. Kechbelmer et al. to Hubert W. -Wilson, eaat Xa feet of lots & and 0. block IJl cite 10.500 C. t. McLaln and wire to rbebe A. rnmpatoa. 80 fret a lacbea otr aorta slOe of lot S and M feet B Inches oft tbe north end of lot 0; all ef kita X. IS. block a. .8.11 wood Beal Kstate Inreetment esaorlstlon to C Carter, lot 0. block ST. Betlwood E. Bobertaoa and wife to J. Horsky. bta T and 0. block 240. Holla- 1TI ' dav addition , 1.000 Salem Flourlnf Mills company to Edmund iNauara. int e, pioca li. laiy iew Parte addition 00 Salem ITurIuc Mills company to Ed- mun Kaudta. Hit a, omkk It. uy View Park addltloa 290 Portland Tniat Company of Ores "a to Alice K. tilaaa, lots in. II. v.. l. block R. mibdlrUlon of lota 2, 0, T, 0, tract D. Rmtth'a addition Portland Trnr.t Company of Orefon to Jnbn cummins, lot a, dmcx 11. noou- .BOO Moore Inrestment company to Philip Danalfer, lot U. block B, Vernon..'. 150 For ahetraeta. tttle Insure oce or ntortsaia loana call on Pacific Title A Trent eompaay, 204-ft-O-T Falllnf bulldlns. Get votrr- hurarsnee and ahetraeta to real estate from the Title Gaarantee A Trnat eoaa- nsny. 740 Wssblnxton street, somet aecsnn. NOTICE. EZCAVATINO and gradtrfs-. C. B. Pottage, 4KB commercial sc. roone nasi oiinr. ... MEETING NOTICES. COWMBrA Ledre, No. 114. A. F. A A. M. -MtatcJ communication thla (Thiiraday) erenlnr, , 7:30 o'clock. Payment ef duee, ' eli- tlon and - Installation et erncen, followed by banquet, siren by re. Ytlrlna W. M. to members only. All SMmbara urged to be preeent. B. B. PKAOUK. Becretary. WHIST and danrtna frldsy nlgbt, December 21, 1UU0, In W. O. W. hell, 10th and - Washington eta., gtren by Welifuot Cnmna' Company Uniform Bank. Orchestra for dancing. Prises for , whist. All friends Invited, a A. ELLIOTT, CsptaJn. TUB Lady Maccehees will glra a dance and whtat euclal Thursday, vocemher ju, at k. of P. hall, 11th aad Alder ate, -Krary ticket will draw some beautiful piece ef handwork. . W. A. EYKBGREEN Camp. B,46, meets Wednesday eeenlns. AUaky bldg.. Third aad Morrison- sta. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp, No. 0.0T8. Mom- dare. 17th aad Marshall; vtaitore wetcoms. LOST -AND FOUND. LOST Umbrella, sterling allree handle, fan- anapea; owner a name srratcnea 00 onaais, Betura to 014 Msrquem bldg. - Beward. ( L08T Scotch collie 0 months old. sabls and white: face, neck. Breast, legs ana tin si tall white. - Phona Stanabsry, Main 4440. tgUND,rgwngeldlBg. hranilrd iaesright suoulder, about euu pounoa. uwnir can nara same by paying costs ana asmagee. a. xugD laai. Mt. Scott aad Section Lisa rnada. FOUND A place to have hair Buttresses reno vated nna rerurnea seme asy. kcs irooi ex. Main 474. Portland Curled-liat rectory. 8. Matager, proprietor. LOST Xellow bull 4ap, with whits breast and white spot oa neck, or necn. Heroin to 10 Knrth 12th at Phona Psclflo 736. Reward, (5. ST Policy No. 189477. leaned by the Pens Mutual lira insurance uo. ea ins lire oi Mary J. Ooreoran, Fladae return te Jooraal ufflee; reward. , - rOUNlVA Inan'a gojd watch: owner may have aams by acscnoing aaa giving eseireu re , ward. Call Satmrday smiling Mrs. Jehnaoa, 872 First at. LOST Sunday, black cocker anantel. between Anabel ittUM snd Kern para; rswsro. ao dress X 48. cars Journal. HELP WANTED MALE. WArTTED at once Stave-holt cutters, wages . $1.40 per cord; steady work. Apply Weat . era Cooperage Co., Stearns Bldg.. Portland, or Houlton. Or. ..." MEN AND WOMEN ta leers barber trade la eight weeks; erred us tee earn from 818 to 823 weekly: expert Instructors; ea tale roe free. Moler System ef CoHegea, 80 Kortb Fourth at,. Pert land. . WANTED 10 mors solicitors: best position , In Portland; men era making $0 dally! call ' after Boon. 281 Vh Stark at. ' . v Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. ' Free employ meat to oar patrons. ) Weekly ratea: Boom, Bl. up: roc beard, $4.80 an. Anderson, proprietor. AGENTS wanted, Oregon, - Csllfnrnla, Idaho, Washington; health snd accident Irararance; old reliable company; good contracts; refer ences required. United States Health ft Ac cident Insurance Co.. 200 Marquam. WANTED Twe or tbree first -class, sll arovrad macnlne men; permanent poaltloa, good wages. