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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. -THURSDAY .VENlNG, DECEMBER .,3. . KCX Never In Any . Year Has There Been Suoh'a Good Demand for Hops at This Time as N6w ' Dealers Say Growers Are Anxious Sellers S MARKETS TODAY' mm EGG HIKE GOES DOl'ill TODAY U",7 Sales in Large Lots Reported as .- ' - . . . low as i nirtv. i un unci . i'.'v V Half Cents. A TEN-CENT CHICKEN , .;S MARKET MAY SOON RULE Receipt Art ' Very Heavy ' and the ? 'Trade 'Is 'Not Buying to Any Ex i ten Halibut Clihibs to 9c a Pound With Scarcity. f -.. Frhjclpal market fea turn today: Egg market begins to bmk. ... : Ten-cent cblchene la aight. . , ': Four ars bananas irm In, ' . Heevy receipts New York grhnas. " ' Halibut scsrce with price up. ' Tomatoes la from Item Angeles. ' " - '' OntJiroJ traiitaf la aopa. l Oresmery batter market eaaler. ',.. . Club wheat Is sdvsnced le. . Borne aalea floor to orient. 't' fV " . - ' In Market Begins ts Break.0' With mock heavier arrlvels tbaa at any tuxto ' daring the peat (aw months the egg. market la : considerably weaker today a ad eelee ere baln( 'made at somewhat lower values. Along tbs afreet ealea of Creak Oregon la ousntlty iota are reported aa low aa S2He a doaea. while la mail iota the price ranges ap aa nigs aa Bsc. (ommlsskm atea say they are very. much, sur . priced the way the srrivala hare meresasd dar ing; the paat few days. - Generally speaking, the trade looka for tbe market te .go dowa te after tbe first of the year, v . Tsa-Oent Chfoksaa la Sight, i With receipts the heaviest for many week Die chicken market la la very baa ehepe. t lesanps ere reported by the trade dnrlnf the ' paat 114 tears ss tow aa lie a pound for talked coops f live birds. . A. few ealea were reported aa high as iSr, bat there were Dot many at thla figure. -The nor there markets took a few ticwuera at slightly higher values than thla. hut tb(r wsnts have thus far been limited. A 10c. market la la eight, ears the trade. ' Turkey Supplies are niach aiore liberal, bat demand If eery good and tbe price holds wen at X2c and -GJHe a poaud for fancy dressed Thos far bat few "calla" hare appeared la the dressed stock, bat meat ef the lire blrda are er thla variety, .c -.- Club Wheat a Cent atdvaaosd. ": There la a much improved tone,. In tbe wheat -market, although trading remains eomewhat dull owing- to the holiday seaena. Olab wheat la -quoted le higher, while red Boselaa la ap the aame amount.,-- sluestsm and Talley aa changed. i Some farr-alxed ealee of floor hare beea re. - parted to the Japanese during the paat few tiara. - ' i. - Mlllfeeda firm bat anehaaged. Oara and -bar try .firm te etsady. ,. ... , - : . . Hearr sUeetpts ef Haw Terk Orapaa. : i During tbe past few daye there hare beea . quite beary arrirala of new I ore grapes, aherk. ttaae tiraham report the arrlTal yea terday of S.UOO flTe-pouad beaketa of the .Cauwaba Tertetr, which are finding a good sale along' the etroet st 4mv Aaother large let was doe daring the day. . About four ears ef bananaa arrived la thla mom tea ever the Boetnera feelfle from New Orleaaa. ror - the aouthera FeciOe the fruit made a record ma ei 1 1 deye. Tbey were good condition, but not quite ripe enough. ' Brief Katie ef tne Trade. . A email ahtpmeat et tomatoes came la this ' morning rem ixm angers ana were ueoiea at 1U a crate. - '- - ' v .. Potato boylna continues b eery with fancy stuff atUl ranging aa high as 1 at ablpplBg polnte.' On tone not anonag. WUi reeeinta more liberal the creamery bat tar market shows aa assy tone-today. Values unchanged. A few email shipments of halibut came la thla mom Ice from tbe noreh and the price waa advanced te e a pound. Only a few rasor ltna ha market. : Craaberrlea show a good moraaoent with the bast going at (11 a tarreL -,v. Oeatlaaad Baytag ef Hope. The very liberal bur big that eentmuea la tbe hop market area ap to