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED Salesmea; many mate $100 to $100 per montn; some even mors; sroca cieon; grown on reaerretlon, far from eld orchards; cssh advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Waahlagtoa , Kursery eomsaay. Top. nenlah, Waahlngtoa. ' DON'T work for a amah salaryl see or write ..,,, Ail, , iliuv iur nevi. p.ejw tton, 224 Lsmbsr Exchange. , WE get work tor ear members! speetsl met bers. $8. X. M. 0. A, Vourth aad lTamhlU. SALESMEN Experienced special contract men; $100 per month and com mission. Conserve - tlve-Mutaal Life lusuismjs t., tils' bldg. WANTED A nest appearing man for steady position; good wngea. Apply 211 1'oorth at. WANTED IB solicitors for wholesale-hones. 82 B0 te $3 per day. Boom 81. Commercial Hotel, 438 Waahlngtoa. nt. WANT boy to learn the drug business; esat aide preferred. Address W 78, cere Journal.' COATMAKEKS warned, toa bldg. . A. J. Broult, Bamll- BUT With wheel to run errnnde and make him self useful, wholesale souvenir bouse. - 10 Nortb j'ifth-St., upstairs. . Pl.t 11 BE B, steady7 all-sronnd maa, out of tows. Address B 71, cars Journal. $2S I' KB WEEK and traveling expenses, paid ealeaman to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience nnneeesasry. Parity Ce., Chics xo. TAILOR wsgee. street. WANTED Steady work and good At I'aloa Tailoring to., S03t Stark STRONG JM)T WANTED to laqulre 114 Hnaeell at. work oa cakes. BOT WANTED IS and 20 Front St. WANTED Boy living with parents to learn candy trade; salsrr te start. Apply 110 North Fourth at. . , DOMINION -LATHEES .WAJ.TKD 8 sOnee 1,000; steady work: fare remitted after twe weeks' work. Apply JOS Coin coerce et, Ta coma. Wash. IN al weeLi we educate jon la ssleemsnahip, . seen r S yoa position aa traveling salesmen with responsible firm. Adilrese The Drad atreet Bstem, Bocheater, N. X. A!f experienced rnrpenter and mechanic will bill Id on t ngee for parties osiessy terais: wlU provide lots If desired. Addraae 403 ' LsiBber Exchange, city, , . - . , . ,. , HELP WANTED -FEMALE. IP TOU WORK, why not earn more thaa a . Bring T Be Independent; do good. The Vlavt Co. already eanpWa IS.OiiO woment the work covere 84 eouutrles of the world; we will eatertaie erpllcatka frost, capable woman; n' canvaaalug. but helpful, dlguined work. Address by msii only, ins vuvi co " HOMB LADIES AGENCT. " 14BH gourib et.. sornee M..rrtaoa. apatalra. ravav Main sr-M, Alongside tbe X. M. C A. bldg. GIBL8 WArfTED-dperatnra tn work oa shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexpeneoces., apply at ataaaara laciory - no. a, wraaw arm ana seat lajur sx. . HAKHEN'S LADIES' JLOKSCY. S43Uj Waah. Ingtoa at., eor. Serentb, spats Ira. .Phone Mala 2tri2. Female help wanted. ' FEW ladles wanted te aaslat 1 fancr work anare time at boaM Staking eeay : good ateady S2 fleldaet ao experience rcquirea. 407 WaahUgtea at. WANTED (Jlrls, experienced paperbox-makars. American thlrla Co., U North (Tout au WANTED Olrla, experienced paperbox-makera. Amerlcaa Ihlcle Co.. 01 north root nt. GIRL for cooking, wages $30. B70 Boyt St. Phone Main iau3. Second girl kept. SOMCITOKB Good pmpoaltlos. Angeles Sta- oio, otw uooonongu oiog. W ANTED Girl, for light hoosework aad help with cmiarea; no washing, rnone seat soio. HIGH SCHOOL girl to work for board and wagce. inquire at a 'teats street. G1KU") wsnted to work oa pants: moat be ax. , perlenced; ateady work, gusa wages. UBtoa lauurmg IO., dw, o Lara ax. . SXPKIUHA'CICD- good wages. 008 Fourth at. Phone Mala 0711 WANTED -Experienced girl for confectionery etore. Apply 4bV waaningtoa el. GIRLS: Board and room. $2.00 week. 20 Eaat Sixth at., N. Phona East 281. STENOGRAPHER and general office help. Call Main eon. WAKTED Girl for light housework and bels with children; no washing, none nasi oavo. GIRL WANTED for light housework, family of two.- B4t Thira SL WANTED-At once, experienced wrappers; also cash girls. Roberta Broav. Third aud Morri son. 0PERAT0R8 aad flnhihera oa pants: heat pay. ateady work. 207 Commonwealth bids., Sixth and Ankeny. - 1 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Soma competent party te take charge of dining-room at 32D Firth at.i man sad wife preferred. Tel. Pacific 2180. HELP waated sad supplied, aula or female. B. u. Drake, sua VI v as log to a at. reeine iBTtt, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GENERAL house cleaning and all kinds of janitor work. Phone Pacina 781, Mr, Thomn- WANTED Position by a sober man; expert horaemaa and driver' wages sot material. Phone Eaat 2034. . . COLORED maa wanfa poaltloa as portar or janitor. Phone woudiawa 4o. PRINTKB AU-around man wants pool tlon ea country paper or job or rice: sober aad ateady. Address X 00, cars Journal. BT young maa. 20 yeara eld. willing to work; experienced - is grocery, general merenandlse and crockery. Address BOS, care Journal, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALS WOMAN wishes poaltloa aa kitchen helper. saureas at is, cars Journal. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS Ceavaeaers, . mixers, peddlers, solici tors, man oroer people, ate., anouid buy Kramer a Book of Trade secrets; regular lulcs $1, but balance- sf last editions for $1.25 aa long ae they last: guaranteed ; order quick. Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland, Iowa. AGENTS WANTED to sell our complete line ef nien-grsoe nursery stock: saint tree; cues weexi. aaoress capital city Aursery cow, Salem, Oregon. , 2 OB 8 people to aell a One holiday sns, 100 per cent; aiao in city nna country lor goon medicine- proposition. M, M. Plummer, 200 Third at. . t'.i! L! EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOTMBNT CO. Logging camp and farm help a specialty. 20 North Second at. Phone Mala SUrS. He pay sll telegraph cbargea. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMBNT OFFICE FOB MEN. . ' 0 North Second al ,- Phone Mala 1B2S. PORTLAND EMPLOTMBNT OFTICB. freu Morrison at Phone PsclOe XT9 27 North Second at Phone PsclOe 1800 ALPINB Employment Co, H ' Morrison at. Mela and female help. Phone Mela 101T. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Payrie & Van Tyne . 210 AlUky bldg. Beal Estate, 1'srms, Invastmenta, Kortgagsa, Loans. MT WANTS' are many la east aids property; 1 want business property, houses aad lota and 4 blocks, close la and far out. J. 1, Order, -1 Grand are. North. WANTED TO BUT Residence earner lot, 00 feet front, en west aide north of Washing ton, with or without residence. Prefer 1 or 2 bouses. Addrtss Z 81, care Journal. A T-BOOM house oa east aide; state price and location. Address Z 08, care Journal. A HOMB wanted close In, sear ear, or lot to build, either sl1e of river. If you'll sell, phone Wsln 2U0, or ess the Borne Land Co., 14DH First st. WANTED-TO RENT.' WANTED TO BENT Hawses, eottagaa, fists, stores, offices, rooming houses, eta. Land lords will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON. Phona Ex. T2. a. E. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED FINANCIAL. . I WANT $2,000. Will give you for security $8,000 worth tef agricultural and timber land and pay S par rent. Address X 47, cars Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO AGENTS, restaurants and hot a keepers ..Best results srs obtained from genuine aluminum steamer and cooking utensils; will not rust, alwsvs bright nnd practically weer a lifetime; clean, cheep, appetising and heslthful: all ware guaranteed to glee ea De fection or money refunded; secure territory now. Address H. E. Mulcts Co. Special fries on large orders. V. O. Box 4, Grants ass, Oregon. eDVKRTIHINO MATTER Mailed by Rnral Directory Ce. Ws have the enlr rlsssiried list of names ef Oregon aad Washington. itfilLi STARK ST., PORTLAND, OB. WB WILL BUT, SELL OR TRAPS ANX OLD ' THING. WK8TKUN SALVAGE CO., . Bitf 20 WASHINGTON. PACIFIO IBS. BIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds aee hand goods. Phone Main 2111. 82 N. Third. EXCAVATIeM aad grsdlng. O. B. Potuge, 408 Cummerrlal ex. I' bone East BIOS. Main 8iv.11. CASH AND UiTS OF IT . . , rOH FrRNITTBE. PORTLAND AI CTION BOOMS. ' I 21f First nt, , MAIN OOTS. 1 MAIN sor. I PAT essv for honsehold genus. W, W, .. Savage. 840-847. rirat at. Phone Pacific 8fd, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB HY LAND. 410 Morrison st,, apposite ths , high school New brick tmllding, steam beat, ' electric light end bath; all new furniture, ths '- very best; strictly flrsr class In every respect: ' einyle rooms and ssltee by the day, week or month. . . : . 18.1V, FOURTH ST-Fumtahed rooms; day, week or swath loweet raise, I'acine toM. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STKAM-HKATCD la'ae front rooms at the Uuysi, iu rmirth at., 5 to a week V,H.' aviiwiiaji' ' f FBONT suite of 2 rooms, beautlfullv furnished, central location. 