tbe holidays Is a lu-nrlae he the general trade. Practically arryeae to buying bops at this time. . While soma growers are firm the trade says It caa ' buy all the hope It wants at prlcea that do aot rale over 18e. One dee V aald- isai a day or eo ago, and ssys that while be waa ukiaa la the lot a aumber ef growers were ear aminos to sell at a lower figure. "What's tbe use of paying mora, he eaya. . Tbe trade pays tbe, following prices to Frost street. Prices paid ' shippers ar less regular wrata. Q BAIN BAUB Calcutta, Bite buying prleei WHAT-1;8Jrhi. use; nd Basstoa. Oe, blue tern, gee; valley, BTo. BAKLgY-New 'eee. S.00: relied. VO.V; CoaSf-tJao'S: .; eracketb WOO per "bTB-I.BB pee ewt ' w " ' ' OATH New Prodacerr pHee-We. I waits, tM.5ov2ft.00; gray. a.00l 24.00. rbOLbV-Kaatsra Oregoa pateata. straights, HMi eiport.ea.10; valley, l.eot grahimTKs. "hoto .: rye. Sua, ta.OO-.balea, . . MlLLTfcFr Bran. , (1S.M per toa ' mid. dllnga. 125.00; stwiru, couatry, 11P.00; city, l R$e: coop. le21 00. . n T Producer' "rice Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. 1 .00aia.0p; 2'ry, ,.00tl an n... ......a Oregon. llS.0oaig.VO; B10l0OlO.I; clover. 7.OOla.06j grala. 1740 VM; eh-at. tT.ooa.UH. Butter. Ergs sad luaJtry. ' BOTTTri "AT -,,. h. Peruana a weet cream. tlW. sour, 1H. BUTTE BV City creamery, BBe, ee tilde faaey, ii436e: storage. at ore, le. ( KUOB fancy, caadted. ASHatUlei local aad eaetera etorage. JT7H0;2flc. ThBKHH New full creeaa, flats, IdHaiBe; vme Amerlcs. UHaiOc. . POCr.TBT Uve Mixed- chickens, HOIS lb: fancy hens. iiuc in; roostero. old. IV tt.; fryers, las lb: broilere, 13e per lb: old ducks, ISHe per lb; spring doeka, lg lb: geeae. 10e per lb; tnrkeys, 17s per lb for old; dreeaed, faaey. tie per lb; culls. lftQiae lb; eqeebe. 00 per doe; plgeoee. I1.U0 IcTdos. Dressed poultry, lm lb higher. - , Beva. West and Bides, ; HOPt l0s crop, holce, 18He; prime to eh otoe, Hc:medlaBi te prime. 10S)aC me dium, lOHV'- ' WOOLe-liud Up Valley, S0O2kei esstera Oregoa, - . bloHAIlV "w. aemusV ' glifcErKKlNg BOeartng. 18a0e akort i, "ounoe each: , wool T.VOIl.VO each. iUOW-Prime, per lb, SHe He. I aad "'culrrihl BABK 447e fay car lots:. aman ... . aa7.Ac BIDta Dry. ! a, IB Bo sad up. gWs I It He per lb; dry kip. Bo. 1. 8 te IB I ha. liTi I ivy asK. Wo. 1, unrt lbs. lee: MttTbldti,'! eteera, eo. " WT"- ,VS' 'e; eowe, VaOAHe; ataga and bulhi, sound, OTc: kit. ItT to tbs. ci salt, sound, aader iVlbe, 11? iie. halted Je lem; run. I. ee ml. oree hldee. salted, each. vl.2fidJl.To; dry, each si.oot3l.tM); eolt hldea. toao, go.t rommua. each. lOCJlaet Angora, each. X.QQ ,l'U - ' Fruits aad egetaklss. '- IKrrATOtBuyuia prve. eeetera alsltao. taah aad CUekaniaa, l.fol.Dj ordinary, poca li; eweeu, H peuaa. " O"I0N JohWog rncj "ew Oregoe Ka iXX: borlait price. W7tai garlic. itJtt. ,X A PPWta Pancy Boed Biver Hpltseaberg and Tellow hewtowne.; fancy Wlllienetta valley end eosthera , uregoa, i M; ordinary Stork. TlW-ell . PUBHH PKLn-e-ransfaa, aew aaval. ggfl S an; r " t . lemona. rlatca, t4i dos; liuss, Meilcsa, II 25 per loo- rhoioa, eHio nn rtneMieie, $! de; Vlalasa. P.W JJt I t itk iHherrl rt.rf pin HU ; srapeak aupemis, fl.78; llneapoles, ,'TH.OO nee doai ie igraaales. (l.eSull.iW ft SOI; grape frelt, Vlt;irrArir-falpS,"aw, gOeCII ssck; rarrora, T5 vt$ per aaekt beeta, tl IS per each; Oregoa radtobee. fe err ens: eebhage, Ure I'm, I1.I H I SO; bell peppers. , I per lb; to matoes, . M parsalp. POrej 1 .00; I strtag aaa, lea nor, in; asalinowera " lo LIVE CHICKENS ARE V v NOT EAGERLY SOUGHT e Bhlppera of Uv chickens ml d . turkeys may- expect to receive d rather low figures during the d next few daya because of the d great supplies that have boon e ; received In the former during; e , the past few days. The trad la e very much afraid of live turkeys d because so" many of thorn axe d "culls" and for this reason are 4 unwilling to pay the prices ex-' d pected. - For dressed turkeys, d however, the market la expected 4 to rulo strona. 