2 beda; Juat the tblng for e or , awa,i is as wees, etarn, THE BICHKL1EU. 83 H North Sixth St. Kls- Bsatiy luraieaea; steam seal aad be toe. NICELX furnished suite; also single rooms for rent, ressonaois; block (rum Hotel Port . land: bath. gaa. furnace heat. lstf.heTeala at. Phone Mala 4178. - FUBN1SHBD roosna and fnrnlshed house ksepUg rwsue iwe iwnt ex ins Vancouver are. 4-MW nniL-n uu si k -. " .... .. u7a '"., iuiiu .... geatlemea $1.80 par west and no. 8 OR 4 fumlabed rooms ea Brat Boor; aultabla huiib, ra,iu. ivai adua at, .. 'BED Dtt AGON" New. swell rooms, heart ef eirr; new lumuure ana enrpete. corner Bixta ana stars ate. . Kntreuce 87 H Stark FOB KENT 8 or 8 desrrabls rooms ta neat . noma, close 14 on east aide: rent reasons bis. a uranu nvs., - r. j none cast Vo FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FLRN18HED bouaekeeptng rooma, new modern list, ceuirsi, no cnuoreu. naAorta lata. Fl'RNISH ED housekeeping rooms, $12 and ap. ens eeiiarson, eurner ox anro. $1.28 WEEX UP, eleea. furalshed boesekeep. Ing rootnm parlor, eata,. uaadry, furnace oral, yarn, aaesrfc oinnxoa, u ear. $1.80 WEER en, large. Clean, furnished aoaee- aeepmg rooms, isunary ana Beta. 14 Base- ma a sontn. roniano. TUB inTCBELL-Bousekeeptng ' sad translsnt rooms, ressonanie. .aeventa ana rianaera. snsvlauvn , , . . . .......ii.-t. vuicinuuiMiHi avw mil. furalahed wator proof, comfortable tents $0 per montn. rnone East 41ZS. ENTIRE lower Door, nicely furnlahsd for bouse- keeping : new modern house; . 1 block from steel bridge. SU1 Crosby. , ROOMS AND BOARD. run comfort and clean Masse the large Sumy rooms, uoo Blxth nt. (the popular Woodland) cannot be excelled: table first-claea; four oiocae 1 rota posuMiice. - , NICE large front room, atttteble for three young mcu,. wim iirsi-ciaso noaro, so weea eacn; au coavsnisncaa; cuss in. zui seven Lh at. FOB one or more (employed people preferred). moaeru, ressonaois. - Kit asaat Morn son. FOR RENT HOUSES. T-BOOM house a carUaa. 812. C. H. Pig got t. owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey Bldg. . BENT a plane end later bay It; all rent en- pneo oa purcn see. . BBerman, Clay at to.. Sixth ft Morrlsoa St. FOR BENT Nsw modern 0 room hrmee, 800 Monroe et,, Lpper Alblna. Inquire of earner, ' No. SOS. TOR BENT Furnished bouse for fsmtly use snly; nine .roams, centrslly located, only 10 mlnatss' walk from buslneae center; refer ence required. Apply room 807 8tearaa bldg., corner Sixth aad Morrlsoa. 815 ENTTRB lower floor of hones nesr Shst tuex scuooi; lire rooma aad hath. . Apply tw jniro at. FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for treat and aate; eaay-paymaata. Baermaa. lay sx uo.. nix in aaa atornson. sta. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOB SALE Furniture ef S-roosa modem hens. nearly all new; rent reasonable; two blocks from poetofflce; seed transient house; will aeU at a bargain If takes by the Brat ef December, 2o8 Fifth tL WB need furniture et any price. Portlsnd Aae twa ttooms. 111 rust at. Main 0000. A MODERN Broom cottage for rent end part or rurnitnre ror axis; a oargate it taken by the first ef the year. Inquire at 830 Mlaae sots are. Phone 0318.-" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separate sr togetheri aew aaa wita au conveniences, rnone Mela aaa. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, aaturntshed rooms snd num. pte-ruosns lor rent. IMedaeagB slag. Apply elevstor. DERI BAB LB sfflees. Including electrle ttghte. nox una coia water, xanitor ana elevstor , servicw, r in toe new, ury x,ommonweeiin kldg., did noetorBee alto. Sixth aad Bursal Oe sta. Agegt room 411. A PEW flrst-clase efflce-rooma left at northeast corner Third and Madison sts. Apply No. 8. ' FOR BENT Store Plfth-at. elds Ooods - bldg. Inquire at elevator la building. , FOB KENT. . - ' - Twe) etoree ea Union are. and Bast Bel mont at; reaaonabls terms. BARTMAN ft TII0MP805.-TB- ., ... a tnamoer or vommsres.. FOR RENT FARMS. CHICK RN-BANCH. with modern equipment for nsnaung A.OW CDicxens. Auarese a. wsld wick. ft. F. D. No. 8, , Box , 72, Tacoma,- Washington. BUSINESS CHANCES. BALF Intsrest Urery and feed bualneea; win place yoa oa salary $30 month extra In con- . neetlon with the boaineea; rare opportunity; Invektlgate; prloa, $1,200; 8 living rooma free. Alexander Land Co., 83 Sixth, seer nna. rnone racxiie xo. " FOB SALE Small grocery etore, 4 living at Invoice. II 40, ear. Journal. STOCK -companies Incorporated. If yous have stocks or bonds tor aele, 1st ma try to aell ' them for yoa. George M. Kellogg, broker, 040 Elllcott Square, Buffalo. , - , . SAVB MONET Anything In printing awe Msd - den. Odd Fellowa' Temple, First aad Alder ata. apatalra. . . FOB SALE Prosperous grocery store at Leata. or would exchange for' eaat aide residence property. TeL Scott 2284. $460 BUXS 8-rooms. well furnished la good lo cality; west aide; low rent. Hagemaaa ft Blaachard, 81 Fifth at. BOTHOTTSB FOB BF.NT OR SALE; HOT- J.-H, NOLTA. WKILUNrWORTrT ATE. WATBK PIPES. ABOUT SUOO e K KT OLA PS. ST. JOHNS OB L CAB, TEU EAST 8780. IVOO -WILL buy s eon feet looery snd etore; a snap. State Land Co., 188 street. $000 BtJTS IS rooma furnished, kovjsekeentnr; rent $21; lease; rooms full; clearing $60 month; ao agents. 807 Eaat Oak at. FOR SALE flrorjp of mining elalme la a good - mtnerel belt In Colorado. For particulars - apply to Joha Pearson. Sylvaa, Or. Special WHO WANTS TO MAKE A FORTtTtB BY IHITINO HAIF INTEHKNT IN PATENTED RAILROAD DEVICE. TlloBOI'OHLY TEST ED AND APPROVED BY RAILROAD or TICtAI IN PORTLAND? 84.000 INVERTED. IN THIS PATENT WILL MAKB YOU $00,000 I.t FIVE YEARS. ADDRESS H 44, CABB JOURNAL. FOR SAIB at a bargala If taken thla week, a HOiIoO lot la Nortb irvlngton; street graded, . sidewalk and water main all la I Be agents. Call room 23, Ruseel bldg. V WELL-LOCATED general merchandise baalnesa doing $78 basleeee per day, 20 mllee down ' tbe rlvsr, rest free for 8 years, will aell at Invoice pries, which Is about $4,0o0; located oa railroad aad river and has a fins ennntry to draw from. Register ft Co., 107 Third at. GOOD location for physician, leeae 1 yeara; - off-lee-ftirartuee-for-eahr.-- Call at ream J, Van Nays hotsL Third and Pine. FOR BALB The Bichellea restaurant. SI North Sixth at. D. F. Ctinley, proprietor, $y0 HANDLES 00-room benae aear ceurthooee. Sea this bargain. 242 Madison. . i WHAT HAVE YOU TO SEf.LT " We buy for cash or will aell It ea 4 mission. ' OKhXlOa PAnFIO INVESTMENT CO ..,. SO 812 Dekum bldg. . " BUSINESS CHANCES. . GREXT INVESTMENT. ' . Just received the beet Investment en the 'coast; Don-epeculetiee. If you are Interested acell at pace next wees will be toe late. ORKtiON-PAlirtO INVr.ri rUB.NT CO, 804-812 Dekum bldg. GIIOI'ERY,' 8 living rooms, good location, rent $10; no reaaonable offer reiused. Bee this. 214 Madison. - . s FOR SALE First-class lodgtng-bsnse locsisd la toe beet part sf city; terms reasonable. I quire-Ke 107 Fourth at. SNAP If taken quick: cigar atore- centrally ucarea; eaen or trade; owner non-resident AdUresa X 40, cars Journal. . WA.NTEle Partner wllh email capital for trav eling snow, bib neufltsi cuance of a llfetliue k iir1eiice anaeoeaaary. U BO. care JourneL TO LEASE , . For a term- ef years, building and lot al eoutneeet corner eaat water aud wasiiingtin ata., aultabla for store, fsrtory or repair shop BlTl'HTKL ft KKBN8. Phone East 8422. 8U2 East Morrlsoa et NEW8PAPEB tn eaatern Oregon: 88.200 taken It, part cash; personal, ressone. See party . nere. aaureea-iA el, care journal. FOB SALE Actlvs- interest la manufectnrtng baalnesa; will eland close in res ligation. Ad- ' aisea u st, cars Jouraai. SWELL ROOM 1 NO-HOI. 8B near Hotel Portlaadl costly furniture, handsome rooms and building Barer offered before; soa't aak to aee It aaleea you're ready te bay aad hare , the price 11 suited; it cost 81.100; goes ror f70O. rert laad Business chance Agency. 145 First at. $1M BUXS half Intareet la an old-eetabltehed huslnese; csa meke $4 a dayi aeod ressons tor aeuing. 100 Third St., ream v. - 1 LOLMil.MJ HOI UK, g2.noo. 1 KKiging-nouae, si. zoo, 1 lodglng-houee, $460. 1 aaloon. XI 7m. Also Wsnted Partner la saloon; good tea. a for selling ths above. INTERSTATE REALTY . CO., Room 807 Atlahy bldg. I WILL BELL my Intareet la reliable old-eatah- II, bed well-located real estate 01 nee; neve mtulng Interests demandlug my full attene tkm the coming year; good opening ana rignt price to accepiaoie man. s or iniervisw ea' drsee X 40, care JournaL- . 1 18-ROOM bouae, close In: 2 years' 1 Y $25; thla la a money-maker. 