4 per doses lSe; borssrsdlsh, 10e eqossh. per lb srncDoces, tlchok (1.00 per doses: thccill.OO per box; eegplant. fl.bO aoscu DUBcnes celery, wetu, ioaaas per California. prate: eggplant. crate; pumpkins, IWlHc; cranberries, ii per bin. IiUIEU rKUlTH Applee. evaporatsd, IH4T per ib: - sprlcots, 18iij20e per lb; peaches, lzQlSHe per lb; sscka, per lb lees; prunae. go u 40. ease; He drop ea eecb 1-1 smsllec Ise; gga, California black. e)6He per w: California white. tdV4e per lb; dates, fotdea, )0.M per box; tarda, gl.4oai.80 per 15-Ib box. ... OraosrleSi Vuts, Xte. . BT'OAR csJKornU at HawalUa Cnba, S.M: powdered. IS.16; berry, o.OJ; C. 0 MS5; dry granulated, tS.06; 8ur, .(; cent. A, .V1; extra U. t4M; golden C. H-30; I), yellow, gs-so; beet granulated, $4.65. , Western I in be. 13.40; powdered. WOO; dry granulated,"a.06; p. .i; conf. A, 1.1.05; extra U, t4M; golden C, 14.4a; D. yellow, M 35; beet granulated. bbla. 10c; 14 hbls. 2Bc: boxes. Sue edvanca on ssck basis (Abevs prices ere 89 days net caeh ejueta- liona.i .. . HOXBT ! per crate. ' ' rOrrBB Packaae brands. 118.15113. TB. SALT Coarse Unit grouad. luus. M.OO per ton; Ms, .60; Ubls, dairy. aOS, SIB.UO: iws, 12I:- bales. tl.HS: I m Dor ted LiverDaoL OOS. ,l!i.0O; luue. 117.00: 24a, gld.00; extra Has, hbls, 2a, oa, 10s. M-frOuto-eO; UTerpoot lump rock. e'9.0 p. ton; 60-lb rock. s-0 alius, sn .on. iAhave nrlees annlv Sn asles ef leas tthaa esr lots. Car lots si special prices subject le soctoationa. ; HtC.fL lmnerlal lanav Ma. 1. get No. B. tkc; New Orleans,, bead, Tc AJss, . Be; Creole. lUc. m mim v ouj 1 1 vdih, o.nv. wew 18.26; pink, 12. BO; bayou. XAmaa. Biiel leilcaa reds. 4c NUTS peanuts, Jamba, BUs per ft: Ttrgtals, ise per 'in; rosstea, iuo psr lo; j aese, toSHe; roasted. Tft7Wc per lb: cocoa nuts, b&ufioe per dos: walnuts, IBs pei lb; ptnenuts, 14loe per lb; hickory ants. 10e psr lb: cheatnuts. eaatern. lSMiuc per in; Brsxll nuts. 18c per lb; - filberts, loe per Ib; fancy pecan, lbdaoc; almonds. IPQZlVbc .... -ifaats, flak -aad IhrOTuieesr FREBB MKATB Front Btreet Hogs, fancy. BffiSWe lb: veeL extra. Htwe par lb; ordinary, THc per lb; pour. Be lb; mutton, fancy, Suisse ttUAMtt, BACON! ETC Portmad pack Oeeat) bsms, 10 to 14 lbs, loe: 14 to IS lbs. lbe lb; is to 30 lbs. lo A bloc: hrsakraat bacon, ibhu KOc Ib: Dkntcs. lube lb: cottar. 11 He per lb: regular enon cwsrs, annuweo. w per w. smoked, lae per lb; c'rar backs, nasnioked, wr id, uunn, lac per v. vbkjm whim, 10 to IS lbs, uusmuksd, 8e per lb; sovked, in: Clear uelJlea. unamoaea. lee er mi smoked, lor per lb; shoulders. 12 e psr lb; pickled tongaes, I0.0U quarur bdl LOCAL LaBD Rattle leef. 10s IBa psr lb. as. ISSie per Ib; 60-lb Ims, 121c per lb: team renderea, 10c, IxVe per Ib; sa I2e pur lb; comuooofl, list, sue. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlvsr. Mb tails. Ik); 8-lb tails. B2.7A; fancy, l ib Bats, tl.ttO; a-u tascy aais,; isncy i-to oraia, .to AUsks ulla, pink. ot0c: red, SI 40; aomlasi a- t OA 1 , riHii Rock cod. re see id: aooncers. se see Ib; halibut, Br per lb; crabs, gl.00tuH.60 per dos; etrlped base, 12He per lb; catfish, 10c per id; salmon, uuumois nvsr suvsrsiue, so. steelheed, 10c per Ib: - herring. Be pet Ik . I - A 1.. . 1,-lH.nA l.le wim SlMMh s dm ib: blsch cod. Te per Ibi tomeod: 7a per ib) silver smelt. Be per lb; lobsters, lee per lb; fresh mscksrsL Be per lb: erswBah, 20o per dos; stargeoa, 10a per lb; black baaa, 20c per lb. OYHTKKa rlhoelwatev hay, per gsi, gxzn; CI ssck, f4.2o; uiympis, psr gallosv US-lb sack, 5.00 to 6.0a -Hardshell, psr box, SK-OSl rasas H; tUrns, 12.00 per box. . Babxt. Osal 00. Bio. HOP s5 Pars ht anils. Us(staadars, ltsiei slssl. lie. -'- CUAL, uiu ft an er asxrui eses 1BH4 per gal; water white, lroa bbls 14c per gaL weedea aer aaL 17c per gel, headllsht. 170-dag. cssss Sims aer gal. usbuubs oe ucg. esses evvie pee gsi, area bbls c per gaL H1N7,IN Sli-drc. sssae too Bar sal. lroa bbls WWe per gaL . liaraniine--ta aeaee eee sw gut, weeoes bbls, BSe per gal. rtuiis 4.1 IKAIMtwi lots, 1 B SOB-tt) lots. Be ner lb: lees lota. Btte par : -wi His wails rrisant oasis at fxsn. LINHEED Oil Pure raw. la o-bbl lota. BOel 1-bbl lot, Baei ssaea, Me per gal: gesnins ket- ue-noiira, esses, oos per gei; e-oni lors, et 1-bbl lot, she per gal; grouse sags, esr lets, Buo.00 per toai less than ear lots. I30.0B per RECEIPTS LIGHT, IVITH -A VERY SMALL DEHAKB Livestock Market Shows Holiday Character With Quiet in All Lines ,of Trade. . . Portland Ubloa Stackyards. Dee. to. LJra- stocs receipts: . Hoes. .. 7j Bogs. Cattle. Bh, Ho Today ................ Wsek as............ eBO OS Month ago..... Xssr sco wita receipts smsu ana eemena ngst thsrs wss bat little doing la tbs nrestock market today. Prices ths seme. Conditions year ago: AH marksts Brm real eslves S ap. Official livestock Prices! ' Koxs Best eastern Oregon. S6.TS! stockers sad reeaers.; t nins rsts, Ss.OO. Cattle Heat esstera Oregoa .tears. gft.TBdl BBS; best cows and helfera, 8.O0 sbxksrs snd feeder., ga.oo; hulls, in no. Uneep Mixed, 0c; ewes, BHe. . BIG PRICE FOR SHEEP- ales a Ton Dollars for April Uolivwry ,- , ; Reported mt Ooadoa. ' -,'-( ' (Special Dispatch to The Joursal.) Oondoa. Or.. Dee. BO. Frank Armstrong ef this place, who le in ths market to buy two tretnlosds ok. lambs, has bought a hoot . 4.001) bead of mixed lambs from Wheeler county sheep- mea st a uniform price or (4 per had. the tstnba te be delivered on their reepectlve rsngee A or 11 1 wltb the wool ea. Beversl tbonssnd head havo beea purchased la Morrow snd Wheeler counties awn. The sheep will bo dipped at Condon before being shipped. BEST CATTLE STEADY Oifeet (rrsvdos Xoported Slow In OUoar -Karket Dnrlnf Day. Chics go. Dee. SO. tlveetock reclpfc: Hogs, n Cattls. Pbsen. Chtcsge M.fViQ 7. (WO ' lH,tiO Kaaaae City. ....... ,,i.l0.0"O S.Ono J.OHO Omabe B.CKiO B.0O0 x.ftnu Hogs arc steady with n.iuio left over. Be- relpts s rer sgo were 87.oti0. Irices: Mixed snd balcbers. ' Id.l0arrl.4im good snd heavy, ri.ftftt.46; roughr i.Oft'ito.lO; light, SA.0o, t attle neer, gtroag, etsors Slew. Nheep ateady. nBAL OOvYBBlTBBT BIPOBT. Wsshmgtoa, n. 1 C, Dsc. BO. Final (overs-. ment xmp report: " .Corn yield. 2.24.4l.O0 hnahsls. . 'Winter whear yleM, 4J.M.(m bushels. Rurlog whes yield, " 242.S72.fld bushels. Osts yield. 4.Mi4.5Kit bushels. - i ..,,., . - , ' - liver peel Oettot atarkst. Mverpiml, Dee. 90. Cettoa futnroi closed sacbsaged be 1 Beta lower. . , -'. -- v.' ". - ' ' tomi NEVADA 200 POINTS OFF Skimp in Nevada Mining Shares on San Francisco Exchange) .During the Day. ; MOHAWK MINING IS HIT V r HARD BY BEAR REPORT Price Dropa 125 Points and the Gen j era! List Falls LowerJumbo Is Down 35 Points and Ita Extension nsOHWJ..;'i::"-''--r:;.-; Ban Francisco. Dee. JO. There waa a aaaie la tbe Nevada mining shares todar oa the local exchange aad the Bat shews a vary serious decline. Toaopeh Nevada lost 300 points, while Atobawk went dowa UB poUta. Official Md euoUtlona br Overbeek. Btsrr A Cooks com Dan r : Kelioont ..$.rrii Oold Bsr ... Stelawsy ... Oos. OeL-va 91.28 . .88 1.10 tasn stay -....,. .is Ooldsa Aachor.. .46 Borne 14 uyiur .... .. S OB Jim Butler ... 1.B0 Meilcsa ........ Caledonia ...... , .87 ; .88 .66 .86 MscNsmara ... .08 Midway ........ S.85 Montsns ....... S.7B North Star .... .41 Ohio SI Tooonah Bxtoa.. B.7S Exchequer ,.-. Oold Crows .... .18 (treat Bead ... Rescue . M Black Butts Bx. " .08 Montgoaury Mb. .44 NevSda West End .... Adams .1B.001 . i on . .IB .. .61 . .28 .78 . .M , .IB Sunset J8 Atlanta Bceptra ......... . M , Maahattaa ..... .IT Hey. Bumproy .. .IS Dexter TO Granny H .18 Bluebell ... Booth ..... Oolumbls Mt . Qnsrry , Dlsmoadflsld Dixie Oold Wedga .... ' -18 .11 Lone Star .24 JO .18 .18 .18 .24 .80 .TB .04 .T4 .61 .80 . .86 M Ooldfleld 1.80 Jumbo S 05 do Bxtea 1.0S Ot. Bend Bx.... do Abacs . . . I Ore cent ........ Kendall M Cowboy Denver Annex... N. X. Oonaol.... Manhattan Coat.. Little Joe ...... Mayflower Jumping Jack .. Triangle Lou DliloB. ...... Laguns ....., 11.: iv May Qosea Muhawk .. Red Top . . Sandstorm Hllver Pick St. Ives .. Aim . 3.9S .' ,s . 1.10 .78 National Bank.. " .86A Eclipse ........ M Pins, Mat PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Heron TteaaaAd Oreat XTorUiaTm Bold .... ' ' TaBO t SasT. Trading sa tbs Portland stock oxchsage ts rather slow, tbe only festore st this time being Creanrorthern. Today 10,000 Shares were sold at 1 sad 1.000 at 10. Flftsea J. a Lee 8s were sold st ' psr. Official prices l V . . ,- BANK STOCKS. ' . --' Bid. Ask. Bsnk of California 888 - ... Bankers' 4V Lumbermen'e ....... ... ' - 105 Equltsbls Savings At IMS ...... ... ,7 Merchants' National 284 OregonTrust A Bsvlngs ........ 110 148. Unite States National ....'...,. 900 7 .... - -, BONDS, - . . City A Rubor has 4s ,. ... ., B8 Columbia Southern Irrlgatloa 8s.. 86 ' O. B. A N. By. 4s ....,v...... P J 100 O. W. P A Ry. Bs ...A 100 106H Portland Ry. As 100, 4. u Le Co. s... ... iuu . MIRCIIXABBOTB STOCK 8, Associated Oil 48 80 Homo Talenhons j ..B ' 42U J. 0. Lee Co - B6 Oregon City Mill A Larakee. ... 8 " ... Portland Heights Imp. Co i 88 - PsciSe States Telephone ........ ... Ill Pnset Bound TeleDnone ......... ... ' 60 Taqnlna Bay Telephone ........ 6 V. Oregoa Jourosl 116 ... MTlflBv BTOOKa. . Alaska Petroleum Of Brttlsh Columbia AjbsI .......... 08 ' BritUbnkoa 24 IB BO 81 08 oi. 04 ' 09 20 01 U "09 SB : 04 06 05 -88 18 IB CuaeadU ST Cop pero polls 03 inxie Meadows va Freeland Cxmsolldatad ... OHi Gallaber Oolconda Ooldfleld Trotter IB So OS Great Northera Holden Leee Creek Oold Mammoth ... Morning North Fslrvlew Oregon Securities Rambler-Cariboo 2? 97 . Standard Consolidated ............ 10 Tseunis Steel 18 COBUB DALBXB DI8TBI0T. Alsmeda IB IB Bullion iou ii H 023 08 Burks 17 Gertie Happy Dey 06 Park Copper Mineral Fsrm .................. Moameuth Nonpsrlsl Copper .... Helndeer Both Consolidated Bnoemhoe ,,.,.................. Snowstorm TBTTED STATES OOTIBjraTXirT BOBTHs, New York. Dec SO Ofedal prices! Date. Bid. Ask. loB 14 108 V4 10 imU 102J 1R1 131 loB 106 Twos, Opt. do coo Don. ,i .. ........... Opt. 106 103 102 10s i looi 101 180 X imi W4 104 iol4 Threes, registered.......... Opt. do coupon. ... opt. Smell bunds............... Fours, raglitered. ........ lMT so coupon im Foura, raglstsrsa......M.. 1026 do rouDoa. .' 1P2S Panama as ............ ..i. .... oo- coepou. . .. . . .... District of Do lamb la.. Philippine 4s BOSTOB OOPTXB KABXXI. Boston. Deo. 30. Closing bid Adt tare, 84: AUones. 862.60; Arcsdlsa, $8.76; At lantic, $18; Bingham, 60; Calumet, ); Ontenalal, $88-70; Daly West, $18: Franklin, $28.76; Oreenc Con., 881. 87 H; Oram by, gl8.R0; Mass., 17.60; Mohawk, T7.8T; Nevada Coo, 817.BO; North Botts, $108.28; Old Domlnli, 858.80: Parrot, S2T: Phoenix, $1,715: Beata Fa, $41.60; Bhannoa, $l; Tamarack, $108; United Copper, 171.60; t'tah,- $00; Ylctoris, $-76; Winons, 810: Wolverine. $1TB; U. B. sibling, $dl; Bast Butts. $11.26; Butts Coals., $30; Black Mt.. $8.82Vi Calnmot A Aris $118 60; Boperlor A Pitts., $24.26; Nlpplsslag, $18.76; Csnanea, $1; Dom. Copper, $6.60. . m iwi oottob KAJUcrr. New York, Dec. 30. Got ton futurcsi Offictsl nnoutloas by - Overbeek, Stan A Cooks company 1 Opna. so 18V 0H 08 ' H os ps 08 ' 08 08 04U 08 00 10 ' 13 T4 A 80 SOS - 810 High. Low. Dee 90.Dee.lB. 818 8P8 808 V P18 828 828 828 VX1 : 944 . 828 . 846 861 848 " 849 , PM 888 848 ; BAB on I cWi wr4 sfld 73 ! - 840 ' 88 PT1 968 BflO M " BflT 804 SOB 804 918 January ,,814 February 828 March 844 April ..... bvO May ...... 2 June 84 JnlF 873 Anguet ... BfiO December . BOB BOBIXAJTO BAVX STATE hTIBT, Clearings today.... Clearings year ago. .,.$032.829. 43 ... 840.281.83 - Gold today....... i. ft2.68T.S0 .. 