242 leeae. rent Madlaoa. 1 j PARTY with $400 capital to Invest ta eetsb- lisbed business; exceptions! opportuniiy; im mediate action required. - X 20, care Journal. WANTED Additional caattal tn a light manu facturlng buelnees; isrgs profits s sen red; two or turee positions epes to rignt parties, sxppiy S4S Madisoa at. SNAP If tskea quick; cigar atere centrally located; raah or , trade: owner aoa-rsaideef. Address H 78, care Journal. , FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. ' $I.8oo A alee manufacturing baalnesa, ao previous experience ascesssry;, guaranteed profits fiao monthly. $8.000 Well-established Bleat aad giweiy basloees. Including teams, wagons, flxturee aad good-will: now doing 830.000 annual busbsenst netr profits -svsr lt per centr-owner has very large pusiaess ouuiae ae mending kla attentloa. , , ti .. $20,000 rntng and tie propoattkra. ea traas porlatlon: cut SnO.OOO ties. 7,000 00-foot pll lux. Including 800 acres choice wheet or hop land when cleared; IT miles from Portlsnd; ast profits should he more thaa wita ia three years. . I have'eoms bargains In mining stocks, aad soma I will personally guarantee with Interest. If yoa want to Invest in a meritorious prop oeitlea aee me Immediately; referaeee. THOS.-P. THORNTON, 810 Chamber oi Commerce. FOB SALE BY J LOUIS SALOMON. $10,500 Corner lot on F lenders St., with 2 modem houses; ysry deelrsble aalghborhood. ax.OOO Clsy st,, fine modera 7-roon bonne. 83.S&0 Fixtu at.. Close In, new 6 -room house BART SIDE. ' ' 80,290 Corner lot, S new booses, rest $SS per month: Eaat 10th St., close In. $4,000 New strictly modem 0-room keose, full lot. East Blxth st., Holladay's addltloa) very desirable. (4.0110 Lot with twe 8-mora beusea. Bod aey aee., near Tillamook; rent $40 per month; aell one or both. 82,000 Knott at. asar Williams a vs., 42x 185. with T-room house. Two lota oa Morris St., nesr Oantenbeln : ' One lot oa Eaat 12th at. 04x100, Holladay's $1,600. Quarter block, East 21st, trvingten. $2,200. 100x100. Eaat 2lat, Irvlngton, $2,200. $0.000 O-ROOJl modera borne; fireplace, for. sere. see. electric llebt. cesnsnt lloov tn eeee ment. fruit cellar; handy In every detail; cerpeta and furniture caa be bought reason able; alas quarter block adjoining. If desired: 1 block East Ankeny car; ales location; a good buy. J. J. Oeder, X Grand are., north. FOB SALE T-room house: none - better -In Snnayslde; essy terms: If yoa meaa business see owner nt ones. 008 Belmont St. $1,800 BARGAIN New modera 4 -rones col lage, beet piummng. gas nxturee, an sewer and street Improvements In: Morris at., aeer Alblna ebope. Gordon. 208 Fourth at, Pbsne Faelne 2123; residence. Mala 8000. FOR 8ALBV -anyone desiring a modern up-to- deto home, 8 room house, large receptloa hsll, furnace, lot oOiloo, In I peer Alblna, cell sa A. C. Brash ft Co.. BIS Williams are. BARaAlKFOReASH Qnsrter block, esit rront, im proved street; select resldeace site, laqulre 411 East 84th et. FOR BALE 2 acres, cleared, on tnepentnsw- isr. -,uuu. reery r liaoo. ku yi iinsms evenue. - FOR BALB BY OWNER Twe lota en Wtlllama are., near Broadway, cheap; terms. laqulre rontn 24. Washington bldg. LyOR SALE BY OWNER Three acres ea St. SUODS I! KUnj lriDB. SMSSBB tfO, V SSn- Ingtoa bldg.. . BROOKLYN party vfbe called at Rest 84tu ana uoigate sunaay, can again or write. FOR SALE 0-room house, 2 lota 00x100 each. southeast comer or voiumbta park, St. Jobaa car line; $1,000 cash. NICE home, T rooms, modern, tinted, light riiruree; lot BOxiuo. lawn sua roses, good Iocs (ion; price $2,000; part cash, balsncs easy terms. J. H. Hellbronner ft Co., BIT Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and 8tark. Ed. 0. Mayor, maaager. A FINB new house on 20th and East Clinton; bouse la new aad cost gi.sno; lot la worth BitOO: owner Is leaving the city aad will sell for $2,200 ea easy terms. 05, JoaraaL- $800, IF Invested this week, will buy 2 lota la heart thriving suburb -eaataawPheae Mala 2148. - TURNER ft WALKER. Beal Eatate, Farms and Stock Banehss. Exchangee. , . , - . . 