163.844.41 Balances today . ... - UYxxrooi OBAta iubxxt. Ifverpool, Doc. 20 Offldsl prlcss: WHEAT. Open, v does. Be 4t 8s 4d Oa 4d ' 4e d COBN. 4a lUd 4a lHd , 4c 4 4s Hd Dos. IB. Less, s 6Ud 4 Mural .. Msy ... January March . s 4iid 4a 11441 do Hd d H4 Okleaa-0 Oask Wkeat, " . 1 1 Ie. 20 Cah wheat No. red. No. 8 red. T47.V: No. B hard. Chtca ago, 7-1 rcra 74cr No. S bsrd. flT4Vc; No, 1 north- 82'iJ4c; Ke. S northers, T8Q3c No. S spring, 740820. 1. ,' ,v. ... STEADY HE 111 NEW YORK Stock Market Holds Its Own To ,. day, the' Losses In Price Being Fractional. :J; MONEY RATES BETWEEN f ;! FOUR AND EIGHT PER CENT Smelter Is' Quite Strong With Nearly a Point Cin for the Day Copper Rules a Fraction UpSt. Paul la "... Quiet,", Ike New York stock market was somewhat steadier today. Mqoay rates ruled between 8Q4 per oeat snd the general list held up Quite weii. i-ne net cnangea ror the day were sol heavy one way or the other. Official quotations by Overbook, Starr A Cooks company: D ESC KIWI OK. Anul. Cop ;ier Oo 112 42 Am. Oar or A Pouad esca, do preferred Am. Cotton OIL eon Am. Loeossoti vo. eons. Am. Sugar, com.,...,. vats 188 1S2N m. aunelt., oom....... do oref erred 100 114 114 288 Anaeonda Mlalne fht 2BSft Am. Woolen, com....... Atchison, com.;....... 101 oo prafarred... Baltimore A Ohio, som do preferred..,. Brook b a Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com. Central Leather, coca. do preferred ......... rn,i ' A n. -- . lt 118 CbL, Mil. fit. Vma., m m roTLnwtit. ecu CbtuiMike A Oh in dft Sd pralVrr4. ... TVaVlaiUBrmM X D. A B. O.. eon.....""Y oo prerexrea.... ...... rle, com do 2d preferred....... do 1st nreferred T8 lUlnols Central Louisville a Nasbvtne.. Mexican Central Br M., K. A T.. oom...... do nreferred Mexican Oeatral By.... Distillers Federal Smelters....... Mleeeurl Pselnc 04 2H National Lead .... T81A 7 J New York Central W w w . 180 128. ... wui. m vhi . . . . Norfolk A Wester a, com'.' do preferred North Amertoen , . . 1 80 Northern Pactfle, aoml:. Paclno Mail Steam. Co.. Pennsylvania By p. a., u a o. o Pressed Steel Oar, oom. do nreferred. . Besdlng, com do 2d preferred....... do let preferred mb. Iron A SteL com. do preferred.......... Bock Ialand. com....... do preferred St L. A S. F.. 2d pfd.. ' do lat preferred It U a 8. do preferred ........ Southern Peclfle, oom... do preferred..... Southern Ry., com...... " do preferred Term, Coal A lroa...... Texas at Pacifle.r. .... T..M.U8 Waet., com. do s referred TJnloa Paelne, oom..... 4 do preferred.. TT. B. Rubber, com.... D. B. Steel Co., Oom.... 12 H OA prererrea, ......... Wsbssh, COS....V so nreferred. ...... Wisconsin Oeatral, com. B4 B5 I 24 go prsieirea. t !..... . Total salsa for day. 72T.10O shares Call dosed 9 per oeat. WHEAT MARKET IS NARROW Ohlcsbfw . liloos Bo BTot Km afar Slsnot Dlrwotloau BSLATlfE WHEAT YALCM. Dec. 20. Deo. 19. Leas. 1808. December May July -I 74 U I -7-i'4 $ .00 $ .84 -TTH .00 i 45 ' m-. ' v.' y " ... . I : Chicago, Due. ' 20. The wheat market ruled wltbm very nsrrow limits today. Scalping eperatloac wore about all there waa to the mar ket. The close wss fee op for the December aad the ssme ameuat dowa for ths others. ... Official euotsttoos by Overbeek, ' Starr A Cooks company: WHBAT. -r " -'.. High. TsT Peeember ..... T4 74 74 T4 Msy .......... 78 TS T8 ' T81Z July , tt4 T7 n- r n B r - . COBN. ,. rteeeiaber ..... cl 49 ' 1 ' ... May 48 , 48 48 48 July 44V ' 44 44 44B 1 . OATS. . lair MESS FORK. Jl .......1409 ., 1810 . , WBi -. Msy , J88T ' 144B 18Z7 . 1848 - . ., . LARD. - December ..... .... 80 BTS JwJO January . 843 .. 873 813 May ... "3 886 v 880 t BHOBT BIBS. Jsimary .. ' 846 -. 883 " i 84Q Msy ..v .... 843 870 -tS 8A3 , JTuly .......... ... ' 80 87T - 880 . : rxxjumr wauxv xoYxarurt. . Chicago, Doc,' 90 Brlmsry receipts: .,.-',- . Todsy ' Yeer ago " , ;.- - ' - Bnsh. Rneb. Wheat ...a 836.000 nnn ono Corn 836,000 . 800.000 Shipments! ,- wheat ..................... 14T.000 . . 142, oof) Oom ...., 844,000 . 417,000 Tots) clearances: Wheat snd flour, 271.IW4 bushels; corn, 218.T82 bushels; osts, 10,179 bushels. - ' . ' mSUlmi Vssrjguta. Ths followlna permits hvo been Is sued: A. F. Nounert, store and apart -rnants, . Mllwaukls ' eorner t Ellsworth, cost, $1,800; .M. Jscobson, . one-story dwelling, Sherrett between En at Elgrh teenth snJ Bast Nineteenth, cost, $500; Jeremiah A Klnsella, repsirs. Front eor ner Aider, cost, $25; X H. Btovons, one story dwelling, East Tenth ' bertwee'n Rlgaen and Magnolia, cost, $860; H. W. Lemcks rompany, ' thro one-story dwellings. Flower between Corbett a"nd Kelly, cost, $1,000 -ach; O. F. Darling, one-story dwnlllng. Eaat Eighteenth be tween Junker and Alvla oost, $200 Elisabeth OHUn, two-story dwelling. East Yamhill between East Thirty Sixth and East Thlrty-sertnth, oost, $1,100; Btrowbrldgo estate. repairs, Front corner Taylor, cost. $1$; JX E5. Btewart, two-story , dwelling, Eaat Twanty-flrsr corner Thompson, - cost, $2,700; Frank NaudtV one-etory dwell ing, Mllwaukle corner Certar.'cost, $400; W. E.; Griffith, woodshed. East, Forty third,,, cost, 171. . . ' GENUINE WOSTENHOLME ' RAZORS $V00 TO $5.00 7 CARVERS . . $1.00 TO $25.00 PER SET '- . : - LARGE ' ' ASSORTMENT ' OL POCKET KNIVES ETC. . Columbia HALLIE FINDS HER HERO AT EAST Nobody in. Portland Interested Noted Novelist, but She Meets Fate In Japan. HOST WHEELER IS NAME OF LUCKY' ONE When Here Miaa Rtraa Wrota Har Autograph In Many' Books, bat When She Said Mean Things About - Portlandars 'the Sales Fell Off. Portland people who remember what Halite Ermlnle Rives said about the men In thla section of the woods are wondering whether Japan la so much better artsr aU. . The impending marriage of the novel ist to Host Wheeler, a newspaper and' tnagaaino story writer, has Just been announced from Toklo. " Apparently a short ' residence la the Flowery King dom Is sufficient to put a bwnoh of laurel leaves about the brow, of cram a magaslne writer. Wheeler Is second secretary of the Amerloan embassy in Toklo. , ' Miss Hires, who Is a cousin of Amelia Rlvea, a bettor-known novelist, waa la Portland lees than two years ago, . - She stayed at the Hotel Portland, and spent sereraj days looking for heroes. At least after she waa gone to Baa Fran. elsco she rave a remarkable Interview ih which she said she hadn't found any timber for fiction heroes la either Port land or Seattle. ; ' " When this was reprinted her all the girls who think at least one man in Portland la a little better than any body anywhere else got very mad In deed and the sale of Halite's books feU off. This was rather tongh on one of the large department stores, for, wffile the novelist waa in town, she had spent several hours writing her autograph la the fly. leavea of "Hearts Courageous," her first popular novel. -Tbe men at the hotel remember her as a Quiet, tall woman of fair eoi plexlon. She waa entertained informally by one or two people during her stay here, but did not appear In public. Miss Rives will many Host Wheeler next Saturday. GRAND JURY HITS ALASKA y STEAMSHIP COMBINE Special 8esslon vat Juneau : Throws Light on Existing ,:' -.. el Irregularities.' 7 (Svoeisl Dlsoatch to The Jouraatt ' ' Seattle, Ioo. SO. aoaclal cablegrams to the Times from Juneau, Alaska, sayi The grand Jury In session this month reported yesterday morning. It makes a special report In which It requests that the attention of proper government officers be called to unfair rsbates, dis crimination in freight rates and exces sive retail price charged by steamboat companies operating to southeastern Ahuka. The report specifies the Pacific Coast and Alaska Steamship companies, the Canadian Paclno and Humboldt Btesjmshlp companies, and charges that comblna exists between thess com panies for ths purposs of controlling freight rates. The Pacific Coast and Alaska Steamship companies monopo lise all the business " of Junesu and Douglass, Where they own all ths wharves. . Through rebates special rates gave advantage to certain -parsons, meaning the Treadwell. oompanv. The combination specifically charged the companies with raising rates tt per cent over last year. Tw companies ars mentioned 'charged with selling coal at exorbitant prices. Coal which cost 11.68 st the Treadwell mines sold here from 18 to 111.