808 Waahlngtoa St. $ IX)T9, of which twe are earners, hardware store, including aman einre, a larra macnia cry warehouae, la a wheat-ralsiag eamniuntty where 2.10,0is3 bushels of wbest la marketed per yeari price $1.0n0) weald take pert trade, either towa property or acreage. Yoa ceo't afford to paas thla. J J. Held, 828 Bars aide et. 2 ACRES en n. W. P.. 4 blocks from ear. fine, mils from Mt, Scott line, fenced with wevea-wlre feeoet easy terms) a bargain. J. J. Bald, 820 Burnelde et. $2. son FINB Bromn home, modera, tlrat-elaaai $200 essh, balance easy, $2,000 Brand new np-to-dete 8-room mod era borne, ea Eaat 22ti St.; cask, $300) bal ance eaay. . $2.28 for S-mom modera home. Bait 18th at.; 82UO cssh, belance easy. ' $0O 8-reom bowse, wllh 2 lota, bars, trait, etc. ground Is worth tbe money. , . Acreage from K-acre to 8-sere ttacta; some 'are right In the city: price lese thaa Vita. Mska yourself and family a Gnrlatmaa present by haying the beat thing en earth a home from . . STE1.NMETZ ft CO., The Homesellsra, . 103 Morrlsoa at. FOB BALE--A -krvery- WH-ecre - Beeie- aeer Salem, with fine room bones, land- all cul tivated, lot of fruit, excellent weter, tele phone and stock, In ears nee all paldi price ' only gx.oon. usll ox write n J, a. m SUverton, Or. r leoo OLD S-mom hones, small lot. In Hontk Portland: tsreie 2oO essh. Slate Land Co., 188 First et. 100 FARMSsmsll tractg and lots- bargains ea 0. W. P, electric line.- O. R. addition, Leata, Oregoa. . Take Mount Scott ear, aa, . ' ' . v'- .-,.',. -. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. choice Investments in besidencb PBOPEBTt FOB BALi'bT' ... ,H. W. lH.t-KB.OQ...-.''. SIXTH' AND WASHINGTON BTS. $8S0 cash 2 full lots n eerllne la Keail wertt,)' cleared ready for building. Thla Is below the market. 7lui.'tbS80r ! A splendid iFi!l'iSSr'PI,,h"a Ho'shts. a lot 80x80. ea El 1 1. be th at.; water, gaa and eewer, cement . also retaining wall; fins reeldences all around; 8 blocks from school; magnlfi . cent view ef the tbree mou Maine; Iota eltu ated aa tbleaone la are a ecarce arftcle; BUO0 cash, balance eeay terme; aee thle beautr. , $2. too lat 108x121, 4 -room bouae ea ear ner of Borthwlck and Ivy ate.; gas, bath.' csr 2 bVK-k.l $1,400 eesh ta buy tbls comer: ' 2.260 Irregular corner lot ea Portland Heights, containing about B 000 eqnere feet: cement aldewstks, all atret tmprovemeats. sewer, weter; eerllne 2 blocks; . magalBoeal usooetrocted view; $1,000 cash. , 82.000 oa Uraad avenue, just north ef Broadway, 8-room bouse and let 2SxT8 cement foundsttun, gaa, bath, modera plumb- ' log; only 81.200 eaah, balance easy tar ma; . thla la YOUB chares; a. perfect anapi call . sarly If yoa want this. - - 12.000 Beautiful 0-room - bouse strictly modera. ea corner, 80x100, Eaat 22d at., only ' $700 cash to buy. Jala pretty place that the painters are lust fialshtng. Toum house, 2-story, built I yeara lot 00x100; en East 2Sth st, near B. Irrlng; only $300 eaah, balance eaay terme; $3o rental value; a good bny. ; ta.800 CASH SAY! 'THIS WB CAW LIVER rOB A FEW DAYS ONLY QUAR- TKR BLOCK ON PORTLAND RKinn-rh "-Mock- from eerWne, naobstracted view; u " 'blocks nearby held at not less then ss ftrJi THIS 18 A- MONBY-MAKKK rns "vnn , YOU CArTi FIND ITS EQUAL. $4,000 A choice buy ea Corbett street. spurn old lo-room Bouae and lot, tine view ef river and mountains: right la- line of .coming great activity la South portlaad:' $1,500 eaah will swing thla, balance oa easy terma; doa't think about thla toa long nt -thla price It won't last long; this la YOL'B OPPORTUNITY. " $0,000 Portland Heights: piece containing 8 large lota. block te eerllne: fine visa ' ef Mount Hood ' nnd Booth Portland; new ' Improve rnenta all around;- 83. 7 GO eaah. $7.000 A acre 10 per cent Ineeatmeat: four l-roosa cottages, lot 100x100, wa East Sher fH.Jttntl b5".t ! cement aidewalk: . $4,000 eaah, balance eaay terme; cottages -have rental value ef $720; see thai, it's a , eplendld bay. ' , Wa 4ave tbe exclusive sale ea the above properties. ' ; CALL AND SEB C8. "' .'";'" '. H. W.'I.EMCKB CO., IXTH AND WASHINGTON STB, ' A BARGAIN. lOAxtOO. Weat Park and Cotlega. ' 0BEG0N-PACIPI0 INVESTMENT 0$J 104-812 Dekum bldg. TWO lots, srasll heose. cheap. Highland addl- iKm, nesur ecaooa, inquire vwaer. BUS Bjsst 12th at., aorth. . . S-ROOM bouae. corner lot. esat fm. nlumblng. good bars, 2 blocks from carbarns; V . . WWW. IV Ull. s room bouae, a iota. .82.000: 8300) eaah. aim iw auiv. Ws have a One let ef lota and blocks around the Piedmont carbama. J. H. NOLTA, 120 Killings woetk ava, e . Take L ee At, Johna car. . ' 1 .TOO WILL buy a beautiful sew B poena real- ' oence taia sioe Leureiwooo. ea Meant Scott eerllne. Phone Mala 2140.. - MUST- SELL. $300 less thaa cost, aew modern S-r house, nice borne, Suanyalde; It will rent and nay 10 per cent net. See ewser. Me Oregor' Barber-gnop. 230 Yamhill St. BUSINESS PROPERTY. - 100x100. corner rvarth aad Hoyt; this is B great tliveetment. OBISUOB-rAl is-io invcnTaKflT CO., Ill $1,800 BUYS 2 fine lots. 80x100, oa Rodney aee., near uoing at-: s tree is improved aad sewers In. Register ft Co., 107 Third St. . A FIRST-CLA8S 4 room house. 