- Long tons are' sold at the mine while short tons sre sold here. The regular BT cents freight from the mine here averages now II. Flvs Kills Ze Bavksr City's a. . (Speeml Dispatch to The JoaraaU Baker City. Or.. Pea. to. A tax levy of - five mills has been made at this place for the ensuing tear. , Five mills. It Is estimated Will furnish the city enough money, togstber ' with , that which It receives from other sou roes, to provide' 11,100 per month,,whloh la the sum for which the city win bo run outing the next year of Mayor Johns' administration, , , -. - -- ,'-v - -..v. V'VS r. . :: S, s 1 I I 't 1 Second arid Morrison HOTEL EATON OOa. atOUUSOW AITS WEST I1U STB. . . N EW Handsomely foralshsd, elegsatly equipped, 8 re proof, Sve minutes' walk from heart ot shoppies snd business district, all large, airy, eutaloe roeaia. steam beat as, electric lights, telephone la each apartment, etc. Large erscee, lounging, . smoking, . writing, ladles' reception parlors. . Booms - reserved by mall or telephone. - v : , , -, Privsea emafbus moots trains sad, stsamsis. Rooms $1.00 to $5.00 a Day , , SpseaU Kstae to Ocaussrolal atsa. : - A. AUf BTaOMO, Proprietor. . . . aTs-bj .TexaplssT BleoB. - ,, Baker City, Or, Dee. 10. At the an nual election of officers by the knights of the local eommandery of the Knights Templar, F. II. Dean was chosen emi nent commander. Other officers elect ed were:. N. D. Clifford, generalissimo; John. L. Rand, captain general; O. D. Taylor, prelate; Art Harris, " treasurer; O. B. Moulton, recorder; W. J. Patter son, aenlor warden; N. . 17. , Carpenter, Junior warden; F. 8.. Baillle, 'warder; A. PRTH MILLIONS BUT WILL' . -:. LIVE.SIMPLY IN HUMBLE-HUT ( j , - , - '. .' K - '' " ... E' rcr.-f.'v":i' :. :!! ' Wi -1 ' t b". k. -c: ; t rij , ' T ; . ' "r ''.,Ai(v7r.-r" -, r "S iv"f'k: ftp i'S 8-. ' ..'' Kf' '1 aaaB? mm T ; '..'. A -!- ft .1 c ,,- l T r vi - M -tf X ,v iv? .J ,e 'Ii'-; tjr' tf ' .Jf -ii I v.- f - v . f,y t z r Nty ' - ' r ' ' ' J" f A ' ' ivjj.4-, -' - T I ' 1 -4 ICerV'''1' 'v '" J I" -l k v yr:l -1 v t D I ...r .. , c--aJv-s...i - - . Mrs, J. O. Phelps Stokes, formerly , . lion reel Special Service. ' Nsw- York, Dec 1$. J., ft. 'Phelps Stokes and his wife, .formerly Rose' Har-. rlst Pastor, a factory girl,. althogh II v. lng in a threp-room flat -In a- tenement house on the east side, believe they are spending too much money.' Tt is learned today that they -arc going to live lb) a bare shingle hut in the country about an hour's rlcM from New Tor.-' TL is lust a littla house, verv crude SEE OtJR SILVERWARE ; ; ; .v ALL . ; THE BEST : BRANDS AT ' REASONABLE PRICKS Tf--ijCbMPARE' '!': PRICES - with what jewelers ' are asking Skate lo-Nioht Mike Your Friends t Present of a Book or Skate v Tickets on Pair Richardson Skates Friday night, tmdles' night, ' Every lady attending will be - admitted and furnished a pair of skates free. . - Love,' standard bearer; D. W. C Nel- son.-sword bearer. and B.. B. McDanlel, sentinel. ;: ; -, . . u , .. t ; . . ,- .- - Road Harriet .Pastor, -a -Factory Qirl ami plain," .said Mrs. Stokes. .Tt la Just made of shingles, devoid of paint Inside and but and has no paper en the walls. 'Hut' Is - tery good name for It.' It Js on an-island.-near the shore of the sound, In the country, about an hour on ths railroad from New-York. -"W are going to use the money we shall save by living ouulde of New York for our life work In helping the) masseah" - " - - v 1