40x170 lot. wset , aids; iriyi sown, baiaace 820 mean. Kroner, Mala B40I. Boon 10 Cambridge ttiog. . - $600 CASH 00x100 feet en East S4tb St., sear libcoib. rnone eaat ais. , . , : Sellwcod ' Morehouse ft French. I0T0 B. lets. . Phone Sellwend 74. ' City View lark lots. $870 and ap; Base AddltWiotsTlloO'sod up; $S dowg and Vf a month. Homes from Bono rs aa.uoo. ixta xn aad ap. In all parts sf Sellwood., List year property with us; ws will sell It. $1,400 Bt'YS THIS HOME, t-room bouse. OOxltiO lot. lavra shrahhery. rutt.- srsded street, aidewalk. rood leraHty. DarBeid arsa OREOONPACiriO INVESTMENT 0b., " ' . I . 804-312 Dekum bldg. $2, it county road aad carllne, clone to school and towa; eplendld chlckea aad fruit farm. Thle la a splendid buy. 84. 227 WASHINGTON ST.' COMB AND SEB " ' " Oar aceale view lota, Ivanhoe and Wesdatoek . Heights. O BEGON-PACiriO INVESTMENT 00. 804-812 Deksm hldg. - LET 'EM STRIKB. BEBE'S BOUSES Cl.OSB E.NOCGH IN TO WALK. $8.000 Twe handsesae lota, S-reora bouse, modera conveniences, . swell locality, Eaat Tsykw at. $2.300 Choice Inr, cost 0 room eottags; a snap for the money; 10 blocks oat, ea Bel mont. 1 .v , - 88.150 A charming 8 room eotUga, stylish and new, besutlfnl lot, Esst Sd, near G Ilea a. Don't expect ground worlb the price with palatial e-eeidence worth twice the money. Remember tbe prices are ao higher thaa they aak way out In the suburbs. Doa't wait until your fate will Sleet word, too lete. Apply to TUB DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, . 148 First at. , CONSIDER "TILTON'S ADDITION" BBF0BB BUYING A- LOT TO BUILD. - Belmont street will have cement sidewalks Bed bard-surface pevement; lots 8 feet ebove aidewalk; 1 block from car and 10 mlnatss to elty; $V10 below price asked for nearby lota. THOMPSON ft OflDEN (Branch! 800 Belmont at. ... . . .Phone Eaat 4800. $l,B0O NICE 8-aere home on tbe Foster road. neer enrnno; ncreo ciataree, goon envra . bouae,' chlckea-hoiiae. barn, weodhouae and young orchard. Heg lexer ft Co., 107 Third. JI ST THINK! 8 lota for $80 at $8 per month; near aaiam motor nue ana not ae tar aa nx. Johns, with quite a few homes already eetsh- WfT.LldM REIDT. Washington bldg., 870 Washlngtos st. OR 2 fins lots oa Slat at., aear Clinton. . fine view ef the city, $800; ea eaay terma. H 28, ears JournaL $4,800 WILL bur 8 etore bulldlnga en Mount cntt earnne; pay a i a per montn rental. Phone Main 214S. " . 7 $2,000 GOOD 8 rjooui bouae, furnished, all goes tor anorn price, ea a at,, a. ueguter a ce.. 107 Third at. - 10-ROOMs colonial house for eats, TOO Marshall St., lot 00x100, hsadseme. well built, four yeera eld, all modera convenleaoee, dining room elegantly paneled, extrn oil flnleh on walla, n I. t-..l. v!mImi K ,,t I f nl homai for a large family appreciating comfort) a bar. Inn nt tns price. Biu.ouu. morgsai, .wwi Chapmen, 211 Ablagtoa bldg. Phone Main 2010. ? . - f I. - NEW 8-ronm auodern house, earner Tot, S Mocks fronr eerllne. Phone owner, Woodlswn IBS. FOR SALE FARMS. FREE homee for thousands of people la Lake county; land subject te notneereaa ana ass art entry. For particulars write Braatoa ft Rnblnett. Sliver Lake, Or. FARM 10S acres TO. cleared; good bouse and bsrn, 0 ml lea from ffewnerg; araev go. 848 -Madisoa at. FOR SALB OR RUNT 84 .acres of lead. It acres neaversam, in nign ataie ot cuitivstloal will raise from 400 to 500 sacks of onions to acre; belence upland, close to trans pott a Hon. at eav cars eournai. mait is, i J,noo 120 ACRES, 0 mllee from Dsrlon., Tain.. Bill eouniyi rnrai mail, peons, gone running water; 40 acres fruit, mostly apples. Phona Baat 2787, between 7 and 8 a, m. Addreae or sell ft. 0, Bflbeitaea, 70 East Slitb al, B.